02 13 19
02 13 19
02 13 19
Another round
for Konschuh
Judicial Tenure Commission issues
complaint alleging misconduct
Piling up By Catherine Minolli appointment of a special
cminolli@pageone-inc.com master to conduct a hear-
ing regarding a 96-page
Snow, ice and snow days LAPEER — Lapeer complaint that contains
Shopko to close
regarding respond to the complaint.
the han- If not exhonorated follow-
dling of ing the hearing, Konschuh
funds Judge could face sanctions and/or
while he Byron reprimand.
served as Konschuh The initial counts reit-
Lapeer erate Konschuh’s handling
of funds his office received
Imlay City store to be shuttered as part of
County Prosecutor while he was prosecutor
from BounceBack, a bad
corporation’s bankruptcy restructuring plan
between the years of 2009-
check recovery firm, and By Maria Brown tion’s estimated last day of dently for some time until,
Hall of Fame
The state’s Judicial funds received from mbrown@pageone-inc.com operation is May 12. The in 2012, the two compa-
Tenure Commission (JTC) majority of the store clo- nies merged and existing
New athletes inducted on Friday requested the Konschuh page 16 IMLAY CITY — sures across the country Pamida stores were con-
in Imlay City, According to a closure list will start in March and verted into Shopko
posted on the company’s extend through May. Hometown locations.
She’s been a familiar face about the new opportunity
Almont Clerk/Treasurer
Tri-County Bank is recognized by MAMC
Kim Keesler is lauded by state desire to maintain certifi-
cation clearly defines
organization, village manager commitment to the Clerk’s
profession and communi-
By Tom Wearing Kasunic said Keesler and ty,” said Kasunic in the
twearing@pageone-inc.com other Michigan clerks are letter. “On behalf of the
recognized for their MAMC Board of
ALMONT — At the knowledge and multifac- Directors, I ask that you
outset of last Tuesday’s eted duties required of the join us in congratulating
(Feb. 5) Village Council profession. Kimberly Keesler for this
meeting, Village Manager “Kimberly’s commit- accomplishment and well-
Mike Connors acknowl- ment to education and deserved recognition.”
edged Village Clerk/
Treasurer Kimberly
“Kim” Keesler for being
recertified by the Michigan
Association of Municipal
Clerks (MAMC).
Connors informed the
council and visitors that
he was in receipt of
a letter from the MAMC,
stating that Keesler had
met all program criteria
for the state’s Certified
Michigan Municipal Clerk
(CMMC) certification
The Jan. 9 letter from
MAMC President Dan
File photo
Business Checking
Talk to us! Almont Clerk/Treasurer Kim Keesler and
TRI-CITY AREA Village Manager Mike Conners at the village
— Have a story idea, offices.
fuel that keeps us going
from week to week. The
185/mo $
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Photo provided
A side-by-side should do more than take you places. That’s why the all-new Kubota RTV-XG850 Sidekick is designed for
Four departments assisted Mussey firefighters at the scene of a Feb. 6 both hard work and long weekends. Do it all with 40 mph travel speeds, major versatility and all the comfort you need.
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not available with 0% A.P.R. or other promotional financing. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 3/31/19. See us or go to KubotaUSA.com for more information. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2019
save a backhoe and truck kitchen floor and base-
in close proximity to the ment. It’s believed the fire dinner choices . . .
building. Firefighters were started in the kitchen area. • spaghetti • veal parmesan • meat loaf
successful in protecting a The home was not
garage in an adjacent occupied and, again, a • chicken parmesan • 10 pc. shrimp
property from being dam- passerby spotted the fire • fish & chips • country fried steak
aged. and called 911.
Neighboring depart- They were assisted on Includes Soup, Salad & Fruit Bar
ments who assisted on scene by the Emmett, Valid at Imlay City Location Only...1 Coupon per person, per visit...Limited time through February 24, 2019.
scene included Emmett, Berlin and Brockway fire
Due to the severity of the blaze, firefighters
focused on keeping the flames from spreading
1949 S. Cedar & I-69 810-724-3664
to nearby vehicles and property.
Website photo
winter conditions,” said ice, rubbish, excessive dirt,
TRI-CITY AREA — Residents are invited to Rodriguez. “We ask every- or any other encumbrance.
attend a Wind Energy Policy Forum on Feb. 19 at 6:30 one to please consider the •Whenever any snow
p.m. at the North Branch Wesleyan Church, 3164 walkers.” or ice has fallen or accumu-
North Branch Road, North Branch. Visitors will learn He added that residents lated, it shall be cleared Almont residents are urged to comply with
about wind energy policy and regulation from Kevon are also being asked to within 48 hours of the time snow, ice removal ordinance to help put public
Martis, a renowned and respected wind energy expert. clear a three-foot swath in it fell or accumulated. safety first.
Martis has testified on wind energy land use issues front of village fire hydrants •Improved sidewalks,
across the Midwest, in Nebraska and North Dakota, to ensure easy access to paths, and trails that mea- with a width greater than on which a sidewalk abuts
and before members of Congress in Washington, D.C. DPW staff and firefighters sure 60 inches or less in 60 inches need only be is responsible for keeping
Township officials and residents who have turbines in in the event of an emer- width shall be cleared of cleared to a width of 60 the abutting portion of the
their communities and/or who have written ordinanc- gency. ice and snow in their inches. The owner or occu- sidewalk free and clear of
es will also be on hand. There is no charge to attend. Rodriguez alluded to entirety. Improved side- pant of every parcel of snow, ice or other obstruc-
the Village’s updated walks, paths, and trails property within the Village tions.
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Photo provided
carried on. to the hospital.” quick to assess the situa- ing the procedure step by
Unlikely event Carol did as she was tion as cardiac arrest. With step.
Wanting to complete told. She could see the her hair nicely done and “Carol, you just had a
the 5K, the couple began hospital from where she makeup on, Carol looked massive heart attack and I The Nemecek family enjoying time together in
running again. Carol’s odd sat—it was directly across good despite what was put a stent in your left the Keys just five weeks after Carol’s near-
pain returned. A flash of the road. The pain came going on. She did not look anterior descending artery.” fatal heart attack.
insight crossed her mind and went. As her husband like the typical cardiac She doesn’t remember
and she decided to share it neared with the vehicle, patient. However, once the the rest because at that in the world. And then she she felt ashamed—like
with Joe. Carol stood up and was hit medical professionals moment she felt nothing felt the ‘old Carol’ rise. she’d done something
“I think I am having a with a lightning bolt. administered an EKG, it but gratitude and relief. “Now we can get down wrong.
heart attack,” she says. “Wham! My Arm!!!” was clear that Carol’s life Her prayers were to business,” she said. “I Soon enough, she got
Her husband—a she says. “I looked down was at risk. There was no answered. need a phone charger, over it. Word got out and
Mussey Twp. Firefighter of at my manicured nails and time to lose. “I am alive!” she moisturizer, nice pajamas there was no turning back.
some 32 years and a the pain was so bad I was Alone in a room in the thought. “I am going to with a pocket for the moni- Throughout her hospi-
trained EMT—didn’t literally waiting and watch- emergency department, live. Thank you God. tor, and slippers or socks.” tal stay, Carol’s room was
agree. His wife, petite and ing for my fingernails to Carol’s mind and body Thank you God.” She reminded her family filled with visitors. Family,
fit, just didn’t exhibit the blow off one by one. were at war. Pain began She woke up hours that they needed to go get friends, and medical pro-
typical symptoms of cardi- That’s how bad it was.” wracking through her later in the ICU, husband something to eat, and fessionals she’d bonded
ac arrest. She wasn’t Now she knew for sure entire chest, and she was Joe and sons Joey, Josh asked that they tell no one with over the experience.
sweating, she wasn’t short what was happening. She certain she was going to and Jake by her side. She that she’d had a heart
of breath, she had no jaw, had seen something just die. Son Joey was watch- felt like the luckiest person attack. For some reason, Heart page 16
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Local children are invited “I’m expecting that we
to travel back in time are going to have a lot of A Quote!
through a new program fun on the theme nights,”
being offered at the Ruth Summers says. “For the
Hughes Memorial District China night, the kids will
Library. be able to try out chop-
Mandy Summers, the sticks, and for the Vikings
library’s Youth Service’s night, we’ll be crafting
Coordinator, said the pro- compasses.
gram, “Tree House “For the Civil War
Travels,” is based on a night, we’re seeking to get
popular series of chil- representatives from the
dren’s books by Mary 15th Michigan Civil War
Pope Osborn, entitled The re-enactment group to
Magic Tree House series. interact with the kids.”
Summers said Pope
Osborn’s series centers
For questions or more
information about Tree
around two children, Jack ALMONT CAPAC METAMORA
VIP Referral
House Travels, contact
and Annie, who have a Mandy Summers at the
magic tree house that library at 810-724-8043.
798-3946 395-4366 678-3655
transports them to differ-
ent times and places
throughout history.
During their travels,
Once you reach 3 referrals, you will be Jack and Annie learn
upgraded to vip status. VIP members about the various time
periods through the pro-
receive special discounts on our products cesses of craft-making,
and services for one year including: games and hands-on activ-
ities and interaction.
15% Off All Restorative Treatment As will local young-
sters who participate in
the library’s Tree House
$50 For Each Additional Travels program, says
Referral Who Starts Treatment In conjunction with
the program, several
theme nights have been
Birthday Dinner scheduled in the coming
weeks and months. All
“themed nights” will
Random Drawing Quarterly begin at 6 p.m.
For Prizes The program began on
Jan. 14, with Medieval
times based on the book,
The Knight of Dawn.
Future theme nights
are scheduled for:
Noffert •Feb. 11: A trip to
China, based on the book,
Day of the Dragon King;
•March 11:
Vikings, based on the
Auto • Home • Farm • Commercial
Whatever your interests, we’ve got you covered!
Log on now for your subscription to
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for your onlin Serving Imlay City, Almont, Capac & Dryden
(810) 724-2615
P.O. Box 278, Imlay City, MI 48444
Log On to . . .
Photo provided
Wednesday and concludes Hair Care of Imlay City,
at 7 p.m. tonight. Lucky’s Steak House,
Library Event Nick’s Warehouse,
Coordinator Mandy Peaceful Moon Yoga and
Kurt David (center) poses for photo with Dryden Jr./Sr. High School students during recent visit. Summers noted that last- Backyard Creations and
als, organizations, and cor- income, so find a new of it fast and hate going to and Vice President of the
porations that at times face source of income that can work. You want to wake up Dryden Education
challenges with positive keep up with the high cost- everyday and love going to Association.
DTE invests in new public safety program PROTESTS BY MAIL MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN
MONDAY, MARCH 11, 2019
The tentative ratios and estimated multipliers necessary to compute in-
dividual State equalized values are as follows:
TRI-CITY AREA — tion into the May 4, 2018 what to do if a power line through fifth grade
DTE Energy is launching wind storm. Tragically, a falls. Touching a downed •Funding to the RATIOS MULTIPLIERS
Agricultural 44.03 1.1355
a $900,000 education customer who came in wire can be deadly and we Michigan Fire Services Commercial 43.61 1.1465
program to inform the contact with a downed need to make sure our cus- Instructors Association to Industrial 45.48 1.0993
public —children in par- wire died. tomers know this; nothing purchase electrical safety Residential 48.19 1.0375
ticular— about downed “Safety of the public is more important than equipment and provide Personal 50.00 1.0000
wire safety, and will pro- and our employees is their safety. The program, wire down training to local William Winn,
vide funding to purchase always DTE’s No. 1 prior- agreed to by the Michigan fire departments within Secretary, Board of Review
electrical safety equipment ity, and this new education Public Service DTE’s Southeast Michigan Publish: February 13, 20, 27, 2019
and train local fire depart- and training program Commission, provides the service territory NOTE: THE TOWNSHIP COMPLIES WITH THE “AMERICAN
ments across Southeast enhances our downed wire framework for us to make DTE reminds its cus- WITH DISABILITY ACT” AND IF AUXILIARY AIDS OR SERVICES
Michigan. safety commitment,” said a positive impact on the tomers that if they see a TIES, PLEASE CONTACT THE TOWNSHIP OFFICES AT (810) 395-
DTE developed a com- Heather Rivard, senior safety of our customers.” downed power line, stay at 4518 AT LEAST THREE (3) DAYS PRIOR TO THE MEETING NIGHTS
prehensive strategy to fur- vice president, Distribution The program includes: least 20 feet away and 7-3
ther emphasize public Operations. •A contract with the report it, either through the
Photo provided
Konschuh’s alleged conduct laws) after he was accused he entered the private prac-
while he served as this of helping a convicted rapist tice of law and worked with
County’s Prosecuting obtain a new trial in the University of Michigan
Attorney, the details of exchange for campaign con- Law School’s Innocence
which have been recounted tributions. In September of Project. In November of Imlay City McDonald’s owner Gani Bardha presents a donation to Imlay
in print ad nauseam. What 2006, a United States 2012, Mr. Marlinga was City High School’s Josh Henley as part of a state-wide community tour.
defendant. In a letter pub-
s this week’s front page story illus-
Daley’s door is always open
lished in Bar Briefs’
trates, looks can be deceiving when November 2018 issue, he
it comes to heart health. An active wrote:
“As one who has suf- This past month has open. I look forward to by sending an email to
wife and mother of three who’s always fered the emotional agony been filled with new begin- visitors and the opportuni- SenKDaley@senate.mich-
been into fitness and health, she was actu- of being wrongfully accused nings and exciting oppor- ty to speak with the con- igan.gov. You may also
ally running a marathon when she was of a crime, I have a unique, tunities to serve the con- stituents I proudly repre- find information on my
stricken with a heart attack. She was only personal point of view. I stituents of the 31st Senate sent. I welcome any input website at
52-years-old. Certainly not your “typical was saved from even con- District. We’ve hit the from residents as it is my SenatorKevinDaley.com
sidering a plea bargain by ground running in getting number one priority to I am honored to be able
heart attack waiting to happen.” the fact that I was a lawyer. the Lansing office open for make sure your voices are to serve you.
Fortunately, Nemecek narrowly escaped Under my ethical obliga- business, and I am excited heard. If I can ever be of Sincerely,
the situation. All the right circumstances tions as an attorney, I could to keep the momentum assistance, please do not —Kevin Daley
were in place when the near-fatal incident not stand before a judge going. hesitate to contact me or State Senator
in open court and lie in I want to emphasize my office. You may con- 31st District
occurred, and not a day goes by when order to avoid a trial and that my door is always tact me at 517-373-1777 or Lum
Nemecek doesn’t think about that with possible prison sentence.
gratitude and awe.
Chinese New Year celebrated
Many defendants who do
Along with containing the heart-and- not have that ethical obliga-
love centered holiday called Valentine’s tion or who lack confidence
in the system may find On behalf of A Million “gifting” this unique cul- awe inspiring 12 foot drag-
Day, February is Women’s Heart Health a plea bargain too difficult Dreams Studio, we would tural experience to local on. The time and details
Month. According to the National Heart, to pass up. Defense attor- like to say thank you to the residents of Lapeer County. involved in this undertak-
Lung and Blood Institute, heart disease is neys (and judges and pros- local residents of Imlay First of all I would like ing is/was greatly appreci-
the number one killer of women. ecutors) must remember City for coming out and to thank Michelle, from ated. It was a great presen-
that not only is there a pre- experiencing our “Chinese New China Buffet for pro- tation of craftsmanship and
Throughout the month, women (and men) sumption of innocence; the New Year Celebration” on viding the pastries, tradi- performance.
are reminded to choose a lifestyle that reality is that some real Tues., Feb. 5. It was so nice tional candies, and items Thank you to Allison
helps fight heart disease through healthy but unknown number of to see so many families for the Cultural Display. and Mike Romine of
eating, exercise, physical activity and talk- criminal defendants are enjoying the Dragon Dance, Her time and insight into Hiram’s Tavern for opening
ing with their doctors about risks for heart actually innocent.” fireworks, live art, Chinese this event was eye-opening. up their facilities, creating
It is amazing how dif- Culture Exhibit, pastries Thank you to Tom special drinks, hosting the
disease. ferently these two individu- and candies, ninja demon- Schutz from Output Music ninja demonstration, and
Controlling risk factors for heart dis- als from neighboring coun- stration, guided mediations, for the fantastic drum cere- kids craft event and closing
ease— high blood pressure, high cholester- ties with similar public ser- specialty drinks, face paint- mony. As always a big hit ceremonies. The atmo-
ol, diabetes, smoking, physical inactivity vice backgrounds have ing, warming station and a in the community. sphere and hospitality was
and weight are also important when it tackled the emotional agony Chinese Auction that will Thank you to Margaret exceptional!
associated with being sub- benefit Weston Elementary. Hubbard, Tom Hubbard, Thank you to Jose
comes to reducing the risk of heart attack. jected to a criminal prosecu- The event was abso- Grant Grayvold, Marshall Delgado of Tatakai No Ken
Often, these risk factors can be managed tion. Perhaps Robert Frost lutely wonderful. Everyone Grayvold, and Hong Anh
by changes in lifestyle and consultations explains it best: “Two roads involved was dedicated to Nguyen for creating that Letters page 15
with health care professionals. Some risk diverged in a wood, and I,
factors are beyond our control. Age, gen-
der, family health history, and a previous
“I took the one less trav-
eled by,
“And that has made all
Lincoln Day Dinner March 9
stroke or heart attack all come into play the difference.” (The Road The Lapeer County between 5-6 p.m. General 2344 or wbargen@lake-
Not Taken). Republican Party doors open at 5:30 p.m. stonebank.com
regarding heart health. Executive Committee is and the dinner and program There’s an additional
Taking time to slow down, reduce Respectfully,
—Eric Flinn pleased to announce the will begin at 6:30 p.m. opportunity to promote
stress, have some fun and count your Almont Twp. 2019 Lincoln Day Dinner. This year the former your business by donating
blessings can’t hurt either when it comes This is the largest annual Speaker of the House and to our Silent or Live
to a healthy heart. Guest Columnist event hosted by the
Republican Party in Lapeer
former Michigan
Republican candidate for
Auction. For details, con-
tact Christina Russell at
We encourage women (and men) to Have a differing opinion about a
County and many local, Attorney General Tom (810) 728-4911.
hot topic? Want to further
take time to take care of both health and explain your side of the story? state and federal public Leonard will give the key- We encourage you to
heart throughout the month of February You can share your thoughts by
being a guest columnist. Anyone servant Republicans will note address. purchase your tickets early.
and beyond. As this week’s profile of may submit a guest column, but be in attendance. There’s an opportunity Visit our web site for addi-
we ask that the information be
Carol Nemecek illustrates, a heart attack accurate. The columns can be a The dinner will be held to purchase an ad in our tional details and to pur-
maximum of three typed, dou- at the Lapeer Country program book for yourself chase tickets: www.lapeer-
can strike even the unlikeliest subject. ble-spaced pages. Send them to:
Club, 3786 Hunt Road, or for your business. gop.com.
Tri-City Times, P.O. Box 278,
With some simple lifestyle changes and Imlay City, MI, 48444 or run the Lapeer, MI 48446 on You can help the —Harry D. Akers
help from your health care provider, you idea by the editor by calling 810-
724-2615 or email them to: tct@ Saturday, March 9. A V.I.P. Lapeer GOP by purchasing Communications
can do your best to avoid becoming a sta- pageone-inc.com. The newspa- Private Reception with an ad or becoming a spon- Committee
per reserves the right to edit or
music, cocktails and other sor. For details contact Lapeer Republican Party
tistic when it comes to heart health. reject any column considered
inappropriate for publication. refreshments will be held Walt Bargen at (810) 417- Dryden
Imlay City and wearing I’m shop, it felt like being empty space, knowing
my Peaceful Moon Yoga hoping Observations in ink... with God—or whatever that bowl will really sing
hat, I decide to take part. for just Divinity that feeds your and reverberate there.
The event was the dream- that, too. Catherine Minolli soul. I just knew I had to Artist, hair stylist and
child of Julie Welch and I’m share this gift, and began fellow participant
Margaret Hubbard of A offering sharing the singing bowl Stephanie Morgan sweeps
Million Dreams Studio. mini-guided meditation with students at the yoga and mops the room—she Vietnamese exchange student Hong Ahn
The dynamic duo are ded- sessions featuring the glo- studio. does so with loving care, Nguyen shares her special gifts with her voice
icated to fostering all rious crystal singing bowl On Tuesday, I’m a meditation in itself. We and the singing bowl in the pop-up meditation
things art, creativity, hap- that was gifted to me by assigned to a back room room during last week’s Chinese New Year cel-
piness, health, wellness my beloved aunt. Tuned at Family Hair Care, a Unwind page 15 ebration in Imlay City.
Photo provided
never sleeps. A good time laminated its servile life in this dim However, my troubled
for a massage.
The Vietnamese tradi-
menu of
Andrew Wernette world.
“Put on the clothes,”
mind soon began to wan-
tional New Year and all its different the woman said in broken Am I a good person?
dragon dances, feasts and types of massages for dif- English, motioning to the I’ve never been totally Imlay City graduate Brandon Day (center), now
kinship was close at hand, ferent parts of the body. loose, white garments laid comfortable with the whole teacher and coach in the Richmond Community
and I had planned and cho- After deliberating, I point- out on the mattress. Then business of massaging. The Schools for 17 years, offers advice on sports.
and bor- entire family. In my opin- things used to be before we fought, we argued, and
der secu- ion, with no offense to the elite youth travel sports we may have even thrown
rity. The
All the Liblong day... Tom Brokaw, the Founding
Fathers (and Mothers like
culture developed.
I was fortunate enough
a few kicks and punches.
We loved to compete.
Most immigrants’ goal is this; to become part
Rick Liblong Abigail Adams) who wrote
those words are truly the
of ‘We the People.’ To them I say ‘welcome.’ My to grow up in a small,
blue-collar town that was
No one ever ran home and
complained. The games
grandparents stood in a group like this. Maybe
appeared Greatest Generation. yours did too. filled with kids and fami- were too much fun, and if
in the Feb. 6 issue. All I hire people from lies that loved sports. The someone left and or com-
feedback is welcome. Peru to work in and us well for more than 240 let us not fear diversity. typical summer day was plained, he or she may not
I hate discrimination of
any kind. And what real-
ly irks me is that we
around my house, my bar-
bers are from Iran and
Korea, the people that own
years. And it will for many
years to come.
Immigration should be
Let us embrace it and keep
everything in perspective.
Email Rick at
not spent riding in a car to
our elite club practice to
work out with kids from
have received a return
phone call. It wasn’t per-
humans discriminate and work at our favorite orderly and legal, yes, but rick.liblong@cox.net. all over the state. Youth Sports page 15
against others over things restaurant are from
Town Talk
Editor’s note: Due to space Port Huron Senior Center, nings from 5:30-7 p.m. Call able facilitated by a trained Free hearing and vision
constraints announcements
will be posted one week in
600 Grand Avenue, Port
Huron, every Tues. from
810-441-0322 for more info. Support Groups United Hospice Service
(UHS) bereavement volun-
screens for children of pre-
school age are available at
advance of the event. Notices 7:30-9 p.m. and the 1st and Orchards’ Cupboard Food teer. Marlette Regional the Lapeer County Health
Pantry is open the 3rd Woman’s life Chapter 855
must be received in writing by 3rd Thurs. of the month will meet at the Lois Wagner Hospital, 2770 Main Street in Department. To schedule an
noon Monday prior to the from 7:30-9 p.m. with Saturday of every month 9 Marlette, hosts this support appointment please call 810-
a.m.-noon. Food distributed Memorial Library in
publication date. instructors Lyle Malaski & Richmond at 6:30 pm on group the 1st Tuesday of each 667-0448 or 810-245-5549.
Kristina Morton. For info, at 74903 McKay Rd., Bruce month in the Administration
Twp., 586-336-4673. www. March 5th, 2019. Everyone is Capac Pharmacy is teaming
For Senior Citizens call 810-984-5061.
orchardsonline.org. welcome to attend. Conference Room. For time
and more info, call 800-635- with Support Million Hearts
by offering in-pharmacy
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) 7490 or visit www.marlettere-
Gentle Yoga Tuesdays from
9-10 a.m. at First
Free Meals, Food Museums meetings are held every
Monday night at 8 p.m. at St.
gionalhospital.org. blood pressure screenings,
136 North Main St. in Capac,
Congregational Church in Paul’s Lutheran Church in TOPS 620 Lapeer weight- Tuesdays, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church The Almont Community loss group meets Tuesday Everyone is invited to come
Almont. Practice led by Dina ‘Food for Families’ kitchen Imlay City.
Miramonti, RYT. Historical Society Museum nights at the Hunter’s Creek and have their blood pres-
is open to the public for free, is open Saturdays from 1-4 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Mobile Home Park Club sure read for free.
Imlay City Senior Center hot meals every Monday and p.m. Please stop by and and Al-Anon meetings are House, 725 DeMille Rd. in
Wednesday from 4-5:30 p.m.
“Texas Hold ‘Em” 12:30
p.m. For info 810-724-6030. This Heart Loves Food
learn about your communi-
ty. Society meetings are held
held every Wednesday night
at 8 p.m. at the Capac United
Lapeer. Weigh-in from 6-6:30
p.m., meeting from 6:30-7:30 Events
Pantry is open the 1st at the museum on the second Methodist Church, Capac, p.m. For more info call 810-
Council on Aging Monday of the month at 7 MI. 667-0999.
Membership is open to indi- Saturday of each month Wind Energy Policy Forum.
from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at p.m. For more info call 810- Tue., Feb. 19, 6:30 p.m. at
viduals 18 and older. The Grief share. Tuesdays at 1
Capac Senior Center is open
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. week-
Gateway Assembly Church,
2796 S. Van Dyke Rd., Imlay
The Capac Historical Society
p.m., Imlay City Sr. Center,
Lamb Steele building on
Fundraisers North Branch Wesleyan
Church. Hear from Kevon
days. We offer a variety of City. is open to visitors daily from Third St. New series starts Martis, wind energy expert.
Imlay City Christian School Township officials from
activities such as fitness and The Attica United Methodist 1-3 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 6. For info or to register pasty sale fundraiser. New
craft classes, a book review Sundays. Call 810-395-2859 call Tracy at 810-724-6030 or Huron and other counties
Church will be holding a this year, pasties from Uncle will also share their first
group, cards and bus trips. free community meal on the for more info. Ginger at 810-724-5772. Peter’s Pasties in Clarkston.
For info, call Lori at 395- hand experiences with wind
2nd and 4th Tuesday of each The Dryden Historical Lapeer Area Citizens Against Order by Tue., Feb. 19 and turbines in their communi-
7889. month from 4:00-6:00 p.m. pick up at school Tue., Feb.
Society meets at 7 p.m. the Domestic Assault meets 1-3 ties
Almont and Dryden area For more info please call first Wednesday of the p.m. every Wednesday in the 26 between 11 a.m. and 5
senior citizens meet the 2nd 810-724-0690 or visit www. month and the museum Lapeer Court House for per- p.m. Choice of beef, chicken, Beginning Guitar Lessons.
Tuesday of the month at 12 atticaumc.org. opens every Monday from sonal protection order clinic. vegetable and apple. Save Romeo Parks and Rec, 361
p.m. at the Almont Lions 5:30-7 p.m. For info 810-246-0632. money and order by half Morton St., Romeo. Mondays
The Attica Food Bank at the dozen or dozen. Ok to mix from 5-5:30 p.m. beginning
Hall, 222 Water St., for a Attica United Methodist
potluck and program. Call The Imlay City Historical 10A Friday AFG Family varieties. Call school at 810- Mar. 4. Class size is limited.
Church, 27 Elk Lake Rd., is Museum is now closed for Groups meeting. Imlay City 724-5695 for prices and to Call 586-752-6543 to register.
798-8210 for more info. open from 2-4 p.m. the sec- the season. Watch for the FOC Lutheran Church, 7191 order.
Adults 55 and over are invit- ond and fourth Monday of opening of the 2019 season Imlay City Rd, Imlay City. CPR and AED training and
ed to Berlin Twp. Senior the month. Proof of residen- on the first Saturday in Contact Ginger Miller at 810- Woman’s Life Chapter 855’s certification. Washington
Center to play cards from cy and need required. April. 724-5772 for more informa- Bottle & Can Drive contin- Twp. Fire Hall., 11300 27
noon-3 p.m. every other tion. ues all year round. Funds Mile Rd. Thur., Mar 7, 6-9
The Capac Community support those in need as we p.m. Mon., Mar. 11, 9 a.m. -
Thursday. Bring a sack
lunch, beverages provided.
Food Pantry, 112 S. Main
Street, is open each Youth Events Romeo Washington Parks
and Rec. One on one grief
continue to fight hunger and
homelessness in our commu-
noon. Class size is limited.
Call 586-752-6543 to register.
Senior chair exercise on Wednesday from 1-3 p.m. counseling provided at both nity. Call 810-392-5136 for a
Tuesdays 10-11 a.m. Potluck Please call LOVE, INC. at Ready, Set, Go! Workshop. Zumba Gold. Combines
Romeo and Washington drop off point, or pick up
luncheons will be served the 810-245-2414 in advance to This is a FREE workshop dance steps with a low impact
Centers. By appointment service for a large donation.
4th Tuesday of every month ensure your food voucher for 3-5 year olds & parents/ routine. Bring water and a
only, please call to set up your Make a difference today by
at noon. For info, call 810- will be received before you caregivers! Enjoy fun proj- face towel. Every Monday
appointment today 586-752- donating!
395-4518. stop in to shop. Any ques- ects that will develop your and Wednesday 10:30 -
child’s skills and prepare 6543. Free of charge.
tions, please call Joyce The Imlay City Christian 11:30 a.m. Washington Parks
Dinner and card playing, Kaufman at 810-395-7532. them for school! Children School has discount cards and Rec Center, 57880 Van
50/50 raffle and prizes of FOR WIDOWED MEN &
also enjoy a snack, story WOMEN: Lunch-Cards- available for sale. Proceeds Dyke, Washington Twp. Fee
high and low for each table The Capac Kitchen serves time, and a free book! Call benefit the school’s athletic, charged. Call 586-752-6543
every 3rd Monday at the Friendship. Join us every 3rd
free meals every Tuesday the Family Literacy Center Tuesday of each month from music and PE programs. For for info.
Washington Senior Center, from 4:30-6 p.m. at Zion today to reserve your seat at more information call Imlay
11:45 a.m.-4 p.m. at Cavis
57880 Van Dyke, Washington United Methodist Church. 810-664-2737 and for more Pioneer Restaurant, 5600 City Christian School, Mon.- Sculpt, Flex and Stretch.
Twp., MI 48094, from 4-8 info on dates and times. Lapeer Rd. in Kimball Twp. Fri. 8-4, 810-724-5695. Beneficial weight training.
p.m. For info, call 586-752- Free meals for people in Every Monday, Wednesday
need are offered at the North Play groups available. Free 6 48074. No RSVP necessary.
Medical Care
6543. For more info call Joanne K. and Friday. Washington
Branch Senior Center on week sessions. At these Parks and Rec Center , 57880
Swing Dance Lessons at the Monday and Thursday eve- FREE 90-minute play- at 810-324-2304. This activity
is sponsored by Widowed Van Dyke, Washington Twp.
groups, children will partici- Lapeer County Health Call 586-752-6543 for times
pate in storytime, develop- Friends, a peer support group Department, 1800 Imlay City
www.widowedfriends.org. and prices.
mentally appropriate games Rd., Lapeer - Regular
Immunization Clinic Hours:
and crafts, learn new skills, Widowed Friends invites all
and enjoy a snack and social widowed to join us for break- (held in 2nd floor clinic area)
time with other children. fast and friendship in a safe Walk-In, Mondays 1-3 p.m.;
Parents will have the chance setting every 2nd and 4th By Appointment Only, Free tutor training for people
to talk to other adults with Monday of the month at 9 Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.-11:30 who would like to help others
same-age children. Register a.m. at Sero’s, 925 Gratiot in a.m. and 4-6 p.m., Thursdays in our community improve
now for the next session! Marysville. For more info, 1-3:45 p.m. Hepatitis vaccine English skills. Volunteer
Numerous locations and call Julie at 810-388-0868. is now available. For addi- basis. Please call for orienta-
dates available. For more tional info, to check if we tion before training at 810-
info and to sign up call the For those that have experi- accept your insurance, or to 664-2737.
Family Literacy Center at enced the death of a loved schedule an appointment
810-664-2737. one, a support group is avail- please call 810-667-0448. Volunteer for the Habitat for
Humanity of Lapeer County
at the office. Interested par-
ties can call 810-664-7111
and speak to Carolyn, Cheryl
or Pete at 810-660-7823.
Club News
St. Paul’s Blessed Hope
Veterans of Foreign Wars
(VFW) of Imlay City, Post
Lutheran Church Baptist Church 2492, 598 N. Almont Ave.
(ELCA) (Fairgrounds Rd.) Overseas
1635 Berville Road, Allenton, MI
200 North Cedar (M-53) 4411 Newark Road
859 N. Van Dyke Road Pastor Gayle Hortop Veterans Meetings 2nd
Imlay City, MI Attica, MI 48412 Imlay City, Michigan 48444 Phone: (586) 784-5854 Thursday, every other
810-724-2702 Sunday School - 10:00 am month, 7 p.m.; Post Meetings
810-724-1200 Sunday 2:30 pm
Sunday Morning - 11:00 am 1st Thursday every month, 7
email: nlcc@newlifechristian.net Tuesday 7:00 pm
Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening - 6:30 pm p.m.; Auxiliary Meetings 1st
Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Friday Youth 7:00 pm Wednesday Evening - 6:30 pm Saturday of every month, 10
Pastor Tim Martin Soul winning is not our
Pastor Alan Casillas a.m.
18 Sunday 10 a.m. Service 18 firstapostolichome.com 18 preference, but it’s our priority.
Almont/Dryden Masons
Attica U.M.C. Capac Imlay City Almont
meets 7 p.m. every 2nd
27 Elk Lake Road, Attica, MI U.M.C. C.R.C. First Baptist Church Thursday of the month at
(810) 724-0690 14952 Imlay City Rd., Capac 395 N. Cedar (M-53) Masonic Center in Almont.
Sunday Worship: 10 a.m Church 810-395-2112 www.imlaycitycrc.org Wayne Boyd, Pastor The Imlay City American
Attica Food Bank: Sunday School - 9:15 am - All Ages Worship 10:00 a.m. 881 Van Dyke - 810-798-8888
Serving those in 48412, Sunday Service: 10:30 am Sunday School 11:15 a.m. Sunday Bible Classes: 9:45 am
Legion Post 135 meets the
2-4 pm, 2nd & 4th Monday Junior Church and Nursery Available Youth Ministry Worship Services 2nd and last Wednesdays of
of the month. Bible Studies Every MOPS Program 10:30 am & 6:00 pm the month at 7:00 p.m. The
Community Dinner: Community Men’s & Women’s Bible Study Wednesday 7:00 pm post is located at 212 E. Third
Monday and Tuesday Evenings fbc@airadvantage.net
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 4-6 pm Bible Studies Street. Contact them at 810-
Tuesday Morning Live Webcasting Sunday all worship services
Pastor Ron Rouse 9:30 am 11:00 am 810-724-4315 over Sermonaudio.com/fbcalmont 724-1450 or americanlegion-
www.atticaumc.org Come as you are - everyone is welcome!
18 18 18
Come Grow With Us! 18 Proclaiming the Sovereign Grace of God post135@frontier.com.
Dryden Imlay City Sacred Heart - Imlay City
St. Nicholas - Capac Goodland GATEWAY ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH The Evening Star Quilt Guild
(ELCA) 109 E. Kempf Court • Capac, MI meets the last Wednesday of
Pastor: Rev. Noel Cornelio
Saturday Mass (810) 395-7557 each month at the Davison
Corner of 4th St. & Almont Ave. 4:00 pm - St. Nicholas • 6:00 pm - Sacred Heart
5394 Main Street - Dryden (Across from the Library) Sunday Masses 2796 S. Van Dyke Road - Imlay City Senior Center, 10135 Lapeer
www.imlayumc.org 9:00 am - Sacred Heart • 11:00 am - St. Nicholas
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Rd. in Davison. Meetings
810-796-3341 Like Us On
6:00 pm (Spanish) - Scared Heart
Morning Worship - 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
start at 6:30 p.m. and doors
10:30 a.m. Worship 2008 N. Van Dyke Evening Service - 5:00 p.m.
Pastor Patricia Hoppenworth Tuesday at St. Nicholas at 8:30 am
Wednesday at Sacred Heart at 10 am open at 6 p.m. For more info
Nursery Available
Imlay City, MI 48444 Wednesday Family Night - 6:30 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Jr. Church for K-5th grade First Thursdays at St. Nicholas at 7 pm call Lisa, 810-358-7294.
Youth Group 6th-12th grade
First Fridays at Sacred Heart at 7 pm Supervised child care during all services
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. First Saturdays at Sacred Heart at 8 am
810.724.1747 Sunday School
5pm-6:30pm Sundays Confessions
Phone: 810-724-8110 9:00 a.m. September thru May
Worship Service: 10:00 am18
Saturdays 3 pm St. Nicholas • 5:30 pm Sacred Heart
EVERYONE WELCOME! Rev. Dr. Marcel Allen Lamb
First Saturdays at 7:30 am at Sacred Heart Pastor Jeffrey S. Krist
18 810-724-0687 18 Sundays at 5:30 pm before the Spanish Mass 18 18 Staffed Nursery During Worship 18
West Berlin Imlay City Family of First Congregational Church Every Sunday The Lapeer
Church of Christ Christ United Church of Christ
Center’s Flea Market is open
U.M.C. 670 N. Van Dyke
Lutheran Church -
8 a.m. - 3 p.m. with up to 75
Imlay City, MI 48444 275 Bancroft - Imlay City 201 E. St. Clair, Almont, MI booths inside and outside
905 Holmes Rd. - Allenton, MI Sunday Service Missouri Synod (Corner of 5th Street) 810-798-8855 selling a huge variety of items
Corner of Almont Road 7191 Imlay City Road, Imlay City Sunday Worship Service to the public. The Lapeer
Bible Study (all ages) 10:00am
Morning Worship 11:00am Bible Study - 9:00 am 810-724-6207 at 10:15 a.m.
Center Building is at 425
810-395-2409 1st Sunday of the
Month Evening Service 2:30pm
Worship Time - 10:30 am Sunday School & Morning Adult Group 9:30 a.m. Nursery available and Jr. Church
for ages 3 thru 5th grade County Center Street. This
Children’s Church - 10:30 am Worship Service 10:30 a.m. long-running community
Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Classes (all ages) 7:00pm Contemporary Service - Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Rev. Dr. Renee C. Jackson
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group ~ Sunday’s 6-8pm
810-724-3306 SALT Program ~ Tues. & Thurs. 4-5:30pm event is sponsored by The
Rev. Curtis Clarke COME WORSHIP WITH US!
Phone 810-724-2620 “No matter who you are or where you are Pre-School - 5th grade Lapeer Center, a 501(c)3
John Barker, Minister lutheranfamilyofchrist.org on life’s journey, you are welcome here!” Pastor William King
18 18 18 18 non-profit organization for
St. Cornelius St. John The Holy Redeemer Light of Christ over 60 years. For informa-
tion on space rentals, call
Catholic Church Evangelist Lutheran Church
3834 N. Mill Street, P.O. Box 208 Catholic Church 4538 Dryden Rd. • Dryden, MI
Community 810-347-7915. Low rental
prices on inside and outside
Dryden MI 48428
872 Capac Rd.
Allenton, MI 48002 810-796-3951 Church space. There is no admission
NEW MASS SCHEDULE BEGINNING 810-395-7074 www.lutheransonline.com/holyred 2720 Winslow Road charge. For general informa-
JUNE 30TH and JULY 1ST www.fmsaints.com 8:00 am - BIBLE CLASS tion on the Flea Market,
Weekday Mass: NEW MASS SCHEDULE BEGINNING 9:30 am - WORSHIP Imlay City, MI 48444 Lapeer Center room rentals
Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 a.m. JUNE 30TH and JULY 1ST 11:00 am - SUNDAY SCHOOL & 1 Mile South of I-69 Overpass
Weekend Masses: Weekday Mass: Thursday 8:00 a.m. BIBLE CLASS and catering, call 810-664-
Saturday 4:00 p.m. Weekend Masses: ALL WELCOME!!! Sunday Worship 10:30 am 2109, email lapeercenter@
Sunday 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m.; Sunday 9:00 a.m. Pastor Steven Helms gmail.com or see www.
Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 18 Rev. Mike Gawlowski, Pastor 18
Christian Preschool Available 18 Phone: 810-724-6999 18 LapeerCenter.org.
Almont High School announces Top Ten Order Uncle Peter’s Pasties
By Tom Wearing William Kalmar said the Brombach, Salutatorian Tomhave was given the IMLAY CITY — Imlay City Christian School is
twearing@pageone-inc.com high-achieving students Erica Bailey, Paige Hunger, honor of recognizing each hosting a delicious fundraiser. Residents can place
were announced Friday Jillian Terrell, Rachel of the top students after orders for pasties from Uncle Peter’s Pasties in
ALMONT — As the morning, Feb. 8, in con- Tietschert, Anthony arriving for class on Friday Clarkston. There are four choices for filling—beef,
current school year exceeds junction with the week’s Henige, Jackson Brown, morning. chicken, vegetable and apple. The cost is $6 per pasty;
its halfway point, Almont Snowcoming festivities. Emily Maust, Hannah The Top Ten will be 6 for $32 or 12 for $60. Orders can include a variety
High School has announced Students attaining Top Feys, and Crystal Rayl and acknowledged later in the to make a half- or full-dozen. Deadline to order is
its Top Ten academic Ten status for 2019, based Matthew McFarlane, who year by the Tri-City Times Tues., Feb. 19. Pasties will be available for pick up
achieving students from on accumulated grade tied for 10th on the list. as graduation day between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Tues., Feb. 26. To
the Class of 2019. point averages, include Kalmar said Almont approaches for the Class place an order or for more information, call the school
Schools Supt. Dr. Valedictorian Max High School Principal Liz of 2019. at 810-724-5695.
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Legal Obituaries
~ Cathy Baker, 44 ~
Cathy Baker, age 44, become a pharmacy tech- held at 1 p.m., Friday,
of Gloucester, VA, died nician. February 15, 2019 at Muir
Friday, February 8, 2019 at She is survived by her Brothers Funeral Home,
VILLAGE OF LYNN Riverside Walter Reed father, Leo Baker of 225 N. Main Street, Imlay
ALMONT TOWNSHIP Hospital in Gloucester, Sevierville, TN; her two City, MI. Interment will
ALMONT VILLAGE Lynn Township Board of VA. Catherine Virginia sisters, Heather Baker of follow at Imlay Township
COUNCIL Trustees will hold its annual Budget
Baker was born June 25, Imlay City, MI and Cemetery.
REGULAR MEETING Preparation Meeting March 7, 2019 at
4:30 p.m. at the Lynn Township Hall, 1974 in Lapeer, MI. She Bryanna Baker of Romeo, The family will be
JANUARY 15, 2019
SYNOPSIS 13995 Yale Road. Individuals with was the daughter of Leo MI; fiancé, Gabriel Faath available for visitation 5-7
disabilities may contact the clerk at and the late Pearl Jane of Gloucester, VA; and her p.m., Thursday, February
President Schneider called the 13995 Yale Rd, Lynn, MI 48097 or by
Regular Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. phone (810) 387-3358 ten days before “PJ” (Bristol) Baker Davis. stepfathers, Wesley Davis 14, 2019 and 10-1 p.m.,
Councilmembers present were Dyke, Cathy grew up in the of Newport News, VA and Friday, February 15 at
the meeting if they require auxiliary
Biolchini, Love, Steffler, Schneider,
Steven C. Schneider, and Peltier.
aids or services. Almont and Romeo, MI Mike Hamlin of Virginia Muir Brothers Funeral
Annette Ferrett, Clerk
Staff members present were Manager areas. She was a graduate Beach, VA. Home of Imlay City.
Connors, Clerk/Treasurer Keesler and
of Romeo High School, manager for 22 years. Cathy was preceded in Arrangements were
Chief of Police Martin.
Class of 1993. She moved Cathy was a former death by her mother, Pearl made by Muir Brothers
The Council approved the member of the Imlay City
Regular Agenda; approved the LYNN to Newport News, VA in
VFW Auxiliary. She was a
Jane “PJ” Bristol Baker Funeral Home of Imlay
Consent Agenda; During public com- TOWNSHIP 2000. Cathy moved to
huge University of
Davis; brother, James City, 225 N. Main Street,
ment Ms. Dana Walker, Michigan THE LYNN TOWNSHIP Gloucester, VA in 2004 Gordon Baker; and her Imlay City, MI. Please be
Downtown Association member, Mr. PLANNING COMMISSION will and has lived there since. Michigan Fan and loved grandparents, Gordon and sure to sign our online reg-
Mike Bohm, DDA chairperson and conduct its regularly scheduled meet-
She was employed by everything Michigan foot- LaVonne Bristol and Frank ister at muirbrothersfh.com
local business owner, Ms. Jamie
Albers, Dr. Lois Meek, business and
ings on March 20, 2019, June 19,
Farm Fresh Grocery Stores ball. She had hopes of and Catherine Baker. to share condolences and
2019, September 18, 2019 and
property owner in the village, Ms. December 18, 2019 7:00 p.m. at the as a customer service desk going back to school to The funeral will be memories.
Paula Alfonsi, Almont Township resi- Lynn Township Hall 13995 Yale Rd.
dent, Mr. Terry Roach, village resi-
~ Thelma Louise Beischer, 97 ~
Individuals with disabilities may con-
dent and Mr. Jim Toth, owner of vil- tact the clerk at 13995 Yale Rd, Lynn
lage property discussed their con- MI 48097 810-387-3358 ten days
cerns and support for the DDA; con-
sensus of Council to move the second
before the meeting if they require Thelma Louise employed by Snap-On death by her two siblings,
auxiliary aids or services. Dates and
reading of Ordinance No, 204 to the times posted at the Township hall.
Beischer, 97, of Mussey Inc., Detroit, MI before Edward Lubahn, Jr. and
February 5th meeting; approved Annette Ferrett, Clerk Township, died Tuesday, raising her family and Shirley Bartlet.
UIS's invoice #520355717 for 7-1 February 5, 2019, at The was an avid member of Funeral services were
SCADA programming; passed to
enter into the record the 2018 annual Pines of Lapeer, Assisted St. John’s Lutheran Friday, February 8, 2019
report of activities for the Village Living. Church, Capac. at Kaatz Funeral
Planning Commission; passed to LYNN She was born in Surviving are a Directors, Capac. Rev.
enter into record the 2018 annual TOWNSHIP Imlay City, on August 6, daughter, Debra Hlubic Charlie Martin, pastor of
report of activities for the Village of THE LYNN TOWNSHIP
Almont Zoning Board of Appeals; BOARD will conduct its regularly 1921, the daughter of the of Capac; and a son, Dale St. John’s Lutheran
DDA Chairperson Bohm requested scheduled meetings on the second late Edward and Emma Beischer of Oscoda; two Church, Capac, officiat-
the agenda item of the DDA/Dr. Wednesday of each month at the Lynn Lubahn. granddaughters, Jennifer ed.
Lane/Lane-Swayze Clinic, P.C. Township Hall, 13995 Yale Road.
Parking Lot be removed from the The meetings will begin at 7 p.m.
Her marriage of 43 (David) Pickelhaupt and Memorials are sug-
Agenda. During Open Discussion, Individuals with disabilities may con- years to Jack D. Beischer Katie Hlubic; two great- gested to “Wishes of the
Ms. Caitlyn Habben, Planning tact the clerk at 13995 Yale Road or was November 6, 1948. grandchildren as well as Family.”
Consultant from Rowe PSC, gave an
update and presentation regarding the
by phone (810) 387-3358 ten days Jack died on June 14, several nieces, nephews, For information and
before the meeting if they require
Michigan Marihuana laws; Manager auxiliary aids or services. Dates and
1991. and friends. Guest Book
Connors presented the Almont times posted at the Township hall. Thelma was She is preceded in kaatzfunerals.com
Township Vaping Ordinance for Annette Ferrett, Clerk
Council's consideration. Went into
~ Irene Bissett, 81 ~
Closed Session for Manager Connors
evaluation; approved a two-year con-
tract with Manager Connors. Irene Bissett, age 81, She was employed as a City, MI and Belinda held at 11 a.m., Thursday,
The meeting adjourned at 10:28 LYNN of Imlay City, MI died machine operator by (Paul) Morocco of Imlay February 14 at Muir
Kimberly J. Keesler TOWNSHIP Monday, February 11, Voplex before retiring. City, MI; one son, Brent Brothers Funeral Home of
2019 at her home sur- Before Voplex, Irene was (Elida) Bissett of Imlay Imlay City, 225 N. Main
BOARD will conduct a public hear-
Steve Schneider
ing on the proposed township budget rounded by her family. employed at Hamill Seat City, MI; seven grandchil- Street, Imlay City, MI.
A complete copy of the minutes for fiscal year 2019 -2020 at the Lynn Irene Hazel Boadway Belt Manufacturing in dren, Wayne (Shelley) Interment will follow at
is available in the Clerk's office dur- Township Hall, 13995 Yale Road on was born June 7, 1937 in Imlay City and had been a Ginn, Trisha (Nathan) Imlay Township Cemetery.
March 13, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The
ing regular business hours or at www.
property tax mileage rate proposed Yale, MI. She was the cashier at Dean’s Drug Burzynski, Rachelle The family will be
almontmichigan.gov daughter of the late Harley Store for a period of time. (Brandon) Yarbough, available for visitation 4-8
to be levied to support the proposed
budget will be a subject of this and the late Thelma Bobby and Irene Aaron Ginn, Cara p.m., Wednesday, February
hearing. The annual meeting will (Schriber) Boadway. Irene owned a 5th wheel travel Morocco, Brandon Bissett, 13 and 10-11 a.m.
Publish your commence at 7:15 p.m., with the
regularly scheduled monthly meeting grew up in Capac, MI. She trailer and enjoyed camp- and Nicholas Morocco; Thursday, at Muir Brothers
was a graduate of Capac ing and traveling to and and her nine great-grand- Funeral Home of Imlay
Legal Announcement
at 7:30 p.m. Individuals with dis-
abilities may contact the clerk at High School, Class of from Wauchula, FL during children, Cody, Caleb, City.
13995 Yale Rd, Yale, MI 48097 or by
1955. She married Bobby their retirement. Irene par- Chad, Brooklyn, Joshua, Those wishing to make
with us. phone (810) 387-3358 ten days before
the meeting if they require auxiliary Bernard Bissett on ticipated with the Red Hat Mason, Oliver, Destiney memorial contributions
September 14, 1957 in Society in Wauchula, FL. and Emily. may direct them to the
Call 810-724-2615
aids or services. Dates and times
posted at the Township hall. Brown City, MI. They She loved to spend time She was preceded in Bissett Family.
Annette Ferrett, Clerk
for details. 7-1 were married over 60
years. Irene and Bobby
with her children and
death by her son-in-law,
David Ginn; two brothers,
Funeral arrangements
were made by Muir
moved to the Imlay City Irene is survived by Richard Boadway and Brothers Funeral Home of
area soon after they got her husband, Bobby Harvey Boadway; and her Imlay City. Please be sure
VILLAGE OF married and have lived
there since.
Bissett; two daughters,
Brenda Ginn of Brown
sister, Joanne Boadway.
The funeral will be
to sign our online register
at muirbrothersfh.com
REQUEST FOR BIDS Bernie Green, age 80, Carolyn, preceded him in Bernie designed the spark- Leesburg, FL and Gladwin,
CBD LAWN AND of Leesburg, Florida and death in 1996. ly sign for his shop. MI.
Gladwin, Michigan (for- He lived most of his Bernie was a charter Bernie was preceded in
MAINTENANCE SERVICES merly of Imlay City, MI), life as a family and busi- member and past president death by his wife, Carolyn
The Village of Almont’s DDA is soliciting proposals for lawn and gen- passed away Wednesday, ness man in Imlay City, MI of the Imlay City Eagles. Green; son, Bernard “Jr.”
eral maintenance services. The contract shall be for one year commencing January 30, 2019 in until his retirement. After He had his pilot’s license, L. Green Jr.; his father,
May 1, 2019 and terminating November 1, 2019 with the possibility of a
one year extension. Interested parties can obtain a complete bid package
Leesburg, Florida. retirement Bernie became shot skeet, and enjoyed George Green; mother,
from the Almont DDA offices at 817 N. Main Street or on-line at: www. Bernard Lee Green was a snowbird living between golf at Holly Meadows Elsie (Ray) Thompson;
almontdda.com. Bids are due on or before March 20, 2019 at 10:00 am born August 4, 1938 in Leesburg, FL and Gladwin, Golf Course. three sisters and one broth-
where they will be opened and read at the Almont DDA office at 817 N. Metamora, MI. He was the MI. He is survived by er; and several extended
Main St., Almont. For further information, please contact Kim Schall, Al- son of the late George Bernie served in the daughter, Paula (Irv) Gill family members.
mont DDA Director, at: 810-798-8125 or email - kschall@almontdda.com
Green and Elsie United States Army after of Imlay City, MI; his Cremation has taken
Thompson. Bernie grew up the Korean War. three grandchildren, place in Florida. A private
and attended school in the He owned and operat- Brandon, Nathan, and family burial of ashes will
NOTICE Metamora, MI. He married ed Green’s Glass in Imlay Danielle Gill; and his spe- take place at Imlay
EMMETT TOWNSHIP Carolyn Reid. His wife, City from 1966 until 1998. cial friend, Sue Dawson of Township Cemetery.
11100 DUNNIGAN ROAD (M-21) ~ Kevin Gunn, 64 ~
EMMETT, MI 28022 Kevin Gunn, age 64, of merly Romeo Rubber) in of Mt. Clemens, MI.
ALL BOARD OF REVIEW MEETINGS TO BE HELD AT THE Capac, MI died Romeo, MI as a janitor for Kevin was preceded in
TOWNSHIP HALL AS FOLLOWS: Wednesday, February 6, 26 years. ANAD manufac- death by his parents,
MARCH 05, 2019 at 1:00 P.M. (BOR) under MCL 211.29; 1st TUESDAY 2019 at McLaren Lapeer tured rubber parts for the Robert and Patricia Gunn;
AFTER THE FIRST MONDAY IN MARCH. Region Hospital. auto industry. and his sister, Cathy Gunn.
(THE APPEAL HEARING DATES) are set for the SECOND MON- Kevin Bruce Gunn was Kevin enjoyed floating Cremation has taken
DAY IN MARCH per MCL 211.30. born March 27, 1954 in in his brother-in-law’s place. A springtime memo-
MARCH 11, 2019 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Detroit, MI. He was the pond in the summertime. rial service will be
MARCH 12, 2019 9:00 A.M. to NOON and 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
son of the late Robert and He also enjoyed listening planned.
The Board of Review will hold as many meetings as deemed necessary the late Patricia (McLear) to music, especially the Arrangements have
to hear questions, protests, and to equal the 2019 assessments. All residents
may appeal by mail with a deadline before 4:00 P.M. on March 11th. The Gunn. Kevin grew up and blues. been made by Muir
Board of Review entertains appeals made by First Class Mail or by Fax (Fax graduated from high He is survived by his Brothers Funeral Home of
810-384-6138) no later than 12:00 P.M. on March 12, 2019. We want to be school in Detroit, MI. He wife, Dorothy Gunn; three Imlay City, 225 N. Main
sure all appeals get heard.
For APPOINTMENTS: Please call, mail or fax for your appointment
moved to the Dryden area sisters, Debbie Rinna of Street, Imlay City, MI.
no later than Noon on March 12, 2019. in 1978. He married Saline, MI, Nancy Kirby Please be sure to sign our
Phone Calls: 810 384-8070 Ext. #22 or Fax to 810 384-6138 Dorothy Ettema on of Attica, MI, and Carolyn online register at muir-
Monday 9:00 to Noon – Wednesday 1:00 to 4:00 – Friday 9:00 to Noon November 5, 1988 in He was employed by Gunn of Detroit, MI; and brothersfh.com to share
The assessor will forward the L-4035 Form to be completely filled out Imlay City, MI. ANAD Corporation (for- his brother, Tommy Gunn condolences and memories.
by you. Make sure you complete line #1 (estimated true cash value) and line
#4 (reason for the appeal) then return to the ASSESSOR, he will then set up
your appointment for your appeal per your request.
POVERTY & the 100% DISABILITY VETERANS (needs to be done
~ Billy Weston, 95 ~
before the Board of Review will hear your appeal.
Billy Weston, age 95, School. his two nieces, Paula place at 1:00 p.m., Monday,
CLASS RATIO MULTIPLIERS of Imlay City, MI died He proudly served in Crandell of Galesburg, MI February 18, 2019 at Imlay
Agricultural 48.79% 1.0248
Commercial 51.97% 0,9620 Tuesday, February 12, the United States Marine and Lynn Bogart; and two Township Cemetery in the
Industrial 68.10% 0.7342 2019 at Villages of Corps during World War II nephews, Jim Weston and mausoleum.
Residential 45.22% 1.1057 Lapeer. from 1943 to 1945. Billy Jeff Weston. Funeral arrangements
Commercial – Personal 50.00% 1.0000 Billy “J” Weston was participated in air strikes in Billy was preceded in were made by Muir
Industrial – Personal 50.00% 1.0000
Utility – Personal 50.00% 1.0000 born May 15, 1923 in the Pacific. death by his wife, Carol Brothers Funeral Home,
Imlay City, MI. He was the Billy was a master Weston in 1979 and his 225 N. Main Street, Imlay
American with Disabilities (ADA) Notice: The Township will provide son of the late Glenn and plumber and owned his second wife, Marge City, MI. Please be sure to
the necessary transportation reasonable service to the individual with dis- the late Orpha (Krueger) own business. Weston in 2014; and his sign our online register at
abilities for the Board of Review Meeting if contacted within (7) days prior
to the Meeting by calling the Township 810-384-8070 Ext. #22 Weston. Billy grew up in He is survived by one parents, Glenn and Orpha muirbrothersfh.com to
Michael Butler, Secretary to the Emmett Township Board of Review. Imlay City. He was a grad- sister, Dorothy Schonfeld; Weston. share condolences and
7-3 uate of Imlay City High one brother, Jack Weston; The funeral will take memories.
Photo provided
a two-part 3-D printing This class is free but
4824 or via email to info@ “Livin’ On A Prayer” class for teens and adults. registration is required.
gallery194.com. through to the rap stylings Participants can come You must register for both
A tomic Radio Band will
perform at the PIX on
Saturday, February 16, at
of Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby
Got Back.” An homage to
the music of the great boy
The ‘Atomic Radio Band’ will take center stage
at the PIX on Feb. 16.
design a project from start
to finish and learn about
the technology behind the
sessions of the class. You
can register online at www.
library.lapeer.org or
process. call 810.664.6971 for more
bands, Atomic Radio Band Darrin Meetze on the gui- The first session will information.
Youth Sports: Not a fan plays a concert not to be tar and vocals. To add a lit- take place Thursday, The 3-D printer is
missed. tle balance to their group, February 28 at 5 p.m. at available through a grant
Atomic Radio Band is the guys invited singer the deAngeli Branch from the Mideastern
from page 11 fees and gas money rather Library. During this ses- Michigan Library
than just pushing them to a relatively new name in Brandi Page to join Atomic sion, participants will learn Cooperative.
fect, but we learned how to compete too early for little the world of tribute and Radio Band last October. how to design a 3-D digital The Lapeer District
deal with failure, settle our reward. We are honest with cover bands. The group She’ll be sweetening their model on the website, Library and the Family
differences and admit our parents and try to pro- formed two years ago in vocal sound as well occa- Tinkercad. Literacy Center are part-
when we were wrong for mote an environment that March. The four original sionally playing guitar or The second session ners for literacy. The
members of the band, keyboard. will take place on Thursday, Lapeer District Library
the betterment of the eliminates selfishness and March 28 at 5 p.m. and serves 60,006 residents
group. We had no one to focuses on doing what is Mike, Dave, Randy and Atomic Radio Band
Darrin, had all been in dif- describes themselves with participants will be able to throughout Lapeer County.
make excuses for us, and best for the group.
there was no one to blame The “me-first mentali- ferent bands previously, just two words, “high ener-
for our failures. It was ath- ty” is way too prevalent in including the well-known gy!!” You won’t have a
letics and competition in
its finest form.
athletics and society today.
We wanted to retain as
50 Amp Fuse and Phoenix
Theory. They decided they
chance for a nap during
what fans have described
Letters: floral masterpieces that
brightened the event loca-
wanted the freedom to play as a “non-stop Atomic from page 10 tions.
We loved athletics. We many kids as possible, A huge thanks to the
weren’t burned out from because oftentimes the kid the music they loved while Radio dance party!”
creating their own fresh Dancing in the aisles Dojo and Gerald Browning artists of A Million Dreams
constantly competing for who was great in third for that captivating ninja Studio—Jacob Guerin,
meaningless trophies at a grade isn’t so great in 11th new sound, and Atomic of the PIX is encouraged
Radio Band was born! The when fans hear all the demonstration. The entire Madilyn Alexandra, Cori
young age. Our parents grade. And the kid who room was silent and cap- Lynn Capra and Gary Judge
weren’t trying to force us struggled in third grade has band took off initially, songs they know from the
much better than they’d 70s to today—classic hits tured the attention of all in for showcasing their cre-
into everything to keep up already been All-State attendance. ative talents, helping to set
with the neighbors; they twice before entering his expected. They experi- from the radio that make
enced popularity almost listeners want to dance Thanks to Doug up, manage event stations,
just wanted us out of the senior season. Halibicky of State Farm and document the event.
house. We knew we had to immediately because of every single time they
their history of performing come on. Atomic Radio’s and Rachel Lisa for hosting Thank you to Darren
We weren’t talking value and develop all kids. the warming station on that Filer for being the “Year of
about scholarship offers in This system has served us with other area groups. playlist includes the very
They didn’t experience the best of top hits from all the cold winter day by provid- the Pig.” Darren’s creative
the sixth grade; we didn’t well. It isn’t always per- ing coffee and hot choco- dance and talents brought
have any pressure on us, fect, and we have lost struggle many bands do to rock artists fans know and
get their name out there, love, from Journey to late for guests to continue lots of smiles to this com-
other than we loved to win some kids through the throughout the event. munity.
and being tough was a cracks, but for the most and have already played at Bruno Mars, and much,
such notable venues as the much more. Thank you to Imlay And a special thanks to
good thing. Our parents set part, our system has City Family Hair Care for Dana Walker of the DDA,
us up to succeed. allowed us to help some Motor City Casino, Blue Tickets in advance are
Chip Casino, Flat Rock & $17 for adults and $15 for opening up your spacious and Fire Chief Rick Horton
We participated in ath- kids do some pretty amaz- studio for additional events, for their guidance with this
letics because we loved to ing things. Riverview Music Festivals, students, seniors, and vet-
and the Dearborn erans. At the door, prices and to Stephanie Morgan, year’s events.
be around our friends and Correctable errors for providing her organic I am just so thankful for
compete. That being said, As a teacher and coach, Homecoming Festival. go up to $20 for adults and
These performances have $18 for students, seniors, and all-natural face paint everyone’s efforts and look
many of the kids that par- there is nothing more and painting skills. forward to serving this
ticipated in the games depressing than seeing that met with great reviews and veterans. To purchase
from rock music fans tickets in advance, please Thank you to Catherine community with more cul-
behind the rink went on to kid who was once a great ‘Cat’ Minolli of Peaceful ture and diversity in the
help their high school youth or middle school- across Michigan. visit the PIX Box Office
The four initial band located inside Gallery 194, Moon Yoga for sharing her upcoming weeks.
teams have success, some level athlete walk around talents and skills to awaken —Julie A. Welch,
became college athletes, the halls of your school members are Myke Tuesdays through
Grayshaw, who plays bass Saturdays from 11 a.m. - 6 the mind to mindfulness. Marketing and Events
coaches and a couple of and no longer compete Thank you to Joi Coordinator
them were blessed with the because he or she can’t and sings, Dave Wells p.m. Tickets may also be
playing keyboard and on purchased over the phone Kempf of Imlay City A Million Dreams Studio
God-given ability to deal with potential failure Florist for the wonderful Imlay City
become professional ath- because of the pressure vocals, Randy Watson at 810-664-4824 or online
keeping the group together at www.centerfortheartsla-
Many angels save life
letes. they were put under as a
More importantly, the 12 year-old. on drums and vocals, and peer.org.
environment that was cre- We also see the kids
ated and the lessons who are afraid to come On January 10, my Hospital where another
learned behind that roller
rink helped all of us
back out because they
struggled as a youth but
Unwind: asks my permission to
‘awaken the bowl,’ and of
brother had a medical
emergency while driving
group of angels assessed
him, stabilized him and
from page 10 course I say yes. She on Burnside Road in North transferred him to
become successful adults. have now grown and could strikes it with reverence
Lessons learned contribute to helping their Branch. His angels were Beaumont Hospital where
open the doors to release and vigor, and I learn a pulling double duty and these angels proceeded to
When I first started coach- school, community and the odor of Pine Sol, and new skill by watching her.
ing and helped develop our friends have success. We the vehicle stopped with bring him back to life
once the floor is dry, I do Turns out, I had noth- his foot on the brake. fully.
current youth system at need to keep our kids my thing. It takes several ing to be nervous about.
Richmond, many people involved. This allowed the next The truly amazing
trips to and from my jam- People are obviously hun- set of angels to enter the thing is that on top of these
questioned our methods As parents and coach- packed vehicle to create gry for a chance to sit
because we put an empha- es, we need to tweak our picture —several passers- angels within 24 hours
the perfect meditation down and sit still. To by did not pass by but there were people all over
sis on instruction, practice thought process and ask space. Little lotus flower unplug from all the devic-
and relationship develop- ourselves, are we really stopped and checked on the world praying for his
cutouts made lovingly by es, busy-ness and worries, the situation. This group in recovery. The doctors say
ment over competition. getting our kids ready to my friend Lydia Imori and to tune into the pres-
Our goal back then, and compete and have success its entirety—broke the he is truly in the less than
create a circle. Strings of ent moment, and touch the window out of the vehicle, 10% that all the things that
still to this day, was to at the high school level or white Christmas lights spirit inside and all around
develop each athlete funda- are we chasing meaning- got him out of the car and needed to happen at the
create intimacy and a bor- us. resuscitated him with CPR right time did. If you were
mentally so that when his less trophies and trying to der. The mini-fireplace To that end, here are
or her body finally grew, fulfill some void we think while awaiting EMS. part of this amazing posse
from the studio makes some excerpts from the Here comes the next of angels, you have our
the athlete would be funda- we had as youngsters. things cozy, and the second half of the mini-
mentally sound and be We need to make sure realm of angels, EMS, deepest love and gratitude,
Mexican blankets that will meditation. It’s called ‘A they were able to continue thank you!
ready to compete at the our kids understand in double as meditation Blessing for the Journey,’
highest level. sports and life, it’s not how lifesaving measures and —Gynnae Bourdeau
cushions dot the room. written by Leslie get him to McLaren Dryden
We took pride in sav- you start but rather how I spray a citrus aroma- Davenport.
ing our parents registration you finish. therapy blend around the When days rush past
room, and wait—some- in a blur, may you pause
Wind energy meeting
Unsettling: streets of the city.
The other question in
what nervously—for
someone to come in.
to receive the simple gifts
that life generously offers. The residents of north- energy zoning across the
my mind was if the mas- Turns out, the wait is When you are over- ern Lapeer County have Midwest and regularly tes-
from page 11 not long. Before the open- been confronted with the tifies on the economics of
seuse would offer any whelmed, may you rest in
northeastern region of “extra services” at the end, ing ceremonies I have two the gentleness of your own reality that DTE has pro- renewable energy in both
Thailand. Some town I the stuff for which participants. Later, they heart. posed an industrial wind the Michigan and Ohio
couldn’t remember. Maybe Bangkok is infamous. Not come back to experience When you are feeling energy installation in their State houses. Martis
she was a mother. She that I would say yes (you the meditation again. In hopeless, may your imagi- communities. There are receives no pay for his
seemed somehow mother- know me better than that, the meantime, I offer at nation hold a torch to currently more than 100 advocacy and volunteers
ly. dear readers), but how least eight ten-or-so-min- unseen possibilities. wind energy leases record- his time for both positions.
There is also the nagging would I react to such a ute sessions to a few When your mind is ed in the North Branch Additional speakers
feeling of sloth. I don’t proposition? I had rarely dozen people in the two- drowning in details, area. In an effort to under- will include township offi-
really have an active life- ever ventured into the hour timeframe. The last may spaciousness arise, stand how best to regulate cials and residents from
style to begin with, and my realms of the underworld session of the evening is connecting you to the such a project, residents Michigan’s Thumb region,
life is rather unstressful at before. packed. The 16 blankets I sacred mystery that you have organized a Wind whose townships host wind
the moment, so I don’t feel Then she was finished. brought with me weren’t are. Energy Policy Forum on turbines and/or have devel-
that I have any good rea- One hour up. Nothing enough for everyone to sit When you are exhaust- February 19 at 6:30 p.m. at oped wind energy zoning
sons for getting a massage. “additional” offered. The upon! It was nothing short ed, may you be refreshed the North Branch Wesleyan for industrial wind energy
It was purely for pleasure, woman smiled and left me of miraculous. Just when I by vibrant life forces Church. projects. Residents have
pleasure without pain. I to change back into my think it can’t get any bet- always present within and The meeting will fea- expressed concern of
hadn’t done anything to civilian clothes. I felt… ter, Hong ‘Anh’ Nguyen around you. ture Kevon Martis of knowing what it is actually
“deserve” this treat, yet how did I feel, exactly? offers to sing the guided When the world brush- Blissfield, MI, who is a like to live amongst wind
still I lied on that mattress Back downstairs, after the meditation we just partici- es you with harshness, Senior Policy Fellow at the turbines, along with the far-
while the matronly cup of warm tea that I was pated in called ‘Flower, may you realize that we’re Energy and Environment reaching effects of such
woman—who actually was offered, I paid the mascu- Fresh.’ A Vietnamese all works in progress, and Legal Institute in development. The town
doing manual labor— line gal at the desk and exchange student, Anh is life itself is a learning Washington, DC. He is also hall system meeting will
worked on me. For mere gave a handsome tip to the very familiar with Zen curve... the founding director of the offer opportunity for North
dollars, no less. Something masseuse, who pressed her Master Buddhist Monk ...May you receive Interstate Informed Branch area residents to
inside wasn’t at ease. Was palms together in the tradi- Thich Nhat Hanh, whose earth’s bounty to nourish Citizen’s Coalition (IICC). ask questions of all speak-
I a good person? tional Thai greeting/thank- teachings I used to model your body, kindness and Inc., of Blissfield, MI. The ers regarding these matters.
The dark, quiet, almost ing gesture. Then I stepped the meditation sessions. wisdom to nourish your IICC is a non-profit that All are welcome to
pitiful-feeling atmosphere back out into the dark alley Participants stay to listen heart; and wonder to seeks to protect utility rate- attend.
of that anonymous room and the sultry Bangkok as her clear, angelic voice nourish your soul. payers from economic —Michelle L. Peel
contrasted sharply with the evening heat. resounds through the Yes, yes, yes! harm and rural landowners Lapeer County Citizens
nightlife that blazed some- Email Andrew at empty room. Email Catherine at from zoning abuse. Martis WindWatch
where outside in the grimy tct@pageone-inc.com. When she’s done, she cminolli@pageone-inc.com. lectures on equitable wind Lapeer County
The company was
founded in 1962 and at the
time they filed bankruptcy
Two found deceased from drug overdose
from page 1 the scene, said police were after 12:30 p.m., she found
ensuring our ability to con-
operated more than 360
stores in 26 states. Imlay Incident being investigated in Almont called by the homeowner,
whose daughter was the
the victims in the same
position and unresponsive.
tinue delivering the high- City’s location was one of
quality products and ser- 234 Shopko Hometown By Tom Wearing around 12:45 p.m. to a resi- female victim. Repshas said Almont
twearing@pageone-inc.com dence in the 200 block of Sgt. Repshas reported police were joined at the
vices that our customers stores, which the company North Bristol Street. that the mother left for scene by Almont Medical
are accustomed to receiv- describes as a “smaller
ALMONT — Police Police Chief Andy work at around 5:45 a.m. First Responders and Med-
ing.” Officials believe that concept store developed
continue to investigate Martin said two people, a on Saturday and observed Star Ambulance personnel.
a smaller operating foot- to meet the needs of
what is believed to be a 30-year-old male and both the male and her He added that Sheriff’s
print is the right strategy smaller communities.”
drug overdose that resulted 23-year-old female, were daughter seemingly asleep Dept. Lt. Gary Parks was
for the company “given the In addition to traditional
in the deaths of two people found deceased of apparent on the couch with the tele- contacted to serve as medi-
current retail environment retail stores, Shopko also
on Saturday, Feb. 9. heroin overdoses. vision on. cal examiner, and con-
and ongoing competitive had pharmacy and optical
Almont police report Police Sgt. Dave When the mother firmed that both individuals
pressures.” stores.
that officers responded at Repshas, who responded to returned home sometime were deceased at the scene.
gate,’ as Konschuh and his
attorney Mike Sharkey misled by
(now the Lapeer County local political
Prosecutor) asserted that
the funds were spent on
coffee, donuts, lunches and and that’s
the like for employees, law unfortunate.”
enforcement personnel and
others associated with the --Attorney
prosecutor’s office, and
produced receipts for same. Don Campbell
Life • Home • Car • Business Two years later, (2016)
Genesee County Circuit
CHRIS S. WAGNER Judge Geoffrey Neithercut,
who was appointed to the
“The JTC’s Examiner has
filed a complaint that origi-
Churchill Insurance Agency case, dismissed all charges; nates from a dispute over
Konschuh entered a no tens of dollars from what
contest plea to a single was now a decade or more
misdemeanor accounting ago,” Campbell says in the
violation. Ninety days release. “Judge Konschuh
Bus: 810-724-6218 Fax: 810-724-3418 later, Konschuh’s record has served the people of
was cleared, and he Lapeer County with dis-
243 East Third Street • Imlay City, Michigan 48444 returned to the bench. tinction and honor for
In May of 2017, more than 30 years. These
Konschuh sued Turkelson, efforts to disparage him
Anytime. Anywhere. Any day… SPECIALS County Administrator John involve the twisting of the
That’s when you can count on State Farm.®
Now Thru March 29th Biscoe, Treasurer Dana definition of ‘public
CALL ME TODAY 3-6pm Miller, former Chief
Assistant Prosecutor John
money’ to include funds
that neither his predecessor
810-724-3308 TACO TUESDAY $1 Tacos (Corn tortilla only)
Miller and prosecuting
attorney Cailin Wilson and
nor his successor treated
any differently than was
Doug Halabicky, Agent Lapeer County, alleging done in his terms as prose-
223 E. Third Street in Imlay City QUESADILLA THURSDAY $1.29 cutor. The Examiner
134 E. Third St.
Meat Choice: Beef, Pork Chicken
that his reputation was
www.DougIsMyAgent.net Imlay City, MI 48444
810-724-4345 Dine-In Only damaged when he was appears to have been mis-
Open: Tues-Thurs 10am-7pm; Fri & Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 9am-3pm falsely accused of embez- led by local political mud-
State Farm, Home Office, Bloomington, IL
(Order 15 minutes prior to close for Take-Out) zling funds. slingers and that is unfortu-
His attorney, Tom nate.”
Pabst said Konschuh was Campbell says he’s
Barbara L. Yockey Law Office, PLLC seeking to clear his name.
That case is pending; a
certain that once the pro-
cess is complete, his client
facilitation hearing took will be cleared of all
34 Years place on Monday. charges.
Practicing Family Law Regarding the JTC, “We are confident that
(Divorce, Custody, Parenting Time, Spousal Support)
along with the ‘financial a Special Master appointed
Wills, Probate, Bankruptcy and Real Estate improprieties’ counts, the by the Supreme Court will
Located right in Downtown Imlay City complaint alleges wade through the issues
(208 E. Third Street) Konschuh exhibited and determine the facts
“improper demeanor” to a fairly and correctly and
(810) 721-7373 Mayfield Township family exonerate Judge
*RESTRICTIONS APPLY. SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL. www.BarbaraYockeyLaw.com • byockey@barbarayockeylaw.com during the 2016 write-in Konschuh.”
even be restricted from doing so, trict is making plans to extend the
according to state guidelines,” school year.
Cameron said. “I would strongly recommend
“The District will be working to that our students and parents consider
identify options that will include that we will likely be going to school
applying for the waiver and adding later than our previously scheduled
necessary ‘makeup’ days to the June 11 end-of-year date. Vietnamese exchange student Anh Nguyen
school calendar to meet our obliga- “Even if we apply for and are offers blessing to awaken the crystal singing
tion.” granted a waiver,” Kalmar continued, bowl at Peaceful Moon Yoga’s guided medita-
The waiver Cameron refers to “I think it is unlikely we will make it tion ‘studio’ during the Chinese New Year cel-
allows the school district to request through February, March and April ebration. Nguyen was one of dozens of partici-
three additional days, beyond the six without additional closures due to pants who took part in the experience.
snow days, be forgiven. weather.”
In Almont, students and parents Kalmar said students and parents
should prepare for an extended will be advised of forthcoming
school year due to the number of changes to the school calendar.
Photo by Tom Wearing
Paradegoers get into the spirit of the Chinese New Year celebration with
Imlay City resident Pete Gonzales-Galinda uses snowblower to sparklers to kick off the spectacular fireworks show hosted by Julie Welch
clear the sidewalks along the east side of Almont Ave. and Third of A Million Dreams Studio in Imlay City.
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Capac earns
and 4-8. Cros-Lex falls to
12-4 and 8-4.
In Friday’s battle,
Cros-Lex bolted out to a
16-9 advantage after one
Girls’ Basketball
Girls’ Basketball
individual districts,
Clinton, TBA
absorbed a 57-11 loss to
visiting Sandusky in a
with a 12-4 third quarter
edge. That left them hold- Capac falls on the road to Ubly
Thursday, February 14 Greater Thumb Conference ing a 44-11 advantage with CAPAC — Capac Ubly then outscored
Memphis at Capac, 7 p.m Competitive Cheer East varsity girls’ basket- 24 minutes gone. incurred a 59-31 setback to Capac 33-15 the rest of the
Mayville at Dryden, Friday, February 7 ball matchup on Tuesday, Sandusky then out- host Ubly in a Greater way, closing out a 59-31
7:30 p.m. Imlay City at districts, February 5. scored Capac 13-0 the rest Thumb Conference East win.
Friday, February 15 Yale, 6 p.m. With the outcome, of the way, closing out a varsity girls’ basketball Shelby Husovsky (10
Imlay City at Armada, Saturday, February 9 Capac slips to 3-10 and 57-11 win. encounter last Friday night. points, including a pair of
6 p.m. Capac, Dryden at districts, 3-6. Aubree Smith and With the final, Capac trifectas) led Capac. She
Almont at Richmond, Vassar, 4 p.m. In Tuesday’s matchup, Natalie Maday paced Capac slips to 3-11 and 3-7. was backed by McKennah
6 p.m. Sandusky opened a 21-3 with four points each. In Friday’s encounter, Hopkins (eight, featuring a
Monday, February 18 Hockey advantage after one quarter Meriah Mason (two points) Ubly took a 13-12 edge pair of treys), Natalie
Deckerville at Dryden, Wednesday, February 13 was done and widened the and Shelby Husovsky (one) after one quarter was done Maday (eight), Aubree
6 p.m. Alliance hosts United, gap to 32-7 at the half. also reached the scoring and widened the gap to Smith (three) and Jona
Notre Dame Prep at Imlay Polar Palace, Lapeer, When the action column. 26-16 at the half. Mullin (two).
City, 7p.m. 7:15 p.m.
Tuesday, February 19 Friday, February 15
Bentley at Almont, 6 p.m. Alliance vs. Okemos, Sports In Brief
Capac at Harbor Beach, East Lansing,
7:30 p.m 8 p.m. The following youth Dominic Ljuljdjuraj led Quinn Rossen (six) plus Luther (three), Jacob
sports, junior high, ninth Almont with 19 points. He Jager Land and Wyatt Carroll (two) and Jager
Boys’ Basketball
Photos provided
Southern Thumb League. tion following the game.
They earned a district title, “We are hoping to have
before bowing out in it at the former Lenny
$25,682 $
1,999 DOWN $8400/MO
$27,523 1,999 DOWN $10400/MO
Tom Patten
Used Sales
Manager MSRP $41,730 • STK#L19D229 MSRP $44,035 • STK#L19D611
foe for the ball in BWAC action last week.
Tri-City Times Sports Editor increasing their cushion to Sales Sales $
1,999 DOWN $4300/MO
67-34 with 24 minutes
MSRP $30,940 • STK#L19E020
IMLAY CITY — gone.
Imlay City dropped a 77-53 Imlay City then out-
outcome versus visiting scored Richmond 19-10 the
Richmond in a Blue
Water Area Conference
rest of the way, only to
drop a 77-53 verdict. Shannon Lane Rachel Walls 2018 DODGE
Sales Sales
varsity boys’ basketball Lonnie Wolford (15
game on Tuesday, February points, including four tri-
5. fectas) and Logan Wilson
With the outcome, (11, featuring a trey) paced
Richmond goes to 16-1 and
10-1. Imlay City slips to
6-9 and 3-7.
Imlay City’s scoring attack.
The Spartans also had
Parker Lewis (eight, with a
John Barton Meredith Dubbs
Sales Sales
MSRP $46,125 • STK#L18H071 $35,008 $36,658
In Tuesday’s game, triple), Mitch Allen (six,
Richmond bolted out to a including a pair of trifec-
26-15 advantage after one tas), Hunter Medrano OR LEASE ONE FOR
quarter was over with. (five), Riley Bertram and
The middle two quar- Raymond Liu (a trey each) ZERO DOWN $29500/MO
ters would see Richmond plus Maleke Thompson Brad Curtis Shane Burrough
1,999 DOWN $23500/MO
amass 41 total points and (two) connect. Sales Sales EMPLOYEE SALE PRICE FCA EMPLOYEE PRICING:
Photo provided
Almont’s Issa Abu-Joudeh works for an escape Nathan Schocke led finished 215-pound action
against Yale in district action last Thursday. Capac that day. Schocke when he was pinned by
reached the title match at Rochester Hills Lutheran
Almont drops match 103 pounds where he
pinned Memphis foe Logan
Northwest foe Cameron
Rubio with 1:53 elapsed in
Capac’s (L to R) Bryce Tank, Hunter Thorner,
Max Frangedakis and Nathan Schocke notched
to Yale in districts Strickland with 3:55 gone. their bout. regional-qualifying performances last week.
Photo provided
the pinfall route. Kruse Drew Arnold at 119 pounds.
victory over Mt. Morris and the latter concluded
foe Jacob Rowley; and 189-pound action when he
Imlay City wrestling Almont’s Dallas Stanton, Robbie Battani and
Harper finished his stint at
285 pounds when he
pinned Durand’s Sayer
Robinson (fall time not
bows out to Lakeville Mathew Dwyer qualified for regionals. pinned Byron’s Adam available).
The Capac wrestling team poses for a photo after registering a top finish
at a Division 4 district last Wednesday.
Max Frangedakis con- triumphs via the pinfall
Title: tributed a triumph by
major decision to Capac’s
route. Tyson needed 17 sec-
onds to best Brittany
from page 19
cause, getting the job done Lambson at 125 pounds;
Wednesday at a regional on the strength of a 9-1 Thorner required 3:53 to
hosted by Memphis High outcome versus 103-pound defeat 145-pound foe Logan
School. There the Chiefs rival Whitley Blake. Ryan; and Navarro took
will square off versus the Robert Grant was the 1:28 to turn back Andrew
hosts in a semifinal meet- other Capac grappler who Filkins at 189 pounds.
ing slated for 5 p.m. prevailed, notching a 16-12 Frangedakis (103),
Shane Hoffman, win against Louis Treash at Nathan Schocke (112),
Hunter Tyson, Seth 145 pounds. Hoffman (119), Dykshoorn
Dykshoorn, Hunter Capac reached the dis- (140) and Grant (152) pro-
Thorner, Ethan Bastian and trict title tilt with a 51-30 vided Capac with wins by
Bryce Tank led Capac with semifinal victory over void.
wins by pin against Brown Sandusky earlier that eve- Jared Schocke was the
City. Hoffman took 3:13 ning. other Capac grappler who
to stop Andrew McKelurey A group consisting of emerged victorious. He
at 119 pounds; Tyson Tyson, Thorner and Omar downed Adam Scott, 6-4, at
required 50 seconds to Navarro paced Capac with 285 pounds.
defeat 125-pound foe
Thomas Thompson;
Dykshoorn needed 2:25 to
beat Nicholas Freeman at
135 pounds; Thorner took
29 seconds to upend 140-
pound counterpart James
Morearty; Bastian required
3:54 to conquer Hunter
Aldridge at 152 pounds;
Photo by Kevin Kissane
Start atat$15!
and Tank needed 28 sec-
Tickets $15!
onds to fend off 285-pound
weight class adversary
Alex Ross.
Nathan Schocke (112)
gave Capac a victory by Capac’s Hunter Thorner works for a pin in
Restrictions, exclusionscharges
and additional
apply.may apply. Subject to availability. Ticketsatatmarket
market pricing. Purchase ticketstickets
at venueatboxvenue
office, ticketmaster.com or call 800-745-3000.
Restrictions, exclusions and additional Subject to availability. Tickets pricing. Purchase box office, ticketmaster.com
or call 800-745-3000.
team district action last Thursday.
MAR9 9– 10
– 10 Capac youth team has six grapplers place
CAPAC — The Capac
Warriors Youth Wrestling
vided Capac with a first at a
tournament in Chesaning.
Jake Barbier gave
Capac a second.
Program notched a total of Capac also claimed five Adalberto Chapa
six placewinning perfor- placewinning efforts at a contributed a third for
mances spread over two Brighton-based tourna- Capac.
shownshown are subjecttotochange.
change. ©©2018 FeldFeld
Inc. Inc.
Competitors are subject 2018
locations this past week- ment. Tyler McKenny and
end. Zachary Stroup paced Nicholas Alcini added
MonsterJam.com Preston Vamvas pro- Capac with a first. fourths to Capac’s cause.
•20:55 Assist Almont Force and Bowers roads in ▪ New & Used Tack
▪ Hay & Straw (To Sell @ 5:30)
PD with Property Damage Attica Twp. ▪ Horses (To Sell @ 8:00)
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St.) the 5000 block of Fox Run Friday, February 22. Contact us for
more information!
•21:36 Alarm (2000 in Attica Twp.
block S. Cedar St.) •suspicious circum- Impatiens can double as a winter houseplant, providing some much
6381 Euclid St.
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•Multiple Traffic Stops stances in the 8000 block of needed color and delight during these gray days. (989) 635-2183
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February 8 Twp.
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(2000 block S. Almont Ave.) Twp.
•11:18 Assist New •mental health call in the
Raiders crowned
will mark her 10th year as you for your leadership and
Norh Branch senior Riley Bugg hits his 1,000th president. your thoughtfulness and
career point last week. As president, Muir your commitment to our
NORTH BRANCH took the win 64-28 in the
— The North Branch var- Blue Water Area
sity boys’ basketball team Conference matchup.
won two games last week. North Branch came
The first win was with out the gate strong, open-
the Cros-Lex Pioneers. on ing with 22 points in the
Tuesday, February 5. It first quarter. Algonac
was there the Broncos struggled to get through
came away with a two- the Broncos defense,
point victory, with a final although managing to put
score of 55-53. seven points on the board.
The game put North In the second quarter
Branch’s record at 11-6 North Branch pulled far-
and 6-5. ther away, netting 20
Both teams’ defenses points while Algonac con-
played hard. Each team tributed eight more points.
held the other to a nine
point during quarter num-
ber one..
That left them holding a
42-15 halftime lead.
The third quarter saw
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The second quarter North Branch continue to
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was neck and neck, with dominate the game. They
North Branch leading outscored Algonac 17-4
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The game took a turn their lead 59-19.
in the third quarter as Being on their home
North Branch started to court didn’t seem to give
pull away. The Cros-Lex Algonac any advantage.
defense couldn’t stop the North Branch continued
Broncos’ offense. North to outplay them in the (3 to choose from)
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Branch ended the quarter
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It was a comeback for ry.
BR EW 2017 Corvette 2LT Loaded 32%
Cros-Lex in the fourth Bugg had 19 points,
quarter. The Pioneers five rebounds, and five
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backed him up with 11 N MSRP $72,450
55-53. points.
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was the difference in the “We came out with
game,” North Brannch good energy and jumped
Coach Michael Snoble on them quick,”Snoblen
said. “Tonight’s game saw said. “We never looked
Riley Bugg became the back,” he noted.
first Bronco boys’ basket- The Broncos return to STK #9659
ball player to score 1,000 action with their
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$ * $ *
Stk. #20365
from WWE wrestler Dolph
Kearsley for a district Ziggler, “Everything I do SHOWROOM HOURS:
matchup. The Broncos is to become better, the
E AT T HE Monday 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM
continue to chalk-up this best ever and I’m not going Tuesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
year’s wrestling season to to stop.” Wednesday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM