Action Plan
Action Plan
Action Plan
Develop skills Seminar on During SLAC School head, Php 10, 000.00 Projector, laptop, - At least 75% of
to be a subject different sessions: Teachers Manila paper, the invited
matter expert subject-content cartolina, participants
September 26 &
mastery and markers, bond attends
27, 2018
teacher paper
- Subject-
content mastery
towards the
among teachers
subject matter
who participated
Develop Training on During SLAC Resource Php 10,000.00 Projector, laptop, - At least 75% of
Teacher’s teachers’ sessions: speakers, Manila paper, the invited
Teaching teaching style School head, cartolina, participants
October 3 & 4,
styles and and learner’s Teachers markers, bond attends
Student’s learning style paper
- Teaching styles
learning styles
of teachers cater
the learning
styles of the
students as
evident in heir
(1-2 Years Duration)
mastery level in
the lesson plan
among teachers
who participated
Integrate Conduct a During SLAC Resource Php 10,000.00 Projector, laptop, - At least 75% of
HOTS in the review of HOT sessions: speakers, Manila paper, the invited
classroom integration in School head, cartolina, participants
October 10 & 11,
the classroom Teachers markers, bond attends
instruction: paper
- HOTS is
lecture and
integrated in the
Create lesson Conduct October 17 & 18, Science Pph 5, 000.00 Bond paper, New lesson
plans that will workshop on 2018 Teachers projector, laptop plans in Science
show teaching writing new are made
strategies that lesson plans
cater different and LAC
learning styles sessions
of my 21st
(1-2 Years Duration)
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