Vol. 28 No. 8 (332) April 2023
Vol. 28 No. 8 (332) April 2023
Vol. 28 No. 8 (332) April 2023
Elva Sim: editor@minimag.co.za
Gustav: +64 210 298 9225
What’s in this is
Bella Designs
Febe Meyer and Irene Schoeman
Verona Louw
Copyright © MiniMag
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part
without written permission from the
Editor is strictly prohibited.
ISSN 1022-3053
Although every effort has been
made to verify the factual content of
4 The Super Mario Bros.
MiniMag, MiniMag cannot vouch for Mario saves the EGGS-TRAVAGANZA
the entire content of the magazine. world from a ruthless Fun activities to
fire-breathing Koopa. celebrate Easter
Easter Sudoku
Complete each row and column by using the pictures 1 to 5!
There should be only one of each picture in a row and in a column.
6 7
8 9
11 12
13 14
Super Mari
The classic video
that stands the
Super Mario is one of the most recognisable and beloved
video game series ever. The series, created by Nintendo
in 1985, stars the iconic plumber Mario and his friends.
Usually set in the mushroom kingdom, players run and
jump across various colourful and imaginative levels to
rescue Princess Peach from the villain Bowser.
io: Learn and grow!
But the Super Mario
test of time!
can help you learn and grow.
Here are a few examples:
1. Creative problem-solving:
Family In Super Mario games, players must use
Game of the
problem-solving skills to navigate each level,
solve puzzles and defeat enemies.
Year Award You can improve your critical thinking and
problem-solving by playing these games.
One of the most
recent games in the
2. Enhances hand-eye coordination:
These games require players to have quick
Mario series is Mario
reflexes and good hand-eye coordination.
+ Rabbids on the
Nintendo Switch, and it 3. Boosts creativity:
has won many awards, including The colourful and imaginative worlds of
Family Game of the Year at the DICE awards. Super Mario can inspire creativity in kids.
By playing these wonderful games, you can
Mario first appeared in a game called “Donkey Kong” use your imagination to create your own
in 1981. He was not even called Mario back then – he stories, characters and worlds. Indeed Super
was known as “Jumpman.” The Mario Brothers Mario games have inspired countless kids to
have come a long way since their early become game designers and developers.
days as “Jumpman” and a simple
arcade game. They have brought joy 4. Teaches perseverance
and entertainment to generations of and determination:
gamers, and they will continue to do Super Mario games require
so for many years to come. persistence and determination. You can learn
the importance of perseverance and hard
work in achieving your goals.
5. Promotes teamwork
and collaboration:
Some Super Mario games allow
players to work together as a team.
You can learn the importance of teamwork and
collaboration by playing with friends or family.
Throughout his 35 years, Mario
has taken on several different Whether you are a longtime fan or discovering
roles. He actually started as the game for the first time, Super Mario is a fun
a carpenter in the original and engaging way to learn and grow. So why
Donkey Kong game before not grab a controller and jump into one of the
being put in his iconic many great games in the series today?
role as a plumber.
Easter is a time of year that
we all look forward to with
great anticipation.
It’s a time when we get to indulge in
sweets, chocolates and treats, and spend
time with family and friends. But, beyond
the traditional Easter egg hunt, there are
plenty of other fun activities that can keep
you entertained during the Easter holidays.
Whether you’re looking for indoor or
outdoor activities, we’ve got you covered
with lots of fun activities that are sure to
make this Easter
Easter is a time
of great cheer
When bunnies
bring us eggs,
oh dear!
With baskets full of
treats so sweet,
We gather ‘round
and happily eat.
Let’s celebrate
this time of year!
Find the right path!
Easter Crossword 1 2 Use the clues
How well do you know Easter on the right to
and your furry friends? complete the
Well, here’s your 3 4 5
chance to find out … 6
Celebrating Easter can
provide an opportunity for 8
hop in! 20
Picture Sudoku
CLUES: Complete the rows. Make sure you do not repeat any picture
1. Good Friday is a Christian holiday within each row or column. 6HHSDJHIRUVROXWLRQ
commemorating the ................. of Jesus.
2. The popular belief is that Jesus was crucified on
a ........ and rose on a Sunday.
3. Easter is a ...................... commemorating the
resurrection of Jesus.
4. During Easter we love eating hot cross ........
5. Rabbit s bodies are covered with what?
6. Rabbits jump or ........?
7. (ACROSS) The hole or tunnel dug by a rabbit.
7. (DOWN) Easter breakfast may include ............ eggs.
8. Who was crucified on Good Friday?
9. A popular activity where you search for hidden
eggs is called an egg .........
10. Jesus died on a ..........
11. Small mammal with long ears.
12. What animal lays eggs?
13. When do we eat lots of chocolate eggs and candy?
14. Chocolate eggs and candy are collected
in a ............. ?
15. Eggs are decorated and ......... on Easter.
16. Rabbits have two long ..........
17. Another name for a rabbit.
18. These are boiled and eaten for breakfast.
19. Easter is a ................ holiday.
20. Rabbits love to eat these orange vegetables!
Easter! The Easter Bunny’s quite a sight,
With ears so long, they’re quite a fright.
He hops around with fluffy tail,
And leaves behind a coloured trail.
He sneaks around in gardens green,
With baskets full of treats unseen.
He’s quick and light on his feet,
Determined to make Easter sweet.
He delivers eggs of every hue,
And leaves behind a trail of goo.
His fluffy fur is white as snow,
He wears a brightly coloured bow.
He’s quite the mischievous little bunny,
And his antics are really quite funny.
He hides his eggs in the most bizarre places,
And leaves behind some funny faces.
So when Easter comes around each year,
And the bunny’s hopping far and near,
Just remember to give a little grin,
Can you find all the
For the Easter Bunny and his silly spin.
hidden Easter eggs in this picture? 13
Fold Your Way to
Looking for a gift idea for Mom or Dad
for Easter – well, we’ve got you covered!
What about a cute and colourful bookmark
that will put a smile on their face each time
they pick up a book to read!
and neat.
Try using bigger
sizes of paper for
larger bookmarks. 4
Be careful with your scissors
when cutting the ears!
Don’t rush!
You’re almost
Now it’s time to glue on
Try different the ears and the face.
shapes for the Use a pen and ruler to
eyes and ears. draw on the whiskers.
o Fun!
Origami, which means “folded paper,”
a nd c raf t s
is a technique that involves folding a
single sheet of paper into a specific
shape without cutting or gluing.
Well done!
How about making
more for your
l ev e r o r ig am i
Tips on c
models: Use colourful paper:
Start with easy origami Using colourful paper ca
n make
Choose simple origami m origami more fun. It can
also help
that are easy to follow an you understand the diffe
rent folds
2ULJDPL require only a few folds. and creases more easily
EHJDQDVD Use large sheets of pape
fold Practice safety:
IRUPRIUHOLJLRXV You may find it difficult to , iendly
it s Make sure to use child-fr
FHUHPRQLDODUWLQ small sheets of paper, so t to help
that scissors and ask an adul
-DSDQZKHUHSDSHUZDVXVHG best to use larger sheets
when using sharp tools.
WRPDNHRIIHULQJVWRWKHJRGV are easier to manipulate.
Follow instructions prec
WKHQRELOLW\DVDOHLVXUH , Above all, remember that
It s important to follow fun!
origami is supposed to be
instructions meticulously.
SHULRGDQGLW Experiment with different
e process
ing, and designs and enjoy th
SUDFWLFHGDPRQJWKH Origami can be challeng of creating something w
ith your
, tient.
JHQHUDOSRSXODWLRQGXULQJ so it s important to be pa own hands.
, trying.
WKH(GRSHULRG Don t give up and keep on
The Kings of Mulberry Street are back!
Get ready for a wickedly funny, deliciously
comic action-packed adventure.
Kings of Mulberry Street: Let Love Reign, tells the story of Baboo
best friends and share an unbreakable bond.
When Granny Chetty (Ma) is kidnapped by the fallen and
disgraced police Commander Veerasamy the boys are forced to
play along with his schemes in-order to rescue Ma.
Veerasamy demands the boys make amends for his downfall by
repaying him for his loss of wealth and status, by pulling a heist
on an upmarket, well-known casino where he is now employed
as a security guard. But this is too big a feat for two little boys to
accomplish on their own, it will take a daring plan and the efforts
of the rambunctious Chetty’s uniting with
the respectable Singhs to save Ma.
What could go wrong?... Everything!
What did you love about your character? What was your experience like during rehearsals and
I love that he is such a brave person even though he is shoot? And what do you miss most now that that
so young and he is always willing to take risks to help his phase is over.
family. It was great fun and everyday was so exciting. I loved
How is the character of TICKY similar to you? becoming friends with the cast and crew. Every day was
Different from you? like an adventure and the best part ... I didn’t have to go
He is similar to me in that we are both mischievous and to school. I miss all the wonderful people I got to meet
have lots of energy. Ticky’s character is different from me and work with.
in that he is really brave and fearless and I don’t believe I $ORWRIKDUGZRUNJRHVLQWRPDNLQJD¿OPZKDW
What is K.O.M.S: Let Love Reign about for you? what was fun?
K.O.M.S: Let Love Reign is about family and friendship It was challenging to work such long hours.
challenging and I was afraid of not remembering them.
interesting about this period? fun of each other and do impressions of the other
It was interesting to experience what life was back in the characters behind the scenes.
day and how different everything looked. It was interesting
to be acting out scenes in the apartheid era. What do you love about K.O.M.S: Let Love Reign?
And what positive messages does it have?
Did you enjoy doing a period piece? I love the fact that Ticky’s family is doing better in life
Yes, I got to experience what it may have been like during and they are getting more opportunities as the apartheid
the apartheid era and more especially what it was like for era comes to an end. I love the fact that Ticky and
7KH¿rst K.O.M.S had huge success; how do you think movie. The positive messages in the movie is that
the sequel compares? love and friendship can conquer all and good always
The cast includes Shaan Nathoo, Liam Dunpath, Hamish Kyd, Riyaad Nakooda,
Kogie Naidoo, Amith Sing, Kimberley Arthur, Mayuri Naidu, Luversan Gerard,
Bertha le Roux-Wahl, Vaneshran Arumugam, Senzo Mthethwa, Nolan Jonathan,
Jonathan Taylor, Kaseran Pillay, and Carvin Goldstone.
What did you love about your character? A lot of hard work goes into making
In the movie, the thing I loved most about my character D¿OPZKDWGLG\RX¿QGFKDOOHQJLQJ
was how smart he is. about the process and what was fun?
How is the character of BABOO similar to you? I found missing school challenging and missing my
Different from you? friends as we shot the movie during school days and
He is very different to me as he is very shy, with different my holidays. But being on set every day with new
interests. We were also raised in different time periods friends was a fun adventure.
making our way of thinking and acting different. 7KH¿UVW.206KDGKXJHVXFFHVVKRZGR\RX
What is K.O.M.S: Let Love Reign about for you? think the sequel compares?
K.O.M.S. is about how anybody can become friends I think the sequel has nice new ideas that makes it fun
despite their difference and backgrounds. It’s also about and keeps it interesting.
overcoming challenges. What do you love about K.O.M.S: Let Love Reign?
<RXZHUHQ¶WHYHQERUQLQZKDWGLG\RX¿QG And what positive messages does it have?
interesting about this period? I love the humour in KOMS as it represents us as
,¿QGLWLQWHUHVWLQJDVLQWHFKQRORJ\ZDVQ¶WDV South Africans so well. It also shows us lessons that
advanced as it is now and people were forced to we can do anything we put our mind to, and to enjoy
communicate and live in the moment more. the ride not the destination.
Did you enjoy doing a period piece? Why do you think audiences
I loved doing a period piece. ZLOOORYHWKLV¿OP"$QGZK\VKRXOGWKH\ZDWFKLW"
What was your experience like during rehearsals ,WKLQNWKHDXGLHQFHZLOO¿QGWKHPRYLHUHODWDEOHDQG
and shoot? And what do you miss most now that should watch it as it is very funny with lots of complex
that phase is over. characters.
My favourite part was being on set with everybody and
laughing everyday. I miss the food and the people. kingsofmulberrystreet kingsofmulberry
Donkey Hodie, Donkey must wait
until all her pals are together to
open a present. She uses her
imagination to pass the time!
Then, Donkey and Panda want
to climb Mt. Really High Up.
When they don’t reach the
top, Grampy encourages
them to try again.
Plus, Donkey wants to
make a surprise breakfast
for Grampy, but none of
Maybe she needs help?
18 Donkey Hodie, TM/© 2019 WGBH Educational Foundation. All rights reserved
Donkey Hodie dreams big!
“Donkey Hodie” a puppet series for children
ages 3 to 5, is inspired by the quirky, funny
side of Fred Rogers as well as his mission
to help kids navigate the frustrations and
challenges of childhood. Donkey Hodie
and her pals empower kids to dream big
and overcome obstacles in their own lives!
To work hard and persevere in the face
of failure! To be resourceful and discover
that they are capable of solvingproblems
on their own! Oh, and to laugh themselves
silly along the way!
Website: pbskids.org
DStv channel: 313
PBS KIDS and the PBS KIDS Logo are registered trademarks of Public Broadcasting Service. Used with permission 19
Good day, buen día, guten Tag, bon jour!
Just like humans use different languages, computer scientists use a
special kind of language called code to give instructions to computers,
smart phones and robots. Java, C++ and Python are just three of
many programming languages used to write code. Programmes,
known as software, are made up of many lines of code with step by
step instructions that allow computers to do things like check your
spelling, doing complicated mathematics and much, much more.
AI, here
and now
Humans have always
been fascinated by the idea
of machines able to think
like us. Many science fiction
movies and books have explored
this idea, but today AI is more
What is intelligence? and more science and less fiction.
Imagine a robot that wakes you up with Perhaps you have heard somebody asking
breakfast in bed every day. Clever, hey? their phone where the nearest pizza place is, or
Actually no, the robot is not intelligent. when a project is due. Intelligent digital personal
Robots are programmed to do a limited set assistants like SIRI or Google Now is a type of
of actions. They can’t make decisions when artificial intelligence and use AI software to come
they run into a problem or unexpected up with answers to questions based on
situation. Your robot will bring your many factors like your calendar,
breakfast to your bed, even if you are location and previous experience.
not in it for some reason, unless Grocery stores send shoppers
you programme it differently. personalised discount coupons
based on what they regularly buy
and your favourite movie or music
Intelligent beings can change site might recommend what else
they way they do things based on you might enjoy. How is it possible
experiences that they have. for computers to know what type
For example if you bump your of cheese you like, who might be
head against a low bar on the a friend and what might make
jungle gym, it will hurt. you laugh?
Next time you pass this place All these
you will be more careful and examples
keep your head down. It is smart use artificial
not to make the same mistake intelligence
twice, we call that intelligence. software.
Imagine if your breakfast robot The software can
could learn what you do and analyse lots and lots
don’t like based on your left-overs of data, recognise
and then change the menu to patterns and
only bring you food that you enjoy. make suggestions
That’s clever! That would be what based on this.
we call $UWLILFLDO,QWHOOLJHQFH, or AI, It actually works
a machine that can think like a human, very much like
learn and change the way it behaves. the human brain.
Chips and ice cream for breakfast ... Yummy!
How we think!
Millions upon millions of cells
called neurons make up
the human brain. Neurons
can connect with the cells
next to them. When we see
or experience something, a
connection is made between
a group of neurons. When
you repeat the experience this
connection becomes stronger,
almost like drawing over and over
the same line with crayons.
This creates a pattern in our brain
that helps us to remember things like:
“Careful, duck! There is that low bar again.”
What is th
difficult for us. Self-driving cars, software
that can spot diseases better than any
doctor or detect criminal activity in
banking records, programmes
that can control air traffic or English mathematician Alan Turing
analyse massive data sets ... invented a test to measure machine
The applications of AI have intelligence. The test works by
just started to improve and allowing a human, the interrogator,
manage our lives. ask questions to a computer and
another human, without knowing
It is also worth which is which. If the interrogator
thinking about what can’t guess who is human and who
is machine, then the machine passes
will happen when
the test and is classified as intelligent.
machines and robots
become truly intelligent What question will you
ask a machine to test its
and us humans rely on
them for our survival.
Art i fi ci a l
Inte l l i g ence
How does AI work?
AI works by using algorithms, or step-by-step
instructions, to help computers understand and
process information. For example, if you wanted
to teach a computer to recognise different types
of fruits, you would give it a large dataset of fruit
images and tell it which ones are apples, bananas,
and so on. The computer would then use this
information to identify new fruit images it has
never seen before. This process is called “machine
learning”. The more data the computer has, the
better it can learn and make decisions.
The Future of AI
he Turing test? AI is a rapidly growing field, and scientists and
engineers constantly work to improve and
develop new AI technologies. In
the future, AI has the potential to
revolutionise many aspects of
our lives and help us solve some
of the world s biggest problems.
However, it s also important to
remember that AI is just
a tool, and it s up to us to
decide how we use it. With
responsible and ethical use,
AI can make the world a better
place for everyone!
A wealth of furry kn
Col lec t i ve nou n s!
A collective noun
Identify each animal is a word or
phrase that
and then name the refers to a
collective noun! group of
or things
as one.
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
E n g lish L a ng ua ge D ay
on 23 April 2023!
nowledge! Love
your Li n go!
Don’t give us a frown
When you’re looking for
Like a collection of pearls FRQQHFWLRQWRDODQJXDJH
is a string
Sometimes several nouns work
This is really a great perk
But do choose them wisely A ............................. of ..................................
Because you should
use them widely!
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
A ............................. of ..................................
Turn to page 33 for the answers!
Attention, little bunnies and chicks! As the Easter
season approaches, you might be dreaming
of chocolate eggs, colourful baskets and fluffy
bunnies. But did you know that Easter is also a
great time to celebrate the importance of maths?
T hat s right, maths and Easter go hand in hand!
Letter eggs
Whether you re counting the number of Easter eggs in
your basket, figuring out how to split your treats with your
friends, or calculating the number of days until the Easter
bunny arrives, maths is all around us during this holiday.
Unscramble the eggs So, while you re enjoying your Easter treats and
and rewrite the spending time with your loved ones, Gami has come up
letters below with some fun riddles and puzzles to keep your maths
skills sharp too!
to reveal a
Gami was given this set of clues to try and
figure out what number A stands for:
1. 100 is larger than A.
2. A is larger than 30.
3. A is a multiple of 6.
4. The sum of A s digits is 9.
5. The number in the tens place
is larger than the number in the units place.
6. The difference between
A s digits is 1. 7XUQWKHSDJHWR
Can you help him figure it out? ILQGWKHDQVZHUV
n e g a tiv e 1 to 5:
r p o s it iv e 1 to 5: Solutions f
o r
= -1
Solutions f _________
___ = 1
______ _ __ _ _ _ _________
_______ =
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A pipe, a carrot, and _________ __ = 2 ______ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
_________ _________ -3
_______ =
_ _ _ _ _ __ _
a few sticks are lying _________ __ = 3 _____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _
_________ _________ -4
______ =
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
together in a field. __ = 4
_________ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
_________ ______
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _________
= -5
Why? _________ _________
=5 _________
________ _________
_______ _________
Top view
Can you find the
correct top view
of these objects?
1 2 3 4
6 7 8
Ma ke yo u r
Tick Tock maze
Use numbers from a clock (1 to 12) to navigate
through the maze. A number’s ‘neighbour’ (above,
below, left or right, except if separated by a maze
wall) must be one of the two numbers nearest on a
clock face. Use each number only twice.
Smart puzzle
1 2 3 4 5
Easter riddle
What do you get when
you cross a rabbit and
a calculator? C Which slice was cut
A from each egg?
$PDWKDPDKRS Find the correct place!
This is a play on words.
“Math-a-ma-hop” sounds
like “mathematical hop,”
which is a pun on the hopping D E
behaviour of rabbits.
5 6 7
Easter quizz
What do you get when
Birthday money
you cross a bunny with
Gami really wanted to know how much
a carrot? money he would get from grandpa for his
$KDUHURW birthday. But grandpa didn’t want to tell him.
Instead he said: ³<RXJHWVRPXFK´
What is the Easter ³%XWKRZPXFKLVVRPXFK"´ Gami asked.
How much will Gami get?
Birthday money
He will get R36 from his grandpa.
(36 + 36 = 18 + 9 + 1 + 100)
Ponds shining with
Yet another spine-chilling episode
of Spy Extraordinaire Verymuch,
the ostradilliduck!
,QWKH¿UVWVHDVRQ The ancient Romans The Super Mario Bros.
of Donkey Hodie, had a holiday
series is in the
Donkey must wait called AbeZkbZ.
Guinness Book of
until all her pals This is when they
played jokes on Records as the
are together to most successful
each other.
open a present. It was very similar gaming franchise
Website: pbskids.org / youtube.com/pbskids / DStv channel: 313 to April?hhel=Zr of all time!
17 18 19 There are
is the
opposite International Day
256 did the
duck get
fired from
of Artificial K^Ze for Monuments DAYS his Easter job?
remaining until the end
Intelligence? Stupid and Sights of the year. He kept quacking the eggs!
Embrace our differences,
The past celebrate our strengths:
tense of Together
“to lead” we can achieve anything!
is written and
pronounced “led”.
an International Organisation that
counts virtually every country in
the world as a member!
et and the 17 Goals