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ie RB [CANDIDATE PLEASE NOTED PRINT your name on the ine below and rtara fuscia ih ourtamersce fares} TEST CODE 01212010 FORM TP 2020055 |?" out sstattction MAY/JUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION CHEMISTRY Paper 01 — General Proficiency J hour 15 minutes 05 JUNE 2020 (p. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. bo This test consists of 60 items. You will have | hour and 15 minutes to answer them. 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. Onyour answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. ‘Sample Item The SI unit of length isthe Sample Answer (A) metre @®BOOD (B) second (©) newton 8 (D) Kilogram The best answer to this item is “metre”, s0 (A) has been shaded. 5. Ifyou want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale. 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2018 Caribbean Examinations Council Alll rights reserved. 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2020 a Which of the following processes provide evidence of the particulate nature of matter? L Diffusion I Filtration I Osmosis (A) Land Tonly (B) Land Ill only (©) Mand tit only ©) [Mand iit “Mass number’ is the number of (A) neutrons plus protons (B) neutrons minus protons (©) __ electrons plus neutrons (D) electrons plus protons The arrangement of electrons in atoms of X and ¥ are 2, 8, 5 and 2, 8, 6 respectively. Which of the following represents X and y? x iw (A)_[Non-metal [Non-metal (B)_[Non-metal [Metal (© _| Metal [Non-metal (©) _ [Metal ‘Metal (01212010/MI/CSEC 2020 4. Items 4-6 refer to the information in the following table. Number | Number | Number Element| of of of Protons | Electrons | Neutrons Q 8 a 8 R 16 16 16 g 8 8 9 ir 16 18 16 of the following elements is an anion? (A) Q ® R © s (Dipat Which of the following pairs of elements ate isotopes? (A) QandR (8) RandT © Qands (D) Sand T Element Q is (A) oxygen (B) chlorine (©) nitrogen (©) sulfur Which of the following acids will NOT form an acid salt? (A) HPO, (®) HCO, © Ho, ©) ci,co,H GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 8 oh 10. 1. ‘An ion with a single negative charge may be converted into a neutral atom by (A) losing a neutron (B) gaining a proton (©) losing an electron (D) gaining an electron Which of the following aqueous solutions contains | mole of hydrogen ions? (A) of 0.5 mol dm HCI (B)’ of 0.5 mol dm* H,S0, (©) 1 dm’ of 1.0 mol dm? H,S0, (D) 1 dm’ of 1.0 mol dmv CH,COOH ‘A separating funnel can be used to separate a mixture of (A) water and ethanol (B) water and kerosene (©) water and solid sodium chloride (D) kerosene and solid sodium chloride A new element, R, shows chemical properties similar to the element sodium. ‘What is the correct formula of a compound formed with R and sulfur? (A) RS, (B) RS © RS @) RS, 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2020 12. 133 14, ltem 12 refers to the information in the following table, Element | Atomic Number I 3 TL 6 Mi 17 Vv, 18 Which TWO elements above, when combined with each other, form an ionic ‘compound? (A) Land t (B) Land tir (© Mandiv (D) Wand iv ‘tem 13 refers to Compound X, which melts at 18 °C and boils at 55 °C. ‘Compound X is MOST likely (A) aliquid metal (B) — agiant molecule (C) — asimple molecule (D) anionic compound Which of the following statements BEST describes the formation ofa metallic bond? (A) Anions are held together by electrons. (B) Metal atoms are held together by anions. (©) Metal ions are held together by a sea of anions. (D) Cations are held together by a sea of mobile electrons. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 15. 16. 17. 18. Covalent compounds can be formed between (A) ametal and a non-metal (B) _apositive ion and a negative ion (©) two identical non-metal atoms, excluding the noble gases (D) _ two identical non-metal atoms, including the noble gases, Graphite can be used as a lubricant because of the (A) loose electrons which can move throughout the lattice (B)__ weakattraction among the hexago- nal layers of carbon atoms (© strong attraction among the hex- agonal layers of carbon atoms (D) strong attraction within the hexago- nal layers of carbon atoms Which set of elements forms molecules which contain two atoms? (A) Period 2 (B) Group2 (© Group7 (D) Period 3 Which of the following halogens is a liquid at room temperature? (A) Bromine (B) Fluorine (© Chlorine () Iodine 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2020 Evy 19. 20. ih 22, + In which of the following compounds does hydrogen have a negative oxidation number? a) (B) © ) Which of the following when added to sulfuric acid would be the LEAST suitable ‘method for preparing copper(II) sulfate? (A) Copper(it) oxide (B) — Copper(il) chloride (©) Copper(tl) carbonate (D) —Copper(Il) hydroxide The pH of fresh sugar cane juice, which is usually 5.0-5.5, can be changed to 7.5-8.0 for more efficient processing by adding, (A) acetic (ethanoie) acid, CH,CO,H (B) sodium chloride, NaCl (C)__slaked lime, Ca(OH), (D) limestone, Caco, Which of the substances, represented by the options, A, B, Cand D in the following table, is MOST likely sodium chloride? Electrical Conduetivity eons Solid | Aqueous State | State @ 1465 [No Yes @B) 444 | No No © 2600 | Yes No. ©) =35 [No Yes GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 23. 24, 26. Items 23-24 refer to the following equation. NO,(g) + SO,(g) + NO(g) + SO,(g) Which of the following compounds is reduced? (A) NO (B) NO, © so, ) so, Which of the following compounds is the oxidizing agent? (A) NO ®) No, © so, @) so, Which of the following acids is weakly ionized in aqueous solutions? (A) Nitric acid (B) __Ethanoic acid (© Sulfuric acid (D) Hydrochloric acid Which of the statements below is true for the following equation? Magis) + H,SO, (aq) > MgSO (aq) +H, (@) 7) ized from oxidation state (B) — Mgis reduced from oxidation state 42100. (©) _ Hydrogen is reduced from oxidation state +2 to 0. (D) Hydrogen is oxidized from oxidation state 0 to +1 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2020 ih 28. 29, 30. tems 27-28 refer to the following table showing various tests for gases. Test Observ: (A) | Damp blue Damp blue litmus paper _| litmus turns red (B) | Glowing splint | Splint relights (© | Damp red Damp red litmus paper | litmus turns blue (D) | Lit splint Splint extinguishes with a pop Inanswering Items 27-28, each optionmay be used once, more than once or not at al, Which test can be used to identify ammonia gas? Which test can be used to identify anacidie gas? Which of the following occurs in a metal atom when it becomes an ion? (A) Gains electrons and is oxidized, (B) Gains electrons and is reduced. (C) Loses electrons and is oxidized. (D) Loses electrons and is reduced. On adding aqueous hydrochloric acid to a solution in a test tube, a gas is given off extinguishes a burning splint. This shows the presence of (A) _ nitrate ions (B) sodium ions (©) ammonium ions (D) carbonate ions GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 31. 32, 33. 34, 35. Which of the following will NOT conduct electricity? (A) Solid calcium (B) Solid calcium chloride (©) Molten calcium chloride () A solution of calcium chloride in water Anatom with atomic structure 77 X contains (A) 13 protons, 14 neutrons (B) 13 protons, 27 neutrons (©) 14 protons, 13 neutrons (D) 27 protons, 13 neutrons Which of the following is alist of ALL the raw materials used in the extraction of iron? (A) Air, iron ore and limestone (B) Air, coke, cryolite and limestone © coke, iron ore and limestone (D) Coke, iron ore, bauxite and limestone Which of the following metals will NOT displace hydrogen from dilute hydrochloric acid? (A) Zine (B) Iron (©) Copper (D) Aluminium How many coulombs (C) of electricity passes through an electrolyte when a current of 100 A flows for 10 minutes? a) 100 @) 600 (©) 10.000 @) 60000 37. 38, Which of the following gases will give a positive test with dry cobalt chloride paper? (A) 0, @) =H, (@) oy ©) 4,0 Items 37-38 refer to the following chart showing theconversion ofetheneto different products. I POLYETHENE, #0 cones 1,80, ETHENE “| a) The product, polyethene, is a (A) gas (B) solid (©) liquid (D) solution Product Lis (A) ethane (B) ethanol (©) ethanoic acid (D) ethyl ethanoate GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 39. Items 41-42 refer to the following table which shows the reaction of four metals, W, X, ¥ and Z, with water or steam. The table also shows the products formed when the nitrates of each metal are heated. Reaction with | PFeduets Formed Metals When Nitrate is Water/Steam Beal W = |Noreaction | Metal, NO, and O,, X | Reacts with | Oxide, NO, and O, steam but not with cold water Y | Reacts rapidly | Nitrite and oxygen with cold water Z| Reacts slowly | Oxide, NO, and O, with cold water 41, Which of the metals is LIKELY to form a soluble hydroxide? (A) 3) «© ©) Nexe 42, In. which of the following pairs of metals is 40. A solution, when treated with the gas sulfur the first metal MOST likely to displace the dioxide, becomes green, The solution second metal from solution? contains potassium @ XY (A) nitrate () (B) sulfate © (©) manganate(VII) (D) (D) — dichromate(V1) NEN Xx Te Cae, 1 1 H H (A) Lonly (B) Land ITonly (©) Mand IM only 45. What is the correct structural formula of (@) LWand it x? eg , teen 44, Which of the following processes produces Qe a Sertce® a gas which is different from the other ay processes? Br Br (A) _ Respiration in animals (B) Photosynthesis in plants (C) Heating calcium carbonate rete er (D) Oxidation of carbon monoxide . Cees ca H Be H Br © wo-c-c— Br oH @® w—c—c— 46. Whichofthe followingcompoundscontains a saturated hydrocarbon? (A) Natural gas (B) __Propene (© Ethanol (D) Vinegar GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE in iceriahtion atineeite aoe 47, How many isomers of butane, C,H, ate there? a (B) © (D) Item 48 refer to the following equation. Organic Acid + Alcohol = Ester + Water. 48. The forward reaction is known as (A) synthesis (B) hydro! (©)__ esterification (D) polymerization Items 49-50 refer to the following metals. @ al (®) cu © Fe ©) Na Inanswering Items 49-50, a particularmetal may be selected more than once, once or not at all. 49. Which metal reacts vigorously with water to produce a strongly alkaline solution? 50. Which metal has an alloy which is used in ‘the manufacture of aircraft? 51. Which of the following substances is soluble in water? (A) C\H,OH ®) CH, © CH, (@) — CH,COOC,H, 01212010/MI/CSEC 2020 52. 53. 58. Which of the following substances is an important constituent of chlorophyll? (A) Iron (B) Copper (©) Caleium (D) Magnesium A suitable drying agent for the laboratory preparation of ammonia gas is (A) calcium oxide (B) calcium chloride (©) anhydrous copper sulfate (D) concentrated sulfuric acid Item 54 refers tothe following compound. cH, I HC — i —cH,on ia ca, Which of the following phrases correctly describes the compound shown? (A) Analkane (B)_ Analcohol (©) Abranch alkane (PD) Non-reactive with sodium Which of the following observations is expected when aqueous silver nitrate is added to aqueous potassium chloride? (A) Apungent gas is evolved. (B) A blue precipitate appears. (©) Awhite precipitate appears. (D) A brown precipitate appears. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 58, 59, -10- A polyamide is formed by a condensation reaction between a molecule containing (A) at least one -COOH group with another containing at least one -NH, group (B) atleast one -OH group with another containing at least one -COOH group, (C) at least one -OH group with another containing at least one -NH, group (D) two -OH groups with another containing two -COOH groups Which of the following features is NOT true of all homologous series of compounds? ‘The members of the series have (A) the same functional group (B) the same general formula (©) similar chemical properties (D) the same empirical formula Which of the following substances can be produced DIRECTLY from ethanol? 1. Ethene I. Ethane Il. Ethyl ethanoate (A) Land Il only (B) Land Ill only (© Mand il only (D) 1. Mand it of the following statements is TRUE? (A) The particles in a gas are larger when heated. (B) The particles in a gas are further apart when heated. (C)__ The particles in a gas are very closely packed together. (D) The particles in a gas have strong forces between them. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01212010/MJ/CSEC 2020 ee Lem 60 refers to the following graph which shows the boiling points of some straight-chain alcohols. Bailing Points (°C) 280 200 150] 100] EL Cea pete ‘Number of carbon atoms in chain 60. Which of the following molecular formulae represents the alcohol whose boiling point is 160 °C? (A) CH,CH,,OH (®) CHYCH),OH (©) CH{CH,),OH (D) CH{CH),OH END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01212010/MI/CSEC 2020

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