02 06 19
02 06 19
02 06 19
Part IX
Motive, but
no new clues
take a break from search for Hale Currier. Anyone with information about
Mystery’ eporters from the press
the others pictured here are encouraged to call Catherine at 810-724-
detailing swarmed all over the
the events stores, motels, restaurants,
surround- bars, and the Newberry Only a motive, he sons. She was always in was always at peace with
ing the The Capac Journal... campsite where Hale hoped, but no clues. good spirits and had what the reporters. He admired
disap- Currier was last seen alive. Wherever he went, the he often thought was ‘true her, and could see why
pearance Doug Hunter Lieutenant Fred Chrispell questions and his response grit.’ Now, he knew. True she and her husband were
of popu- actually felt guilty that after were always the same: grit was an inner strength so important to the little
lar five days of searching for “Nothing at this time.” and courage that only town of Capac. They were
Capac merchant Hale Hale Currier, he had noth- He constantly thought those two words could
Currier or October 17, ing to report. of Mrs. Currier and her describe. Mrs. Currier Mystery page 6
Road projects to
top $10 million
in Lapeer County
Imlay City, Newark roads
Imlay on top to be resurfaced in 2019
Photo by Maria Brown
By Maria Brown
Imlay City wrestlers mbrown@pageone-inc.com
defeat Algonac,
...see page 17 LAPEER COUNTY — We’re still in the
throes of winter, but road construction season will Clerk Sharna Smith (right) and deputy clerk Katie Jostock are enjoying
be underway soon. their new office space in the recently renovated Arcadia Township Hall.
In anticipation, the Lapeer County Road
New look for Arcadia hall
Commission is deep into planning multiple pro-
posed projects across the county, including several
TIMES in the Tri-City area.
Overall, the list is larger than in past year, said
ONLINE Destain Gingell, County Highway Engineer. Renovation nearly complete at township offices
“We’ll be doing a considerable amount of
work this year. We approved more than $10 mil- By Maria Brown be done and new office fur- to 104. There’s a new kitch-
lion in our 2019 budget for road improvement on mbrown@pageone-inc.com niture will be purchased to en space with updated
tricitytimes-online.com primary roads alone,” he said. wrap up the renovation. appliances and a new
One of the longest stretches slated to get resur- ARCADIA TWP. — It The clerk, treasurer, entrance too.
faced is Newark Road. was a big job that’s not assessor and supervisor The newly expanded
completely done but now all have their own space will be ideal for the
FACEBOOK In sections, Newark will be renovated from
Clark Rd. in Lapeer Township to Lake Pleasant Arcadia Township officials
are getting settled into their
offices plus space for their
deputy officials too.
fire department who hosts a
benefit spaghetti dinner in
Road in Attica Township.
Gingell said it’s still to be determined just newly renovated hall and “Four of us used to May. Smith notes that in
facebook.com exactly what kind of paving will be used, although office and enjoying the share one room and provid- years past, they’ve had to
/Tricitytimes/ the plan currently is to use a majority of hot mix freshened up space. The
work started back in the
ing privacy was difficult,”
said Clerk Sharna Smith.
set up tables in both the
township and fire halls.
The last stretch of Imlay City Road is also due summer and wrapped up in “Our new setup is more “Our residents seem to be
to be resurfaced from Dorrow Road to the St. late 2018. professional and it allows very excited about the hall.
The Tri-City Times Clair County line at Cade Road. “It was really needed. us to better interact with It’s a nice space for them to
is printed on Lapeer County has been resurfacing the for- We’re happy we could do residents.” have,” Skovran said.
recycled paper mer state highway, old M-21, in segments over the this for our residents,” said The hall, available for What was the former
last several years. Treasurer Lisa Skovran. residents to rent for special kitchen space is now a con-
In 2017, the county paid contractors to repair The project encom- occasions like baby show- ference room. Smith said
the road from the Imlay City limits to Dorrow passed everything from a ers and graduation open the board intends to use that
Road, plus replace the bridge over the Belle River. new front entrance and houses, was completely as their regular meeting
Gingell said the county plans to have a deck treat- lobby area to an expanded renovated and expanded. space. The building also
ment performed on that bridge sometime in 2019. rental hall space with a new Smith said after bumping now has air conditioning.
kitchen. Later this year, out some walls, the hall’s
Road Projects page 6 some exterior painting will occupancy jumped from 72 Renovation page 6
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Photo provided
hoping to raise funds to unable to pay themself.” For more information
make sure families with Goodwin, Bakke and about the Lapeer County
youths who wish to play Kautz came up with the Ed Tech Center and the
sports are able to do so. ‘pay-to-play’ plan after programs offered there, Alycia Kautz, Kaylyn Goodwin and Megan Bakke have lots of delicious
While their ‘Goodie signing on to participate in call 810-664-1124 or visit goodies for sale for their Careers in Education Skills USA project to help
Sale’ was slated to take the SkillsUSA competi- www.lcisd.k12.mi.us. cover ‘pay to play’ costs for at least one youth.
contest. website poll. IMLAY CITY — Grab your sweetheart and
A Quote! “The Bay Area and “At the end of the con- enjoy an evening of classical and popular music on
Thumb region are full of test, the three photos with Friday, Feb. 15 at Hiram’s Tavern. Local musicians
terrific landscapes,” said the most votes will win and Halla and Madison Hilborn will be playing violin and
Daley, R-Lum. “I look for- will be displayed in my viola during a special Valentine’s Day event from 6 to
ward to the many photos Lansing office,” Daley 9 p.m. The musical event is being sponsored by the
highlighting what makes said. “The goal of this Barbara L. Yockey Law Office in Imlay City. Both
the 31st District one of the photo contest is to help pro- Hilborn sisters have played with the Detroit Symphony
most beautiful places in the mote our state by giving Youth Orchestra, the Lapeer Symphony Orchestra,
and other orchestras around the area. They also went
state.” residents a fun and creative
on tour in six cities in Italy in the summer of 2018
Until 5 p.m. on Friday, opportunity to showcase
with the Wayne State Camarata. Both were regular
Feb. 22, residents of Bay, what makes the 31st
winners in the Music Performance category of the
Tuscola or Lapeer counties District such an incredible Eastern Michigan State Fair 4-H competition, for over
can submit their photos on place to live.” 10 years. Madison Hilborn is a legal assistant with the
GASS-BECKER INSURANCE the Pure Michigan Photo
Contest page on Daley’s
The contest is limited
to residents of the 31st
Barbara L. Yockey law office. Hiram’s Tavern will be
offering a special Valentine’s Dinner for Two Menu as
ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA Senate website at www. Senate District. Only one well as their regular menu. For more information call
SenatorKevinDaley.com. submission per person 810-721-1019.
798-3946 395-4366 678-3655 After the submission allowed and the photo must
There was still plenty of winter to
enjoy at Seven Ponds Nature
Center during its annual
Winterfest celebration on
Saturday, Feb. 2. Families and
friends enjoyed a variety of winter
activities and crafts, along with
the milder temperatures that
moved into the area over the
Seven Ponds
Nature Center
volunteer Don
Vortman treats
visitors to an
ice cutting dem-
onstration on
Tree Top Pond
at the Nature
Winterfest on
Vortman is
a method that
was commonly
used in the
Photo by Mike Mercier
in every morning from Currier. (*Jim now lives in and group leader. In the they’re grateful to local
Capac to feed the droves of Florida with his wife). pre-dawn, they walked to businessman Marty Wolfe
volunteers from every- Jim stayed with his their assigned area. Their who let them store their
where. mother and brother Phil at enthusiasm was high after furniture and other items in
*Note: The following is the CAPDET lodge. The being up all night. a garage in downtown
about the living individuals two Carls stayed with Capac, with a popula- Lum. The township hall’s new kitchen features a fun
I interviewed and their Elmer and Minnie Lang, tion of only 960 people, Township officials said barn door. The space is available for residents
direct recollections of the Carl Lang’s parents. The had nearly every male resi- the work has been needed to rent for family gatherings and the like.
search. At the time of the other eight stayed at the dent in Newberry. Every for some time and they’ve
interview, there were four State Police post on the store was either closed or been setting aside funds for er raising taxes for the
living, one has since cots. They ate lunch at the limited in business. The the last 10 years in antici- work.
passed. That person is lodge and had dinner at the farms and chores were pation of this project. "Our new setup “Now we can start sav-
Carl Lang. He wanted this Dollarville Bar, where they being handled by wives Smith said they first ing for the next project”
story told but died before I mixed with other searchers and children. considered doing some is more Smith added.
actually started writing it. and locals, soon learning The newspapers report- upgrades in 2007 but that professional This summer some
exterior painting work is
These four men also veri- of the people that inhabited ed this was the largest was during the height of
fied the procedures of the the woods at strange times manhunt in state history. the recession and the tim- and it allows planned with the goal to
search and the conditions and intervals. In two weeks, the ing didn’t feel appropriate match the hall and fire hall
present. The next day, they search wraps up; conclu- since “it was tough for us to better color-wise. In the mean-
Two 1946 Pontiacs left headed to the woods to sions are drawn. people to stay in their own interact with time, staff will continue
unpacking boxes and find-
homes,” she said.
The township board residents." ing just the right spot to
allocated $500,000 for the decorate the still bare
renovation and they project --Sharna Smith walls. Smith said eventual-
they’ll be able to stick to ly they’ll feature old pho-
that budget. Twp. Clerk tos of downtown Lum and
Smith said they credit an old Lum train depot
their contractor, DCC sign.
Construction of Davison, with and we were happy to Arcadia Township
for keeping that budget top stay as local as possible,” offices, located at 4900
of mind during the project. Smith said. Spencer St., are open 12-4
“We were really, really Skovran said the board p.m. on Mondays and 9
Photo by Maria Brown
happy with them. They is pleased they didn’t need a.m. to 1 p.m. on
were great people to work to borrow funds or consid- Wednesdays and Fridays.
SAR inductee
Norm Palmer presents certificate to Bruce
Patterson, who was inducted into the Sons
Barbara L. Yockey Law Office, PLLC
of the American Revolution Paul Emery 34 Years
Chapter on January 22, 2019. Palmer, the Practicing Family Law
Paul Emery Chapter President, adminis- (Divorce, Custody, Parenting Time, Spousal Support)
tered the oath requiring members to uphold Wills, Probate, Bankruptcy and Real Estate
the principles championed by our patriot Located right in Downtown Imlay City
forefathers. Patterson lives in Arcadia (208 E. Third Street)
Township with his wife Virginia, and is cur-
rently president of the Lapeer County
Genealogical Society.
(810) 721-7373
*RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. www.BarbaraYockeyLaw.com • byockey@barbarayockeylaw.com
should be eliminated
from poverty, natural disas- million gift-filled shoebox- year-round volunteer Child
ters, war, disease and fam- es to children in more than opportunities can also be Samaritan’s Purse
W hat a tizzy the coun- to 20 years before the visa of the mix. There are walls what’s necessary to protect
Photo provided
try seems to be in is granted and can be used. the country.
about the “crisis” at our You can Google all of this. Let’s concentrate more
southern The other way is to resources, human and tech-
border. present oneself at the bor- nical, at established ports Beautiful words conveyed to us by our ances-
We’re der and apply for asylum. of entry. We’re told that tors. It includes all of us. Many more people
told that Thousands are doing just most of the illegal contra- from other countries yearn to be part of ‘We
thou- that. It’s perfectly legal by band comes though these. the People.’
sands of U.S. law. Conditions in We need more people and
people some of their home coun- methods to screen people. Homeland Security decide. members of Congress or
are tries are so bad—drugs, The wait times and living Then Congress appoints a administration other than
stream- gangs, cartels, sex traffick- conditions for people are Blue Ribbon Commission the two above. Congress
ing or All the Liblong day... ing, mass killings, etc.— ridiculous. And under no to report back to both adopts the findings and
sneaking that people will gather the circumstance should chil- Houses in 90 days. funds accordingly. Win-
across Rick Liblong family, including small dren be separated from Commission shall be made Win.
the bor- kids, and walk up to a thou- their families. That’s coun- up of people directly Not much response yet.
der ille- sand miles to get here. terproductive, just plain affected: Governors of CA, Mostly boilerplate replies.
gally. I’ve had friends tell Most of the people in the ‘Give me your tired, inhumane and costs the AZ, NM, TX; mayors of But I’ll keep trying. You
me directly that they are “caravans” are these, not your poor, your hud- government more. We are border towns Winterhaven, should let your representa-
concerned that these people undesirables trying to storm dled masses yearning better than that. None of us CA, Yuma, Lukeville, tives know what you think
are going to come and the border. to breathe free, the would allow our children Nogales, AZ, El Paso, Del they should do, too.
“take our jobs, our guns They are trying to get wretched refuse of to be separated from us Rio, Laredo, McAllen, Another thing we must
and our very way of life. If here for the same reasons your teeming shore. under any circumstances. Brownsville, TX; Counties do is help the other coun-
they want to come let’s our ancestors did, a safer Send these, the home- I sent the following Hidalgo, Luna, Dona Ana, tries become better places
them get in line and come and better life. And most less, tempest-tossed suggestion to numerous NM; Commissioner of U.S. to live. Most people, frank-
legally like my ancestors are willing to work hard to me, I lift my lamp Senators and Members of Customs and Border ly, would prefer to stay
did.” and play by the rules. They beside the golden the House: Protection; Director of home.
Frankly, many of our just want a chance. Who door!’ Congress should offer Immigration and Customs Your thoughts and
ancestors like mine came among us wouldn’t? $3 billion for Border Enforcement; 1 border comments are welcome.
here before there were any I don’t think that anybody in many of the strategic Security now. How it must landowner from each state– Email Rick at
real rules or quotas. reading this wouldn’t, places already. If it makes be spent is NOT stipulated. 23 total members. rick.liblong@cox.net.
Basically, if you could get under the same circum- strategic sense to build Let Department of There should be no
here and were healthy you stances, do everything they
I wake Messiah sing in my head •Almont High School contribution (EFC) from and Marie Dahn two school representatives.
with no as I progress through the seniors are eligible to the FAFSA report. In addi- Scholarship, and the Students who are
commit- chapters. apply for the Albert Himes tion, applicants will write Grettenberger, Alvin planning a degree in ani-
ments. Comfort ye, comfort ye my and Jean Currey-Stanwood essays in response to Norlin, Glenn L. Smith II mal or human health
No emer- people, saith your God. Scholarship and the Robert prompts within the indi- Memorial, Lee Weyer careers and who graduat-
gencies. After our greatest loss, I Wayne Creger, Sr. vidual applications. None Athletic, and the Richard ed from Almont, Dryden,
Our rath- couldn’t find comfort, no Memorial Scholarship. The of these five are available P. Wheeler scholarships. and Imlay City High
er new matter where I ran and Currey-Stanwood scholar- to dual-enrollment stu- Other Imlay City scholar- School are encouraged to
furnace Honest Living... walked. My Bible gathered ship is awarded annually to
high-achieving females
dents. Recipients are cho-
sen by Capac High School
ship funds include the
Laurie Lee Memorial
apply for the Murdie
Educational Scholarship.
holds up dust. Yes, God’s grace car-
in the Iris Lee Underwood ried moments of peace and who plan to continue their
education. The award is for
scholarship committees or
by 4CCF scholarship com-
Scholarship, the Lyle and
Joyce Powers Scholarship
The Murdie is for both
high school seniors and
midst of purpose in blessed relief;
another yet, there is no shortcut one year. The Creger mittees. and scholarships honoring students who are currently
cold snap. I hope the through the merciless val- scholarship is awarded The Capac Educational the memories of Brian enrolled in college.
homeless have found ref- ley of the shadow of death. periodically. Students Scholarship Funds for Verstreate and Floyd W. Students should be attend-
uge—a habit from years of Now on the other side, should contact their coun- CHS seniors are also man- West. Applications for all ing a college located in
our firstborn’s disappear- I’m learning to rest and selor for more information aged by Four County of these ICHS scholarships Michigan and majoring in
ances. renew my strength. I’ll regarding the Creger Community Foundation. are available through the human or animal medicine.
For a long while now, never mount up on eagle’s Scholarship. Recipients for Students should apply ICHS counseling office.
the voices inside this house wings as I did as a youth, both are chosen by an AHS directly to the CHS coun- Current seniors and Scholarships page 13
call me by name. Except and I hope to never run a
Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space Port Huron Senior Center, Monday and Thursday eve- call Julie at 810-388-0868. 1-3:45 p.m. Hepatitis vac-
constraints announcements
will be posted one week in
600 Grand Avenue, Port
Huron, every Tues. from
nings from 5:30-7 p.m. Call
810-441-0322 for more info.
Support Groups For those that have experi-
cine is now available. For
additional info, to check if
advance of the event. Notices 7:30-9 p.m. and the 1st and enced the death of a loved we accept your insurance, or
Orchards’ Cupboard Food Woman’s life Chapter 855 one, a support group is avail-
must be received in writing by 3rd Thurs. of the month will meet at the Lois Wagner to schedule an appointment
noon Monday prior to the from 7:30-9 p.m. with Pantry is open the 3rd able facilitated by a trained please call 810-667-0448.
Saturday of every month 9 Memorial Library in United Hospice Service
publication date. instructors Lyle Malaski & Richmond at 6:30 pm on
Kristina Morton. For info, a.m.-noon. Food distributed (UHS) bereavement volun- Free hearing and vision
at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce March 5th, 2019. Everyone teer. Marlette Regional screens for children of pre-
For Senior Citizens call 810-984-5061.
Twp., 586-336-4673. www.
is welcome to attend. Hospital, 2770 Main Street
in Marlette, hosts this sup-
school age are available at
the Lapeer County Health
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from Free Meals, Food meetings are held every port group the 1st Tuesday Department. To schedule an
9-10 a.m. at First
Congregational Church in
Museums Monday night at 8 p.m. at
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
of each month in the
Administration Conference
appointment please call 810-
667-0448 or 810-245-5549.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Room. For time and more
Almont. Practice led by Dina ‘Food for Families’ kitchen is in Imlay City. Capac Pharmacy is teaming
Miramonti, RYT. The Almont Community info, call 800-635-7490 or
open to the public for free, Historical Society Museum is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) visit www.marletteregional- with Support Million Hearts
Imlay City Senior Center hot meals every Monday and open Saturdays from 1-4 and Al-Anon meetings are hospital.org. by offering in-pharmacy
“Texas Hold ‘Em” 12:30 Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m. p.m. Please stop by and learn held every Wednesday night blood pressure screenings,
p.m. For info 810-724-6030. about your community. at 8 p.m. at the Capac United TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- 136 North Main St. in Capac,
This Heart Loves Food loss group meets Tuesday Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Pantry is open the 1st Society meetings are held at Methodist Church, Capac,
Council on Aging the museum on the second MI. nights at the Hunter’s Creek Everyone is invited to come
Membership is open to indi- Saturday of each month Mobile Home Park Club and have their blood pres-
Monday of the month at 7
viduals 18 and older. The from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Grief share. Tuesdays at 1 House, 725 DeMille Rd. in sure read for free.
p.m. For more info call 810-
Capac Senior Center is open Gateway Assembly Church, 796-3355. p.m., Imlay City Sr. Center, Lapeer. Weigh-in from
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. week-
days. We offer a variety of
2796 S. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay
City. The Capac Historical Society
Lamb Steele building on
Third St. New series starts
6-6:30 p.m., meeting from
6:30-7:30 p.m. For more info Events
activities such as fitness and is open to visitors daily from Aug. 6. For info or to regis- call 810-667-0999.
craft classes, a book review The Attica United Methodist 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on ter call Tracy at 810-724-
Church will be holding a free Beginning Guitar Lessons.
group, cards and bus trips.
For info, call Lori at 395- community meal on the 2nd
and 4th Tuesday of each
Sundays. Call 810-395-2859
for more info.
6030 or Ginger at 810-724-
5772. Fundraisers Romeo Parks and Rec, 361
Morton St., Romeo.
7889. Mondays from 5-5:30 p.m.
month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. The Dryden Historical Lapeer Area Citizens Imlay City Christian School
Almont and Dryden area For more info please call Society meets at 7 p.m. the Against Domestic Assault beginning Mar. 4. Class size
pasty sale fundraiser. New is limited. Call 586-752-6543
senior citizens meet the 2nd 810-724-0690 or visit www. first Wednesday of the month meets 1-3 p.m. every this year, pasties from Uncle
Tuesday of the month at 12 atticaumc.org. and the museum opens every Wednesday in the Lapeer to register.
Peter’s Pasties in Clarkston.
p.m. at the Almont Lions Monday from 5:30-7 p.m. Court House for personal Order by Tue., Feb. 19 and CPR and AED training and
Hall, 222 Water St., for a The Attica Food Bank at the protection order clinic. For
Attica United Methodist The Imlay City Historical pick up at school Tue., Feb. certification. Washington
potluck and program. Call info 810-246-0632. 26 between 11 a.m. and 5 Twp. Fire Hall., 11300 27
798-8210 for more info. Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is Museum is now closed for
open from 2-4 p.m. the sec- the season. Watch for the 10A Friday AFG Family p.m. Choice of beef, chicken, Mile Rd. Thur., Mar 7, 6-9
Adults 55 and over are invit- ond and fourth Monday of opening of the 2019 season Groups meeting. Imlay City vegetable and apple. Save p.m. Mon., Mar. 11, 9 a.m. -
ed to Berlin Twp. Senior the month. Proof of residen- on the first Saturday in FOC Lutheran Church, money and order by half noon. Class size is limited.
Center to play cards from cy and need required. April. 7191 Imlay City Rd, Imlay dozen or dozen. Ok to mix Call 586-752-6543 to regis-
noon-3 p.m. every other City. Contact Ginger Miller varieties. Call school at 810- ter.
Youth Events
Thursday. Bring a sack The Capac Community Food at 810-724-5772 for more 724-5695 for prices and to
Pantry, 112 S. Main Street, is order. Zumba Gold. Combines
lunch, beverages provided. information. dance steps with a low
Senior chair exercise on open each Wednesday from
1-3 p.m. Please call LOVE, Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. Romeo Washington Parks Woman’s Life Chapter 855’s impact routine. Bring water
Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck This is a FREE workshop for Bottle & Can Drive contin- and a face towel. Every
luncheons will be served the INC. at 810-245-2414 in and Rec. One on one grief
3-5 year olds & parents/care- counseling provided at both ues all year round. Funds Monday and Wednesday
4th Tuesday of every month advance to ensure your food
givers! Enjoy fun projects Romeo and Washington support those in need as we 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
at noon. For info, call 810- voucher will be received continue to fight hunger and Washington Parks and Rec
before you stop in to shop. that will develop your child’s Centers. By appointment
395-4518. skills and prepare them for homelessness in our commu- Center, 57880 Van Dyke,
Any questions, please call only, please call to set up
Dinner and card playing, school! Children also enjoy a your appointment today nity. Call 810-392-5136 for a Washington Twp. Fee
Joyce Kaufman at 810-395- drop off point, or pick up charged. Call 586-752-6543
50/50 raffle and prizes of 7532. snack, story time, and a free 586-752-6543. Free of
high and low for each table book! Call the Family charge. service for a large donation. for info.
every 3rd Monday at the The Capac Kitchen serves Literacy Center today to Make a difference today by
donating! Sculpt, Flex and Stretch.
Washington Senior Center, free meals every Tuesday reserve your seat at 810-664- FOR WIDOWED MEN & Beneficial weight training.
57880 Van Dyke, Washington from 4:30-6 p.m. at Zion 2737 and for more info on WOMEN: Lunch-Cards- The Imlay City Christian Every Monday, Wednesday
Twp., MI 48094, from 4-8 United Methodist Church. dates and times. Friendship. Join us every School has discount cards and Friday. Washington
p.m. For info, call 586-752- 3rd Tuesday of each month available for sale. Proceeds Parks and Rec Center ,
6543. Free meals for people in need Play groups available. Free 6 from 11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at
are offered at the North week sessions. At these FREE benefit the school’s athletic, 57880 Van Dyke, Washington
Cavis Pioneer Restaurant, music and PE programs. For Twp. Call 586-752-6543 for
Swing Dance Lessons at the Branch Senior Center on 90-minute playgroups, chil- 5600 Lapeer Rd. in Kimball
dren will participate in sto- more information call Imlay times and prices.
Twp. 48074. No RSVP neces- City Christian School, Mon.-
rytime, developmentally sary. For more info call
appropriate games and
crafts, learn new skills, and
Joanne K. at 810-324-2304.
Fri. 8-4, 810-724-5695.
Medical Care
This activity is sponsored by
enjoy a snack and social time Widowed Friends, a peer
with other children. Parents Free tutor training for peo-
support group www.wid- ple who would like to help
will have the chance to talk owedfriends.org. Lapeer County Health
to other adults with same- Department, 1800 Imlay others in our community
age children. Register now Widowed Friends invites all City Rd., Lapeer - Regular improve English skills.
for the next session! widowed to join us for Immunization Clinic Hours: Volunteer basis. Please call
Numerous locations and breakfast and friendship in (held in 2nd floor clinic area) for orientation before train-
dates available. For more a safe setting every 2nd and Walk-In, Mondays 1-3 p.m.; ing at 810-664-2737.
info and to sign up call the 4th Monday of the month at By Appointment Only, Volunteer for the Habitat for
Family Literacy Center at 9 a.m. at Sero’s, 925 Gratiot Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-11:30 Humanity of Lapeer County
810-664-2737. in Marysville. For more info, a.m. and 4-6 p.m., Thursdays at the office. Interested par-
ties can call 810-664-7111
and speak to Carolyn, Cheryl
or Pete at 810-660-7823.
Club News
Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) of Imlay City, Post
St. Paul’s Blessed Hope
2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
(Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
Lutheran Church Baptist Church Veterans Meetings 2nd
(ELCA) Thursday, every other
1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road
859 N. Van Dyke Road Pastor Gayle Hortop month, 7 p.m.; Post Meetings
Imlay City, MI Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Phone: (586) 784-5854 1st Thursday every month, 7
Attica, MI 48412
810-724-1200 810-724-2702 Sunday School - 10:00 am p.m.; Auxiliary Meetings 1st
Sunday 2:30 pm
email: nlcc@newlifechristian.net
Sunday Morning - 11:00 am Saturday of every month, 10
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Tuesday 7:00 pm Sunday Evening - 6:30 pm a.m.
www.newlifechristian.net Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friday Youth 7:00 pm
Pastor Tim Martin Soul winning is not our Almont/Dryden Masons
Pastor Alan Casillas Sunday 10 a.m. Service 18 firstapostolichome.com
18 18 preference, but it’s our priority. meets 7 p.m. every 2nd
Capac Thursday of the month at
Attica U.M.C. Imlay City 18
Almont Masonic Center in Almont.
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) The Imlay City American
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Church 810-395-2112 www.imlaycitycrc.org Wayne Boyd, Pastor Legion Post 135 meets the
2nd and last Wednesdays of
Attica Food Bank: Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages Worship 10:00 a.m. 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am the month at 7:00 p.m. The
2-4 pm, 2nd & 4th Monday Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services post is located at 212 E.
of the month. Bible Studies Every MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm Third Street. Contact them
Community Dinner: Community Men’s & Women’s Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm
Monday and Tuesday Evenings fbc@airadvantage.net at 810-724-1450 or ameri-
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services canlegionpost135@frontier.
Pastor Ron Rouse 9:30 am 11:00 am 810-724-4315 over Sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont com.
www.atticaumc.org Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
18 18 18
Come Grow With Us! 18 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God
The Evening Star Quilt
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart - Imlay City
St. Nicholas - Capac Goodland GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH Guild meets the last
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI
Wednesday of each month at
Pastor: Rev. Noel Cornelio
Saturday Mass (810) 395-7557
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 4:00 pm - St. Nicholas • 6:00 pm - Sacred Heart the Davison Senior Center,
5394 Main Street - Dryden
Church 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City 10135 Lapeer Rd. in Davison.
(Across from the Library) Sunday Masses
www.imlayumc.org 9:00 am - Sacred Heart • 11:00 am - St. Nicholas
810-796-3341 6:00 pm (Spanish) - Scared Heart Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Meetings start at 6:30 p.m.
Like Us On Weekdays
2008 N. Van Dyke Evening Service - 5:00 p.m. and doors open at 6 p.m. For
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth 10:30 a.m. Worship Tuesday at St. Nicholas at 8:30 am
Wednesday at Sacred Heart at 10 am
more info call Lisa, 810-358-
Nursery Available
First Thursdays at St. Nicholas at 7 pm Imlay City, MI 48444 Wednesday Family Night - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade
First Fridays at Sacred Heart at 7 pm Supervised child care during all services 7294.
Youth Group 6th-12th grade
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. 5pm-6:30pm Sundays
First Saturdays at Sacred Heart at 8 am
810.724.1747 Sunday School
Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May
Worship Service: 10:00 am18
Saturdays 3 pm St. Nicholas • 5:30 pm Sacred Heart
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
First Saturdays at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist
18 810-724-0687 18 Sundays at 5:30 pm before the Spanish Mass 18 18 Staffed Nursery During Worship 18
West Berlin Imlay City Family of First Congregational Church Every Sunday The Lapeer
Church of Christ Christ United Church of Christ Center’s Flea Market is
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke
Lutheran Church - 275 Bancroft - Imlay City 201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI
open 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with up
Imlay City, MI 48444 to 75 booths inside and out-
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service Missouri Synod (Corner of 5th Street) 810-798-8855 side selling a huge variety of
Corner of Almont Road 7191 Imlay City Road, Imlay City Sunday Worship Service
Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am
Morning Worship 11:00am Bible Study - 9:00 am 810-724-6207 at 10:15 a.m. items to the public. The
Lapeer Center Building is at
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Worship Time - 10:30 am Sunday School & Morning Adult Group 9:30 a.m. Nursery available and Jr. Church
for ages 3 thru 5th grade 425 County Center Street.
Children’s Church - 10:30 am Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Contemporary Service - Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Rev. Dr. Renee C. Jackson
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sunday’s 6-8pm This long-running commu-
Rev. Curtis Clarke 810-724-3306 SALT Program ~ Tues. & Thurs. 4-5:30pm nity event is sponsored by
Phone 810-724-2620 “No matter who you are or where you are Pre-School - 5th grade
on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” The Lapeer Center, a
18 John Barker, Minister lutheranfamilyofchrist.org Pastor William King
18 18 18 18 501(c)3 non-profit organiza-
St. Cornelius St. John The Holy Redeemer Light of Christ tion for over 60 years. For
Catholic Church Evangelist Lutheran Church information on space rent-
3834 N. Mill Street, P.O. Box 208 Catholic Church 4538 Dryden Rd. • Dryden, MI
Community als, call 810-347-7915. Low
rental prices on inside and
Dryden MI 48428
872 Capac Rd.
Allenton, MI 48002 810-796-3951 Church outside space. There is no
NEW MASS SCHEDULE BEGINNING 810-395-7074 www.lutheransonline.com/holyred 2720 Winslow Road admission charge. For gen-
JUNE 30TH and JULY 1ST www.fmsaints.com 8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS eral information on the Flea
Weekday Mass: NEW MASS SCHEDULE BEGINNING 9:30 am - WORSHIP Imlay City, MI 48444
Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 a.m. JUNE 30TH and JULY 1ST 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & Market, Lapeer Center
BIBLE CLASS 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass room rentals and catering,
Weekend Masses: Weekday Mass: Thursday 8:00 a.m.
Saturday 4:00 p.m. Weekend Masses: ALL WELCOME!!! Sunday Worship 10:30 am call 810-664-2109, email lap-
Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. Pastor Steven Helms eercenter@gmail.com or see
Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 18 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 18
Christian Preschool Available 18 Phone: 810-724-6999 18 www.LapeerCenter.org.
Wind Energy
Policy Forum
Residents are invited to
attend a Wind Energy
Policy Forum on Feb. 19 at
6:30 p.m. at the North
Branch Wesleyan Church,
3164 North Branch Road,
North Branch. Visitors will
learn about wind energy
policy and regulation from
Kevon Martis, a renowned
and respected wind energy
expert. Martis has testified
on wind energy land use
issues across the Midwest,
in Nebraska and North
Dakota, and before mem-
bers of Congress in
Washington, D.C. Township
officials and residents who
have turbines in their com-
munities and/or who have
written ordinances will also
be on hand. There is no
charge to attend.
Talk to us!
Have a story idea, news tip
Photo provided
or opinion?
Our readers are the fuel
that keeps us going from
Royal Raiders celebrate Snowcoming week to week. The Tri-City
Times welcomes your
input, tips and ideas.
Members of Almont High School’s Snowcoming Court include: (front) Brooke Cynowa, Caroline Tormala, Kendra Share your thoughts
Madrazo, Jamie Hein, Valerie Sullivan and Makenna Pusz; (back) Ryan Miller, Austin Watt, Joe Berger, Rafael Farias, and concerns by writing to
Parker Zisler and Emilio Lord. Almont’s Snowcoming varsity basketball games take place Friday, Feb. 8; with the girls the editor, P.O. Box 278,
varsity game at 6 p.m., followed by the boys varsity game at 7:30 p.m. The King and Queen will be announced between Imlay City, MI 48444, or
games. email to tct@pageone-inc.
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~ Dale Wayne Hobson, 76 ~ ~ Joseph Elwart, 76 ~
A proud US Army he could get there with his A special thanks to Joseph Elwart, age 76,
Veteran has joined the golf cart. Dale was known Heartland Hospice of West recently of Imlay City,
spiritual forces of our for his love of ice cream Branch, Especially Amber (formerly of Attica Twp.)
Lord. Dale Wayne and could eat a half gallon (RN), Bonnie (CNA), and Michigan died Sunday,
Hobson, 76, of Houghton of ice cream, any flavor, Jackie (RN), for their kind February 3, 2019 at home.
Lake and St. Ignace passed by himself in one sitting. and gentle care, to the Joseph Clement Elwart
away at home in Houghton Dale is survived by his Houghton Lake EMS for was born November 2,
Lake on January 30, 2019 wife, Mary (Tamlyn) of the many service calls 1942 in Detroit, MI. He
surrounded by his loving Houghton Lake and St. made to the home helping was the son of the late
family. Dale was born Ignace; daughter and son- him back on his “feet,” Frank and the late
October 22, 1942 to in-law, Drs. Suzanne and and to his many family and Elizabeth (Goike) Elwart.
Georgia Luella (Green) John Chandler Dugger III friends for making his last Joseph grew up in Attica
and Clarence Earl Hobson of Augusta, GA; twin sons, days the best possible. and Goodland Townships.
at Bishop Hospital, 409 Daniel Hobson of The phone calls, especially He was a graduate of
East St. Clair St., Almont, Grandville and Richard were greatly appreciated Dryden High School, Class
MI. Dale grew up in (Rick Chizmadia) Hobson and reminiscing about the of 1961. February 8, 2019 at Sacred
Almont and graduated of Cincinnati, OH; and “good ole days” was a He was employed as a Heart Catholic Church, 700
from Almont High School daughter, Rochelle Hobson great comfort for him. carpenter by Michigan Maple Vista, Imlay City,
in 1961 before immediate- April of 1998 and moving of Chesterfield Township; In lieu of flowers, Timber and Truss in Troy, MI. Father John “Doc”
ly enlisting in the U.S. to Houghton Lake. brother, Roger (Barb) please consider contribu- MI building trusses. Ortman will officiate.
Army. While serving in Dale was a member of Hobson of Attica; sister, tions to St. Jude’s Joseph was a member Interment will follow at
the Army, Dale spent most the American Legion for Linda (Bryan) Edwards of Children's Hospital in of Sacred Heart Catholic Mt. Calvary Catholic
of his time in Germany. almost 50 years as well as Lapeer; aunt, Mable Matus memory of Dale. Church and Imlay City Cemetery.
After an honorable dis- a member of the Houghton of Marlette; brother-in-law, A Celebration of Fraternal Order of Eagles. The family will be
charge from the U. S. Lake Moose Lodge 1616 Robert (Diane) Tamlyn of Dale’s life is planned with He is survived by his available for visitation 2-5
Army, Dale joined the and the Houghton Lake Rittman, OH; sister-in-law, the Rev. Jerry Schriber sister, Nancy Meyette of and 6-8 p.m., Thursday,
Detroit Police Department Eagles 3201, joining both Carol (Kevin) McLean of officiating on February 8, Romeo, MI; one brother, February 7 at Muir
on April 25, 1966. He when he moved to the Jeddo; brother-in-law, 2019 at 1 p.m. at Bell’s James (Mary) Elwart of Brothers Funeral Home of
served as a patrolman with Houghton Lake area in Michael (Carolyn) Tamlyn Event Center in Almont. Imlay City, MI; his neph- Imlay City, 225 N. Main
the Detroit Police until 1998. In his earlier years, of St. Ignace; sister-in-law, Cremation has taken place ews and niece, James Street, Imlay City, MI and
1968 and then went to Dale loved to hunt and Joanie (Vince Sova) and a full military service Elwart, Philip Meyette, 9-10 a.m., Friday, February
work at Pontiac Motors as fish, loved socializing, and Tamlyn of Cheboygan; as will be held during inter- Steven Elwart, and 8 at Sacred Heart Catholic
a security officer for ten had a great sense of well as many cousins, ment at Great Lakes Nannette Meyette; his Church.
years. He eventually humor. In his later years, nieces, and nephews. National Cemetery, Holly. great-nephew, Alexander; Funeral arrangements
owned his own produce Dale loved to sell tickets Dale was preceded in Christler Funeral Home, and his great-nieces, were made by Muir
business known as Dale’s at the Houghton Lake death by his parents and Houghton Lake Chapel is Brooklyn and Elizabeth. Brothers Funeral Home of
Little Market working out Moose Lodge, loved being Virginia Beth Hobson, the serving the family. Joseph was preceded in Imlay City. Please be sure
of many areas, including around people, and greatly mother of his children Condolences can be sent to death by his parents, Frank to sign our on-line register
the Detroit Eastern enjoyed going to casinos, Suzanne, Daniel and the family online at www. and Elizabeth Elwart. at muirbrothersfh.com to
Market, before retiring in especially in St. Ignace as Richard. christler-holdship.com The funeral will be share condolences and
held at 10 a.m., Friday, memories.
to Leonard and Josephine In lieu of flowers receive friends at church • Business Cards
(Zawacki) Ciaglowski. memorial contributions from 10-11 a.m. the morn-
She graduated from Holy may be made to the ing of the service.
• Brochures
Cross High School, class Lapeer County Medical Co-officiates Father Brian • Letterhead
of 1955. Lorraine married Care Facility (Suncrest) ~ Hurley and Father Richard
Robert H. Umlauf on June Heritage Gardens, 1455 Bartoszek will preside • Posters
23, 1956 at St. Mary’s in Suncrest Drive, Lapeer, over Mass. Cremation ser-
St. Clair, MI. Lorraine and Lorraine is survived by MI 48446. vices will follow Mass and • Flyers
Bob have been devout her husband of 62 years, Visitation will be from have been entrusted to
members of Immaculate Robert Umlauf; children, 4-8 p.m. Wednesday, Muir Brothers Funeral
• Calendars
Conception Church in Deborah (Mike) Aude of February 6, 2019 at Muir Home, Lapeer - burial will • Greeting Cards
Lapeer and St. Clement Washington, MI, Daniel Brothers Funeral Home, be at Mt. Loretto
Catholic Church in (Sandy Reed) Umlauf of Lapeer. Cemetery, Lapeer. • Announcements
Romeo. Lorraine was a Midland, Kevin (Donna) The Rosary will be Please visit
loving mother, wife and Umlauf of Bellingham, prayed at 7 p.m. MuirBrothersLapeer.com • Invitations
grandmother. Family was MA and Keith (Meghan) Wednesday evening. to leave a remembrance or
everything to Lorraine. Umlauf of Holliston, MA; Funeral Mass will be condolence.
~ Vickie Wojewski, 59 ~
Vickie Wojewski, age had lived in the Imlay United Methodist Church,
59, recently of Caseville, City and Almont area for 210 N. Almont Avenue,
MI died Friday, February 20-plus years before the Imlay City, MI.
1, 2019 at Scheurer ministry began taking Officiating will be Pastor
Hospital of Pigeon, MI. them to different parts of Marcel Lamb and Pastor
Vickie Joy Paxton was Michigan. She was an Kevin Harbin. The family
born May 24, 1959 in Mt. active part of husband will be available for visit-
Clemens, MI. She is the Don’s ministry. Music was ing from 10-11:30 a.m.
daughter of the late a very important part of Wednesday, February 6 at
William M. and the late her life, playing the flute Imlay City United
Doris Paxton. Vickie was and saxophone during Methodist Church, 210 N.
a Class of 1977 graduate many church worship ser- Almont Ave., Imlay City,
of the Brablec High
School in Roseville, MI.
vices. She also used her
graphic art talents as a
Those wishing to
Quality Color Printing
She was very involved in secretary for the churches make memorial contribu- Communicate in color with our high-quality and
her high school band. She to which she and Don Roseville, MI. Also sur- tions may direct them to highly affordable, four-color printing services.
Whether it’s a business presentation or a personal
studied graphic arts at were assigned. viving are several nieces, Heifer Project, project, our friendly, helpful staff gets your job
South Macomb She is survived by her nephews, and cousins. International. done quickly and easily.
Community College. husband, Donald Vickie was preceded Arrangements were
Rural Lifestyles
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High School seniors and complete once the student submits the complete er helping the funds grow
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to study engineering or and password. Students use complete applications are local students. Visit
Tri-City Times computer science may drop-down menus to due on March 15, without www.4ccf.org/donate to
apply for the Russell W. choose their high school, exception. help your community
(810) 724-2615 Ligon Memorial intended major, gpa, grade By late March, com- grow!
Photo provided
ST. CLAIR COUNTY St. Clair River. All pro- bring include a field guide, com or 810-984-2787.
— Friends of the St. Clair
River & Blue Water
ceeds benefit Friends of the
St. Clair River and Blue
binoculars, camera and
warm clothing. Registration
Friends of the St. Clair
River is the Blue Water
Who’s Your Chief?
Audubon Society are host- Water Audubon Society. is not required for this fam- Area’s largest environmen- Supt. Jeff Terpenning congratulates Carolyn
ing the 5th annual Winter The morning session (9 ily-friendly event. A $5 tal non-profit organization Rodriguez, who is the recipient of Capac
Bird Blast on Saturday, a.m. - 12 p.m.) will be held donation is suggested. that inspires citizen action Community School’s Who's your Chief
February 23 at the St. Clair at the SCC Administration The afternoon session through stewardship, moni- recipient for the month of January. Carolyn
County Administration Building Auditorium, 200 will take place at Studio toring and education to works in the Elementary School office and
Building Auditorium from Grand River Avenue, Port 1219, 1219 Military Street, restore, protect and enhance is noted as always being helpful, ready to
9 a.m. - 12 p.m. & Studio Huron. It begins with an Port Huron. Participants the St. Clair River and its listen and very supportive of parents. She
1219 from 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. “Intro to Winter Birding” follow step-by-step instruc- watersheds. For more infor- received $40 in Capac Cash courtesy of the
Winter Bird Blast is a day- presentation by Tom tion to paint a Common mation contact Sheri Faust school district and Capac Chamber of
long birding extravaganza Dennis, local naturalist and Goldeneye duck scene. at info@scriver.org, (810)
Commerce, plus a gift card from the Capac
for beginner through columnist, then moves out- Tickets are $45. All ages 730-5998, or visit www.
advanced-level birders to doors to several birding welcome. Pre-registration scriver.org and “Friends of Athletic Boosters.
explore the abundance of hotspots along the St. Clair is required through Studio the St. Clair River” on
winter waterfowl along the River. Optional items to 1219 at www.studio1219. Facebook.
Capac celebrates
Capac Community Schools celebrated
Snowcoming on Friday. The senior
court included (bottom photo, l-r)
Shelby Husovsky, Amber Abdelnour,
Katelyn DeMink, Haydn Hurley,
Alexandra Dean, Tyler Tessmer, Jordan
Hellmuth, Casey Bollaert, Nick Thomas
and Ben Tarzwell. At Friday’s basket-
ball contest against Marlette, Jordan
Hellmuth and Shelby Husovsky were
crowned king and queen.
Facebook photo
Royal Cardinals
Dryden’s Paige Abromaitis and Brady Czape
were crowned Snowcoming queen and king
on Friday during the Cardinal’s basketball
contest against Genesee. Dryden came
away with the win.
$ 30
You can get a one year
subscription for just
$30 per year
Senior Citizens $27 per year Name
(St. Clair & Lapeer Counties)
Need Something
Senior Citizens $29 per year
(Out of St. Clair & Lapeer Counties)
to Smile About?
out of state
Tri-City Times
P.O. Box 278 • Imlay City, MI 48444 • (810) 724-2615
i e d
according to the Michigan Field Offices. identity theft are asked to
r r
Department of Treasury. For the benefit and con- report their circumstances
Effective immediately, venience of taxpayers, both to the state Treasury
Michiganders can start fil- the beginning and end of Department. Reporting
ing their 2018 tax year state the individual income tax identity theft helps thwart
individual income tax filing season are the same cybercriminals who
returns online or submit as the Internal Revenue attempt to file returns and
paper forms through the Service (IRS). steal state tax refunds.
U.S. Postal Service. All Tax-Related Identity To learn more about
individual income tax Theft Protections reporting tax-related iden-
returns must be e-filed or To protect Michigan tity theft, go to www.mich-
postmarked by Monday, taxpayers, the state igan.gov/identitytheft.
April 15, 2019. Treasury Department con- Since 2016, the state
“All systems are oper- tinues to implement secu- Treasury Department’s
ating as normal,” said rity measures to stop tax- increased security mea-
Deputy State Treasurer related identity theft. As a sures protected more than
Glenn White, who oversees result, some individual 4,500 taxpayers who con-
Tr e a s u r y ’s Ta x income tax returns may be firmed their identity was
Administration program. selected for identity confir- stolen and used to request
“Filing electronically is mation. state of Michigan income
the easiest and quickest If an individual income tax refunds. This prevented
way for Michigan taxpay- tax return has been selected more than $19 million from
ers to get their refund. This for identity confirmation, being distributed to scam-
helps ensure tax returns are the taxpayer will receive a mers.
accurate and improves tax letter from Treasury asking Free Tax Help
refund turnaround times.” them to confirm their iden- Individuals with low
Choosing electronic fil- tity by completing a short income, disabilities or are
ing and direct deposit is online quiz or submitting 60 years of age or older
convenient, safe and secure. paperwork. A phone option may qualify for free tax
Last year, more than 4.2 is available for those indi- preparation help from IRS-
million Michigan taxpayers viduals who need addition- certified volunteers. For
e-filed, which is 83 percent al assistance. information about free tax
of state income tax filers. After a taxpayer con- help, go to https://irs.trea-
For more information firms his or her identity, sury.gov/freetaxprep/ or
about e-filing, go to www. their tax refund will be dial 2-1-1.
mifastfile.org. issued in about a month. To learn more about
After Feb. 1, printed “Don’t wait to file your Michigan’s individual
tax forms will be available tax return,” White said. income tax or to download
in limited quantities at pub- “By filing early, taxpayers forms, go to www.michi-
lic libraries, some northern can prevent cyber crimi- gan.gov/incometax.
Dispatch log...
Editor’s note: The fol- for Driving While License Imlay Twp.
lowing is a compilation of Suspended and released from •assist motorist at east-
activity and reports from the scene. Officer Jones bound I-69 and Lake George
area police departments: made the arrest. Rd. in Attica Twp.
January 31 •sick care for medical in
In Imlay City •09:54 hours: A 25-year- the 1700 block of N. Van
January 29 old Armada man was arrest- Dyke Rd. in Goodland Twp.
•01:54 Alarm (2000 ed at the Almont Police •vehicle off the roadway
block S. Cedar St.) Department for a misde- at Youngs and Lum roads in
•02:30-06:00 Parking meanor warrant out of Arcadia Twp.
Enforcement (City Wide) Almont for Operating While February 1
•11:26 Peace Officer intoxicated. The man posted •assist motorist at west-
(400 block Colonial Dr.) bond and was released from bound I-69 and Lake George
•13:46 Assault & Battery the scene. Officer Ryan Rd. in Attica Twp.
(1800 block S. Cedar St.) Wilson made the arrest. •animal complaint in the
•17:09 Motorist Assist February 4 500 block of Hamilton Ave.
(E. Borland Rd./S. Almont •11:57 hours: A in Almont
Ave.) Washington Twp. woman, •property damage traffic
•Multiple Traffic Stops 45, was arrested on a felony crash at westbound I-69 and
throughout the day warrant out of the Almont S. Van Dyke Rd. in Imlay
January 30 Police Department for 10 Twp.
•00:10 Domestic Dispute counts of forgery, uttering •property damage traffic
(500 block S. Cedar St.) and publishing and fraudu- crash at Bowers and Lake
•02:30-06:00 Parking lent use of a transaction George roads in Attica Twp.
Enforcement (City Wide) device. She was lodged at the •animal complaint in the
•08:07 Motorist Assist Lapeer County Jail. Officer 800 block of Van Dyke Rd.
(Bancroft St./Grove Ave.) Best made the arrest. in Imlay Twp.
Stop By Today!
the Influence of Liquor (600 Attica Twp. Dr. in Attica Twp.
block N. Cedar St.) •vehicle off the roadway •burglary on Lone Oak
•21:21 Suspicious Person at Clear Lake and Brown Dr. in Attica Twp.
(E. Third St./N. Almont Ave.) City roads in Goodland Twp. •property damage traffic
•23:07 Welfare Check •vehicle off the roadway crash in the 7000 block of
(S. Van Dyke Rd./Hunters in the 4000 block of Lum Rd. Imlay City Rd. in Imlay
Creek Rd.) in Arcadia Twp. Twp.
Bella Villa Dr. in Almont •alarms in the 5000
January 29 Twp. block of Imlay City Rd. in
•21:00 hours: A 42-year- •property damage traffic Attica Twp.
old Imlay City man was crash at Imlay City and •dead animal pick up at
stopped on Van Dyke near Summers roads in Imlay Lake Pleasant Rd. and Outer
Amherst St. for a speed vio-
lation and an unreadable
license plate. Upon investi-
•driving while license
suspended at Imlay City and
Dr. in Attica Twp.
•animal complaint at N.
Almont Ave. and E. Third St.
gation, the man was arrested Blacks Corners roads in in Imlay City
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Capac breezes past Marlette Almont’s Mathew Dwyer (top) is in command of hs match last Saturday
at the BWAC Tourney. Dwyer won the 140-pound weight class.
CAPAC — Capac
Genesee, 65-27
were posted, Richmond’s
209-point total proved
tops. They were followed
by Algonac (191 points),
DRYDEN — Dryden Cros-Lex (128), Imlay
Photo by Kevin Kissane
18-13 advantage after one foe Paul Scaramuzzino. by a 7-5 count to part Jason Bearer with 34
quarter was done and Wesley Hampton and Algonac’s Mike Nykoriak seconds gone and the latter
increased it to 37-19 at the Joe Harper gave Imlay in a clash that went to finished his run with an
half. City seconds. Hampton overtime before a victor 8-4 victory over Richmond
When play resumed, gained admittance to the was declared. 125-pound counterpart
Dryden continued to pull 135-pound title encounter Dakota Sandzik and Josh Barton.
Almont’s Brett Wrobel dribbles the ball up the away. Thanks to a 13-6
floor in action last week. where he dropped a 5-4 Cristian Rojas added thirds Mathew Dwyer head-
third quarter edge, the verdict to Algonac’s Mark to Imlay City’s cause. The lined for Almont. Dwyer
Cardinals went up 50-25
Conference varsity boys’ ters saw Armada amass 25 ing a trey), Coulter Waite Cros-Lex High School is where the
basketball clash last Friday total points and Almont (six), Ronny Hudson (five action unfolded.
night. with a triple) plus Brendan Mullins, a senior, secured the mile-
With the outcome, Almont page 19 Montague (a trifecta). stone when he picked up a 7-4 victory
over Cros-Lex counterpart Paul
Capac places fifth at GTC Tournament Imlay City’s Mason Phillips (R) works for a fall
By Kevin Kissane assembled. They were encounter where he posted tributed a third to Capac’s versus Almont’s Aiden Finn (L) at the BWAC
Tri-City Times Sports Editor followed by Memphis a 5-2 win against Memphis cause. Thorner closed out Tourney.
(117 points), Cass City foe Logan Strickland. 140-pound action when he
CAPAC — The Capac (116.5), Mayville (114), Nathan Schocke pro- pinned Mayville’s Jerry
wrestling team registered Capac (82.5), Sandusky vided Capac with a Gilbert with 4:10 gone.
a fifth-place finish last (81.5), Bad Axe (80), Ubly second. Schocke advanced Bryce Tank secured
Saturday at the Greater (75.5), Vassar and Brown to the championship bout Capac’s other placewin-
Thumb Conference City (64.5 each) along at 119 pounds where he ning performance that day,
Tournament. with Marlette (27.5). was pinned by Memphis obtaining a fourth. Tank
Mayville is where the Max Frangedakis counterpart Dakota finished 215-pound action
matches were contested. headlined for Capac that Strickland with 26 sec- with a narrow 7-6 loss to
Caro’s 197.5-point day. Frangedakis reached onds elapsed. Mayville’s Zakk
(810) 724-0254
G P Avg. Team League Overall Shafer (IC) 11 Standings
ASSISTS M. Lengemann (IC) 9 116 12.9 Imlay City 8-1 10-4 I. Abu-Joudeh 10
G A Avg. Peyerk (D) 12 152 12.7 Almont 0-9 2-11 Kulin (IC) 10 Team League Overall
Bertram (IC) 8 30 3.8 Louwsma (IC) 8 99 12.3 C. Torres (IC) 10 Almont 4-3 20-11
“Quality Commercial Printing at the Best Price in Town!” Bourdeau (A)
Boers (C)
15 53 3.5
15 51 3.4
Johnson (A)
Kautz (A)
Greater Thumb Conference
Capac 3-5 3-9
Schmitz (IC)
Rosales (C)
Imlay City 3-4 17-20
Capac 1-4 9-16
ALMONT — Almont
fell eight points short when
generate 11, leaving them
with a 21-15 lead with 24
minutes gone.
North Branch takes ALMONT — Almont
dropped a 57-39 verdict to
visiting Goodrich in a non-
the Martians went ahead
Almont then put togeth-
the final scores were tal-
lied, dropping a 31-23 road
Armada then outscored
Almont 10-8 the rest of the loss to Blue Devils league varsity boys’ bas-
ketball encounter on
er a 13-8 fourth quarter
rally, only to drop a 57-39
verdict to Armada in a Blue way, good for a 31-23 tri- By Alyssa Wichtner would keep it the remain- Tuesday, January 29. verdict.
Water Area Conference umph. student writer der of the game, winning With the outcome, For Almont, Austin
varsity girls’ basketball Brandi Kautz paced by a 45-19 final score. Goodrich goes to 10-3 Watt led the way with a
game last Friday night. Almont with an eight-point NORTH BRANCH Emily Ludescher overall. Almont slips to 21-point performance.
With the outcome, performance. The Raiders — North Branch took tossed in eight points and 9-5 this season. Watt drained four triples
Almont falls to 2-11 and also had Grace Johnson (a on the Richmond Blue Olivia Warda had five to In Tuesday’s encounter, along the way.
0-9. trifecta) plus Hannah Devils on Friday, February lead North Branch. Almont spotted Goodrich a Almont had four others
In Friday’s game, Revoldt, Skylar Stryker, 1, dropping a 45-19 ver- Autumn Deshetsky and 16-13 edge after one quar- reach the scoring column.
Almont took a 4-1 edge Hannah Landerschier, dict. Hannah Farnsworth added ter was complete. Their ranks consisted of
after one quarter was com- Lizzy Brandt, Jesse The first quarter ended four rebounds each Goodrich followed it Cameron Asaro (seven
plete. Hellebuyck and Sarah Hall at eight point apiece. North Branch now up with a 10-5 second quar- points, including a trifecta),
The middle two quar- (two each) connect. Soon after, Richmond stands at 4-9 overall and ter advantage, staking Brett Wrobel and Atte
took the lead 18-10. They 2-6 in the BWAC. themselves to a 26-18 lead Vuoristo (four each) along
ALMONT — Almont
late 21 total points and
Almont manage eight,
giving them a 28-18
Almont: Edges Armada
from page 17 with eight points each.
fell by a 38-22 count to advantage with 24 min- They were backed by Gabe
host Algonac in a Blue utes gone. Bourdeau (seven points,
manage 17. That left them
Water Area Conference Algonac then out- including a trifecta), Atte
with a 33-24 advantage
varsity girls’ basketball scored Almont 10-4 from Vuoristo (six) Mike Rinke
with 24 minutes gone.
matchup on Tuesday, that point on, preserving a (five), Joey Savel (a triple),
Almont then outscored
January 29. 38-22 win. Rafael Farias and Colby
Armada 22-9 from that
With the decision, Grace Johnson (eight Schapman (three apiece),
point on, good for a 46-42
Almont now stands at points, including a pair of Brett Wrobel (two) along
win at night’s end.
Photo by Alyssa Wichtner
2-10 overall and 0-8 as far trifectas) paced Almont with Matt McFarlane
Austin Watt and
as BWAC clashes are con- that evening. The Raiders (one).
Cameron Asaro led Almont
cerned. also had Brandi Kautz
In Tuesday’s matchup, (six), Hannah Revoldt
Almont grabbed a 10-7
edge after one quarter was
(four) plus Hannah
Landerschier and Skylar
North Branch’s Kara Myers anticipates her
Chiefs: Breeze past foe
over with. Stryker (two) contribute the way, closing out a
The middle two quar- points to their cause. teammate’s next move in a game last week. from page 17
58-41 victory.
When the action Trevor Boers amassed
Sports News resumed, Capac padded
their cushion some.
23 points, including a tri-
fecta, and Jordan Hellmuth
Thanks to a 13-11 third netted 17, featuring a trey,
Stoldt signs with Alma tennis team quarter edge, the Chiefs
built a 42-26 cushion with
24 minutes gone.
to lead Capac. The Chiefs
also received points cour-
tesy of Jakob Sawyers
By Kevin Kissane round appearances at the Capac then outscored (10), Joe Montney (six)
Tri-City Times Sports Editor Blue Water Area Conference Marlette 16-15 the rest of and Hank Barker (two).
Tournament and at a
IMLAY CITY — Division 3 regional as well.
Imlay City’s Summer Stoldt Stoldt, Imlay City’s co-
signed a letter of intent with captain, wrapped up the
the Alma College women’s season as an All-Blue Water
tennis team this past Area Conference first team
Wednesday. selection.
In addition to Alma, She was also named the
Stoldt received recruiting recipient of her team’s MVP
interest from Olivet, Grove Award and was an All-Blue
City College, Midway Water Area Conference
University and numerous Academic selection.
Photo by Kevin Kissane
Photo provided
Boys’ Basketball volunteering his time and Center at 810-724-6030. others.
Friday, February 8 talents to the celebration. “We’re going to be hav- Ruhlman anticipates
Dryden at International She added that Tom ing a lasagna lunch, with that London will perform
Academy of Flint, Schutz of Output Music, baked goods and little gifts about a 40-minute show on Steve London, aka Dean Martin, will visit the
7:30 p.m. who will be providing the for everyone,” said Thurs., Feb. 14. Imlay City Senior Center on Feb. 14.
Yale at Almont, 7:30 p.m
Capac at Ubly, 7:30 p.m.
Cros-Lex at Imlay City,
7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 12
Dryden at Armada,
7:30 p.m.
Almont at Algonac, COUNTRY OVEN
Valentine’s Day
7:30 p.m.
Restaurant & Spirits
Girls’ Basketball
Thursday, February 7 in Imlay City
Capac at Ubly, 7:30 p.m. Quality Fresh Home-Made Food
Friday, February 8
Valentine’s Day Only
Dryden at International
Academy of Flint, 6 p.m.
Yale at Almont, 6 p.m.
Cros-Lex at Imlay City,
Happy Valentine’s Day
2 for $22
New China Buffet
6 p.m.
Monday, February 11 Choice of:
Capac at Marine City, ~ New York Strip
6:30 p.m.
Caseville at Dryden, Szechuan, Hunan & Cantonese Cuisine ~ Ribeye
7 p.m.
1779 S. Cedar Street • IMLAY CITY • 810-721-8818 ~ BBQ Ribs
10% OFF
Tuesday, February 12
Imlay City at Almont, ~ T-Bone Steak
~ Grilled Salmon
♥Includes Soup, Salad & Dessert♥
6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 6 FRESH
SUSHI Offer good 2-14-19 Only
Capac at Div. 4 team dis- 145 E. Capac Rd in Imlay City
tricts, Sandusky, 6 p.m. Sunday-Thursday 11:00am-10:00pm DINE IN OR
Thursday, February 7 Friday & Saturday 11:00am-10:30pm CARRY OUT 810-724-0055
Almont, Imlay City at WE DON’T USE MSG 100% VEGETABLE OIL
Wednesday, February 6
Featuring Diego Attanasio
Show $18 • Dinner $14
Dinner 6:30 p.m. Show starts at 8:30 p.m.
Alliance hosts Fenton,
Polar Palace, Lapeer,
Call today to reserve your tickets! • 21 and over to enter
Holly Meadows
Monday Night Trio
Happy Valentine’s
1st Place: Allenton Collision Thursday,
Men’s High Game Nick Lowe /
Tom Schaefer, 279 February WE HAVE
Men’s High Series Mike Edgerton, 749
Team High Series Monkeys, 1955 RENTALS