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Your Local Hometown Newspaper 75¢

Tri-City Times LAPEER



Wednesday, April 17, 2019

145th Volume - Issue No. 16

Sheriff launches
new local Church
Security Program
Sgt. Craig Miller and team offer
Assist for AYSO security assessments, safety tips and
Rotary Club looks to help
fund field improvements, more to Lapeer County churches
...see page 16 By Catherine Minolli Tree of Life synagogue. A gun- man opened fire and took the
lives of eleven people. Six oth-
LAPEER COUNTY — ers—including four police offi-
While it seems that places of cers—were injured in the attack
worship should be sacred and before the suspect was taken
off limits when it comes to vio- into custody by police.
lence and mass shootings, statis- Elsewhere, last month’s hor-
tics demonstrate rific massacre at two mosques in
otherwise. Christchurch, New Zealand left
Fatalities at 50 people dead and at least as
churches and many wounded. The incident
synagogues stunned the normally non-vio-
across the lent nation and shockwaves
United States were felt across the globe as the
have been gunman posted the terrorizing

Photo by Maria Brown

recorded begin-
Performance prep
event on Facebook live.
ning in 1999, Sgt. Craig Closer to home, Lapeer
with the most Miller County Sheriff McKenna hopes
Lapeer County Concert deadly occur- to avoid such incidents.
Choir to take the stage, ring in November of 2017, when His office just launched a
a gunman opened fire in the new Church Security Program
...see page 13 First Baptist Church in the rural
community of Sutherland
for all Lapeer County places of
worship. The program is being
An Easterific weekend
Springs, Texas. Twenty-six wor- led by Sgt. Craig Miller, the Myla Klug and Amelia Moten pause for a photo with the
shippers were killed, 19 others department’s most current Easter bunny at Saturday’s egg hunt in Capac, hosted by the
were injured. Deputy of the Year. Miller has Lions Club and Capac Chamber of Commerce. For more
The most recent occurred on logged more than 40 years of photos from local Easter events, see page 4.
October 27, 2018 in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the Launch page 12

Students’ art to hang from lamp posts

Imlay City DDA, school district
Fine Arts Fest team up to ‘Make Memories’
By Tom Wearing theme, participating stu-
Displays, performances dents incorporated ele-
on tap in Dryden ments of the Eastern
...see page 12 IMLAY CITY — Michigan Fair, Vlasic
Imlay City’s downtown pickles, the former
lamp posts will soon be Blueberry Festival, rural
adorned with colorful ban- lifestyles, farm animals,
ners featuring the artwork the old downtown grain
of Imlay City students. elevator and similar artistic
The student art was depictions.
submitted to the Former DDA Director,
Downtown Development Dana Walker, who is fill-
Authority through an ing in part-time until her
arrangement with Borland successor is found, said 45
Photo by Tom Wearing

Elementary teacher Jill student drawings (ages 5

Campbell. through high school) were
Campbell directed par- received by the DDA by
ticipating students to cre- its March 22 deadline.
ate art that is consistent Walker said 33 of the

Almont takes two

Print Shop employee Jaleesa Distelroth; DDA Representative, Dana with the DDA’s theme for images will be randomly
Walker; and Print Shop Owner, Rebecca Homer; display some of the the project, “Making selected and made into
student art that will soon appear on banners in the city’s downtown dis- Memories in Imlay City.”
Raiders best Cros-Lex in trict. In keeping with the Art page 12
baseball doubleheader

Firefighters raise $11,000 for alarms

...see page 19

TIMES Imlay City Fire Association to
ONLINE begin free installation April 27
By Tom Wearing conference at the Imlay
City Fire Hall to update
the community and media
IMLAY CITY — on the status of the ongo-
Since the devastating fire ing Smoke Detector
FACEBOOK that claimed four chil-
dren’s lives at Maple
Installation Program.
Imlay City Fire Capt.
Grove Estates in February, Scott Stone said the
the Imlay City Firemen’s response of residents and
Photo by Mike Mercier

Association has spearhead- businesses has been

/Tricitytimes/ ed a fundraising campaign beyond the scope of any-
to purchase and install free thing that might have been
smoke detectors in every imagined.
residence at the mobile While money and
The Tri-City Times home park. checks continue to flow in, Imlay City Fire Chief Rick Horton, firefighters Jeff Marceau, Clinton
is printed on The scope of the proj- Stone said more than Thurlow, Mark Bodenbach and Pat Benson listen as Capt. Scott Stone
recycled paper ect will eventually be $11,000 has been raised details new Smoke Detector Installation program at Imlay City Fire Hall.
expanded to include every for the program thus far.
home in Imlay City and “With the money about 1,500 nine-volt bat- or below cost. every home that needs
Imlay Township, which is raised, we have been able teries have been purchased Installation to begin them at the Maple Grove
served by the Imlay City to purchase 2,200 smoke to install in existing smoke Capt. Stone said that mobile home park, begin-
Fire Department. detectors to be installed in detectors. on Saturday, April 27, fire- ning at 10 a.m.
Press conference homes in the community,” The Burton Home fighters and volunteers will The goal is for every
On Saturday, April 13 said Stone. Depot provided smoke begin installing smoke
the ICFA hosted a press Additionally, he said detectors and batteries at detectors and batteries in Alarms page 12
Page 2-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Law enforcement in-car computer upgrade planned

Current system maxed out by rigors of 24/7 policing in area The new equipment
being purchased includes
Administration Office for
no more than $20,000,
By Maria Brown an upgrade. sary equipment and labor. of 24-hour a day police more “robust” external using state grant funds. Last month, Lapeer A project quote puts the work and are failing at a modems and antennas. •the board approved
County Commissioners anticipated cost at $67,507. rapid rate. Repair times can In other county com- adjusting their seasonal
LAPEER — The coun- authorized the Lapeer In a letter to commis- take anywhere from 1 to 3 mission matters: wage rate for the Parks/
ty’s fleet of in-car comput- County Central Dispatch sioners, Central Dispatch weeks or more, depending •the Building and Buildings and Grounds
ers, utilized by law enforce- Authority board to spend Executive Director Jeffrey on parts availability.” Grounds Department was Department to meet new
ment officers, are due for up to $75,000 for the neces- Satkowski said they’ll be When in working order, the authorized to construct a state minimum wage
purchasing equipment rec- computers’ built in cellular public counter and confer- requirements for the 2019

Your Local Agent

ommended by CLEMIS, chip doesn’t adequately ence room at the Veteran and 2020 fiscal years.
the Oakland County-based connect to the CLEMIS
communications consor- system. As a result, officers

- for - Call Me For

tium for 911 services they
joined back in 2015.
aren’t able to write reports
or send LEIN (Law Dryden Road crash
Auto claims driver’s life
Satkowski said the Enforcement Information
A Quote! equipment currently in use Network) queries in a time-
can’t “withstand the rigors ly manner.

By Maria Brown Dryden Road was experi-

BOB’S Got the Smoker Rollin’ encing “very wet” condi-
tions due to mix of rain and

Home At the Allenton Tavern!

DRYDEN TWP. — A snow that had fallen.
76-year-old Almont Investigators ask that
Ribs • Chicken • Pork Butts/Pulled Pork Township man died in a anyone who may have wit-

single-vehicle accident nessed the accident to con-
Brisket • Lenten Special – Smoked Salmon Sunday, April 14, on tact Dryden Police at 810-
Stop by for Dryden Road. 796-2271. A nearby resi-
According to Dryden dent, who called 911, only
Lunch and Dinner Township Police Chief heard the crash.
Shawn Peters, Stephen
Sullivan was traveling east
near Havens Roads around
Other departments
assisting on scene included
the Lapeer County Sheriff’s
ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA in Allenton 3:49 p.m. when he appar- Office and Almont Police
798-3946 395-4366 678-3655 810-395-8171 ently lost control of his Department.
2012 Dodge Ram truck.
The vehicle left the road-

Milnes Lowest Prices in Michigan way and struck several

trees and mailboxes before e
We beat anyone’s price! coming to rest on the north
side of Dryden Road.
Peters said officer
Keith Quick responded to
the scene and reported
Sullivan, who was the only
occupant, was not showing
any signs of life.
“Lapeer County EMS
and Dryden Township Fire
and Fire Responders also 
arrived on scene and Curious about where to
attempted to render medi- find fast, reliable printing
cal aid to the male driver. services at affordable

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The driver was later pro- rates? They don’t call us
nounced dead at the scene,” the “copy cats” for nothing!
Peters said in a press

Lease For release. 

At the time of the crash, 

• Quick copy through

$ Tri-City Times
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Page 3-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Barb Redding is named

Capac’s Friend of Youth
District recognizes retired teacher/administrator
By Maria Brown

CAPAC — Capac Community

Photo by Mike Mercier

Schools has selected Barb Redding—a
longtime teacher, coach and administra-
tor—as their 2019 Friend of Youth recipi-
Barb began her teaching career in
Artist rendering of new Imlay City Fire Hall on display at existing hall on Capac in 1970 and retired in 2004 after
Third Street. more than 30 years in education. In addi-
tion to teaching, Barb also served as ath-

City breaks ground on

letic director in the 1980s.
“I am honored that Capac Community
Schools recognized me for this award.
Student-athletes are an important part of

new fire hall Thursday

the high school population. I enjoy watch- Even in retirement, Barb Redding
ing them grow as athletes and people,” has remained active in the Capac
Barb said. district as a coach, mentor and
Even in retirement, Barb has remained youth sports advocate.
active in the community as a coach, men-
Lower-than-expected interest would have paid an extra
$102 per year for the dura-
tor, fundraiser and advocate of youth
Currently, Barb also serves on the
Harry C. Moore Memorial Basketball
rate will reduce project’s cost tion of the millage.
However, because the
“We are indeed blessed to have Barb Tournament Committee and sits on the
in our community and admire the passion Four County Community Foundation’s
By Tom Wearing by city commissioners. city was able to qualify for she has for all she does for our youth. board of directors. Last August, Imlay City a 3% interest rate through There is no one that better exemplifies a As athletic director, Barb helped
voters approved a 2.0463 its recent sale of bonds, the friend of youth,” the school board wrote in launch girls’ track, volleyball and softball
IMLAY CITY — City mill tax increase for 20 originally approved millage their nomination. programs in the district. She coached
officials will host a ground- years to pay for construc- rate of 2.0463 mills is “Most recently Barb has coached vol- many programs herself including cheer-
breaking ceremony at the tion of a new fire hall. expected to be reduced to leyball, supervised sporting events, orga- leading, track, basketball, volleyball and
future site of the new Imlay The estimated $3 mil- 1.8335 mills. nized fundraisers for boosters and com- softball. This past fall, she coached the
City fire hall on E. Borland lion building will be built The original ballot lan- munity groups, run concession stands and junior varsity volleyball team and contin-
Rd. on Thursday, April 18 on a 2.66-acre site at 571 E. guage was based on a pro- maintained the baseball/softball fields for ues to volunteer her time to the varsity
at 6 p.m. Borland Rd., east of Van jected interest rate of 3.5% our local youth baseball program. When softball program.
Among those expected Dyke (M-53). Youatt said the reduc- not directly involved in a program or Barb and other Friend of Youth recipi-
to be present are Imlay City The site was formerly tion in millage rates trans- event she is imagining ways to improve ents will be honored in May at the 47th
Manager Tom Youatt, Fire owned and occupied by the lates to an overall savings offerings to youth and the community of Annual Thumb Track and Field Meet of
Chief Rick Horton, George Michigan Dept. of Natural to taxpayers. Capac.” Champions.
Ananich of H2A Architects Resources. He noted that the City’s
and representatives from Based on the requested recent A-plus rating from

You’re Invited
Superior Contracting millage, Imlay City home- Standard and Poors (S&P)
Group, whose construction owners whose properties and was likely a factor in
bid of $2.74 million was the are valued at $100,000 (or qualifying for the lower

to a Community
lowest of three considered taxable value of $50,000) interest rate.

Police respond to weapon report

By Tom Wearing the incident and made con- the secure mode and tact with and identified a resumed normal opera-
young person in possession tions.
IMLAY CITY — Just of a pellet gun. Pike said though there
before noon on Friday DeLuca reported that was no threat, it is always
(April 12), police respond- the young person said he best to exercise the utmost
ed to a report that someone had earlier been shooting caution when it comes to
was walking downtown the pellet gun in a friend’s the public safety.

and carrying a weapon. backyard. “It was a dicey situa-
After being notified of After determining that tion,” said Pike. “There is
the report, as a precaution the young person did not nothing illegal about walk-
Imlay City Schools were have malicious intent, ing around with a rifle.
placed in “secure mode” DeLuca informed school “We responded to the
for about an hour.
Police Chief Scott Pike
said the responding officer,
officials that there was no
threat to students or others
in the community. At that
report and it turned out to
be a kid with a pellet gun,”
he said. “It’s about exercis-
Friday, April 19th • 7:00 pm
Joe DeLuca, investigated point school officials lifted ing proper caution.”
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Page 4-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Capac, Dryden and Berlin Twp. celebrate

with Easter Eggs and Pancakes...

Photo by Mike Mercier

Photo by Maria Brown

Photo by Tom Wearing
Bruce Twp. firefighter Tim Heyl
helped start the Pancake Breakfast Brock and Mackenzie Aguinaga sort through
at the Dryden Twp. Fire Hall about Easter eggs looking for special tickets at
Youngsters are off to the races in their quest for Easter Capac’s hunt on Saturday. Tickets could be
seven years ago. He continues to candy at Berlin Township’s annual Easter Candy Hunt at the
return every Easter to help out. used to redeem dollar coins and to enter a
park in Allenton. bike raffle.
Photo by Mike Mercier

The Campbell family of Almont turns out to

enjoy the homemade pancake breakfast with
the Easter Bunny at the Dryden Twp. Fire Hall.

Photo by Mike Mercier

Photo by Tom Wearing

Cross Campbell, 5, of Almont, digs into delicious pancake, egg and sausage breakfast at the
Dryden Twp. Fire Hall on Saturday.
Ava Kucharsky, 5, of Romeo, discovers a sur-
prise inside one of her plastic eggs during
Sunday’s Easter Candy Hunt in Berlin Twp.
Photo by Maria Brown
Photo by Tom Wearing

Photo by Tom Wearing

Five and six year-olds sprint through a field of

Bailee Allmon, 3, of Washington Twp. looks up eggs at Saturday’s festivities in Capac.
Jennifer Couke, and Connor, 2, strike Easter
only briefly while filling her bucket with candy poses beneath the pavilion at Berlin Twp. Park.
at Easter Candy Hunt at Berlin Twp. Park.
Photo by Mike Mercier
Photo by Tom Wearing

Olivia Williams was a

lucky bike raffle win- The Evans family of Dryden—Kendra, 2, Zach,
ner at Saturday’s Abby Girvin, 6, and Grace Girvin, 9, of Allenton; and Lilly Haldeman, 7, 6, and their mom, Christina and dad Justin—
Easter egg hunt in and Hannah Haldeman of Romeo are all smiles following their success- pose for photo with the Easter Bunny at the
Capac. ful Easter candy hunts at Berlin Township Park on Sunday. Dryden Twp. Fire Hall on Saturday.
Page 5-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Natke named DDA Director

By Tom Wearing neurial spirit. her first orders of business

Maple Festival
l “Being from North as the new DDA Director. Annua
Branch, I view Imlay City “My ultimate goal
IMLAY CITY — The as a focal point for this would be to see no empty Sat April 27th & Sun April 28th • 9am to 5pm
Downtown Development area,” she continued. storefronts in downtown
Authority has a new exec- “Geographically, the loca- Imlay City,” said Natke. I 6209 Bordman Rd • Almont, MI
utive director. tion is a gateway and is think that should be my
The DDA Board voted ideal for future growth and foremost priority. 6 miles north of Romeo and 2 1/2 miles
unanimously (7-0) on opportunities for local “From what I’ve seen,” west of Van Dyke. Follow the signs!
Monday (April 15) to offer businesses. she said, “there are a lot of
the position to Lorrelei “My goal is to pick up people who are willing to FREE ADMISSION! FREE PARKING! FREE FUN!
Natke. Lorrelei Natke where Dana Walker left work together as a cohe-
Natke succeeds Dana
Walker who recently She recently worked at
off,” Natke admitted. “She
did a great job and so many
sive group and work
toward common goals.”
Keller Syrup
resigned the position to the State Farm Insurance good programs are already In addition to her
become Director of the (Doug Halabicky) office in place. aforementioned pursuits,
Michigan Downtown in downtown Imlay City, She alluded to the new- Natke has volunteered with
A 21-year resident of
North Branch and mother
where she became
acquainted with many res-
idents and downtown busi-
ly-updated DDA website
as being uniquely informa-
Love, Inc., Brown City
Band and Athletic
Boosters, North Branch
of seven children, Natke ness owners. “For a small commu- and Brown City Days com-
served that community as “I’m so excited about nity, I have never seen such mittees, Boys and Girls WOOD
vice president of the North this opportunity,” said a professional website,” Clubs, Lapeer Pregnancy
Branch Board of Education Natke after hearing of her said Natke. “It’s very Center and is an advocate SCULPTURE
(seven years); president of appointment as impressive and filled with for Lapeer County victims DEMONSTRATIONS
North Branch’s Summer DDA Director. “Imlay information.” of violent crimes.
Recreation Program (10 City is a diverse commu- Natke said that intro- Natke is also a former
years); and is currently nity with a lot of great ducing herself to down- professional singer who

Subscribe Today!
active with Lapeer County people and many who town business owners and toured with John
Habitat for Humanity. share a positive entrepre- residents will be among Mellencamp and Bob

Celebrate Easter around the area She currently leads

Reason to Rock, a not-for-
profit music group for
Tri-City Times
Events in Almont, Capac The Easter bunny will
make a grand entrance via
local youth. (810) 724-2615
and Imlay City this weekend helicopter that morning at
10:45 a.m.
By Maria Brown
host a Community Easter
Egg Hunt on  Saturday,
•Gateway Church is
making plans for their
Saturday’s your last
April 20, doors open at 10
a.m. with the hunt starting
at 10:30 a.m. For more
Easter Eggsploration on
April 20 at 11 a.m. at the Dental
chance to get in one last information, call the Eastern Michigan State
Fairgrounds in Imlay City. IMLAY CITY


egg hunt or visit with the church at 810-395-2112.
Easter bunny before the •The Almont Lions are All kids, birth through 6th
actual holiday arrives on making plans for their grade, are invited to attend
Sunday. Easter celebration on April this free event that will
Here’s what’s planned: 20 at 11 a.m. at the Almont feature 40,000 Easter eggs
•Capac United Community Park, Water and more than 600 pounds
Methodist Church will Street. of candy. Once your wardrobe is picked
out, flowers are ordered, and
‘Friends of Polly Ann’ to meet tickets are purchased don’t
forget the finishing touch!
IMLAY CITY — The Board of or the Polly Ann Trail is welcome and
Directors of the Friends of the Polly Ann encouraged to attend. YOUR SMILE!
Trail will meet on Thursday, April 18, at 7:15 Light refreshments will be provided.
p.m. at the Lamb Steele Building in Imlay Among the items up for discussion are Have a bright smile and great breath,
City. two board vacancies, trail development and get your cleaning reservation set TODAY!
The meeting is open to the public and maintenance, and matters related to the 2019
anyone interested in the ‘Friends’ group and/ Polly Ann Trail Run on Saturday, June 1. (810) 683-5516



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Page 6-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019


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Page 7-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019



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Page 8-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Letters from our readers...

He didn’t earn success from skin color or white privilege
On a very frequent their daughter to the ran a business and my the sewage disposal plant instant gratification of bi-racial community when
basis I hear how white peo- University of Michigan in mother was the homemak- for $1.35/hour. I knew going to work in an auto I grew up. U. of M. had
ple have been the benefi- the early 1930s. Those er. The best year of his life then I was at the absolute factory after high school students of all races as well
ciaries of “white privilege.” were depression days and I my father only earned bottom of the economic and earning a good wage as students from around the
I am not sure what that vividly recall my grand- about $4,000.00. Yet in the ladder and had no place to allowing me to buy “stuff” world in attendance. I
really means as those who mother telling me that there 1950s that was enough, if go except up. and live the good single would admit it may have
make the charge have never were times when she and you pinched pennies, to put My parents stressed the life. been easier for me to open
defined the term. There is my grandfather didn’t have food on the table, clothes importance of education Did I have opportuni- the door of opportunity
just the accusation that suc- two dimes to rub together. on your back and once in a which, more than anything ties that were not available than it was for some others.
cessful white citizens are Both of them were unedu- while bring home a 6 pack I believe, led me to a path to some people of color in However I refuse to feel
the beneficiary of “white cated; my grandfather leav- of Pepsi for the kids. Mom of success. My mother our country at that time? I guilty about whatever suc-
privilege.” ing school after the 8th made clothes for both brainwashed me so that have to be honest and say cess I have achieved. I
I have given some grade to go to work and my myself and my sister. when I was asked what I of course. The southern decline to accept the notion
thought about this and have grandmother quitting When there were holes in was going to do after high states of our country were that I was given something
come to the conclusion that school at age 13 to help the knees of our Levis we school my reply was “go to hot beds of segregation and that I didn’t earn because
I am not such a beneficiary. raise her siblings as her didn’t get new pants but the University of racial bigotry. It is self of the color of my skin.
I have tried to think what mother had died and, being instead got patches. We Michigan.” Not go to col- evident that blacks, at that The color of my skin does
has led to my having a suc- the oldest, she had to run went to school that way lege but go to the University time in the nation’s history, not define my life and I
cessful career in law. I the household. Yet they and did so without shame of Michigan. I did go to U. had a greater difficulty in refuse to allow those who
think it started with my believed in education and or embarrassment because of M. and with financial taking advantage of the rant about “white privi-
mother’s parents who saw to it that my mother that’s just the way life was help from my parents as opportunities offered by lege” to cause me to dispar-
scrimped, saved and obtained one. and there were lots of other well as student loans and this nation. I don’t accept age what I have achieved
worked their fingers to the I grew up in what I’d kids just like us. part-time work I got that the same was necessar- through my own efforts.
bone on their family farm describe as a lower middle When I was old enough through college and law ily true in the northern —John L. Lengemann
so that they could send class household. My father to work (my first social school. states. Imlay City was a Imlay City
security withholding was Do I feel privileged?

She didn’t realize

in 1952 when I was 11 Well, in a sense I do in that
years old) I went to work I had parents and grandpar-
Our Opinion washing dishes in a restau- ents who saw the value of
rant or helping my Dad in
his business by shoveling
education and hard work
and instilled those values
so many know her
coal and stacking sacks of in me. Do I think I was A special “Thank You” very nice article she wrote
fertilizer. I also mowed privileged in the sense that to everyone that sent me a about me. I didn’t realize
lawns for pocket money. I was given something that birthday card on the 14th so many people knew me.
Later I worked for the I didn’t earn? The answer of March—my 90th birth- Again, thanks to every-
DPW of Imlay City and is no. I worked to pay off day. I received 159 cards one. It was so nice of you!
recall standing in human my college loans. I spent as of yesterday, April 8, All my love and thanks
waste up to my waist, in a the many long hours in the 2019. How wonderful that again!
rubber suit, scraping down library or in my room was! As ever,
the walls of a below ground studying so that I could get I also want to thank —Alice Nettnay
storage room for sewage at my degree. I gave up the Catherine Miniolli for the Capac
Artist rendering of new Imlay City Fire Hall.
Groundbreaking at the E. Borland Road
location is slated for Thurs., April 18. Program provides fire safety education
Editor’s note: The fol- tect the health and safety of damage. Since January 1, The installation of
Milestones for—and lowing guest column was
submitted by Orlene
high-risk populations in
targeted areas, MI
2019, 38 people have died
in residential fires in
21,384 smoke alarms and
6,455 carbon monoxide
kudos to—Imlay City Hawks, director of
Licensing and Regulatory
Prevention is installing
smoke alarms in homes
Michigan. These statistics
are gathered from the
(CO) alarms obtained
through the grant will be
Affairs for the State of free of charge and educat- National Fire Incident completed by August 1,
Fire Department Michigan. Email
ing consumers on safety
Reporting System (NFIRS)
data, as reported by fire
More than just an

for more information or Funding for the initia- departments. alarm give-away program,
his is a big week for the Imlay City call 517-355-LARA (5272) tive comes from a competi- Targeted areas for this this campaign is an actual
Fire Department and the community it for more information. tive, one-year, $525,000 campaign include Flint, the home installation program
Saturday’s press conference at the fire hall M I Prevention—a state-
wide fire safety cam-
paign through the State
Fire Prevention and Safety
grant through the Federal
Emergency Management
Traverse City area, and
Lake County, where some
of the highest number of
with an educational com-
ponent to increase aware-
ness and knowledge about
detailing the success of the Imlay City Fire Marshal, the Bureau Agency (FEMA), the fire deaths have occurred fire safety to achieve a sus-
Firemen’s Association new Smoke Detector of Fire Services and Department of Homeland in 2017-2018. Other priori- tained behavioral change.
Program was a testament to the dedication of Michigan’s fire safety Security, and a five percent ty areas are Detroit, Upon the homeowner’s
the firefighters and the generosity of the com- organizations - is currently state match. Saginaw and Southern request, trained MI
munity. Deeply affected by February’s tragic working to reduce the high In 2018, 139 Macomb County—all of Prevention volunteers con-
number of fire deaths, inju- Michiganders perished in which have smoke alarm sisting of fire and emergen-
fire that claimed the lives of four children at ries and property loss in home fires with a reported installation blitzes as a part
the Maple Grove mobile home park, firefight- Michigan. In order to pro- $260 million in property of this program. Program page 11
ers created the Smoke Detector Installation
Program to help ensure that every Imlay City
residence is equipped with a smoke detector Heaven on Earth in Minolli household
and working batteries, beginning with the
homes at Maple Grove park. Their efforts A s with all the holi-
days—especially the
religious ones—Easter was
it would extend to the rest
of the year. We loved the
idea and embraced it. Still
were embraced by the community—a total of
a big deal in the Minolli do.
$11,000 has been collected for the cause so household. Among the Easter tra-
far. Next Saturday, April 27, firefighters and Like the others, includ- ditions the Minolli girls
community volunteers will gather at Maple ing the secular, food took cherished the most were
Grove to volunteer their time installing center stage—still does— decorating the unbeliev-
smoke detectors to Maple Grove residences. except the location of the ably cute lamb cakes, and
stage has changed. the Blessing of the Food
More volunteers are needed and welcome. Throughout Lent, like on Holy Saturday, the day
Individuals and/or organizations are encour- other practicing Catholics, before Easter Sunday.
aged to call the department at 810-724-6262.
Photo by Catherine Minolli

the folks abstained from For several days before

If advance notice isn’t possible, volunteers meat on Fridays and Holy Easter Sunday, my mom
should show up at the fire hall on Third Days. would bake at least a
My dozen lamb cakes. Along
Street at 8 a.m. on April 27. Volunteers are mom, the way, she acquired a
encouraged to bring battery operated drills quite the chicken mold, so she
with bits and 4’ or 6’ step stools or step lad- creative baked a few of those too. ‘Lamb cake apron’ my sister had made for all
ders. and Mom gave out the cakes to the Minolli girls to celebrate Easter and all of
The Department isn’t limiting their efforts capable friends and family for its messages and promise. A little hen also
chef, Easter, and we looked for- rests in the right corner.
to Maple Grove residents. Imlay City and would ward to decorating them
Imlay Township residents in need of a smoke dig deep Observations in ink... especially for their recipi- up the confections to bring ter molded in the shape of
detector are encouraged to call the fire hall into the ents. to our relatives in a lamb. At the church,
with their contact information. Firefighters innate Catherine Minolli We’d soak shredded Dearborn and Detroit. we’d take off our precious
culinary coconut in green food col- Each of us clutching a gold chains that carried
will make mutually agreeable arrangements talents she possessed, and oring and lay it around the coconut-grass-laden card- both the religious and
for installation. come up with all sorts of little lambs for a ‘bed of board round on which a superstitious symbols of
Tomorrow evening’s groundbreaking for nutritious and savory grass.’ Black jelly beans, fluffy, frosted cake sat, our culture and slip them
the Department’s new fire hall represents meals sans meat. We really cut in half, became their we’d say silent prayers in the basket so that they
another major milestone for the department, didn’t miss a thing. eyes; colored ones would that they wouldn’t tip over would be blessed, too.
When he smoked, Dad were jeweled necklaces, as Dad expertly negotiated With the reverence of
which has roots dating back to 1876. would give up cigars. In each embellished with a the curves of Edward monks, we’d stand in line
The new building—which will be con- those years, we couldn’t cross. We’d cut slivers of Hines Drive while chan- with the others awaiting
structed on a 2.66 acre site on East Borland wait until Lent was over, red jelly beans for the neling Mario Andretti. our turn at the altar. When
Road—will replace the current fire hall on E. anticipating an improve- mouths, and always Unbelievably, we never the younger priest began
Third Street, which was built more than five ment in his mood. Each of arranged them into a little lost a single one—a testa- performing the service,
us would give up some- smile. ment to the power of he’d lay a hand on my lit-
decades ago. For years, firefighters and all thing we loved, too—usu- These creations took prayer. tle sister’s head and give
their gear have been squeezed into that loca- ally chocolate, and other on a life of their own. On Saturday, we’d get her a special blessing,
tion, and like the true professionals that they sweets and desserts. We’d often hesitate to cut to pack more food for which made us feel very
are, have dealt with its limitations. Later we had a priest into them after Lent was transport to the church for special. I now realize we
In a show of confidence for the depart- who talked about viewing over, and not a single one the annual Blessing of the felt that way because we
Lent in another way—not of us would ever eat the Food ceremony at church. were. Very special and
ment and all that it does in the community, so much about giving up face. Unlike most sweets We’d line a big basket blessed with a family that
voters last fall approved a 20-year, 2.0463 things as about putting in the Minolli household, with a beautiful cotton revered and practiced tra-
mill proposal to build a new fire hall. new things into practice those lamb faces would towel and fill it with all dition; and that many of
The construction of a new, modern and during the 40 day season. remain on the dining room the delicious delicacies those practices and tradi-
spacious building is a long time coming for Kindness. Patience. Good table untouched for weeks. we’d get to enjoy on tions involved the beauti-
humor. Generosity. He Delivering the cakes Easter Sunday. Salami, ful, delicious bounty of
the dedicated, professional members of the encouraged us to be mind- was a bit precarious. On pepperoni, pepperoncini, Italian food and culture.
Imlay City Fire Department, and promises to ful and incorporate these our way to piano lessons olives, chunks of cheese Heaven on earth, indeed.
be a source of pride for the entire community. things into our lives in Dearborn the Thursday and crusty bread; colorful Email Catherine at
throughout Lent in hopes before Easter, we’d load hard boiled eggs, and but-
Page 9-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Easter seasons What is a nation?

I calmly eat my noodles in cept of nationalism. There,
E very Eastertime of my
childhood, my mother
walked into Sew-N-Save.
Rivards across the street
laughed at my tantrum the
Sunday I refused to claim
the morning rush at the
restaurant, and I can feel
nearly everyone is ethnical-
ly Armenian, which means
eyes crawling all over me. that they all speak the old
She selected three patterns, that awful, bowler straw A nation in the broadest Armenian language and
and then slipped her fingers hat. sense of the term, according more or less adhere to the
between the raw edges of Sadly, before the fifth to the dictionary, is “a peo- national church there and
fabric to find the perfect O’Brien daughter could ple having a common ori- share the same millennia-
material for three dresses. join our Easter parade, our gin, tradition, and language long ancient history.

Photo provided
Finally, she searched for parents divorced. Soon and capable of forming or There is also a palpable
notions and pushed her cart after, in birth order, the first actually nationalist pride throughout
to the cutting table. three girls began our leav- constitut- this land, which I felt was
Back home, her Brother ing and marrying. In not Patty, Libby, Linda and Iris O'Brien in Easter ing a fed in large part by its his-
sewing machine hummed too distant a time and finest. nation- tory of troubles and hatred
morning, place, we commenced our state.” toward its immediate
noon, and sewing. that constant, awkward The neighbors: the state that
night One visit to my moth- leaving and letting go. term is would eventually become
until she er-in-law’s home, AKA What seemed impossible, often Turkey perpetrated what
approved Grandma Rosie’s, she car- doctors diagnosed my resil- used syn- many consider to be geno-
the final ried a portable sewing ient and gifted mother with onymous- From the Other Side... cide against Armenians;
fittings machine to our car. Alzheimer’s. We cared for ly with and there is a long-running,
for my “To sew for the girls,” Mom in our home for her the word Andrew Wernette bitter territorial dispute
and me.
Honest Living... she said.
I followed my mother’s
last Lenten season. Of all
Grandma Rosie’s critters,
“country” with the country of
in the Azerbaijan. The more I
She Iris Lee Underwood footsteps into Sew-N-Save, she loved Harriett best.
It takes a ruler of the
U.S. to refer to a distinct ventured around the coun-
complet- slid my fingers between political territory that is try, the more I felt that part
ed our raw edges and sewed my home to know another. ruled by a government. One of the Armenian identity
ensembles with hats, best. The only Easter we Dear Reader, while I could be forgiven for think- was to despise the Turks
gloves, and shiny black resided in Plum Borough, returned Harriet and my ing that the two words are and the Azeris.
patent shoes and white Pennsylvania, I dared sew daughter’s ducks to their always exactly the same. If We Americans, of
socks with lacy trim. matching dresses, coats, perennial stations in cele- some phenomenon is occur- course, are not united under
Eventually, our baby sister and bonnets for my young- bration of this season, I ring throughout our coun- these criteria. So what is
Author's mother, Sadie pondered the source of my
followed our Easter parade, est two. What frustration to McCoy, Easter 2007 try, we often say that it’s our common thread?
tallest to shortest, out the line a coat! And Mom mother’s and mother-in- happening “across the I’ve noticed that whenever
front door to shiver on the made it look easy, like she the wagon they pull with law’s labor of love for their nation;” and if some crisis I feel somewhat homesick
porch while Dad filmed did every domestic art. foil-wrapped chocolates. children and grandchildren. affects a large part of the here in Vietnam, I always
home movies. Once Grandma Rosie loved Every Easter more ceramic The only explanation is country, it’s declared a revert to thoughts of things
released, we twirled around to mail Fanny Farmer creatures arrived. Grandma their faith in the crucifixion “national emergency.” that are stereotypically
and round in our dresses chocolate bunnies and eggs Rosie favored her jumbo and resurrection of Jesus It’s the former, more American: cowboys in
and can-cans. to fill our daughters’ bas- bunny with one floppy ear Christ. I am witness. In abstract definition, howev- wide open land, corn fields,
Year after year, our kets. The girls were thrilled and false eyelashes. I their last breath, He was er, that I always return to roadside diners, Hollywood
neighbors observed the to consider Grandma Rosie named her Harriett, English their hope, joy, and and enjoy pondering about. stardom, freedom…There
O’Brien girls grow out of their Easter Bunny. for “rules the home.” strength. It includes politically-orga- is some strange solace in
our crinolines into hose, My mother-in-law also In birth order, my girls We can trust the one nized peoples in the world summoning these mere cul-
heels, A-line skirts, and shipped darling handmade eventually shed their who died for us. that otherwise lack a true tural identity markers,
purses we held like Mom personalized ceramic ducks anklets for pantyhose and Email Iris at country or state, such the despite the fact that I’ve
did hers. I imagine the for each daughter and filled heels—my turn to endure Native American tribes of
the U.S. Questions invari-
"We have
Could they possibly be golf balls from heaven?
ably arise when comparing
these two concepts of
nationhood: What is the all melted
real “glue” that holds a
Our family walks a lot. 1920s or trees? You can’t possibly we’re trying to solve and nation together? What is through time
The land we walk about ’30s. hit a golf ball on our prop- they chuckle and say “no national identity?
has hills and valleys. Trees Tires and erty and expect it to go we don’t practice. Where This question translates into an idea
that have been growing for the rub- more than ten feet. That’s would we shoot them? for us as the age-old “What
possibly 300 years or ber blow- because every five feet We’re surrounded by does it mean to be an of a common
more. There are places you
cannot see the sky for the
up inner
there is a tree. Even if the
neighbors were practicing
American?” Just by eating
my breakfast here in
canopy of trees. probably from the flat part of their “But if you’re going to Vietnam, I’m made well
But these last few just as Acorn Alley... land, the ball would have throw them out,” one aware that I am not never been a farmer, rural
years have produced some old. to go up hundreds of feet neighbor said, “I can take Vietnamese. Yet, besides Westerner or true
mysteries for us. As we These Diane Malczewski into the air to land any- them off your hands.” what my passport says, how Californian. They’re just
walked about the past three were where on our property. Now I was suspicious. exactly am I an American? things that I—we—have
years, we began to use a found at We have been finding “My grandson golfs, It’s easy to forget just soaked into our conscious-
metal detector, never least an eighth of a mile golf balls at the very base and he could sure use any how different the U.S. (and ness throughout our lives.
thinking we would come from the road. of trees, in the valleys, in that you don’t want.” other countries in the But that symbolizes a
across anything of great The land had no other the center of bushes, by We have found white Americas) is compared to truth about us. More than
value—we were hoping to home or buildings on it the river, in the middle of ones, colored ones, cheap many countries in the most other countries, our
uncover some Indian arti- until 1972, so where and the forest, in newly dug ones, expensive ones, old world. Go far enough back borders have always har-
facts as the area by the why were these parts bur- flower beds, and yes—in ones and new ones and in history, and no majority bored a nation structured
Belle River had known ied there? That is a man- the center of the lawn. when we ask the animals, of our ancestors share any on ideas. Equality, liberty,
Native American encamp- made mystery! We have even found they look at us like we’re common origins, traditions, justice… these are not reli-
ments. No luck with that. But the dumping of old them by the fire pit, so crazy. faiths or heritage. As is gions or common tongues
However, we did find a stuff is not the greatest close to the house that we Is it a sign that some- often said, we are mostly or oral histories that typi-
1930s brake system that mystery. The greatest mys- should have heard them one in our family could be immigrants or the descen- cally bind a people togeth-
looks very much like the tery is how is it that we land. a great golfer if they would dants of immigrants, from er. And yet, somehow, we
Willys jeep we googled. keep finding golf balls all We find them in the just try? Is someone play- everywhere. We have all are bound.
We found an old bumper over the acres? How do the winter, summer and fall. ing a trick on us? We talk “melted” through time into A nation may slowly
with an Iron Workers golf balls find their way Recently we raked our spot about it, wonder about it, an idea of a common iden- arise from the earth through
Union decal on it from the about or through so many of lawn of winter’s mess, and at one time we thought tity. I write this column in time and circumstance, but
leaving it pristine. The someone was dropping English because, by histori- it can also, inexplicably,

Remember the love

next morning, right smack them from a chopper or cal chance, we’ve all come sew itself together with
in the middle of the lawn small plane. But that to accept it as our mutual mere concepts and philoso-
was...guess what...a golf would be way too danger- language. phies. How strange that is

W hen Christ hung and who’s trembling with the ball—looking like new! ous, and so many couldn’t The same can’t be said when one looks at it from
bled, excruciating pain of seeing It took a heap of guts, possibly land on one spot for countries like Germany, the outside.
and died, her beautiful child the very but we have actually ques- of acreage. How do you Russia and Vietnam, whose And how strange I
it was God saying to the last time ever this side of tioned our neighbors, who think this could keep hap- foundations are undeniably must look—with my light
world, eternity, you know it. She are at least acres away, if pening? ethnic German, Russian skin, blond hair and tall
“I love you.” may not be able to remem- they practice shooting golf We have decided they and Viet. frame—to those around
Billy Graham said that. ber it right now, but your balls. Well, they kind of must come from heaven. I always think of the me, who can definitely tell
I can say that. Probably knowing it can embrace smile, scratch their heads They must play golf in tiny country of Armenia that I am not “of their
many of you can as well— her until she can hear it and finally ask “Why do heaven and somebody is a (which I backpacked nation.”
on sun- again. you ask?” real lousy shot when their through a few years ago) Email Andrew at
shiny When the young dad We then have to tell ball falls to earth. Amen, when I think about the con-
days says to you as he ushers them about the mystery and Happy Easter!
when all you to the tiny white satiny
is right casket cradling his beauti- Academic All-Star
with your
ful baby: “It hurts so bad!”
Then he adds, “The only Academic All-Star
And way I can handle today is
those are
Perspectives... that someone told me that Jillian Terrell
the days is just the shell right there. Paige Hunger Senior ~ Almont High School
to soak it
Willene Tanis His soul isn’t in there any-
more. He’s waitin’ with Senior ~ Almont High School
• Jillian is the daughter of Lisa
internal- Jesus until we get there.” and Robert Terrell.
ize it for yourself. Receive And you know he knows. • Paige is the daughter of
George and Valerie Hunger. • She has a 4.196 G.P.A.
it as truth—as the Great You’re there to give him a • Jillian’s hobbies include read-
Exchange which happens hug from Jesus to help • She has a 4.211 G.P.A.
• Paige’s hobbies include tennis, ing, spending time with her
in a personal way when carry him through the day. friends, and sleeping.
you give over to Him the That all happened to reading and building metal
Earth models. • She says her favorite musi-
stuff of your life—the rags me yesterday. The whole cians are Shawn Mendes and
of disgrace and sin and experience was incredibly • Her favorite musical groups
include MercyMe and Gordon Travis Scott.
hurt and brokenness and precious. Bittersweet. And • Jillian’s post-high school plans are to attend the
willful self as He takes it I know there will be other Goodwin’s ‘Big Phat Band.’
• Paige’s future plans are to attend Kettering University of Michigan, with the goal of entering the
all the way to the cross and days when others will be medical field.
hands you, instead, the dispensing the hugs in University and major in Mechanical Engineering
with a concentration in Biomedical Applications. • Were she able to attain her dreams, Jillian would
pure robe of His righteous- Jesus’ name—crying with spend her time traveling and experiencing the worlds
ness. Learn it now. Study me—because I might not • In her wildest dreams, she would take up surfing.
• Paige says the people she most admires are her par- that exist in her favorite novels.
it now. Memorize it now. be able to remember • She is concerned that having constant access to
Accept it now. Because beyond the pain. It’s what ents.
• She believes the biggest challenge her generation technology and social media has weakened people’s
there may come—no— hanging on the cross was ability to personally connect with others.
most assuredly WILL all about—He held out His faces is “spending too much of its time on devices
and screens.” • Jillian most admires her mother for teaching her to
come, times in your life hands and said, “I love you appreciate the lows in life and to enjoy the highs.
when you will not be able this much!” • In addition to focusing on her studies, Paige plays
varsity tennis, is a member of the school’s National • Her school activities include membership in the
to remember it. Or feel it. Go in peace. National Honor Society, Student Council (President),
When you’re hugging Email Willene at Honor Society, and plays in both the Almont
Concert/Marching Band and the Jazz Band. and participating on the Mathlete team.
a sweet little mommy
Page 10-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space 810-441-0322 for more info. meetings are held every Room. For time and more Everyone is invited to come
constraints announcements
will be posted one week in Free Meals, Food Orchards’ Cupboard Food
Saturday at 10 a.m. at West
Berlin United Methodist
info, call 800-635-7490 or
visit www.marletteregional-
and have their blood pres-
sure read for free.
advance of the event. Notices Pantry is open the 3rd Church, Allenton.
must be received in writing by First Congregational Saturday of every month 9
noon Monday prior to the Church, United Church of a.m.-noon. Food distributed Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) TOPS 620 Lapeer weight-
publication date. Christ, of Imlay City oper- at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce meetings are held every loss group meets Tuesday
ates a Food Pantry every Twp., 586-336-4673. www. Monday night at 8 p.m. at nights at the Hunter’s Creek Spring is in the Air
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 4 St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Mobile Home Park Club Luncheon. Thur., Apr. 11,
For Senior Citizens p.m. The pantry is open to
people needing food assis-
in Imlay City. House, 725 DeMille Rd. in
Lapeer. Weigh-in from
11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. Romeo
Parks and Rec Center, 361
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from tance who live in the Imlay Museums Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
and Al-Anon meetings are
6-6:30 p.m., meeting from Morton St., Romeo. Lunch,
music, dancing and enter-
9-10 a.m. at First City School District. Located 6:30-7:30 p.m. For more info
at 275 Bancroft in Imlay The Almont Community held every Wednesday night call 810-667-0999. tainment. Doors open at
Congregational Church in at 8 p.m. at the Capac United 10:30, lunch served at 11:30.
Almont. Practice led by Dina City. For more information, Historical Society Museum
contact the church office at is open Saturdays from 1-4 Methodist Church, Capac, Fee charged. Call 810-752-
Miramonti, RYT.
(810) 724-6207 or on p.m. Please stop by and MI. Fundraisers 6543 for info.
Imlay City Senior Center Facebook at @ learn about your communi- Grief share. Tuesdays at 1 Consumers Education -
“Texas Hold ‘Em” 12:30 FirstCongregational UCC. ty. Society meetings are held p.m., Imlay City Sr. Center, Woman’s Life Chapter 855’s Identity Theft. Wed., Apr.
p.m. For info 810-724-6030. ImlayCity. at the museum on the second Lamb Steele building on Bottle & Can Drive contin- 17, 10:45 - noon. Romeo
Monday of the month at 7 Third St. New series starts ues all year round. Funds Parks and Rec Center, 361
Council on Aging St. Paul’s Lutheran Church p.m. For more info call 810- support those in need as we
Membership is open to indi- ‘Food for Families’ kitchen Aug. 6. For info or to regis- Morton St., Romeo. Program
796-3355. ter call Tracy at 810-724- continue to fight hunger and educates on how to reduce
viduals 18 and older. The is open to the public for free, homelessness in our commu-
Capac Senior Center is open hot meals every Monday and The Capac Historical Society 6030 or Ginger at 810-724- the risk of identity theft and
5772. nity. Call 810-392-5136 for a what to do if you become a
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. week- Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m. is open to visitors daily from drop off point, or pick up
days. We offer a variety of 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on victim. No charge. for info
This Heart Loves Food Lapeer Area Citizens service for a large donation. call 810-752-6543.
activities such as fitness and Sundays. Call 810-395-2859 Against Domestic Assault Make a difference today by
craft classes, a book review Pantry is open the 1st for more info.
Saturday of each month meets 1-3 p.m. every donating! Zumba Gold. Combines
group, cards and bus trips. Wednesday in the Lapeer dance steps with a low
For info, call Lori at 395- from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at The Dryden Historical The Imlay City Christian
Gateway Assembly Church, Society meets at 7 p.m. the Court House for personal impact routine. Bring water
7889. protection order clinic. For School has discount cards and a face towel. Every
2796 S. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay first Wednesday of the available for sale. Proceeds
Almont and Dryden area City. month and the museum info 810-246-0632. Monday and Wednesday
benefit the school’s athletic, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
senior citizens meet the 2nd opens every Monday from 10A Friday AFG Family music and PE programs. For
Tuesday of the month at 12 The Attica United Methodist 5:30-7 p.m. Washington Parks and Rec
Church will be holding a Groups meeting. Imlay City more information call Imlay Center, 57880 Van Dyke,
p.m. at the Almont Lions FOC Lutheran Church, City Christian School, Mon.-
Hall, 222 Water St., for a free community meal on the The Imlay City Historical Washington Twp. Fee
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each Museum is open Saturdays 7191 Imlay City Rd, Imlay Fri. 8-4, 810-724-5695. charged. Call 586-752-6543
potluck and program. Call City. Contact Ginger Miller
798-8210 for more info. month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. from 1-4 p.m. for the 2019 for info.
For more info please call
810-724-0690 or visit www.
season. at 810-724-5772 for more
information. Craft Shows/Bazaars Sculpt, Flex and Stretch.
Adults 55 and over are invit-
ed to Berlin Twp. Senior
Youth Events Romeo Washington Parks Rummage Sales Beneficial weight training.
Every Monday, Wednesday
Center to play cards from and Rec. One on one grief
noon-3 p.m. every other The Attica Food Bank at the Crafters/Vendors Wanted!!! and Friday. Washington
Attica United Methodist Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. counseling provided at both 2019 Spring Sale North Parks and Rec Center ,
Thursday. Bring a sack This is a FREE workshop Romeo and Washington
lunch, beverages provided. Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is Branch Masonic Center 57880 Van Dyke, Washington
open from 2-4 p.m. the sec- for 3-5 year olds & parents/ Centers. By appointment Friday, May 3 at 9 a.m. - 5 Twp. Call 586-752-6543 for
Senior chair exercise on caregivers! Enjoy fun proj- only, please call to set up
ond and fourth Monday of p.m.; Saturday, May 4 at 9 times and prices.
Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck ects that will develop your your appointment today
the month. Proof of residen- a.m. - 2 p.m. Address: 4058
luncheons will be served the child’s skills and prepare 586-752-6543. Free of
cy and need required. Huron Street, Downtown
4th Tuesday of every month
at noon. For info, call 810- The Capac Community
them for school! Children
also enjoy a snack, story
charge. North Branch Contact Other
FOR WIDOWED MEN & Nancy Birkenhauer 810-
395-4518. Food Pantry, 112 S. Main time, and a free book! Call
WOMEN: Lunch-Cards- 441-5177 Or nancybirken- Imlay City Christian School
Street, is open each the Family Literacy Center invites you to stop in for a
Dinner and card playing, Friendship. Join us every
Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. today to reserve your seat at visit. Experience the safe,
50/50 raffle and prizes of high 3rd Tuesday of each month
Medical Care
Please call LOVE, INC. at 810-664-2737 and for more confident education you are
and low for each table every 810-245-2414 in advance to info on dates and times. from 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at
3rd Monday at the Washington Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, wanting for your family!
ensure your food voucher Wednesdays in April, 9-10
Senior Center, 57880 Van will be received before you Play groups available. Free 6 5600 Lapeer Rd. in Kimball Lapeer County Health
Dyke, Washington Twp., MI week sessions. At these Twp. 48074. No RSVP neces- Department, 1800 Imlay a.m. Please RSVP to office@
stop in to shop. Any ques-
48094, from 4-8 p.m. For info, tions, please call Joyce FREE 90-minute play- sary. For more info call City Rd., Lapeer - Regular
call 586-752-6543. Kaufman at 810-395-7532. groups, children will partici- Joanne K. at 810-324-2304. Immunization Clinic Hours: Free tutor training for peo-
pate in storytime, develop- This activity is sponsored by (held in 2nd floor clinic area) ple who would like to help
Swing Dance Lessons at the The Capac Kitchen serves mentally appropriate games Widowed Friends, a peer Walk-In, Mondays 1-3 p.m.; others in our community
Port Huron Senior Center, free meals every Tuesday and crafts, learn new skills, support group www.wid- By Appointment Only, improve English skills.
600 Grand Avenue, Port from 4:30-6 p.m. at Zion and enjoy a snack and social Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-11:30 Volunteer basis. Please call
Huron, every Tues. from United Methodist Church. time with other children. a.m. and 4-6 p.m., Thursdays for orientation before train-
7:30-9 p.m. and the 1st and Parents will have the chance Widowed Friends invites all 1-3:45 p.m. Hepatitis vac- ing at 810-664-2737.
3rd Thurs. of the month Free meals for people in to talk to other adults with widowed to join us for cine is now available. For
from 7:30-9 p.m. with need are offered at the North same-age children. Register breakfast and friendship in Volunteer for the Habitat for
additional info, to check if
instructors Lyle Malaski & Branch Senior Center on now for the next session! a safe setting every 2nd and Humanity of Lapeer County
we accept your insurance, or
Kristina Morton. For info, Monday and Thursday eve- Numerous locations and 4th Monday of the month at at the office. Interested par-
to schedule an appointment
call 810-984-5061. nings from 5:30-7 p.m. Call dates available. For more 9 a.m. at Sero’s, 925 Gratiot ties can call 810-664-7111
please call 810-667-0448.
info and to sign up call the in Marysville. For more info, and speak to Carolyn,
Family Literacy Center at call Julie at 810-388-0868. Free hearing and vision Cheryl or Pete at 810-660-
810-664-2737. screens for children of pre- 7823.
For those that have experi- school age are available at
enced the death of a loved
Support Groups
the Lapeer County Health
one, a support group is avail-
able facilitated by a trained
Department. To schedule an Club News
appointment please call 810-
Woman’s Life Chapter 855 United Hospice Service 667-0448 or 810-245-5549. Veterans of Foreign Wars
will meet at the Lois Wagner (UHS) bereavement volun- (VFW) of Imlay City, Post
Memorial Library in teer. Marlette Regional Capac Pharmacy is teaming 2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
Richmond at 6:30 p.m. on Hospital, 2770 Main Street with Support Million Hearts (Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
May 7, 2019. Everyone is in Marlette, hosts this sup- by offering in-pharmacy Veterans Meetings 2nd
welcome to attend. port group the 1st Tuesday blood pressure screenings, Thursday, every other
of each month in the 136 North Main St. in Capac, month, 7 p.m.; Post Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Administration Conference Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 1st Thursday every month, 7
p.m.; Auxiliary Meetings 1st

c 
Saturday of every month, 10
Almont/Dryden Masons
meets 7 p.m. every 2nd
Thursday of the month at
Masonic Center in Almont.
Holy Redeemer Light of Christ
St. Paul’s The Imlay City American
Legion Post 135 meets the
Lutheran Church Lutheran Church Community 2nd and last Wednesdays of
(ELCA) 4538 Dryden Rd. • Dryden, MI

the month at 7:00 p.m. The
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road 810-796-3951 post is located at 212 E.
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 2720 Winslow Road Third Street. Contact them
810-724-1200 810-724-2702 EASTER SERVICES Imlay City, MI 48444 at 810-724-1450 or ameri-

Maundy & Thursday 7 pm canlegionpost135@frontier.
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
email: Good Friday 1 pm & 7 pm 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass Easter Sunday 7 am & 10 am com.
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Pastor Tim Martin Pastor Steven Helms
Pastor Alan Casillas Sunday 10 a.m. Service 19 Christian Preschool Available Phone: 810-724-6999 The Evening Star Quilt
19 19 19
Guild meets the last
Attica U.M.C. Capac Imlay City Almont BLESSED HOPE
Wednesday of each month at
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church BAPTIST CHURCH the Davison Senior Center,
10135 Lapeer Rd. in
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53)
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Church 810-395-2112 Wayne Boyd, Pastor 1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI
Phone: (586) 784-5854
Davison. Meetings start at
6:30 p.m. and doors open at
Attica Food Bank: Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages Worship 10:00 a.m. 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888 Sunday School - 10:00 am
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am Sunday Worship - 11:00 am 6 p.m. For more info call
2-4 pm, 2nd & 4th Monday Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services Eve. Service - 6:30 pm Lisa, 810-358-7294.
of the month. Bible Studies Every MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm
Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm Wed. Service - 6:30 pm
Community Dinner: Community Men’s & Women’s
Monday and Tuesday Evenings Christian School K-12
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services A Warm Welcome Awaits You!
Pastor Ron Rouse 9:30 am 11:00 am 810-724-4315 over Come as you are - everyone is welcome! Gayle P. Hortop, Pastor
19 19 19
Come Grow With Us! 19 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God 19
Every Sunday The Lapeer
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart - Imlay City
St. Nicholas - Capac Goodland GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Center’s Flea Market is
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI open 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with up
Pastor: Rev. Noel Cornelio
Saturday Mass (810) 395-7557 to 75 booths inside and out-
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 4:00 pm - St. Nicholas • 6:00 pm - Sacred Heart

5394 Main Street - Dryden (Across from the Library) Sunday Masses 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City  side selling a huge variety of
9:00 am - Sacred Heart • 11:00 am - St. Nicholas
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm items to the public. The
810-796-3341 Like Us On
6:00 pm (Spanish) - Scared Heart
Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Lapeer Center Building is at
10:30 a.m. Worship 2008 N. Van Dyke Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. 
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth Tuesday at St. Nicholas at 8:30 am
Wednesday at Sacred Heart at 10 am 425 County Center Street.
Nursery Available
First Thursdays at St. Nicholas at 7 pm Imlay City, MI 48444 Wednesday Family Night - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade
First Fridays at Sacred Heart at 7 pm Supervised child care during all services This long-running commu-
Youth Group 6th-12th grade
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays
First Saturdays at Sacred Heart at 8 am
Confessions 810.724.1747 Sunday School nity event is sponsored by
Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May The Lapeer Center, a
Worship Service: 10:00 am19
Saturdays 3 pm St. Nicholas • 5:30 pm Sacred Heart
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
First Saturdays at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist
19 810-724-0687 19 Sundays at 5:30 pm before the Spanish Mass 19 19 Staffed Nursery During Worship 19 501(c)3 non-profit organiza-
tion for over 60 years. For
West Berlin Imlay City Family of First Congregational Church information on space rent-
Church of Christ Christ United Church of Christ
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke
Lutheran Church - 201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
als, call 810-347-7915. Low
rental prices on inside and
Imlay City, MI 48444 275 Bancroft - Imlay City
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service Missouri Synod 810-798-8855 outside space. There is no
Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship Service admission charge. For gen-
Corner of Almont Road Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am 7191 Imlay City Road, Imlay City
at 10:15 a.m. eral information on the Flea
Morning Worship 11:00am Bible Study - 9:00 am 810-724-6207
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Worship Time - 10:30 am Nursery available and Jr. Church
for ages 3 thru 5th grade
Market, Lapeer Center
Children’s Church - 10:30 am Facebook: @FirstCongregationalUCC.ImlayCity room rentals and catering,
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Contemporary Service - Wednesdays 7:00 pm Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sunday’s 6-8pm
810-724-3306 SALT Program ~ Tues. & Thurs. 4-5:30pm call 810-664-2109, email lap-
Rev. Curtis Clarke COME WORSHIP WITH US!
Phone 810-724-2620 “No matter who you are or where you are Pre-School - 5th grade or see on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” Pastor William King
19 John Barker, Minister 19 19 19 19
Page 11-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

‘High School Musical’

in Almont April 18-20
By Tom Wearing be serving as director, role of Sharpay Evans; marking his seventh pro- with Kenny Pavelek por-
duction in the role. traying her brother/side-
ALMONT — The High School Musical is kick, Ryan.
high school auditorium a 2006 American musical Allison Mitchell plays
will be alive with singing television film. Upon its the role of Taylor McKessie
and dancing this weekend release in early 2006, it and Kelsi Neilson is por-

Photo provided
(April 18-20), when the became the most success- trayed by Danielle White.
Almont Theater Company ful Disney Channel T e n t h - g r a d e r
presents three performanc- Original Movie ever pro- Grace Heiden takes on the
es of “High School duced. role of Mrs. Darbus, the
Musical.” Production Assistant drama teacher; and senior The cast and crew of ‘High School Musical,’ which will be presented by
Show dates and times Karen Nielsen said “High Liam Palmer plays Chad the Almont Theater Company this Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
are Thursday, April 18 at 7 School Musical” is an ideal Danforth, Troy’s best
p.m.; Friday, April 19 at 7 creative endeavor for the friend. Lukas Nielsen, Julia Alexander Heiden and Alexis Krenzel, Cassidy
p.m.; and a matinee perfor- young student cast, which Other cast members Thompson, Noelle Addie Kuligowski. Dietz, Emerson Sullivan,
mance on Saturday, April features Alex Trombley as are Almont High School Nuculovic, Samantha Maximus Kornak per- Lauren Webster, Olivia
20 at 2 p.m. Wildcat basketball star, students Aaron Bryan, Keller, Taylor Smith, forms the duties of the the- Kalmar, Yelena Calcaterra,
Tickets are available at Troy Bolton; and Chloe Adam Bryan, Callahan Annika Tessmer, Madison ater company’s technical Gabby Ujkic, Sam Brown
the doors for $10 for adults Kuntz as Gabriella Montez, Burns, Grant McClymont, Miles, Brooke Cynowa, advisor. and Elijah Kornak; and
and $8 for children. AKA the school ‘brainiac.’ Jacob Ashbrook, Joey Jamie McKelvey, Gracie Almont Middle School Troy Pape manages the
John Miles will again Jayme Hein plays the Weeks, Leo Simmons, Rockey, Loren Pia, cast members include: sound.

Daley news
Sen. Kevin Daley
Rosie the Riveter program in Capac
was the guest of Library hosts presentation on April 29 Members of the asso-
ciation include “Rosies”
Registration is requested.
Call the library at (810)
the Almont and
Imlay City By Maria Brown preserve the history and and their descendants, 395-7000 to reserve a seat.
Chambers of legacy of working women, both women and men, •Next month, on May
Commerce at including volunteer referred to as “Rosebuds.” 2 from 6-7 p.m., “The
Hiram’s on April 12. CAPAC — The Capac women, during World War There are two ARRA Faygo Book” author Joe
Daley said Library will host a special II; to promote cooperation chapters in Michigan. Grimm visits the Capac
Michigan’s budget, program on April 29 in and fellowship among Rosie stories, as told by branch. Registration is
roads and auto honor of that World War II such members and their the women themselves or requested for this program
insurance are hot icon, Rosie the Riveter. descendants; and to further their relatives, are posted that will feature a pop
topics in Lansing. At 6 p.m. Donnaleen the advancement of patri- on the association’s web- quiz, sing-a-long and
Shown below are Lanktree of the American otic ideals, excellence in site, Faygo samples. Copies of
joint Chamber lead- Rosie the Riveter the work place, and loyalty Adults are welcome to Grimm’s book will also be
ers Christy Association will give a to the United States of this free program. Snacks available for sale and sign-
Yarbrough, Barb presentation entitled, ‘Red America.” will be provided. ing.
Yockey, Jim Ligon Cross and So Much More.’
and Shannon Lanktree’s talk will


Hamel. focus on the range of jobs
women covered during the
war–riveters, buckers,


sanders, welders, bus driv-
ers, parachute folders,
shipyard workers, assem-


bly line workers, with the
Red Cross and much more.
Lanktree sits on the

board of the American
Rosie the Riveter
Photos by Tom Wearing

Association (ARRA). The

organization was founded
in 1998. According to the
group’s website, their pur-
pose is “to recognize and
Bidders, Donors, Volunteers,
Program: also educating the more
than 30,000 fire fighters in
Michigan by the National
Fire Protection Association
Castle Creek Golf Club and Rowley’s Auction
from page 8 Michigan to fully under-
stand community risk
in 2017 and is comprised
of representatives from fire
for a wonderful evening.
cy personnel within the tar- reduction concepts to maxi- service, law enforcement, Castle Creek Golf Club • Woods-N-Water News • Pizza Machine • Page One Printing • Silver Grill • Bryans
geted areas will install the mize fire prevention efforts school officials, and other Market • North Branch Rental • North Branch Bakery • Tri-City Times • Stitch N Fix • Nancy Butty • Hideaway
Lanes • Imlay City Dairy Queen • Werners Hallmark • Vlasic/Conagra • Maple Vista • Village Barn & Carpets •
10-year life expectancy in their own counties. The public and private organi- Happy Little Quilt Shop • Tiana’s Dollar and Deals • CC’s Computer Repair • Little Bit of Everything • Big Joes
alarms - up to six per grant also allocates funding zation and community • Flagstar Strand Theatre • O’Reilly’s • Sprint Store of Imlay City • Youngers Irish Tavern • Stu Davis • Barbara
house, if needed. for marketing and educa- leaders. A statewide CRR Yockey Law Office • Tracy Aldrich • The Print Shop • Imlay City DDA • Imlay City Fire Department • Imlay City
Homeowners can contact tional campaigns to raise Task Force developed a Police Department • Taco Bell • Nicks Country Oven • Chapmans • Tents R Us • Kroger • Leibler Agency •
Alvin Norlin Pool • StudioE Photography • Lynn Eutsler • Scott’s Company • Tractor Supply Company • Owen
their local fire department awareness. three-year Michigan CRR Tree Service • Lapeer County Vision • Lucky’s • Burger King • Anytime Fitness • Hungry Howie’s • Pincushion
to request a fire safety Consumers can find 2018-2020 Strategic Plan. • Grondins • Output Music • Venture Global Engineering • Heritage Church • Goodwill • Country Smoke House
home visit at no charge. more resources and safety Special recognition this • IC Strikes (Cedar Lanes) • Coulter Real Estate • Botana’s El Paiza • Imlay City Florist • Peaceful Moon Yoga
In addition, the fire ser- information at the MI year goes to community • Charlee Jack Designs • 123 Escape Room • Indigo Lavender Farms • Spicer Group • Springfield Industries •
Mette Financial Group • Bedrock of Port Huron • Creekside Cleaning Solutions • Next Level Tattoo • Stockwell
vice is working to educate Prevention website: www. partner Home Depot in Embroidery • Pine House • Super Cuts of Lapeer • Dr. Nichols • RYO • Wendy’s • Tim Hortons • NCG Cinema
citizens, increase aware- Okemos, MI for its invalu- • Applebees • Studio M Salon & Spa • Debby Muir • Dr. Lamb • Jalisco’s • Holiday Inn Express of Lapeer • Best
ness, correct bad habits, MI Prevention is built able support by providing Western of Lapeer • Nelson Maple Products • Nicks Warehouse • Ray Swain • Matt Parsch • Nachos Taco
and cut down on unsafe around a community risk and distributing alarm House • Mortimer Lumber • Gem and Diamond • Don’s Auto Repair • Backyard Creations • Imlay City Hardware
• Imlay City Ford • Gibbards Elevator • Tri-County Bank • Milnes Auto Group • Parsch Auto and Tire • Speedway
behavior in homes across reduction (CRR) program orders to fire departments • Auto Zone • Imlay City Lube Center • Smokers Palace • Timmer’s Maryland Fried Chicken • American Tree •
this state. MI Prevention is first introduced in throughout the state. Somewhere in Time • Labaron’s Sports • Pix Theatre • Jay’s Septic • B&B Auto • Eastern Michigan State Fair •
Josh Zender • Tubby’s • Imlay City Vet • Jim Sillers • Chris Churchill Insurance • Dr. Centofani • Holly Meadows
Golf Course • Lapeer Rental • Imlay City Athletic Boosters • Friends of the Polly Ann Trail • Attica Winery • Mc-

Donald’s • Churchill Insurance • Rickard, Denney, Garno & Associates • Bob & Sharon Muir • Imlay City Family
Practice • Representative Gary Howell • Studio E Photography • Lalonde Chrysler • Owens Tree Service • Imlay


City Family Hair Care • Stephanie Morgan • Chuck Demske • Security Credit Union • Wah Wong’s • Lumberjack
Shack • Linda Parks • Nancy Parsch • Greenias • Videomation • Julie Salsido • Huddle • Ian Kempf • Peggy
Elwarner • Tracy B’s Sweets and Eats • B&B Classy Cars • Trims Unlimited • Dead on Designs • Conagra/
Vlasic Foods • The Bells • The Strand Theatre • Morrice, Lengemann, Miller PC • Mackinac Island State Parks •
RunMackinac • The Scotts Company/ Hyponex • Mackinac Island Carriage Tours • Seven Ponds Nature Center
• Dennis Collison/Lucas Parsch • Paula Walton • Buccilli’s Pizza and Cakes • Rob Mette Financial Group •
Jennifer Bell/Lori Soroka • The Ink Spot • The Shirt Hanger • Guerrero Flooring- 12x12 Vinyl Flooring • CC’s
Computer Repair • Ride in a Nightrider Kit Car in the Busker Festival Parade • Videomation • O’Sullivan

Special Thanks to . . . Julie Salsido, Barbara Yockey, Kim Jorgensen, Dennis Collison,

Frank Demske, Angel Lawlor, Ian Kempf, Karen Johnson, Chris Newton, Randy Jorgensen, Jen
Hill, Leah Mills, Delores Heim, Lisa Curtis, Shea Boersma and Celeste Keys.
Thank you to our Auctioneers . . . Brian Rowley, Ray Krakowski and Brandon Rowley

Thank You to Our Premier Donors of the 2019 Auction

Tri-City Times
“Your Hometown Newspaper”

Page One Printing


Rob Mette Financial

Doug Halabicky, State Farm Steve Robbins, State Farm
Muir Brothers Funeral Home Kelly’s Pet Salon

MAY 9TH, 10TH & 11TH 2019 All proceeds

benefit the 2019
Please register at the Lakestone Bank in front of Kroger by April 19th! WWW.IMLAYCITYMICH.COM Busker Fest!
Sponsored by: Imlay City Rotary Club and Co-Sponsored by: Lakestone Bank & Trust Co.
For more information please call Chamber Office 724-1361
Page 12-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Alarms: Installation begins April 27

from page 1
home in Imlay City and
Imlay Township to be
equipped with fully-func-
tioning smoke detectors.
Volunteers welcome
Stone added that the
Imlay City Firemen’s
Association welcomes any
community volunteers

Photo by Mike Mercier

willing to assist with the
installation of smoke
detectors on April 27.
“If you as a resident or
any organization wish to

Photo by Sheryl Czerwisnki

help, please call the Imlay
City Fire Department at Stack of smoke detectors ready for distribu-
810-724-6262,” said Stone. tion throughout the Imlay City community on
“We will gladly accept any display during Saturday’s press conference at
help.” the fire hall.
Stone asks that volun-
teers show up at the fire Call if you need Paige Abromaitis, Donald White, Jackson Spencer, and Natalie Poirier
hall at 8 a.m. on April 27, Any Imlay City or rehearse for drama class production of ‘Star Witness.’
so they can be registered. Imlay Township residents

Celebrate fine arts

He also encourages who need smoke detectors
volunteers to bring along are asked to call the fire
hall at 810-
“With the money 724-6262

in Dryden April 27
and leave a
raised, we have name and
contact num-
been able to ber.
Those resi-
purchase 2,200 dents will be
contacted by
School district hosts 9th annual event
smoke detectors the fire

to be installed in
Saturday, April 27, Dryden
to arrange a Community Schools will
day and time
homes in the
be presenting their ninth
for installa- annual Fine Arts Festival, a

tion. collection of presentations
Imlay City Fire Capt.
Anyone from the Art, Band and
Scott Stone expresses
said Stone.
wishing to Drama Departments, at
gratitude to the com-
make a dona-

Photo by Sheryl Czerwinski

munity for their sup- Dryden High School.
tion should Presentations are
port of the depart-
make their checks out to scheduled as follows:
their own battery-operated ment’s Smoke Detector
Imlay City Firemen’s •12 p.m. — Dryden
drills and drill bits. Installation program.
Association and note that Band Solo & Ensemble
Extra step stools and the funds are to be used dropped off at the Imlay Showcase
step ladders could also be specifically for the “smoke City Offices, or mailed to •12:45 p.m. — Drama
helpful during the installa- detector” program. 150 N. Main St., Imlay Class Production, ‘Star Brandon Lemke, Jodie Adams, Alea Purdue,
tion process. Checks may be City, MI 48444. Witness’ and Jesse Prososki work on creations for the
•2:30 p.m. — Dryden April 27 Dryden Fine Arts Festival.
5th and 6th Grade and
Junior High Band
The Solo & Ensemble
Showcase will take place in
the Dryden High School
Band Room. Dryden 5th
and 6th Grade and Junior
High Bands Performance
will be held in the Library.
The Drama presenta-
tion will be held in the
Photo by Sheryl Czerwinski

Dryden High School Multi-

Purpose Room. ‘Star
Witness’ is written by Billy
St. John and is produced by
Photo by Tom Wearing

special arrangement with

Eldridge Publishing Co.
Senior Paige
Abromaitis reflected on her Ashley Hickmott, Izzy Hill, and Jenna Pagano
performance experiences. prep for upcoming Fine Arts Festival at Dryden
“What I love most schools.
The above image shows many of the 45 drawings submitted to the DDA.
Thirty-three of them will be randomly selected and made into vinyl ban- about drama is getting to
ners to be affixed to lamp posts during the spring and summer seasons. perform onstage,” she said. and hallways. Art, Band and Drama
“I enjoy portraying a role I A Bake Sale will also departments of Dryden
Art: DDA, school, ‘Make Memories’ was given and love to give
the audience a laugh or
be held; donations will be
accepted for homemade
Community Schools.
For more information,
from page 1 later on. Walker added that the two.” baked goods. Concessions contact Ms. Sheryl
“The original 33 ban- original 33 student-made “I like performing will be available. Czerwinski, Fine Arts
18-inch-by-36-inch sturdy ners will be taken down in banners will be sold as because I like seeing the Admission is $3 per Festival Coordinator, at
vinyl banners to hang on October to make way for keepsakes to the young emotions people gain from person at the door and cov- sczerwinski@dryden.k12.
downtown lamp posts dur- our downtown Christmas artists’ parents, grandpar- watching,” added senior ers all presentations. Doors or (810)448-4048.
ing the spring and summer decorations,” said Walker. ents or interested commu- Donald White. “I like see- open at 11:30 a.m. and will Editor’s note: A big
seasons. “The remaining drawings nity members for $30 ing people filled with close at the end of the day’s ‘thank you’ to longtime
“The artwork we will be going up in apiece. enjoyment.” final performance. Dryden Schools’ teacher
received from the children February of 2020, along Walker said Rebecca Artwork by students in Attendees are welcome to and mentor Sheryl
is just incredible,” said with others we expect to Homer of The Print Shop grades Kindergarten-12 attend as many events as Czerwinski for providing
Walker. “It reflects the dif- receive through the contin- is still “tweaking” the will be displayed in the they would like. the information and photos
ferent ages and talent lev- uation of the program.” design” for the banners, Dryden High School library Proceeds benefit the for this article.
els of the artists. I feel all Walker said Jill but expects they will fea-
of the art truly captures the Campbell has agreed to ture Imlay City’s tradition-
essence of Imlay City as a keep the student program al blue and gold school
community.” going and to encourage colors.
Noting there are only students to continue pro- For more information
33 lamp posts in the down- viding drawings for future about the “Making
town district, Walker said banners, presuming the Memories in Imlay City”
the remaining 12 drawings DDA Board will choose to project, call the DDA
will be saved and made sustain the program over office at the Imlay City
into banners to be installed time. Hall at 810-724-2135.

Launch: Offer security assessments

from page 1 Program will also offer ing training event,” the
experience, and is insight on the history of post concludes.
described by McKenna as attacks on places of wor- The new program has
“an elite performer” in the ship, and will assist church garnered the attention of
law enforcement commu- leaders in building trauma news and media outlets
nity. kits and how to use them across the area. In order to
In a Facebook post on under stress. handle the requests for
Wednesday, April 10, “This is a hands on, information, the Sheriff’s
McKenna said Miller and scenario based training Department is hosting a
his team offer inspections approach for your church press conference detailing
Photo provided

of church property and and or any church mem- the Church Security
suggestions on protecting bers who are or may be Program this afternoon
the congregation. called upon for security (Wed., April 17) at 1:30
“(The team) will give purposes,” McKenna said p.m. at the Lapeer County
instruction on the proce-
dures to follow in the event
in the post.
“So far, this training
Sheriff’s Office
Conference Room.
Learning and sharing
of an emergency, including has been initiated at sever- For more information Imlay City Christian School students visited radio station WMPC in
an active shooter scenario al churches already and has on the new program or to Lapeer last Wednesday, April 10, during the Christian station’s annual
that unfortunately we must been very well received schedule an appointment ‘Shar-a-thon’ fundraising event. WMPC Gospel 1230AM is the oldest
plan for in today’s world,” and has also been endorsed for your church, contact continuously operating Christian radio station in the United States,
McKenna said in the post. by these churches as an Sgt. Craig Miller at 810- broadcasting Christ-centered music and programs since 1926.
This Church Security excellent potential life sav- 664-1801.
Page 13-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Rural Lifestyles Lapeer County Concert

Choir to take the stage
Performances scheduled for April 26 and 28
By Tom Wearing spiritual music styles. Mozart’s “Regina Coeli.” LCCC Vice President, It was in 1968, that a
Sarah Gardiner, said the handful of church choirs in
LAPEER COUNTY choir’s major work, the Imlay City area, backed
— After a brief hiatus, the “Gospel Mass” by Robert by ministers from local
Lapeer County Concert Ray, will be complemented churches, joined together
Choir is busy putting the by “Three American and asked Jerry Pakkala to
finishing touches on its Songs” arranged by Shawn direct a new choir, what
upcoming spring concerts. Kirchner. was known for years as the
The theme of the “Gospel Mass” will Imlay City Community
LCCC’s 51st concert sea- feature Nancy Tazzia on Choir was born.
son is “Bound for Glory,” a piano, who will be joined Pakkala had recently
program that will feature by bass and drums. graduated from Oakland
American gospel music. Ticket prices are $12 University with a bachelor
The choir’s first spring for adults and $6 for stu- of arts degree in music edu-
performance is scheduled dents. cation, and had been hired

USDA-ARS photo
for Friday, April 26 at 7 Tickets may be pur- as choir director for Imlay
p.m. at the First Presbyterian chased at the door or online City Schools.
Church in Lapeer. by visiting: www.lapeer- The Choir’s first con-
Choir members return cert was a mix of Christmas
Keeping hooves clean and free from dirt, debris and excess moisture is to the stage on Sunday, For further information anthems. Spring concerts
the best way to prevent thrush. April 28, when they per- about LCCC or the upcom- were added to the organiza-
form at 4 p.m. program at ing spring concerts, call tion’s performance sched-

Wet spring lets ailments thrive

Trinity United Methodist Sarah Gardiner at 810-688- ule in 1974
Church in Lapeer. 8708, or email sgardin- Lapeer County Concert
Both concerts are being Choir is dedicated to pro-
sponsored by the Stonegate History of the Choir viding quality vocal music
Health Campus. The Lapeer County concerts for the Lapeer
TRI-CITY AREA — be underestimated. If left these conditions.
Dr. Howell to direct Concert Choir has been County and surrounding
While the thought of untreated, it may penetrate In addition, be sure the
Now in his third season performing since 1968, and areas. They perform con-
springtime is sure to bring a the sensitive structures of horse’s hooves and stall are
with the Lapeer County known for its performances certs in December and also
quick smile to your face, the hoof and cause tempo- being cleaned daily with
Concert Choir, Dr. Edward of large sacred works such in May each year.
this time of year brings its rary to permanent lame- removal of wet spots and
Howell has chosen musical as Bach’s “Magnificat,” For those interested in
own challenges for horse ness. manure. If the horse is kept
selections influenced by Handel’s “Messiah,” joining, the LCCC rehears-
owners. With higher-than- Treatment in a run-in shed, the area
both black gospel and white Rutter’s “Requiem.” and es on Mondays.
average snowfalls, we are Treatment can be rela- should be cleaned weekly
sure to have a wet spring tively easy and inexpen- to help minimize the build-
with excess moisture, and sive, especially if caught up of organic matter, such
horse owners will be strug- early. Kopertox and Thrush as manure. Keeping hooves
gling to manage an over- Buster can work well for clean of dirt, debris and
abundance of mud. treating thrush. excess moisture is the best
Additionally, these wet Prevention way to prevent thrush.
conditions create an envi- To prevent thrush, the This article, written by
ronment where ailments best offense is a good Talor Fabus, was published
such as thrush can thrive. defense. In other words, by Michigan State
Thrush is the destruc- prevention and proactive University Extension. For
tion of a portion of the farm management is cru- more information, visit
horse’s hoof called the frog. cial. The best control for
This destruction is caused thrush is proper sanitation, To have a digest of infor-
by an anaerobic bacteria especially where your hors- mation delivered straight to
and fungi that is not conta- es will be spending large your email inbox, visit

Photo provided
gious. Thrush brings with it amounts of their time. Dark
a recognizable, strong- and damp conditions are newsletters. To contact an
smelling odor coming from ideal for thrush-causing expert in your area, visit
the affected area. Although bacteria to thrive. It would http://expert.msue.msu. Dr. Edward Howell (right) leads members of the Lapeer County Concert
thrush is a somewhat com- be logical then, if wanting edu, or call 888-MSUE4MI Choir in rehearsal for their upcoming Spring Concerts to be performed
mon condition, it shouldn’t to prevent thrush, to limit (888-678-3464). later this month.

Oak wilt: Refrain Your Hometown

from pruning trees
To keep oak trees healthy,
don’t prune them from
mid-April through the
summer. According to the
Michigan DNR, that’s a
damaged, immediately
cover all wounds with
tree-wound paint or latex-
based paint.
Don’t move firewood,
especially if it comes from
MarketPlace • LUNCH •
key infection time for oak oak wilt-killed trees. If • DINNER •
wilt, a serious disease that you suspect firewood is
can weaken white oaks tainted by oak wilt, cover • GROCERY•
and kill red oak trees with- it with a plastic tarp all the
in weeks. way to the ground, leaving
“We’re asking resi- no openings. This keeps
dents to take extra precau- beetles from moving Open: Tues-Thurs 10am-7pm
Fri & Sat 10am-8pm
tion with their oak trees as spores from the firewood Sun 9am-3pm
spring gears up,” said to healthy trees. Once the (Order 15 minutes prior to close for Take-Out)
DNR Forest Resources
Chief Deb Begalle.

“Waiting to prune until
fall will go a long way in
ALLENTON  
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Oak wilt, caused by a 8 810-395-2602 TAVERN
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fungus, has been reported
Residential • Automobile NOW OPEN BAR & GRILL ~ NEW MENU ITEMS
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With Any Vehicle
Screen Repair • Window Repair & Replacement
Leagues Now 810-688-3235
red and northern pin oaks) Repairs 15041 Downey Rd. • Capac, MI 48014
have leaves with pointed (Coupon Required) (Old M-21)
tips and are most suscep-
tible. Trees in the white
oak group (including white Open Sunday!
Sunday! Every Sunday!!
Sunday!! 8-3
and swamp white oak)
have rounded leaf edges FLEA
and are less susceptible. firewood has dried at least
Affected trees sudden- a year and/or all the bark AT THE LAPEER CENTER 425 County Center Dr.
ly will begin to wilt from
the top down, rapidly
loosens, the disease can no
longer be spread.
Extensive Selection
Come see SANTA
dropping leaves, which For assistance: of Items
Sun for Sale!
Dec 24th, 12-2
can be green, brown or a •Report infections at
combination of both col- M i c h i g a n . g o v / VendorDoor
Pictures, Space Available
Prizes, Games
Oak wilt is spread
•Contact a local DNR 810.347.7915
Will Be Open New Years Eve from 8-3!!!
above ground mainly by forest health specialist at
sap-feeding beetles that DNR-FRD-Forest-
Life • Home • Car • Business
carry disease spores from
infected trees, or wood cut or
Create VALUE for your Customers!
from infected trees, to •Michigan State
fresh wounds on healthy University’s Diagnostic
Churchill Insurance Agency
800-865-6981 MarketPlace Ad!
trees. The infection also Clinic can verify oak wilt
spreads below ground, infection. Visit PestID.
through root grafts. or call 517-355-
If you must prune or 4536.
remove oaks during the
April 15-July 15 risk peri-
•See MichiganOakWilt.
org for a list of oak wilt-
Bus: 810-724-6218 Fax: 810-724-3418
od, or have a tree that gets qualified specialists. 243 East Third Street • Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Call (810) 724-2615 for more Information!
Page 14-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Final phase of Tea, luncheon

upgrade project at Maple Vista
in sight at library is April 28th
Facade renovation on tap in Capac Welcome in the spring sea-
son with an afternoon of
By Maria Brown raised by the Friends of the good food, friendship and Capac Library group. tea at a special event at
Last year, the Maple Vista on Sunday,
CAPAC — The final Community Foundation of April 28 at 1:30 p.m.
phase in the expansion and St. Clair County presented

File photo
The luncheon is being
renovation of Capac $40,500 to the Friends hosted by the Maple Vista
Library is now in sight. group for their Capac Ladies Guild, an all-volun-
Earlier this year, the Friends: Plastic Ends cam- The project will include brick repair and the
installation of new windows, awnings, lighting teer organization aimed at
village council accepted paign. The plastic was in raising funds to enhance
the $106,000 bid from reference to the plastic and more.
the lives of residents at the
Sanctum Contracting to sheeting that’s covered the new awnings, new lighting ing library facility, from senior living facility.
renovate and repair the historic brick facade on the and more. what was CSB Bank (now The cost is $8, and
Main Street buildings’ upper portion of their Main The buildings are Lakestone Bank and Trust) includes chicken salad on Tulips emerge in the
brick facade. Street buildings since 2015 owned by the village, occu- as part of a joint effort croissants, a chef’s salad, the butterfly garden at
The Yale-based com- when metal sheeting was pied by the county’s library between the village, bank, fresh broccoli salad, fruit Maple Vista in the
pany offers a variety of removed. system and financially sup- Friends group and Capac salad and a variety of spring.
services and, according to The Friends group was ported by the Friends Downtown Development homemade desserts. Tea
their website, has done sev- successful in reaching their group, a 501c3. Authority. and beverages also includ- prizes for our bingo events,
eral municipal projects for matching grant goal last The library expansion Since then, the new ed. help to beautify the grounds
Yale and Port Huron in the summer. project got underway in space has been renovated The event also includes and buildings and so much
past. The project is expected 2013 when the village pur- to include a meeting room, a special presentation on more,” Campagne says. “I
The project will be paid to include brick repair, chased the building at 113 maker space and hosts a Women’s Health. am so grateful for their
for with a combination of replacement of two cornic- N. Main Street, immedi- portion of the Capac Maple Vi s t a dedication to our mission.”
grant dollars and funds es, new upper windows, ately adjacent to the exist- branch’s materials. Community Manager To reserve a spot for
Crystal Campagne says the the springtime tea and lun-

‘Garage Sale Mania’ returns on May 9-11

By Tom Wearing items, including men’s, for warm weather and no For questions or more
Ladies’ Guild has been in
existence for more than 40
years, and is dedicated and
enthusiastic about all they
cheon event, call 810-724-
6300, ext. 622. For more
information on Maple
Vista, call the number women’s and children’s rain this year,” says Bargen. information about “Garage do. above or visit www.face-
clothing; toys, tools, “Everyone can expect to Sale Mania” 2019, contact “Their fundraising or
I M L AY   C I T Y   — household items, furniture, find a great assortment of Walt Bargen at Lakestone efforts allow us to bring in www.trinityhealthsenior-
Garage sale season is right art, antiques, collectibles items for purchase at bar- Bank & Trust in Imlay musical entertainment
around the corner. and more. gain prices.” City at 810-724-4652. more often, to have special vista-imlay-city.
And very soon, possi- Register at Lakestone
bly right on your very own
“Garage Sale Mania”
Bargen urges anyone
interested in hosting a
garage sale at their home
Holy Week services at First Congregational Church in Imlay City
strikes again in Imlay City or business to sign up IMLAY CITY — The will take place at the First attend these services,” Get more information
on May 9-11, when dozens ASAP at Imlay City’s Imlay City First Congregational Church. said First Congregational on the Imlay City First
of residents, businesses, Lakestone Bank & Trust Congregational Church The service will feature Church Pastor Dave Congregational Church
organizations and churches Branch, adjacent to the United Church of Christ choirs from both congre- Forsberg. “No matter who United Church of Christ
open their doors to host Kroger Plaza. has announced its sched- gations singing together as you are, or where you are by calling 810-724-6207
garage sales. The registration fee is ule for Holy Week well as the St. Paul’s Bell on life’s journey, you are or visiting the church
The popular spring- $5, and early registrants Services beginning on Choir. Fellowship and welcome here.” online at
time event is again being will qualify to have their Thursday, April 18 with a food follow the service. First Congregational; on
sponsored by the Imlay garage sales listed on the Maundy Thursday On Easter Sunday, Church has been minister- Twitter @FirstImlay;
City Rotary Club. 2019 “Garage Sale Mania” Worship Service with April 21 a special Worship ing to Imlay City and Facebook at
Rotarian/Event maps to be distributed Communion at 6 p.m. Service will take place at beyond since the congre- FirstCongregationalUCC.
Coordinator Walt Bargen community-wide before On Friday, April 19 at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship gation’s founding in 1872. ImlayCity and on Instagram
says bargain hunters can and during the three-day 7 p.m. a joint Good Friday and food follow the ser- The church is located at at fccimlaycity and on You
expect to find some great event. Worship Service with St. vice. 275 Bancroft Street in Tube at First Congregational
prices on all manner of “We’ve placed an order Paul’s Lutheran Church “All are welcome to Imlay City. Church of Imlay City.

Legal Announcements
ALMONT except any knife legitimately being
used for meal preparation or service.
rubbish, waste or other materials shall
be carried away from the park by the
At a regular meeting of the
Board of Trustees of Attica Township
audience members. Supervisor Winn
presented proposed budgets (General,
recorded on October 6, 2008, in Liber
2352, on page 827 of the Lapeer
TOWNSHIP Section 2. Prohibited Conduct. person responsible for its presence, held on March 14, 2019, adoption of Fire Department and Berville Waste County records, subject to a
ALMONT TOWNSHIP No person, firm, or corporation and properly disposed of elsewhere. the foregoing ordinance was moved Water) for 2019-2020 fiscal year, read Modification Agreement recorded at
BOARD shall commit any of the following 12. Disturb the peace or prevent by Herpolsheimer and supported by them line-by-line and explained what Liber 2357, Page 828, and further
REGULAR MEETING conduct in a Township park or recre- any person from using the park or any Madeline. has changed from last year. Final subject to a Modification Agreement
SYNOPSIS ation area: of its facilities. Voting for: Ochadleus, budgets will be approved at the April recorded at Liber 2685, Page 157.
APRIL 8, 2019 1. Occupy or use any portion of 13. Endanger the safety of any Herpolsheimer, Madeline and Lacey Board Meeting. Motion to adjourn The balance owing on the Mortgage
Meeting called to order by the Township park or recreation area person by any conduct or act. Voting against: None 7:25 p.m. as of the date of this Notice is
Supervisor at 819 N. Main St., except from daylight to dark between 14. Commit any assault or bat- Absent: One (Mason) Karen A. Klos, Clerk $17,201.50, including interest at 24%
Almont, MI at 7:00 p.m. Members Memorial Day and November 1 of tery or engage in fighting. The supervisor declared the 16-1 per year. The Mortgage contains a
present were Supervisor Bowman, any year. 15. Ride or operate a moped, ordinance adopted. power of sale clause and no proceed-
Clerk Hoffner, Treasurer Kudsin, and 2. Transport or use any alcoholic
beverage in the Township park or
motorized bicycle, motorcycle, horse,
or motorized off-road vehicles on or
Nancy Herpolsheimer
Township Clerk
DRYDEN ings have been instituted to recover
any part of the debt owing.
Trustees Streeter, Groesbeck, Stroup,
and Hoffa. The following actions recreation area except in connection within the confines of the Township Al Ochadleus COMMUNITY The Mortgage will be foreclosed
were taken: 1) approved consent with Attica Days or another event
approved by the Township Board.
park or recreation area.
Section 3. Fees.
Township Supervisor
SCHOOLS by selling the property described
below at a public auction to the high-
agenda as presented, 2) approved REQUEST FOR BIDS
change in percent of permits paid to 3. Possess a firearm or weapon 1. Use of pavilions at the The foregoing is a true copy of est bidder. The sale will be held on
building dept inspectors, 3) approved in the Township park or recreation Township park or recreation area is on Ordinance No. 2019-02 enacted by May 1, 2019, at 9:30 a.m. local time at
area unless (1) the person is a sworn a first come/first serve basis. A person the Attica Township Board of Trustees the main entrance to the Lapeer
budget amendment, 4) approved fire- SEALED BIDS FOR LAWN
police officer acting within the scope or group may pay a rental fee estab- at a regular meeting held on March County Court Facility, 255 Clay
works application, 5) approved MOWING SERVICES UNTIL
appointment to park board, 6) of the officer’s duties; (2) the person lished by resolution of the Township 14, 2019. Street, Lapeer, Michigan, that being
APRIL 23RD, 2019 AT 9:30 AM AT
approved purchase of 3 ton of lime- has a valid concealed pistol license; or Board to reserve the space for a desig- Nancy Herpolsheimer the place of holding Circuit Court for
stone, 7) opposed possible legislation (3) the person is openly carrying the nated period of time, in which case Township Clerk Lapeer County, Michigan. The prop-
request from MTA, 8) approved trans- firearm as allowed by state or federal that person or group shall have exclu- 16-1 erty will be sold to pay the amount
fer of soil removal permit to new law. sive use of the space on the date and then due on the Mortgage, including
Dryden Community Schools
owner. Meeting adjourned at 7:56 4. Hunt or trap any animals or
birds within any portion of the
for the times reserved.
2. Rental fees paid are generally
BERLIN will not consider or accept a proposal interest, legal costs, attorney fees and
any taxes or insurance which may be
p.m. Minutes may be viewed on the
township website at almonttownship. Township park or recreation area. non-refundable. Deposit fees shall be TOWNSHIP received after the above-specified
date and time for Proposal submis- paid by the mortgagee before the sale.
org. 5. Possess any type of refundable to the applicant if the BOARD MEETING sion. The Board of Education reserves The property to be sold is locat-
Paul Bowman-Supervisor firework(s) or explosives within any pavilion is left in substantially the SYNOPSIS the right to refuse all bids. ed in the Township of Burlington,
Carol Hoffner-Clerk portion of the Township park or recre- same condition it was in before it was APRIL 8, 2019 Bids are to be presented in County of Lapeer, Michigan and is
16-1 ation area unless such person pos- used or occupied by the applicant, Meeting called to order at 7:30 described as:
accordance with the district bid speci-
sesses a license to do so. which includes the absence of litter. p.m. Pledge of Allegiance recited. Part of the W half of the SE 1/4
fications. For a copy of the specifica-
6. Use, park, or operate any Section 4. Signs or other Postings. Members present: Parks, Klos, Winn, of Section 32, T10N, R11E,
tions, go to our website www.dryden.
motor vehicle within the park except It shall be unlawful for any per- Christian, & Wittstock. March min- Burlington Twp., Lapeer Co.,, under Departments and
ATTICA on the driveway or parking lots in the
park, or to park or leave any such
son to paste, glue, tack, post, erect or
otherwise place any sign or placard
utes approved. Treasurer’s report Business and Finance or pick up bid Michigan, described as beginning at a
point on the S Section line that is N
TOWNSHIP vehicle in any place other than one within the Township park or recre-
approved. Fire report given by Chief
Hartway: responded to 5 runs last
specs at Dryden High School, 3866
Rochester Road, Dryden MI 48428. 89°49’35” E 270.00 ft from the S 1/4
ORDINANCE NO. 2019-02 established for public parking, or in ation area or on any structures located month (none billable), approval given Questions regarding the specs can be corner of said Section 32, thence N
An ordinance to regulate the use violation of posted signs and regula- therein except for signs or placards to replace fire hall lighting and station 0°28’4” E 350.00 ft, thence S
addressed by calling Dan Campbell at
of grounds and facilities within the tions. advertising a use or event (1) placed duty wage position defined. Planning 89°49’35” W 41.41 ft, thence along
Attica Township Park; to prescribe 7. Spin or cause to spin, the tires there on the day of the use or event; Commission report: no business con- the centerline of the Wilson, Hodge
penalties for violations thereof; and to of any motor vehicle, in such a man- (2) removed immediately following ducted, but audience questions were and Slattery Drain, N 21°10’22” E
repeal the existing Attica Township ner that damage is caused to the road- the use or event; and (3) that are answered. Senior report: cards, pan- 397.77 ft, thence N 89°49’35” E
Park Ordinance. way or parking area, or any ground. placed in such a manner that does not 140.77 ft, thence S 0°28’4” W 370.50
THE TOWNSHIP OF 8. Allow a pet to run loose with- cause damage when removed.
cake breakfast, exercise and potluck
reported on. Park report: Easter Egg GROUND ft, thence S 89° 9’35” W 170.00 ft,
Section 1. Definitions.
in any portion of the Township park or
recreation area. For the purpose of
The Township Board may
approve the placement or erection of
Hunt will be 4/14 at 2 p.m. Discussed: BREAKING thence S 0°28’4” W 350.00 ft, thence
along the S Section line, S 89°49’35”
The following words as used in this ordinance, the phrase “allow a pet signs, placards or plaques within the
annual budgets adopted, elected offi-
cial wage resolutions adopted, holiday CEREMONY W 70.00 ft to the point of beginning.
this Ordinance shall be defined as to run loose” shall mean that the pet is Township park or recreation area to and fee schedules approved, culvert FOR THE NEW
provided herein. All other words and
phrases shall be defined as they are in
neither on a leash held by nor other-
wise under the immediate control of
memorialize, commemorate or
acknowledge persons or businesses
replacement approved, lawn contract
approved and Sexton contract

tax i.d. 004-032-026-30
If the property described in this
the ordinary and customary usage. the person in custody of the pet. For who actively support or promote the approved. Board Members: road FIRE HALL notice is sold at a foreclosure sale,
FIREARMS: Guns of any type, purposes of this ordinance, the phrase Township. issues discussed for road tour, banks Please join us for the Ground then under MCL 600.3278, the
including, but not limited to B-B “otherwise under the immediate con- Section 5. Violations; penalties. of record approved, newsletter will go Breaking Ceremony for the New Mortgagor(s) will be held responsible
guns, pellet guns, and starting pistols. trol of the person” shall mean that the Any person violating the provi- out soon and Clean-up Day is sched- Imlay City Fire Hall on Thursday, to the buyer of the property at the
MOTOR VEHICLES: Any pet is subject to the control of a person sions of this ordinance shall be guilty uled for 6/8 (7 a.m. - 3 p.m.). April 18, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. at the foreclosure sale, or to the Mortgage
and all kinds or types of motor driven because of training, familiarity, and of a misdemeanor punishable by Audience questions and comments: Old DNR Site on Borland Road holder, for damage done to the prop-
or motor propelled automobiles, proximity to the person. imprisonment for not more than 90 question about fire rating discussed. (behind Taco Bell). erty during the redemption period.
trucks, motorcycles, motor scooters, 9. Damage, destroy, deface, or days, or a fine of $500, or both. Motion to pay the bills made and The Public is welcome to attend! The redemption period will
mopeds, snowmobiles, and any kind remove any tree, shrub, plant, build- In addition to any other penalties accepted. Motion to adjourn 8:05 16-1 expire six (6) months after the date of
or type of off-road or all-terrain vehi- ing, fence, sign, table, bench, marker, imposed, persons who violate the pro- p.m. A complete copy of the minutes the foreclosure sale, unless the prop-
cle. paving, walkway, monuments, stakes, visions of this ordinance and cause is available at the township hall dur- erty is determined abandoned under
LITTER: Any offal or refuse,
including, but not limited to paper,
posts or other boundary markers, or
other park structures, equipment or
damage resulting therefrom shall
reimburse the Township for the dam-
ing business hours.
Karen A. Klos, Clerk
MORTGAGE MCL 600.3241a, in which case the
redemption period will expire 30 days
cans, bottles, and animal feces. facilities, real or personal. ages it suffers, including actual 16-1 SALE after the date of the foreclosure sale,
PETS: Dogs, cats, horses, 10. Light or maintain a fire with- expenses it incurs for equipment, THIS FIRM IS A DEBT or when the time to provide notice
snakes, or any other domesticated in the Township Park or recreation material and labor. COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING under MCL 600.3241a(c) expires,
animal or any other animal under the area, except in a facility or area pro- Section 6. Repeal of Attica Township BERLIN TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY whichever is later.
custody or control of a person.
WEAPON: Any device or arti-
vided therefore.
11. Bring in or dump, deposit or
Park Ordinance.
Dated: March 20, 2019
cle which can be used for fighting or leave any bottles, broken glass, paper, repeals the Attica Township Park BUDGET HEARING PURPOSE. POWERS & KNIER, P.C.
hunting, including, but not limited to, boxes, cans, rubbish, waste, garbage, Ordinance, adopted June 9, 1978, in SYNOPSIS Notice is hereby given that By: Henry L. Knier, Jr. (P46393)
the following: crossbow, bow and refuse or other trash, or cause any lit- its entirety. APRIL 8, 2019 Default has occurred in a Mortgage Attorney for Independent Bank,
arrows, blowguns, slingshots, dirks, ter to remain in a Township Park or Section 7. Effective Date. Meeting called to order 7:00 given by Mildred A. Bailey, a single Mortgagee
daggers, stilettoes, brass knuckles, recreation area except in proper This Ordinance shall become p.m. Pledge of Allegiance recited. woman, mortgagor, to Independent 900 Washington Ave., P.O. Box 219
and any knife with a blade longer than receptacles where provided. Where effective thirty (30) days after publi- Board members present: Parks, Klos, Bank, mortgagee. The Mortgage is Bay City, MI 48707 - (989) 892-4574
three and one-half inches (3.5”), receptacles are not provided, all such cation. Winn, Christian and Wittstock. Five dated October 1, 2008, and was 13-4
Page 15-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

~ Edna Coon, 97 ~ ~ Scott Gulick, 52 ~
Edna Coon, age 97, of In loving memory of or job. Scott also started Vlad, III and Siri Diane officiated.
North Branch, MI died Scott Gulick. Scott two different businesses. Vlad; and his cousins, Those wishing to
Monday, April 15, 2019 at Gordon Gulick was born He finally settled down as Keith, his wife Randi and make memorial contribu-
her home. Edna Mae July 13, 1966 in Warren, an assistant manager at their family and Craig, his tions may direct them to
Baker was born December MI. He was the son of the Walmart for 16 years. wife Tami, and their Wounded Warrior Project,
8, 1921 in Detroit, MI. late G. Gordon and Scott loved the out- family. P.O. Box 758517, Topeka,
She was the daughter of Roxann (Vlad) Gulick. doors. He was a hunter He was preceded in Kansas 66675-8517 or
the late Archibald and Scott grew up in Imlay and fisherman. Scott loved death by his father, Gordon Tunnels to Towers
the late Beatrice City. He was a graduate of riding high on his Harley. Gulick; his son, Foundation https://www.
(Snowball) Baker. She Imlay City High School, He loved sports, not Christopher Gulick; his…/
grew up and attended Class of 1984. only as a spectator, but as younger brother, Mark t2tchristopherslu…/tun-
school in Detroit, MI. She Scott proudly served a participant. Scott played Richard Gulick; and his nel2towers
married Richard Coon on in the United States Army football and was an excel- cousin, Daniele Vlad. Arrangements were
April 2, 1949 in Detroit, as an army specialist. He lent pitcher in baseball. The memorial service made by Muir Brothers
Michigan. They moved to was a combat engineer, He also wrestled and was held Tuesday, April Funeral Home of Imlay
Dryden by Seven Ponds North Branch, MI and basic airborne, and also boxed in Golden gloves. 16, 2019 at St. Paul’s City, 225 N. Main Street,
after marrying and have Rachel Warnars of Royal served in the United Scott is survived by his Lutheran Church, 200 N. Imlay City, MI. Please be
lived in the area since. Oak, MI; 10 grandchil- Nations Peace Keeping mother, Roxann Gulick; Cedar Street, Imlay City, sure to sign our online
Edna was preceded in dren; and her 9 great- Force. his aunts and uncles, MI. Pastor Alan Casillas, register at muirbrothersfh.
death by her husband, grandchildren. He worked in just Dennis Brandt, Kathy Pastor of St. Paul’s com to share condolences
Richard Coon in January Edna was preceded in about every kind of work Brandt, Vasile Charles Lutheran Church, and memories.
1977. death by her husband,
She was mostly a Richard Coon; her daugh-
homemaker, raising her
family. Edna worked as a
ter, Susan Coon; and her
~ Merlyn Muir, 93 ~
house cleaner for private Cremation has taken Merlyn Muir, age 93, in Detroit and Warren. Tinsler.
residences for a period of place. No plans for a of Imlay City, MI died Before working for Mopar, He was preceded in
time. memorial have been made Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at Merlyn worked for death by his parents, Jay
Edna was a full-time at this time. McLaren Flint Region Chrysler Motors Parts Plant and Anna Muir; and three
grandmother. She loved to Arrangements were Medical Center of Flint, in Detroit, MI. sisters, Margaret (Robert)
make people laugh. made by Muir Brothers MI. Merlyn J. Muir was After retiring, Merlyn went Churchill, Ivaleen (Frank)
She is survived by Funeral Home of Imlay born August 21, 1925 in to work as a custodian for David, and May Muir.
three daughters, Judith City. Please be sure to Imlay City, MI. He was the Big Wheel in Imlay City, The funeral was held
(Jeff) Guenther of Curtis, sign our online register at son of the late Jay MI. He also worked on the Friday, April 12, 2019 at
MI, Cindi (Frederick to Robinson and the late Anna family farm his entire life. Muir Brothers Funeral
“Jim”) Mae Wood of share condolences. (Ferrett) Muir. Merlyn He enjoyed visiting Home of Imlay City, 225
grew up in Imlay City. He with friends, tinkering in N. Main Street, Imlay City,
was a graduate of Imlay the yard, and working on MI. Pastor Chuck
~ David G. Siegers, 62 ~ City High School, Class of yard equipment. Herpolsheimer, pastor of
1943. He married Patricia Merlyn is survived by Light of Christ Church,
David G. Siegers, age Ann Hayden on April 28, his wife, Patricia Muir; two Sean (Tonya) Ankley, Kelly officiated. Interment fol-
62, of Holland, went home 1951 in Lum, MI. He has daughters, Janet (Dan (Gary Paquette) Ankley, lowed at Imlay Township
to be with our Lord, lived on his family farm his Madden) Muir of White and Kevin (Caitlyn Crone) Cemetery.
Sunday, April 14, 2019 at entire life in Imlay City. Lake, MI and Linda Ankley Madden; and ten great- Funeral arrangements
his home, after a 2 ½ year He served in the United of Lapeer, MI; one sister, grandchildren, Haydn were made by Muir
courageous battle with States Navy as a sonar man Annabel (James) Churchill Phillips, Oliver Wagner, Brothers Funeral Home of
ALS (Lou Gehrigs). during World War II from of Harbor Springs, MI; six Aliyah Reyna, Addison Imlay City. Please be sure
He was preceded in 1943 to 1946. grandchildren, Ginger Paquette, Brianna Wagner, to sign our online register
death by his son Kyle in Merlyn was employed (Donald) Lockrey, Wesley Kyle Wagner, Matthew at to
2007 and his parents, in the parts department sal- (Tanya Ferrett) Phillips, Paquette, Whitney Bugh, share condolences and
Donald and Charlotte vage department for Mopar Melanie (Kenneth) Wagner, Tiffany Harvey, and Onyx memories.
Dave attended Grace
Chapel in Zeeland and was ~ Charlet Ann Ondrus, 71 ~
a Realtor for Five Star
Realty. Dave was a loving Charlet Ann Ondrus, 71, passed away on February 13 great-grand children; Kaatz Funeral Directors,
husband, father, and grand- of Capac, died Saturday, 23, 2006. three sisters, Beverly Capac.
father. He loved spending April 13, 2019 at Marlette Charlet was employed Hunter, Sandra Miles and Burial of cremains will
time with his grandkids Extended Care Facility. as a machinist in the auto- Betty Webber; and two be 3 p.m. Friday, April 19,
riding horses, dirt bikes, Ceia, FL, Mike and Kris She was born August 4, motive industry. brothers, Donald and Kenny 2019, at Capac Cemetery,
shooting guns, and doing Frey of Brown City, Terry 1947 in Almont, the daugh- Surviving are three chil- Dombrowski. Capac.
any other outdoor activi- and Beth Frey of Dryden, ter of the late Chester and dren, daughter, June Ondrus, Preceding her in death Memorials are suggest-
ties that brought joy to Jamie and Amy Buff of Marion (Gottschling) of Imlay City, and two sons, are a son, Steve Ondrus; two ed to “Wishes of the
their hearts. He was pas- Ada; several nieces, neph- Dombrowski. Mark, of Capac, and Robert brothers, Ronnie and Ricky Family.”
sionate about hunting with ews, aunts, uncles and Her marriage to Emil (Maureen), of Marlette; four Dombrowski; and a sister, For information and
friends of all ages. He cousins. George Ondrus was June grandchildren, April, Jessie Donna Gibbert. Guest Book
enjoyed organizing events Funeral services will 26, 1964 in Capac. Emil Jr., Tiffany, and Christina; Arrangements are by
and flying missions for be 11 a.m. Thursday, April
Wings of Mercy. Most
importantly, his desire was
18, 2019 at Ridge Point
Community Church, 340 ~ Thomas Edward Wojie, 61 ~
to boldly impact others’ 104th Ave., Holland. Thomas Edward Wojie, He was employed by Jason (Michelle) of Capac, invites you to visit and
lives for Christ. Burial will be in East 61, of Lynn Township, General Dynamics Land Jessica (Emmanuel) share memories Thursday,
He is survived by his Saugatuck Cemetery. died Friday, April 12, Systems, Sterling Heights Centnarowski of Capac April 18, from 2 to 8 p.m.
wife of 42 years, Cindy; Visitation will be 2019, at McLaren Port for 18 years and General and Laura Wojie of Lynn at Kaatz Funeral Directors,
son, Brad and Heather Wednesday, April 17, from Huron Hospital. Motors for 18 years until Township; nine grandchil- Capac.
Siegers of Holland; grand- 4-7 p.m. at Grace Chapel, He was born Monday, his medical retirement in dren, Austin, Dylan, Memorial services will
children, Ava, Clayton, 9530 Woodbridge Street, May 20, 1957, in Detroit 2006. Thomas was the Autumn, Alec, Luke, be 11 a.m. Friday with 10
Lena and Chandler; sib- Zeeland. the son of the late Frank Capac High School bowl- Jayden, Emma, Jackson a.m. visiting. Rev. Lisa
lings, Cal and Judi Siegers, Memorial contribu- and Shirley (Ebert) Wojie. ing coach and member of and Abel; sisters, Carol Clark, pastor of Capac
Rick and Jill Siegers, tions may be given to His marriage to Carol the Holly Meadows and Cathy; brother, Alan United Methodist Church,
Donna and Tom Tuls all of Wings of Mercy and Sylvester was Saturday, Bowling League. He had Wojie; and several nieces, will officiate.
Holland; mother-in-law, Holland Christian May 21, 1977, in East coached baseball for his nephews and friends. Memorials are suggest-
Lu Frey of Brown City; CHAMPS. Detroit. children’s and grandchil- He was preceded in ed to “Wishes of the
brothers and sisters-in-law, To leave a condolence Thomas served his dren’s teams. death by a sister, Linda; Family.”
Pat and Wayne France of and more information, country with the United Surviving in addition and nephew, Curtis. For information and
Lebanon, CT, Steve and please visit www.lange- States Air Force from 1979 to his wife Carol of 41 The family honors the Guest Book
Connie Berry of Terra to 1982. years are three children, memory of Thomas and

Dispatch log...
Editor’s note: The fol- Traffic (Weston Elementary) Corners Rd./ E. Imlay City Minors (200 block E. Fifth Rd. in Arcadia Twp. Almont Twp.
lowing is a compilation of •11:57 911 Hang Up Rd.) St.) April 12 •abandoned auto in the
activity and reports from (500 block S. Almont Ave.) •11:52 Minor in •18:13 Assist MSP with •juvenile complaint in 100 block of Blacks Corners
area police departments: •12:01 Welfare Check Possession (1000 block Traffic Stop (N. Almont the 2000 block of Bristol Rd. in Imlay Twp.
(500 block S. Almont Ave.) Norlin Dr.) Ave./E. Capac Rd.) Rd. in Imlay Twp. •suspicious circum-
In Imlay City •13:14 Medical Assist •14:01-14:32 Monitor •Multiple Traffic Stops •animal complaint in stances in the 1000 block of
April 8 (600 block Maple Vista St.) Traffic (High School) throughout the day the Almont Park Lake Pleasant Rd. in
•08:26-09:00 School •17:17 Assault & •17:58 Property •vehicle off the road- Arcadia Twp.
Traffic (Weston) Battery (500 block W. Damage Accident (1800 In Lapeer County: way at eastbound I-69 and •welfare check in the
•08:24 Alarm (200 Borland Rd.) block S. Cedar St.) Complaints handled by Graham Rd. in Imlay Twp. 7000 block of Newark Rd.
block W. Fourth St.) •18:35 VIN Inspection •20:09 Domestic the Lapeer County Sheriff’s •citizen assist at Lake in Imlay Twp.
•12:02 Abuse/Neglect (300 block W. Second St.) Dispute (2000 block S. Department, in addition to George and Newark roads •suspicious circum-
(2000 block S. Almont •23:39 Alarm (100 Almont Ave.) traffic stops: in Attica Twp. stances in the 2000 block of
Ave.) block E. Third St.) •20:33 Suspicious April 11 April 13 N. Van Dyke Rd. in
•13:36-14:41 School •Multiple Traffic Stops Vehicle (2000 block S. •welfare check in the •vehicle off the road- Goodland Twp.
Traffic (High School) throughout the day Almont Ave.) 2000 block of Bristol Rd. in way at Newark and Doran April 14
•17:30 Fight (1900 April 10 •Multiple Traffic Stops Imlay Twp. roads in Imlay Twp. •property damage traf-
block Hickory Ln.) •02:29 Suspicious throughout the day •telephone used for •property damage traf- fic crash at Norman and
•Multiple traffic stops Vehicle (100 block N. April 11 threats in the 4000 block of fic crash at Lake Pleasant Brown City roads in
were made throughout the Almont Ave.) •01:32 Civil Dispute Newark Rd. in Attica Twp. and Vernor roads in Arcadia Goodland Twp.
day. •02:30-06:00 Parking (400 block S. Blacks •citizen assist in the Twp. •911 hang up call in the
April 9 Enforcement (City Wide) Corners Rd.) 2000 block of Spaulding •assist motorist at Imlay 600 block of Blacks Corners
•02:30-06:00 Parking •07:43 Suspicious •02:30-06:00 Parking Rd. in Attica Twp. City and Rule roads in Rd. in Imlay Twp.
Enforcement (City Wide) Circumstance (Blacks Enforcement (City Wide) •suspicious circum- Imlay Twp. •mental health call in
•06:39 911 Hang Up Corners Rd./W. Borland •07:21-07:52 Monitor stances in the 8000 block of •alarms in the 3000 the 3000 block of Sutton
(2000 block S. Almont Rd.) Traffic (Middle School) Clear Lake Rd. in Goodland block of S. Van Dyke Rd. in Rd. in Attica Twp.
Ave.) •08:16 Motorist Assist •08:22-09:06 Monitor Twp.
•07:27-07:40 Monitor
Traffic (Middle School)
(200 block N. Almont Ave.)
•08:27-09:06 Monitor
(Weston •animal complaint in
the 5000 block of Hosner Subscribe Today!
•07:30 Medical Assist
(600 block Maple Vista St.)
Traffic (Weston Elementary)
•09:51 Debris in
•14:04-14:22 Monitor
Traffic (High School)
Rd. in Dryden Twp.
•animal complaint in
Tri-City Times
•08:30-09:22 Monitor Roadway (N. Blacks •16:30 Delinquent the 5000 block of Lyons (810) 724-2615
Page 16-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Assist from Rotarians

scores a win for AYSO
Improvements are on tap for Hoeksema has been instru-
mental helping us imple-
soccer fields at Yntema Park ment these upgrades.”
She pointed out that the
By Tom Wearing Soccer Organization) AYSO Region 1278 soc-

Photo by Tom Wearing Region 1278. cer league leases the
Additional funds have Yntema Park property from
IMLAY CITY — been raised through a grant the township.
Imlay City Rotary Club from Rotary Club “We have a long-term
members want to help pro- International, along with a lease with the township for
vide easier access and safer donation from former the property,” Dennis said.
The Imlay City Rotary Club is spearheading a project to create handi-
walkability at the soccer Imlay City businessman, “It required their approval
capped parking spaces and an improved pathway for fans and specta-
fields at Yntema Park on Dick Hinterman, in memo- to make these modifica-
tors at the Yntema Soccer Fields in Imlay City.
South Blacks Corners ry of his wife, Judy tions and they have been
Road. Hinterman. very supportive.” fill with mud, making the she said. Spokesman Dennis
The club is currently Imlay City Dennis said the terrain difficult to navigate Dennis said Yntema Collison said the construc-
spearheading a $11,000 AYSO Board Member upgrades are necessary to for some. Park offers six playing tion project has been con-
project to create four hand- Trish Dennis acknowl- accommodate all game The upgrades will fields to accommodate tracted out to Midway
icapped parking spaces, edged the Rotary Club and attendees, but added that include the installation of about 215 local boys and Commercial Construction
along with an improved Imlay Township officials the improvements will be two concrete parking pads, girls (ages 3-14) currently of Imlay City, whose bid
pathway for fans and spec- for their support of the of particular benefit to along with culverts and signed up for the youth was the lower of two con-
tators coming to upcoming project. those with disabilities or walkways for people to soccer program. sidered by the Rotary.
soccer games. “We’re extremely mobility issues. avoid the existing ditches. The program features “We are hoping that the
The costs of the Rotary grateful to the Rotary Club Dennis explained that “It’s very important to both spring (April-May) work can begin soon,” said
project are being shared and the township,” said the property contains natu- us that our guests don’t and fall (September- Collison. “The goal is to
with Imlay City’s Dennis. “Imlay Township ral ditches and causeways have to walk through water October) sessions. have the project completed
AYSO (American Youth Supervisor Steve that collect rainwater and or mud to get to our fields,” Rotary Club by May 2.”

New manager to oversee market

Katrina Morrow prepares for 2019 Farmers Market in Imlay
By Tom Wearing plans and social media Market hours changing presences; along with She noted that this
helping coordinate Imlay year’s Farmers Market is
IMLAY CITY — The City’s Gateway to the moving its hours of opera-
Imlay City DDA has hired Thumb Arts & Antiques tion to 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.;
a new market manager to Festival at the Eastern thus making it more acces-
oversee the Imlay City Michigan Fairgrounds. sible to morning shoppers.
Farmers Market when the “It just makes sense for The Market will be
new season opens on me to dive into a job like returning to its familiar
Thursday, May 16. this,” said Morrow. “I’m in location at the corner of
Imlay City resident, the heart of Imlay City and Third Street and Main
Katrina Morrow, officially have a direct line to pro- Street downtown.
assumed her duties as mar- mote our community. In addition to her
ket manager on Thursday, “It’s my goal to rein- duties as coordinator and
April 11. vent and grow the Farmers overseer of the Farmers
Morrow said she spent Market into something Market on Thursdays,
much of her first day on everyone will love,” she Morrow will assist with
the job contacting and continued. “I’d like to see the DDA’s Thursday night
e-mailing both regular and more themed weeks, more Summer Concert series at
former vendors, all of vendors and more diversi- Lamb-Steele Park.
whom she hopes will ty.” For further information
return for the 2019 Market With opening day less about the Imlay City
season. than a month away, Farmers Market or to Katrina Morrow is
During the past two Morrow is anxious to for- become a vendor, call 810- eager to take the helm
years, Morrow has worked mulate and begin imple- 724-2135, or email Katrina of the 2019 Imlay City
with local businesses cre- menting plans for the Morrow at ddapromo- Farmers Market sea-
ating websites, marketing upcoming season. son.

Fair representatives testify in Lansing

Photo by Maria Brown

Economic impact of fairs, exhibits topic of discussion in the House

By Maria Brown local economies and than $1 million. The show there were 41,076 develop future leaders in
the ag community like
Eastern Michigan State
Fair received funds last
youth exhibitors in 2018,
plus more than 21,000 Peep to meet you
TRI-CITY AREA — Spudowski and Schapman year toward the construc- open class participants.
Yesterday, April 16, who participate through tion of a their new FFA Livestock sales at 2018 Christine Revitzer and daughter, Maci
Eastern Michigan State 4-H and FFA organizations barn. county fairs amounted to Revitzer, meet one of the newly hatched
Fair Manager Ian Kempf respectively. MAFE officials are more than $22.8 million. chicks at the Capac Library on Saturday.
and two junior fair board The committee is cur- also hoping to remind leg- In their promotional This is the second year the library has host-
members, Audrey rently hearing testimony in islators of the economic material, MAFE also notes ed an egg hatching display, courtesy of St.
Schapman and Amber reference to the County impact of fairs and exhibi- that if every fair attendee Clair County 4-H. The chicks will be on dis-
Spudowski, traveled to Fair Capital Improvement tions. They cite statistics purchased $5 in food items play at the library until later this week.
Lansing to testify before Grant Program. Last year, from the Michigan it would generate $22.3
the House Appropriations 22 county fairs across the Department of Agriculture million in total sales and
Committee on behalf of state were awarded more and Rural Development that, in turn, amounts to
the Michigan Association
of Fairs and Exhibitions
than $600,000 for capital
improvement projects that
that show about half of
Michiganders visit fairs
more than $1 million in
sales tax revenues for the
‘Bradley Bingo’
(MAFE). All three planned
to share their thoughts on
required a dollar-for-dollar
cash match. According to
every year; additionally,
more than 1.8 million peo-
state every year.
For more on this story, on tap in Capac
how fairs, like the Eastern the MAFE, 36 grant appli- ple attended other types of pick up a copy of the April CAPAC — A ‘Bradley Bingo’ event at St.
Michigan State Fair in cations were submitted in exhibitions at county fair- 24 print edition of the Tri- John’s Lutheran Church is planned for Thursday,
Imlay City, help bolster 2018, requesting more grounds. MAFE’s numbers City Times. May 2 at 6 p.m. The event is being hosted by the

Rowden named to fill city commission seat

Conrad Community Center. Participants have a
chance to win an authentic Vera Bradley bag or
accessory for a prize. Prizes cannot be substituted,
By Tom Wearing commission. Romine’s term, which six applicants to interview two prizes per round. Rowden, who works expires in November of for the open seat on the Cost is $20 for tickets purchased by April 18;
for Rowley’s Auction 2020. commission. $25 at the door. Volunteer to host a table of 8, host-
I M L AY   C I T Y   — Services, fills the seat for- Romine tendered his Other city residents ess ticket is just $15.
Imlay City merly occupied by Imlay resignation from the com- who sought the position Tickets include 10 rounds of Bingo and Grand
Commissioners voted City business owner, Mike mission because he has were Allen Rosenbalm, Finale Bingo; door prize and complimentary coffee,
Monday, April 15 to Romine. moved from the commu- Tom Blount, Jeff Booth, tea, and water. BYO snacks or soda. Additional
appoint Greg Rowden to As a result, he will nity. Heather Sample and Phil Bingo cards and dabbers available for a donation.
the vacant seat on the serve out the remainder of Rowden was among Fulks. Call Lori at 810-395-7889 to order tickets and
for more information.

Council to address possible vacancy Send us your announcements

By Maria Brown In March, President while determining whether Libkie made a decision. Pro-Tem Paul Libkie said he would come back to the President John Grzyb
he was stepping down from council. said he believed the council TRI-CITY AREA — Do you or a family
CAPAC — The coun- his seat. Some on the coun- Council member Joe should make a decision on member have a recent accomplishment or mile-
cil will wait until their May cil believed he was resign- Nemecek said Libkie indi- the matter by their first stone you’d like to share and celebrate with the
6 meeting to take action on ing but, since then, Libkie cated to him that he would meeting next month. community? Then send us the details and we will
a vacancy among their communicated that he was submit a letter to the coun- Libkie has served on gladly help you share the news on our
ranks. temporarily stepping aside cil with his intentions once the council since 2012. Announcements page.
Engagements, weddings, anniversaries, special

birthdays, births, promotions, graduations or other
educational achievements, success in competi-
tion—we post these and other announcements in
Ser ving the communities which form the “Gateway to the Thumb” our pages free of charge. We encourage you to
Send submissions to or
Subscribe Online! Tri-City Times, P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI
48444. Have questions? Contact us at (810) 724- 2615.
Page 17-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

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Page 18-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Connecting with grandkids leads to adventure book

Social media photos, posts “We started taking pic-
tures of Dog and Bear to
result in newly published stories send to our grandkids
when we would visit plac-
By Maria Brown pictures of at various loca- es,” Jacklin said. tions she and husband, “They’re much cuter
Tom, visit in St. Clair and than older people in self-
LYNN TWP. — What Lapeer counties, plus ies.”
started out as a fun, unique other places in Michigan. Often, onlookers got
way to connect with At first the photos interested in what the
grandkids has turned were just meant to be Kinzers were doing.
Jacklin Kinzer into a book shared with family but the “People would see us

Photo provided
“stuffies’” antics were at someplace like the park
Recently, a collection eventually shared on and they would want to
of her photos and short Facebook and, at the urg- pose with Dog and Bear,
stories, originally shared ing of her followers, talk to us and find out
on social media, were put Jacklin created a book. what we were doing,” Jacklin Kinzer originally started taking pic-
The newly published into print. “The Adventures tures of two stuffed animals on adventures
book features 10 sto- of Dog and Bear: with her husband, Tom, to share with grand-
ries. There are 300 sto- Adventures 1-10” was kids. Now The Adventures of Dog and Bear are
ries on the Facebook published last month by in book form.
page altogether, Love n’ Light Productions.
including recent Jacklin said. covering the simple things
The stars of the book
adventures, in places Others asked to see the in life that some people
are Dog and Bear, two
like St. Clair’s Palmer photos and after emailing take for granted.
stuffed animals that
Park. them on request, Jacklin They requested that
Jacklin has been taking
decided to launch a the adventures be put into
Facebook page called The book form. Jacklin said
Adventures of Dog and she was grateful to con-
Bear. nect with Amy Silvester of
“That’s when I started Love n’ Light Productions
Your #1 fan telling a story to go with
the pictures, as told
through the eyes of a
who was able to take sto-
ries and photos directly
from Facebook, with just a
Your local independent stuffed bear,” Jacklin few tweaks, for the book.
agent is your neighbor noted. “It’s been so reward-

Your #1 fan
– someone you can
trust and someone
They stuffed animal
duo has explored local
businesses, museums,
ing to see children who
can connect with Dog and
Bear,” Jacklin said.
who’s hereindependent
Your local for you sporting events like Port “I’m glad that we can
agent it
is matters most!
your neighbor Huron Prowler hockey give them a reason to want
games, local libraries and to read.”
– someone you can
Photo provided

the Kinzer’s home and Copies of the book can

trust and someone property. be purchased through the
who’s here for you She started getting publisher’s website, lov-
when it matters most! messages from followers, or
Jacklin said the message of Dog and Bear, to both young and old, who on Amazon.
appreciate the simple things in life, have reso- appreciated the adventures To learn more, find
YOUR HOMETOWN nated with both adults and kids. Here, they’re
plus the messages Jacklin The Adventures of Dog
THE BEST LOCAL visiting the Capac Library during Family
INSURANCE AGENCY Storytime. incorporated about dis- and Bear on Facebook.
CITY • 000-000-0000

School days added to calendar in Dryden

(810) 724-8600
CITY • 000-000-0000
By Maria Brown In a letter to parents,
Superintendent Mary
to the schedule and the
year-end calendar has been
year, June 12-14 will now
be full instead of half-days
566 S. Cedar (M-53)
Imlay City Finnigan reports that the adjusted. and three days, June 17-19, DRYDEN — Earlier district logged 14 snow Dryden students will were added to the calendar.
this month, Dryden days and, as a result, have now have school on April Those last three days will
Community Schools made five schools days to make- 22, the day after Easter, and be half days of classes.
changes to their school cal- up. on May 24, the Friday That makes June 19
endar to compensate for One day each in both before Memorial Day. their last day of classes for
extra snow days. April and May were added At the end of the school the 2018-19 school year.


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Page 19-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019


Imlay City nabs

first at Davison
Spartan girls win four
events, en route to title
By Kevin Kissane Goodrich (88), North
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Branch (65), Unionville
Sebewaing (49), Richmond
TRI-CITY AREA — (43.5), Morrice (43), Caro
The Imlay City and (42.5), Farwell (36.5),
Dryden girls’ track teams Dryden (32) and Saginaw
ranked first and 10th, Valley Lutheran (24.5).
respectively, among small Robin LeFevere, 400
school division entries last

Photo by Kevin Kissane

dash, 1:04.1; and Jessica
Friday at the Shake Off Denver, 800-meter run,
the Rust Invitational in 2:34.05; led Imlay City
Davison. with individual event
Imlay City’s winning firsts.
total was 120.5 points. The Imlay City 800
They were followed by
Almont’s Colton Kruse dives safely back to first base in a game at home this past week. Corunna (109.5 points), Imlay City page 22

Almont tops Cros-Lex twice

By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor

Almont defeated visit-
ing Cros-Lex, 6-1 and
5-2, in a Blue Water
Area Conference varsi-
ty baseball doublehead-
er last Thursday.
With the outcomes,
Almont raises their
mark to 6-2 and 2-0.
In the opener, Reis
Stine led Almont with a
single and a double.
Adam Campbell (a
double), Jack Paupert,

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Griffin DePauw, Josh
Hellebuyck and
Cameron Asaro (a sin-
gle each) supported his
plate performance.
Asaro was the win- Almont’s Jack Jellison watches his tee shot
ning Almont pitcher, split the fairway during a match this season.

Raiders fend off

going the distance.
In the second game,
Jace Rinke and
Campbell paced

all challengers
Almont’s offensive
attack with a double
apiece. They were
Photo by Kevin Kissane

backed by Brandon
Hunsaker, Parker Zisler By Kevin Kissane tively, at a Blue Water
and Stine (a single Tri-City Times Sports Editor Area Conference
Jamboree Tournament
Hunsaker was ALMONT — The
Almont’s pitcher of Almont and Imlay City
Almont’s Gavin Dempz looks to throw out an opposing runner during a Willow Tree Golf
record. He threw a boys’ golf teams pulled
game last week at home. complete game. up first and sixth, respec- Raiders page 22

Capac picks
up a victory
over Dryden
By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Capac turned back Dryden,
13-1, in a non-league varsity
softball confrontation last
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Capac’s Meriah Mason scoops up a ground With the result, Capac

ball during a game with Dryden last week. goes to 2-1 overall. Dryden
slips to 2-1 this season.
Aubree Smith and Skylar
Schocke led Capac with three
singles apiece. Ally Dean Imlay City’s Emily Orlowski looks to beat a throw to the plate during a
and Shelby Husovsky fol- BWAC clash with Armada. Orlowski wound up safe on the play.
lowed with two singles each.

Imlay girls fall to Armada

Madison Wheeler and Meriah
Mason (a double apiece) also
reached the hitting column
for the Chiefs.
Alyssa Orlando was the By Kevin Kissane Abigail Thibodeau (a Sellers (a single each).
winning Capac pitcher. She Tri-City Times Sports Editor single and a triple) and The latter half of the
allowed six hits, struck out Natalie Douglas (a pair of doubleheader was not
four and walked none. IMLAY CITY — singles) put up Imlay played, due to a lack of
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Courtney Heike and Ally Imlay City absorbed an City’s top plate creden- time to get the entire con-
Sobek paced Dryden’s offen- 11-7 loss to visiting tials. The remaining test in. It will be contest-
sive attack with two hits Armada in the opener of a Spartan ed at a later date.
each. Natalie Embree and scheduled Blue Water hits went to Makenzie With the outcome,
Miya Wolf added a single Area Conference varsity Hayward, Jaya Forti, Leah Imlay City now stands 0-1
Dryden’s Ally Sobek looks to throw out an apiece to the Cardinals’ softball doubleheader it Dawson, Isabella Barker, as far as BWAC battles
opposing baserunner versus Capac last week. cause. hosted last Thursday. Skylar Stone and Emma are concerned.
Page 20-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019


Almont wins 4-0 at North Branch

By Kevin Kissane Conference girls’ soccer Alayna Panduren and Almont’s cause.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor battle last Thursday. Caroline Tormala led Savannah Tormala
With the outcome, Almont with a goal and Aliyah Cremeans
ALMONT — Almont Almont goes to 1-0 versus apiece. shared the goalkeeping
returned from North BWAC rivals. Hannah Schuchard chores for Almont. They
Branch with a 4-0 win McKenna Castillo, and Brandi Kautz added managed four and three
in a Blue Water Area Hannah Revoldt, one assist each to saves, respectively.

Dryden blanks Landmark Academy

By Kevin Kissane With the outcome, ing Cardinal goals. Carpenter shared the goal-
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Dryden improves to 1-2 Maria Ryan (two) plus keeping responsibilities for
overall. Annabella Wharton, the winning Dryden side.
DRYDEN — Dryden Ally Sobek led Dryden Natalie Embree, Jenna
picked up a 6-0 road victo-
ry over Landmark Academy
with a three-goal perfor-
mance. Josie Carpenter
Peters and Joanna
Livingston (one each) fur- Birch Run
Photo by Kevin Kissane

in a non-league girls’ soc- (two) and Alexis Schurke nished Dryden’s assists.

bests Imlay
cer encounter last Friday. (one) supplied the remain- Ashley Hickmott and

Cards fall By Kevin Kissane

Tri-City Times Sports Editor
to Lakers
Dryden’s Claire Sobek defends in a contest
versus USA at home this past week.

Dryden falls 3-1 to By Kevin Kissane

Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Imlay City returned from
Birch Run with a 7-1 loss
in a non-league girls’ soc-

conference foe
By Kevin Kissane Dryden now stands at 0-1
Dryden girls’ soccer team
wound up on the losing
cer clash on Monday, April
With the outcome,
Tri-City Times Sports Editor versus GTC rivals and side of a 7-1 outcome to Imlay City now stands at
overall. visiting Lakers in a girls’ 1-2 overall.
DRYDEN — Dryden Alexis Schuhrke had soccer meeting last Amanda Bigger pro-
wound up with a 3-1 loss the lone Dryden goal that Thursday. vided the lone Imlay City
to visiting Unionville day. Her tally was of the With the outcome, goal.
Sebewaing Area in a unassisted variety. Dryden slips to 1-1 overall Gia Hart drew the goal-
Greater Thumb Conference Ashley Hickmott went and as far as conference keeping assignment for
girls’ soccer meeting on the distance in net for clashes are concerned. Imlay City that day. She

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Tuesday, April 9. Dryden. She was credited Ally Sobek had the wound up with 27 saves.
With the outcome, with eight saves. lone Dryden goal.
Capac falls
Imlay City soccer blanks Yale, 6-0 Capac’s Lizzy Parisot (R) battles a USA foe for
the ball during Monday’s soccer clash.
to Bad Axe
By Kevin Kissane
By Kevin Kissane

Chiefs even mark at 2-2

Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Tri-City Times Sports Editor
Imlay City picked up a 6-0 CAPAC — The Capac
victory over visiting Yale in By Kevin Kissane far this season. girls’ soccer team now
a Blue Water Area Tri-City Times Sports Editor Samantha King (assist- owns a 1-2 overall mark,
Conference girls’ soccer ed by Erica Yeashevich) following a 2-1 setback to
matchup last Thursday. CAPAC — Capac and Yeashevich (set up by visiting Bad Axe on
With the outcome, slipped past visiting Lizzy Parisot) furnished Tuesday, April 9.
Imlay City improves to 2-2 Unionville Sebewaing Capac’s goals. In Tuesday’s encoun-
and 1-0. Area, 2-0, in a girls’ soccer Haydn Hurley went the ter, Capac spotted Bad Axe
Kaylee Kaminski led battle Monday. distance in net for the vic- a 1-0 lead at the half.
Imlay City with a three-goal With the outcome, torious Capac side. Hurley Half two would see
performance. Katelyn Judd, Capac improves to 2-2 thus was credited with 15 saves. both sides collect a goal,
Jacqueline Perry and Grace leaving Bad Axe with a 2-1

Almont falls to non-league foe

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Monville added a goal each triumph at game’s end.

to the Spartans’ cause. Erica Yeashevich fur-
Kayla Louwsma (two) nished Capac’s goal, capi-
plus Amanda Bigger and ALMONT — Almont Savannah Tormala and talizing on a pass from
Starr Howland (one apiece) dropped a 7-0 verdict to Aliyah Cremeans shared Lizzy Parisot.
furnished Imlay City’s host Grosse Pointe South in the goalkeeping responsi- Haydn Hurley handled
Imlay City’s Madison Warren pressures a foe in assists. a non-league girls’ soccer bilities for Almont that day. the goalkeeping chores for
a game versus Yale this past week. Gia Hart got the win in encounter on Tuesday, They managed eight and Capac. She registered 21
net for Imlay City. April 9. six saves, respectively. saves.

Athlete of the Week Softball

Capac softball goes to 4-1 on year

By Kevin Kissane allowed 12 hits over seven
Tri-City Times Sports Editor innings, struck out seven
and walked three.
CAPAC — The Capac In the second contest,
varsity softball team Capac pulled out a 7-6 vic-
improved to 4-1 this sea- tory.
son, thanks to a pair of road Amador (three singles),
triumphs against Vassar last Smith (a single and a tri-
Friday. ple), Wheeler, Dean,
In the opener, Capac Schocke and Mason (two
Photo by Kevin Kissane

Capac junior track Almont junior track earned a 12-5 win. singles apiece) and Natalie
standout Hank Barker standout Michael Rinke Aubree Smith (two sin- Maday (a single) generated
claimed a first, two sec- took one first, a second gles and a homer), Meriah Capac’s base hits.
onds and a third last and a two-way tie for a Mason (two singles and a Mason was the winning
Friday at the Brown City second Saturday at the triple), Ally Dean (a single Capac pitcher. She gave up
Invitational. Lake Fenton Relays.
For his effort, Barker and two doubles), Izabelle Capac’s Izabelle Amador prepares to connect eight hits over seven
For his effort, Rinke
shares our Boys’ Athlete shares our Boys’ Athlete Amador (three singles), on a pitch during a game this past week. innings, struck out four and
of the Week honor. of the Week honor. Madison Wheeler (a single walked one along the way.
and a triple) plus Alyssa put up Capac’s top plate Samantha Hull. With the results, Capac
Orlando and Skylar credentials. The Chiefs Orlando was Capac’s now stands at 4-1 this sea-
Be sure to pick up your t-shirt at the Tri-City Times office. Schocke (two singles each) also received a single from pitcher of record. She son.
Capac splits twinbill with Bad Axe
CAPAC — The Capac and a double), Meriah (a double), Madison dict to Bad Axe.
Writing For Many Major varsity softball team split Mason (a single and a tri- Wheeler and Alyssa Dean (a triple) paced
Insurance Companies a pair of contests against ple) plus Aubree Smith, Orlando (a single apiece). Capac’s offensive attack.
• Life Insurance • Automobile • Homeowners • Builder’s Risk • Workers’ Comp host Bad Axe on Tuesday, Samantha Hull, Skylar Mason was Capac’s The Chiefs also received a
• Farm Owners • Motorcycles • Mobile Homes • Fleet Auto • Bonds & RV April 9. Schocke and Izabelle pitcher of record. She single each from Smith,
& Boat • Commercial • Travel Trailers • Special Events In the opener, Capac Amador (two singles each) allowed seven hits, struck Mason, Amador, Hull and
Life is an Adventure. Protect it. claimed an 18-9 win against led Capac with multiple-hit out five and walked three. Orlando.
649 N. Van Dyke 810-724-0199 • Text 810-395-5748
Bad Axe. performances. They were In the second game, With the results, Capac
Imlay City Ally Dean (two singles backed by Natalie Maday Capac dropped a 6-3 ver- now stands at 1-1 overall.

Page One Printing Almont opens BWAC play with losses

BEST PRINTING. BEST PRICE. By Kevin Kissane With the results, Almont Grace Johnson (two singles) double) paced Almont’s
Tri-City Times Sports Editor slips to 0-4 and 0-2. along with Olivia Malcolm, offensive attack. She was
In the opener, Almont Hannah Landerschier, given assistance in the hit-
594 N. Almont Ave. • Imlay City, Michigan 48444 ALMONT — Almont dropped a 9-6 verdict to Hannah Feys and Samantha ting department by Johnson
lost a pair of contests to Cros-Lex. Knittel (a single apiece). (two singles), Feys (a dou-
(810) 724-0254 Cros-Lex in a Blue Water
Area Conference varsity
Laken Campbell and
Sarah Hall led Almont with
In the second game,
Cros-Lex pulled out a 6-5
ble) plus Makayla Gammon,
Rachael Schapman,
softball doubleheader it two singles and a double victory over Almont. Samantha Dyer and Hall (a
“Quality Commercial Printing at the Best Price in Town!” hosted last Thursday. each. They were backed by Malcolm (a single and a single each).
Page 21-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019


Raiders now 4-1 Imlay drops pair

on the season of BWAC games
By Kevin Kissane each), Parker Zisler (a sin- By Kevin Kissane Logan Wilson (one for
Tri-City Times Sports Editor gle and two runs scored), Tri-City Times Sports Editor three) led Imlay City at the
Cameron Asaro (a single plate.
ALMONT — Almont and one run scored) and IMLAY CITY — The In the second game,
defeated host Rochester Josh Hellebuyck (an RBI Imlay City varsity baseball Armada pulled out a 6-5
Hills Lutheran Northwest, and one run). team dropped a pair of con- victory over Imlay City.
8-2 and 5-3, in a non-league Lucas Leid was the tests to host and Blue Water Wilson (two for two,
varsity baseball double- winning Almont pitcher. Area Conference rival both of his base hits good
header on Monday, April 8. Paupert (two singles, a Armada last Thursday. for doubles, and a walk)
With the result, Almont double, two runs scored In the opener, Armada paced Imlay City’s offen-
improves to 4-1 overall. and two RBI) paced claimed an 8-0 win at Imlay sive attack. Dillan Sarka
Jack Paupert (two sin- Almont’s offensive attack. City’s expense. and Ross Edson added one
gles, two runs and one RBI) Stine (two singles and one Ricky Guerrero (one for two showings to the
and Reis Stine (a pair of RBI), Gavin Dempz, Kruse for two and a walk) and Spartans’ cause.
singles) led Almont to the and Asaro (a single and a
game one win on the
strength of multiple-hit
run scored apiece), Zisler
(a single and a run scored)
Almont suffers 5-2 loss,
performances. They were
backed by Colton Kruse
and Cody (a single) sup-
ported his performance.
to visiting Lutheran North
and Austin Cody (a single, Kruse was the victori- By Kevin Kissane With the result, Almont

Photo by Kevin Kissane

a run scored and one RBI ous Almont pitcher. Tri-City Times Sports Editor slips to 4-2 this season.
Colton Kruse (two sin-
ALMONT — Almont gles and two RBI), Reis
Capac falls twice fell by a score of 5-2 to
visiting Lutheran North in
Stine (a double) plus Josh
Hellebuyck and Blake

to host Bad Axe

a non-league varsity base- Kapron (a single and a run
Almont pitcher Reis Stine fires a strike to
ball game on Tuesday, scored each) supplied
home plate during a game at home last week.
April 9. Almont’s base hits.
By Kevin Kissane received a single each cour-
Tri-City Times Sports Editor tesy of Joe Peters, Jakob
Sawyers, Danny Parski,
CAPAC — Capac fell Brad Schaefer, Fisher Maul
twice to host Bad Axe in a and Dylan Brecht.
varsity baseball double- In the nightcap, Bad
header on Monday, April 8. Axe made Capac absorb a
In the opener, Bad Axe 15-0 loss.
registered a 12-2 triumph Maul paced Capac with
against Capac. a pair of singles. He was
Casey Bollaert led backed by Joe Montney
Capac with a single and a and Sawyers (a single
double. The Chiefs also apiece).
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Photo by Kevin Kissane

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Tom Patten Jared Gay
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Mitchell Gill, of Dryden, looks to throw out an ZERO DOWN $20400/MO
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perennial powerhouse 2019 CHRYSLER OR LEASE ONE FOR

By Kevin Kissane 5-0 overall. Dryden slips
Tri-City Times Sports Editor to 2-1 this season. ZERO DOWN $28900/MO
New Lothrop used a $
1,999 DOWN $21200/MO
DRYDEN — Dryden two-run first inning; a one- Rob Piccirilli Bill Hilliard EMPLOYEE SALE PRICE FCA EMPLOYEE PRICING:
was handed a 14-0 setback run second; a one-run Sales Sales ZERO DOWN $24500/MO
by visiting New Lothrop in
a non-league varsity base-
ball game contested under
third; a two-run fourth;
and an eight-run sixth to
$ 32,402 $
1,999 DOWN $16800/MO
MSRP $45,690 • STK#LD19P050

bone-chilling conditions
last Wednesday afternoon.
Brady Czape, Ethan
Rozanski and Tyler Perria
With the outcome,
New Lothrop improves to
led Dryden with one hit
apiece. Shannon Lane Rachel Walls
Sales Sales
Chiefs drop twinbill to Vassar
By Kevin Kissane ing a pair of singles. The MSRP $38,730 • STK#L18I022
$ 28,188 $ 29,571
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Chiefs also had Joe Peters,
Jakob Sawyers, David Keith Semaan Meredith Dubbs
Sales Sales
CAPAC — Capac Pearl and Kaden Vehel (a
absorbed 4-3 and 14-3 loss-

33,353 34,658
es, respectively, to host ting column.
Vassar in a varsity baseball Game two saw Capac $ $
doubleheader last Friday. generate five hits. Brad
MSRP $46,125 • STK#L18H069
In the opener, Capac Schaefer (two singles) plus
finished with six base hits.
Brendan Falco led
Sawyers, Peters and Pearl
(a single each) made that
Brad Curtis Shane Burrough
Capac at the plate, collect- output possible. EVERYONE EMPLOYEE SALE PRICE FRIENDS & FAMILY SALE PRICE

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Page 22-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Tennis Sports Schedule Golf

Imlay City drops match Baseball

Wednesday, April 17
Capac at Marlette, 4 p.m
Thursday, April 18
Almont, Capac, Imlay City
at Marlette Invite, 3 p.m.
Tuesday, April 23
Dryden at USA Invite,

to non-league foe, 8-0 dict; and Chloe Lowe fell

Mayville at Dryden, 4 p.m.
Flint Kearsley at Imlay
City, 4 p.m.
Saturday, April 20
4 p.m.
Almont at Algonac,
4:30 p.m.
By Kevin Kissane Almont, Capac at Almont Girls’ Soccer
Tri-City Times Sports Editor 0-6, 2-6 at fourth singles.
As far as doubles play Tourney, TBA Wednesday, April 17
IMLAY CITY — was concerned, Kendall Monday, April 22 Cros-Lex at Almont,
Imlay City fell 8-0 to visit- Dryden at Peck, 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
Sommer and Baylee Wetzel Tuesday, April 23 Richmond at Imlay City,
ing Marysville in a non- dropped a 2-6, 2-6 top Algonac at Almont, 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
league girls’ tennis match- flight verdict; Megan Tietz Yale at Imlay City, 4 p.m. Dryden at Caro, 5:30 p.m.
up last Thursday. and Sofia Villeda fell 0-6, USA at Capac, 4 p.m. Monday, April 22
In individual action, 1-6 at second doubles; Almont at Imlay City,
Summer Stoldt dropped a Mallory Wetzel and Lotta Softball 4:30 p.m.
6-4, 5-7, 7-10 top flight Ziegler dropped a 3-6, 3-6 Wednesday, April 17 Marlette at Dryden,
verdict; Mackenzie Allen third doubles verdict; plus Capac at Marlette, 4 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
fell 5-7, 0-6 at second sin- Angelica Vaughn and Thursday, April 18 Capac at Harbor Beach,
gles; Joelle Jones dropped Ludovica Margotti fell 1-6, Mayville at Dryden, 4 p.m. 5:30 p.m
a 0-6, 1-6 third flight ver- 0-6 at fourth doubles. Almont at Port Huron
Northern, 4 p.m. Boys’ Golf

Photo by Kevin Kissane

Bussone claims top singles flight
Flint Kearsley at Imlay Monday, April 22
City, 4 p.m. Capac vs. Brown City at
Saturday, April 20 Holly Meadows, Capac,
Country Day at Imlay City, 2:30 p.m.
10 a.m.
By Kevin Kissane by Flint Powers (15 points), Monday, April 22 Girls’ Tennis
Marysville (seven) and Imlay City’s Andy Hintz looks to sink a putt
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Dryden at Peck, 4 p.m. Thursday, April 18
Almont (five). during a match this season.
Madison Heights Madison Almont at Armada, 4 p.m.
ALMONT — The Maria Bussone led at Capac, 4:30 p.m. Imlay City at Richmond,
Almont girls’ tennis team
netted a fourth-place show-
Almont with a first at the
top singles position.
Tuesday, April 23
Almont at Algonac,
4 p.m.
Monday, April 22
Raiders: also counted Thomas
Manko’s 42, and Paul
ing at a quad it hosted last Paige Hunger and from page 19 Biolchini’s 45.
4:30 p.m. John Glenn at Imlay City,
Saturday. Jenna Hausmann added Imlay City at Yale, 4:30 p.m. 4 p.m.
For Imlay City, Mitch
Chelsea (21 points) thirds to Almont’s cause. Tuesday, April 23 Course, in Melvin, served Allen was low with a 51.
paced the field assembled. They played second and Boys and Girls’ Track Almont at Algonac, as the tournament venue. Quintin Zinger (56),
They were were followed fourth singles, respectively. Thursday, April 18 4 p.m. Jacob Rayl and Jack Andy Hintz and Connor
Jellison shot a 40 each to Kovacek (62) supported his
lead Almont. The Raiders performance.

Imlay City:
from page 19
Winget) and 1600 (Aubrie
Behrick, Kayla Louwsma,
Winget, and Denver) relays
Louwsma, 800 run,
2:52.19; contributed Imlay
City’s fifths.
Schenkel and Poirier
wound up fifth as well. It
took them 2:02.16 to
Capac earns win at home
CAPAC — Capac For Capac, Colin
garnered seconds as well. Sophia Rosillo, discus, accomplish the feat.
(Jillian LeFevere, They managed respective 82 feet 6 inches; and Izzy Schenkel, high jump, 4 earned a 221-332 win Anderson led the way with
McKinzie Winget, Robin clockings of 55.37 and Aune, 3200-meter run, feet 6 inches; and Ella against visiting Mayville in a 49 over nine holes. The
LeFevere and Denver) and 4:40.88 en route. 14:14.89; added sevenths Kage, 800 run, 2:53.24; a boys’ golf clash last Chiefs also counted Kayden
3200 (Ana Lengemann, Mary Lengemann, high to Imlay City’s cause. contributed Dryden’s Friday. Braun’s 54, Conner
Mary Lengemann, Kayla jump (5 feet) and pole A 400 relay of Erin sixths. Holly Meadows is Robinson’s 55 and Adam
Louwsma and Denver) vault (7 feet) plus Ana Paton, Erin Boetcher, Kelli Poirier, long jump, 14 where the action unfolded. Savage’s 63.
relays took first as well. Lengemann, 3200-meter Schenkel and Natalie feet 10 3/4 inches; and
They were timed in 1:58.99
and 10:45.72, respectively.
run, 13:14.22; furnished
Imlay City’s thirds.
Poirier paced Dryden with
a fourth. They were timed
Caitlyn Hill, 200-meter
dash, 31.11 seconds; man- Chiefs falls at home to Yale
Robin LeFevere, long Mary Lengemann, in 57.25 seconds. aged Dryden’s individual CAPAC — Capac fell unfolded.
jump (16 feet 9 inches) and 1600 run, 5:52.28; supplied Natalie Poirier, high event eighths. by a 184-203 count to visit- For Capac, Kayden
200-meter dash (27.86 sec- the lone Imlay City fourth. jump, 4 feet 9 inches; and Dryden’s 1600 relay of ing Yale in a non-league Braun led the way with a
onds) gave Imlay City Winget, 200-meter Teagan Norman, 3200 run, Paige Abromaitis, Kylie boys’ golf encounter last 47 over nine holes. The
individual event seconds. dash, 29.76 seconds; Carlee 13:49.91 gave Dryden indi- DeVlaminck, Hill and Wednesday. Chiefs also counted Conner
The Imlay City 400 Forsyth, 300 hurdles, 57.29 vidual event fifths. Kage generated an eighth Holly Meadows Robinson’s 49, Adam
(Jillian LeFevere, Carlee seconds; Behrick, 400 The Dryden 800-meter as well. They registered a Golf Course, in Capac, Savage’s 51 and Colin
Forsyth, Dalecke and -meter dash, 1:11.32; and relay of Paton, Boetcher, 5:17.63 clocking en route. is where the action Anderson’s 56.

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Page 23-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019


Capac winds up Imlay City boys

third at Brown City third in Davison
By Kevin Kissane Barker, pole vault, 10
Tri-City Times Sports Editor feet 6 inches; and Ben By Kevin Kissane vided Imlay City with an
Tarzwell, discus, 115 feet; Tri-City Times Sports Editor individual event third.
provided Capac with indi- The Imlay City 1600-
vidual event seconds. meter relay of Liu, Wolford,
boys’ track team obtained a The Imlay City and Dryden
The Capac 1600 Bertram and Andrez wound
third-place finish last boys’ track teams pulled up
relay of Ethan Bastian, up third as well, aided by a
Friday at the Brown City third and ninth, respective-
Aldrich, Barker and clocking of 3:53.42.
Invitational. ly, among small school
Ellis gave Capac a second Imlay City’s 400 relay
Reese’s 93-point total division entries last Friday
as well. They required of James Ruolo, Dakota
paced the field assembled. at the Shake Off the
3:43.91 to accomplish the Sandzik, Alex Dimmick
They were followed by Rust Invitational in
feat. and Wolford managed a
Mayville (72 points), Capac Davison.
Logan Swantek, pole fourth, thanks to a time of
(69), Bad Axe (53.5), Caro (140 points) took
vault, 10 feet; and Barker, 48.91 seconds.
Memphis (45), Cass City team honors at day’s end.
300-meter hurdles, 44.51 Johnson, shot put, 42
(37), Sandusky (34), Brown They were followed by feet 1 inch; managed the

Photo by Kevin Kissane

City (30), Ubly (25), seconds; furnished Capac’s
thirds. Morrice (92.53 points), lone Imlay City fifth.
Pigeon-Laker (21), Marlette Imlay City (79), North
Ellis, long jump, 17 Kyle Kulin, pole vault,
(20), Harbor Beach (16.5), Branch (57.53 points),
feet 9 1/2 inches; and 9 feet; Bertram, 100-meter
Vassar (eight) and Akron- Saginaw Valley Lutheran
Aldrich, 800 run, 2:15.57; dash, 12.91 seconds; and
Fairgrove (three). (51.53 points), Corunna
supplied Capac’s fourths. Liu, 400 dash, 57.28 sec-
Hank Barker, 110 hur- Charlie Aldrich helped Capac’s 1600 relay place and Goodrich (36 each),
Capac received fifths onds; supplied Imlay City’s
dles, 16.65 seconds; and second at the Brown City Invitational. Unionville Sebewaing
from Ellis, 100-meter dash, sixths.
Charlie Aldrich, 400-meter (33.2), Dryden (28),
12.04 seconds; and Ben 11:36.7. feet 5 inches; added a sixth Imlay City also
dash, 54.67 seconds; led Richmond (21.2) and
Rodriguez, 3200 run, Bryce Tank, discus, 102 to Capac’s cause. received eights from Jager
Capac with firsts. Farwell (15). Land, 300-meter hurdles,

Capac boys win a quad in Marlette

Riley Bertram, 200 50.09 seconds; and Mikhail
dash, 24.9 seconds; and DeBolt, 400 dash, 1:03.
Breydon Andrez, 400- Ethan Rozanski, 800-
meter dash, 55.75 seconds; meter run, 2:12.12; paced
By Kevin Kissane ings with 82 points. They Rodriguez, 3200-meter provided Capac’s seconds. led Imlay City with firsts. Dryden with a second.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor were followed by Ubly (60 run, 12:04.31; led Capac Ellis, long jump, 18 Ryan Johnson, discus, Rozanski also placed
points), Marlette (57) and with individual event feet 7 inches; Bastian, 100 132 feet 10 inches; and third with a 1600 run time
CAPAC — The Capac Sandusky (36). wins. dash, 13.04 seconds; Andrez, 200-meter dash, of 4:51.46.
boys’ track squad obtained Bryce Tank, discus, 113 The Capac 1600 relay Swantek, 1600-meter run, 24.98 seconds; gave Imlay
a first-place finish at a feet 9 1/2 inches; Ethan of Logan Swantek, Aldrich, 5:26.67; and Max Nathan Schenkel, high
City individual event sec- jump, 5 feet 6 inches;
Greater Thumb Conference Bastian, 200 dash, 25.79 Barker and Bastian also Frangedakis, 3200 run,
quad on Tuesday, April 9. onds. and Brenden Knuth,
seconds; Hank Barker, 300- prevailed. They stopped 12:50.85; gave Capac
Marlette High School is meter hurdles, 45.17 sec- the watch at 3:52.47. thirds. The Imlay City 800 3200-meter run, 10:33.62;
where the meet was con- onds; Charlie Aldrich, 800 Barker, pole vault, 9 Tank, shot put, 35 feet 2 relay of Raymond Liu, provided Dryden’s fifths.
tested. (2:17.55) and 1600 feet; and Tyler Ellis, 100- 1/4 inches; added a fourth Lonnie Wolford, Bertram Ronny Hudson, 800
Capac topped the stand- (5:04.57) runs; and Ben meter dash, 12.9 seconds; to Capac’s cause. and Andrez registered a run, 2:16.37; generated a
second as well. They sixth for Dryden.

Almont ties for third at Lake Fenton

stopped the watch at Mitchell Gill, 100-
1:38.76. meter dash, 13.09 seconds;
Austin DeRocher, shot added an eighth to Dryden’s
By Kevin Kissane of Robbie Battani, Aaron Mason Smith wound up and Kerby), middle dis- put, 42 feet 7 inches; pro- cause.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Bryan, Adam Bryan and third with a clocking of tance (Lucas Webster,

Michael Rinke led Almont
with a first. They required
47.35 seconds.
The 800 (Kalub Odett,
Jacob Castillo, Luke Owens
and Odett) and 3200 (Dallas
Capac competes at Brown City Invite
Almont boys’ track team 1:14.15 to accomplish the Schapman, DeLaurier and Stanton, Trent Ligon, CAPAC — The Capac lowed by Reese (79 points),
notched a two-way tie for feat. Smith) and sprint medley Owens and Webster) relays girls’ track team registered Marlette (63), Harbor
third last Saturday at the The pole vault relay of (Rinke, Battani, Dyer and added sixths to Almont’s a 13th-place finish last Beach (52), Bad Axe (48),
Lake Fenton Relays. Battani and Rinke provided Smith) relays gave Almont cause. Those lineups gener- Friday at the Brown City Ubly (46), Cass City (41),
Flint Powers (102 Almont with an outright fourths. They were timed ated respective perfor- Invitational. Sandusky (24), Mayville
points) was the meet cham- second, thanks to a perfor- in 1:42.46 and 2:54.77, mances of 184 feet 6 inch- Brown City (111 (22), Pigeon-Laker (16),
pion. They were followed mance of 23 feet 6 inches. respectively. es, 6:57.47 and 9:55.71 points) took team honors
by Hartland (87 points), Colby Schapman and Almont’s long jump along the way. that day. They were fol- Competes page 24
Almont and Byron (46 Rinke gave Almont a two- (Helfer and Battani) and
each), Montrose (40), Lake way tie for a high jump shot put (Jackson Malcolm
Fenton (31), Flint Beecher second. They generated a and Nathan Kerby) relays
(23), Lapeer (16), Rochester performance of 10 feet 10 contributed fifths. They
Hills Lutheran Northwest inches en route. logged efforts of 33 feet 11
(10) and Burton Bendle The 400 relay of Seth inches and 68 feet 6 1/2
(one). Helfer, Thomas Dyer, inches en route.
The shuttle hurdle relay Lucas DeLaurier and The discus (Malcolm

Capac girls place fourth at Marlette

By Kevin Kissane
Tri-City Times Sports Editor

CAPAC — The Capac

girls’ track team ranked
fourth in a quad meet
hosted by Marlette on
Tuesday, April 9.
Marlette (88 points)
paced the field assembled.
Photo by Kevin Kissane

They were followed by

Ubly (61 points),
Sandusky (48) and Capac
Aria Nealy, 100 dash,
15.24 seconds; led Capac
with a first. Madelaine Dietrich passes the baton to Aria
Abigail Aldrich, shot Nealy at a meet last week.
put, 27 feet 2 1/4 inches;
gave Capac a second. tributed Capac’s thirds. Emily Nestle and
Sam Ballard, long Juliana Closurdo, 200 Aldrich added a two-way
jump, 11 feet 11 1/2 inch- dash, 34.12 seconds; and tie for a fourth to Capac’s
es; plus Lilly Rodriguez, Gracie Barker, 1600-meter cause, thanks to discus
800 (2:54.2) and 1600- run, 7:17.88; secured performances of 70 feet 2
meter (6:14.95) runs; con- Capac’s outright fourths. 1/2 inches.

Almont girls fourth at Lake Fenton

By Kevin Kissane Kwierant) and shuttle hur- 8 feet 7 inches.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor dle (Hailey McKinney, The Almont 1600
Claire Taylor, Autumn (Katrina Kline, Emily
ALMONT — The Kwierant and Brady) led Kwierant, Burchi and
Almont girls’ track team Almont with seconds. McKinney), 3200 (Molly
garnered a fourth-place fin- They managed performanc- Kline, Emily Kwierant,
ish last Saturday at the es of 15 feet 2 inches and Katrina Kline and Heather
Lake Fenton Relays. 1:16.53, respectively. Fitchett) and distance med-
When the final scores The long jump ley (Alyssa Serra, Molly
were tallied, Hartland’s (McKinney and Taylor) Kline, Emily Kwierant and
120-point output set the and discus (Ashley Santo Fitchett) relays collected
pace. They were followed and Jamie McKelvey) fifths. They logged respec-
by Byron (80 points), Flint relays gave Almont thirds. tive clockings of 5:03.73,
Powers (72), Almont (39), Those lineups supplied 11:57.66 and 16:37 along
Lapeer (28), Rochester respective efforts of 26 feet the way.
Hills Lutheran Northwest 5 inches and 158 feet 3 The Almont 400 relay
(18), Lake Fenton (14), inches en route. of Autumn Kwierant,
Burton Bendle (13) and Almont’s high jump Brady, McKinney and
Montrose (seven). relay of Autumn Kwierant Taylor added a sixth,
The pole vault (Brandi and Taylor took fourth, thanks to a time of 59.5
Brady and Autumn thanks to a performance of seconds.

Call or send us with your sports announcements...

810-724-2615 or
Page 24-TRI-CITY TIMES-APRIL 17, 2019

Walking for clean water

Gateway Assembly youths host
6K walk/run to advocate for water
those fees go directly to
World Vision water proj-
ects. According to the orga-
nization, each registration
Tri-County Bank
By Maria Brown “Join us and thousands is enough to give clean Hometown Banking with your Hometown Friends! of other host sites around water to one person in a

Help Protect yourself with a

the globe as we walk/run developing country for life.
IMLAY CITY — Six for water on Saturday, May In 2017, the non-profit says
kilometers—that’s the 4. This is a self-paced event they brought clean water to

average distance that that makes it fun for family more than 3.2 million peo-
women and children in and friends to participate ple in need by drilling
developing countries walk together,” organizers state wells; installing pumps and
to access water. on their website. pipelines; providing rain-

In honor of the people Participants, after reg- water catchments, water
who make that arduous trek istering online, will receive kiosks, latrines and hand-
(equal to 3.7 miles), a race kit including a 6K washing stations and
Gateway Assembly’s We t-shirt and a picture of a employing repair mechan-

Are One Youth group will child receiving clean water ics.
host a Global 6K for Water for life through World The church is located at
event on Saturday, May 4 Vision’s water projects. 2796 S. Van Dyke Rd. in
at the church, starting at 10 A virtual option is also Imlay City.
a.m. available for those who On-site registration
That day run/walk par-
ticipants will raise funds to
can’t attend. Donations
toward the We Are One
begins on May 4 at 8:30
Offering . . .
support World Vision’s
efforts to bring clean water
event can also be made
For more information,
• 1 FREE order of checks per year.
to people around the world.
Their goal is to raise
Registration is $50 per
person and $25 for youth or contact
the We Are One Youth at • IDProtect® Identity Theft Monitoring and resolution services
$10,000. 18 years and under and
• $hopping Rewards™ access to exclusive offers

Twp. board okays raise for inspectors

and discounts when shopping online.
• FREE money orders.
By Maria Brown at their April 8 meeting, final decision. • And much more! represents the first rate Supervisor Paul
change since 2006. Bowman made the propos-
The township board has
The proposal was first
discussed at their March
al in March saying the rate
change would help slow
Open your Hometown Secure
approved giving building
inspectors a raise. The
meeting and board mem-
bers opted to do some
down the growth of the
building department’s fund
Rewards Checking account at any
percentage of fees
inspectors receive will
research, namely compare
their inspection fees and
balance which currently
stands at $30,000. Tri-County Bank Branch Locations!
increase from 75 to 80 inspector compensation In other meeting mat-
percent. rates with other depart- ters:   Fronney's Family Foods 
The change, approved ments, before making a •the board approved
Wally Maslowsky’s annual   Capac810-395-8113 
fireworks display permit
    Kingston
Competes: request for July 4
•Shelly Sadler was     989-683-2023
from page 23 appointed to represent the
township on the Almont centerMarlette 
Vassar (eight), Peck Juliana Closurdo, Park Board 989-635-0639 
(seven), Capac (six) and Madelaine Dietrich and •members approved
Akron-Fairgrove (four).
Abigail Aldrich, shot
Emily Vermeesch notched
Capac’s other placewinning
purchasing 3,000 ton of
limestone for Bordman
Visit us online at
put, 29 feet 7 inches; led
Capac with a fourth.
performance that day. They
stopped the watch at 58.46
Road at a cost of $63,150
•a soil erosion permit Member FDIC
A 400-meter relay team seconds en route to a transfer for Rodeo Homes *Single order, regular checks. Some benefits require registration and activation. For complete details of this checking account, speak with a Tri-
County Bank representative. 1 IDProtect is a personal identity theft protection service available to personal checking account owner(s) and their
consisting of Aria Nealy, sixth. was approved joint account owners. Service is not available to a “signer” on the account who is not an account owner. **$6 monthly service fee. Member FDIC

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