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Envi Ia 2018

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Environmental science unit 2 internal

TITLE: The effects that waste disposal management at four livestock farms have on waterbodies
along the East Bank and East Coast of Demerara.

Candidate’s Name: Rashma Surjnarine

School: St. Stanislaus College
Centre Code: 090047
Candidate Number: 090047……
Territory: Guyana
Teacher: Mrs. Fanta Burnett

Content Page #
Site visits:
 Entry number 1……………………………………………………………….......3-5
 Entry number 2…………………………………………………………………...6-9
 Entry number 3…………………………………………………………………...10-12
 Entry number 4…………………………………………………………………...13-15

Laboratory reports:
 Lab number 1…………………………………………………………………….16-18
 Lab number 2…………………………………………………………………….19-21
 Lab number 3…………………………………………………………………….22-24
 Lab number 4…………………………………………………………………….25-27

Final report:
Problem statement…………………………………………………………………...…...29
Purpose of the study……………………………………………………………………...30
Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………….31
Literature review…………………………………………………………………….......33-34
Presentation of data……………………………………………………………….…......35-38
Analysis of data………………………………………………………………….………39
Discussion of findings………………………………………………………….……......40-41

Entry Number: 01

Date: 06/02/2018

Site/ Location: St. Stanislaus College Farm, North Sophia, Greater Georgetown.

Background: St. Stanislaus College Farm is a 13-acre complex that is owned by the St.
Stanislaus College Association and was opened on 25th September, 1975 to provide practical
training for Agriculture Science students of the St. Stanislaus College. The farm houses the St.
Stanislaus Training Centre (SSTC), the Dairy Products Unit (DPU) and the Greenhouse
Vegetable Production Unit. The farm was built around a poultry unit which provided revenue
from the sale of eggs and broilers, thereby helping to make it financially sustainable.

Map showing the location of St. Stanislaus College Farm in North Sophia, Greater Georgetown.


1) To observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.

2) To carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
3) To conduct water quality tests.


1) Waste disposal management practices on the farm were observed.

2) Pictures of the surrounding were taken for observational purposes.
3) Informal interactions were carried out with the farm manager and staffs so as to obtain
information on how they dispose of the wastes that are being produced on the farm.
4) Important notes were recorded for later use.
5) Water sample was collected for lab testing.


1) Overall, the farm was not well kept and this was evident as there were a few dead birds in
the pen and cow faeces which were left unattended.

2) There were only few staff working on the farm.

3) All the wastes produced by the birds and cattle were collected and stored in several piles
for composting.

4) A portable milking machine was used to milk the cows on the farm.

5) The main economic activities carried out on the farm were rearing and selling of eggs
from broilers, the greenhouse production of vegetables, selling of compost and milk and
dairy products such as paneer.

Interpretative comments

The effective functioning of such a big farm requires a large workforce to overlook each unit but
in this case, the St. Stanislaus College was lacking workers. This was the main reason why the
surrounding of the farm wasn’t quite well kept i.e. there were dead birds lying in the pen and dry
cow faeces which weren’t picked up for composting as yet. The wastes produced on this farm
included cow manure, chicken manure, sheep and goat manure. These were managed through
composting. Composting was done in 3 stages: the steady zone, active zone and the hot zone.
Firstly, all the wastes were mixed together to make a pile of 4ft in height by 4ft in width which
was then allowed to reach a temperature of about 80-100°C. The temperature continues to
increase and between 100-130°C, micro-organisms begins to invade causing the mixture to heat
up further. The mixture is at its highest temperature around 130-160°C and it’s at this
temperature that the pile needs to be broken and upturned. The pile was continuously upturned
every week until it had returned to around 28-32°C. Any material that could’ve been broken
down was added to the compost but oil and cat manure were not added to it.

Follow-up activities:

 Analyze the data collected at this farm.

 Visit Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm (G.L.D.A.F) located at Agriculture
Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.
 Observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.
 Carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
 Conduct water quality tests.

Entry Number: 02

Date: 06/02/2018

Site/ Location: Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm (G.L.D.A.F), Agriculture Road,
Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.

Background: The Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm is an institution which

focuses on the improvement of livestock production and ensuring a healthy livestock population
so as to provide wholesome livestock products- both meat and dairy- to countrywide and
potentially for exportation.

Map showing the location of Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm at Agriculture
Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.


1) To observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.

2) To carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
3) To conduct water quality tests.


1) Waste disposal management practices on the farm were observed.

2) Informal interactions were carried out with the farm manager and staffs so as to obtain
information on how they dispose of the wastes that are being produced on the farm.
3) Pictures of the surrounding were taken for observational purposes.
4) Important notes were recorded for later use.
5) Water sample was collected for lab testing.


1) The environment of the farm was well kept. There were no traces of garbage around the
entire farm. This was evident upon inspection of the different units of the farm.

2) There were bins around the farm in which all garbage were emptied.

3) All garbage collected from the pens were placed in buckets and bags which were kept
outside of the various units on the farm.

4) Grass cut from the farm was collected and placed into bags to be sold to farmers.

5) Waste produced from the cleaning of the pens were flushed into a gutter which emptied
into a pit outside of the farm.

6) The main economic activities conducted on this farm were rearing of cattle, pigs and dual
purpose chickens for distribution to the hinterland communities and for sale to local

Interpretative comments

The effective functioning of this farm was due to the availability of a large workforce to look
over each unit. In addition, the huge workforce made it possible for the wastes produced on the
farm to be managed and disposed of in the most suitable way. The fact that the entire compound
of the farm was free of litter and had no stench was a major indication that the farm manager
along with the staffs were following proper waste disposal management practices. This was
reflected in the results obtained from the water sample that was collected for analysis. The pH
and salinity were within the normal range. However, the emptying of the wastes flushed from
pens into the pit outside the farm was the main reason why the TSS value was very high hence
the water appeared muddy.

Follow-up activities:

 Analyze the data collected at this farm.

 Visit Edun's Poultry Farm and Hatchery located at 24-25 Busby Road, Craig, East Bank
 Observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.
 Carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
 Conduct water quality tests.

Entry Number: 03

Date: 14/02/2018

Site/ Location: Edun's Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Busby Road, Craig, East Bank Demerara.

Background: Eight miles from Georgetown on the East Bank lies the village of Craig, a farming
community which has evolved over the years from its original association with plantation lands.
This area is now the home of a hatchery and feed factory known as Edun's Poultry Farm and
Hatchery which supplies the poultry sector in the community with feed and baby chicks. The
company also produces eggs which are sold both locally and internationally.


1) To observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.

2) To carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
3) To conduct water quality tests.


1) Informal interactions were carried out with the farm manager so as to obtain information
on how they dispose of the wastes that are being produced on the farm.
2) Waste disposal management practices on the farm were observed.
3) Pictures of the surrounding were taken for observational purposes.
4) Important notes were recorded for later use.
5) Water sample was collected for lab testing.


1) The surrounding of the farm was well kept. There were no traces of garbage.

2) There was a citrus farm in the compound besides the poultry farm and hatchery.

3) The wastes produced on the farm included dead birds, damaged eggs and chicken litter.

4) Cracked eggs were placed in a bucket.

5) Dead birds were isolated from the rest of the population.

6) Water source on the farm had freely flowing water.

7) The main activities carried out on this farm were the rearing of poultry, sheep and the
production of eggs.

Interpretative comments

The cleanliness of the surrounding of the farm was owed to the effective management of the
wastes produced. The wastes produced on the farm included dead birds, damaged eggs and
chicken litter. All dead birds along with the damaged eggs were collected by Chinese to be used
as a source of food for their pigs. The litter collected from the pens and from the sheep were
applied to the citrus trees as manure. This provided a cheap source of fertilizer for the farm
manager and besides this, it also provided the trees with all the necessary nutrients they required
for maximum growth and development. The fact that the pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and total
suspended solids were all within a normal range was an indication that wastes were managed

Follow-up activities:

 Analyze the data collected at this farm.

 Visit Mohamed Poultry Farm, Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara.
 Observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.
 Carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
 Conduct water quality tests.

Entry Number: 04

Date: 14/02/2018

Site/ Location: Mohamed Poultry Farm, Garden of Eden, East Bank Demerara.

Background: Garden of Eden is an estate which is approximately 22km from Georgetown and is
located in Demerara-Mahaica. Residents of this village are engaged in agricultural activities such
as cattle rearing, poultry rearing, horticulture and farming. Garden of Eden houses many large
scale poultry farm; one of which is Mohamed Poultry Farm. This farm is involved in the large-
scale chicken farming business whereby chicks are grown, killed and packaged to be sold to
local markets.


1) To observe waste disposal management practices on the farm.

2) To carry out interviews with farm managers and staffs.
3) To conduct water quality tests.


1) Informal interactions were carried out with the farm manager and staffs so as to obtain
information on how they dispose of the wastes that are being produced on the farm.
2) Waste disposal management practices on the farm were observed.
3) Pictures of the surrounding were taken for observational purposes.
4) A visit was made to the processing section of the farm so as to make further observations
on waste disposal management.
5) Important notes were recorded for later use.
6) Water sample was collected for lab testing.


1) Chicks were housed in huge pens called ‘tunnel houses'. These were operated using an
electronic control system.

2) The cleanliness of the environment was maintained.

3) Garbage were stored in bins.

4) The wastes produced on the farm included dead birds, waste water and litter.

5) Waste water from the plucking room was drained into a canal outside.

6) Unwanted chicken parts such as heads were kept in a basket.

7) Dead rats were lying in the drain outside of the tunnel house.

8) Chicken were beheaded, plucked, cuts were made and they were packaged and stored in a
freezing room to be distributed to local markets.

Interpretative comments:

Of all the farms visited, this farm was the only one rearing their chicks in a tunnel house. The
combination of high air velocity and evaporative cooling in the tunnel ventilation system were
used by the producer to reduce the heat in the pen, to remove excess moisture, to minimize dust
and odour, to increase food consumption, to increase growth and reduce mortality. This
ventilation system was successful as reflected by a Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of 2:1.

The waste management practices employed by the farm manager and his staffs included storing
dead birds and chicken heads in bags to be collected by Chinese to be used as food for their pigs
and selling the litter produced by the chickens as manure. The fact that dead rats were found in
the drain outside the pens was an indication that the staffs were trying their best to prevent them
from entering into the pen.

Follow-up activities:

 The water samples collected from the four farms will be taken to the lab to be tested for
pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity and total suspended solids.
 All data collected and results obtained will be analyzed and used to compile this Internal

Date: 15/02/2018
Lab #: 01
Title: Water pH
Aim: To determine the pH of four samples of water retrieved from St. Stanislaus College Farm,
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and
Mohammed Poultry Farm.

Background: Hydrogen potential (pH) is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration of a

solution. Solutions with a high concentration of hydrogen ions have a low pH and solutions with
a low concentration of hydrogen ions have a high pH. It is important to know the pH of surface
water, as it is the home to aquatic species and once it is outside of the optimum range, organisms
become too stressed and may eventually die.
In this experiment, the water samples that were collected from the four different farms will be
tested using the pH meter to determine their pH.

Materials and Apparatus:

1) 5 -250ml beakers
2) pH meter
3) Distilled water
4) Thermometer
5) Glass stirring rod
6) Tissue
7) 4 samples of water
8) pH scale


pH meter


water sample

Diagram showing the apparatus that was used to determine the pH of a sample of water


1) The water samples collected from each farm were gathered.

2) The pH meter was calibrated by immersing it in distilled water. The meter was then
adjusted accordingly.
3) The meter was rinsed with clean water and was dried with a clean tissue.
4) The water sample collected from St. Stanislaus College was stirred vigorously using a
clean glass stirring rod.
5) 100ml of the water sample was poured into a 250ml beaker.
6) The water sample was allowed to sit for a minimum of one hour to allow the temperature
to stabilize. The sample was stirred occasionally while waiting.
7) The temperature of the water sample was measured using a thermometer and the
temperature controller on the pH meter was adjusted to that of the sample’s temperature.
8) The pH meter was immersed into the water sample and it was waited for the reading to
become stabilize.
9) The pH value of the water sample was read and recorded.
10) A pH scale was used to classify the pH value as acidic, neutral or alkaline.
11) The pH meter was rinsed with clean water, dried with a clean tissue and the protective
cap was inserted.
12) Steps 2-10 were repeated using the other 3 water samples.

Farms pH of water sample Inference
St. Stanislaus College Farm 6.83 Slightly acidic
Guyana Livestock Development 7.23 Slightly alkaline
Authority Farm
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 6.50 Slightly acidic
Mohamed Poultry Farm 6.83 Slightly acidic
Table 1: shows the variation in pH values for four samples of water that was retrieved from the
farms visited.


This experiment was conducted so as to determine the pH of each water sample that was
retrieved from the four farms visited. Upon insertion of the pH meter into the water samples, the
readings obtained were as follow: 6.83, 7.23, 6.50 and 6.83. These values were compared to the
pH scale and it was deduced that the water found in surrounding waterbodies in and around these
four farms ranged from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. The pH values obtained were within
the range of 6.50-8.50. These pH values were considered to be the ideal pH for surface water
because it is at this range that maximum protection is given to aquatic life.

1) It was ensured that the pH meter was calibrated before any reading was taken so as to
avoid inaccurate readings.
2) Enough water was poured into the beaker so as to ensure the water was deep enough to
cover the tip of the pH meter.
3) The sample was allowed to sit for a while so that the temperature could’ve been
4) The pH meter was adjusted to the temperature of the sample because its sensitivity is
affected by temperature and so the correct reading would not have been obtained if this
data wasn’t inputted.

The pH of the water samples collected from St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock
Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and Mohammed Poultry Farm
were found to be 6.83, 7.23, 6.50 and 6.83 respectively.

Date: 15/02/2018
Lab #: 02
Title: Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Aim: To determine the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in four samples of water retrieved
from St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s
Poultry Farm and Hatchery and Mohammed Poultry Farm.

Background: Oxygen that is dissolved in an aqueous solution is called dissolved oxygen. Oxygen
diffuses into water through contact with the surrounding air or as a waste product of
photosynthesis from aquatic plants. Dissolved Oxygen concentration plays an important role in
determining whether or not a body of water can support aquatic life since biological life in water
depends on molecular oxygen (O2).

Materials and Apparatus:

1) 4 samples of water
2) 5- 250mL beakers
3) Distilled water
4) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) probe
5) Replacement membrane cap
6) DO electrode filling solution
7) Filling pipette
8) Vernier computer interface


DO probe

Diagram showing the apparatus used to determine the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in a
sample of water.


A. Preparation of probe
1) The blue protective cap from the tip of the probe was removed.
2) The membrane cap from the tip of the probe was unscrewed.
3) A pipette was used to fill the membrane cap with 1 mL of DO electrode filling solution.
4) The membrane cap was carefully threaded back onto the electrode.
5) The probe was placed into a beaker filled with about 100 mL of distilled water.
B. Warm-up of probe
6) The Dissolved Oxygen probe was connected to the interface.
7) With the probe in the water and connected to the interface, the data collection program
was left running for 10 minutes.
C. Collection of data
8) 100 mL of the water sample collected from St. Stanislaus College farm was poured into a
9) The tip of the probe was placed into the water.
10) The water sample was stirred gently and continuously using the probe.
11) The Dissolved Oxygen concentration was monitored on the computer screen until a
steady reading was obtained.
12) The value was recorded.
13) Steps 7-12 were repeated using the water samples from the other three (3) farms.


Farms Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen

in water sample (mg/L)
St. Stanislaus College Farm 0.88
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 0.48
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 0.82
Mohamed Poultry Farm 3.52
Table 2: shows the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in each sample of water that was
retrieved from the four farms visited.


This experiment was conducted so as to determine the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in

four samples of water which were collected from water bodies in and around these four farms:
St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry
Farm and Hatchery and Mohamed Poultry Farm.
The amount of dissolved oxygen required by aquatic life varies from creature to creature.
However, all aquatic life needs oxygen in order to survive. Dissolved Oxygen level is affected by
factors such as temperature, pressure and salinity. In addition, dissolved oxygen levels also tend
to fluctuate due to activities such as diffusion and aeration, photosynthesis, respiration and
Dissolved Oxygen levels can range from less than 1mg/L to more than 20mg/L. From the results
obtained, it was clearly visible that the Dissolved Oxygen level was extremely low in the water
samples collected from St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority
Farm and Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery. These low concentrations of Dissolved Oxygen are
a clear indication that the organisms in these water are being put under stress However, the
sample of water collected from Mohamed Poultry Farm showed a higher concentration of
Dissolved Oxygen compared to the rest of farms. Therefore, this water would be able to sustain a
wider variety of aquatic organisms as its oxygen level is higher.


1) It was ensured that the probe was warmed up for about 10 minutes prior to each use so as to
avoid inaccurate readings.
2) The probe wasn’t completely submerged into the water as the handle isn’t waterproof.
3) The water sample was stirred continuously using the probe so as to ensure there was always
water flowing past the probe tip.


The concentrations of dissolved oxygen in water samples collected from St. Stanislaus College
Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and
Mohammed Poultry Farm were found to be 0.88mg/L, 0.48mg/L, 0.82mg/L and 3.52mg/L

Date: 15/02/2018
Lab #: 03
Title: Salinity
Aim: To determine the salinity of four samples of water retrieved from St. Stanislaus College
Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and
Mohammed Poultry Farm.

Background: Salinity is a measure of all the salts dissolved in water and it is usually expressed in
parts per thousand (ppt). High salt levels can adversely affect plant growth, water quality and
infrastructure. Hence, it is important to know the amount of salt that is dissolved in water.
Salinity can be measured using a hand-held refractometer and measuring how much light bends
when it enters water. The more salt there is dissolved in water, the more resistance the light will
meet and the more it will bend.

Materials and Apparatus:

1) Dropping pipette

2) Refractometer

3) Soft cloth

4) 4 Water samples


Diagram showing the apparatus that was used to determine the salinity of a sample of water
1) The water samples collected from each farm were gathered.
2) The plate near the angled end of the refractometer was lifted.
3) Water was pipetted from the bottle containing the sample collected from St. Stanislaus
College and a few drops were transferred onto the translucent prism of the refractometer.
Enough water was added to completely cover the prism’s surface.
4) The prism was then covered by gently pushing the plate back into position.
5) The refractometer was angled to a light source and by looking through the round end of
the refractometer, the salinity measurement was recorded at the line where the white and
blue area met.
6) After the reading was taken, the plate was opened and a soft, damp cloth was used to
wipe all water droplets from the prism.
7) Steps 2-6 were repeated using the other water samples.


Farms Salinity of water samples (ppm)

St. Stanislaus College Farm 91.4
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 189
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 179
Mohammed Poultry Farm 13.7
Table 3: shows the amount of salt dissolved in 500ml of water that was retrieved from each farm

This experiment was conducted so as to determine the salinity of the four water samples
retrieved from the farms visited. Salinity is mainly as a result of various salts dissolving in water,
for example through surface runoff. Some common salt ions found in water include: chloride,
sodium, sulphate, magnesium, calcium, bicarbonate, fluoride, etc.
The results obtained indicated that the salinity of waterbodies in and around these farms ranged
between 0.0-0.5 ppt. Water of this salinity is considered to be oligohaline (low salinity) and is
capable of sustaining the growth of aquatic plants as there is little interference of dissolved salts
in it. This was evident as there were a lot of plants growing within waterbodies found at St.
Stanislaus College farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery, Mohammed Poultry Farm but to a
lesser extent at the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm.


1) It was ensured that the plastic bottles were sealed tightly, so as to keep out air bubbles.
2) Extra care was taken while handling the refractometer as certain parts of it are small and
delicate. Hence, a lot of force was not applied onto it.
3) It was ensured that no air bubbles were trapped on the prism face while putting the plate
back into position.
4) The prism was wiped until it was free of all water droplets, as immersing the
refractometer or leaving water on its prism can damage it.


It can be concluded that the salinity of the water samples collected from St. Stanislaus College
Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and
Mohammed Poultry Farm were 91.4ppm, 189ppm, 179ppm and 13.7ppm respectively.

Date: 15/02/2018
Lab #: 04
Title: Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
Aim: To determine the mass concentration of Total Suspended Solids in water samples retrieved
from St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s
Poultry Farm and Hatchery and Mohammed Poultry Farm.

Background: Total Suspended Solids are particles that are larger than 2 microns and are found in
the water column. Both inorganic and organic particles of all sizes contribute to the suspended
solids concentration. These solids include anything drifting or floating in the water, from silt,
sediment and sand to algae and plankton. Total Suspended Solids are a significant factor in
observing water clarity. The more solids present in the water, the less clear the water will be.

Materials and Apparatus:

1) 4 samples of water
2) Large conical flask
3) Filter funnel
4) Filter papers
5) 500 mL measuring cylinder
6) Drying oven
7) Dessicator
8) Electric balance


1) 4 filter papers were labelled A, B, C and D respectively.

2) The filter papers were placed in the oven at 105°C for 1 hour.
3) After an hour, the filter papers were removed and placed in a dessicator for 4 minutes.
4) Immediately after, the filter papers were weighed and their initial masses (mg) were
5) Filter paper A was folded into a cone shape and it was placed inside a filter funnel.
6) The filter funnel was then placed on top of a conical flask.
7) 500 mL of the water sample collected from St. Stanislaus College Farm was poured into
the funnel.
8) The filter paper was placed in the oven to dry at 105°C for 1 hour.
9) After an hour, the filter paper was removed and placed in a dessicator for 4 minutes.
10) Immediately after, the filter paper was re-weighed and its final mass (mg) was recorded.
11) Steps 5-10 were repeated using the other 3 filter papers and water samples.
12) The TSS for each sample was calculated using the formula:
[Final mass of the filter paper − Initial mass of the filter paper]mg × 1000
[Volume of water sample]L


Farms Concentration of Total

Suspended Solids in water
samples (mg/L)
St. Stanislaus College Farm 34
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 72
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 27
Mohammed Poultry Farm 12
Table 4: shows the concentration of suspended solids in a 500 mL sample of water collected
from the farms visited.


This experiment was conducted so as to determine the concentration of suspended solids in each
sample of water. From the calculations done, it was deduced that the water sample which was
retrieved from the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm had the highest amount of
solids suspended in it (72mg/ L). St. Stanislaus College Farm recorded the second highest
concentration of 34mg/L followed by Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and Mohammed
Poultry Farm with a mass concentration of 27mg/L and 12mg/L respectively. The high
concentration of suspended solids in the water sample collected from the Guyana Livestock
Development Authority Farm meant that less light will be able to penetrate through the water
and as a result, the photosynthetic activity of plants as well as the ability for organisms to exist
will be affected.


1) It was ensured that the filter papers were completely dried before they were weighed.
2) The balance was zeroed before readings were taken.


The concentration of suspended solids in water samples collected from St. Stanislaus College
Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and
Mohammed Poultry Farm were found to be 34mg/L, 72mg/L, 27mg/L and 12mg/L respectively.


The effects that Waste Disposal Management at four livestock farms have on waterbodies along
the East Bank and East Coast of Demerara.

Agriculture is one of the main sources of foreign exchange within the Guyanese society. It
contributes to elevating the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as well as its Gross
National Product (GNP) by providing job opportunities for families within its various sectors.

However, agricultural activities that are done nearby or along waterbodies have had significant
effects on ecosystems due to improper waste disposal management practices. There has been an
increase in improper farm waste disposal and this has resulted in water contamination.

This project was undertaken so as to determine the ways in which farm managers dispose of the
wastes that are being produced on their farms. It also seeks to investigate the effects poor waste
disposal management practices have on waterbodies along these livestock farms. The four farms
chosen to investigate the effects of waste disposal management were as follow:

1. St. Stanislaus College Farm

2. Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm
3. Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery
4. Mohammed Poultry Farm

The main objectives of this study are:

1) To investigate waste disposal management practices on four livestock farms along the
East Bank and East Coast of Demerara.
2) To conduct water quality tests.
3) To determine the effects that poor waste disposal management practices have on

On 6th February, 2018 from approximately 10:30 am, the researcher along with other students of
the Environmental Science class and a teacher travelled to the St. Stanislaus College Farm
located at 69 North Sophia, Greater Georgetown. Upon arrival, the researcher conducted
informal interviews with the manager and other staff members of the farm, so as to gather
information on the types of wastes that are being produced on the farm as well as to how they
dispose of these wastes. In addition, the researcher made notes, observations, took pictures for
guidance and future use and collected sample of water in a plastic bottle from a nearby pond on
the farm.

Later that day, another visit was made to the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm
(G.L.D.A.F) at Agriculture Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. At this farm, similar
activities to those conducted at the St. Stanislaus College Farm were carried out. Due to limited
time, the other two (2) farms couldn’t have been accommodated on the same day hence, the other
farms were visited on the 14th February, 2018.

Firstly, a visit was made to Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery located at 24-25 Busby Road,
Craig, East Bank Demerara then to Mohamed Poultry Farm located at 60 Garden of Eden, East
Bank Demerara where further discussions were carried out with farm managers and staffs,
observations and notes were made, pictures were taken and water samples were collected.

All water samples that were collected were taken to the Guyana Sugar Corporation Incorporation
central laboratory to be analyzed. The parameters being tested for were: pH, Dissolved Oxygen
(DO), Salinity and Total Suspended Solids (TSS).

Guyana has a rich and potentially very productive agriculture sector that make major
contributions to the country’s economy. Besides sugar and rice being the main agricultural
products, some cattle, sheep, goat, pigs and poultry are also being raised. In fact, the rearing of
these animals have now become a common business in Guyana. This is evident from the number
of livestock farms that have set up across the country. A lot of activities take place on these
farms apart from the rearing of these animals. The one which is of major concern is the
production of wastes. This cannot be prevented as where there are animals, there is likely to be
animal waste. However, the problem arises when it comes to the management and the disposal of
these wastes which are being produced. Hence, as waste generation continues to increase
proportionally there’s a need for effective waste management (Mazzanti & Zoboli, 2008). Waste
management refers to the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and monitoring of

It was stated by Van Dyne of the University of Missouri and Gilbertson of USDA's Agricultural
Research Service that most of the wastes produced by the livestock industry are organic by-
products and include a variety of materials such as solid and liquid animal manures, animal
bedding, spilled feed, yard wastes such as leaves and grass clippings and a variety of other

This statement was indeed true as the researcher was informed by farm managers and staffs that
wastes such as cow dung, chicken litter, dead birds, damaged eggs, grass cuttings and waste
water were being produced on their farm.

L. M. Sorathiya and R. R. Singh stated in their article entitled “Eco-friendly and modern
methods of livestock waste recycling for enhancing farm profitability” which was published in
the journal “International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (March,
2014)” that livestock waste is a major source of noxious gases, harmful pathogens and odour.
They further stated that it has public health as well as environmental concerns. Hence, it is
important that livestock waste is managed properly so as to mitigate production of these
pollutants in order to protect the environment.

This was evident at the St. Stanislaus College farm to a small extent whereby some of the pens
had a persistent stench from urine.

Despite the fact that livestock waste is a major source of greenhouse gas, pollution, pathogens
and odour, some of them can be used as a source of energy and fertilizer for the betterment of
agriculture. Good quality organic fertilizer from animal waste provides an opportunity for the
agricultural sector to reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizer which improves the soil
fertility and sustainability. Proper utilization of cow dung can protect soil from chemicals and
fertilizers and improve soil fertility (Vijay 2011).

This was evident at Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery whereby chicken litter collected from
the pens were applied to the citrus plants as fertilizers.

However, due to the large amount of wastes that are being produced on these livestock farms,
Harry L. Field and John B. Solie in their book “Introduction to Agricultural Engineering
Technology” published (6 June, 2007) stated, “Waste disposal management is no longer an
option in a livestock business; it is a requirement. A plan for the collection and disposal of
animal waste must be part of any livestock facilities plan. Failure to provide adequate waste
management collection and storage facilities, and disposal equipment can lead to pollution
problems and contamination of waterbodies which can affect aquatic life.”

This statement was further supported by Cury Marinho Mathias in an article entitled “Manure
as a Resource: Livestock Waste Management from Anaerobic Digestion, Opportunities and
Challenges for Brazil” published in (2014) in which he stated, “The increasing demand for food
leads to a process of intensification in livestock production, which can lead to serious
environmental problems if animal waste is not managed properly. High levels of effluents flow
directly or indirectly into surface waters. As a result of this, a large volume of organic material,
bacteria, and other substances are produced, posing a risk factor for water contamination.”

This was proven to be an issue at the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm as the
results for the water quality tests reflected that the water sample from this farm had the most
solids suspended it. Hence, it was clear that the water source was highly contaminated.


Farms pH of water sample Inference

St. Stanislaus College Farm 6.83 Slightly acidic
Guyana Livestock Development 7.23 Slightly alkaline
Authority Farm
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 6.50 Slightly acidic
Mohamed Poultry Farm 6.83 Slightly acidic

Table 1: shows the variation in pH values for four samples of water that was retrieved from the
farms visited.



pH of water sample

6.83 6.83
6.6 6.5

St. Stanislaus Guyana Livestock Edun’s Poultry Farm Mohamed Poultry
College Farm Development and Hatchery Farm
Authority Farm

Figure 1

Farms Concentration of Dissolved Oxygen
in water sample (mg/L)
St. Stanislaus College Farm 0.88
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 0.48
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 0.82
Mohamed Poultry Farm 3.52

Table 2: shows the concentration of Dissolved Oxygen in each sample of water that was
retrieved from the four farms visited.



Mohamed Poultry Farm

Farms visited

Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery

Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm

St. Stanislaus College Farm

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Dissolved Oxygen concentration (mg/L)

Figure 2

Farms Salinity of water samples (ppm)
St. Stanislaus College Farm 91.4
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 189
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 179
Mohammed Poultry Farm 13.7

Table 3: shows the amount of salt dissolved in 500ml of water that was retrieved from each farm

S A L I N I T Y O F WAT E R S A M P L E S ( p p m )
Salinity of water sample (ppm)

189 179

50 13.7
St. Stanislaus College Guyana Livestock Edun’s Poultry Farm Mohammed Poultry
Farm Development and Hatchery Farm
Authority Farm

Farms visited

Figure 3

Farms Concentration of Total
Suspended Solids in water
samples (mg/L)
St. Stanislaus College Farm 34
Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm 72
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery 27
Mohammed Poultry Farm 12

Table 4: shows the concentration of suspended solids in a 500 mL sample of water collected
from the farms visited.

Concentration of Total Suspended Solids (mg/L)

in water samples retrieved from livestock farms

23% St. Stanislaus College Farm
Guyana Livestock Development
Authority Farm
Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery
Mohammed Poultry Farm

Figure 4


Figure 1 is a column chart showing the pH of the water samples which were collected from the
four livestock farms visited. The chart clearly illustrates that Guyana Livestock Development
Authority Farm was the farm with the highest pH (7.23) whereas Edun’s Poultry Farm and
Hatchery was the farm with the lowest pH (6.50). Meanwhile, the pH of the water samples from
St. Stanislaus College Farm and Mohammed Poultry Farm were both 6.83.

The bar chart in Figure 2 illustrates the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water samples
collected. The difference in the length of the bars is an indication that there is much difference in
the concentration of dissolved oxygen present in each water sample. Overall, the farms had a
low level of oxygen dissolved in them. However, Mohamed Poultry Farm was the only farm
recording a fairly high concentration of dissolved oxygen. This sample of water exceeded 3mg/L
while the other 3 samples recorded below 1mg/L.

Figure 3 is a pyramidal column chart showing the amount of salt which has been dissolved in the
water samples collected from St. Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development
Authority Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery and Mohammed Poultry Farm. The salinity
level of these water samples was generally low as they were below 0.5ppt. However, the most
saline water was the sample retrieved from the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm
(189ppm) followed closely by Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery with a salinity of 179ppm then
St. Stanislaus College Farm with 91.4ppm and Mohammed Poultry Farm recording the lowest
salinity level of 13.7ppm.

Figure 4 is pie chart showing the percentage of suspended solids in each sample of water which
was retrieved from the four livestock farms. It indicated that the sample from the Guyana
Livestock Development Authority Farm had the most solids suspended per liter of water. The
suspended solid of this sample was 72mg/L and this accounted for 50% of the total suspended
solids. On the other hand, the sample from Mohamed Poultry Farm had the least amount of
solids suspended in it (12mg/L). The water sample from St. Stanislaus College Farm recorded
the second highest TSS value of 34mg/L followed by Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery with


Upon analyzing all of the information collected from each farm visited, it was deduced that St.
Stanislaus College Farm, Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm and Edun’s Poultry
Farm and Hatchery were more diverse farms compared to Mohammed Poultry Farm. This
diversification was simply due to these 3 farms rearing more than one type of animal. These
farms took part in cattle, sheep, goat, duck and swine production, unlike Mohammed Poultry
Farm which was rearing chicken alone. A greater variety of animals present on these three (3)
farms meant that a greater variety of waste was produced compared to Mohammed Poultry Farm.
Altogether, the wastes which were produced on these four farms included cow dung, sheep, goat
and chicken litters, dead birds, damaged eggs, grass cuttings and waste water from pens and
slaughtering of birds. Van Dyne and Gilbertson listed these as some of the wastes that are
commonly produced on a livestock farm in their literature.
On each farm, wastes were managed using the most suitable waste management technique.
Chicken litter and cow dung produced at the St. Stanislaus College Farm were managed through
composting. This is the aerobic, biological decomposition of organic matter. It is a natural
process that can be enhanced with proper carbon/nitrogen balance; mixing to provide proper
aeration. The finished product was sold to people to be used as fertilizers for crops. Similarly,
grass cuttings which were produced on the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm were
bagged off and sold to people to be used as mulch for agricultural crops. In addition, St.
Stanislaus College Farm, Edun’s Poultry Farm and Hatchery along with Mohammed Poultry
Farm were able to effectively dispose of dead birds and spoiled eggs by giving them to Chinese
to feed their pigs.
Of all the parameters tested for in the samples of water, the researcher found out that Dissolved
Oxygen was the most important factor which determined the abundance and survivorship of
aquatic lives such as plants and animals. It was deduced that Dissolved Oxygen was affected by
other factors such as salinity and total suspended solids. High levels of salinity and total
suspended solids tend to decrease the level of oxygen in the water. Hence, this was why the
sample of water collected from the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm had
recorded the lowest level of Dissolved Oxygen; 0.48mg/L.
In addition, it can be said that the plants and animals in these areas were surviving in a slightly
acidic to basic water i.e. a pH ranging from 6.50 -7.23 and a freshwater environment as the

salinity levels of the water samples were extremely low. Plants were found to be growing in
waterbodies found in and around all of the four farms visited except the main trench outside of
the Guyana Livestock Development Authority Farm. The water inside the trench was very
muddy and this was because there was an extremely high level of solids suspended in it. The
high level of suspended solids could’ve resulted from the leaching of wastes into waterways
which were initially flushed into a pit. This in turn deteriorated the quality of the water, lowering
the level of Dissolved Oxygen and preventing sunlight from reaching plants below the surface of
the water. Hence, plants were deprived of oxygen and sunlight and their growth was reduced in
this area.

After having visited these livestock farms on the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara, it can
be concluded that the main waste disposal management practices employed on these farms were
composting and recycling. However, poor waste disposal management practices at the Guyana
Livestock Development Authority Farm had resulted in contamination of the waterbody and
reduction in plant growth in this water.

Water is the habitat to many different species of aquatic plants and animals and human careless
activities on farms impact aquatic ecosystems greatly. Therefore, it is our responsibility to
protect and conserve them. This can be achieved through the following:
1. Government as well as members of the Environmental Protection Agency should educate
people on waste disposal strategies and increase public awareness on the effects of poor
waste disposal management on livestock farms on water sources.
2. Farmers should try to reuse as much waste as possible and they should try to breakdown
the wastes as far as possible before disposing of them so as to minimize their harmful
effects on the environment.
3. Avoid flushing and draining waste water from farms into waterbodies or into pits where
leakages can occur.
4. Residents should report any incidence of improper waste disposal practices done by
livestock farmers.


1. Harry L. Field. (6 June, 2007). Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Technology:

Animal Waste Management. Retrieved from:

2. Gary Davidson. (June 2011). Waste Management Practices: Literature Review. Retrieved
3. K. Ahmad Kamil. (2012). Solid Waste Management. Retrieved from:

4. L. M. Sorathiya. (March 2014). International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste

in Agriculture. Retrieved from:

5. Cury Marinho Mathias. (2014). Manure as a Resource: Livestock Waste Management

from Anaerobic Digestion, Opportunities and Challenges for Brazil. Retrieved from:


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