Slab Track Solution
Slab Track Solution
Slab Track Solution
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
011010 Earth work in excavation as per approved drawings and
dumping at embankment site or spoil heap, within railway
land, including 50m lead and 1.5m lift, the lead to be
measured from the centre of gravity of excavation to centre of
gravity of spoil heap: the lift to be measured from natural
ground level and paid for in layers of 1.5m each, including
incidental work, as per specifications-in
011052 for every 50m or part thereof - lead over 150m and upto cum 10.00
011060 Extra for Crossing of railway track(each track). Note : This Each 10% per
item is payable only where crossing of operational lines is track
011070 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m or part thereof, after the cum 9.59
initial 1.5m, for earth work in all soils
012010 Extra over item 011010 for excavation in foundations for cum 10.00
buildings and bridges to cover dressing to neat dimension and
plumbing sides etc. Note : Dressing under this item is payable
for the total quantity of excavation in foundation and not partly
012020 Benching of rock upto average 10 cm depth for foundations. 10 Sqm 555.26
Note : Rate is for benched area measured in plan.
012030 Extra for watering and ramming earth in foundation and floors cum 19.40
in 15cm layers. Note : This item is payable where ramming is
not included in the original rate for earthwork in filling.
012040 Filling, watering and ramming earth in 15 cm layers in floors cum 22.80
and foundations with surplus earth from foundations including
50m lead and 1.5m lift
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
012050 Supplying and filling sand in plinth and under floors including cum 1196.07
watering, ramming, consolidating and dressing complete
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
Note -(i) All usable earth arising from cut spoils shall be led
into bank formation and Unusable spoils shall be dumped /
stacked(ii) All hard rock /and boulders not fit for filling will be
stacked by the contractor and will be property of the Railways.
013111 In all conditions and classifications of soil except rock cum 169.57
013112 Soft rock not requiring blasting in all Conditions cum 267.40
013113 In hard rock requiring blasting with explosives and cum 542.84
blasting/drilling equipment Including all incidental work in all
conditions. Rate includes cost of all explosive material
013114 In rock and very hard rock with hammer / chisel / pavement cum 559.35
breaker etc. where blasting is not permitted due to special
circumstances and if specifically ordered in writing incl. drilling
and all incidental work in all conditions
013115 In any other type of soil not covered above where classification cum 169.57
is not possible
013120 Earthwork in filling in embankment, guide bunds, around cum 375.32
buried type abutments, bridge gaps, trolley refuges, rain
bunds if provided, platforms etc. with earth excavated from
outside railway boundary entirely arranged by the contractor
at his own cost as per RDSO's latest guidelines and
specifications and special condition of contract including all
leads, royalty, lifts, ascents, descents, crossing of nallahs or
any other obstructions. The rates shall include all dressing of
bank to final profile, demarcation and setting out of profile, site
clearance, removing of shrubs, roots of vegetations growth,
heavy grass, benching of existing slope of old bank, all
handling/re-handling. taxes, octroi and royalty etc. as a
complete job. Cut trees shall be property of railways and to be
deposited in the railway godown unless specified otherwise in
the Special conditions of contract
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
013140 Removal of excavated/slip earth/ debris/ malba from the site cum 109.88
of works to any other place outside Railway land/premises,
including all excavations, handling, re- handling, loading,
unloading and leading, etc. all labour and material as a
complete job. Removal of Earth(all kinds of soils)/ROCKS,
BOULDERS including mud/slush, slipped earth in catch water
drains, side drains, over berms in cutting, water way of
bridges, over coping of toe/breast/retaining walls etc. including
crossing of nallah, railway tracks, making/repairing approach
roads if required, all lead, lift, ascent, descents, or any other
obstruction. Earth spoils to be dumped outside the cutting or
railway embankments as per direction of Engineer in charge
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
014030 Felling trees of girth(measured at a height of 1m above ground
level) including lead and stacking of material within 100m.
Note : 1. When stumps are grubbed up in addition, the rates
shall be doubled for trees cut and grubbed. 2. Payment for
grubbing shall only be made where specially ordered. 3.
Grubbing shall be ordered only where it is essential to remove
the stumps, including the roots, as per specification. 4.
Grubbing shall include removal of roots of trees and saplings to
a depth of 60 cm below ground level or 30 cm below formation
level or 15 cm below sub grade level, whichever is lower
014051 Turfing with sods, 10cm thick and 20 cm square closely laid 100 Sqm 10076.10
014052 Turfing with planted doob grass 100 Sqm 6250.20
014053 Planting Sarkanda / sarpat or any other suitable species 100 Sqm 6903.00
approved by the engineer
014060 Providing and laying Jute Geo-Textile(JGT) in slopes of Railway
embankment in accordance with RDSO's guidelines for
application of Jute Geotextile in Railway embankments and hill
slopes no. RDSO/2007/GE:G- 0008 or its subsequent versions,
including incidental earthwork and fixing arrangements
014070 Cleaning out silt from bed of reservoir/canals including 50m 10 cum 651.95
lead and lift upto 1.5 m
014080 Cleaning side drains in cuttings by the side of track (Kutcha or
Pucca) including disposal of the debris, soil, muck etc. as
directed by the engineer. Note - Rates are for disposal at the
end of cutting. Disposal of debris/soil/muck beyond end of
cutting to be paid for under relevant lead item.
014081 lead within cutting is up to 50 m cum 111.90
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
014082 lead within cutting is over 50 m and up to 200 m - for every cum 33.80
50 m or part thereof
014083 lead within cutting exceeds 200 m - for every 100 m or part cum 33.80
014090 Earth work in embankment from Railway land for repairing of cum 86.46
cess/formation/level crossing, rain cuts etc. to make the
surface to the desired level and slope to the entire satisfaction
of Engineer-in-charge. The rate will include free lead upto 200
M, all lifts, descends, ascends, crossing of track/road/nallah
etc. including breaking of clods etc and compaction by
rollers/rammers/temping rods etc. Note - This item is only to
be paid when specially ordered in writing.
014100 Extra rate for quantities of works executed. Note - The extra
percentage rate is applicable in respect of each item, but
limited to quantities of work executed in these difficult
014101 In or under water and/or liquid mud, including pumping out cum 20%
water as required. Note - In or under water means
locations/levels where there is continuous ingress of water.
014102 In or under foul position, including pumping out water as cum 25%
required. Note - Foul position means filthy and unhygienic
conditions where physical movements are hampered such as
soil mixed with sewage or night-soil.
014110 Providing and removing barricading with the help of portable metre 468.90
fencing along the running track where the work is to be done
in close vicinity of the track. Fencing shall consist of self
supporting steel angles of size 50 x50x6mm, 1.5m long
provided with hooks etc. and embedded in CC 1:2:4 block of
size 0.23x0.23x0.23M placed at c/c distance of 2.0 M along the
track. 12 mm dia rods in three horizontal layers tack welded
with the angle posts including providing Retro-reflective tapes
in Horizontal & vertical direction. Note : Released material will
be the property of the contractor after the completion of work.
Cost of cement to be paid separately.
014120 Supplying and laying of Biaxial Geo-grid, made from virgin Sqm 259.87
high density polypropylene, having aperture size of 65mmx
65mm and ultimate tensile strength of 30 kN/m with minimum
junction efficiency of 95% & minimum radial stiffness of 350
kN/m(@0.5% strain) and laying below ballast over formation,
including transportation, contractor's labour, lead and lift
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
014130 Supplying and laying of Woven Geotextile made from Sqm 120.38
polypropylene multifilament yarn, having minimum mass of
220 GSM & ultimate tensile strength of 40 kN/m with puncture
resistance of 600 N and apparent opening size of 150 microns
and laying at interface of sub-grade and blanketing layer,
including transportation, contractor's labour, lead and lift
complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021090 Leading ballast, kankar, brickbats, stone-chips, shingle, stone Cum 122.45
boulders, block kankar, pitching stones , rubble stones, laterite,
coal, surkhi, dry mortar, sand , moorum, earth, manure or
sludge, ashes, lime, debris, muck, malba, etc.. for lead upto 25
km. Note : Lead under this item is payable when the same
exceeds 500 M.
021141 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over MT 31.62
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021140.
021150 Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, MT 221.29
fittings & fastenings, pipes, wooden logs, stones over pitching
stone size, RCC/PCC beams / slabs etc and all similar articles
(each individual article or bundle being not more than 3.5
metres long in the longest direction) including all loading,
unloading and stacking, lead over 500m and upto 10 km.
Note : Lead under this item is payable when the same exceeds
021151 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 9.93
10 km and upto 100 km over item no. 021150.
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021152 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 9.06
100 km and upto 400 km over item no. 021150 &.021151
021153 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 7.61
400 km and upto 1000 km over item nos. 021150, 021151 &
021160 Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rail, pipes, MT 114.20
wooden logs, stones over pitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams /
slabs etc and all similar articles (each individual article or
bundle being more than 3.5 metres long in the longest
direction) including picking up and stacking, lead upto 50m.
021161 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over MT 35.62
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021160
021170 Leading miscellaneous materials such as iron work, rails, pipes, MT 236.52
wooden logs, stones over pitching stone size, RCC/PCC beams /
slabs etc. and all similar articles (each individual article or
bundle being more than 3.5 metres long in the longest
direction) by truck, trailor, etc including all loading, unloading
and stacking, lead over 500m and upto 10 km. Note : Lead
under this item is payable when the same exceeds 500m.
021171 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 11.66
10 km and upto 100 km over item no. 021170
021172 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 8.75
100 km and upto 400 km over item nos. 021170 &.021171
021173 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over MT/Km 7.88
400 km and upto 1000 km over item nos. 021170, 021171 &
021180 Loading/Unloading wooden sleepers (BG/MG/NG ) of all MT 35.45
varieties, new and serviceable, including lead upto 50m and
stacking properly into/from trucks, trailors or wagons
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021210 Loading/Unloading wooden sleepers scrap (BG/MG/NG) MT 46.69
into/from tracks, trailors or wagons including lead upto 50m.
021220 Loading/Unloading ballies of all varieties including lead upto
50m and stacking into/from wagons, trailors or trucks:
021221 Upto 7m long. 100 no. 206.38
021222 Over 7 m & Upto 10m long. 100 no. 251.28
021230 Leading ballies upto 7m long, including loading, unloading and 100 no. 436.82
stacking, lead upto 50m.
021231 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over 100 no. 101.96
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021230.
021240 Leading ballies over 7 M & upto 10m long, including loading, 100 no. 652.86
unloading and stacking, lead upto 50m.
021241 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over 100 no. 112.76
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021240.
021250 Leading ballies over 7m & upto 10m long, by truck, trailor, 100 no. 596.08
including loading, unloading and stacking, for lead upto 10 km.
Note : Lead under this item is payable when the same exceeds
500 M.
021260 Loading/Unloading hume pipes with or without collars of all MT 466.23
types including lead upto 50m and stacking into/from wagons,
trailors or trucks.
021270 Leading hume pipes with or without collars, by truck, trailor, MT 162.77
etc. including loading, unloading and stacking, for lead upto 10
km. Note : (i) Lead under this item is payable when the same
exceeds 500 M.
021280 Loading/Unloading into wagons, trailors or trucks light articles Each 16.70
such as wooden or steel almirahs, tables, chairs, machinery
and other miscellaneous articles, each weighing less then 1/2
quintal, including lead upto 50m and stacking.
021290 Leading light articles such as wooden or steel almirahs, tables, Each 29.92
chairs and other miscellaneous articles, machinery etc. each
weighing less than 1/2 quintal, including loading unloading and
stacking, lead upto 10 km. Lead under this item is payable
when the same exceeds 500 M.
021291 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each 2.96
10 km and upto 100 km over item no. 021290.
021292 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each 2.38
100 km and upto 400 km over item no 021290 &.021291.
021293 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each 2.09
400 km and upto 1000 km over item no 021290, 021291&
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021300 Loading/Unloading into/from wagons, trailors or trucks heavy Each 23.31
articles such as wooden or steel almirahs, tables, machinery
and other miscellaneous articles, each weighing over 1/2
quintal and upto 2 Quintal, including lead upto 50m and
021310 Leading heavy articles such as wooden or steel almirahs, Each 95.91
tables, machinery, etc. and other miscellaneous articles, each
weighing less than 1/2 quintal and upto 2 quintals, including
loading, unloading and stacking, lead upto 10 km. Lead under
this item is payable when the same exceeds 500 M.
021311 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 3.66
10 km and upto 100 km over item no 021310.
021312 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 2.93
100 km and upto 400 km over item no. 021310 & 021311
021313 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 2.49
400 km and upto 1000 km over item no. 021310, 021311&
021320 Loading/Unloading into/from wagons, trailors or trucks heavy Each 47.09
machinery each weighing over 2 quintals and upto 5 quintals
each, including lead upto 50m and stacking
021330 Leading heavy machinery (individual piece weighing over 2 Each 162.77
quintals and upto 5 quintals), for lead upto 10 km. Note : Lead
under this item is payable when the same exceeds 500 M.
021331 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 14.59
10 km and upto 100 km over item no. 021330
021332 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 11.69
100 km and upto 400 km over item no. 021330 & 021331
021333 Additional lead for every subsequent km or part thereof, over Each/ Km 10.24
400 km and upto 1000 km over item no. 021330, 021331&
021340 Loading / unloading of Four wheeler wagon. (A bogie wagon Each 1451.88
will be taken as equivalent to two four wheeled wagons)
021341 Extra, if the loading/unloading in four wheeler wagon has to be Each 508.16
done in a block section, i.e. on the running line outside station
section. (A bogie wagon will be taken as equivalent to two four
wheeled wagons) In Day time (From 6.00 AM to 18.00 PM)
021342 Extra if the loading/unloading in four wheeler wagon has to be Each 725.94
done in a block section, i.e. on the running line outside station
section. (A bogie wagon will be taken as equivalent to two four
wheeled wagons.) In night time (From 18.00 PM to 6.00 PM)
Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021353 NG Sleepers 100 no. 292.23
021360 Stacking ballast, kankar, brickbats, stone chips, shingle, stone Cum 13.59
boulders, block kankar, pitching stones, rubble stones, surkhi,
laterite, dry mortar, sand, moorum, ashes, lime etc. if not
covered in the original item.
021370 Extra over initial lead of 50 M for crossing each running track Each 10%
for the items covered in this chapter.
021380 Leading of flower pots of sizes each weighing upto 10kg. i.e. 100 no. 126.60
flower pots with plants including picking up and stacking, lead
upto 50m.
021381 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over 100 no. 36.41
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021380.
021390 Leading of flower pots of sizes each weighing upto 10kg, i.e. 100 no. 584.63
flower pots with plants including loading, unloading and
stacking, lead over 500 M and upto 10 km.
021400 Leading of flower pots of sizes each weighing over 10kg. i.e. 100 no. 256.11
flower pots with plants including picking up and stacking, lead
upto 50m.
021401 Additional lead for every subsequent 50m or part thereof, over 100 no. 39.37
50m and upto 500m over item no. 021400.
021410 Leading of flower pots of sizes each weighing over 10kg. i.e. 100 no. 181.6
flower pots with plants including loading, unloading and
stacking, lead over 500 M and upto 10 km.
021420 Sorting of steel materials of any type, size- wise into/from the MT 492.36
store yard, measuring and stacking the same / including
weighing, if required within the lead of 100 metres, as directed
021430 Hiring and operating Multi-Utility vehicle of loading capacity one Each per 34827.81
MT with sitting capacity of 4/6 persons, 4 strokes, 4 cylinders month
engine, factory-built metal body, cargo box type or passenger
cabin type or both (with 24 hours availability), including cost of
fuel, lubricants, major/minor repairs, salary of driver, toll tax,
all other tax complete, operation and maintenance including
running upto 1200 km in a month. The vehicle shall run on
pucca, kutcha road and along the track. The contractor shall
arrange road permit for vehicles for all the States of operation,
as per instructions of engineerin- charge and vehicle shall not
be more than three years old.
021440 Extra over item no. 021430 for every additional km or part Km 28.97
thereof over 1200 km in a month.
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021450 Hiring of Truck of loading capacity 9.0 MT and running upto Each per 93974.06
2500 km per month (with 24 hours availability) for leading of month
Engineering Machines, Materials & Men, as desired by Engineer-
in-charge. It includes cost of driver, helper, fuel, e.g. diesel,
mobil oil, brake oil etc. alongwith related repairs works and all
type of taxes as admissible by State or Central Governments,
octroi, toll tax, barrier tax etc. Vehicle shall run on pucca,
kutcha road including along the track. The contractor shall
arrange road permit for vehicle for all the States of operation,
as per instructions of engineer in-charge and vehicle shall not
be more than three years old.
021460 Extra over item no. 021450 for every additional km or part Km 37.54
thereof over 2500 km in a month.
021470 Hiring of Truck of loading capacity 4.5 MT and running upto Each per 62124.11
2000 km per month (with 24 hours availability) for leading of month
Engineering Machines, Materials & Men, as desired by Engineer-
in-charge. It includes cost of driver, helper, fuel, e.g. diesel,
mobil oil, brake oil etc. alongwith related repairs works and all
type of taxes as admissible by State or Central Governments,
octroi, toll tax, barrier tax etc. Vehicle shall run on pucca,
kutcha road including along the track. The contractor shall
arrange road permit for vehicle for all the States of operation,
as per instructions of engineer in-charge and vehicle shall not
be more than three years old.
021480 Extra over item no. 021470 for every additional km or part Km 31.34
thereof over 2000 km in a month.
021490 Hiring of Truck of loading capacity 1 MT and running upto 1500 Each per 47666.80
km per month (with 24 hours availability) for leading of month
Engineering Machines, Materials & Men, as desired by Engineer-
in-charge. It includes cost of driver, helper, fuel, e.g. diesel,
mobil oil, brake oil etc. alongwith related repairs works and all
type of taxes as admissible by State or Central Governments,
octroi, toll tax, barrier tax etc. Vehicle shall run on pucca,
kutcha road including along the track. The contractor shall
arrange road permit for vehicle for all the States of operation,
as per instructions of engineer in-charge and vehicle shall not
be more than three years old.
021500 Extra over item no. 021490 for every additional km or part Km 31.74
thereof over 1500 km in a month.
021510 Hiring of JCB Machine (in good working condition) for leveling Hour 1208.40
and dressing ground / dismantling structures including disposal
of debris through dumpers etc. with contractor’s labour, JCB
machine, machine operator, fuel, etc. The contractor shall
arrange road permit for vehicle for all the States of operation,
as per instructions of engineer in-charge and vehicle shall not
be more than three years old. Payment shall be made for actual
working hours at site.
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Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
021520 Hiring of Truck with covered body of 2 MT capacity for one shift Day 1937.36
of 8 hours running upto 80 km including driver, cleaner
together with fuel and other consumable stores etc. for
transport of different engineering materials.
021530 Extra over item no. 021520 for every additional km or part Km 23.54
there of over 80 km in a day.
021540 Hiring of Bulldozer with 12 feet wide blade including necessary Hour 1208.40
fuel, oil and operator etc. complete as directed by engineer in-
charge. The contractor shall be responsible for arranging all
types of permits required for movement of the bulldozer.
Payment shall be made for actual working hours at site.
031011 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate cum 2834.07 2.200
20mm nominal size)
031012 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate cum 2397.35 2.200
40mm nominal size)
031013 1:4:8 (1 cement : 4 sand : 8 graded stone aggregate cum 2403.09 1.700
40mm nominal size)
031014 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone cum 2397.35 1.300
aggregate 40mm nominal size)
031015 1:2:3.5:9 (1 cement : 2 Fly Ash : 3.5 sand : 9 graded cum 2298.82 1.700
stone aggregate 40mm nominal size)
031016 1:2.5:4:11 (1 cement : 2.5 Fly Ash : 4 sand : 11 graded cum 2263.97 1.300
stone aggregate 40mm nominal size)
031020 Providing and laying cement concrete, up to plinth in
retaining walls, walls (any thickness) including attached
plasters, columns, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string
or lacing courses, parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor
blocks, plain window sills, fillets etc, excluding the cost of
cement and of shuttering, centering.
031021 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate cum 3085.32 2.200
20mm nominal size)
031022 1:3:6 (1cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate cum 2730.69 2.200
40mm nominal size)
031023 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone aggregate cum 3016.75 3.200
20mm nominal size)
031024 1:1.5:3 (1cement : 1.5 sand : 3 graded stone aggregate cum 3016.75 4.000
20mm nominal size)
031030 Providing and laying 1:3:6 cement concrete (1 cement:3 cum 2896.50 2.200
sand:6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) in
kerbs, steps and the like at or near ground level excluding
cost of cement and of centering, shuttering and finishing :
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
031050 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of M 20
grade, excluding the cost of cement and of centering and
shuttering, as per direction of the Engineer in charge :
031062 Retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness) Sqm 261.33
including attached plasters, buttresses, plinth and string
courses fillets etc.
031063 Columns, pillars, posts and struts & miscellaneous parts Sqm 321.05
032010 Providing and fixing precast 1:3:6 cement concrete (1 cum 3021.58 2.800
cement : 3 sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size) in string or lacing courses, coping, bed
plates, anchor blocks, plain window sills, shelves, louvers,
steps etc. upto floor two level including hoisting and
setting in position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand), cost of required shuttering, centering and
finishing smooth with 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1
cement : 3 sand) on exposed surface complete -
excluding the cost of cement. (cast at site)
032020 Providing and fixing precast M 15 grade cement concrete cum 3219.68 3.8 or as
appd in
in string or lacing courses, coping, bed plates, anchor
design mix
blocks, plain window sills, shelves, louvers, steps, etc.
upto floor two level, including hoisting and setting in
position with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand), cost of required shuttering, centering complete -
excluding the cost of cement. (cast at site)
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
032032 in ash pit stones, platform coping stones etc. cum 3608.90 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
032040 Extra over items 032010 and 032020 for providing and cum 162.03
fixing precast concrete above floor two level for every
floor or part thereof.
032050 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4 in damp-
proof course (1 cement : 2 sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 12.5mm nominal size - excluding the cost of
cement and including providing, fixing and removal of
032053 50mm thick (20 mm coarse aggregate instead of Sqm 218.25 0.160
032060 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material of per 50 104.54
brand approved by railway, if not included in relevant kg of
item. cement
032070 Applying a coat of residual petroleum bitumen of Sqm 143.04
penetration 80/ 100 of approved quality using 1.7kg per
square metre on damp proof course after cleaning the
surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth
lightly soaked in kerosene oil.
033010 Extra for every subsequent 3m height ( or part there of ) cum 162.03
above floor two level from plinth level for concrete work in
033020 Extra for laying concrete in or under water and/ or liquid cum/m 283.53
mud including cost of pumping or bailing out water and depth
removing slush etc. complete. Note : The quantity will be
calculated by multiplying the depth measured from the
sub-soil water level upto centre of gravity of concrete
under sub-soil water level with quantity of concrete in
Cum executed under sub-soil water. The depth of centre
of gravity shall be reckoned correct to 0.1m, 0.05m or
more shall be taken as 0.1m and less than 0.05m
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Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
033030 Extra for laying concrete in or under foul positions cum 98.52
033040 Supplying and using fly ash in concrete as per approved cum 70.39
mix design where permitted by engineer
033050 Extra for rounding of drains and keeping to proper metre 34.09
template and grade including the cost of template
033070 Supplying and applying bisphenol and butyl based epoxy Sqm 5866.16
for repairing pot holes, spalled area, ramps stairs, heavy
duty floors etc. and grouting application on surfaces which
need chemical resistance. (Item includes removing all
loose and chipped concrete plaster etc., cutting surface in
proper square or rectangular shape, cleaning surface with
compressed air, applying epoxy grout and finishing it with
suitable tools with minimum 3mm thickness. Complete
job is inclusive of scaffolding, as required.)
033080 Supplying and applying magnesium poly phosphate based Sqm 6925.79
concrete fast repair epoxy for providing bonding to all
construction materials, such as steel, glass, wood or
concrete. (Complete job includes removing loose, chip
substances, cleaning area with damped cloth and
subsequently cleaning with compressed air. Applying
epoxy and finishing smooth the repaired area with
suitable tools etc. job includes providing scaffolding etc.,
wherever required.)
033090 Supplying and applying gun grade, poly urethane grade metre 225.80
crack sealer for filling cracks in concrete, metals, plastic,
wood etc. (Complete job includes cleaning surface,
applying surface activation agent and applying sealer
agent, finishing and smoothening with proper tools.)
412972905.xlsx Page 20 of 319 Chapter-3
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
033100 Supplying and applying bisphenol polyurethane coating of Sqm 12038.95
100% solid epoxy compound for repairs of leaky
metal/concrete water storage tanks. (Complete job : Tank
surface should be identified & cleaned by suitable water
based Bio- Degradable Cleaner. It should be abrasive
blasted to a near metal finish alongwith application of
priming coat. Ferro Silicone based epoxy compound be
applied on built-up surface upto minimum thickness of
3mm and top coat of bisphenol polyurethane coating to
be applied upto thickness of 500 microns. Entire coated
surface be inspected using NDT-pin Hole Detector.)
033110 Supplying and applying two components anti-slip epoxy Sqm 7462.64
coating (as per IR Standard Specifications) which should
withstand heavy vehicular and pedestrian traffic and
should adhere to metal, wood and concrete surfaces. It
should be chemical resistant. The job includes priming of
surface with suitable primer, abrasive cleaning of surface,
followed by cleaning with solvents.
033130 Supplying & mixing high range poly carboxylate ether Kg 107.86
base water reducing admixture Plast Super- C700
conforming to IS:9103-1999 (to be added @ 1% by
weight of cement) for CC & RCC work for controlling
water cement ratio and for gaining early strength
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
042023 Extra for shuttering in circular work (20% of respective Sqm 20%
centering and shuttering items)
042024 Small lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span, moulding as in Sqm 114.59
cornices, window sills, string courses, bands, copings, bed
plates, anchor blocks and items of similar shape and size
042025 Edges of slabs and beams in floors and walls under 20 cm metre 90.60
042026 Edges of slabs and beams in floors and walls above 20 cm Sqm 421.60
042027 Cornices and mouldings Sqm 553.24
042028 Small surfaces such as cantilever ends, brackets and ends Sqm 395.53
of steps, caps and bases to pilasters and columns and items
of similar shape and size
042029 Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc. including edges Sqm 442.70
042030 Extra for additional height in centering, shuttering wherever Sqm 100.20
required with adequate bracing, propping etc. including cost
of de-shuttering and de-centering at all levels, over a
height of 3.5m, for every additional height of 1 metre or
part thereof in Suspended floors, roofs, landing, beams and
balconies (Plan area to be measured).
042040 Supplying and applying shuttering oil for mould releasing, Sqm 8.27
having (Flash point 54 degree C and specific gravity
0.88±0.02) for concrete formwork to be applied either by
brush or with spray machine to the entire satisfaction of
Engineer Incharge
PRE-CAST R.C.C. (Cast at site )
043010 Providing, hoisting and fixing in position upto floor two level
M20 Grade precast RCC work including setting in cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and finishing
smooth with 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3
fine sand) on exposed surfaces complete including cost of
centering, shuttering, finishing, Admixtures in
recommended proportion (as per IS:9103) to accelerate,
retard setting of concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability, excluding cost of cement
and steel reinforcement, as per approved plan & direction
of Engineer incharge.
043011 In string courses, bands, coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, cum 3671.48 4.04 or as
appd in
plain window sills, and the like
design mix
043012 In small lintels upto 1.50m clear span cum 4619.73 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043013 In lintels, beams, bressumers cum 5527.64 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043014 In Shelves, cantilevers, chajjas, sunshades etc. cum 4582.82 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
412972905.xlsx Page 23 of 319 Chapter-4
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
043015 In slabs for drain covers, manhole covers, flue tops etc. cum 3791.85 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043016 In vertical and horizontal fins individually or forming box cum 7769.73 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043017 In mouldings as in cornices, window sills etc. cum 5676.14 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043018 In door and window frames cum 4082.45 4.04 or as
appd in
design mix
043019 In blocks of complicated design such as C blocks of cabins, cum 6180.47 4.04 or as
appd in
Platform walls etc.
design mix
043020 Providing, hoisting and fixing in position M25 Grade cum 3556.07 4.34 or as
appd in
Reinforced cement concrete in Precast standard Platform
design mix
wall sections, including the cost of centering, shuttering,
finishing, Admixtures in recommended proportion (as per IS
9103) to accelerate, retard setting of concrete, improve
workability without impairing strength and durability but
excluding the cost of cement and steel reinforcement, as
per approved plan & as per direction of the Engineer
044020 Extra for providing and fixing expanded metal mesh of size Sqm 331.41
20x60mm and strands 3.25 mm wide 1.6mm thick
weighing 3.64kg. per sqm for encasing of rolling steel
sections/built up sections in beams, columns and grillages
excluding cost of hangers.
044021 Encasing RS or rail section with 12mm mesh rabbit wire Sqm 453.37
including cost of rabbit wire.
045010 Supplying Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and
binding all complete.
045011 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars Kg 52.65
045012 Hard drawn steel wire Kg 65.29
045013 Cold twisted bars Kg 55.58
045014 High yield strength deformed bars Kg 55.58
045015 Hard drawn steel wire fabric Kg 72.41
045016 Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars Kg 55.58
412972905.xlsx Page 24 of 319 Chapter-4
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
045020 Supplying anti corrosive reinforcement bars with fusion
bonded epoxy coating after sand blasting, cleaning,
induction, heating etc. of the reinforcement bars complete
as per specification. including cutting, bending, placing in
position and binding all complete.
047030 Providing and filling in position bitumen mix filler of per cm 243.71
proportion 80kg of hot bitumen, 1kg of cement and depth/c
0.25cum of coarse sand for expansion joints. m
047040 Providing and fixing in position 12mm thick bitumen per cm 1016.44
impregnated fibre board conforming to IS: 1838 including depth/
cost of primer, sealing compound in 100m
047050 Providing and fixing sheet covering over expansion joints
with iron screws as per design to match the colour/ shade
of wall treatment.
047051 Non-Asbestos sheet 6mm thick, 150mm wide metre 69.89
047052 Non-Asbestos sheet 6mm thick, 200mm wide metre 93.96
412972905.xlsx Page 25 of 319 Chapter-4
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
047053 Aluminium fluted strips 3.15mm thick, 150mm wide metre 386.21
047054 Aluminium fluted strips 3.15mm thick, 200mm wide metre 508.02
048010 Extra for laying reinforced cement concrete in or under cum/m 28.35
water and / or liquid mud including cost of pumping out depth
water and removing slush etc. complete. Note : The
quantity will be calculated by multiplying the depth
measured from the subsoil water level upto the centre of
gravity of the R.C.C. in cubic metre executed under subsoil
water. The depth of centre of gravity shall be reckoned
correct to 0.1m, 0.05m or more shall be taken as 0.1m and
less than 0.05m ignored. No extra payment shall be made
for placing the reinforcement or centrring or shuttering
under the sub soil water level.
048020 Extra for laying reinforced cement concrete in or under foul cum/m 98.52
position depth
048030 Supplying cement / epoxy grout and sealing of cracks by
injection process through nipples with pressure of at least
1.4 kg/sqm till the grout comes out through adjacent
nipples, complete as per specification
048031 Using cement grout kg 102.25
048032 Using epoxy grout as per manufacturer’s specification kg. 688.41
048040 Supplying, fitting and fixing nipples with approved fixing Each 136.97 As per site
compound after making grooves 10mm wide and 10mm
deep, drilling holes for grouting along cracks in CC/ RCC
structures, sealing of grooves including subsequent cutting/
removal and sealing of the holes of nipples after grouting
by the approved fixing compound, complete as per
048050 Supplying and applying epoxy mortars (average thickness Sqm 3271.84
5mm) over leached, honey combed, spalled concrete
surface and exposed steel reinforcement after thorough
cleaning of the exposed concrete/ reinforcement with wire
brush, etc. complete as per specification. Note: This item is
to be paid for only where concreting of the defective work
was not the responsibility of the same contractor.
412972905.xlsx Page 26 of 319 Chapter-4
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
048060 Providing and fixing shear anchors made of HTS bars of
required dia, shape & design & fixing by drilling holes in the
existing concrete/masonary to bond new work with the old
work. Shear anchors to be provided at specified distance.
These anchors will be embedded as per drawing inside
existing concrete/masonary and will be fixed by Polymer
based ready grouts as per manufacture’s specification to
ensure proper bonding with old structures. The shear
anchor will be as per drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-
048090 Extra for making anti-slip grooves in RCC staircase 3mm Sqm 183.39
wide and 3mm deep
048100 Keeping holes for holding down bolts in foundation blocks Each 44.95
or bed blocks
048110 Grouting of holding down bolts with cement mortar in Each 46.23 0.002
foundation blocks or bed blocks.
048120 Manufacturing, supplying & fixing of pr-fabricated RCC Each 1627.19
coping stone of size 530mm x 1125mm x 100mm thick as
per top face designed and approved by site Engineer with
M-30 grade RCC with 8 mm dia. tor steel at 150mm c/c
both ways and manufactured by vibro compaction process
using jointless FRP/GRP steel moulds of required size,
shape & design. The item includes cost of cement,
reinforcement, transportation etc. (Note : Under layer of
cement mortar to be laid as per site conditions & should be
paid for separately)
048130 Supplying & applying with mechanical sprayer water-based Sqm 40.85
concrete curing compound (membrane curing) covering
3.5 to 5 sqm of surface area per litre of compound. It
should give 75% or more curing efficiency when tested to
BS 7542 & comply with BS 8110 Part-I, Clause 6.63(c)
412972905.xlsx Page 27 of 319 Chapter-4
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
New Items To Be Added By Zonal Railways
412972905.xlsx Page 28 of 319 Chapter-5
051011 Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1 cement : 1 lime putty : 6 fine cum 3429.37 0.625
051012 Cement lime mortar 1:2:9 (1 cement : 2 lime putty : 9 fine cum 3504.42 0.425
051013 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) cum 3288.65 1.270
051014 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) cum 3287.46 0.950
051015 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) cum 3169.92 0.625
051016 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) cum 3017.08 1.270
051017 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 3167.91 0.950
051018 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 3167.91 0.625
051019 In mud mortar. (with contractor's Mud) cum 2786.79
051020 Brick work with modular bricksof class designation 7.5 in
foundation and plinth in :
051021 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) cum 2474.50 1.120
051022 Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) cum 2474.50 0.840
051023 Cement Mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) cum 2474.50 0.550
051024 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) cum 2321.66 1.120
051025 Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 2474.50 0.840
051026 Cement Mortar 1:6 (1cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 2474.50 0.550
051030 Brick work with machine moulded perforated bricks of class
designation 12.5 conforming to IS: 2222 - 1991 in
superstructure from beyond plinth level upto 6m above plinth
level in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
051110 Constructing tharry (Platform) with bricksof class designation Sqm 567.56 0.313
7.5 laidon edge in cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse
sand), cement pointing 1: 2 (1 Cement : 2 fine sand)
including necessary excavation and 10cm bedof cement
concrete 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5 fine sand :10 graded stone
aggregate, 40mm nominal size) complete.
051120 Extra for forming cavity 5cm to 7.5cm wide in cavity walls Sqm 67.38
with necessary weep and vent holes including useof cores and
costof providing and fixing bitumastic coated M .S. ties
300mm long of 25x3mm section at not less than 3 ties per
sqm as per approved design
051130 Providing half brick masonry with FPS bricks of class metre 134.45 1.430
designation 7.5 in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse
sand) in superstructure for closing cavity 5 to 7.5cm wide in
cavity wall complete with 10cm / 11.4cm wide bitumen felt
type 3 grade1.
051140 Brick work 7 cm thick with bricksof class designation 7.5 in Sqm 288.31 0.092
cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand) in
051150 Brick work in plain arches in superstructure including centring cum 5304.93 1.280
and shuttering complete for span upto 6 metres with bricksof
class designation 7.5 in cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3
051160 sand) Brick work in gauged arches in superstructure in cum 6327.49 1.280
cement mortar 1:3 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand) including
centring and shuttering complete, for span upto 6 meters with
bricks of class designation 7.5.
051170 Extra for additional costof centring/shuttering for arches Sqm 340.11
exceeding 6m span including all shuttering, bolting, wedging
and removal (Areaof the soffit to be measured)
051180 Half brick masonry with bricksof class designation 7.5 in
foundations and plinth in :
051181 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) Sqm 375.94 0.143
051182 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) Sqm 375.95 0.106
051190 Extra for half Brick masonry in superstructure above plinth Sqm 46.67
level upto floor two level
051200 Extra for half brick masonry in superstructure above floor two Sqm 17.28
level for every floor or part thereof.
051210 Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos. 6mm dia. Sqm 0.13
M.S.bars at every third courseof half brick masonry (with
non-modular (FPS) bricks) including cost of M.S. bars
051220 Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos. 6mm dia. Sqm 59.49
M.S.bars at every third courseof half brick masonry (with
modular bricks) including cost of M.S. bars.
051230 Providing brick band/string course 10/7 cm thick 5/5.7 cm metre 7.08 Extra
projected from wall face, in bricksof class designation 7.5 laid 0.004
in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
412972905.xlsx Page 30 of 319 Chapter-5
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
052010 Tile brick masonry with tile bricksof class designation 10 in
foundation and plinth in :
052011 Lime mortar 1:1:1 (1 lime putty : 1 surkhi : 1 fine sand) cum 4625.03
052012 Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1 cement : 1 lime putty : 6 fine cum 3975.57 1.000
052013 Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1 cement : 1 lime putty : 6 coarse cum 3986.02 1.000
052014 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) cum 3562.31 2.040
052015 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) cum 3562.31 1.520
052016 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) cum 3562.31 1.000
052017 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) cum 3562.17 2.040
052018 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 3562.31 1.520
052019 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 3562.31 1.000
052020 Tile brick masonry with machine moulded tile bricks of class
designation 12.5 conforming to IS : 2690 (Part I) - 1992 in
foundation and plinth in:
052021 cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 4916.04 1.000
052022 cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 4916.64 1.520
052030 Extraover item 052011 to 052019 for tile bricks masonry with cum 446.24
tile bricksof class designation 10 in superstructure beyond
plinth level upto floor two level.
052040 Extraover item 052011 to 052019 for tile brick masonry with cum 244.12
tile bricksof class designation 10 in superstructure above floor
two level for every floor or part thereof
052050 Deduct from items 052011 to 052019 if tile bricksof class cum 1353.73
designation 7.5 are specifiedor permitted by engineer instead
of classdesignation 10 :
052060 Extraover Item (Item 052011 and 052021) for tile brick cum 317.67
masonry in square or rectangular pillars.
052070 Extraover items 052011 and 052021 for tile brick masonry cum 503.63
curvedon plan upto a mean radius not exceeding 6 metres.
052080 Tile brick masonry with tile bricksof class designation 10 in cum 5738.27 1.520
plain arch work in superstructure in cement mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 coarse sand) including centring and shuttering
052090 Tile brick masonry with tile bricksof class designation 10 in cum 6664.92 1.330
gauged arch work in superstructure in cement mortar 1:4 (1
Cement : 4 coarse sand) including centring and shuttering
052100 Tile brick masonry work 5cm thick with tile bricksof class Sqm 233.31 0.077
designation 10 in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) in superstructure.
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
053010 Honey-comb brick work 10/11.4 cm thick with bricksof class Sqm 245.40 0.066
designation 7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse
053020 Honey-comb brick work 20/23 cm thick with bricks of class Sqm 490.79 0.132
designation 7.5 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse
054010 Moulding and cornices with brick masonry in cement mortar metre 1.68 Extra
1:4 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand) (girth to be measured in cm /c m 0.004
and length in running metre) girth
054020 Extra for laying brick work inor under water and/or liquid mud cum/ 283.53
including costof pumpingor bailingout water and removing m
slush etc. complete depth
054030 Extra for laying brick work in or under foul position cum 98.52
055010 Brick work with selected non-modular (FPS) bricks of class
designation 7.5 in Exposed brickwork including making
horizontal and vertical grooves 10mm wide, 12mm deep
complete from ground level upto plinth level in cement mortar
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
055050 Brickwork with machine moulded / perforated non- modular
(FPS) bricksof class designation 12.5 conforming to IS :
2222-1991 in Exposed brick work including making horizontal
and vertical grooves 10 mm wide 12mm deep complete from
ground level upto plinth level in cement mortar
055071 Cement lime mortar 1:2:9 (1cement: 2 lime putty: 9fine cum 3340.85 0.425
055072 Cement lime mortar 1:1:6 (1cement: 1lime putty: 6coarse cum 3271.17 0.625
055073 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand). cum 3006.35 0.950
055074 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand). cum 3006.35 0.625
055075 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). cum 3006.35 0.950
055076 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 coarse sand). cum 3006.35 0.625
055080 Extra for exposed brickwork / clay fly ash brickwork in cum 324.06
superstructure above floor two level, for every floor or part
055090 Brickwork with modular fly ash lime bricks (FALG Bricks)
conforming to IS:12894–1989, class designation 10 in
superstructure above plinth level upto floor two level in :
055091 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 2847.51 0.836
055092 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) cum 2847.51 0.836
055093 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 2847.51 0.550
055094 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) cum 2847.51 0.550
Note for item No. 055090 : These items will be operatedonly
for load bearing structure upto 2 storeys and for non-load
bearing walls 23cm thick in multi-storeyed building
055101 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 4109.83 0.836
055102 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) cum 4109.83 0.836
055103 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) cum 4109.83 0.55
055104 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand) cum 4109.83 0.55
055110 Brick work with modular extruded burnt fly ash clay sewer
bricks (conforming to IS: 4885 – 1988) in foundation and
412972905.xlsx Page 33 of 319 Chapter-5
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
055111 Cement mortar 1:4(1 cement : 4 coarse sand) cum 4067.04 0.836
055112 Cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 fine sand) cum 4215.95 0.682
055120 Brick work with modular extruded burnt fly ash sewer bricks cum 6618.21 1.120
(conforming to IS: 4885 – 1988) in arches in foundation and
plinth in cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand)
055130 Deduct from any brickwork item, if bricks (FPS) supplied by Cum 2215.59
055140 Deduct from any brickwork item, if brickbats supplied by cum 454.48
055150 Joining old brickwork with new brickwork Sqm 78.68 0.020
056010 Cement Concrete Hollow Block Masonry in foundation and
plinth with:(factory made blocks)
056011 Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) cum 4956.77 As Per Site
056012 Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand) cum 4956.77 As Per Site
056013 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand) cum 4956.77 As Per Site
056014 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6fine sand) cum 4956.77 As Per Site
056020 Extraover Item 056010 for Cement Concrete Hollow Block cum 420.08
masonry in superstructure above plinth level upto floor two
056030 Extraover Item 056010 for Cement Concrete Hollow Block cum 324.06
masonry in superstructure above floor two level for every
floor or part thereof
056040 Cement Concrete Solid Block Masonry in foundation and plinth
with:(factory made blocks)
056041 Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) cum 5761.69 As Per Site
056042 Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand) cum 5761.69 As Per Site
056043 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand) cum 5761.69 As Per Site
056044 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6fine sand) cum 5761.69 As Per Site
056050 Extraover Item 056040 for Cement Concrete Solid Block cum 519.16
masonry in superstructure above plinth level upto floor two
056060 Extraover Item 056040 for Cement Concrete Solid Block cum 388.87
masonry in superstructure above floor two level for every
floor or part thereof
057010 Reinforced brickwork with well burnt bricks in lintels and cum 5699.55 1.610
shelves with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand)
including centering and shuttering and fabricationof steel
reinforcement complete. (Reinforcement to be paid
412972905.xlsx Page 34 of 319 Chapter-5
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
057020 Cutting vertical/horizontal/sloping chase inold brickwork upto metre 89.35 0.020
10X10 Cm and making good the same with CC 1:2:4 or CM
1:2 as per site conditions
057030 Making holes inold brick walls upto 15 cm square, fixing bolts Each 80.57 0.010
clamps etc and making good the same with CC 1:2:4 or CM
1:2 as per site conditions
057040 Cutting holes, 0.1 sqm size, for bathroom drains, exhaust fan
holesor for similar purposes etc including repairs
057041 In 10/11.5cm thick walls Each 10.13 0.010
057042 In 20/23cm thick walls Each 20.26 0.020
057043 In 30/34.5cm thick walls Each 26.66 0.030
057050 Strippingoff / Chipping and cleaning bricks recovered from 1000 288.05
dismantled masonry including stacking Nos.
Rate Qty.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) (qtl.)
057120 Making plinth protection with bricksof class designation 75
laidon edge in cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand)
with 12mm thick bedof cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse
sand)over 75mm bedof cement dry brick aggregate 40mm
nominal size rammed, consolidated and grouted with fine
sand and the topof bricks pointed with cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3fine sand.)
057140 Edging with bricks laid dry length wise( App 7.5cm deep)
including excavation, refilling, consolidating with hand packing
and spreading neatly surplus earth within a lead of 50metres
057141 7.5 class designation, non-modular (FPS) / modular bricks metre 26.17
057142 5 class designation, non-modular (FPS) / modular bricks metre 24.43
057150 Providing brick edging (with bricksof class designation 7.5) metre 72.55
22.5 cm wide and 11.5 cm deep laid dry including excavation
refilling and disposal of surplus earth within 50m
057160 Providing toothed (diagonal) brick edging (with bricksof class metre 35.88
designation 7.5) laid dry along paths etc with FPS/ Modular
057170 Providing and fixing 50mmoverall thickness, non- asbestos Sqm 2643.06
fibre reinforced aerated cement sandwich modules madeoutof
light weight fibre reinforced aerated cement concrete core
composedof portland cement, fly ash, binders etc. and 4mm
thick non- asbestos fiber cement boards conforming to
IS:14862-2000 and ISO 8336-1993 (E)on either side of the
core having a tongue and grooveon longitudinal side of the
modules. These solid wall panel modules are installed using
galvanised iron steel channels 1.0mm thick andof size 15 x 50
x 25 mm as bottom track; size 38 x 50 x 38mm as top track
for fixing to floor and topof wall respectively including all
necessary material required for groutingof joints, fixtures
etc. complete as per directionsof engineer in charge. (for
payment net area of wall to be measured)
061011 Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement:3 fine sand) cum 2415.59 1.680
061012 Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement:4 fine sand) cum 2415.59 1.250
061013 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand) cum 2436.90 0.830
061014 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6fine sand) cum 2436.90 0.830
061015 Lime mortar 1:1:1(1lime putty: 1surkhi: 1 fine sand ) cum 3313.65
061016 Cement Lime mortar 1:1:6(1Cement: 1Lime: 6 fine sand) cum 2756.54 0.775
061020 Extra for random rubble masonry with hard stone in cum 461.55
superstructure above plinth level up to floor two level,
including levelling up with concrete as per specifications,
at window sills, ceiling level and the like
061030 Extra for random rubble masonry with hard stone in :
061031 Square or rectangular pillars cum 225.40
061032 Circular pillars cum 779.38
061033 Extra for random rubble masonry with hard stone, curved cum 293.91
on plan for a mean radius not exceeding 6m
062010 Coursed rubble masonry(1st sort) with hard stone in
foundation and plinth with :
062011 Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) cum 2897.11 1.530
062012 Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand) cum 2897.11 1.130
062013 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand) cum 2902.84 0.750
062014 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6fine sand) cum 2897.11 0.750
062015 Lime mortar 1:1:1(1lime putty: 1surkhi: 1fine sand) cum 3694.15
062016 Cement Lime mortar1:1:6(1Cement: 1Lime: 6 fine sand) cum 3207.05 0.705
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
062026 Cement Lime mortar1:1:6(1Cement: 1Lime: 6 sand cum 2991.56 0.705
062030 Extra for coursed rubble masonry with hard stone (first or cum 394.63
second sort) in superstructure above plinth level up to
floor two level
062040 Extra for coursed rubble masonry with hard stone (first or cum 216.04
second sort) in superstructure above floor two level for
every floor or part thereof
062050 Extra for coursed rubble masonry with hard stone (first or
second sort) in :
062051 Square or rectangular pillars cum 251.33
062052 Circular pillars cum 881.88
062060 Extra for coursed rubble masonry(first or second sort) cum 321.35
with hard stone curved on plan for a mean radius not
exceeding 6m
063010 Laterite Masonry in foundation and plinth with :
063011 Cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3 fine sand) cum 1962.24 1.530
063012 Cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4 fine sand) cum 1962.24 1.130
063013 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6 coarse sand) cum 1962.24 0.750
063014 Cement mortar 1:6 (1cement: 6 fine sand) cum 1962.24 0.750
063015 Lime mortar 1:1:1(1lime putty: 1surkhi: 1fine sand) cum 2440.46
063016 Cement Lime mortar1:1:6( 1Cement: 1Lime: 6 sand cum 2148.21 0.705
063020 Extra for Laterite Masonry in superstructure above plinth cum 244.16
level upto floor two level
063030 Extra for Laterite Masonry in superstructure above floor cum 240.23
two level for every floor or part thereof
063040 Extra for Laterite masonry in :
063041 Square or rectangular pillars cum 139.71
063042 Circular pillars cum 402.44
063050 Extra for Laterite masonry curved on plan for a mean cum 213.02
radius not exceeding 6m
064010 Stone work plain ashlar in superstructure upto floor two
level in cement mortar 1:6(1cement: 6coarse sand)
including pointing with cement
064011 Red Sand stone cum 30014.50 0.490
064012 White Sand stone cum 33251.48 0.490
064020 Stone work plain ashlar in superstructure upto floor two
level in cement mortar 1:4(1cement: 4coarse sand)
including pointing with cement mortar 1:2(1white
cement: 2stone dust) with an admixture of pigment
matching the stone shade
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
064022 White sand stone cum 32925.53 0.690
064030 Stone work plain ashlar in arches in cement mortar
1:3(1cement: 3coarse sand) including centring,
shuttering and pointing with white cement mortar
1:2(1white cement: 2stone dust) with an admixture of
pigment matching the stone shade
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
065013 Red sand stone, 50mm thick Sqm 2153.08 0.045
065014 Red sand stone, 40mm thick Sqm 1955.86 0.045
065015 Red sand stone, 30mm thick Sqm 1759.23 0.045
065020 Stone work(white sand stone) for wall lining etc. (veneer
work) over 12mm thick bed of cement lime mortar
1:1:6(1cement: 1lime putty: 6fine sand) including
pointing in white cement mortar 1:2(1white cement:
2stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the
stone shade. (To be secured to the backing by means of
cramps this shall be paid for separately)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
065080 Providing and fixing horizontal chajja of stone 40mm thick
and upto 80cm projection exposed surface well dressed
on both sides, in cement mortar 1:4(1cement: 4coarse
sand) including pointing in white cement mortar
1:2(1cement: 2stone dust) with an admixture of pigment
matching the stone shade
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
065141 Drains Sqm 261.09 0.010
065142 Flue tops Sqm 260.56 0.020
065150 Providing and fixing stone jali 40mm thick
throughout(without sunking and moulding in jali slab) in
cement mortar 1:3(1cement: 3coarse sand) including
pointing in white cement mortar 1:2(1white cement :
2stone dust) with an admixture of pigment, matching
stone shade, jali slab without any chamfers etc.
065180 Wall lining butch work upto 10m height with Dholpur Sqm 1508.81 0.155
stone 40mm thick rough facing on the exposed surface
with stone strips of minimum length 230mm and required
width including embedding every tenth layer and bottom
most layer in masonry or concrete after making
necessary chases of size 75x75mm and by providing layer
of 75mm thick strips including 12mm thick bed of cement
mortar 1:3(1cement: 3coarse sand) including ruled
pointing in cement mortar 1:2(1white cement: 2stone
dust) with an admixture of pigment to match the shade of
stone complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-
065190 Stone work for wall lining upto 10m height etc. (veneer Sqm 1396.08 0.137
work) over 12mm thick bed of cement mortar
1:3(1cement: 3coarse sand) and jointed with grey
cement slurry @ 3.30kg/ Sqm. including rubbing and
polishing complete.(To be secured to the backing by
means of cramps which shall be paid for separately) Kota
stone slabs rough chiseled, 25mm thick
065200 Stone tile work for wall lining upto 10m height with
special adhesive like araldite or equivalent over 12mm
thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand)
including pointing in white cement with an admixture of
pigment to match the stone shade
065201 8mm thick(mirror polishing and machine cut edge) Sqm 1714.85 0.077
Granite black stone
065202 8mm thick(mirror polishing and machine cut edge) Sqm 1492.48 0.077
Granite brown Ruby Red stone
065203 8mm thick(mirror polishing and machine cut edge) Raj Sqm 1464.84 0.077
Nagar white stone
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
065210 Extra for stone work for wall lining on exterior walls of Sqm 61.07
height more than 10m from ground level for every
additional height of 3m or part
065220 Dry rubble masonry in retaining walls, toe walls etc. cum 1809.04
065230 Bevelling edge in Red Ashlars
065231 Bevelling edge 2.5cmx2.5cm metre 7.93
065232 Bevelling edge 7.5cmx7.5cm metre 15.85
065240 Bevelling edge in White Ashlars
065241 Bevelling edge 2.5cmx2.5cm metre 10.57
065242 Bevelling edge 7.5cmx7.5cm metre 21.14
065250 Cutting groove, rough dressed in masonry
065251 Girth not exceeding 15cm metre 34.21
065252 Girth exceeding 15cm but not exceeding 30cm metre 48.61
065253 Girth exceeding 30cm metre 68.41
065260 Cutting groove, well dressed instead of rough dressed
065261 Girth not exceeding 15cm metre 51.85
065262 Girth exceeding 15cm but not exceeding 30cm metre 73.74
065263 Girth exceeding 30cm metre 103.70
065270 Drilling or cutting holes in hard stone:
065271 Upto 20 mm dia metre 193.07
065272 Exceeding 20 mm and upto 40 mm dia metre 237.38
065280 Cutting figures/letters in hard stone upto 80 mm height Each 24.96
(depth of cut 6mm)
065290 Extra over item 065280 for cutting figures/letters in hard Each 4.24
stone over 80 mm height for every additional 20 mm or
part thereof.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
072014 Kiln seasoned and chemically treated hollock wood, Sqm 917.15
30mm thick
072015 Kail, venteak, pillamarudhu or locally available Sqm 1411.59
comparable species of good country wood(to be listed by
respective railway). 35mm thick
072016 Kail, venteak, pillamarudhu or locally available Sqm 1299.67
comparable species of good country wood(to be listed by
respective railway). 30mm thick
072020 Providing and fixing panelling/glazing or panelling and
glazing in panelled/ glazed or panelled and glazed
shutters for doors, windows and clerestory
windows(Area of opening for panel inserts excluding
portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured).
Panelling/glazing for panelled/ glazed or panelled and
glazed shutters 25mm to 40mm thick
072031 Particle board 12mm thick. flat pressed 3layer (like Sqm 767.37
Novapan, Ecoboard etc.) or graded wood particle
board(like Bhutan Board) medium density Grade-I, IS:
3087 marked
072032 Particle board 12mm thick. Veneered particle board with Sqm 1071.09
commercial veneering on both sides conforming to IS:
072033 Prelaminated particle board 12mm thick, with decorative Sqm 1362.34
lamination on one side and balancing lamination on
other side Grade-I, Type-II IS: 12823 marked
412972905.xlsx Page 45 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
072034 Prelaminated Particle board 12mm thick with decorative Sqm 1362.34
lamination on both sides, Grade-I, Type-II IS: 12823
072035 Coir veneer board(conforming to IS : 14842- 2000) Sqm 943.12
8mm thick
072036 Coir veneer board(conforming to IS : 14842- 2000) Sqm 1178.89
12mm thick
072037 Glazing with float glass panes 4mm thick (10kg/sqm) Sqm 435.16
072040 Extra for providing heavy float glass panes 13.75kg/ Sqm 12.78
Sqm.(5.5mm thick) instead of ordinary float glass panes
10kg sqm.(4mm thick), in doors, windows and clerestory
window shutters. (Area of opening for glass panes
excluding portion inside rebate shall be measured)
072060 Deduct for providing pin headed glass panes instead of Sqm 243.92
ordinary glass panes weighing 10kg/ Sqm.(4mm thick)
in doors, windows and clerestory windows, shutters(Area
of opening for glass panes excluding portion inside
rebate shall be measured)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
072090 Providing and fixing wire gauge shutter using galvanized
M.S. wire gauge of average width of aperture 1.4mm
with wire of dia 0.63mm for doors, windows and
clerestory windows including ISI marked bright finished
or black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with necessary
072100 Extra over Item 072090 for providing SS wire gauge Sqm 180.03
instead of Galvanised MS wire gauge
072110 Deduct from Item no 072020 & 072090 if fixed Sqm 56.98
shutters(without hinges) are provided instead of
openable shutters for doors, windows or clerestory
072120 Extra for providing ISI marked stainless steel butt hinges
instead of black enamelled M.S. butt hinges with
necessary screws.(Shutter area to be measured)
072121 For 35mm thick shutters Sqm 133.06
072122 For 30mm thick shutters Sqm 91.18
072123 For 25mm thick shutters Sqm 60.79
072130 Extra for providing ISI marked bright finished brass butt
hinges with screws instead of black enamelled M.S. butt
hinges with necessary screws. (Shutter area to be
072131 For 35mm thick shutters Sqm 308.61
072132 For 30mm thick shutters Sqm 115.03
072140 Providing and fixing to IS: 2202 Part-1 marked flush
door shutter decorative type, core of block board
construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well
matched teak 3ply veneering with vertical grains or
cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters
072141 35mm thick including ISI marked stainless steel butt Sqm 2006.17
hinges with necessary screws
072142 30mm thick including ISI marked stainless steel butt Sqm 1826.14
hinges with necessary screws
412972905.xlsx Page 47 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
072143 25mm thick(for cupboard) including ISI marked nickel Sqm 1657.57
plated bright finished M.S. piano hinges IS: 3818
marked with necessary screws
072150 Providing and fixing flush door shutters to IS: 2202 Part-
I non-decorative type, core of block board construction
with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched
commercial 3ply veneering with vertical grains or cross
bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters
072151 35mm thick including ISI marked stainless steel butt Sqm 1263.98
hinges with necessary screws
072152 30mm thick including ISI marked stainless steel butt Sqm 1229.13
hinges with necessary screws
072153 25mm thick(for cupboard) including ISI marked nickel Sqm 1124.44
plated bright finished M.S. piano hinges with necessary
072160 Extra for providing and fixing flush doors with teak Sqm 452.99
veneering on one side in item No.072150
072170 Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood Sqm 413.49
battens 25mm minimum depth on all edges of
shutters(over all area of door shutters to be measured)
072180 Extra for providing vision panel not exceeding 0.1 sqm in
all type of flush door shutters including providing and
fixing glass panes in the panel. area of vision panel to be
072181 Rectangular or square Sqm 135.90
072182 Circular Sqm 185.84
072190 Extra if louvers(not exceeding 0.2Sqm) are provided in
flush door shutters(overall area of door shutters to be
072191 (a) In 2nd class teak wood Sqm 545.91
072192 b) In commercial quality timber Sqm 406.53
072200 Extra for cutting rebate in flush door shutters (total area Sqm 94.08
of the shutters to be measured)
072210 Providing and fixing magic eye piece 25mm size in all Each 377.49
type of door shutters Shutters With Cupboard etc.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
073020 Providing and fixing 25mm thick glazed shutters for cup
board etc. including ISI marked black stone enamelled
MS hinges with necessary screws including glazed panels
with 4mm float glass
073021 Second class teak wood Sqm 1855.18
073030 Providing and fixing 25mm thick cup board shutters , Sqm 2642.74
with prelaminated flat pressed 3 layer particle board
conforming to IS 12823 -Grade I, having one side
decorative lamination of approved shade and other side
balancing lamination including second class teak wood
lipping 25x12mm thick with necessary screws and nickel
plated bright finished MS piano hinges
073041 With teak veneering on one side and commercial Sqm 3051.42
veneering on other side
073042 With commercial veneering on both sides Sqm 2169.54
073050 Extra if ISI marked anodised aluminium butt hinges with Sqm 147.96
necessary screws are used in place of ISI marked black
enamelled MS butt hinges with necessary screws
074010 Providing 50x50x50mm 2nd class teak wood plugs Each 12.87 0.001
including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar
1:3(1cement: 3fine sand) and making good the walls
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074040 Providing and fixing flat pressed 3 layer particle board
medium density exterior grade(Grade-I) (like Novapan,
Ecoboard etc.) or graded wood particle board(like
Bhutan Board) IS: 3087 marked, to frame, backing or
studding with screws etc. complete(frame, backing or
studding to be paid separately)
412972905.xlsx Page 50 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074041 12mm thick Sqm 500.43
074042 18mm thick Sqm 596.78
074050 Providing & fixing prelaminated particle board with one
side decorative & other side balancing lamination Grade-
I, Type-II IS: 12823 marked in shelves with screws and
M.S. or aluminium brackets wherever required, edges to
be painted with polyurethene primer(Brackets to be paid
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074100 Providing and fixing plain non-asbestos cement sheet Sqm 349.21
6mm thick(high pressure steam cured as per IS:14862-
2000) in partitions including fixing to frames with brass
screws etc., complete with 50mm x 12mm deodarwood
beading(frames to be paid separately)
074110 Providing and fixing wooden planks in floors, shelves,
lofts, decking of bridges, etc., with Kail, venteak,
pillamarudhu or locally available comparable species of
good country wood(to be listed by respective Railways)
074140 Providing and fixing plain jaffri of 35x10mm laths placed Sqm 758.33
35mm apart(frames to be paid separately) including
fixing 50x12mm beading complete with: Kail, venteak,
pillamarudhu or locally available comparable species of
good country wood(to be listed by respective railway)
412972905.xlsx Page 52 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074150 Providing and fixing 18mm thick, 150mm wide pelmet of metre 362.77 0.000
flat pressed 3 layer(like Novapan, Ecoboard etc.) or
graded wood particle board(like Bhutan board) medium
density grade-I, IS: 3087 marked including top cover of
6mm commercial ply wood, nickel plated M.S. pipe
20mm dia (heavy type) curtain rod with nickel plated
brackets including fixing with 25x3mm M.S. flat 10cm
long and rawl plugs 50mm long (designation 10No.) etc.
all complete
074160 Extra for using veneered particle board in item of pelmet metre 117.08
18mm thick 150mm wide
074170 Providing and fixing 18mm thick, 150mm wide pelmet of
coir veneer board ISI marked IS:14842- 2000, including
top cover of 6mm coir veneer board, nickel plated M.S.
pipe 20mm dia(heavy type) curtain rod with nickel
plated brackets including fixing with 25x3mm M.S. flat
10cm long and rawl plugs 50mm long(designation
10No.) etc. all complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074220 Providing and fixing nickel plated M.S. pipe curtain rods
with nickel plated brackets
074221 20mm dia (heavy type) metre 189.78 0.000
074222 50mm dia (heavy type) metre 377.95 0.000
074230 Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in
frames of windows etc. with M.S. flats, square or round
bars etc. all complete
074231 Fixed to steel windows by welding Kg 79.96
074232 Fixed to opening/ wooden frames with rawl plugs screws Kg 81.89
074240 Providing and fixing expanded metal 20x60mm strands
3.25mm wide and 1.6mm thick for windows etc.
074241 With 50x20mm 2nd class teak wood beading Sqm 679.81
074242 With 50x20mm Deodar wood beading Sqm 522.12
074250 Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire fabric
75x25mm mesh of weight not less than 7.75kg sqm. to
windows frames etc.
074251 With 50x20mm 2nd class teak wood beading Sqm 890.84
074252 With 50x20mm 2nd class Deodar wood beading Sqm 722.95
074260 Providing and fixing fly proof galvanized M.S. wire gauge
to windows and clerestory windows using galvanized
M.S. wire gauge with average width of aperture 1.4mm
in both directions with wire of dia 0.63mm
074261 With 2nd class teak wood beading 50x20mm Sqm 597.35
074262 With 12mm mild steel U beading Sqm 414.07
074263 With Deodar wood beading 50x20mm Sqm 417.42
074270 Deduction for fixing 75x25mm hard drawn steel wire Sqm 34.85
fabric of weight not less than 7.75kg sqm. in panelled
and glazed door and window shutters in lieu of 4mm
glass glazing
074280 Providing 40x5mm flat iron hold fast 40cm long including Each 74.68 0.011
fixing to frame with 10mm diameter bolts, nuts and
wooden plugs and embeddings in cement concrete block
30x10x15cm 1:3:6 mix (1cement: 3coarse sand:
6graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074293 Kail, venteak, pillamarudhu or locally available Cum 30659.48
comparable species of good country wood(to be listed by
respective railway)
074294 2nd class teak wood Cum 53643.24
074295 Deodar wood Cum 27105.29
074300 Providing and fixing float glass panes with putty and
nails including removal of old broken panes wherever
074301 Float Glass panes 4mm thick (10kg /sqm) Sqm 700.97
074302 Frosted glass panes 4mm thick (10kg /sqm) Sqm 534.87
074303 Heavy sheet glass panes 5.5mm thick(13.75 Kg/sqm) Sqm 732.91
074310 Providing and fixing float glass panes with 12mm
wooden beading including removal of old broken panes
and old wooden beading wherever necessary
074311 Float Glass panes 4mm thick (10Kgs/Sqm) Sqm 717.81
074312 Frosted glass panes 4mm thick (10Kgs/sqm) Sqm 551.71
074313 Heavy sheet glass panes 5.5mm thick(13.75 Kg/sqm) Sqm 749.75
074320 Providing, erecting and fixing sal ballies in posts, purlins,
rafters, etc., including cost of iron nails and spikes
required and supplying & applying wood preservative to
exposed surfaces :
074321 80mm dia ballies metre 328.71
074322 100mm dia ballies metre 371.55
074323 125mm dia ballies metre 416.93
074324 150mm dia Sal ballies metre 597.75
074325 80mm dia Eucalyptus ballies metre 162.42
074326 100mm dia Eucalyptus ballies metre 179.50
074327 125mm dia Eucalyptus ballies metre 190.18
074328 150mm dia Eucalyptus ballies metre 200.88
074330 Providing, erecting and fixing Ballies of locally available
species approved by the zonal railway in posts, purlins,
rafters, etc., including cost of iron nails and spikes
required, and supplying and applying wood preservative
to exposed surfaces
074331 80mm dia ballies metre 200.75
074332 100mm dia ballies metre 217.83
074333 125mm dia ballies metre 273.23
074334 150mm dia ballies metre 303.09
Note : The diameter shall be the average diameter as
measured at the centre of balli.
074340 Providing and fixing rafters, purlins, ridges, posts, hips, cum 55561.00
wall plates, hand rails in staircase, etc., with:-2nd class
teak wood
412972905.xlsx Page 55 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074350 Providing and fixing decorative laminated plastic veneers
of approved quality and make(e.g. Sunmica, formica or
equivalent) over wooden surfaces, including
smoothening of wooden surface and fixing of veneers
with approved synthetic resin adhesive, complete
412972905.xlsx Page 56 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
074351 1 mm thick Sqm 348.45
074352 0.8mm thick Sqm 209.07
074353 0.6mm thick Sqm 185.84
074360 Providing and fixing Teak wood veneer sheet of
approved quality and make over wooden surfaces,
including smoothening of wooden surface, and fixing of
veneers with approved synthetic resin adhesive,
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
075060 Providing and fixing M.S. tower bolts generally
conforming to IS:204(Part I) with necessary screws etc.
complete of size.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
075151 150x125x27x2.80 mm Each 93.40
412972905.xlsx Page 59 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
075152 125x125x27x2.80 mm Each 78.41
075153 100x125x27x2.80 mm Each 65.87
075154 75x100x20x2.24 mm Each 47.91
075160 Providing and fixing ISI -1378marked oxidised M.S.
single acting spring hinges with necessary screws etc.
complete of size.
075161 150mm Each 161.35
075162 125mm Each 156.70
075163 100mm Each 128.78
075170 Providing and ISI -1378marked fixing oxidised M.S.
double acting spring hinges with necessary screws etc.
complete of size
075171 150 Each 177.61
075172 125 Each 156.70
075173 100 Each 118.33
075180 Providing Copper oxidized M.S. Piano hinges ISI marked
IS: 3818 finished with nickel plating and fixing with
necessary screws etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
075233 75 mm Each 10.16
075240 Providing and fixing ISI-1378 marked copper oxidised Each 40.14
M.S. fan light pivot with necessary screws etc. complete
075250 Providing and fixing ISI-1378 marked copper oxidised Each 37.43
M.S. fan light catch with necessary screws etc. complete
075260 Providing and fixing 300mm long oxidised M.S. chain Each 23.99
with hook for fan light including necessary screws etc.
075270 Providing and fixing oxidised M.S. hasp and staple
(Safety type) conforming to IS : 363 - with necessary
screws etc. complete of size -
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077014 100x70x4mm (ordinary type) Each 127.90
412972905.xlsx Page 62 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077015 75x65x4mm (heavy type) Each 118.42
077016 75x40x2.5mm (ordinary type) Each 48.73
077017 50x40x2.5mm (ordinary type) Each 32.71
077020 Providing and fixing bright finished brass parliamentary
hinges with necessary screws etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077100 Providing and fixing bright finished brass 100mm Each 638.88
mortice latch with one dead bolt and a pair of lever
handles with necessary screws etc. complete (best make
of approved quality)
077110 Providing and fixing bright finished brass night latch Each 798.01
including necessary screws etc. complete (best make of
approved quality)
077120 Providing and fixing special quality bright finished brass
cupboard or ward robe locks with four levers including
necessary screws etc. complete (best make of approved
077150 Providing and fixing bright finished brass fan light pivot Each 37.50
with necessary screws etc. complete
077160 Providing and fixing bright finished brass fan light catch Each 35.54
with necessary screws etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077210 Providing and fixing bright finished brass
casement(straight peg type) with necessary screws etc.
077211 300mm weighing not less than 330gms Each 182.04
077212 250mm weighing not less than 280gms Each 148.92
077213 200mm weighing not less than 240gms Each 125.69
077220 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass butt
hinges with necessary screws etc. complete
077221 125x85x5.5mm (heavy type) Each 113.38
077222 125x70x4mm (ordinary type) Each 168.20
077223 100x85x5.5mm (heavy type) Each 103.16
077224 100x70x4mm (ordinary type) Each 131.50
077225 75x65x4mm (heavy type) Each 119.28
077226 75x40x2.5mm (ordinary type) Each 53.54
077227 50x40x2.5mm (ordinary type) Each 44.20
077230 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass
parliamentary hinges with necessary screws etc.
077231 150x125x27x5mm Each 520.42
077232 125x125x27x5mm Each 489.43
077233 100x125x27x5mm Each 447.27
077234 75x100x20x3.2mm. Each 312.97
077240 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass single
acting spring hinges with necessary screws etc. complete
077241 150mm Each 1506.50
077242 125mm Each 1173.15
077243 100mm Each 978.34
077250 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass
double acting spring hinges with necessary screws etc.
complete :
077251 150mm Each 2114.00
077252 125mm Each 1899.12
077253 100mm Each 1452.22
077260 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass sliding
doors bolts and screws etc. complete :
077261 300x16mm Each 320.71
077262 250x16mm Each 256.83
077270 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass tower
bolts(barrel type) with necessary screws etc complete :
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077280 Providing and fixing Nickel chromium plated brass
handles with necessary screws etc. complete
077310 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass fan Each 28.46
light catch with necessary screws etc. complete
077350 Providing and fixing chromium plated brass night latch Each 1096.51
including necessary screws etc. complete (best make of
approved quality)
077360 Providing and fixing special quality chromium plated
brass cup board locks with six levers including necessary
screws etc. complete(best make of approved quality)
of :
077361 Size 40mm Each 115.05
077362 Size 50mm Each 131.31
077363 Size 65mm Each 148.73
077364 Size 75mm Each 166.15
077370 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass 50mm Each 74.45
cupboard or wardrobe knobs with nuts complete
077380 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass Each 238.07
hanging type floor door stopper with necessary screws
etc. complete
412972905.xlsx Page 66 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077390 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass Each 211.51
casement window fastener with necessary screws etc.
077400 Providing and fixing nickel chromium plated brass
casement stays(straight peg type) with necessary
screws etc. complete
077401 300mm weighing not less than 330gms Each 181.54
077402 250mm weighing not less than 280gms Each 185.03
077403 200mm weighing not less than 240gms Each 138.57
077410 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass butt hinges
with necessary screws etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077462 200x10mm Each 378.41
077463 150x10mm Each 274.11
077464 100x10mm Each 180.03
077470 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass handles with
necessary screws etc. complete
077471 125mm Each 146.64
077472 100mm Each 124.57
077473 75mm Each 98.93
077480 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass door latch
with necessary screws etc. complete
077481 300x16x5mm Each 547.84
077482 250x16x5mm Each 445.63
077490 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass fan light pivot Each 50.51
with necessary screws etc. complete
077500 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass fan light Each 44.29
catch with necessary screws etc. complete
077530 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass 100mm Each 635.12
mortice latch with one dead bolt and a pair of lever
handles with necessary screws etc. complete (best make
of approved quality)
077540 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass night latch Each 833.74
including necessary screws etc. complete (best make of
approved quality)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
077570 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass hanging type Each 56.40
floor door stopper with necessary screws etc. complete
077580 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass casement Each 128.94
window fastener with necessary screws etc. complete
077590 Providing and fixing copper oxidised brass casement
stays(straight peg type) with necessary screws etc.
077591 300mm weighing not less than 330gms Each 103.62
077592 250mm weighing not less than 280gms Each 44.38
077593 200mm weighing not less than 240gms Each 44.38
077600 Providing and fixing magnetic catcher ISI marked with Each 23.62
necessary screws etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078040 Providing and fixing aluminium pull bolt lock anodised Each 77.63
ISI marked(anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and
shade with necessary screws etc. complete
078050 Providing and fixing 50cm long aluminium kicking plate Each 156.65
100x3.15mm anodised(anodic coating not less than
grade AC 10 as per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to
required colour or shade with necessary screws etc.
078090 Providing and fixing bright finished brass 100mm mortic Each 558.64
latch and lock ISI marked with six levers and a pair of
anodised(anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as
per IS: 1868) aluminium lever handles with necessary
screws etc. complete (best make of approved quality)
078100 Providing and fixing aluminium tee channels (heavy metre 95.34
duty) with rollers, stop end in pelmets as curtain rod
412972905.xlsx Page 70 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078110 Providing and fixing partition upto 2.40m height having Sqm 1387.12
composite thickness of 67mm consisting of frame and
double skin 8.5mm thick Glass Reinforced Gypsum(GRG)
board manufactured by spray suction technique with
high strength plaster of paris conforming to IS: 8272
and glass fibre of E-glass or A-glass or N-glass in the
form of rovings, not less than 2.5% by weight of plaster
of paris and conforming to IS: 11320 including providing
and fixing of frame work made of special section power
pressed from MS sheet and galvanised with zinc coating
of Grade 175 and consisting of floor and ceiling channel
50mm wide having equal flanges of 32mm width
0.50mm thick fixed to floor/ ceiling at spacing of 610mm
centre to centre with dash fastener of 12.5mm diameter
40mm length and the studs 48mm wide contd...
078120 Providing and fixing partition upto 2.40m height having Sqm 1529.37
composite thickness of 89mm consisting of frame and
double skin 8.5mm thick Glass Reinforced Gypsum(GRG)
board manufactured by spray suction technique with
high strength plaster of paris conforming to IS: 8272
and glass fibre of E-glass or A-glass or N-glass in the
form of rovings, not less than 2.5% by weight of plaster
of paris and conforming to IS: 11320 including providing
and fixing of frame work made of special section power
pressed from MS sheet and galvanised with zinc coating
of Grade 175 and consisting of floor and ceiling channel
72mm wide having equal flanges of 32mm width
0.50mm thick fixed to floor/ ceiling at the spacing of
610mm centre to centre with dash fastener of 12.5mm
diameter 40mm length and the studs 70mm wide having
one flange of 34mm -contd....
412972905.xlsx Page 71 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
contd.- and another flange 36mm and 0.50mm thick
fixed vertically within flanges of floor and ceiling channel
and placed at a spacing of 610mm centre to centre by
6mm dia bolts and nuts at both ends of partition fixed
flush to wall with rawl plugs at the spacing of 450mm
centre to centre and fixing of GRG boards to either side
of frame work by 20mm long drive all screws on studs,
floors and ceiling channels at the spacing of 300mm
centre to centre, including jointing and finishing to a
flush finish with recommended joint filler, joint paper tap
and joint finisher and two coats of primer suitable for
GRG board as per manufacturers specifications all
078130 Providing and fixing factory made P.V.C. door frame of metre 454.82
size 50x47mm with a wall thickness of 5mm, made out
of extruded 5mm rigid PVC foam sheet mitered at
corners and joined with 2 Nos. of 150mm long brackets
of 15x15mm M.S. square tube, the vertical door profiles
to be reinforced with 19x19mm M.S. square tube of 19
gauge, EPDM rubber gasket weather seal to be provided
through out the frame. The door frame to be fixed to the
wall using M.S. screws of 65/100mm size complete as
per manufacturers specification and direction of
078140 Providing and fixing to existing door frames 30mm thick Sqm 2803.28
factory made panel PVC door shutter consisting of frame
made out of M.S. tubes of 19 gauge thickness and size
of 19mm x 19mm for styles and 15x15mm for top &
bottom rails. M.S .frame shall have a coat of steel
primers. M.S. frame covered with 5mm thick heat
moulded PVC Foam sheet ‘C channel as per drawing
given in IR Standard Specifications complete in all
078150 Providing and fixing to existing door frames 30mm thick Sqm 3500.18
factory made solid both side prelaminated panel PVC
door shutter consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes
of 19 gauge thickness and size of 19mm x 19mm for
styles and15x15mm, top & bottom rails. M.S. frame
shall have a coat of steel primers of approved make and
manufacture. M.S. frame covered with 5mm thick heat
moulded prelaminated PVC Foam Sheet ‘C channel as
per drawing given in IR Standard Specifications complete
in all respect
412972905.xlsx Page 72 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078160 Supplying, providing and fixing white colour sliding uPVC Sqm 6420.77
Window complete, consisting of uPVC frame of size
80mm x 52mm and uPVC shutter of size 54mm x 38mm
with 1.2mm thick GI section reinforcement wherever
required, produced by ISO 9001:2000 and ISO
14001:2004 certified company. Window shutter will
consist either of 5mm thick float glass or galvanised wire
gauge alongwith complete fittings, e.g. pulley/rollers,
transmission gear and handle for operating window
078170 Supplying, providing and fixing white colour sliding uPVC Sqm 7259.96
Door complete, consisting of uPVC frame of size 95mm x
60mm and uPVC shutter of size 66mm x 42mm with
1.2mm thick GI section reinforcement wherever
required, produced by ISO 9001:2000 and ISO
14001:2004 certified company. Door shutter will consist
either of 5mm thick float glass or galvanised wire gauge
or solid PVC panel alongwith complete fittings, e.g.
pulley/rollers, transmission gear and handle for
operating door
078180 Providing and fixing to existing door frame 24mm thick Sqm 2294.16
factory made PVC door shutters made of styles and rails
of a PVC hollow section of size 59mm x 24mm with a
wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm. The styles and rails
mitered cut and joined at corners by means of M.S.
galvanized /plastic brackets of size 75mm x 220mm
having wall thickness 1.0mm/solid and fix with stainless
steel screws. The styles of shutter reinforced by
inserting galvanized M.S. tube of size 19mm x 19mm
with a wall thickness1mm±0.1mm. The lock rail made
out of ‘H’ section, PVC hollow section of size 100mm x
24mm with a wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm, fixed to
shutter styles by means of plastic/galvanized M.S. ’U’
cleats. The shutter frame filled with a PVC multi-
chambered panel of size 20 x 200mm with a wall
thickness 1mm±0.1mm. The panels filled vertically and
tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 0.6mm
galvanized M.S. rod and fastened with nuts and washers
412972905.xlsx Page 73 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078190 Providing and fixing to existing door frame 24mm thick Sqm 2294.16
factory made PVC door shutters made of styles and rails
of a PVC hollow section of size 34mm x 24mm with a
wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm. The styles and rails
mitered cut and joined at corners by means of M.S.
galvanized /plastic brackets of size 75mm x 220mm
having wall thickness 1.0mm/solid and fix with stainless
steel screws. The styles of shutter reinforced by
inserting galvanized M.S. tube of size 19 x 19mm with a
wall thickness1mm±0.1mm. The shutter frame filled
with a PVC multi-chambered single panel of size 20 x
762mm with a wall thickness 1mm±0.1mm. The panels
filled vertically and tie bar at two places by inserting
horizontally 0.6mm galvanized M.S. rod and fastened
with nuts and washers. All complete as per
manufacturer’s specification and direction of Engineer-
078200 Providing and fixing at all heights wall paneling of 12mm Sqm 1989.22
thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat board conforming to
IS: 13958-1994 including providing and fixing to frame
work made of 50mm X 50mm hardwood plugs including
cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar and
making good walls etc. and also providing and fixing
wooden moulded corner beading of triangular shape to
the junction of paneling etc. with iron screws as a
complete job.
078210 Providing and fixing at all heights wall paneling of 9mm Sqm 1802.36
thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat board conforming to IS
: 13958-1994 including providing and fixing to
framework made of 50mm X 50mm hardwood plugs
including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar
and making good the walls etc. and also providing and
fixing wooden moulded corner beading of triangular
shape to the junction of paneling etc. with iron screws as
a complete job
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078230 Providing and fixing of wall panelling on grid made of Sqm 1072.25
PVC profile section of size 21mm x 17mm x 1.5 mm
filled with UPVC profile section of size 150mm x 10mm x
1.0mm. The edge and periphery covered by extruded
PVC beeding of section 28mm x 12mm x 1.0mm
complete job including fixing with screws, dash fasteners
and other accessories as required
078240 Providing and fixing to existing door frame 30mm thick Sqm 2411.47
factory made Poly Vinyl Chloride(PVC) door shutter
made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size
60mmx30mm and wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm with
inbuilt decorative mould-in edging on one side. The
styles and rails mitered and joined at corners by means
of MS galvanized/plastic bracket of size 75mmx220mm,
having wall thickness 1.0mm and stainless steel screws.
Styles of shutter, reinforced by inserting galvanized MS
tube of size 20mmx20mm and 1mm ± 0.1 mm wall
thickness. Lock rail made of 'H' section, a uPVC hollow
section of size 100mmx30mm and 2mm ± 0.2m wall
thickness fixed to shutter styles by means of
plastic/galvanized MS 'U' cleats. Shutter frame filled with
a uPVC multi-chambered single panel of size not less
than 610mm, having overall thickness of 20mm and
1mm ± 0.1 mm wall thickness. Panels filled vertically
with tie bar at two places by inserting horizontally 6 mm
galvanised MS rod and fastened with nuts and washers,
complete as per direction of Engineer incharge
078250 Providing and fixing to existing door frame 35mm thick Sqm 2838.95
factory made Poly Vinyl Chloride(PVC) door shutter
made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size
35mmx110mm and wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm with
inbuilt decorative moulding edging on one side. Styles of
shutter reinforced by inserting PVC section of size
28mmx30mm of 1.5mmm ± 0.2mm wall thickness.
Styles and rails mitered and welded corners. Lock rail
made of 'H' section, a uPVC profile section of size
35mmx105mm and 2mm ± 0.2m wall thickness welded
to shutter styles, shutter frame filled with a uPVC multi-
chambered single panel of size not less than 610mm,
having overall thickness of 20mm and 1mm ± 0.1mm
wall thickness with 20mm moulding panel beading of
size 8.5mmx15mm complete as per direction of Engineer
in charge
412972905.xlsx Page 75 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078260 Providing and fixing to existing door frame 38mm thick Sqm 3397.27
factory made Poly Vinyl Chloride(PVC) door shutter
made of styles and rails of a uPVC hollow section of size
90mmx38mm and wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm. Styles
and rails mitered and joined at the corners by means of
MS galvanized/plastic bracket of size 75mmx220mm
having wall thickness 1.0mm and stainless steel screws.
Styles of shutter reinforced by inserting galvanized MS
tube of size 25mmx20mm and 1mm ± 0.1 mm wall
thickness. Lock rail made of 'H' section, a uPVC hollow
section of size 105mmx38mm and 2mm ± 0.2m wall
thickness fixed to the shutter styles by means of
plastic /galvanized MS 'U' cleats. Shutter frame filled
with a uPVC multi-chambered PVC panel of size
610mmx20mm with 1.2mm ± 0.1mm wall thickness,
complete as per direction of Engineer incharge
078270 Providing and fixing factory made uPVC door frame R metre 316.19
made of uPVC extruded section profile size
50mmx60mm(±1mm) with wall thickness 2mm±0.2mm,
corners of door frame to be mitered and joined at
corners by means of plastic, galvanized brackets and
stainless steel screws. Hinge side vertical of frames
reinforced by galvanized MS tube of size 19mmx38mm
and 1mm ± 0.1mm wall thickness and 3 nos. stainless
steel hinges fixed to frame complete as per direction of
Engineer incharge
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078290 Supplying, providing and fixing white colour Double RM 865.54
lipped solid PVC window frame of size 42 mm x 115 mm
consisting of frame made of M.S. Tube of 19 gauge of
size 15 mm x 15 mm and solid PVC section made from 4
mm thick(3.75 mm PVC foam sheet laminated with 0.25
mm rigid PVC sheet) suitably joined using PVC solvent
cement so as to fix in walls using hold fasts. M.S.
Window grill should be fixed suitably with sold PVC
sections mitered cut on corners complete as per
directions of Engineer Incharge
078310 Providing and fixing of fibre glass reinforced plastic (FRP) RM 631.30
door frames of three legged of cross- section 90 mm x
45 mm having single rebate of 32 mm x 15 mm to
receive shutter of 30 mm thickness. The laminate door
frame moulded with fire retardant grade unsaturated
polyester resin and chopped mat. Door frame laminate
shall be 2 mm thick and shall be filled with suitable
wooden block in all the three legs. The frame shall be
covered with fibre glass from all sides. M.S. stay shall be
provided at the bottom to ready the frame
412972905.xlsx Page 77 of 319 Chapter-7
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
078320 Providing and fixing 30 mm thick glass fibre Sqm 3366.23
reinforced(FRP) panelled door shutter of required colour
and approved brand and manufacture, made with fire
retardant grade unsaturated polyester resin, moulded to
3 mm thick FRP laminate for farming hollow rails and
styles, with wooden frame and suitable blocks of
seasoned wood inside at required places for fixing of
fittings, cast monolithically with 5 mm thick FRP laminate
for panels and conforming to(IS:14856- 2000) complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
412972905.xlsx Page 80 of 319 Chapter-8
081010 Structural steel work in single section including cutting,
bending, straightening, drilling, rivetting, bolting, hoisting,
fixing in position, including applying a priming coatof
approved steel primer, complete - upto 6m height above
081011 In RSJ, tees, angles and channels Kg 60.89
081012 In flats, plates, round or square bars Kg 61.18
081020 Structural steel work rivetedor bolted in built up sections,
trusses and framed work, girders, staging, racks etc
including cutting, bending, straightening, drilling, rivetting,
bolting, hoisting, fixing in position including applying a
priming coat of a approved steel primer complete - upto
6m height above GL
081021 In RSJ, tees, angles and channels Kg 66.03
081022 In flats, plates, round or square bars Kg 66.27
081030 Structural steel work welded in built up sections, trusses
and framed work, girders, stagings, racks, etc including
cutting, bending, straightening, hoisting, fixing in position,
including applying a priming coatof approved steel primer,
complete - upto 6m height above GL
081031 In RSJ, tees, angles and channels Kg 105.23
081032 In flats, plates , round or square bars Kg 101.40
Note for Item 081030 : Purlins and wind bracings shall be
paid separately under item 81010.
Note for Items 081011, 081021 & 081022 : These rates
are not to be paid for ironwork with rails, which should be
paid under each item separately.
081040 Extra for every subsequent 3m heightor part thereof over
6m height above GL for erection and fixingof steel work :
081090 Cutting out rivets for every 5mm or part thereof 100 68.43
412972905.xlsx Page 81 of 319 Chapter-8
081100 Providing and fixing MS roundor square bars/ flatsor grills Sqm 57.78
in frames in window and clerestory windows
081110 Providing and fixing expanded metal 20X60mm strands Sqm 414.02
3.25mm wide and 1.6mm thickon angle iron flat iron
frames including all incidental work complete. Costof
frames to be paid separately under relevant item
081120 Providing and fixing hard drawn steel wire fabric 75X25 Sqm 635.81
mm meshof weight not less than 7.75 Kg per sqmon angle
ironor flat iron frame including all incidental work
complete. Costof frames to be paid separately under
relevant item
081130 Providing and fixing MS flat 25mm x 6mm covering over metre 267.13
expanded metal/ hard drawn wire fabric edges (executed
as per Item 081110 and 081120) along the perimeterof
the angle ironor flat iron framework including all incidental
work, complete
081140 Supplying and fixing lewis/ holding down boltsof approved Kg 63.52 0.020
design with nuts and washers complete
081150 Rethreading bolts per 5mm dia,or part thereof per, cm cm 3.97
length, or part thereof, of threading
081160 Cutting standard screw thread per 5mm dia.or part thereof cm 9.48
per cm length,or part thereof,of threading when separately
081170 Cutting round/ square bars per 10 mm dia/width or part Each 0.63
thereof when seperately ordered
081180 Providing and fixing in position collapsible steel shutters Sqm 3135.04 0.004
with vertical channels 20x10x2mm and braced with flat
iron diagonals 20x5mm size with top and bottom railof T-
iron 40x40x6mm with 40mm dia, steel pulleys complete
with bolts, nuts, locking arrangement, stoppers, handles
and hold fasts including applying a priming coatof
approved steel primer
081190 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet sliding- shutters Sqm 2777.93 0.004
with frame and diagonal braces of 40x40x6mm angle iron,
3mm M.S. gusset plate at the junction and corners 25mm
dia pulley 40x40x6mm angle and T-iron guide at the top
and bottom respectively with bolts, nuts, locking
arrangement, clamping arrangement, stoppers, handles
and hold fasts including applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer
081200 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S. sheet door shutter
with frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm M.S.
gusset plates at the junctions and corners, all necessary
fittings complete, including applying a priming coat of
approved steel primer
081201 Using M.S. angles 40x40x6mm for diagonal braces Sqm 2279.43 0.004
412972905.xlsx Page 82 of 319 Chapter-8
081202 Using flats 30x6mm for diagonal braces and central cross Sqm 2105.78 0.004
081210 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make as
per IS 6248, made of required size M.S. laths interlocked
together through their entire length and jointed together
at the end by end locks mountedon specially designed pipe
shaft with brackets, side guides and arrangements for
inside andoutside locking with push and pulloperation
complete including the costof providing and fixing
necessary 27.5cm long wire spring grade No.2 and M.S.
top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters
081211 80x1.25mm M.S. laths with 1.25mm thick top cover Sqm 2672.77 0.004
081212 80x1.20mm M.S. laths with 1.20mm thick top cover Sqm 1459.82 0.004
081213 80x0.90mm M.S. laths with 0.90mm thick top cover Sqm 1318.50 0.004
081220 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters Each 538.38
081230 Extra for providing mechanical device chain and crank
operation for operating rolling shutters
081231 Exceeding 10.00Sqm and upto 16.80 Sqm. in the area Sqm 886.83
081232 Exceeding 16.80 Sqm in area Sqm 888.78
081240 Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters Sqm 662.06
manufacturedoutof 8mm dia. M.S. bar insteadof laths as
per design approved by the Engineer-in- Charge (area of
grill to be measured)
081260 Extra for providing and fixing steel beadingof approved metre 23.86
shape and section with screws insteadof glazing clips and
metal sash putty in steel doors, windows, ventilators and
composite units
081270 Providing and fixing T-iron frames for doors, windows and Kg 101.11 0.001
ventilatorsof mild steel Tee-sections, joints mitered and
welded with 15x3mm lugs 10cm long embedded in cement
concrete blocks 15x10x10cmof 1:3:6 (1cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)or
with wooden plugs and screwsor rawl plugs and screwsor
with fixing clipsor with bolts and nuts as require including
fixing of necessary butt hinges and screws and applying a
priming coat of approved steel primer
081330 Extraover rateof Item No. 081320 for providing and fixing cm 1.54
M.S. fan clamp as per design in R.C.C. beams during laying
towards the additional heightof the clamps due to beam rib
081340 Providing and fixing circular cast iron box for ceiling fan Each 103.98
clamps 140mm internal dia. 73mm height, 5mm thick rim,
bottom and top lidof 1.5mm thick M.S. sheet with its top
surface hacked .. Contd. -
.. Contd. - for proper bonding top lid shall be screwed into
the cast iron box by meansof 3.3mm dia. Round headed
screws,one lock at the corners, clamps shall be madeof
12mm dia. M.S. bar bent to shape as per standard drawing
081350 Providing and fixing circular/ hexagonal M.S. sheet ceiling Each 121.40
fan box with clampsof internal dia 140mm, 73mm height,
3mm thick rim, top and bottom lidof 1.5mm M.S. sheet.
Lids shall be screws into M.S. box by meansof 3mm round
beaded screws, clamps shall be madeof 12mm dia M.S. bar
bent to shape as per standard drawing withover all length
as 80cm. (it includes cost of clamps also)
081360 Providing and fixing M.S. round holding down bolts with Kg 82.46
nuts and washer plates complete
081370 Providing and fixing bolts including nuts and washers Kg 104.15
081380 Providing and fixing M.S. rivets of sizes in position Kg 99.49
081390 6mm welding by gas plant including transportationof gas cm 17.54
welding plant at site etc. complete
081400 6mm welding by electric plant including transportation of cm 14.05
electric welding plant at site etc. complete
081410 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work
including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a
priming coatof approved steel primer using structural steel
etc. as required
081411 In stringers, treads, landings etc.of stair cases including Kg 56.97
useof chequered plate wherever required all complete
081412 In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladders, railings, brackets, Kg 103.22
gates and similar works
081420 Providing and fixing hand rail by welding etc. to steel
ladders railing, balcony railing and staircase railing
including applying a priming coatof approved steel primer
081430 Supplying and fixing to pan type latrines 0.91 mm thick Sqm 509.67
M.S. Steel Flat Cover (hingedon 12 mm dia M.S. baron
top) with 6.0mm dia bar handle weldedor riveted on the
flap. (including all labour and material)
082010 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium work for doors,
windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded built up
standard tubular andother sections of approved make
conforming to IS:733 and IS:1285, anodised transparentor
dyed to required shade according to IS:1868 (Minimum
anodic coatingof grade AC 15), .. Contd. -
082031 With float/frosted glass panesof 4mm thickness (weight Sqm 1124.88
not less than 10.0 kg/sqm)
082032 With float/frosted glass panesof 5.5mm thickness (weight Sqm 1138.93
not less than 13.75 kg/sqm)
082040 Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor springof
approved brand and manufacture IS:6315 including costof
cutting floors as required, embedding in floors and cover
plates with brass pivot and single piece M.S. Sheetouter
box with slide plate etc. complete as per the direction of
082041 With Stainless Steel cover plate Each 3003.84
082042 With Brass cover plate Each 3589.80
082050 Providing and fixing anodised aluminium work (with Kg 662.41
minimum 15 micron uniform anodic coating) consistingof
tee/angle sections,of approved make conforming to IS:733
in framesof false ceiling including aluminium angle cleats
with necessary C.P. brass/stainless steel sunk screws,
aluminium perimeter angles fixed to wall with rawl plugs @
450 mm centre to centre and fixing the frame work to
level adjusting hangers (6mm dia. M.S. rods) with
necessary cadmium plated machine screws all complete as
per approved architectural drawings and directionof the
Engineer-in-charge (level adjusting hangers, ceiling cleats
and expansion hold fasteners to be paid for separately)
082060 Providing and fixing level adjusting hangersof 6mm dia. Each 127.16
M.S. rods (upto 1200mm length) fixed to roof slabs by
meansof M.S. angle ceiling cleats 40x40x5mm size, 40mm
long and expansion hold fasteners 12.5 mm dia. 40mm
long including applying priming coatof zinc chromate
yellow primer for steel members complete (Anodisingon
the aluminium sheet and washers to be 15 micron thick)
082080 Aluminium Composite Cladding - Providing and fixing Sqm 2147.56 0.020
Aluminium Composite Panels having total thicknessof 4mm
(with 0.5mm thick aluminium foil skinon both sides)
alongwith minimum 25 micron PVdF Coatingon top coil and
Polymer/epoxy coatingon Back coil (4-7 microns) fixedon
aluminium substructureof 50mm x 25mm x 3mmor 38mm
x 38mm x 4mm (IS Grade Aluminium Extrusion) with
stainless steel fastening systemof Hilti/Fischer Dash
Fastenerson facade, horizontal / vertical surfacesof
columns, suspended ceiling, sills, jambs, canopies etc. and
making 25mm grooves and applying non staining and non
streaking sealant 789or 991 HP with Baker Rod complete
as per approved shop drawings and as per specifications
(straight and curved). Only exposed surfaces to be
measured and paid.
082081 Extra for using 5mm thick aluminium composite panel Sqm 406.53
(with 0.5mm thick aluminium foil skinon both sides) in lieu
of 4mm Aluminium composite panel (only thickness of core
to be 4mm in lieuof 3mm in item 082080 above)
082082 Deduct if 3mm thick aluminium composite panel (with Sqm 406.53
0.25mm thick aluminium foil skinon both sides) is used in
lieuof 4mm Aluminium composite panel (thicknessof core
to be 2.5mm in lieuof 3mm in item 082080 above)
083010 Repairing aluminium glazed door/ window/partition leaf & Kg 367.17
frame by replacing damaged portion i.e style, rails,
horizontal and vertical members with necessary anodized
aluminium hollow tubes, angles, taper cleats, screws
etc.of any section to match with existingone including
takingout the door leaf/ frame, if required with due care to
prevent further damage and refixing the same inoriginal
position after repairing complete in all respect. Extra
fittings if required to be paid separately
083020 Providing and fixing Aluminium round/ square bars / flatsor Sqm 571.69
grill in frameof windows and cleastory windows
083030 Providing and fixing acrylic sheet for glazing in aluminium
door, window, ventilator shutter, partition, reservation
counter etc. with Aluminium round / square bars / flatsor
grill in frameof windows and cleastory windows etc. with
PVC/neoprene gasket etc. complete (costof aluminium
frame/grill shall be paid separetly in relevant item)
083060 Extraover item 083050 for using SS 316 Grade stainless Kg 161.45
steel (to be used in corrosive coastal areas) instead of SS
304 Grade
412972905.xlsx Page 89 of 319 Chapter-8
091010 Brick on edge flooring with bricks of class designation 7.5
including cement slurry etc. complete in cement mortar
091011 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand).(With FPS Bricks) Sqm 397.81 0.185
091012 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand).(With FPS Bricks) Sqm 397.81 0.129
091020 Flat Brick flooring with bricks of class designation 7.5
including cement slurry etc. complete in cement mortar
091021 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand).(With FPS Bricks) Sqm 280.69 0.105
091022 1:6 (1cement: 6coarse sand).(With FPS Bricks) Sqm 280.69 0.075
091030 Providing hand packed dry flat brick flooring, class
designation 7.5 (FPS Bricks), excluding pointing with
joints filled with sand over a bed of dry sand (ordinary)of
average thickness 25 mm including ramming sub grade :
091060 Dry stone ballast 50 mm nominal size, rammed in floors Sqm 140.77
75 mm thick layer
091070 Moorum flooring 10 cm thick (consolidated depth) Sqm 226.43
including watering and ramming. With Contractor's
091080 Laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: cum 3261.64 3.200
4graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size) of
thickness 25 to 40 mm as under layer of flooring
091090 Laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: cum 3331.60 3.200
4graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) of
thickness 40 to 100mm as under layer of flooring
092013 50mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate Sqm 199.25 0.202
092014 75mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone aggregate Sqm 273.62 0.281
092015 Extra for nosing of steps Sqm 29.11
092020 Cement plaster skirting (upto 30cm height) with cement
mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement
092021 15mm thick Sqm 140.41 0.110
092022 18mm thick Sqm 144.82 0.140
092030 Cement concrete pavement with 1:2:4 (1cement: cum 3296.64 3.200
2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) complete
092040 Extra over for making chequers of approved pattern on Sqm 19.72
cement concrete floors, steps, landing, pavements etc.
092050 Laying 15 mm thick hardened topping on concrete Sqm 328.25
surface with 1 part metallic floor hardener, 4 parts
cement and 9 parts by weight hard stone chips of size 6
mm mixed and laid as per specifications
092060 Providing and laying plain cement concrete flooring of
specified thickness with mix design concrete over firm,
well prepared and well compacted bed including provision
of designed expansion joint & finishing manually or
mechanical trowel ling & vacuum dewatering complete.
Expansion joint to be paid for separately.
093011 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 482.66 0.041
093012 With ordinary cement with pigment Sqm 504.10 0.041
093013 With white cement with pigment Sqm 619.61
093020 Providing top layer of floor, 9mm thick with white, black,
chocolate, grey, yellow or green marble chips of sizes -
4mm to 7mm nominal size laid in cement marble powder
mix 3:1 (3 cement : 1marble powder) by weight in
proportion of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder: 7marble
chips) by volume including cement slurry etc. complete
093021 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 300.57 0.058
412972905.xlsx Page 92 of 319 Chapter-9
093031 18mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 681.21 0.129
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with ordinary cement
093032 18mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 702.65 0.129
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with ordinary cement and
093033 18mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 818.16 0.089
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with white cement and
093034 21mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 808.63 0.147
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with ordinary cement
093035 21mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 840.79 0.147
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with ordinary cement and
093036 21mm thick with under layer 12mm thick cement plaster Sqm 1014.05 0.089
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand). with white cement and
093040 Extra for laying terrazzo in narrow bands not exceeding metre 1.53
7.5cm in width
093050 Extra for terrazzo flooring laid as floor borders, margins Sqm 14.40
and similar bands exceeding 7.5cm but not exceeding
30cm in width
093060 Extra for laying terrazzo flooring on staircases treads not Sqm 21.60
exceeding 30cm in width including cost of forming,
nosing etc.
093070 Extra for making moulded nosing in terrazzo including metre 64.97
returned moulded ends and angles to mouldings
093080 Crazy marble stone flooring including filling the gaps with Sqm 1079.51
light shade pigment with white cement marble powder
mixture (3parts of white cement: 1 part of marble
powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 (4cement marble
powder mix: 7white, black or white and black marble
chips of sizes from 1mm to 4mm nominal size by
volume) including rubbing, polishing and cement slurry
etc. complete - 18mm thick crazy marble stone white,
black or as specified
412972905.xlsx Page 93 of 319 Chapter-9
094010 Providing and laying precast factory made terrazzo tiles
22mm thick with graded marble chips of size upto 12mm
laid in floors and landings, jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles
including rubbing and polishing complete with precast
tiles on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement:
4coarse sand)
094011 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 814.03 0.094
094012 With ordinary cement with pigment Sqm 858.73 0.094
094013 With white cement with pigment Sqm 920.31
094020 Extra if terrazzo tiles are laid in treads of steps not Sqm 29.81
exceeding 30cm in width
094030 Precast factory made terrazzo tiles 22mm thick with
graded marble chips of size upto 12mm in walls, skirting
and risers of steps on 12mm thick cement plaster 1:3
(1cement: 3coarse sand) jointed with neat cement slurry
mixed with pigment to match the shade of the tiles
including cutting/wastage of tiles, rubbing and polishing
complete with tiles made :
094031 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 726.59 0.139
094032 With ordinary cement with pigment Sqm 771.28 0.139
094033 With white cement with pigment Sqm 895.60
094040 Precast Chequered factory made terrazzo tiles 22mm
thick/ with graded marble chips size upto 6mm in floors
jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to
match the shade of the tiles including rubbing of cement
slurry complete on 20mm thick bed of cement mortar
1:4 (1cement : 4Coarse sand)
094041 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 826.88 0.094
094042 With ordinary cement with pigment Sqm 871.58 0.094
094043 With white cement with pigment Sqm 971.42
094050 Precast Chequered factory made terrazzo tiles 30mm
thick with graded marble chips of sizes upto 12mm in
stairs treads jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing
and polishing, rounding of nosing etc. complete on 20mm
thick bed of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement:Coarse sand)-
094051 With ordinary cement without any pigment Sqm 904.98 0.094
094052 With ordinary cement with pigment Sqm 1013.56 0.094
094053 With white cement with pigment Sqm 1144.39
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094071 In flooring on a bed of 10mm thick mortar 1:4 (1 Sqm 1168.52 0.047
Appropriate cement : 4 coarse sand)
094072 In dado/skirting on 12mm thick mortar 1:4 (1 Sqm 1285.00 0.050
Appropriate cement : 4 coarse sand)
094080 Tile work in skirting, risers of steps and dado (upto 2m Sqm 1072.51 0.104
height) over 12mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement
slurry @ 3.3kg/ Sqm including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching shade complete with -
Marble tiles (polished) Raj Nagar 8mm thick
095010 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic tiles conforming
to Group B-III (Ceramic Wall Tiles) of IS:15622 of
manufacturers approved by railway in all colours,
shades, and design as approved by the Engineer-in-
Charge in skirting, risers of steps and dado over 12mm
thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand)
including pointing in white cement mixed with pigment of
matching shade complete
095021 Of Group B-II Clause 5.1 (for abrasion resistance) of Sqm 541.85 0.124
IS:15622 (Ceramic Floor Tiles) of size 300x300mm
095022 Of Group B-II Clause 5.1 (for abrasion resistance) of Sqm 625.19 0.124
IS:15622 (Ceramic Floor Tiles) of size 400x400mm and
095023 Of Group B-I-b of IS : 15622 (Ceramic Tiles) of size Sqm 708.53 0.124
200x200mm to 400x400mm
095024 Of Group B-I-b of IS : 15622 (Ceramic Tiles) of size Sqm 774.01 0.124
above 400x400mm
095025 Of Group B-I-a of IS : 15622 (Vitrified tiles) of size upto Sqm 994.26 0.124
400x400 mm
095026 Of Group B-I-a of IS : 15622 (Vitrified tiles) of size Sqm 1059.74 0.124
above 400x400mm upto 600x600 mm
095027 Of Group B-I-a of IS : 15622 (Vitrified tiles) of size Sqm 1178.79 0.124
800x800mm and above
095030 Extra over items 095025 and 095026, if adhesive Sqm 40.15
(recommended by manufacturer of tiles) of specified
thickness is used instead of cement mortar
095040 Extra over basic items for using rectified tiles when Sqm 95.24
specifically ordered
095050 Providing and fixing in floors 'rounded cove nosing' Each 229.11
External & Interior Media ceramic tile of size 10cm x
30cm having thickness not less than 8mm of colour and
shade, as approved by Engineer-in-charge over 12mm
thick cement mortar 1:3; complete work including filling
of joints with white or pigmented cement
096020 Extra for nosing in marble stone for treads, sills etc. Sqm 174.09
096030 Extra for making grooves up to 5 mm deep in marble
stone for tread, sills etc. of width
096031 3mm to below 6 mm Sqm 96.35
096032 6 mm & above Sqm 115.29
096040 Extra for marble stone flooring in treads of steps, not Sqm 203.01
exceeding 30cm in width
096050 Rubbing/polishing of old floors,Terrazzo or Sqm 50.18
mosaic/Marble/ skirting and dado including treads and
risers of steps of terrazzo/terrazzo tiles plain or
chequered, kota stone, marble tiles etc. with fine grade
carborandum stone with machine or manually complete
096060 Kota stone slab flooring of size up to 30x30cm over
20mm (average) thick base of 1:4 cement mortar
(1cement: 4coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab
including rubbing and polishing complete
096061 20 mm thick Sqm 1132.29 0.149
096062 25mm thick Sqm 1199.08 0.149
096063 30mm thick Sqm 1452.08 0.150
096064 40mm thick Sqm 1859.77 0.150
096070 Kota stone slab flooring of size up to 60x60cm over
20mm (average) thick base of 1:4 cement mortar
(1cement: 4coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab
including rubbing and polishing complete
096071 20mm thick Sqm 1161.68 0.149
096072 25mm thick Sqm 1236.48 0.149
096073 30mm thick Sqm 1294.47 0.150
096074 40mm thick Sqm 2133.59 0.150
096080 Kota stone slabs 25mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, Sqm 1010.92 0.137
dado and pillars laid on 12mm (average) thick cement
mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand) and jointed with
grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the
shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing
complete :
096090 Extra for nosing in steps and treads of kota stone slab. Sqm 168.28
096100 Extra for making grooves up to 5 mm deep in Kota stone
for tread, sills etc. of width
096101 3mm to below 6 mm Sqm 92.32
096102 6 mm & above Sqm 111.26
096110 Extra for kota stone flooring in steps and treads not Sqm 197.34
exceeding 30cm in width
412972905.xlsx Page 97 of 319 Chapter-9
099011 Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 2196.99 0.067
099012 Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm Sqm 2265.93 0.067
099013 Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm Sqm 2520.80 0.067
099020 Providing and fixing 18mm thick mirror polished,
machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, facias
and similar locations of required size of approved shade,
colour and texture laid over 20mm thick base cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) with joints treated
with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy
touch ups, including rubbing, curing etc. complete at all
levels. Abu plain white marble/Rajnagar plain white
marble/ Udaipur Green Marble/ Zebra Black Marble
099021 Area of each slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 1606.23 0.087
412972905.xlsx Page 100 of 319 Chapter-9
099022 Area of each slab over 0.10 Sqm but upto 0.20 Sqm Sqm 1552.60 0.087
099023 Area of slab each over 0.20 Sqm but upto 0.50 Sqm Abu Sqm 1719.85 0.087
plain white marble
099024 Area of each slab over 0.50 Sqm but upto 1.0 Sqm Sqm 1819.73 0.087
099025 Area of each slab over1.0 Sqm Sqm 1879.97 0.087
099030 Providing and fixing 18mm thick mirror polished,
machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters facias,
dados and skirtings and similar locations of required size
of approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20mm
thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand)
with joints treated with white cement, mixed with
matching pigment, epoxy touchups, including rubbing,
curing. etc. complete at all levels
099031 Granite Black. Area of slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 2747.92 0.087
099032 Granite Black. Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 2696.50 0.087
099033 Granite Black. Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm 2872.57 0.087
099034 Granite Black. Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm but upto 1.0 Sqm 3175.95 0.087
099035 Granite Black. Area of slab over 1.0 Sqm but upto 2.0 Sqm 3831.29 0.087
Sqm or larger
099040 Providing and fixing 18mm thick mirror polished,
machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters facias,
dados and skirtings and similar locations of required size
of approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20mm
thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand)
with joints treated with white cement, mixed with
matching pigment, epoxy touchups, including rubbing,
curing. etc .complete at all levels
099041 Granite Pink/Grey. Area of slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 2564.98 0.057
099042 Granite Pink/Grey. Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 2513.57 0.057
099043 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm 3055.50 0.057
099044 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm but upto 1.0 Sqm 3358.89 0.057
099045 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 1.0 Sqm but upto 2.0 Sqm 3709.34 0.057
Sqm Or larger
099050 Providing and fixing 40mm thick Cuddapah stone
polished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity
counters facias, dados and skirting and similar locations
of required size, laid over 20mm thick base cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) with joints treated
with white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy
touchups including rubbing, curing etc. complete at all
412972905.xlsx Page 101 of 319 Chapter-9
099161 Granite Black. Area of slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 2551.80 0.087
099162 Granite Black. Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 2500.47 0.087
099163 Granite Black. Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm 2681.83 0.087
099164 Granite Black. Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm but upto 1.0 sqm 2982.08 0.087
099165 Granite Black. Area of slab over 1.0 Sqm but upto 2.0 Sqm 3641.74 0.087
Sqm or larger
099170 Providing and fixing 18mm thick mirror polished,
machine cut for floors and similar locations of required
size of approved shade, colour and texture laid over
20mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse
sand) with joints treated with white cement, mixed with
matching pigment, epoxy touchups, including rubbing,
curing etc. complete at all levels
099171 Granite Pink/Grey. Area of slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 2368.86 0.087
099172 Granite Pink/Grey. Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 2317.54 0.087
099173 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm 2864.77 0.087
099174 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm but upto 1.0 Sqm 3165.02 0.087
412972905.xlsx Page 103 of 319 Chapter-9
099175 Granite Pink. Area of slab over 1.0 Sqm but upto 2.0 Sqm 3519.78 0.087
Sqm Or larger
099180 Providing and fixing 25mm thick flame cut/machine cut
for floors /stairs and similar locations of required size of
approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20mm thick
base cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) with
joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching
pigment, epoxy touchups, including rubbing, curing etc.
complete at all levels
099181 Granite Pink/Grey - Area of slab upto 0.10 Sqm Sqm 3356.72 0.087
099182 Granite Pink/Grey - Area of slab 0.10 Sqm to 0.2 Sqm Sqm 3341.98 0.087
099183 Granite Pink - Area of slab over 0.2 Sqm but upto 0.5 Sqm 4364.85 0.087
099184 Granite Pink - Area of slab over 0.5 Sqm but upto 1.0 Sqm 4701.69 0.087
099185 Granite Pink - Area of slab over 1.0 Sqm but upto 2.0 Sqm 4861.32 0.087
Sqm Or larger
099186 Extra for providing 40mm thick flame cut granite in lieu Sqm 20% of
of 25 mm from item 099181 to 099185
099190 Providing and fixing 40mm thick Cuddapah stone
polished, machine cut for floors and similar locations of
required size, laid over 20mm thick base cement mortar
1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) with joints treated with
white cement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy
touchups including rubbing, curing etc. complete at all
099220 Providing and fixing 50 mm thick (size 300mmx300mm) Sqm 1139.56 0.087
M 30 grade precast concrete studded tiles in approved
colour manufactured by Vibro Compaction process using
jointless FRP moulds to achieve smooth joint finish. Tiles
to be laid on 20 mm average thick cement mortar base
of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with all labour,
material and transportation etc. as a complete job
099230 Providing and fixing Group-25 Rectified Tiles of 10 mm ± Sqm 1524.21 0.087
0.5 mm thickness of sizes upto 605 mm x 605 mm on
floors having skid free, smooth surface of any colour,
shade and design as approved by Engineer Incharge
having abrasion resistance of 25000 revolutions as per
the PEI methodology; laid over 20 mm thick cement
mortar of 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) and joints filled
with matching grouting material; complete work
099240 Providing & fixing Paving Slabs (Flag Stone) 400mm x Sqm 2072.06
400mm x 80mm thick, manufactured with wet press
vacuum dewatered technology with pimple finish on top,
having 5mm chamfer edges in approved colour and
crushing strength of 50 N/ to be fixed on uniform
bedding of 50mm thick fine sand and joints duly filled
with sand
099250 Providing & fixing 400x400x35mm thick reflective Sqm 926.03 0.094
lacquer coated cement designer tiles, manufactured in
wet cast vibration system in two layers, 10-12mm thick
top layer consisting of graded stone aggregates, silica
sand, Bayer colour. Surface of tiles with anti-skid texture
with lacquer coating with flexural strength of 4 N/,
to be fixed on 20mm thick 1:4 cement mortar, as
directed by engineer-in- charge
101011 1.00mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ Sqm 816.80
101012 0.80mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ Sqm 688.49
101013 0.63mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ Sqm 579.61
101020 Extra for straight cutting in C.G.S. sheet roofing for
making opening of area exceeding 0.4sqdm for chimney
stacks, sky light etc.
101021 1.00mm thick metre 26.66
101022 0.80mm thick metre 21.33
101023 0.63mm thick metre 21.33
101030 Extra for circular cutting in C.G.S. sheet roofing for
making opening of area exceeding 40 sqdm
101031 1.00mm thick metre 149.26
101032 0.80mm thick metre 119.22
101033 0.63mm thick metre 119.22
101040 Providing ridges or hips of width 60cm overall width
plain G.S. sheet fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks,
bolts and nuts 8mm dia. G.I. limpet and bitumen
washers complete
101041 0.80mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ metre 479.83
101042 0.63mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ metre 415.02
101050 Providing valleys 90cm wide overall in plain G.S. sheet
fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts
8mm dia. G.I. limpet and bitumen washers complete
101051 1.60 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 350gm/ metre 942.03
412972905.xlsx Page 107 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
101052 1.00 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 350gm/ metre 633.14
101060 Providing flashing of 40cm overall width in plain, G.S. metre 343.62
sheet, 1.00mm thick with zinc coating not less than
275gm/ sqm., fixed with polymer coated J or L hooks,
bolts and nuts, G,I, limpet and bitumen washer
complete, bent to shape and fixed in wall with cement
mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand)
101070 Providing and fixing 15cm wide 45cm over all semi
circular plain G.S. sheet gutter with iron brackets
40x3mm size, bolts, nuts and washers etc. including
making necessary connections with rain water pipes
101071 0.80mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ metre 434.12
101072 0.63mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275gm/ metre 380.16
101080 Supply & installation of precoated galvanized iron profile Sqm 665.10
sheets (size, shape and pitch of corrugation as approved
by Engineerin charge) 0.50mm +/ 5% total coated
thickness (TCT) thick Zinc coating 120gsm as per IS:277
in 240mpa steel grade, 57microns epoxy primer on both
side of the sheet and polyester top coat 1518 microns.
Sheet should have protective guard film of 25 microns
minimum to avoid scratches while transportation and
should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as
desired by Engineerincharge. The sheet shall be fixed
using self drilling / self tapping screws of size (5.5 x
55mm) with EPDM seal or with polymer coated J or L
hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and
G.I. limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled
with white lead complete upto any pitch in horizontal/
vertical or curved surfaces excluding the cost of purlins,
rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and
shape wherever required
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
101092 Flashings/Aprons.(Upto 600mm) metre 380.70
101093 North light curves metre 779.76
101094 Barge board (Upto 300mm) metre 355.38
101095 Crimp curve metre 68.97
101096 Gutter (600mm over all girth) metre 519.90
A.C. SHEET ROOFING & A.C. Accessories
102010 Providing and fixing asbestos cement 6 mm thick Sqm 247.27
corrugated / semi corrugated sheet roofing upto any
pitch and fixing with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts
and nuts 8mm dia. G.I. plain and bitumen washers
complete excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and
trusses :
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
NON-A.C. SHEET ROOFING & Accessories
103010 Providing and fixing nonasbestos high impact Sqm 598.78
Polypropylene reinforced cement 6 mm thick corrugated
sheets (as per IS: 14871) roofing up to any pitch and
fixing with polymer coated J or L hooks, bolts and nuts
8mm dia. G.I. plain and bitumen washers or with self
drilling fastener and EDPM washers etc. complete
excluding the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses
including cutting to size and shape wherever required
103040 Extra for providing and fixing wind ties of 40x6mm flat metre 97.64
iron section complete with hooks, nuts, washers etc.
103050 Providing and fixing ridges and hips in non asbestos fibre
cement high impact Polypropylene reinforced roofing
with suitable fixing accessories or self drilling fastener
and EDPM washer etc. complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
103070 Providing and fixing flat iron brackets 50x3mm size with metre 29.53
necessary bolts, nuts and washers etc. for fixing
asbestos cement/ G.S. sheet gutters with purlins to be
fixed at suitable interval, as per direction of engineer
103080 Supplying fitting/ fixing corrugated fibre glass reinforced Sqm 496.15
perspex sheet 3 mm. thick on existing wooden or iron
frames / purlins with Contractor’s stitching bolts, hook
bolts, crank bolts, coach screws, nuts, limpets, G.I and
bitumen washers etc. complete
103090 Providing & fixing machine made UV stabilised fiberglass
reinforced plastic sheet roofing upto any pitch including
fixing with polymer coated `J' or `L' hooks, bolts and
nuts 8mm dia. G.I. plain/bitumen washers complete but
excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses etc. The
sheets shall be manufactured out of 2400 TEX panel
rovigs incorporating minimum 0.3% Ultraviolet stabilizer
in resin system under pproximately 2400 psi and hot
cured. They shall be of uniform pigmentation and 12866.
The sheets shall be opaque or translucent, clear or
pigmented, textured or smooth as specified
103091 2mm thick corrugated / 2mm thick Profile Sheets Sqm 1934.64
103092 2mm thick flat sheets Sqm 1774.32
103093 Providing & fixing fibre glass reinforced 90cm wide, 4mm Rm 2465.61
thick valley gutter, having two coats of U/V stabilised gel
coat as top coating giving glossy smooth surface. To be
fixed with suitable clamp made of 25mm MS flat of 3mm
thickness, provided at 1m interval, complete with
required nuts/bolts
104000 Extra over item no. 103010, 103050 & 103060 for using Each 25% of the
corrugated sheets and fittings having polyester coating
of approved shade on the top surface instead of natural
cement colour sheets and fittings
412972905.xlsx Page 111 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
104010 10cm thick (average) mud phaska of damped brick earth
on roofs laid to slope consolidated and plastered with
25mm thick mud mortar with bhusa at 35 kg per cum. of
earth and gobri leaping with mix 1:1 (1clay: 1cow dung)
and covered with tile bricks grouted with cement mortar
1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral
water proofing compound by weight of cement and
finished neat – upto floor two level
104011 With F.P.S. flat brick tiles of class designation 10 Sqm 304.32 0.031
104012 With machine moulded F.P.S. brick tiles of class Sqm 370.53 0.031
designation 12.5
104020 Extra over Items 104012 above floor two level for every Sqm 60.86
floor or part thereof
104030 Extra for every additional 1cm thickness of mud phaska Sqm 9.02
104040 Providing and laying FPS brick tiles of class designation Sqm 185.77 0.091
10 over mumty roofs grouted with cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3fine sand) mixed with 2% of integral water
proofing compound by weight of cement, over a 12mm
layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) and
finished neat
104050 Providing and laying pressed clay tiles (as per approved Sqm 369.61 0.198
pattern 20mm nominal thickness and of approved size)
on roofs jointed with cement mortar 1:4 (1cement:
4coarse sand) mixed with 2% integral water proofing
compound laid over a bed of 20mm thick cement mortar
1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) and finished neat complete
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
104070 Lime concrete terracing on roofs, average thickness Sqm 636.84 0.031
10cm laid to fall with 25mm nominal size brick
aggregate and 50% lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty:
2surkhi) rammed and finished with gur and belgiri
treatment complete and covered with FPS flat brick tiles
of class designation 10 grouted with cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3fine sand) mixed with 2% integral water
proofing compound by weight of cement, over 12mm
layer of cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) and
finished neat– upto floor two level
104080 Add or deduct over Items 104060 and 104070 for every Sqm 22.99
additional/less 5mm thickness of lime concrete terracing
104090 Extra over Items 104060, 104070 and 104080 for using Sqm 40.43
LUNA, RTC or equivalent treatment in place of Bel and
Gur treatment. (Quantity to be used as per specifications
of the Manufacturer)
104100 Extra over Items 104060 and 104070 above floor two Sqm 53.02
level for every floor or part thereof
104120 Extra over Items 104110 above floor two level for every cum 104.28
floor or part thereof
104130 Providing gola 75x75mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 metre 76.36 0.031
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
10mm and down gauge) including finishing with cement
mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) as per standard
design in 75x75mm deep chase
104140 Making khurras 45x45cm with average minimum Each 146.72 0.060
thickness of 5cm cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement:
2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate of 20mm
nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1mx1mx400micron,
finished with 12mm cement plaster 1:3 (1cement:
3coarse sand) and a coat of neat cement rounding the
edges and making and finishing the outlet complete
412972905.xlsx Page 113 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
104150 Providing sand stone slab for roofing and laying them in
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) over
wooden karries or R.C.C. battens etc (Karries and
battens etc to be paid separately) including pointing the
ceiling joints with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine
sand) complete
104151 Red sand stone slab, 40mm to 50mm thick Sqm 392.14 0.007
104152 White sand stone slab, 40mm to 50mm thick Sqm 417.76 0.007
105010 Providing & laying waterproof treatment on roof slabs by Sqm 366.55 0.020
applying after preparation, cement slurry mixed with
Tapecrete acrylic based polymer water proofing
compound (having solid content 30% ± 2, pH >7) in a
ratio of 2:1 (2 cement : 1 water proofing compound),
followed by laying of fibre glass cloth; 2nd coat of
cement slurry mixed with acrylic based polymer water
proofing compound and a final coat of water proofing
compound brush topping having water proofing
compound, cement and c/sand @ 1:2:2 by weight.
Complete job to be carried out as per specifications
105020 Providing & laying corner fillet (Gola) 25mmx25mm size metre 28.69 0.015
at junction of walls & slab and pipe joints sealing by
cement sand mortar 1:3 mixed with Tapecrete acrylic
based polymer water proofing compound (having solid
content 30% ± 2, pH >7) at 0.5% of cement by weight.
105030 Painting top of roofs with residual type petroleum Sqm 151.79
bitumen of penetration 80/100 of approved quality at
17kg per 10 sqm impregnated with a coat of coarse sand
at 60 cudm. Per 10sqm. including cleaning the slab
surface with brushes and finally with a piece of cloth
lightly soaked in kerosene oil complete
105040 Providing and laying four courses water proofing Sqm 499.85
treatment with bitumen felt over roofs consisting of 1st
and 3rd courses of blown bitumen 85/ 25 or 90/ 15
conforming to IS: 702 applied hot @ 1.45kg/sqm of area
for each course, 2nd course of roofing felt type 3 gradeI
(Hessian base self finished bitumen felt) conforming to
IS:1322 and 4th and final course of stone grit 6mm and
down size or peasized gravel spread at 6 cudm/sqm
including preparation of surface but excluding grading
412972905.xlsx Page 114 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
105050 Providing and laying six courses water proofing Sqm 834.73
treatment with bitumen felt over roofs consisting of first,
third and fifth course of blown bitumen 85/ 25 or 90/ 15
conforming to IS: 702 applied hot @ 1.45, 1.20 and
1.45 kg/sqm of area respectively, second and fourth
courses of roofing felt type 3 grade I conforming to IS:
1322 (Hessian based self finished bitumen felt)
conforming to IS: 1322 and sixth and final course of
stone grit 6mm and down size or pea sized gravel
spread at 6cudm/sqm including preparation of surface
but excluding grading complete
105060 Providing and laying six courses water proofing Sqm 811.41
treatment with bitumen felt over roofs consisting of first,
third and fifth courses of blown or/ and residual bitumen
applied hot at 1.45, 1.20 and 1.70kg per square metre
of area respectively, second and fourth courses of
roofing felt type 2 grade I (fibre base self finished
bitumen felt) sixth and final course of stone grit 6mm
and down size or peasized gravel spread at 6cudm/sqm
including preparation of surface, excluding grading
105070 Providing and laying six courses water proofing Sqm 812.54
treatment with bitumen felt over roofs consisting of first,
third and fifth courses of blown or/ and residual bitumen
applied hot at 1.45, 1.20 and 1.70kg/sqm of area
respectively, second and fourth courses of roofing felt
type 2 grade II (glass fibre base self finished bitumen
felt) and sixth and final course of stone grit 6mm and
down size or peasized gravel spread at 6cudm/sqm
including preparation of surface but excluding grading,
105090 Deduct for omitting in water proofing treatment final Sqm 13.05
course of spreading stone grit 6mm down size or
peasized gravel at 6 cudm/sqm
105110 Providing and laying in situ over roofs seven course Sqm 1150.35
water proofing treatment with APP (Atactic Poly
Propylene) modified Polymeric membrane 1.5mm thick
of 2.25kg/sqm weight.7th, the top most layer shall be of
specified surface finish which shall be paid for separately
412972905.xlsx Page 115 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
105120 Providing and laying in situ over roofs five course water Sqm 818.93
proofing treatment with APP (Atactic Poly Propylene)
modified Polymeric membrane 2.0mm thick of
3.00kg/sqm weight.5th, the top most layer shall be of
specified surface finish which shall be paid for separately
105130 Providing and laying in situ over roofs seven course Sqm 1278.12
water proofing treatment with APP (Atactic Poly
Propylene) modified Polymeric membrane 2.0mm thick
of 3.00kg/sqm weight.7th, the top most layer shall be of
specified surface finish which shall be paid for separately
105160 Extra for covering top of membrane with Geotextile 120 Sqm 72.40
gsm non woven 100% polyester of thickness 1 to
1.25mm thickness bonded to the membrane by heating
by buytane torch
105170 Cutting to 'V' section, cleaning and washing cracks for metre 12.29
repairs to roof. Grouting with cement slurry 1:1 and
plastering over crack with cement mortar 1:3
105180 Cutting to 'V' section, cleaning and washing cracks for metre 22.01
repairs to roof. Grouting with special compound such as
valamoid or any other similar compound
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
105191 Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement, 2 coarse sand and 4 cum 2788.75 3.200
graded stone aggregate of 20mm nominal size)
105192 Cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement, 3 coarse sand) cum 2325.21 5.100
106010 Providing and fixing insulating board ceiling of approved
quality as per IS:3348 with necessary nails etc.
complete (frame work to be paid separately)
106050 Providing and fixing false ceiling with 12mm thick Sqm 293.81
plain/semi perforated or with design ceiling tiles of BWP
type phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin bonded
pressed particle board conforming to IS:3087 finished
with a coat of aluminium primer on both sides & edges
and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
quality on exposed face fixed to a grid made out of
anodised aluminium (with 15 micron anodic coating)
Tsections 35 x 15 x 1.5mm size main runners and cross
runners 23.5x19x1.5 mm fixed to main runners placed
600 mm centre to centre both ways so as to form a grid
of 600 mm square. The frame work shall be suspended
from ceiling by level adjusting hangers of 6mm dia M.S.
rod fixed to roof slab by means of ceiling cleats. The
suspenders shall be placed 600 x 1200 mm centre to
centre including fixing to the frame with C.P. brace
screws and applying a priming coat of zinc chromate
yellow primer (aluminium frame work and hangers shall
be paid separately)
412972905.xlsx Page 117 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
106060 Extra for providing 3mm thick translucent white acrylic Sqm 567.97
plastic sheets of approved quality in false ceiling instead
of 12mm thick plain/ or with design particle board ceiling
tiles in Item 106050
106080 Providing & fixing PVC multiple hollow section of Sqm 1985.27
approved colour with tongue and groove fixture having
wall thickness 1mm and overall thickness 12mm in
ceiling on existing frame work
106090 Providing and fixing Tiled False Ceiling Tiles of approved Sqm 410.59
materials of size 595x595mm in true horizontal level
suspended on interlocking metal grid of galvanized steel
sections (galvanized @ 170gsm/sqm) consisting of main
“T” runners suitably spaced at joints to get required
length and of size 24x38mm made from 0.30mm thick
(minimum) sheet spaced at 1200mm centre to centre
and cross “T” of size 24x25mm made of 0.3mm thick
(min.) sheet, 1200mm long spaced between main “T” at
600mm centre to centre to form a grid of 1200x600mm
and secondary cross “T” of length 600mm and size
24x25mm made of 0.30mm thick minimum sheet to be
interlocked at middle of the 1200x600mm panel to form
grids of 600x600mm wall angle of size 21x21x 3mm and
laying false ceiling tiles of approved texture in the grid
including, wherever required, cutting/making openings
for services like diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures,
smoke detectors etc. ... contd.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
106100 Providing and fixing at all height false ceiling of 12.5mm Sqm 775.60
thick tapered edge gypsum board conforming to IS:
2095Part I, including providing and fixing of frame work
made of special sections power pressed from M.S. sheet
and galvanised with zinc coating of grade 350 as per IS:
277 and consisting of angle cleats of size 25mm x
1.6mm with flanges of 22mm and 37mm at 1200mm
centre to centre one flange fixed to the ceiling with
stener 12.5mm dia x 40mm long with 6mm dia bolts to
the angle hangers of 25x25x0.55mm of required length
and other end of angle hanger being fixed with nut and
bolts to G.I. channels 45x15x0.9mm running at the rate
of 1200mm centre to centre to which the ceiling section
0.5mm thick bottom wedge of 80mm with tapered
flanges of 26mm each having clips of 10.5mm at
450mm centre to centre shall be fixed in a direction
perpendicular to G.I. channel with connecting clips made
out of 2.64mm dia x 230mm long G.I. wire at every
junction including fixing the gypsum board with ceiling
section and perimeter channels 0.5mm thick 27mm high
having flanges of 20mm and 30mm long ... contd.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
106120 Extra for any sunk or raised Moulding in the Plaster of Sqm 241.95
Paris (gypsum anhydrous) ceiling
106130 Extra for providing Plaster of Paris (Gypsum anhydrous) Sqm 61.01
ceiling above 5 metres height from floor level for every
additional metre
106140 Providing and fixing Dasuti Cloth ceiling of approved Sqm 129.22
quality with necessary nails / Screws etc. complete
(frame work and beading to be paid separately)
106150 Providing, cutting and fixing with screws on existing Sqm 79.20
wooden / Aluminium / M. S. frames, thermocol board 10
to 15 mm (as directed by the Engineer) thick, of
approved shape and sizes and in regular pattern in
panels in ceiling
106160 Providing and fixing thermal insulation of ceiling (under Sqm 367.96
deck insulation) with Resin Bonded Fibre glass wool
conforming to IS: 8183 density 24kg/m3, 50mm thick,
wrapped in 200G Virgin polythene bags fixed to ceiling
with metallic cleats (50x50x3mm) @ 60cm and wire
mesh of 12.5mm x 24g wire and mesh, for top most
ceiling of building
106170 Providing and fixing thermal insulation with Resin Sqm 230.38
Bonded Fibre glass wool conforming to IS: 8183 density
16kg/m3, 50mm thick, wrapped in 200G Virgin
Polythene bags placed over existing false ceiling and
held in position by crisscrossing GI wire
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
106202 30X10 mm Teak or similar wood beading metre 33.57
106203 50X12 mm Kail or similar local wood beading metre 38.76
106204 30X10 mm Kail or similar local wood beading metre 21.34
106210 Dismantling and removing old wooden ceiling and Sqm 42.78
stacking upto 50 metres or part thereof
106220 Dismantling and removing Particle Board, Asbestos or Sqm 61.90
similar sheets ceiling and stacking upto 50 metres or
part thereof
107010 Supplying and fixing R.P Tiled roofing or roofing with the Sqm 286.87
similar pattern of tiles on roof over wooden or angle
battens (wooden or angle battens and laying ridge and
hip tiles to be paid separately) excluding lacing with
Contractor's tiles
107011 Supplying and fixing Single layer Country tiled roofing Sqm 797.57
including split bamboo battens
107012 Supplying and fixing Double layer Country tiled roofing Sqm 1595.14
including split bamboo battens
107020 Supplying and fixing Thatch Roofing 15 Cm thick in two Sqm 194.19
layers with bamboo lining in both directions 23 cm apart
and tying complete
107030 Supplying and fixing Mangalore, R.P. or any other similar metre 68.69 0.002
type ridge or hip on cement mortar 1:4
107040 Extra for lacing RP or Mangalore tiles or any other metre 23.53
similar tiles with contractor’s wire. (1.6 mm)
107050 Cement sand mortar ridging or hip to R.P. tiled roof metre 74.44 0.002
107060 Taking down and stacking Raniganj Pattern tiles Sqm 23.29
properly, single layer Labour rates only
107070 Taking down and stacking Raniganj pattern tiles Sqm 40.69
properly, double layer. Labour rates only
107080 Supplying and fixing R.P. or Mangalore ventilating tiles Each 80.20
107090 Supplying and fixing glass tiles (Mangalore or R.P.Tiles) Each 95.30
107100 Removing and resetting Mangalore ridge tiles in cement metre 38.82 0.002
mortar 1 : 6
107110 Removing and resetting Mangalore flat tiles on existing Sqm 72.88
107120 Providing & fixing pressed clay tile (Mangalore tile) Sqm 267.73
20mm nominal thickness and of approved size and as
per approved pattern ceiling on steel frame work
complete (steel frame work to be paid separately)
412972905.xlsx Page 121 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
107130 Providing & laying pressed clay tile ridge (Mangalore tile) Sqm 134.61
of 20mm thickness of approved pattern ceiling over steel
frame work complete (steel frame work to be paid
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
108063 150mm dia. CI Plain Bend Each 345.37 0.005
108070 CI Head Flat or Corner Type Bend
108071 75 mm dia. Each 220.57 0.002
108072 100mm dia. Each 134.04 0.002
108073 150mm dia. Each 159.76 0.003
108080 CI Plain Shoes
108081 75 mm dia. Each 127.42 0.002
108082 100mm dia. Each 342.87 0.002
108083 150mm dia. Each 744.93 0.003
108090 CI Branches (Plain)
108091 75 mm dia. single branch Each 411.98 0.003
108092 75 mm dia. double branch Each 528.13 0.005
108093 100mm dia. single branch Each 644.28 0.005
108094 100mm dia. double branch Each 528.71 0.006
108095 150mm dia. single branch Each 791.68 0.008
108096 150mm dia. double branch Each 1111.96 0.009
108100 CI Offset (Plain)
108101 75 mm dia, 55mm projection Each 301.64 0.003
108102 100mm dia, 55mm projection Each 412.56 0.003
108103 150mm dia, 55mm projection Each 761.01 0.003
108104 75 mm dia, 150mm projection Each 295.83 0.003
108105 100mm dia, 150mm projection Each 412.56 0.003
108106 150mm dia, 150mm projection Each 761.60 0.003
108110 C.I Slotted Vent cowl
108111 75 mm dia. Each 191.24
108112 100mm dia. Each 412.56
108113 150mm dia. Each 533.54
108120 Providing, fixing & embedding sand cast iron plain bend
in masonry/RCC surrounded with 12mm thick cement
mortar of same mix that of masonry (lead caulking will
be paid separately)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
108140 Providing, fixing and embedding sand cast iron branches
plain in masonry/ RCC surrounded with 12mm thick
cement mortar of the same mix that of masonry (lead
caulking will be paid for separately)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
108180 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised PVC
moulded bend and shoe for unplasticised Rigid PVC rain
water pipes conforming to IS: 13592 Type A including
jointing with seal ring conforming to IS: 5382 leaving
10mm gap for thermal expansion
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109010 Surface protection of jack arch roofs with cementitious Sqm 518.40 as at site
waterproofing compound incl reinstating missing or loose
tie rods at end bays of arches (at extra cost); removing
existing tar felt and other damaged waterproofing
systems; replacing soft or damaged lime terrace, if at
isolated locations, with cement concrete (1:2:4); sealing
cracks on the roof surface with sealing compound of
acrylicstyrene copolymer having density of 0.9, pH 7.0
to 8.0 and having excellent bond & waterproofing
properties and a minimum expandability of at least
200%; providing a 10 mm thick cementsand (1:4)
plaster on the entire surface; curing for 7 days;
waterproofing the surface with a twolayer plaster; the
first layer shall be 5 mm thick with cement (OPC or
slag), admixed with an octadecanoic acid based
cementitious waterproofing compound in the weight
ratio of 50:3 for cement and waterproofing compound;
and second layer of 12 mm thick cementsand (1:4)
plaster, enriched with polyester fibre and curing the
plastered surface. (polyester fibre to be paid under
separate item)
412972905.xlsx Page 126 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109020 Surface protection of jack arch roofs with polymer incl. Sqm 437.01 as at site
reinstating missing or loose tie rods at end bays of
arches (at extra cost); removing existing tar felt and
other damaged waterproofing systems; replacing soft or
damaged lime terrace, if at isolated locations, with
cement concrete (1:2:4); sealing cracks on the roof
surface with a sealing compound of acrylicstyrene
copolymer; waterproofing the surface with three coats of
the acrylic styrene copolymer, admixed with an
octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing
compound in the weight ratio of 3:1 to build up a
thickness of about 1.0 mm; spreading dry coarse sand
on the third coat when wet; finally providing a 6 mm
thick cementsand (1:4) plaster enriched with polyester
fibre and curing (polyester fibre to be paid under
separate item)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109050 Water proofing of roofs and exposed concrete surfaces Sqm 409.18 as at site
by cleaning and preparing the surfaces by acid etching;
treating it with atwo layer plaster; the first layer 5 mm
thick with cement (OPC or slag), admixed with an
octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing
compound in the weight ratio of 50:3 for cement and
waterproofing compound; finally providing a 12 mm
thick cementsand (1:4) plaster, enriched with polyester
fibre, and curing the plastered surface; the treatment
shall be impermeable under a waterhead of 20.0 metres.
(polyester triangular fibre and removal of existing
damaged waterproofing system, PCC, Lime Terracing
etc., if any, to be paid extra under separate item)
109060 Water proofing of roofs and exposed concrete surfaces Sqm 321.77 as at site
using polymeric waterproofing compound by cleaning
and drying the surface; applying two coats (DFT of
200300 micron) of translucent brown coloured phenolic
resin based single component high performance
polymeric waterproofing compound @ 0.6 litre per
square metre, with demonstrable properties of
resistance to water and acid; .. spraying a layer of dry
coarse sand on the second coat when still wet; removing
excess sand on the following day; permitting the
coatings to cure and dry naturally for 37 days; providing
a 12 mm thick cementsand (1:4) cover plaster; curing
the plaster; the treatment shall be impermeable under a
waterhead of 20m (removal of existing damaged
waterproofing system, PCC, Lime Terracing etc., if any,
to be paid extra under separate item)
109070 Making Drain mouth on roof waterproof by cleaning the Each 536.69
surface of the structure at the location of drain mouth;
lowering the drain mouth to the level of the concrete
roof; chipping; thorough cleaning; mixing thoroughly an
octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing
compound in the weight ratio of 50 cement (OPC or
slag) and 3 waterproofing compound; placing the drain
mouth in its final position, followed by filling of the
annular space around the drain pipe with a paste of
waterproofing compound cement; sealing the edges of
the drain mouth with acrylicstyrene based copolymer
waterproofing compound
412972905.xlsx Page 128 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109080 Sealing of cracks in concrete roofs by making a Vshaped metre 194.39
groove 810 mm wide and 35 mm deep; filling the
groove with acrylicstyrene based copolymer
waterproofing compound in water by repeated
application of the waterproofing compound; spreading
dry coarse sand when the last application of the sealing
compound still wet; removing the excess sand on the
following day and letting the treatment dry up for at
least a day before any surface treatment on the roof
109090 Treatment of expansion joints by cleaning the joint and metre 1152.49
surfaces abutting the expansion joint, applying two coats
of primer on the cleaned surfaces at the opening of the
joint, filling the joint (to a depth equaling half the width)
with the paste of a twocomponent polysulphide based
sealant (with basecuring agent weight ratio of 12.33:1
and a sp. gr. of 1.60±0.10 gms/cc, permitting the
sealant to cure in natural air for at least a day, providing
the edges of the treatment with two coats of a paste of
octadecanoic acid based cementitious waterproofing
compound and acrylicstyrene based copolymer
waterproofing material in the weight ration of 1:3
109100 Supply and Installation, including lifting to all heights as Sqm 679.83
required, galvanized steel corrugated sheets having
cover width of 1000 mm, 35 mm crest at a pitch of 250
mm stiffened with 8 mm deep intermittent corrugations
or profiling approved byengineer incharge. G.I. sheet
should be made from base metal having 0.52 mm (±
0.02 mm) thickness in steel of grade S250GD as per EN
10326, duly hot dip galvanized to grade 275 as per
IS:277 (minimum zinc mass 275 gsm total both sides),
with colour coating having complete dip tank
pretreatment process with zinc phosphate as main pre
treatment followed by PU primer (Permaprime grade) of
min 5 micron DFT on each surface; finished with special
polyester paint to grade EPG20 of minimum 20 micron
DFT on exposed surface and 5 micron DFT polyester
paint in grey shade on unexposed surface. Fixing shall
be done with selftapping screws meeting requirement of
Class3 of AS 3566with EPDM washers at suitable
intervals as per site requirement and as directed by
Engineer Incharge complete work.
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109110 Providing and fixing at all heights false ceiling of 9mm Sqm 656.17
Commercial Veneer SOGP GRADE II (595mm X 595mm)
conforming to IS : 3097 – 1980 including providing and
fixing of framework made of GI angle
25mmX25mmx0.4mm thick all around, suitably fixed to
wall with the help of dash fastener and hanger frame
(600mm x 600mm c/c) made of GI Slotted Tee having
powder coating on bottom side (30mm X 25mm X
0.3mm thick for main member & 25mm X 25mm X
0.3mm for cross member) connected to ceiling with
2.64mm GI wire and anchor fastener at every junction
and also including the cost of making openings for light
fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of
perimeter channels suitably fixed all complete as
specification and direction of the Engineer incharge as a
complete job
109120 Providing and fixing at all heights false ceiling of 4mm Sqm 1230.24
thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat board (595mm X
595mm) conforming to IS : 139581994 including
providing and fixing of frame work made of GI angle
25mm x 25mm x 0.4 mm thick all around suitably fixed
to wall with the help of dash fastener and hanger frame
(600mm x 600mm c/c) made GI Slotted Tee having
powder coating on bottom side (30mm x 25mm x
0.3mm thick for main member & 25mm x 25mm x
0.3mm for cross member) connected to ceiling with
2.64mm GI wire and anchor fastener at every junction
and also including the cost of making openings for light
fittings, grills, diffusers, cutouts made with frame of
perimeter channels suitably fixed all complete as per
specifications and direction of Engineerincharge as a
complete job
109130 Providing, erecting, laying and fixing in position in 3.5 – Sqm 1835.26
4mm thick bamboo mat corrugated sheet (BMCS) as per
IS : 15476 – 2004 in roofing with galvanized iron J or L
hooks 8mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen washer etc.
complete. Rates include cost of all L&M with all charges
such as octroi, sales tax, loading, unloading, stacking as
a complete job
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109131 Providing and fixing in position ridges of 3.5 4mm thick metre 1136.13 0.000
bamboo mat ridge cap (BMRC) with galvanized iron J or
L hooks 8 mm dia G.I. plain and bitumen washer etc.
complete. The rates include the cost of all L&M with all
charges such as octroi, sales tax, loading, unloading,
stacking as a complete job. Nothing will be paid extra
whatsoever the case may be
109140 Supplying, fabricating and erecting in position 0.91 mm Sqm 894.78 as at site
thick industrial corrugated aluminium sheets (Profile
tolerance conforming to IS 2541975, made of 988 alloy
conforming to IS 7371974) in full hard (H4) tamper, in
roof/sides including cuttings of sheet for proper lapping
and length and supplying, fabricating and fixing wind ties
of MS flat 25mmX6mm on every joint of roof sheeting
and on ends of sheeting, supplying of necessary GI "J"
or LHook bolts (8 mm dia & in suitable length) with nuts
and GI washer alongwith standard fibre washers etc.
complete in all respect to make the entire roofing/side
wall ends watertight and leak proof. The rate will be
inclusive of supply of material, labour tools plants and
equipments, scaffolding, staging etc. complete.
109150 Supplying, fabricating and erecting valley gutter having metre 1092.08
1.00 meter width, made out of 0.91mm thick aluminum
sheets, the joints shall be made by aluminum welding to
make water tight including supplying manufacturing and
fixing brackets made out of MS flats 50mm x 6mm at
the spacing of 75 cm center to center. The rate will be
including supply of all materials, labours, tools, plants,
equipments, scaffolding and staging etc. Complete work
shall be carried out as directed by engineer in charge
109160 Providing, erecting, laying and fixing in position for Sqm 1512.65
roofing 2.5mm thick Bamboo Jute (Natural Fibre)
thermoset composite ISO 90012000 certified
factorymade semi corrugated sheets having Ecofriendly,
Bio degradable, Maintenance free, Fire Retardant,
Weather (+100 _C to 30 _C), Water (absorption 3%
max) & Termite Proof and U.V., Alkali & diluted Acid
(5%) resistance character of Size 2440 ± 10mm in
length and 1220 ± 10mm in width fixed to purlins with
GI ‘J’ or ‘L’ hooks 8 mm dia, GI plain and bitumen
washers etc. complete
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109161 Supply and fixing of ISO 90012000 certified factory metre 1063.93
made Bamboo Jute Composite Ridges for
semicorrugated roofing sheets havingEco friendly,
Biodegradable, Maintenance free, Fire Retardant,
Weather (+100 _C to 30 _C), Water (absorption 3%
max) & Termite Proof and U.V., Alkali & diluted Acid
(5%) resistance character of size 1220 ± 10mm in
length, 300mm to 350mm in width and 2.5mm thick,
complete with all fittings
109170 Providing and fixing Aluminium standing insulated seam Sqm 8649.69
roofing system consisting of bottom layer of 0.47mm
thick 35/200 profile galvanised steel liner sheet having
35mm deep ribs with Galvanising of 2M275 coating. A
20mm wide galvanised steel top hat with brackets laid at
1m interval across bottom layer
109180 Providing and fixing of single skin self supported secret Sqm 6462.73
fix aluminium standing seam roofing system consisting
of aluminium profile sheet in 65/400 mm manufactured
from aluminum alloy AA3004 and having 0.9 mm
minimum thickness with PVDF coating on exposed
surface (colour as approved by Engineer Incharge)
having male and female fixing arrangements, to be
zipped together and nonpenetrative including fixing of
L25 ST clips with thermal insulation pad at suitable
interval all over the tophat/purlin fixed with SD screws
and stainless steel fasteners
412972905.xlsx Page 132 of 319 Chapter-10
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109190 Providing and fixing PVC false ceiling tiles of required Sqm 1198.21
size in true horizontal levels suspended on interlocking
MS tube grid of section 25mmx25mmx1.2mm. PVC
ceiling tiles should have a section size of 6mmx250mm
with wall thickness of 0.8mm. Perimeter edge of tiles
shall be covered by extruded PVC corner beeding of size
9mm x 8mm x1 mm. MS tube section grid should be
properly secured with walls and anchored to roof with
the help of suitable clamps with complete work.
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109220 Providing and applying water proofing treatment to RCC Sqm 843.48 0.020
roof slab etc. by application of two coats of cement
slurry mixed with water proofing compound (Acrylic
based polymer, solid content 30% ±3, pH >7) in the
ratio of 1:2 (1 part of water proofing compound : 2 parts
of cement by weight), followed by two coats of single
component moisture cured polyurethane based
elastomeric water proofing coating conforming to ASTM
C83689 having tensile strength 3.1 N/mm_. Topping
layer of 25 mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (to be paid
separately) to be laid
109230 Supply and Installation, including lifting to all heights as Sqm 735.41
required, trapezoidal/corrugated sheeting system in
galvalume colour coated steel having cover width of
1000 mm, 35 mm crest at a pitch of 250 mm stiffened
with 8 mm deep intermittent corrugations or profiling
approved by engineerincharge. Sheet should be made
from base metal having 0.52 mm (± 0.02 mm)
thickness in steel of grade 345 as per ASTM A792M
coated with alloy of Aluminum & Zinc to grade AZ150
(min. alloy mass 150 gsm total both sides) with colour
coating having complete dip tank pretreatment process
with Chromate Conversion (Cr +3) as main pretreatment
followed by PU primer (Permaprime grade)of min. 5
micron DFT on each surface; finished with special
polyester paint to grade EPG20 of minimum 20 micron
DFT on exposed surface and 5 micron in grey shade on
unexposed surface. Fixing shall be done with selftapping
screws meeting requirement of Class3 of AS 3566 with
EPDM washers at suitable intervals as per site
requirement and as directed by Engineer Incharge
complete work
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109240 Supplying and installation including lifting to all heights Sqm 3939.66
as required, of standing seam system 0.7 mm thick
aluminum sheets having cover width of 550 mm, 46 mm
crest height with horizontal stiffening ribs, made of
Aluminum Manganese alloy 5754 grade in mill finish. The
sheets shall have side locking with special antifriction,
antistatic, polyamide / acetylate brackets which allow
thermal movement to the sheets. Clips shall be fixed to
purlins/structure with zinc coated self tapping drilling
screws. Sheets shall be site roll formed for giving
required profile and length. Complete job to be done as
per directions of Engineer Incharge
109280 Supplying and installation including lifting to all heights Sqm 2838.51
as required, of 0.5 mm thick trapezoidal aluminum
sheets having cover width of 975 mm, 32 mm crest
height, pitch of 195mm made of Aluminum Manganese
alloy 5754 grade in mill finish. Fixing shall be done with
self tapping, self drilling screws of required TPI (24 or 14
or as thickness of purlin) and length, with neutral EPDM
washer etc. complete
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
109290 Providing and fixing of plain formed 0.5 mm thick
aluminum sheet flashing at ridges apex junctions of
roofing and cladding, cover / corner / barge pieces etc.
of required shape colour and profile as per site
109291 Upto 600 mm width (girth) R metre 2355.89
109300 Extra over item no. 109280, if Stucco embossed finished Sqm 603.98
aluminium sheets are used instead of millfinish sheets
109310 Extra over item nos. 109240 & 109280, for Aluminium Sqm 590.04
sheets with 5 micron DFT primer on both faces alongwith
20 micron & 5 micron DFT Polyester colour coating on
exposed & unexposed surfaces respectively, instead of
mill finish
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
111120 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12mm Sqm 121.65 0.081
thick cement plaster 1:5 (1cement: 5coarse sand) and a
top layer 6mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1cement:
3coarse sand) finished rough with sponge/rubber pad
111130 12 mm cement plaster 1:2 (1cement: 2stone dust) Sqm 84.22 0.098
111140 15 mm cement plaster 1:2 (1cement: 2stone dust) on Sqm 97.29 0.117
the rough side of single or half brick wall
111150 Cement plaster to ceiling of mix -
111151 6 mm thick 1:3 (1cement: 3 fine sand) Sqm 66.93 0.037
111152 12 mm thick 1:3 (1cement: 3 fine sand) Sqm 84.28 0.073
111160 6 mm cement plaster 1:3 to CC/RCC in columns, beams, Sqm 68.37 0.037
stairs etc when specifically ordered except underside of
111170 6 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand) finished Sqm 86.50 0.059
with a floating coat of neat cement and thick coat of lime
wash on top of walls when dry for bearing of R.C.C. slabs
and beams
112060 Rough cast plaster upto 10m height above ground level Sqm 220.30 0.116
with a mixture of sand and gravel or crushed stone from
6mm to 10mm nominal size dashed over and including
the fresh plaster in two layers, under layer 12mm
ordinary cement plaster 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand)
and top layer 10mm cement plaster 1:3 (1cement: 3fine
412972905.xlsx Page 138 of 319 Chapter-11
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
112070 Pebble dash plaster upto 10m height above ground level Sqm 207.48 0.116
with a mixture of washed pebble or crushed stone 6mm
to 12.5mm nominal size) dashed over and including
fresh plaster in two layers under layer 12mm cement
plaster 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) and top layer
10mm cement plaster with cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3fine sand)
112080 Washed stone grit plaster on exterior walls of height Sqm 267.74 0.164
upto 10m above level in two layers, under layer 12mm
cement plaster 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) furrowing
the under layer with scratching tool, applying cement
slurry on the under layer @ 2kg. of cement per square
meter, top layer 15mm cement plaster 1:1.2:2
(1cement:1.2coarse sand: 2stone chipping 10mm
nominal size) in panels with groove all around as per
approved pattern including scrubbing and washing, the
top layer with brushes and water to expose the stone
chippings, complete as per specification and direction of
the Engineer-in- Charge (payment for providing grooves
shall be made separately)
112090 Extra for washed stone grit plaster on exterior walls of Sqm 22.36
height more than 10m from ground level for every
additional height of 3m or part thereof
112100 Extra for washed stone grit plaster on circular work not Sqm 32.91
exceeding 6m in radius (in two coats)
112110 Extra for using white cement in place of ordinary cement Sqm 256.69
in the top layer of the item of washed stone grit plaster
112120 18mm plastering upto 10m height above ground level Sqm 518.52 0.129
with terrazzo finish rubbed and polished complete, under
layer 12mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse
sand) and top layer 6mm thick white, black, chocolate,
grey,yellow or baroda green marble chips of 3mm and
down size laid in cement marble powder mix 3:1
(3cement: 1marble powder) by weight in proportion of
4:7 (4cement marble powder mix: 7marble chips) by
112130 Extra if white cement is used instead of ordinary cement Sqm 130.91 0.000
in top layer of 18mm thick plastering with terrazzo finish
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
113010 12mm thick cement mortar bands in cement mortar 1:4
(1cement: 4fine sand)
113011 Flush Band plain m long x 1.71 0.001
cm wide
113012 Sunk Band plain m long x 1.86 0.001
cm wide
113013 Raised Band plain m long x 2.12 0.001
cm wide
113014 Moulded Band m long x 3.62 0.001
cm wide
113020 18mm thick cement mortar band incl. cement mortar 1:4
(1cement: 4fine sand) -
113021 Flush Band plain m long x 2.08 0.001
cm wide
113022 Sunk Band plain m long x 2.29 0.001
cm wide
113023 Raised Band plain m long x 2.61 0.001
cm wide
113024 Moulded Band m long x 4.84 0.001
cm wide
113030 18 mm thick moulded cement mortar band in two coats m long x 4.84 0.001
under layer 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:5 cm wide
(1cement: 5coarse sand) top layer 6mm thick with
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand)
114010 Pointing on brick work with cement mortar 1:3(1cement:
3fine sand)
114011 Flush/Ruled/Struck or weathered pointing Sqm 57.06 0.015
114012 Raised and cut pointing Sqm 93.09 0.020
114020 Pointing on brick/tile flooring with cement mortar 1:3
(1cement: 3fine sand)
114021 Flush pointing Sqm 47.29 0.015
114022 Ruled pointing Sqm 57.71 0.015
114030 Flush/ Ruled/ Struck or Weathered Pointing on tile brick Sqm 77.41 0.015
work with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3fine sand)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
114090 Flush pointing to joints of Mangalore tiled roof 12 mm. Sqm 83.07 0.015
deep with cement mortar 1:2
114100 Pointing on stone slab ceiling with cement mortar 1:2
(1cement: 2fine sand)
114101 Flush pointing Sqm 46.77 0.007
114102 Ruled pointing Sqm 52.42
114110 Extra for pointing on walls on the outside at height more Sqm 3.11
than 10m from ground level for every additional height
of 3m or part thereof
115010 White washing with lime to give an even shade
115011 New work (three or more coats) Sqm 11.37
115012 Extra for using zinc oxide 75 gm per kg of lime for final Sqm 5.32
coat of white washing
115020 Lime wash on walls one coat with quick lime of approved Sqm 4.42
115030 Colour washing such as green, blue or buff to give an
even shade
115031 New work (two or more coats) with a base coat of white Sqm 14.04
washing with lime
115032 New work (two or more coats) with a base coat of Sqm 14.16
115040 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of
approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade
115041 New work (two or more coats of distemper) over and Sqm 70.20
including priming coat with cement primer
115042 New work (two or more coats of distemper) over and Sqm 69.79
including priming coat with distemper primer
115050 Distempering two or more coats on new work with 1st Sqm 42.55
quality acrylic washable distemper (ready mixed) of
approved manufacturer and of required shade and colour
complete as per manufacturer’s specification
115060 Applying one coat of cement primer of approved brand Sqm 25.33
and manufacture on wall surface
115070 Extra over Item 115040,115050 in case primer is applied Sqm 25%
on gritted/ rough cast/ sand faced or alike rough
115080 Finishing walls with Deluxe Multi surface paint system for Sqm 83.51
interiors and exteriors using Primer as per manufacturers
specifications with two or more coats applied @
1.25ltr/10 sqm over and including one coat of Special
primer applied @ 0.75 ltr/10sqm
115090 Wall painting on new work with two or more coats of Sqm 68.62
plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and
manufacture to give an even shade
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Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
115091 Extra over Items for roller painting in lieu of normal Sqm 12.30
brush painting if specifically ordered
115092 Extra over Items for spray painting in lieu of normal Sqm 16.14
brush painting if specifically ordered
115100 Painting one thin coat with white lead of approved brand Sqm 30.94
and manufacture on wet or patchy portion of plastered
115110 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of Sqm 42.51
required shade two or more coats on new work applied
@ 3.84 Kg/10 sqm
115120 Cement washing single coat.(Ordinary Portland cement) Sqm 4.25 0.002
115130 Cement washing two coat.(Ordinary Portland cement) Sqm 7.06 0.004
115140 Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required Sqm 122.82
shade on new work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28
ltr/10 sqm) over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm
115150 Finishing walls with textured Interior paint of required Sqm 81.32
shade on new work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28
ltr/10 sqm) over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm
115160 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint with Sqm 79.96
Silicone additives of required shade on new work (Two or
more coats applied @ 1.67ltr/10 sqm over and including
one coat of water proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20
115170 Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth Interior paint of Sqm 106.14
required shade on new work (Two or more coats applied
@ 1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm
115180 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth exterior Sqm 73.97
paint with Silicone additives of required shade on new
work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43ltr/10 sqm over
and including one coat of water proofing cement paint
applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm
115190 Finishing walls with Premium Acrylic Smooth Interior Sqm 108.85
paint with Silicone additives of required shade on new
work (Two or more coats applied @ 1.43ltr/10 sqm over
and including one coat of water proofing cement paint
applied @ 2.20 kg/10sqm
115200 Extra for applying water proofing cement paint as primer Sqm 1.92
applied @ 2.2kg/10 sqm instead of primer for exterior
412972905.xlsx Page 142 of 319 Chapter-11
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
116010 Cement plaster 1:3, 12 mm thick (1Cement :3 ordinary metre 95.15 0.077
sand) on girders/ RCC columns or other parts encased
with rabbit wire netting or expanded metal. (Note : the
payment for encasing to be done separately)
116020 Rounding top of walls, 20/23 cm thick wall, with cement metre 82.34 0.033
mortar 1 : 6 finish, with hearting of brick masonry.(Ht at
centre=10/11.5 cms)
116030 Rounding top of walls, 30/35 cm thick wall, with cement metre 129.50 0.099
mortar 1: 6 finish, with hearting of 1: 3: 6 cement
concrete. (Ht at centre =15/17.5 cms)
116040 Fixing sharp glass pieces in cement mortar 1:4, 25 mm, Sqm 125.19 0.106
thick, on the top of brick masonry or stone masonry
compound walls (Glass pieces to be supplied by the
116050 Fixing Railway's glass pieces on compound wall including Sqm 81.66 0.106
cement plastering 20mm thick in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 sand)
116060 Raggling masonry or concrete surface including watering
and cleaning
116061 Masonry or concrete built in cement mortar Sqm 15.37
116062 Masonry or concrete built in lime mortar Sqm 14.28
116070 Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all Sqm 112.93
locations prepared and applied as per manufacturer's
specifications including appropriate priming coat,
preparation of surface, etc. complete on concrete work
116080 Floor painting on new work with two or more coats of Sqm 57.23
floor enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture
to give an even shade :
116090 Floor polishing on masonry or concrete floors with wax Sqm 24.62
polish of approved brand and manufacture
116100 Extra for providing and mixing water proofing compound 100 ml 13.07
(pH>7, Sp.Gravity 1.06±0.02, conforming to IS:2645) in
cement plaster @ 100ml per 50 kg cement bag
116110 Extra for plastering exterior walls of height more than 10 Sqm 21.77
m from ground level for every additional height of 3m or
part thereof
116120 Extra for plastering on circular work not exceeding 6m in
116121 In one coat Sqm 10.91
116122 In two coats Sqm 16.68
116130 Extra for plastering done on moulding cornices or
architraves including neat finish to line and level
116131 In one coat. Sqm 158.91
116132 In two coats. Sqm 261.69
116140 Extra for plastering on
412972905.xlsx Page 143 of 319 Chapter-11
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
116141 Spherical ceiling. Sqm 40.72
116142 Groined ceiling. (Gritted) Sqm 44.28
116143 Flowing soffits.(spiral) Sqm 26.76
116150 Extra for lining out plaster to imitate stone or concrete Sqm 25.42
blocks walling.
116160 Extra for forming groove of uniform size from 12x12mm Sqm 28.54
and upto 25x15mm in plastered surface as per approved
pattern using wooden battens, nailed to the under layer
including removal of wooden battens, repairs to the
edges of plaster panel and finishing the groove complete
as per specifications and the direction of the Engineer-in-
White/Colour washing/Pointing on Old work
117010 Pointing on brick work with lime surkhi mortar 1:2 (1lime
putty: 2surkhi). (On Old Work)
117011 Flush pointing Sqm 74.50
117012 Ruled pointing Sqm 75.17
117013 Struck or weathered pointing Sqm 75.22
117020 Pointing on brick work with an admixture of white
cement lime putty marble dust and stone dust in
proportion _:1:1:1 (_white cement: 1lime putty:
1marble dust: 1stone dust). (On Old Work)
117021 Flush pointing Sqm 85.60
117022 Ruled pointing Sqm 85.53
117023 Struck or weathered pointing Sqm 86.32
117030 Pointing on tile brick work with lime mortar 1:2 (1lime
putty: 2surkhi). (On Old Work)
117031 Flush pointing Sqm 107.11
117032 Ruled pointing Sqm 109.05
117033 Struck or weathered pointing Sqm 107.40
117040 Pointing on tile brick work with an admixture of white
cement lime marble dust and stone dust in proportion
_:1:1:1 (_white cement: 1lime putty: 1marble dust:
1stone dust). (On Old Work)
Rate Cement
Item No. Description of Item Unit
(Rs.) Qty.(qtl.)
117072 Old work (two or more coats) with whiting Sqm 8.93
117073 Old work (one or more coats) with lime Sqm 6.66
117074 Old work (one or more coats) with whiting Sqm 6.55
117080 Oil bound distemper after removing old white/ colour
wash by scrapping and sand papering etc., preparing the
surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches
with putty etc complete
117081 Two or more coat, to give an even shade Sqm 64.58
117082 One or more coat, to give an even shade Sqm 50.98
117090 Plastic emulsion paint after removing white/colour wash
by scrapping and sand papering etc., preparing the
surface smooth including necessary repairs to scratches
with putty etc complete
121020 Painting wood work with Deluxe Multi Surfaces Paint of required Sqm 70.48
shade. Two or more coat applied @ 0.90ltr/ 10sqm over an under
coat of primer, applied @ 0.75ltr/ 10sqm of approved brand or
121030 Painting Steel work with Deluxe Multi Surface Paint to give an even Sqm 70.65
shade. Two or more coats applied @ 0.90ltr/ 10sqm over an under
coat of primer applied @ 0.80ltr/ 10sqm of approved brand or
121040 Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations
prepared and applied as per manufacturer’s specifications including
appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface etc. complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit
121083 Treating new G.S. Sheets with a solution of 9 gms of washing soda Sqm 15.52
per litre of water, scrubbing the surface and rinsing with water
Item No. Description of Item Unit
121213 Small articles not exceeding 0.1 sqm in area and not in conjunction Each 12.68
with similar painted surfaces
121220 Painting new work (two or more coats).with oil type wood Sqm 23.08
preservative of approved brand and manufacture
121230 Providing and applying two coats of fire retardant paint unthinned Sqm 310.48
on cleaned wood/ ply surface @ 1 litre per 3.5 sqm per coat
including preparation of base surface as per recommendations of
manufacturer to make the surface fire retardant
121240 Lettering with "Black Japan" paint (two coats) of approved brand Each of 1 1.49
and manufacture cm height
121250 Lettering with “Synthetic Enamel” paint (two coats) of approved Each of 1 1.53
brand and manufacture cm height
121260 Relettering with "Black Japan" paint (one coat) Each of 1 1.08
cm height
121270 Relettering with “Synthetic Enamel” paint (one coat) Each of 1 1.29
cm height
121280 Painting border lines upto 150 mm width with two coats of synthetic Each of 1 1.12
enamel paint cm height
122010 Painting (two or more coats) on rain water, soil, waste and vent
pipes and fittings with black anticorrosive bitumastic paint approved
brand and manufacture over and including a priming of ready mixed
zinc chromate yellow primer on new work
122011 75mm diameter pipes metre 15.56
122012 100mm diameter pipes metre 22.77
122013 150mm diameter pipes metre 33.43
122020 Painting (one or more coats) on rain water, soil, waste and vent
pipes and fittings with black anticorrosive bitumastic paint approved
brand and manufacture on old work
122021 75mm diameter pipes metre 7.65
122022 100mm diameter pipes metre 10.08
122023 150mm diameter pipes metre 14.48
122030 Painting (two or more coats) on rain water, soil, waste and vent
pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand
and manufacture and required colour/ anti corrosive black enamel
paint of approved quality. over a priming coat of approved steel
primer on new work
122031 75mm diameter pipes metre 18.15
122032 100mm diameter pipes metre 24.21
122033 150mm diameter pipes metre 36.08
122040 Painting one or more coat (on old work) on rain water, soil, waste
and vent pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel paint of approved
brand and manufacture and required colour / anti corrosive black
enamel paint of approved quality
122041 75 mm dia. Pipe metre 7.23
122042 100 mm dia. pipe metre 9.34
122043 150 mm dia. Pipe metre 13.60
412972905.xlsx Page 148 of 319 Chapter-12
Item No. Description of Item Unit
122050 Painting two coats on G.I. Pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel
white paint over a ready mixed priming coat, both of approved
122051 15mm diameter pipe metre 6.34
122052 20mm diameter pipe metre 7.56
122053 25mm diameter pipe metre 9.87
122054 32mm diameter pipe metre 11.81
122055 40mm diameter pipe metre 13.90
122056 50mm diameter pipe metre 16.55
122060 Repainting one coat on G.I. Pipes and fittings with synthetic enamel
white paint of approved quality
122061 15mm diameter pipe metre 3.16
122062 20mm diameter pipe metre 3.73
122063 25mm diameter pipe metre 4.76
122064 32mm diameter pipe metre 4.45
122065 40mm diameter pipe metre 6.60
122066 50mm diameter pipe metre 7.84
122070 Painting G.I. Pipes (New work) and fittings with two coats of anti-
corrosive bitumastic paint of approved quality
122071 15mm diameter pipe metre 3.55
122072 20mm diameter pipe metre 4.22
122073 25mm diameter pipe metre 5.38
122074 32mm diameter pipe metre 6.44
122075 40mm diameter pipe metre 7.33
122076 50mm diameter pipe metre 8.78
122077 80mm diameter pipe metre 12.59
123010 Painting, one coat , any shade as directed of approved make and
brand a) Trusses upto 9m clear span and b) Staging with O.H. tank
where staging is upto 2.5m in height
123011 With Red Oxide metal primer as per IS:123 Sqm 16.32
123012 With Zinc Chromate primer as per IS:104 Sqm 18.21
123013 With Synthetic Enamel paint. Sqm 26.10
123014 With Aluminium paint as per IS:2339. Sqm 17.56
123020 Painting, Two coat , any shade as directed of approved make and
brand a) Trusses upto 9m clear span and b) Staging with O.H. tank
where staging is upto 2.5m in height
123021 With Red Oxide metal primer as per IS:123 Sqm 29.75
123022 With Zinc Chromate primer as per IS:104 Sqm 33.05
123023 With Synthetic Enamel paint. Sqm 46.84
123024 With Aluminium paint as per IS:2339. Sqm 31.91
123030 Painting, one coat, any shade as directed of approved make and
brand a) Trusses exceeding 9m clear span, b) Staging with O.H.
tank where staging is more than 2.5m in height, c) Flood light
towers, d) Chimneys and similar structures
123031 With Red Oxide metal primer as per IS:123 Sqm 13.99
412972905.xlsx Page 149 of 319 Chapter-12
Item No. Description of Item Unit
123032 With Zinc Chromate primer as per IS:104 Sqm 14.88
123033 With Synthetic Enamel paint Sqm 30.66
123034 With Aluminium paint as per IS:2339 Sqm 22.12
123040 Painting, Two coat, any shade as directed of approved make and
brand a) Trusses exceeding 9m clear span, b) Staging with O.H.
tank where staging is more than 2.5m in height, c) Flood light
towers, d) Chimneys and similar structures
123041 With Red Oxide metal primer as per IS:123 Sqm 36.85
123042 With Zinc Chromate primer as per IS:104 Sqm 40.15
123043 With Synthetic Enamel paint Sqm 53.94
123044 With Aluminium paint as per IS:2339 Sqm 39.01
123050 Painting (any shade as directed) with synthetic enamel paint of Sqm 73.03
approved make and brand) telegraph OHE mast number plate
including lettering complete (single plate)
123060 Painting (any shade as directed) with synthetic enamel paint of Sqm 85.64
approved make and brand telegraph OHE mast number plate
including lettering complete (double plate)
123070 Painting fire buckets with Synthetic Enamel paint two coats. (Inside Each 68.16
and outside complete)
123080 Painting human figures on latrine walls with Synthetic Enamel paint Each 40.54
two coats, including the background complete
123090 Painting line clear apparatus with Synthetic Enamel paint two coats Each 225.34
Item No. Description of Item Unit
124040 Melamine polishing on wood work (one or more coats) Sqm 86.32
124050 Varnishing with flatting varnish of approved brand and manufacture Sqm 27.78
one or more coats on old work
124060 Oiling two coats with raw linseed oil Sqm 26.44
124070 Oiling one coat with raw linseed oil Sqm 17.35
124080 Bees waxing on wood work with local made wax polish with
proportion 2:1.1/2 : 1 : 1/2. (2 bees wax : 1.1/2 linseed oil : 1
turpentine oil :1/2 varnish by weight)
124081 Two or more coats on new work Sqm 50.87
124082 One or more coat on old work Sqm 26.36
125010 Removing old paint with paint remover of approved manufacture. Sqm 17.59
Note : Payment under these items shall be made only where
complete removal of old paint or varnish is ordered to be done and
area to be paid under this item shall be specified in advance in
writing by Engineer in charge
125020 Removing old paint with caustic soda solution. The rate includes Sqm 21.10
cost of labour, consumables, brushes, tools and plants, ladders,
scaffoldings, staging etc. (Including high or special slung scaffolding
if required as per site conditions)
125030 Removing old paint with blow lamp. Note : Payment under these Sqm 35.64
items shall be made only where complete removal of old paint or
varnish is ordered to be done and area to be paid under complete
removal of paint shall be specified in advance in writing by Engineer
in charge
125040 Cleaning and washing glasses / FRP sheets / Transparent sheets or Sqm 10.40
like material in trusses, sky lights, north lights, ventilators, of work
shops and loco sheds or similar structures. (It will include both the
sides and measurements will be for one side only)
125050 Supplying printing and fixing banner made of Flex Fibre Cloth with Sqm 243.92
digital printing as per Railways approved matter, colour, pattern
etc. complete job
New Items To Be Added By Zonal Railway
412972905.xlsx Page 151 of 319 Chapter-13
131091 etc. 15mm nominal outer dia. Pipes metre 186.42 0.01
131092 20mm nominal outer dia. Pipes metre 206.05 0.01
131093 25mm nominal outer dia. Pipes metre 258.90 0.01
131094 32mm nominal outer dia. Pipes metre 307.22 0.01
131100 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
pipes, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings. This
includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC
solvent cement, trenching, refilling and testing of joints
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. External
131170 Fixing water meter and stop cock in G.I. pipe line including Each 203.00
cutting and threading the pipe and making long screws etc.
complete (cost of water meter and stop cock to be paid
131180 Providing and fixing PP-R Gate Valve fusion welded, having
thermal stability for hot & cold water supply and testing of
joints complete as per direction of engineer in charge
132190 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long nose bib cock, 15 mm Each 413.09
nominal bore, of approved quality conforming to IS
standards and weighing not less than 810 gms
132200 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long body bib cock, 15 mm Each 421.62
nominal bore, of approved quality conforming to IS
standards and weighing not less than 690 gms
132210 Providing and fixing C.P. brass stop cock, 15 mm nominal Each 419.96
bore, (concealed) of standard design and of approved make
conforming to IS:8931
132220 Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer Each 496.19
and geyser points of approved quality conforming to
132230 Supplying and fixing brass chromium plated (Two in one) Each 1294.78
type wall mixer having either fixed type over head shower
or telephonic shower as approved by Engineer In-charge
including all components like adjustable legs, wall flange,
rigid tube or flexible pipe etc. complete
132240 Supplying and fixing brass chromium plated (Three- in- one) Each 1540.41
type wall mixer having fixed type over head shower and also
having flexible type telephonic shower including all
components like adjustable legs, rigid tube, flexible pipe etc.
412972905.xlsx Page 158 of 319 Chapter-13
132250 Supplying and fixing brass chromium plated (Two in one) Each 1880.82 0.00
MIXER having either fixed type over head shower or
telephonic shower as approved by Engineer In-charge
including all components like adjustable legs, wall flange,
rigid tube or flexible pipe etc. complete
133310 Providing and laying S&S C.I. Standard specials suitable for
mechanical jointing as per IS : 13382
133311 Upto 300mm dia Quintal 6047.47
134030 Providing and fixing PTMT pillar cock of approved quality and
134031 15mm nominal bore, 107mm long. Weighing not less than Each 243.32
110 gms
134032 15mm nominal size, 125 mm long foam flow. Weighing not Each 214.29
less than 120 gms
134040 Providing and fixing PTMT push cock of approved quality and
134041 15mm nominal bore, 98mm long. Weighing not less than 75 Each 127.83
134042 15mm nominal size, 80 mm long. Weighing not less than 46 Each 183.59
134050 Providing and fixing PTMT grating of approved quality and
134051 Circular type 100 mm nominal dia Each 50.13
134052 Circular type 125 mm nominal dia with 25mm waste hole Each 62.91
134053 Rectangular type with openable circular lid. 150mm nominal Each 254.55
size square, 100mm diameter of the inner hinged round
134111 15 mm nominal bore. Weighing not less than 32gms Each 49.19
134112 20 mm nominal bore. Weighing not les than 40gms Each 67.81
134113 25 mm nominal bore. Weighing not less than 62gms Each 82.91
412972905.xlsx Page 167 of 319 Chapter-13
135010 Providing and fixing cast iron water hydrant one way for Each 1368.31
carriage washing lines including cost of jointing material
complete as per approved drawing {Drg No. 8373/M.(NR)
used for analysis}
135020 Providing and fixing cast iron water hydrant two way for Each 1583.53
carriage washing lines including cost of jointing material
complete as per approved drawing {Engg drawing no 250.
(NR), used for analysis}
135030 Providing and fixing cast iron spindle fire hydrant 65 mm Each 2383.11
outlet, complete including cost of jointing material complete
as (bolts, nuts and rubber insertions etc)
135040 Supplying, fitting & fixing in position C.I. Fire Hydrant stand Each 7457.31
post type ISI marked (IS:908) containing stand post column
having single spout (outlet), duck foot bend, inlet 80 mm
dia. with one sluice valve, surface box etc. complete in all
136010 Constructing masonry Chamber 30x30x50 cm, inside with Each 787.37 0.26
7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for stop cock, with C.
I. surface box 100x100 x75 mm (inside) with hinged cover
fixed in cement concrete slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size )
necessary excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1
cement :5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40mm
nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement :3 coarse sand) 12mm thick finished with a
floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard
136020 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm, inside with Each 3686.32 1.44
7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with
C.I. surface box 100mm. top diameter and 160 mm bottom
diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and
RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement :5 fine
sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and
inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3
coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard design
412972905.xlsx Page 168 of 319 Chapter-13
136030 Constructing masonry Chamber 90x90x100 cm, inside with Each 6197.19 2.48
7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement :4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with
C.I. surface box 100 mm. top diameter, 160 mm bottom
diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and
RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix ( 1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement :5 fine
sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and
inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement :3
coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard design.
136040 Constructing masonry Chamber 120x120x100 cm, inside Each 8099.41 3.50
with 7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in
cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement :4 coarse sand ) for sluice
valve, with C.I. surface box 100 mm. top diameter, 160 mm
bottom diameter and 180 mm deep ( inside) with chained lid
and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix ( 1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement :5 fine
sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and
inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement :3
coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard design.
136050 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm, inside with Each 3557.53 1.30
7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement :4 coarse sand) for fire hydrants,
with C.I. surface box 350x350 mm. top and 165 mm deep
( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix ( 1
cement :2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size ) necessary excavation foundation concrete
1:5:10 ( 1 cement :5 fine sand:10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement
mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement :3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished
with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per
standard design.
136060 Constructing masonry Chamber 60x45x50 cm, inside with Each 3448.12 1.34
7.5 class designation brick work with FPS Bricks in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for water meter
complete with C.I. double flap surface box
400x200x200mm. (inside) with locking arrangement and
RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement :5 fine
sand:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and
inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :3
coarse sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating coat of
neat cement complete as per standard design.
412972905.xlsx Page 169 of 319 Chapter-13
136150 Providing and placing on terrace/staging (at all heights) litre 6.43
polyethylene water storage tank ISI : 12701 marked with
cover and suitable locking arrangement and making
necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but
without fittings and the base support for tank
136160 Cutting holes up to 30x30cm in walls including making good Each 115.70 0.03
the same :
136170 Cutting holes up to 15x15cm in RCC floors and roofs for Each 113.60 0.01
passing drain pipe etc. and repairing the hole after insertion
of drain pipe etc. with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2
coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
including finishing complete so as to make it leak proof
136180 Making chases up to 7.5x7.5cm in walls including making metre 49.07 0.01
good and finishing with matching surface after housing G.I.
pipe etc.
136190 Making hole up to 20x20 cm and embedding pipes up to Each 69.45 0.02
150mm diameter in masonry and filling with cement
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement :3 coarse sand 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) including disposal of malba
137010 Supplying, fabricating and fixing M.S. flat angle iron pipe Kg 118.00
clamps, stays, etc. including drilling holes, welding (if any)
including nuts and bolts etc. including all lifts
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
141046 300mm diameter S.W. pipe metre 431.52 0.234
141047 400mm diameter S.W. pipe metre 553.79 0.303
141050 Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap grade
‘A’ completewith C.I. grating brick masonry
chamberwithwater tight C.I. coverwith frame of
300x300mm size (inside) theweight of cover to be not
less than 4.50kg and frame to be not less than 2.70kg as
per standard design
141051 100x100mm size P type With F.P.S. bricks class Each 1782.76 0.270
designation 75
141052 100x100mm size P type With Sewer bricks confirming to Each 1899.65 0.270
141053 150x100mm size P type With F.P.S. bricks class Each 1905.67 0.260
designation 75
141054 150x100mm size P type With Sewer. bricks confirming to Each 1881.70 0.260
141055 180x150mm size P type With F.P.S. bricks class Each 1955.48 0.250
designation 75
141056 180x150mm size P type With Sewer bricks confirming to Each 2072.37 0.250
142010 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty)
R.C.C. pipes including bends etcwith collars jointedwith
stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
(1cement: 2fine sand) including testing of joints etc.
complete upto 800mm dia.
142011 100mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 409.27 0.005
142012 150mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 463.44 0.006
142013 250mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 763.21 0.009
142014 300mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 822.38 0.011
142015 450mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 1495.13 0.024
142016 500mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 1657.34 0.026
142017 600mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 1934.52 0.032
142018 700mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 1381.67 0.037
142019 800mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 1656.72 0.042
142020 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty)
R.C.C. pipes including bends etcwith collars jointedwith
stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
(1cement: 2fine sand) including testing of joints etc.
complete above 800mm dia.
142021 900mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 2986.77 0.049
142022 1000mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 3839.16 0.055
142023 1100mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 2630.36 0.061
142024 1200mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 4473.45 0.068
412972905.xlsx Page 179 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
142030 Providing and laying non-pressure NP3 class (medium
duty ) R.C.C. pipes including bends etc with collars
jointedwith stiff mixture of cement mortar in the
proportion of 1:2 (1cement: 2fine sand) including testing
of joints etc. complete up to 800mm dia
142041 800mm dia. 900mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 4826.58 0.049
142042 1000mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 5753.31 0.055
142043 1100mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 5097.39 0.061
142044 1200mm dia. R.C.C. pipe metre 7128.63 0.068
143010 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar
1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix
(1cement: 4coarse sand: 8graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size) inside plastering 12mm thickwith
cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand) finishedwith
floating coat of neat cement and making channels in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) finishedwith a
floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard
143011 Inside size 90x80cm and 45cm deep including C.I. Each 5440.32 2.920
coverwith frame (light duty) 455x610mm internal
dimensions totalweight of cover and frame to be not less
than 38kg (weight of cover 23kg andweight of frame
15kg). With F.P.S. bricks class designation 7.5
143012 Inside size 90x80cm and 45cm deep including C.I. Each 5730.32 2.920
coverwith frame (light duty) 455x610mm internal
dimensions totalweight of cover and frame to be not less
than 38kg (weight of cover 23kg andweight of frame
15kg)With Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885
412972905.xlsx Page 180 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143013 Inside size 120x90cm and 90cm deep including C.I. Each 11671.60 4.730
coverwith frame (medium duty) 500mm internal
diameter, totalweight of cover and frame to be not less
than 116kg (weight of cover 58kg andweight of frame
58kg). With F.P.S. bricks class designation 7.5
143014 Inside size 120x90cm and 90cm deep including C.I. Each 12507.79 4.730
coverwith frame (medium duty) 500mm internal
diameter, totalweight of cover and frame to be not less
than 116kg (weight of cover 58kg andweight of frame
58kg). With Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885
143020 Deduct for providing S.F.R.C. Cover and frame(Heavy Each 3077.98 0.000
duty,HD-20 grade designation) 560mm internal diameter
conforming to IS:12592 in lieu of CI frame & Cover from
item 143013 to 143014
143031 Inside size 120x90cm and 90cm deep including C.I. Each 16283.15 4.730
coverwith frame (heavy duty) 560mm internal diameter,
totalweight of cover and frame to be not less than 208kg
(weight of cover 108kg andweight of frame 100kg). With
F.P.S. bricks class designation
143032 Inside size 120x90cm and 90cm deep including C.I. Each 17002.46 4.730
coverwith frame (heavy duty) 560mm internal diameter,
totalweight of cover and frame to be not less than 208kg
(weight of cover 108kg andweight of frame 100kg). With
Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885
143033 Deduct from 143030 for providing S.F.R.C. cover and Each 8014.35
frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560mm
internal diameter conforming to IS: 12592 in lieu of CI
frame & cover
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143050 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91m
internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand), in side cement
plaster 12mm thickwith cement mortar 1:3 (1cement:
3coarse sand) finishedwith a floating coat of neat
cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1cement:
3coarse sand: 6graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete
1:2:4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finishedwith a floating coat of neat
cement all complete as per standard design.0.91m
deepwith S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20
grade designation) 560mm internal diameter conforming
to IS: 12592, totalweight of cover and frame to be not
less than 182kg, fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick
cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for
143051 With F.P.S Bricks class designation 7.5 Each 6225.40 2.750
143052 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS: 4885 Each 6745.35 2.750
143060 Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91mm internal
dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91 m to 1.67m
143061 With F.P.S Bricks class designation 7.5 metre 2957.63 3.61
143062 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS: 4885 metre 3702.96 3.61
143070 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole1.22m
internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand), in side cement
plaster 12mm thickwith cement mortar 1:3 (1cement:
3coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1cement:
3coarse sand: 6graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete
1:2:4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finishedwith a floating coat of neat
cement all complete as per standard design. 1.68m
deepwith S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20
grade designation) 560mm internal diameter conforming
to IS: 12592, totalweight of cover and frame to be not
less than 182kg, fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick
cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for
143071 With F.P.S Bricks class designation 7.5 Each 10655.95 5.390
143072 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS: 4885 Each 11842.09 5.390
412972905.xlsx Page 182 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143080 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 mm internal
dia (at bottom) beyond 1.68m to 2.29 m
143081 With F.P.S. Bricks class designation 7.5 metre 3827.16 6.27
143082 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885 metre 4799.99 6.27
143090 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.52m
internal dia at bottom and 0.56m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) inside cement
plaster 12mm thickwith cement mortar 1:3 (1cement:
3coarse sand) finishedwith a floating coat of neat
cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1cement: 3coarse
sand: 6graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) and
making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finishedwith a floating coat of neat
cement all complete as per standard design.2.30m
deepwith S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy duty, HD-20
grade designation) 560mm internal diameter conforming
to IS: 12592, totalweight of cover and frame to be not
less than 182kg, fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm thick
cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for
143091 With F.P.S. bricks class designation 7.5 Each 21690.43 10.860
143092 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885 Each 25051.77 10.860
143100 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52m internal dia
(at bottom) beyond 2.30m
143101 With F.P.S. bricks class designation 7.5 metre 9318.71 16.71
143102 With Sewer bricks confirming to IS:4885 metre 11834.36 16.71
143110 Providing M.S. foot rests including fixing in manholes with
20x20x10cm cement concrete blocks 1:2:4 (1cement:
2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) as per standard design
143111 With 20x20mm square bar Each 187.85 0.009
143112 With 20mm diameter round bar Each 168.40 0.009
143120 Replacement of M.S. foot rests in manholes/ septic tanks
orwells etc including dismantling concrete blocks and
fixingwith 20x20x10cm cement concrete blocks 1:2:4
(1cement: 2coarse sand:4graded stone aggregate 20mm
nominal size)
143121 With 20x20mm square bar Each 216.80 0.009
143122 With 20mm diameter round bar Each 197.36 0.009
143130 Supplying and fixing C.I. coverwithout frame for
143131 455x610mm rectangular C.I. cover (light duty) the Each 1245.50
weight of the cover to be not less than 23kg
412972905.xlsx Page 183 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143132 500mm diameter C.I. cover (medium duty) the weight of Each 2523.15
cover to be not less than 58kg
143133 560mm diameter C.I. cover (heavy duty) theweight of Each 5426.90
cover to be not less than 108kg
Note : Normally CI covers should be provided only in the
locations where chances of theft are negligible
143140 Providing and fixing in position precast R.C.C. manhole
cover and frame of required shape and approved quality.
(As per IS 12592-1991)
143141 LD- 2.5 rectangular shape 600x450mm internal Each 1257.22
143142 LD- 2.5 square shape 450mm internal dimensions Each 1116.71
143143 LD- 2.5 circular shape 450 mm internal diameter Each 1119.03
143144 MD- 10 square shape 450mm internal dimensions Each 1533.80
143145 MD- 10 circular shape 500mm internal diameter Each 1619.78
143146 HD- 20 circular shape 560mm internal diameter Each 2169.91
143147 EHD- 35 circular shape 560mm internal dia. Each 2183.53
143150 Supplying, fitting & fixing in position reinforced cement
polymer concrete (R.C.P.C.) manhole cover and frame to
matchwith IS : 12592with cement conc. 1:2:4 for
embedding the manhole cover frame
143151 a) 3 MT load bearing capacity manhole cover Each 894.99
providedwith 2 nos. lifter lock fittedwith matching frame
(Size of cover : 440 mm dia. x 50 mm thick and size of
frame : 530 mm dia. x 100 mm thick)
143152 b) 12 MT load bearing capacity manhole cover Each 1001.27
providedwith 2 nos. lifter lock fittedwith matching frame
(Size of cover : 590 mm dia. x 75 mm thick and size of
frame : 750 mm dia. x 150 mm thick)
143153 c) 25 MT load bearing capacity manhole cover Each 1196.23
providedwith 2 nos. lifter lock fittedwith matching frame
(Size of cover : 630 mm dia. x 100 mm thick and size of
frame : 790 mm dia. x 185 mm thick)
143160 Supplying and fixing C.I. cover 300x300mmwithout Each 416.14
frame for gully trap (standard pattern) theweight of cover
to be not less than 4.5kg
143170 Making connection of drain or sewer linewith existing
manhole including breaking into and making good the
walls, floorswith cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1cement:
2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) cement plastered on both sides with cement mortar
1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand) finishedwith a floating coat
of neat cement and making necessary channels for the
drain etc. complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143180 Providing sand cast iron drop connection externally for
60cm drop from branch sewer line to main sewer
manhole including inspection and cleaning eyewith chain
and lid, sand cast iron drop pipe and bend encased all
roundwith cement concrete 1:5:10 (1cement: 5fine
sand: 10graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size)with all centring and shuttering required, cutting
holes inwalls and making good the brickwork in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4 coarse sand) plasteredwith
cement mortar 1:3 (1cement: 3coarse sand) on inside of
the manholewall lead caulked joints between sand cast
iron pipes and fittings, stiff cement mortar 1:1 (1cement:
1fine sand) joints between sand cast iron tee and S.W.
pipe, making required channels complete as per standard
design and specifications
143181 100mm dia. Sand cast iron drop connection Each 4944.19 0.340
143182 150mm dia. Sand cast iron drop connection Each 8413.56 0.460
143190 Extra for depths beyond 60cm of sand cast iron drop
connection complete
143191 For 100mm dia. Sand cast iron drop connection Each 1475.26 0.210
143192 For 150mm dia. Sand cast iron drop connection Each 2212.01 0.260
143200 Raising manhole cover and frame slab to required level
including dismantling existing slab and making good the
damage as required (Brickwork for raising depth of
manhole to be paid separately).(Assuming that the OLD
slab is dismantled and not reused)
143201 Rectangular manhole 90x80cm (Inside dimensions) with Each 824.92 0.200
rectangular cover 600x450mm of grade LD- 2.5
143202 Rectangular manhole 120x90cm (Inside dimensions) with Each 1300.10 0.320
circular cover 500mm dia of grade MD- 10
143203 Rectangular manhole 120x90cm (Inside dimensions) with Each 1210.83 0.280
circular cover 560mm dia of grade HD- 20
143204 Circular manhole 140cm dia (Inside dimensions) with Each 114.02 0.280
circular cover 600mm dia of grade EHD- 35
143210 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber
50x45x60cmwith bricks of class designation 7.5 in
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4 Coarse Sand ) including
500x450mm precast R.C.C. horizontal grating with frame
complete as per standard design
143211 With F.P.S. bricks Each 2684.59 0.930
143220 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber
45x45x77.5cmwith bricks of class designation 7.5 in
cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4 Coarse Sand )with
precast R.C.C. vertical grating complete as per standard
143221 With F.P.S. bricks Each 4014.78 0.820
412972905.xlsx Page 185 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143230 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber
110x50x77.5cmwith bricks of class designation 7.5 in
cement mortar 1:4(1cement: 4 Coarse Sand ) including
500x450mm precast R.C.C. horizontal gratingwith frame
and vertical grating complete as per standard design
143241 Inside dimensions 455x610mm and 45cm deep for single Each 3682.31 0.900
pipe line- With F.P.S. bricks
143242 Inside dimensions 500x700mm and 45cm deep for pipe Each 3879.64 1.020
line with one or two inlets- With F.P.S. bricks
143243 Inside dimensions 600x850mm and 45cm deep for pipe Each 4325.33 1.270
line with three or more inlets- With F.P.S. bricks
143250 Extra for depth beyond 45cm of brick masonry chamber.
143251 For 455x610mm size ( Inside dimensions) , With F.P.S. metre 2420.34 0.870
143252 For 500x700mm size (Inside dimensions), With F.P.S. metre 2636.12 0.950
143253 For 600x850mm size (Inside dimensions), With F.P.S. metre 3063.88 1.120
412972905.xlsx Page 186 of 319 Chapter-14
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
143260 Constructing grease trap 80x40x46cm (inside)with one
brick thick brick masonrywallwith inlet and outlet
drainwith bricks of class designation 7.5 in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand) plastered 12mm
thickwith 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) finishedwith a
floating coat of neat cement on inside and exposed
surfaces having two stone/ R C Concrete baffledwalls
34.5cm deep and third one 19cm deep, each 40mm thick
and 45cm long embedded 2.5cm on either side in brick
masonry, 40mm thick 100x60cm stone/ R C C cover and
7.5cm thick bed concrete 1:5:10 (1cement: 5fine sand:
10graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size)with
40mm flooring in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement:
2coarse sand: 4graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal
size)with a floating coat of neat cement including all
earth excavation, refilling and disposal of surplus earth
complete as per standard design
143281 Extra for every cm depth above 1.20 m as per site cm 18.44
conditions if required
143290 Providing and fixing S.W. intercepting trap in
manholeswith stiff mixture of cement mortar 1:1
(1cement: 1fine sand) including testing of joints etc.
143291 100mm dia. Each 251.34 0.200
143292 150mm dia. Each 339.65 0.300
144010 Cutting holes upto 30x30cm inwalls including making
good the same.(In OLDwork onlywhen specially ordered)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
144020 Cutting holes upto 15x15cm in R.C.C. floors and roofs for Each 113.60 0.020
passing drain pipe etc. and repairing the hole after
insertion of drain pipe etc.with cement concrete 1:1.5:3
(1cement: 1.5 coarse sand: 3graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including finishing complete so as to
make it leak proof.(In OLDwork only when specially
144030 Making holes upto 20x20cm and embedding pipes upto Each 48.36 0.010
150mm diameter in masonry and fillingwith cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1cement: 2 coarse sand: 4graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) including disposal of
malba.(In OLDwork onlywhen specially ordered)
144040 Providing and fixing spun R.C.C. tapering vent shaft Each 6915.35
450mm (clear dia. At the base and 150/125 mm dia at
the top 9.10 metres over all lengthwith cowl including
necessary excavation and concrete, complete, as per
standard plan
151022 W.C. pan with ISI marked black solid plastic seat and lid Each 3186.23 0.002
151031 W.C. pan with ISI marked white solid plastic seat and lid. Each 4255.60 0.002
151032 W.C. pan with ISI marked black solid plastic seat and lid. Each 4197.52 0.002
151040 Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall
corner type lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm
and 340x410x265mm sizes respectively with automatic
flushing cistern , with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass
spreaders with brass unions and G.I. clamps complete,
including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever required
412972905.xlsx Page 190 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
151041 One urinal basin with 5litre white P.V.C. automatic Each 2883.21 0.025
flushing cistern
151042 Range of two urinal basins with 10 litre white P.V.C. Each 5251.10 0.040
automatic flushing cistern
151043 Range of three urinal basins with 10litre white P.V.C. Each 7692.66 0.067
automatic flushing cistern
151044 Range of four urinal basins with 15 litre white P.V.C. Each 9391.35 0.095
automatic flushing cistern
151050 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china flat back half
stall urinal of 580x380x350mm with white P.V.C.
automatic flushing cistern, with fittings, standard size
C.P. brass flush pipe, spreaders with unions and clamps
(all in C.P. brass) with waste fitting as per IS: 2556, C.I.
trap with outlet grating and other coupling in C.P. brass
including painting of fittings and cutting and making
good the walls and floors wherever required
151051 Single half stall urinal with 5litre P.V.C. automatic Each 5226.46 0.051
flushing cistern
151052 Range of two half stall urinals with 5litre P.V.C. Each 7971.32 0.102
automatic flushing cistern
151053 Range of three half stall urinals with 10litre P.V.C. Each 11189.19 0.153
automatic flushing cistern
151054 Range of four half stall urinals with 10litre P.V.C. Each 13843.40 0.203
automatic flushing cistern
151060 Providing and fixing one piece construction white
vitreous china squatting plate with an integral
longitudinal flushing pipe, white, P.V.C. automatic
flushing cistern, with fittings, standard size G.I. flush
pipe for back and front flush with standard spreader
pipes with fittings, G.I. clamps and C.P. brass coupling
complete including painting of fittings and cutting and
making good the walls and floors etc. wherever required
151061 Single squatting plate of 600x350 mm size with 5 litre Each 4352.72 0.051
P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern
151062 Range of two squatting plates with 5litre P.V.C. Each 6221.52 0.102
automatic flushing cistern
151063 Range of three squatting plates with 10litre P.V.C. Each 8353.97 0.153
automatic flushing cistern
151064 Range of four squatting plates with 10litre P.V.C. Each 10108.88 0.203
automatic flushing cistern
151070 Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I./ M.S. brackets,
15mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32mm C.P. brass waste of
standard pattern, including painting of fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever
412972905.xlsx Page 191 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
151071 white, vitreous china wash basin size 630x450mm with a Each 2438.60 0.015
pair of 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps
151072 white vitreous china wash basin size 630x450mm with a Each 2013.92 0.015
single 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps
151073 white vitreous china wash basin size 550x400mm with a Each 2267.86 0.015
pair of 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps
151074 white vitreous china flat back wash basin size Each 1843.18 0.015
550x400mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151075 white vitreous china angle back wash basin size Each 1875.71 0.015
600x480mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151076 white vitreous china angle back wash basin size Each 1673.61 0.015
400x400mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151077 white, vitreous china flat back wash basin size Each 2821.17 0.015
450x300mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151078 white, vitreous china surgeon type wash basin of size Each 2841.64 0.015
660x460mm with a pair of 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps
with elbow operated levers
151079 white, vitreous china flat back wash basin size 520X520 Each 1967.46 0.015
mm corner type with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151080 Providing and fixing special type wash basin with C.I./ 0.015
M.S. brackets, 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32mm C.P.
brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of
fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls
wherever required
151081 White, vitreous china Surgeon type wash basin of size Each 2341.47 0.015
660x460mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar taps with
elbow operated levers ISI marked
151082 Stainless Steel AISI- 304 (18/8) Round basin Each 3622.60 0.015
405x355mm with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151083 Stainless Steel AISI- 304 (18/8) wash basin 530x345mm Each 3165.77 0.015
with single 15mm C.P. brass pillar tap
151090 EXTRA for :
151091 Providing 32mm dia. C.P. brass trap Each 652.76
151092 Providing 32mm dia. C.P. brass union Each 145.19
151100 Supplying and fixing white vitreous china circular wash Each 1979.32 0.015
basin category No. 1004 group I, size 470 mm. dia with
CP brass pillar tap, 32 mm. rubber plug and CP brass
chain, 32 mm. CP brass waste of standard pattern
connected with GI waste pipe upto floor level and 32
mm. dia CP brass trap and unions complete including
cutting and making good the walls etc. as a complete job
151110 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china pedestal for Each 2325.67 0.010
wash basin completely recessed at the back for the
reception of pipes and fittings
412972905.xlsx Page 192 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
151120 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china water closet
squatting pan (Indian type)
151121 Long pattern W.C. pan of size 580mm Each 901.56 0.051
151122 Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440mm Each 1873.37 0.051
151130 Extra for using coloured W.C. pan instead of white, W.C.
151131 Orissa pattern W.C. pan 580x440mm or of any other Each 226.49
151132 Long pan pattern W.C. pan Each 127.77
151140 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china pedestal Each 1237.83
European type water closet pan
151150 Extra for using coloured pedestal type W.C. pan Each 382.13
(European type) with low level cistern of same colour
instead of white, vitreous china W.C. pan and cistern
151160 Providing and fixing a pair of white, vitreous china foot
rests of standard pattern for squatting pan water closet
or in urinals
151161 250x130x30mm pair 226.97 0.025
151162 250x125x25mm pair 203.74 0.025
151170 Providing and fixing a pair of approved colour, vitreous
china foot rests of standard pattern, for squatting pan
water closet or in urinals
151171 250x130x30mm pair 180.51 0.025
151172 250x125x25mm pair 180.51 0.025
151180 Providing and fixing P.V.C. low level flushing cistern with
manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to
IS: 7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
151240 Providing and fixing standard G.I. chain with G.I. pull Each 50.01
151250 Providing and fixing G.I. inlet connection for flush pipe Each 102.79 0.001
connecting with W.C. pan
151260 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china flat back or Each 1015.64 0.020
wall corner type lipped front urinal basin of
430x260x350mm and 340x410x265mm sizes
151270 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china squatting plate Each 1584.75 0.020
urinal with integral longitudinal flush pipe
151280 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china wash basin,
including making all connections but excluding the cost
of fittings
151281 Flat back wash basin of size 630x450mm Each 892.98 0.015
151282 Flat back wash basin of size 550x400mm Each 722.24 0.015
151283 Angle back wash basin of size 600x480mm Each 754.77 0.015
151284 Angle back wash basin of size 400x400mm Each 552.66 0.015
151285 Flat back wash basin of size 450x300mm Each 1700.23 0.015
151286 Surgeon type wash basin of size 660x460mm Each 1145.03 0.015
151290 Providing and fixing white, glazed fire clay kitchen sink Each 2021.51
of size 600x450x250mm including making all
connections excluding cost of fittings
151300 Providing and fixing vitreous china dual purpose closet Each 6118.31 0.050
suitable for use as squatting pan or European type water
closet (Anglo Indian W.C. pan) with seat lid with C.P.
brass hinges and rubber buffers, 10litre low level
flushing cistern with fittings and brackets, 40mm flush
bend 20mm overflow pipe with specials of standard
make and mosquito proof coupling of approved
municipal design complete including painting of fittings
and brackets, cutting and making good the walls and
floors wherever required
152010 Providing and fixing white, glazed fire clay kitchen sink Each 2801.92 0.015
of size 600x450x250mm kitchen sink with C.I. brackets,
C.P. brass chain with rubber plug, 40mm C.P. brass
waste compete, including painting the fittings and
brackets, cutting and making good the walls wherever
152020 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel AISI- 304 (18/8)
kitchen sink with drain board as per IS: 13983 with C.I.
brackets and stainless steel plug 40mm including
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the walls wherever required
152021 510x1040 mm bowl depth 250mm Each 3062.63 0.015
152022 510x1040 mm bowl depth 225mm Each 6221.91 0.015
152023 510x1040 mm bowl depth 200mm Each 6059.30 0.015
152024 510X1040 mm bowl depth 178mm Each 5188.18 0.015
412972905.xlsx Page 194 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
152030 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel AISI- 304 (18/8)
kitchen sink without drain board as per IS: 13983 with
C.I. brackets and stainless steel plug 40mm including
painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making
good the walls wherever required
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
152033 470X420mm bowl depth 178mm Each 3516.93 0.015
152040 Providing and fixing white, vitreous china laboratory sink
with C.I. brackets, C.P. brass chain with rubber plug
40mm C.P. brass waste and 40mm C.P. brass trap with
necessary C.P. brass unions complete including painting
of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
wall wherever required
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
152124 Rectangular shape 1500x450 (outer dimension) Each 2322.27
152130 Providing and fixing 600x120x5mm glass shelf with Each 599.68
edges round or supported on anodised aluminium angle
frame with C.P. brass brackets and guard rail complete
fixed with 40mm long screws, rawl plugs etc. complete
153011 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S pipe as per IS:1729 metre 657.90 0.005
153012 100mm dia. Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S pipe as metre 677.40 0.005
per IS:3989
153013 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S pipe as per IS:1729 metre 600.13 0.004
153014 75mm dia. Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S pipe as per metre 689.94 0.004
153020 Providing and filling the joints with spun yarn cement
slurry and cement mortar 1:2 (1cement: 2fine sand) in
S.C.I./ C.I. pipes
153021 75mm dia pipe Each 38.34 0.001
153022 100mm dia pipe Each 45.15 0.001
153030 Providing and fixing M.S. holder-bat clamps of approved
design to sand cast iron/ cast iron (spun) pipe embedded
in and including cement concrete blocks 10x10x10cm of
1:2:4 mix (1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) including cost of cutting
holes and making good the walls etc.
153041 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 763.92
153042 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 611.76
153043 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 598.64
153044 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 482.49
153050 Providing and fixing plain bend of required degree
153051 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 333.00
412972905.xlsx Page 197 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153052 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 356.23
153053 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 353.56
153054 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 343.11
153060 Providing and fixing heel rest sanitary bend
153061 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 401.18
153062 100mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 454.96
153063 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 343.11
153064 75mm dia. Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 351.24
153070 Providing and fixing double equal junction of required
degree with access door, insertion rubber washers 3mm
thick, bolts and nuts complete
153071 100x100x100x100mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- Each 849.87
153072 100x100x100x100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- Each 1157.67
153073 75x75x75x75mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 931.99
153074 75x75x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 981.93
153080 Providing and fixing double equal plain junction of
required degree
153081 100x100x100x100mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- Each 960.21
153082 100x100x100x100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- Each 896.33
153083 75x75x75x75mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 709.33
153084 75x75x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989 Each 797.60
153090 Providing and fixing single equal plain junction of
required degree with access door, insertion rubber wash
3mm thick, bolts and nuts complete
153091 100x100x100mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 997.38
153092 100x100x100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989 Each 733.72
153093 75x75x75mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 684.59
153094 75x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 557.98
153100 Providing and fixing single equal plain junction of
required degree
153101 100x100x100mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 692.63
153102 100x100x100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989 Each 762.76
412972905.xlsx Page 198 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153103 75x75x75mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 445.32
153104 75x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 383.76
153110 Providing and fixing double unequal junction of required
degree with access door, insertion rubber washers 3mm
thick, bolts and nuts complete
153111 100x100x75x75mm sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 890.52
153112 100x100x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989 Each 1146.05
153122 100x100x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 1729 Each 844.06
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153172 100x100x75x75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS- 3989 Each 1041.52
153191 76mm off sets with 75mm dia pipe Each 290.84
153192 76mm off sets with 100mm dia pipe Each 373.31
153193 114mm off sets with 75mm dia pipe Each 488.29
153194 114mm off sets with 100mm dia pipe Each 461.93
153195 152mm off set with 75mm dia pipe Each 365.78
153196 152mm off sets with 100mm dia pipe Each 508.64
153200 Providing and fixing Sand cast iron S&S off sets as per
153201 75mm off sets with 75mm dia pipe Each 441.83
153202 150mm off sets with 75mm dia pipe Each 1170.86
153203 150 mm off sets with 100mm dia pipe Each 932.75
153210 Providing and fixing door piece, insertion rubber washer
3mm thick, bolts and nuts complete
153211 100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 1308.66
153212 100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 954.40
153213 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 1045.81
153214 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 720.59
153215 50mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 414.07
153216 50 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 553.45
153220 Providing and fixing terminal guard
153221 100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 205.24
153222 100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 301.64
153223 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 168.88
153224 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 254.83
153225 50mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 234.04
153226 50 mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-3989 Each 280.50
153230 Supplying, fitting and fixing cowls to vent pipes :
153231 Wire cowls for pipes of size 50/75 mm dia. Each 107.44
153232 Wire cowls for pipes of size 100/150 mm dia. Each 181.77
153240 Providing and fixing collar
412972905.xlsx Page 200 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153241 100mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 176.20
153242 100mm Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S as per IS- Each 295.83
153243 75mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 163.07
153244 75mm Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S as per IS- Each 209.53
153245 50mm Sand cast iron S&S as per IS-1729 Each 174.69
153246 50 mm Centrifugally cast (spun) iron S&S as per IS- Each 250.19
153250 Providing lead caulked joints to sand cast iron/
centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes and fittings of
153251 100mm Each 247.16
153252 75mm Each 213.22
153253 50mm Each 175.78
153260 Providing and fixing M.S. stays and clamps for sand cast
iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes of diameter
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153291 Bottle trap 31mm single piece moulded with height of Each 476.22
270mm, effective length of tail pipe 250mm from the
centre of the waste coupling 77mm breadth with 25mm
minimum water seal, weighing not less than 270gms
153292 Bottle trap 38mm single piece moulded with height of Each 511.64
270mm, effective length of tail pipe 265mm from the
centre of the waste coupling 77mm breadth with 25mm
minimum water seal, weighing not less than 270gms
153300 Providing and fixing PTMT liquid soap container 109mm Each 217.20
wide, 125mm high and 112mm distance from wall of
standard shape with bracket of the same materials/ with
snap fittings of approved quality colour and make,
weighing not less than 105gms
153310 Providing and fixing PTMT towel ring trapezoidal shape Each 191.65
215mm long, 200mm width with a minimum distance of
37mm from wall face with concealed fittings
arrangement of approved quality, colour and make
weighing not less than 90gms
153320 Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with
brackets fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws
with concealed fitting arrangement of approved quality
colour and make
153321 450mm long towel rail with total length of 495mm, Each 394.51
78mm wide and effective height of 88mm, weighing not
less than 170gms
153322 600mm long towel rail with total length of 645mm, width Each 450.26
78mm and effective height of 88mm, weighing not less
than 190gms
153330 Providing and fixing PTMT shelf 440mm long, 124mm Each 483.94
width and 36mm height of approved quality, colour and
make weighing not less than 300gms
153340 Providing and fixing PTMT 15mm Urinal spreader size Each 178.64
95x69x100mm with _ Inch BSP thread and shapes as
per BIS specifications, weighing not less than 60gms
153350 Providing and fixing PTMT urinal cock 15mm nominal size Each 170.78
80mm long, 42mm high and 30mm wide with BSP
female threads weighing not less than 48 gms. of
approved quality, colour and make
153360 Providing and fixing PTMT shower rose of approved Each 328.74
quality with 15mm or 20mm inlet. 100mm dia.
153370 Providing and fixing PTMT shower rose of approved Each 212.59
quality with 15mm or 20mm inlet. 150 mm dia.
412972905.xlsx Page 202 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153380 Providing and fixing C P brass Soap dish holder having Each 1160.71
length of 138 mm, 102 mm wide, 75 mm high with
concealed fittings arrangements weighing approx. 110
153390 Providing and fixing Shower rose (C.P.) brass with swivel Each 374.55
joint having aprox. wt. 270 gm
153400 Providing and fixing Towel rail (C.P.) brass 15 mm dia x Each 339.59
450 mm long having approx. wt. 380 gm
153410 Providing and fixing Towel rail (C.P.)brass15 mm dia x Each 395.35
600 mm long having approx. wt.500 gm
153420 Providing and fixing C P brass Towel ring in trapezoidal Each 480.39
shape having length of 215 mm, width 200 mm,
minimum distance from wall 37 mm with concealed
fittings arrangements weighing approx. 90 gms
153430 Providing and fixing C P brass Shelf of 450 mm length Each 1033.27
complete with glass, 124 mm width & 36 mm ht. having
approx. wt. 300 gms (Without Glass)
153440 Providing and fixing C P brass Bottle trap 31 mm, single Each 496.53
piece moulded of ht. 270 mm, effective length of tall
pipe from centre of waste coupling 260 mm, 77 mm
breadth water seal of minimum 25 mm, weighing
approx. 260 gms
153450 Providing and fixing C P brass Shower arm 15 mm size Each 377.17
with 15 mm (1/2") B.S.P. threads, 195 mm long with a
bend of 45 (effective length of 210 mm) provided with a
flange of 56 mm dia and having approx. wt. of 40 gms
153471 Grating 100 mm nominal dia. and 12 mm. high domed Each 116.10
shape having wt. not less than 25 gms
153472 Grating 125 mm nominal dia. and 15 mm. high domed Each 145.14
shape having wt. not less than 40 gms
153480 Providing and fixing C P Brass :
153481 Grating 150 mm. nominal size square ,18 mm high with Each 145.14
100 mm dia. of the inner hinged round grating dome
shape having Total wt. not less than 110 gms
153482 Grating square slit type 150 mm square with 8 mm high Each 158.50
& approx. Total wt. of 100 gms
153490 Providing and fixing PVC connector 15 mm size with non
corrosive PTMT couplings in both ends
153491 15mm dia 300mm long Each 67.89
412972905.xlsx Page 203 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153492 15mm dia 450mm long Each 79.50
153493 15mm dia 600mm long Each 96.93
153500 Providing and fixing Swan neck pillar tap (C.P. Brass) 15 Each 509.85
mm dia. with swinging spout having approx. wt. 1000
153510 Providing and fixing Telephonic shower (C.P. Brass) 100 Each 620.76
mm dia with flexible PVC tube 1.5m long including C.P.
153520 Providing and fixing Shower arm (C.P. Brass) 15 mm dia. Each 194.52
x 225 mm long
153530 Providing and fixing Basin/sink waste (C.P. Brass)
coupling with chain and stopper complete
153531 a) Waste 32 mm Each 114.93
153532 b) Waste 40 mm Each 143.97
153540 Providing and fixing Liquid soap container (C.P. Brass) Each 229.19
having approx wt. 240 gms
153550 Providing and fixing Toilet paper holder (C.P. Brass) Each 196.66
having approx. wt. 250 gm
153560 Providing and fixing Coat hook "J" type two way Each 80.99
153570 Providing and fixing Soap dish (C.P. Brass) having Each 1155.38
approx. wt. 220 gm
153580 Supplying and fixing half round white glazed earthen metre 219.52 0.003
ware drains 100 mm dia with cement sand mortar 1:3
mix and joints grouted with neat cement slurry of the
matching colour :
153590 Supplying and fixing half round white glazed earthen metre 241.00 0.002
ware drains 150 mm dia with cement sand mortar 1:3
mix and joints grouted with neat cement slurry of the
matching colour
153600 Extra if coloured half round drains are provided in lieu of metre 106.47
white glazed half round drains with cement sand mortar
1:3 mix and joints grouted with neat cement slurry of
the matching colour over item 153580 & 153590
153610 Providing and fixing 20mm diameter puff pipe, complete Each 144.06
with brass perforated cap
153620 Providing and fixing 25mm diameter puff pipe, complete Each 138.25
with brass perforated cap
153630 Providing and fixing S.C.I. trap with 10 cm inlet and 10 Each 442.76
cm outlet of self cleansing design with S.C.I. screwed
down or hinged grating with or without vent arm
complete, including cost of cutting and making good the
walls and floors
412972905.xlsx Page 204 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
153640 Providing and fixing 10 cm inlet and 5 cm outlet S.C.I. Each 442.76
floor trap of self cleansing design with S.C.I. screwed
down or hinged grating with or without vent arm
complete, including cost of cutting and making good the
walls and floors
154010 Providing and fixing 110mm dia PVC soil, waste and vent metre 219.27
pipes including jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand
etc. complete
154020 Providing and fixing brackets comprising of aluminium Each 78.51
painted standard steel clip and cast iron base for 110mm
A.C. pipes, including cost of screws etc. and drilling of
holes and making good the walls including cost of sand
etc. complete
154030 Providing and fixing 110 mm x 110 mm x 110mm dia Each 137.90
PVC plain branch (single equal junction)of the required
degree including jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand
etc., complete
154040 Providing and fixing 110 mm x 110 mm x 110mm dia Each 151.30
PVC plain branch (single equal junction)of the required
degree with access door inclusive of 3mm thick
bitumastic felt washer and bolts and nuts, complete,
including jointing and the cost of spun yarn and sand
etc., complete
154050 Providing and fixing 110 mm x 110 mm x 110mm x 110 Each 156.52
mm PVC plain branch (double equal junction)of the
required degree including jointing and cost of spun yarn
and sand etc., complete
154060 Providing and fixing 110 mm x 110 mm x 110mm dia Each 167.56
PVC plain branch (double equal junction) of the required
degree with access door inclusive of 3mm thick
bitumastic felt washer and bolts and nuts, complete,
including jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand etc.,
154070 Providing and fixing 110 mm x 110 mm x 5mm PVC Each 233.59
plain branch (single unequal junction) of the required
degree with access door inclusive of 3mm thick
bitumastic felt washer and bolts and nuts, complete,
including jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand etc.,
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
154090 Providing and fixing 110 mm PVC offset including
jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand etc., complete :
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
154190 Providing and fixing 75 mm x 75 mm x 75 mm x 75 mm Each 158.27
PVC plain branch (double equal junction) of the required
degree with access door inclusive of 3mm thick
bitumastic felt washer and bolts and nuts, complete,
including jointing and cost of spun yarn and sand etc.,
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
155060 Supplying and fixing pipe as outlet or waste pipe to wash
basins sink and bowl type urinals etc. complete including
providing clamps to hold the pipe, making holes in
masonry and making it good to original condition when
not included in the item
155061 50 mm bore (2.90 mm thick and 4.18 Kg/metre weight metre 297.73
minimum) M.S. galvanized for bowl urinals and sinks,
155062 32 mm bore ( 2.65 mm thick and 2.61 Kg/metre weight metre 202.33
minimum) M.S. galvanized for wash basin etc.
155063 PVC 50 mm bore 1.7 mm thick metre 178.75
155064 PVC 32 mm bore 1.4 mm thick metre 178.75
155070 Supplying and fixing granite stone superior quality black Sqm 3217.45 0.050
20 to 25mm thick in masonry or concrete as a Purdah to
urinal range etc. stone to be machine cut & well polished
on all faces and the edges to be moulded by semi-
circular rounding and polishing. NOTE : The following
percentage is to be added / deducted incase of granites
other than superior quality black. i) For superior quality
Red like “RBI” red add 15% extra ii) For pink coloured
granite deduct 25% iii) For gray coloured granite deduct
155080 Supplying and fixing cast iron brackets in walls for fixing Pair 193.74 0.020
flushing cistern, including making holes in masonry and
making good the surface to its original condition. (When
ordered separately)
155090 Providing and fixing aluminium drain boards 600 x 450 Each 1167.88 0.030
155100 Providing and fixing Aluminium anodized towel rails with
155101 a) 750 x 20 mm dia Each 412.90
155102 b) 600 x 20 mm dia Each 296.75
155110 Providing and fixing brass robe hook swinging type with Each 139.95
3 hooks as approved by Engineer-in-charge
155120 Providing and fixing air purifier container of anodized Each 110.91
aluminium with brackets
155130 Providing and fixing self-closing taps of 15 mm nominal
size of :
155131 Cast iron Each 57.55
155132 Malleable iron casting Each 92.40
155140 Providing and fixing Chromium plated brass waste plug
for glazed ware sinks, basins, etc. with long screwed
shank and fly nut, and fixed to unplasticised pipe,
including vulcanite rubber plug, brass chain and stud,
complete, of nominal bore :
155141 32 mm Each 102.44
155142 40 mm Each 137.29
155143 50 mm Each 143.10
412972905.xlsx Page 208 of 319 Chapter-15
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
155150 Providing and fixing rubber or vulcanite waste plug with ring,
including chromium plated brass chain, not exceeding 50 cm.
In length, and stay, for nominal bore :
155151 32 mm Each 189.56
155152 40 mm Each 201.17
155153 50 mm Each 201.17
155160 Supplying fitting and fixing float valve for cisterns
complete with polythene ball
155161 15 mm dia set Each 200.42
155162 20mm dia set Each 293.34
155170 Providing and fixing Towel ring (C.P.) of approved make Each 209.18
170 mm dia having approx. weight 490 gm
155180 Providing and fixing Connector (C.P.) with coupling 15 Each 208.55
mm x 450 mm long
155190 Providing and fixing Connector (C.P.) with coupling 15 Each 249.20
mm x 600 mm long
155200 Providing and fixing Flush valve (C.P.) 25 mm with 25 Each 2043.51
mm size control cock having approx. wieght 2.75 kg
conforming to I.S. 9758:1981
155210 Providing and fixing Flush valve (C.P.) 32 mm with elbow Each 1922.14
set ISI marked (IS : 9758 : 1981)
155220 Providing and fixing Glass Shelf of approved make or Each 927.34
equivalent of size 550 mm x 130 mm x 5.5 mm thick
(rounded end) with C.P. brass brackets & guard rails
having approx. wt.2.4 kg
155230 Supplying fitting and fixing soap tray of size150x150mm Each 459.59
vitreous (concealed type) with all necessary fittings etc.
completed as directed by the Engineer-incharge
155240 Supplying and fixing approved quality chromium plated Each 101.73
shirt hooks (One unit of 4 hooks) with all necessary
fittings etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-
155250 P&F 127mm dia C.P. steel Jali cockroach trap (CCTR- Each 212.61
127) for gully floor or Nahani trap
155260 Supplying and fixing 150 mmx150mm HCI / CI Tee for Each 632.79
septic tank as a complete job
156010 Cutting chases in brick masonry walls for following
diameter sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron or
any other types of pipes and making good the same with
cement concrete 1:3:6 (1cement: 3coarse sand:
6graded stone aggregate 12.5mm nominal size)
including necessary plaster and pointing in cement
mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
156020 Painting two or more coats, C.I. cistern with bitumastic Each 327.15
or any other anti-corrosive paint inside and
white/approved colour , paint over a coat of zinc
chromate yellow primer (of approved quality) on the
outside surface of the cistern, flush pipe, other fittings
etc. to give an even shade complete for new work
156030 Re-painting one or more coats ,C.I. cistern with Each 209.79
bitumastic or any other anti-corrosive paint inside and
white/approved colour, paint on the outside surface of
the cistern, flush pipe, other fittings etc. complete
including polishing of wooden seat and lid to give an
even shade and cleaning of W.C. pan with acid wherever
156040 Re-painting C.I. one or more coats, cistern with Each 95.70
synthetic enamel paint of approved colour brand and
manufacture on the outside surface of cistern flush pipe,
other fittings etc. to give an even shade complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
156070 Repainting bath tub of size 1700x730x430mm (or of any Each 301.13
other size ) with enamel paint one or more coats to give
an even shade
New Items To Be Added By Zonal Railways
412972905.xlsx Page 212 of 319 Chapter-16
161020 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty cum 369.77
(earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for payment)
161030 Supplying and stacking sludge at site in dry caked form from cum 185.84
approved disposal works including royalty & all lead and lift etc.
(sludge measured in stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment)
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161120 Renovating lawns including weeding, cheeling the grass, forking 100 Sqm 1018.55
the ground, top dressing with sludge or manure, mixing the
same with forked soil, watering and maintaining the lawn for 30
days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn free from weeds
and fit for mowing and disposal of rubbish as directed including
supplying good earth, sludge or manure, if needed (cost of
sludge/manure & good earth to be paid separately)
161130 Uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by digging the area to a 100 Sqm 1807.47
depth of 60cm removing all weeds and other growth with roots
by forking repeatedly, breaking clods, rough dressing, flooding
with water, uprooting fresh growths after 10 to 15days and
then fine dressing for planting new grass, including disposal of
all rubbish with all leads and lifts
161140 Preparation of beds for hedging and shrubbery by excavating cum 65.89
60cm deep and trenching the excavated base to a further depth
of 30cm, refilling the excavated earth after breaking clods and
mixing with sludge or manure in the ratio of 8:1 (8 parts of
stacked volume of earth after reduction by 20%: 1part of
stacked volume of sludge or manure after reduction by 8%)
flooding with water, filling with earth if necessary, watering and
finally fine dressing, levelling etc. including stacking and
disposal of materials declared unserviceable and surplus earth
by spreading and levelling as directed, within a lead of 50m lift
upto 1.5m complete (cost of sludge, manure or extra earth to
be paid for separately)
161150 Digging holes in ordinary soil and refilling the same with the
excavated earth mixed with manure or sludge in the ratio 2:1
by volume (2parts of stacked volume of earth after reduction by
20% : 1part of stacked volume of manure after reduction by
8%) flooding with water, dressing including removal of rubbish
and surplus earth, if any with all leads and lifts (cost of manure,
sludge or extra good earth if needed to be paid for separately)
161151 Holes / pits 1.2m dia and 1.2m deep Each 223.22
161152 Holes/pits 60cm dia. and 60cm deep Each 32.90
161153 Holes / Pits 45 cm Dia and 60 cm deep Each 16.84
161160 Half brick circular tree guard in 5.0/7.5 class designation bricks,
internal diameter 1.25metre and height 1.2metre above ground
and 0.20m below ground bottom two courses laid dry and top
three courses in lime mortar 1:2 (1lime putty: 2surkhi) and the
intermediate courses being in dry honey comb masonry as per
design complete
161161 (a) With F.P.S. bricks 5.0 class designation Each 1148.92
161162 (a) With F.P.S. bricks 7.5 class designation Each 1229.06
161170 Providing and fixing M.S. flat iron tree guard 60cm dia. And 2m Each 2163.67
height above ground level formed of 4Nos. 25x6mm and 8Nos.
25x3mm vertical M.S. flat riveted to 3Nos. 25x6mm M.S. flat
iron rings in two halves, bolted together with 8mm dia and
30mm long bolts including painting two coats with paint of
approved brand and manufacture over a coat of priming,
complete in all respects
412972905.xlsx Page 214 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161180 Providing and Making tree guard 53cm dia and 1.3m high as
per design from contractor's own empty coal tar drums
including providing and fixing 2 Nos. M.S. sheet rings
50x0.5mm with rivets complete in all respects including
painting inside and outside of tree guard with :
161181 A coat of cal tar Each 273.05
161182 Two or more coats of ready mixed paint of approved quality Each 378.53
shade over a priming coat
161190 Providing and Making tree guard 53cm dia and 2m high as per
design from contractor's own empty coal tar drums including
providing and fixing four legs 40cm long of 30x3mm M.S. flat
riveted to tree guard and providing and fixing 2Nos. M.S. sheet
rings 50x0.5mm with rivets complete in all respects including
painting inside and outside of tree guard with :
161201 7.5 class designation, F.P.S. bricks laid length wise metre 27.56
161202 5.0 class designation, F.P.S. bricks Laid length wise metre 25.82
161203 7.5 class designation, F.P.S. bricks, laid in tooth edged pattern metre 39.32
at an angle of 60 degree with horizontal
161204 5.0 class designation, F.P.S. bricks laid in tooth edged pattern metre 36.71
at an angle of 60 degree with horizontal
161210 Filling mixture of earth and sludge or manure in the desired cum 18.00
proportion in trenches, flooding with water and levelling (cost of
supplying earth and sludge or manure and mixing excluded).
(Payment for only net quantity of all the ingredients will be
161220 Excavation in dumped stones or malba/ garbage / rubbish cum 151.23
including stacking of serviceable and unserviceable material
separately and disposal of unserviceable material lead upto
50metre and lift upto 1.5metre and disposed material to be
neatly dressed.(additional lead and lift if any to be paid extra as
per earthwork chapter)
161230 Flooding the ground with water including making kiaries and 100 Sqm 78.40
dismantling the same.
161240 Cutting, trimming and pruning, hedging of all types into proper Sqm 3.53
shape & line as directed by Engineer In-charge including the
removal and disposal of the cut materials. (Measurement shall
be of the total area of faces and top of the hedging, which has
been trimmed).
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161375 Balsam Each 9.43
161376 Calendula Officinalis Each 6.02
161377 Poppy Each 4.82
161378 Carnation Each 32.77
161379 Carnation (hybrid) Each 11.86
161460 Sowing and maintaining for a month of flower seeds including Sqm per 48.50
preparation of surface & watering, as required and manuring, month
nursing & removing grasses etc, from date of sowing
(maintenance as required or as directed by engineer-in-charge)
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161540 Supply & Fixing grass tiles of grass selections No.1 or Mexican Sqm 238.29
healthy and fresh grass free from weeds of 1’ X 1’ or bigger size
tiles as required by engineer-in-charge
161550 Filling the earthen pots with good planting soil mixed with 25%
manure including planting the sapling, watering & maintaining
the pots for 3 months. The rate excludes pot, soil, manure &
plants. Condition of the plant will be inspected at end of every
month and suitable penalty imposed if the plant is not being
maintained properly. The payment will be released @25% per
month and balance will be paid after completion of three
months. No penalty will be imposed if the blooming period is
over and plant dies being seasonal in nature. The top dia will be
measured from inside and the bottom dia and ht from outside
Tolerance is +/- 1.5. cm
161551 Height 15 cm, Upper dia 15cm & bottom dia 10 cm Each/month 95.71
161552 Height 20 cm, Upper dia 20cm & bottom dia 12 cm Each/month 113.81
161553 Height 25 cm, Upper dia 25cm & bottom dia 15 cm Each/month 98.70
161554 Height 30 cm, Upper dia 30cm & bottom dia 20 cm Each/month 100.19
161555 Height 45 cm, Upper dia 45cm & bottom dia 30 cm Each/month 101.69
161560 Filling cement sand/ stone sand pots with good planting soil
mixed with 25% manure including planting the sapling and
watering & maintaining the pots for a period of 3 months. The
rate excludes pots, soil, manure, plant. The top dia will be
measured from inside and the bottom dia and ht from outside.
Tolerance is +/- 1.5 cm
161561 Height 15 cm, Upper dia 15cm & bottom dia 10 cm Each/ 96.79
161562 Height 20 cm, Upper dia 20cm & bottom dia 12 cm Each/ 98.28
161563 Height 25 cm, Upper dia 25cm & bottom dia 15 cm Each/ 99.78
161564 Height 30 cm, Upper dia 30cm & bottom dia 20 cm Each/ 101.69
161565 Height 45 cm, Upper dia 45cm & bottom dia 30 cm Each/ 103.18
161570 Filling of polythene bags with earth, manure etc. as per 100 bags 191.65
instructions & directions of officer in charge and plantation of
cutting/sowing of seeds/seedlings in polythene bags incl. all
labour, T&P etc. But excluding the cost of polybags, earth,
manure and seed/ seedling/ cutting complete as per direction of
Officer in charge
161580 Laying of grass turf in proper level including scrapping of grass Sqm 50.84
from the given site in turfs size 1x1 ft. approx. or desired size,
transportation at site, watering, rolling, mowing, weeding and
maintenance of the lawn upto a period of one month from the
date of turfing as per direction of Officer in charge, with all
labour, tools, and tackles complete. 50% payment after laying
and 50% after one month
161590 Landscaping and making mounds and giving shape as per the Sqm 27.02
requirements (Area to be measured from bottom of mound)
412972905.xlsx Page 217 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161600 Supply and planting of edge plants including cost of plants, Each/ year 157.90
transportation, labour, T&P etc. complete and maintenance for
a period of one year from the date of plantation as per direction
of O.I.C. (Mode of payment:-25% payment will be made after
planting, 25% after six months, 25% after nine months and
rest 25% after one year)
161611 A) Rose bed upto 2000 Sqm area at a place Sqm/ 8.97
412972905.xlsx Page 218 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161612 B) Rose bed above 2000 Sqm area at a place Sqm/ 6.73
161620 Maintenance of seasonal potted plants and permanent potted
plants by doing all horticultural operations like making mixture,
plantation of plants, filling & re-filling, cutting, weeding,
watering, staking, coloring, loading, unloading, arranging the
pots within 100 m radius and application of pesticides as and
when required complete in all respects as per direction of
Officer in charge including cost of labour with tools & tackles
but excluding the cost of manure, soil, fertilizers, pesticides,
plants, pots etc.
161621 A) Up to 12” size pot/Container Each/month 24.94
161622 B) Above 12” size pot/Container Each/month 35.74
161630 Maintenance of cuttings & plants planted in polythene bags Each/ month 34.91
including watering. Weeding shifting, replacement etc. complete
as per instruction of Officer in charge in all labour and T&P etc.
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161710 Supply of earthen pot at site as per direction of officer in
161711 Height 15 cm, Upper dia 15cm & bottom dia 10 cm Each 13.95
161712 Height 20 cm, Upper dia 20cm & bottom dia 12 cm Each 8.14
161713 Height 25 cm, Upper dia 25cm & bottom dia 15 cm Each 17.43
161714 Height 30 cm, Upper dia 30cm & bottom dia 20 cm Each 20.92
161715 Height 45 cm, Upper dia 45cm & bottom dia 30 cm Each 29.05
161720 Supply of Hanging Basket (G.I wire plastic coated)
161721 Height 15 cm, Upper dia 15cm & bottom dia 10 cm Each 32.64
161722 Height 20 cm, Upper dia 20cm & bottom dia 12 cm Each 34.96
161723 Height 25 cm, Upper dia 25cm & bottom dia 15 cm Each 46.58
161724 Height 30 cm, Upper dia 30cm & bottom dia 20 cm Each 50.06
161725 Height 45 cm, Upper dia 45cm & bottom dia 30 cm Each 67.48
161800 Supply of Insecticide/Pesticide
161801 i. Lindane dust Kg 16.38
161802 ii. Methylparathion Kg 32.64
161803 iii. Indosulphon (Thiodan) 35 E.C Litre 464.72
161804 iv. Malathion 50 E.C. Litre 325.34
161805 v. Rogor 30 E.C. Litre 395.03
161806 vi. Nuvan 100 E.C. Litre 778.67
161807 vii. Dimecron 100 E.C Litre 790.17
161808 viii. Bavistin (100 gm packet) Packet 87.23
161809 ix. Dithan-M45. Kg 278.99
161810 x. Blitox Kg 69.92
161811 xi. Furadon. 3 G Kg 77.94
161812 xii. Thimet 10 G Kg 87.23
161813 xiii. Chlorpyriphos (For termite control) litre 360.30
161814 xiv. Durmet (for termite control) litre 499.68
161910 i. Glyphosate litre 244.38
161911 ii. 2-4 D ethyl ester litre 447.64
161921 i. Super phosphate Kg 87.23
161922 ii. Potash Kg 58.19
161923 iii. NPK 12:32:16 etc. Kg 60.51
161924 iv. Urea 46% Kg 17.54
161925 v. DAP Kg 34.96
161926 vi. Zinc Sulphate Kg 69.81
161927 vii. Rose mixture Kg 64.00
161928 viii. Neem Cake Kg 17.48
161929 ix. Mustard cake Kg 29.10
161930 x. Bone dust Kg 34.90
161931 xi. Neem shield Kg 44.20
161932 xii. Amonium Sulphate Kg 29.10
161933 xiii. Som/Shakti or equivalent (bio organic manure made of Kg 20.97
sugar by product etc.)
161934 xiv. Sterameal/Agromeal or equivalent Kg 17.48
161941 a. Rootex/Seradex gm 81.31
161942 b. Agri Sorb plus Kg 778.32
161943 c. Planofix Litre 546.37
412972905.xlsx Page 220 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161951 a. Supply of chilker/khokhal stone of different sizes as per MT 1133.62
instruction of officer-in-charge. Delivery at site
161952 b. Supply of kali slate stone of different sizes as per instruction MT 1412.38
of Officer-in-charge. Delivery at site
412972905.xlsx Page 221 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
161953 c. Supply of white marble stone of different sizes as per MT 1569.19
instruction of Officer-in-charge. Delivery at site
161954 d. Supply of khanger (Clinker) stone of different sizes as per cum 1142.63
instruction of officer-in-charge. Delivery at site
161955 e. Supply of Haridwar pebbles of different sizes as per MT 1569.19
instruction of officer-in-charge. Delivery at site
161960 SUPPLY OF BULBS (Fully rested)
161961 a. Gladioli (different colors - American/Dutch hybrid of sizes Each 11.73
40mm to 50mm dia)
161962 b. Narcissus Each 11.73
161963 c. Amaryllis Each 14.05
161964 d. Lily (Asiatic) Each 52.38
161965 e. Daffodil Each 43.09
161966 f. Lilium Each 52.38
161967 o. Ornithogellum Each 17.54
161968 h. Tulip Each 52.38
161969 i. Hyacinth Each 69.81
161970 j. Caladium Each 14.05
161971 k. Football lily Each 21.02
161972 l. Anemone Each 16.38
161973 m. Fressia Each 44.25
161974 n. Iris Each 40.77
161981 a. Dahlia of different varieties Each 11.73
161982 b. Chrysanthemum of different varieties Each 8.25
161983 c. Carnation Each 14.05
161984 d. Gerbera (hybrid suckers) Each 46.58
161990 Supply of Moss grass stick made of superior quality PVC pipe Each 40.77
20mm dia & 3’ long covered around with thick layer of moss
grass with chicken wire mash
162000 Supply of Moss grass stick made of sup. quality PVC pipe 20mm Each 75.73
dia & 4’ long covered around with thick layer of moss grass with
chicken wire mesh / synthetic mesh
162010 Supply of Moss grass cleaned Kg 81.42
162020 Supply of water proofing cement paint of different color Kg 168.48
162030 Supply of polythene bags 100 micron for raising plants as per Kg 93.04
direction officer incharge
162040 Supply of HDPE - plastic agro shading net : color Sqm 46.58
green/white/black Shade 5-50%- 60%- 75% and Width 3 m
162050 Supply Of Plants/Trees {Notes - Supplying well grown plants-
bushy and healthy, minimum height as specified (exposed
height) including all lead & lift, carriage, handling etc.} (Size of
pot will be upper inner dia of pot)
162060 Avenue Plants
162061 Alstonia scholaris of height 150-180 cm in earthen pots of size Each 69.92
25 cm
162062 Alstonia scholaris of height above 180 cm in earthen pots of Each 255.76
size 25 cm
162063 Azadirachta Indica (Neem) of height 120-135 cm in big polybag Each 64.11
of size 25-30cm
162064 Bassis latifolia (Mahua) of height 90-120cm in big polybag of Each 64.11
size 25-30cm
412972905.xlsx Page 222 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162065 Bauhinia purpurea (Kachnar) of height 60-90 cm in big polybag Each 35.08
of size 25-30cm
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Item No. Description of Item Unit
162066 Bottle palm of height 150-165 cm in earthen pots of size 30 cm Each 81.54
162067 Butea frondosa (Flame of forest) of height 60-90 cm in big Each 69.92
polybag of size 25-30cm
162068 Caryota mitis (Fish tail palm ) of height 120-135 in each Each 87.69
earthen pots of size 25cm
162069 Casuarina equisitifolia of height 120-135 cm in big polybag of Each 69.92
size 25-30cm
162070 Cassia fistula (Amaltash) of height 120-135cm in big polybag of Each 64.11
size 25-30cm
162071 Cassia siamea of height 120-135cm in big polybag of size 25- Each 40.88
162072 Chukrassia tabularis of height 150-165cm in big polybag of Each 69.92
162073 China Palm of leaves 4-5 in earthen pots size 25cm Each 186.07
162074 Chorisia speciosa of height 120-135 cm in big polybag of Each 69.92
size25- 30cm
162075 Ceiba pentandra of height 120-135 cm in big polybag of size Each 69.92
25- 30cm
162076 Cycus revoluta (Cycus palm) of leaves 10-15 in earthen pots of Each 883.90
size 30cm
162077 Cycus revoluta (Cycus palm) of leaves 20-25 in cement each Each 1454.20
pot size 35cm
162078 Cycus revoluta of leaves 35-40 in cement pots of size 45 cm Each 2906.07
162079 Dalbergia sissoo (seas am) of height 120-135 cm in big each Each 46.69
polybag of size 25-30cm
162080 Delonix regia (Gulmohar) of height 135-150 cm in big each Each 52.50
polybag of size 25-30cm
162081 Erythrian Indica of height 90-120 cm in big polybag of size 25- Each 186.07
162082 Eugenia Jambolana (Jamun) of height 120-135 cm in big Each 46.69
polybag of size 25-30cm
162083 Ficus benjmina (green of height 120-135 cm in big polybag size Each 36.01
162084 Ficus bengalensis (Barged) of height 90-120 cm in big polybag Each 139.96
size 25-30cm
162085 Ficus bengalensis (variegated) of height 60-75 cm in earthen Each 186.07
pots size 30cm
162086 Ficus blackii (F.Vivion) well branched (Bushy) of height 120-135 Each 204.42
cm in earthen pots of size 30cm
162087 Ficus elastica Decora (Rubber plant) of height 45-60 cm in each Each 69.92
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162088 Ficus infectoria (Pilkhan) of height 135-150 cm in big polybag of Each 69.92
size 25-30cm
162089 Ficus Lyrata of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size 25 cm Each 64.11
162090 Ficus regnold well branched (bushy) of height 120-135cm in Each 70.85
cement pos of size 35cm
162091 Ficus religiosa (Peepal) of height 120-135 cm in big polybag of Each 46.69
size 30-35cm
162092 Ficus retusa well branched of height 120-135 cm in earthen Each 65.04
pots of 25cm
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Item No. Description of Item Unit
162093 Ficus shiela of height 120-135 cm in big polybag of size 30- Each 81.54
162094 Ficus starlite of height 60-75cm in earthen pots size 25 cm Each 320.57
162095 Ficus starlite of height 90-105 cm in cement pots of size 35 cm Each 639.99
162096 Grevillea robusta (Silver Oak) of height 150-165cm in big Each 94.08
polybag of size 30-35 cm
162097 Heterophragma adenophyllum (Marore fail) of height 120- Each 82.47
135cm in big polybag of size 30-35cm
162098 Jacaranda mimosifolia of height 90-120cm in big polybag size of Each 88.27
size 30-35cm
162099 Juniperus chinenses of height 120-135cm in cement pots of size Each 94.08
162100 Kigelia pinnta of height 90-120cm in big polybag of size 30- Each 70.85
162101 Lagerstroemia flosreginae of height 120-135cm in big polybag Each 47.62
of size 30-35cm
162102 Largerstroemia thorelli of height 120-135cm in big polybag of Each 47.62
size 30-35cm
162103 Lavestonia rotundifolia (Lavestonia palm) of leaves 4-5 in Each 94.08
earthen pots of size 25cm
162104 Mangifera Indica (Mango of height 60-75 cm in big polybag of Each 59.24
size 30-35cm
162105 Melia azedarach of height 60-90 cm in big polybag of size 30- Each 70.85
162106 Michelia champa (Golden Champa) of height 60-75 cm in Each 140.54
earthen pots of size 25cm
162107 Milletia ovalifolia of height 60-70cm in big polybag of size 30- Each 70.85
162108 Millingtonia hortensis of height 90-120cm in big polybag of size Each 82.47
162109 Mimusops elengi (Maulsri) of height 150-165cm in big polybag Each 94.08
of size 30-35cm
162110 Nauclea Cadamba (Kadmba ) of height 90-120cm in big polybag Each 70.85
of size 30-35cm
162111 Nyctanthes arbortrists (Harsingar) of height 45-60cm in earthen Each 70.85
pots of size 20cm
162112 Parkinsonia species of height 30-45cm in big polybag of size Each 70.85
30- 35cm
162113 Phoenix roebelenii (Phoenix palm) of 10-12 leaves in earthen Each 210.23
pots of size 25cm
162114 Pinus longifolia (Pinus) of height 90-120 cm in cement pots of Each 314.77
size 35 cm
162115 Plumeria acutifolia of height 120 to 135cm in gunny bags Each 94.08
162116 Plumeria alba ht. well developed of height 120-135cm in gunny Each 303.15
162117 Plumeria alba 3-4 branched in of height 150-180cm in gunny Each 883.90
162118 Pongamea glabra (Papdi) of height 120-135 cm in big polybag Each 88.27
size 30-35cm
162119 Polyalthia longifolia (Ashoka) of height 150-165cm in earthen Each 210.23
pots of size 25cm
412972905.xlsx Page 225 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162120 Polyalthia pendula (Ashoka Pendula) of height 150-165 cm Each 210.23
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162121 Pterospermum acerifolium (Kanak champa) of height 150-180 Each 117.31
cm in big polybag of size 30-35cm
162122 Putranjiva roxburghii of height 60-75 cm in big polybag of size Each 36.01
162123 Ravenala madagascariensis (Traveler palm ) of height 60-90cm Each 187.00
in earthen pots of size 30cm
162124 Saraca Indica (Sita Ashok) of height 60-75 cm in big each Each 94.08
polybag of 30-35cm
162125 Schleichera trijuga (Kusum) of height 150-165cm in big polybag Each 187.00
of size 30-35cm
162126 Spathodea campanulata of height 120-135cm in big polybag of Each 94.08
size 30-35cm
162127 Tecoma Argentea of height 60-75 cm in big polybag of size 30- Each 94.08
162128 Any other kind of tree of height 120-150 cm in earthen pots of Each 94.08
size 25cm
162129 Any other kind of tree of height 210-240-cm in gunny bag Each 419.30
162200 Shrubs
162201 Acalypha species (Red/Green of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 70.85
pots of size 25 cm
162202 Acalypha species (red/green ) of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 47.62
pots of size 20 cm
162203 Adenium obesum of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of 25 cm Each 303.15
162204 Adenium obesum well branched specimen plant of height 60-75 Each 187.00
cm in earthen pots of size 30 cm
162205 Allamanada cathertica of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of Each 47.62
size 20 cm
162206 Bauhinia tomentosa (Yellow )of height 30-45 cm in earthen pos Each 36.01
of size 20cm
162207 Beloperone species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 47.62
162208 Bougainvillea (mix variety) of height 30-45 cm in polybag of Each 36.01
size 10-15 cm
162209 Bougainvillea (mix variety) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots Each 303.15
162210 Bougainvillea (named variety, bushy plant full bloom) of height Each 187.00
45-60 cm in cement pots of size 30cm
162211 Bougainvillea named variety, bushy plant full bloom of height Each 82.47
30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 25 cm
162212 Bougainvillea (Named variety, bushy plant in full bloom, healthy Each 326.38
plant of height 60-75 cm in cement pot of size 35 cm
162213 Budded roses of mixed variety, in bloom in polybag of size 30- Each 70.85
35 cm
162214 Budded roses (H.T) named variety, in bloom in cement pots of Each 256.69
size 25 cm in polybag of size 30-35 cm
162215 Calliandra species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 47.62
162216 Cassia biflora of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 70.85
412972905.xlsx Page 226 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162217 Cassia biflora of height 30-45 cm in polybags of size 30-35cm Each 47.62
162218 Cassia laviegata of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size Each 47.62
162219 Cassaia laviegata of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size 15- Each 47.62
162220 Chinese lavender of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size 20cm Each 24.39
162221 Chrysanthemum potted plant in full bloom of height 30-45 cm Each 105.70
in earthen pots of size 25cm
162222 Coleus blumii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of 20 cm Each 30.20
162223 Croton (broad leaves) 3-5 branched of height 90-120cm in Each 303.15
cement pots of size 30cm
162224 Croton different varieties of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 279.92
size 25 cm
162225 Croton different varieties of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 338.00
size 20 cm
162226 Croton Petra (Banglori) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 187.00
size 20 cm
162227 Cuphea chinensis of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 47.62
162228 Duranta goldiana of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 187.00
162229 Duranta goldiana of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 15- Each 93.04
162230 Duranta variegated of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 93.04
162231 Euonymus japonica (Variegated) of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 93.15
pots of size 20cm
162232 Euphorbia caracasanna (bronze colour leaves) of height 30-45 Each 93.04
cm in earthen pots of size 20cm
162233 Euphorbia leucoscephala (white/red) well branched (poinsettia Each 162.73
white) of height 45-60cm in earthen pots of size 25cm
162234 Euphorbia milli of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
162235 Euphorbia milli Thaihybried (large flowers) of height 30-45 cm Each 535.45
in earthen pots of size 20cm
162236 Euphorbia pulcherrima (dark red double bracts) well branched Each 140.54
(poinsettia fireball) of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size
162237 Euphorbia pulcherrima (Dark red) well branched (poinsettia Each 187.00
red) of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size 25 cm
162238 Euphorbia pulcherrima (dwarf) well branched (poinsettia hybrid Each 163.77
red) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 cm
162239 Excoecaria bicolor of height 45-60cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
162240 Ficus nitida (ficus panda) of height 30-45cm in earthen pots of Each 54.59
size 20cm
162241 Galphimia gracilis of height 30-45 in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 54.59
162242 Gardenia jasminoides of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 54.59
412972905.xlsx Page 227 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162243 Hamelia patens of well developed of height 30-45 cm in each Each 47.62
162244 Hibiscus rosa sinensis of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of Each 47.62
size 20cm
162245 Hibiscus rosa sinensis of height 60-75 cm in earthen pots of Each 70.85
size 35cm
162246 Hibiscus Variegated of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size Each 94.08
162247 Hibiscus Variegated of height 60-75 cm in earthen pots of size Each 105.70
162248 Ixora singaporensis of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 303.15
162249 Ixora species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 303.15
162250 Jacobinea carnea of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 419.30
162251 Jasminium sambac (Motia) of height 30-45 cm in polybag of Each 59.24
size 20cm
162252 Jatropha (red colour) of height 30-45 cm in polybag Each 53.43
162253 Jatropha (red colour) of height 60-75 cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
162254 Jsuticea ovata of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 70.85
162255 Lantanna depressa of height 30-45 in earthen pots of size 20cm Each 18.58
162256 Lantanna depressa of height 20-25 cm in polybag of size 15- Each 36.01
162257 Lantana sellowiana in bloom of height 30-45 cam in earthen Each 24.39
pots of 15cm
162258 Largerstroemia indica of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size 15- Each 70.85
162259 Largerstroemia indica of height 60-75 cm in earthen pot of size Each 94.08
162260 Limonium spectabillis of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
162261 Malpighia coccigera of height 30-45cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
162262 Manihot esculenta variegated (Tapioca) of height 30-45 cm in Each 47.62
earthen pots of size 20cm
162263 Murrya exotica of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size 15-20 cm Each 24.39
162264 Mussaenda crythrophylla of different colours of height 60-75 cm Each 140.54
in earthen pots of size 25cm
162265 Narium oleander (kaner) of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size Each 47.62
162266 Narium Vareigated of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of each Each 70.85
size 20cm
162267 Plumbago capensis of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 59.24
162268 Poinciana pulcherima of height 45-60cm in earthen pots of size Each 70.85
20 cm
162269 Poinciana pulcherima of height 30-45 cm in polybag of size 15- Each 36.01
20 cm
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Item No. Description of Item Unit
162270 Russelia juncea of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 36.01
162271 Sansevieria trifasciata of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 59.24
size 20 cm
162272 Tabernaemontana cororiaria (Chandni single) of height 45- 60 Each 36.01
cm in earthen pots of 20 cm
162273 Tabernacmontana coronaria (ChandniVaruegated) of height 45- Each 47.62
60 cm in earthen pots of 20 cm
162274 Tabernacmontana coronaria (Chandni) of height 45-60 cm in Each 70.85
polybag of size 15-20 cm
162275 Tecoma gaudichaudi of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 59.24
20 cm
162276 Tecoma capnsis of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 54.59
162277 Thevetia nerifolia ht. Well developed of height 30-45 cm in Each 54.59
polybag of size 15-20 cm
162278 Thuja competa of height 75-90 cm in earthen pots of size 30 Each 163.77
162279 Cama (dwarf) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 70.85
162280 Any other kind of shrubs of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 94.08
20 cm
162300 Foliage and Indoor Plants
162301 Aglaonema species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 245.08
20 cm
162302 Aglaonema species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 303.15
25 cm.
162303 Alpinia zerumbet variegated of height 30-45 cm in earthen each Each 152.16
pots of size 25 cm
162304 Alocasia species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size each Each 152.16
25 cm
162305 Anthurium species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of each Each 187.00
size 25 cm
162306 Anthurium veitchii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 25 Each 639.99
162307 Aralia species of height 30 to 45 cm in earthen pots of size 25 Each 94.08
162308 Aralia species of height 30 to 45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 140.54
162309 Areca palm 4-5 suckers of height 90-105 cm in earthen pots of Each 140.54
size 25 cm.
162310 Areca palm 4-5 suckers of height 120-135cm in earthen pots of Each 152.16
size 25 cm.
162311 Areca palm 4-5 suckers of height 180-210 cm in cement pots of Each 303.15
size 35 cm
162312 Araucaria cookii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 256.69
162313 Aracaria cookii of height 75-90 cm in earthen pots of size 25 Each 535.45
162314 Asparagus mayerii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 187.00
25 cm
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Item No. Description of Item Unit
162315 Asparagus mayerii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 187.00
20 cm
162316 Aspidistra elatior of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 25 Each 140.54
162317 Dieffen bachia (different varieties) of height 30-45 cm in Each 303.15
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162318 Dieffen bachia (different varieties) of height 30-45 cm in Each 187.00
earthen pots of size 20 cm
162319 Dracaena (Mahatma) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 303.15
20 cm
162320 Dracaena (Song of India) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 314.77
size 20 cm
162321 Dracaena fragrance of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of size Each 291.54
25 cm
162322 Dracaena green of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 187.00
162323 Dracaena marginata of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 314.77
20 cm
162324 Dracaena reflexa of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 303.15
162325 Dracaena rosea of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 187.00
162326 Dracaena Victoria of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 25 Each 419.30
162327 Dracaena wameckai of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 187.00
20 cm
162328 Eranthemum species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 36.01
20 cm
162329 Double Ficus blackii (F. vivion), well branches (Bushy) of height Each 163.77
45-60 cm in earthen pots of size 25 cm
162330 Double Ficus regnold well branched (Bushy) of height 45-60 cm Each 221.85
in earthen pots of size 25 cm
162331 Monestra mounted on 3' moss stick of height 30-45 cm in Each 303.15
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162332 Money plant 3' moss stick (3 in one) in earthen pots of size 25 Each 303.15
162333 Nephrolips species (Fern) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 187.00
size 25 cm
162334 Nephrolips species (Fern) in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 70.85
162335 Philodendron Janado of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 303.15
25 cm
162336 Philodendron oxycardium mounted in 3' moss stick (3 in one) in Each 256.69
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162337 Philodendron sellum of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 152.16
25 cm
162338 Rhapis excelsa (Rhapis palm) of height 45-60 cm in earthen Each 303.15
pots of size 30 cm
162339 Scheafflera (Green) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 187.00
162340 Scheafflera (Variegated) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots Each 187.00
each of size 20 cm
412972905.xlsx Page 230 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162341 Scheafflera high colour of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 187.00
size 20 cm
162342 Scheafflera high colour of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of Each 181.19
size 25 cm
162343 Scheafflera clevelandii of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 187.00
size 25 cm
162344 Syngonium (Butterfly variegated) of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 70.85
pots of size 20 cm
162345 Syngonium variegated Mounted on 3 ' Moss stick ( Three plants Each 268.31
in one pot ) in earthen pots of size 25cm
162346 Any other kind of foliage plants in well developed display of Each 291.54
height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of 30cm
162400 Climber Plants
162401 Allamanda species of height 30 to 45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 175.39
20 cm
162402 Bignonia venusta (Golden shower) of height 30-45 cm in Each 204.42
earthen pots of size 20 cm
162403 Bougainvillea of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 175.39
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162514 Tradiscantia in earthen pots of size 20cm Each 41.81
162515 Wadelia trilobata in polybag Each 24.39
162516 Zebrina pendula in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 47.62
162600 Hedge/Edge Plants
162601 Acalypha species (Red/Green) of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 41.81
pots of size 20 cm
162602 Altemanthera species in earthen pots of size 15 cm Each 24.39
162603 Bougainvillea species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size Each 204.42
20 cm
162604 Clerodendrum inerme ht well developed of height 25-32 cm in Each 12.78
162605 Duranta goldiana in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 41.81
162606 Duranta goldiana in polybag Each 6.97
162607 Duranta variegated in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 41.81
162608 Iresine herbstii (Red grass) in earthen pots of size 20 cm Each 24.39
162609 Hemelia patens of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 59.24
162610 Hibiscus rosa sinensis of height 45-60 cm in earthen pots of Each 82.47
size 20 cm
162611 Lantana species of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 88.27
162612 Murrya exotica of height 30-45 cm in polybag Each 41.81
162613 Putranjiva roxburghii of height 30 cm in polybag Each 12.78
162700 Cactus & Succulents
162701 Agave (Green) Kamal Cactusi of height 30-45 cm in earthen Each 41.81
pots of size 25 cm.
162702 Cactus mixed variety medium of height 20-30 cm in earthen Each 99.89
pots of size 20 cm
162703 Cactus specimen plants of height 20-30 cm in earthen pots of Each 291.54
size 20 cm
162704 Furcaria variegated 10-12 leaves in height 20-30 cm in earthen Each 407.69
pots of size 25 cm
162705 Furcaria variegated 15-20 leaves in height 20-30 cm in earthen Each 465.76
pots of size 30 cm
162706 Kalanchoe species full bloom of height 20-45 cm in earthen pots Each 88.27
of size 20 cm
162707 Nollina domestica (Phonytail plan) specimen plant of height 45- Each 59.24
60 cm in earthen pots of size 30 cm/ Traypots
162708 Rhoeo discolor of height 20-30 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 36.01
162709 Yucca (Gluco) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of size 20 Each 30.20
162710 Yucca green (ordinary) of height 30-45 cm in earthen pots of Each 291.54
size 20 cm
162800 Seasonal and Other Plants
162801 Amaryllis Lily full bloom in earthen pots of size 25 cm Each 70.85
162802 Chrysanthemum potted plants in full bloom of height 30-45 cm Each 117.31
in earthen pots of size 20 cm
162803 Chrysanthemum potted plants in full bloom of height 30-45 cm Each 146.35
in earthen pots of size 25 cm
162804 Dahila (named variety in full bloom) of height 30-45 cm in Each 88.27
earthen pots of size 20 cm
412972905.xlsx Page 232 of 319 Chapter-16
Item No. Description of Item Unit
162805 Dahila (named variety in full bloom) of height 30-45 cm in Each 94.08
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162806 Marigold (inca variety in full bloom) of height 20-30 cm in Each 59.24
earthen pots of size 20 cm
162807 Marigold (inca variety in full bloom) of height 30-45 cm in Each 70.85
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162808 Nymphea varieties (Lotus) bloom (Water plants) in earthen pots Each 291.54
of size 25 cm
162809 Seasonal potted plants in full bloom of height 30-45 cm in Each 59.24
earthen pots of size 20 cm
162810 Seasonal potted plants in full bloom of height 30-45 cm in Each 59.24
earthen pots of size 25 cm
162900 Other Items
162901 Selection No 1 grass carpet Sqm 94.08
162902 Hanging basket ordinary with plants in proper shape (Small Each 53.43
162903 Hanging basket special with plants in proper shape (medium Each 65.04
162904 khurpa superior quality carbon steel of size 8"x3" with wooden Each 59.24
handle as approved sample
162905 Cane watering 2 Gallon capacity made of G.I sheet 22 gauge Each 233.46
complete with shower
162906 Pneumatic sprayer made of brass instantaneous spray control Each 639.99
by thumb fitted with fine mist spray nozzle small brass pump in
tank for pressuring 1-1/2 litre capacity.
162907 Garden secateur roll cut made of steel sheet heavy duty made Each 291.54
of high carbon steel fitted with brass sheet size 8" make Passi
or Falcon as per sample approved
162908 Garden/Hedge shear heavy duty one piece metal and wooden Each 465.76
handle reinforced full iron rod size 12" as per sample approved
162909 Garden sword with wooden handle heavy duty blade 30" long. Each 175.39
Wooden handle 8" and 4" inside as per sample approved
162910 Hand compression sprayer made of brass - all welded joints &
tested to a specific pressure, brass forged fittings, 110 cm. long
delivery hose pipe all brass control trigger, 61 cm long brass
extension rod, fine mist spray nozzle etc. two adjustable
carrying belts and a funned stainer as per sample approved
Item No. Description of Item Unit
412972905.xlsx Page 234 of 319 Chapter-17
171011 With cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4fine sand) Sqm 125.58 0.070
171012 With cement mortar 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse sand) Sqm 125.58 0.070
171020 Fixing chowkhats in existing opening including
embedding chowkhats in floors or walls, cutting masonry
for holdfasts embedding hold fasts in cement concrete
blocks of 1:2;4 (1cement: 2coarse sand: 4graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) painting two coats of
coal tar to sides of chowkhats and makinggood the
damages to walls and floors to match existing surface,
complete including disposal of rubbish to the
dumpingground within 50 metres lead
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171100 Providing and fixing 16mm MS Fan clamps of standard Each 153.68 0.016
shape and size in existing R.C.C. slab including cutting
chase and makinggood with 1:2 C:S mortar and painting
(Two coats) exposed portion of the clamps complete
171110 Regrading terracing of mud phaska with tiles/brick by Sqm 162.44 0.031
dismantling tiles/bricks, cleaning these before reuse,
removing mud plaster, preparing the surface of mud
phaska to proper slope, relaying plaster gobri leaping
and tiles or bricks,grouted in cement mortar 1:3
(1cemen t: 3fine sand), replacing unserviceable tiles or
bricks with new ones and disposal of unserviceable
material to the dumping ground (New tiles or brick to be
paid separately) including all lead, lift etc.
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171202 Dumb bell with central bulb (180mm wide, 8mm thick) Sqm 1119.66
171203 Kickers (320mm wide, 5mm thick) Sqm 74.31
171210 Providing and laying water proofing treatment in sunken Sqm 148.38 0.012
portion of WCs, bathroom etc. by applying cement slurry
mixed with water proofing cement compound as per IS
2645 in layers a) 1st layer of slurry of cement @
0.488kg/ sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.253 lit/Sqm, allowed to air cure for
4hours.(b) 2nd layer of slurry of cement @ 0.242kg/
sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @
0.126 lit/Sqm, allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed
with water curing for 48hours.Rate includes preparation
of surface, treatment, sealing of all joints, corners,
junctions of pipes and masonry with polymer mixed
slurry. Rendering/ plastering as protective layer, if
required will be paid separately
171220 Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs Sqm 254.82 0.020
of slabs by applying cement slurry mixed with water
proofing cement compound as per IS 2645 in layers (i)
After surface preparation, 1st layer of slurry of cement
@ 0.488kg/ sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.253 lit/sqm (ii) 2nd layer of Fibreglass
cloth while 1st layer is still green. Overlaps of joints of
fibre cloth should not be less than 10cm (iii) 3rd layer of
1.5mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @
1.289kg/ sqm mixed with water proofing cement
compound @ 0.67 lit/sqm and coarse sand @ 1.289kg/
Sqm, allowed to air cure for 4hours followed by water
curing for 48hours. (iv) 4th and final layer of brick tiling
with cement mortar which will be paid for separately
412972905.xlsx Page 238 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171230 Providing and laying integral cement based water Sqm 587.85 0.387
proofing treatment incl. preparation of surface on roofs,
balconies, terraces etc. (i) Grouting a slurry coat of neat
cement @ 2.75kg/ sqm mixed with water proofing
compound conforming to IS: 2645 inc. walls upto
300mm height. (ii) Laying CC with brickbats 25 to
40mm with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1cement:
5coarse sand) mixed with water proofing compound
over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar of 1:5 mortar
mixed with water proofing compound to required slope,
treating adjoining walls upto 300mm height, rounding of
junctions. (iii) Curing for 2 days & applying 2nd coat of
cement slurry @ 2.75 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing
compound. (iv) Finishing surface with 20mm thick
jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1cement: 4coarse
sand) including laying of glass fibre cloth of approved
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171280 Providing and fixing fancy printed tiles of size 150x75 Sqm 569.84 0.009
mm or any other suitable length confirming to IS: 15622
in border of baths and toilets on 12mm thick cement
plaster 1:3/ chemical adhesive (1cement : 3coarse
sand) jointed with matching pigment etc. complete
171290 Providing and laying vitrified printed border tiles of size Sqm 750.91
400x100mm or any other size conforming to IS:15622
on mosaic floor after hacking with suitable floor adhesive
like ultimate or unitiles etc. including finishing the joints,
pointed with white cement slurry with suitable pigment
to match the shade of the tiles etc. complete
171300 Providing and fixing stainless steel kitchen rack of Kg 252.44 0.012
suitable size of approved make
171310 Providing & fixing reflective paver blocks of approved
sizes and design, conforming to IS:15658- 2006,
manufactured with wet cast vibration system in two
layers, 10-15 mm thick top layer consisting ofgraded
stone aggregate, silica sand and UV stabilised iron oxide
Bayer colour and bottom layer with M-40 concrete
havinggalvanised steel fibre reinforcement; to be fixed
over uniform bedding of 50mm thick fine sand & joints
filled with sand for thickness as :
171331 Along external wall where the apron is not provided metre 8.70
using chemical emulsion @ 7.5 litres/ Sqm of the
vertical surface of the substructure to a depth of 300mm
including excavating channel along the wall and rodding
etc. and making good the same
171332 Along the external wall below concrete or masonry metre 12.81
apron using chemical emulsion @ 2.25 litres per linear
metre including drilling & plugging holes etc.
171333 Treatment of soil under existing floors using chemical Sqm 68.64
emulsion @ one litre per hole, 300mm apart including
drilling 12mm diameter holes and plugging with cement
mortar 1:2 (1cement: 2coarse sand) to match the
existing floor
412972905.xlsx Page 240 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171340 Fixing holding down bolts to timber. (Labour rates only) Each 21.99
171350 Fixing holding down bolts in masonry. (Labour rates Each 24.80
171360 Re-caning seat and back of chair with Contractor's Each 129.62
plastic cane as per IS 5378
171370 Supply of boat with boatman on hire in day time up to 8 Each 930.94
hours.(minimum capacity of the boat to be 6 adult men)
171380 Supply of boat with boatman on hire in night time upto 8 Each 1396.70
hours. (minimum capacity of the boat to be 6 adult
171390 Double bamboo mat walling with split bamboo reepers Sqm 142.17
average dia 7.5 cm on both sides, both ways at 45 cms
centres including nails and erection complete
171400 Supplying bullock cart on hire with 2 bullocks and one Each 738.71
cartman per day of 8 Hours (Including all consumables
171410 Selection of suitable site for drilling bore well/tube well Each 820.95
by electrical resistivity method for all diameters
171420 Supplying, fitting, fixing & installing including boring of Each 59848.03
40 mm dia hand tube well assembly India Mark II
having total depth of 50 metres with the following
components as per IS:9301 : i) Hand pump (single
acting) India mark - IIgalvanised as per IS : 9301 - 90.
ii) Brass strainer mesh type made of long slotted
medium B class G.I. pipes with 80-mesh brass wire net
wrapping around the perforated pipe and jacketed by 26
/ 28 SWG brass perforated sheet. 40 mm dia (2 lengths
of each 1.83 m connected with G.I. socket). iii) C.I.
cylinder with G.M. parts India mark - II 65 mm dia x
0.45 m long as per IS: 9301 - 90. iv) G.I. casing pipe
100 mm dia medium quality ISI marked 18 m long.
412972905.xlsx Page 241 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171430 Extra / Less for sinking including drilling, supplying, metre 939.72
fitting, fixing & installing of G.I. casing pipe 100 mm dia
medium ISI marked over 18 m
171440 Extra / Less for sinking, supplying, fitting, fixing & Each 308.33
installing of G.I. riser pipe 32 mm dia medium ISI
marked over 17 m
171450 Supplying, boring, sinking & installation of 40 mm dia Each 58261.42
hand tube well pump assembly having total depth of 50
metres with the following components as per IS:9301 :
i) Doubleguided head stroke / 80 mm x 40 mm deep
tubewell hand pump No. 6 of complete. ii)Brass strainer
mesh type “Dinco” or equivalent made of long slotted
medium B class G.I. pipes with 80-mesh brass wire net
wrapping around the perforated pipe and jacketed by 26
/ 28 SWG brass perforated sheet. 40 mm dia- 2 lengths
each of 1.83 m connected with G.I. socket. iii) All brass
cylinder 65 mm dia 450 mm long with brass plunger,
plunger rod socket, all brass poppet/lower valve bucket
leather complete. iv) G.I. Casing pipe ISI marked 80
mm dia medium quality 18 m long. v) G.I. pipe ISI
marked 40 mm dia medium quality 28.35 m long. vi) 80
mm x 40 mm dia G.I. Reducing socket of approved
quality. vii) 12 mm dia bright bar electrogalvanised
connecting rod "Dinco" / "BJH" or equivalent, 3.0 m long
each with G.I. coupling of length as required at site of
171460 Extra / Less for sinking including drilling, supplying, metre 706.81
fitting, fixing & installing of G.I. casing pipe 80 mm dia
medium ISI marked over 18 m
412972905.xlsx Page 242 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171470 Extra / Less for sinking including drilling, supplying, metre 602.04
fitting, fixing & installing of G.I. riser pipe 40 mm dia
medium ISI marked over 17 m
171480 Extra for providing Stainless Steel cylinder 65 mm dia. Each 319.41
instead of all brass cylinder
171490 Supplying, Sinking & installation of 40 mm hand pump Each 23070.87
No.6 ordinary hand pump set comprising the following of
approved quality complete assembly having depth of 30
M as per IS:9301. Hand pump No.6 with plunger, barrel,
handle, head, piston rod, leather bucket, base, valve
weight G.I. Screws, bolts & nuts as per IS : 1363/1967,
leather seat valve, 40 mm dia C.I. Cutter with steel
plug, 40 mm dia G.I. Sockets & 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe
medium quality v) Brass strainer mesh type “Dinco” or
equivalent made of long slotted medium B class G.I.
pipes with 80-mesh brass wire net wrapping around the
perforated pipe and jacketed by 26 / 28 SWG brass
perforated sheet. 40 mm dia x 2 lengths each of 1.83 m
connected with G.I. socket
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
171651 Single pile upto 50 tonne capacity- initial test Each 78982.00
171652 Single pile upto 50 tonne capacity - routine test Each 63882.50
171653 Single pile above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne capacity Each 145187.50
- initial test Test
171654 Single pile above 50 tonne and upto 100 tonne capacity Each 127765.00
- routine test Test
412972905.xlsx Page 246 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
172010 Supplying and applying leak proof polygrout to stop Each 2319.92
oozing water, with the help of NBMs threaded nozzles
complete job including fixing of nozzles, injecting
polygrout and sealing of nozzles with the help of sealing
172020 Supplying, erecting and fixing precast concrete Each 10767.45
reinforced bench with back rest. Bench shall consist of 2
nos. L shaped base support in natural cement colour of
thickness 100 mm, back height 1000 mm, front height
450 mm, base width 620 mm and 5 nos. reinforced
concrete planks in red colour and size of 1500 x 100 x
50mm and 1 no. reinforced concrete plank of 150 x 200
x 50mm; manufactured by using M-30grade concrete &
reinforced suitably; all parts to be joined withgalvanised
nuts and bolts of suitable size. All bolts to be sealed
after assembly. Complete job to be done as per
directions of Engineer Incharge
172030 Providing and fixingglazed or unglazed full body Sqm 1522.85 0.087
homogenous anti-algal, all weather resistant ceramic
landscaping/facia vitrified tiles (Cladding), conforming to
tests as per IS:4457-2007, having water absorption <
0.5%, having sizes as 300mm x 300mm x 8mm,
200mm x 400mm x 9mm, 400mm x 400mm x 9mm and
300mm x 600mm x 10mm & 240mm x 60mm x 7.3mm
in approved shade, colour & quality. Tiles to be laid on
20 mm average thick cement mortar bed of 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) and joints filled with polymer
based cementitiousgrout with all labour, material
complete job
412972905.xlsx Page 248 of 319 Chapter-17
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
172050 Extra over item 172040 for using SS 316 Grade Kg 161.45
stainless steel (to be used in corrosive coastal areas)
instead of SS 304 Grade
New Items To Be Added By Zonal Railways
412972905.xlsx Page 249 of 319 Chapter-18
181023 Dismantling concrete kerb stones/rail level platform stones cum 542.36
/concrete beams / slabs or similar light structural parts/ stones
without appreciable damage including stacking
181030 Demolishing R.C.C. work including cutting and stacking of steel cum 736.21
bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead.
(Extra payment for scraping, cleaning and straightening of bars
to be made separately)
181040 Extra over Item Nos. 181021 and 181050 if pavement breaker cum 220.86
is used on orders of Engineer
181050 Demolishing R.B work including stacking of steel bars and cum 657.87
disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead (Extra
payment for scraping, cleaning and straightening of bars to be
made separately)
181060 Extra for scraping, cleaning, straightening reinforcement from Kg 2.06
R.C.C. or R.B. work
182010 Demolishing brick work including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead
Item No. Description of Item Unit
182040 Dismantling dressed stone work, ashlar face stone work, marble
work, including stacking of serviceable and disposal of
unserviceable material within 50m lead
182041 In lime mortar cum 303.47
412972905.xlsx Page 251 of 319 Chapter-18
Item No. Description of Item Unit
182042 In cement mortar cum 595.12
182050 Dismantling Precast concrete or stone slabs in walls, partition
wall etc. including stacking within 50m lead
182051 Thickness upto 40mm Sqm 61.33
182052 Thickness above 40mm upto 75mm Sqm 91.85
182060 Extra over basic Items for removing mortar from stones/blocks
and cleaning stones/blocks (net quantity of stacks of cleaned
materials will be measured, deduction @15% for voids in stones
will be made)
182061 In lime mortar cum 102.86
182062 In cement mortar cum 145.08
182070 Dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning Sqm 11.39
the surface for plaster/pointing including disposal of rubbish
within 50m lead
183010 Dismantling cement concrete / terrazzo flooring and/or Sqm 19.11
underlayer excluding base concrete
183020 Dismantling tile work in floors/dado/skirting laid in cement Sqm 26.39
mortar/ chemical mortar/synthetic adhesive including stacking
material within 50m lead
183030 Dismantling stone slab flooring/ dado/skirting laid in cement Sqm 55.38
mortar/ lime mortar including stacking of serviceable material
and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead
183040 Dismantling Paver block/ stone sett flooring laid in dry mortar/ Sqm 44.28
cement mortar / bitumen, including stacking material within
50m lead
183050 Extra for cleaning the stone sets with cement mortar & bitumen 100 nos. 218.08
184040 Dismantling jack arch roofing including lime/cement concrete in Sqm 52.79
haunches and floors including cleaning and stacking of
serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material
within 50m lead - plan area to be measured
412972905.xlsx Page 252 of 319 Chapter-18
Item No. Description of Item Unit
184050 Dismantling Single tiled roofing of any type with battens Sqm 43.71
boarding etc. complete including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead
184060 Dismantling Double layer tiled roofing of any type with battens Sqm 76.28
boarding etc. complete including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50m lead
184070 Dismantling ridges, hips valleys and gutters etc of any material metre 6.69
and stacking the material within 50m lead
184080 Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips valleys and gutters
etc. and stacking the material within 50m lead of
184081 G.I. sheet sqm 36.79
184082 Asbestos sheet sqm 17.18
185010 Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel or Each 110.48
wood) shutter including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts in CC
or masonry etc. complete and stacking within 50m lead
185020 Taking out doors, windows, clerestory window, cupboard Each 42.82
shutters only (steel or wood) including stacking within 50m lead
185080 Taking out existing broken glass panes from existing door, sqm 56.17
windows, partitions etc. including stacking/disposal
185090 Taking out existing laminated sheets (Sunmica etc.) from sqm 18.00
doors, windows, partitions boards etc.
186010 Dismantling steel work in single sections including
dismembering & stacking within 50m lead in
186011 R.S. joists./ Rails Kg 0.72
412972905.xlsx Page 253 of 319 Chapter-18
Item No. Description of Item Unit
186012 Channels, angles, tees and flats/ rounds or any other rolled Kg 0.52
186020 Dismantling steel work and trusses upto 10m span and 5m Kg 1.24
height in built up sections in angles, tees, flats and channels
including all gusset plates, bolts, nuts, cutting rivets, welding
etc. including dismembering and stacking within 50m lead
186030 Dismantling steel work and trusses upto 10m span and upto 5m Kg 0.79
height (height of lowest member from ground) in built up
sections and stacking within 50m lead
186040 Extra over item 186020 & 186030 for dismantling trusses, Kg 0.18
rafters, purlins etc. of steel work for additional span length of
one metre or part thereof beyond 10m
186050 Extra over item 186030 & 186040 for dismantling trusses, Kg 0.18
rafters, purlins etc. of steel work for additional height of one
metre or part thereof beyond 5m
186060 Extra for marking of structural steel work required to be re- Kg 1.01
186070 Dismantling pressed steel tanks, excluding staging, including sqm 73.33
stacking within a lead of 50m
186080 Dismantling, iron collapsible gate, rolling shutter, M.S. Grill, sqm 51.81
M.S. Gates, Palisade fencing etc.with post & stays including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable
materials within 50 m lead
186090 Taking out rail posts of any height and stacking within 50m. Each 67.18
(Demolishing of concrete/masonry, if required to be done, will
be paid extra)
187010 Dismantling and stacking within 50m lead, fencing posts or
struts/ rails including all earth work and dismantling of concrete
etc. in base
187011 ‘T” or ‘L’ iron or pipe, rail or RSJs Each 55.11
187012 R.C.C. / Stone Each 65.02
187020 Dismantling barbed wire or flexible wire rope in fencing Kg 7.62
including making rolls and stacking within 50m lead
188010 Dismantling asbestos cement pressure pipes/ Non pressure metre 68.65
pipes upto 150mm dia including excavation and refilling
trenches after taking out the pipes and stacking the pipes within
50m lead
188020 Dismantling G.I. /PVC pipes (external work) including
excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the pipes,
including stacking of pipes within 50m lead
188021 Upto 40mm dia metre 32.68
188022 Above 40mm dia metre 36.85
188030 Dismantling rain water pipe of G.I, C.I, M.S, SCI, asbestos or
PVC with fittings and clamps, including stacking the material
within 50m lead
188031 Dia of 80mm and below metre 15.66
412972905.xlsx Page 254 of 319 Chapter-18
Item No. Description of Item Unit
188032 Dia of above 80mm metre 16.17
188040 Dismantling of flushing cistern of any size including stacking of Each 208.13
serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 50m lead
188050 Dismantling of C.I. sluice and similar valves including stacking
of serviceable materials within a lead of 50m
188051 Upto 150mm diameter Each 75.53
188052 Above 150mm diameter Each 269.15
188060 Dismantling of spindle fire hydrant including stacking of Each 162.78
serviceable materials within 50m lead
188070 Taking out earthenware or stoneware/concrete pipes and
stacking within 50m lead including excavation of trench and
refilling and ramming complete. (Demolishing of
concrete/masonry if required to be done will be paid
188071 extra) Upto 15 cm dia. metre 7.88
188072 Above 15 cm dia upto 30cm dia. metre 10.09
188073 Above 30cm dia. metre 12.37
189010 Dismantling sleeper huts complete with roof and flooring etc. sqm 83.37
189020 Dismantling expanded metal, BRC, IRC, welded mesh or similar sqm 16.33
materials incl. beading and stacking the serviceable material
within 50m lead
189030 Dismantling cement asbestos, Celotax or other hard board sqm 12.86
ceiling or partition wall, sunshades etc including stacking of
serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials
within 50metres lead
189040 Dismantling gypsum partitions including framework sqm 14.64
(Aluminium/steel),and false ceiling including stacking of
serviceable material and disposal of unserviceable material
within 50m lead
189050 Dismantling hessian cloth or similar textile covering from ceiling sqm 6.39
or walling etc.
189060 Removing thatch only with binding materials including
underlayer matting, from roof. including stacking within a lead
of 50 m
189061 Upto 150mm thick sqm 6.68
189062 Above 150 mm thick sqm 7.89
189070 Removing tar felts or bitumen felts (Any no of layers) from sqm 12.23
roofs parapets etc including disposal by burning.
189080 Dismantling of old S.W. pipes including breaking of joints and
partial bed concrete (Brick or stone) as required, stacking of
useful material near the site within 50m lead and disposal of
unserviceable material into municipal / Railway dumps
189081 100mm diameter metre 37.66
189082 150mm diameter metre 42.29
189083 200mm diameter metre 45.28
189084 250mm diameter metre 50.55
189085 300mm diameter metre 56.45
412972905.xlsx Page 255 of 319 Chapter-18
Item No. Description of Item Unit
189086 350mm diameter metre 59.02
189090 Dismantling of manhole including R.C.C. top slab, C.I. cover
with frame including stacking of useful material including bricks
duly cleaned from mortar near the site and disposal of
unserviceable materials into railway dumps within 50m lead
including all excavation, refilling watering and ramming etc.
189091 Rectangular manhole 90x80cm (Inside dimensions) and 45cm Each 819.72
189092 Rectangular manhole 120x90cm (Inside dimensions) and 90cm Each 1516.38
189093 Rectangular arch type manhole 140x90cm (Inside dimensions) Each 3945.13
and 2.45m deep
189094 Circular manhole 122cm diameter (Inside dimensions) and Each 5386.01
1.68m deep
189100 Extra for depth of manholes dismantled for :
189101 Rectangular manhole 90x80cm (Inside dimensions) and 45cm 10 cm 25.38
189102 Rectangular manhole 120x90cm (Inside dimensions) and 90cm 10 cm 140.05
189103 Rectangular arch type manhole 140x90cm (Inside dimensions) 10 cm 150.83
and 2.45m deep
189104 Circular manhole 122cm diameter (Inside dimensions) and 10 cm 304.46
1.68m deep
189110 Taking out European or Indian type WC, Squatting plate Each 137.12
Complete with all parts including making good the walls
complete, if required
189120 Taking out Wash hand basin and sink complete with all parts Each 157.34
including making good the walls complete, if required
189130 Taking out flat back or angular lipped urinal basin. Complete Each 134.39
with all parts including making good the walls complete, if
189140 Taking out Squatting Urinal plate Complete with all parts Each 145.13
including making good the walls complete, if required
New Items To Be Added By Zonal Railways
412972905.xlsx Page 256 of 319 Chapter-19
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
191045 40m to 50m metre 5575.20
412972905.xlsx Page 258 of 319 Chapter-19
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
191046 50m to 60m metre 5923.65
191047 60 m to 70 m metre 6039.80
191050 Conducting in situ full size Plate load test (PLT) at
selected location as per IS: 1888 including making
loading arrangements & castingof RCC/cast in situ
concrete footing as per codal provisions including
excavation and refilling of trial pit
191051 a. Plate size 30 cm x 30 cm Each 29037.50
191052 b. Plate size 45 cm x 45 cm each 29037.50
191053 c. Plate size 60 cm x 60 cm Each 34845.00
191060 Conducting in situ Vane shear test for soil as per IS Each 2323.00
191070 Conducting SCPT for soil as per IS - 4968 Each 41814.00
191080 Conducting DCPT for soil as per IS - 4968 Each 39491.00
191090 Conducting determinationof California Bearing Ratio Each 4181.40
as per IS 2720
191100 Takingout 100mm dia & 450mm long undisturbed Each 127.77
samplesof soil from bore holes, including provisionof
air tight containers for packing and, labelling incl.
transporting the samples to laboratory. Piston
sampler shall be used for extracting undisturbed
samples where necessary. Samples shall be collected
as per IS 2720
191110 Takingout 100mm dia & 450mm long disturbed Each 174.23
samplesof soil from bore holes, including provisionof
air tight containers for packing, labelling and
transporting the samples to laboratory. Samples
shall be collected as per IS 2720
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
191153 Hardness Each 813.05
191154 Unconfined compression test Each 2787.60
191155 Point load test Each 1393.80
191156 Modulus of elasticity Each 7433.60
191157 Abrasion testing Each 2787.60
191160 Conducting chemical analysisof ground water Each 3484.50
samples to determine suitability for concreting and
aggressiveness in relation to attackon concrete /
reinforcement including determination of pH value
191170 Conducting chemical analysisof soil samples to Each 4181.40
determine aggressiveness in relation to attack on
concrete / reinforcement including determination of
pH value
191180 Preparation and submissionof Final report giving Each 76659.00
complete and comprehensive recordof investigations,
laboratory test reports and calculations in approved
192010 Earth work in excavation for foundations and floorsof
the bridges, retaining walls etc., including settingout,
dressingof sides, rammingof bottom, gettingout the
excavated material, back filling in layers with
approved material and consolidationof the layers by
ramming and watering etc. incl. all lift, disposal of
surplus soil upto a leadof 300 M, all typesof shoring
and strutting with all labour and material complete
as per drawing and technical specification as directed
by Engineer in charge
192030 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6 cum 2077.03 2.200
with graded stone aggregateof 40 mm nominal size,
in foundation and floors, retaining wallsof bridges
including mechanical mixing, vibrating, pumping and
bailingout water where ever required with all
materials and labour complete but excluding the
costof cement and shuttering as per drawings and
technical specifications as directed by Engineer
412972905.xlsx Page 260 of 319 Chapter-19
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
192040 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, cum 2888.42 4.22 Or as per
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix
design mix.
Cement Concrete M35 grade (Cast - in Situ) using 20
mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sandof approved quality in RCC raft foundation & Pile
cap including finishing, Using Admixtures in
recommended proportions ( as per IS 9103), if
approved in Mix design to accelerateor retard
settingof concrete and/or improve workability
without impairing strength and durability complete
as per specifications and directionof the Engineer in
charge. Payment for cement, reinforcement and
shuttering shall be paid extra
192050 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, cum 2888.42 3.44 Or as per
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix
design mix.
Cement Concrete M20 grade (Cast - in Situ) using 20
mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sandof approved quality in Abutment, pier, wing
walls and return wallsof Mass cement concrete above
RCC raft Including finishing complete as per
specifications and directionof the Engineer in charge.
Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering
shall be paid extra
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
192065 Extra for every increaseof 1 Mor part thereof in the cum/m 33.57 4.22 Or as
height above 10 M & 20 M per appd
design mix.
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
192090 Extra for chieselling in addition to boringof piles if
chieselling is resorted to in hard rockor big stone
boulders larger than 30 cm depth by any means i.e.
by chieselor manual chiesel and hammer method
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
193010 Earth work in OPEN excavation in foundationof cum 132.53
bridges, for placingof well curbsof all shapes and
designs in all kindsof soil including taking out the
excavated soil, levelling, rammingof bottomof
excavation and trimmingof sides, returning the soil in
layers, consolidation, disposalof surplus soil within a
leadof 300 M, incl. all lift, dewatering, shoring and
strutting complete as per technical specification and
as directed by Engineer in charge. (The compaction
of surplus soil when led to the bank will be paid as
per relevant item separately)
193011 Extra to item for Earth work in excavationover item cum 205.98
no. 193010 if the excavation is carriedout in Rock
not requiring blasting
193012 Extra for Earth work in excavationover item 193010 cum 385.59
if the excavation is carriedout requiring controlled
blastingor chieselling where required and permitted
by the engineer in charge
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
193040 Dry/Wet Sinkingof Circular Wells (Other than
pneumatic method) in all typesof strata except hard
rock requiring ballasting, including bailing and
pumpingout water, removalof excavated soil, with all
labour and material required for sinking as per
drawing and directionof the Engineer in charge,
disposalof surplus soil upto 1 Km lead in the
adjoining bank/embankment (The compaction to be
paid separately under the relevant item)
193041 From initial levelof cutting edge & Up to 3m depth cum 147.43
193042 From 3m to 10m depth cum 199.56
193043 From 10m to 20m depth cum 301.43
193044 From 20m to 30 m depth cum 698.95
193045 From 30m to 40 m depth cum 1778.13
193046 From 40m to 50 m depth cum 4523.56
193047 From 50 m depth onwards cum 11507.93
193050 Dry/Wet Sinkingof Twin D type Wells (Other than
pneumatic method) in all typesof strata except hard
rock requiring ballasting, including bailing and
pumpingout water, removalof excavated soil, with all
labour and material required for sinking as per
drawing and directionof the Engineer in charge
including disposalof surplus soil in the adjoining
bankor within the zone including disposalof surplus
soil in the adjoining bankor within the zone including
compaction (The compaction to be paid separately
under the relevant item)
193051 From initial levelof cutting edge & Up to 3m depth cum 229.43
193052 From 3m to 10m depth cum 336.91
193053 From 10m to 20m depth cum 508.91
193054 From 20m to 30 m depth cum 1166.68
193055 From 30m to 40 m depth cum 2940.02
193056 From 40m to 50 m depth cum 7408.85
193057 From 50 m depth onwards cum 18670.31
193060 Extra for sinkingof wells in hard rock requiring cum 596.29
controlled blasting including costof explosive,
detonators, chieselling including allother ancillary
412972905.xlsx Page 265 of 319 Chapter-19
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
193070 Providing and laying in position machine mixed,
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix
Cement Concrete M35 grade (Cast - in Situ) using 20
mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sandof approved quality in the following elementsof
well including finishing, using Admixtures in
recommended proportions( as per IS 9103), if
approved in Mix design, to accelerate, retard
settingof concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability complete as per
drawings and technical specifications as directed by
Engineer. Payment for cement, reinforcement and
shuttering shall be paid extra
412972905.xlsx Page 266 of 319 Chapter-19
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
194010 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, cum 2888.42 4.22 or as
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix per appd
Cement Concrete M35 grade (Cast - in Situ) In design Mix.
Bottom/top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps
haunch filling head wallsor anyother component
using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate and
coarse sandof approved quality of cast-in-situ RCC
boxof size upto 5 M (bigger inside dimension)
including finishing, Admixtures in recommended
proportions (as per IS 9103), if approved in Mix
design, to accelerate, retard settingof concrete,
improve workability without impairing strength and
durability, complete as per drawings and technical
specifications as directed by Engineer in charge.
Payment for cement, reinforcement and shuttering
shall be paid extra
194020 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, cum 2888.42 3.44 or as
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix per appd
Mass Cement Concrete M20 grade (Cast - in Situ) design Mix.
using 20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate and
coarse sandof approved quality in Drop and curtain
wall and alike structures below bed level, Including
the costof centring, shuttering and finishing complete
as per drawings and technical specifications as
directed by Engineer. Payment for cement &
reinforcement shall be paid extra
195010 Deduct if 40mm graded stone aggregate is used in cum 580.75
placeof 20mm graded stone aggregate in any
gradeof concrete. (Deduction to be made for
quantity of concrete)
195020 Providing and applying two coatsof coal taror Sqm 131.00
bitumen confirming to IS 3117 - 1965on the top and
sidesof RCC box/slabs @ 1.70 Kgs / Sqm after
cleaning the surface with all labour and materials
complete job as directed by the Engineer
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
195037 In Well cap and corbel if provided Sqm 161.10
195038 In Bottom/top slab, side walls, toe wall and sumps Sqm 261.30
haunch filling head wallsor anyother component
195040 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, Sqm 1111.48 4.03 or as
machine vibrated and machine batched Design Mix per appd
Cement Concrete M-25 grade (Cast - in Situ) using design Mix.
20 mm graded crushed stone aggregate and coarse
sandof approved quality in jacketingof piers and
abutments from bottom of foundation upto a
heightof 10m including finishing for average 30cm
thicknessof jacketing. Payment for reinforcement,
cement, wire mesh, shuttering, drillingof holes and
insertion of rods will be made extra.
201011 With Soffit level Upto 9 m above Bed level cum 3360.32 4.30 or as
per design
201012 With Soffit level From 9m above Bed Level to12m above cum 3448.91 4.30 or as
Bed Level per design
201013 With Soffit level From 12 m above Bed Level to 15m cum 3537.49 4.30 or as
above Bed Level per design
201014 Extra for increase in span by every 1 M or part thereof for metre/ 44.29 4.30 or as
spans above 18.3 M & upto 30.5 M per design
201015 Deduct for casting of Slab instead of Girders (for any cum 177.17
412972905.xlsx Page 269 of 319 Chapter-20
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
201020 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, machine cum 3094.56 4.30 or as
vibrated and machine batched Design Mix Cement per design
Concrete M40 grade using 20 mm graded crushed stone mix
aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the
Precast Prestressed (Post tensioned) concrete girder/ Box
(Spans upto 30.5 M) in contactor’s casting yard, including
finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions
(as per IS 9103), if approved in Mix design, to accelerate,
retard setting of concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability, complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer.Payment for
Shuttering, Cement, Admixtures, reinforcement, HTS
cables, anchorage cones, stressing of cables and grouting
of the ducts will be done extra. Launching of girder/slab
in position is not included in this item
201030 Providing and laying in position machine mixed, machine cum 3094.56 4.30 or as
per design
vibrated and machine batched Design Mix Cement
Concrete M 40 grade using 20 mm graded crushed stone
aggregate and coarse sand of approved quality for the
Precast Prestressed (Pre tensioned) concrete girder
(Spans upto 9.1 M) in contractor’s casting yard, including
finishing, using Admixtures in recommended proportions
(as per IS 9103), if approved in Mix design, to accelerate,
retard setting of concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability, complete as per
specifications and direction of the Engineer. Payment for
Shuttering, Cement, Admixtures, reinforcement, HTS
cables, sheathing, anchorage cones, stressing of cables
and grouting of the ducts will be done extra. Launching of
girder/slab in position is not included in this item
201031 Deduct from 201030 for casting of Slab instead of Girder cum 177.17
412972905.xlsx Page 270 of 319 Chapter-20
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
201040 Design, manufacturing, Supplying and fixing in position 1.12
elastomeric bearing pads under prestressed concrete
girder, for Pre-cast as well as cast-in-situ girders as per
approved drawing. The rate shall include cost of load test
of one No. bearing from Railway approved firms and all
fixing materials, equipments, machineries, labour, taxes,
loading, unloading, leading, lifting etc. complete. Rates
include getting the drawing approved from Railway and
cost of inspection during manufacturing from railway
approved organization. (Note : 1. The rate is for finished
item complete and paid only after fixing in position below
the girder. 2. The volume shall be given in the drawing
and no deduction shall be made for inserted steel plates
412972905.xlsx Page 271 of 319 Chapter-20
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
201050 Providing and fixing in position of standard preformed
sealed and slab type or strip seal elastomeric type
expansion joints for Railway bridge or Road Over Bridges
as per approved drawings and latest MOST/IRC
specifications. The rates are inclusive of supplying, fixing
with contractor’s own materials e.g. inserts, bolts, socket
tubes, Neoprene sheet/cap etc, equipments, machineries,
labour, all taxes, royalty, all lead & lifts, transport,
testing, surface preparations, Complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
201071 Deduct for not using CRCA sheathing & other related MT 42898.66
items for pretensioned members from item 201070
201072 Extra for using HDPE sheathing instead of CRCA MT 131.25
New items To Be Added By Zonal Railways
412972905.xlsx Page 273 of 319 Chapter-21
Note- Items in this chapters are for works not requiring traffic block unless otherwise specified in
the relevant item. All items are for clear span upto 45.7 M unless otherwise specified.
Payment Schedule
(i) Material at site – 40%
(ii) Fabrication at site – 15%
(iii) Erection/Launching – 20%
(iv) Completion incl. painting & finishing – 25%
211011 Plate Girder/ Semi Through Girder MT 80260.76
211012 Open web Girder MT 86336.37
211013 Extra for metalising incl. preparation of surface and applying one Sqm 11.71
coat etch primer to 1S-5666
211014 Extra for using steel conforming to Fe 490 of IS: 8500 instead of Fe MT 1161.50
211015 Deduct for using steel conforming to Fe 410 A of IS : 2062 instead MT 1161.50
of Fe 410 B
412972905.xlsx Page 274 of 319 Chapter-21
211050 Metalizing of steel work of girder with grit blasting as per IRS-B1- Sqm 92.50
2001 following by one coat of etch primer (as per IS: 5666) one
coat of Zinc Chrome primer (as per IS:104) and two coats of
aluminium paint (as per IS: 2339) with all labour, T&P and material
as a complete job
211060 Providing and fixing 65/50 mm nominal dia B class G.I. pipe railing Kg 62.57
used in rows for footpath or anti-crash barrier railing incl. cost of
M.S. angle and channels in vertical posts, riveting, welding /
rivetting, priming painting two coats, at all heights labour and
material as a complete job
211070 Supplying and fixing anti-slip M.S. Angles/nosing 65mmx 65x 8mm Kg 57.94
or any other size confirming to IS: 2062 fixing 10mm dia, anchor
bar 600mm C/C and fixing with main girder with M.S. flat on top of
step of stair case, making anti-slip grooves 7 nos. arrangement
forkeeping and maintaining in position as per approved plan with all
labour and material as a complete job
211080 Providing/ fixing/ leaving/ grouting various size HTS bolts / holding Kg 78.15
down bolts in concrete column or in other structural steel member
with proper nuts, bolts, washers /plates as a complete job. Note -
Cement used in grouting will be paid separately under relevant item
412972905.xlsx Page 275 of 319 Chapter-21
211100 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level cast MT 96666.29
steel rocker bearing complete as per IS : 7666, IS:9565,
IS:1030,IS:919 ,IS:3073 and as per bridge code including all
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications
211110 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level forged MT 102708.04
steel roller bearing conforming complete as per IS : 7666, IS:9565,
IS:1030,IS:919 ,IS:3073 and as per bridge code including all
accessories as per drawing and Technical Specifications
211120 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level sliding MT 1244.21
plate bearing with PTFE Surface sliding on stainless steel as per BS:
3784, BS 5400.complete including all accessories as per drawing
and Technical Specifications
211130 Design, Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level cu cm 1.20
elastomeric bearing conforming to IS: 3400, IS:226, BS
5400.complete including all accessories as per drawing and
Technical Specifications
211140 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level POT-
PTFE bearing consisting of a metal piston supported by a disc or un
reinforced elastomer confined within a metal cylinder, sealing rings,
dust seals, PTFE surface sliding against stainless steel mating
surface, complete assembly to be of cast steel / fabricated structural
steel, metal and elastomer elements complete as per IS 2062, IS:
1030, AISI:304, AISI:316, IS:6911, BS:3784, IS:3400, IS:226, BS
5400.,Bridge code and as per drawing and approved Technical
Specifications The design of the bearings shall be submitted by the
manufacturers/ contractor and got approved from Railway before
fixing. Test report of the bearings should be got approved before the
materials are lifted from the manufacturer premises. Payment is
based on capacity of Bearing
211170 Painting steel works (New bridges) with two cover coats of red oxide Sqm 91.74
paint conforming to IS 123-62 as per IRS- B1-2001 to given an
even shade with all labour & material including scaffolding,
shuttering and strutting along with provision of Jhoola/hanging
scaffolding where required
211180 Providing road crane of different capacity with diff. jib length
revolving type for material handling, assembly & erection of
girders/slab/RCC Box etc.
211181 12MT capacity with 36 feet jib day 3828.30
211182 25 MT capacity with 60 feet jib day 5981.73
211183 40 MT capacity with 75 feet jib day 10767.11
211184 75 MT capacity with 75 feet jib day 23926.90
211185 100 MT capacity with 75 feet jib day 28712.28
211186 150 MT capacity with 75 feet jib Day 34694.01
211190 Cleaning of steel work of bridge girders Up to 30.50 m. clear span Sqm 20.39
with scrappers and/or wire brushes to remove all rust and loose or
perished paint to prepare perfectly clean & dry bare metal surface
free from all dirt/foreign material & ready for initial coat of paint.
Rate include cost of labour, consumables, brushes, tools and plants,
ladders, scaffoldings, jhoola, hanging scaffolding staging etc.
211200 Cleaning of steel work of bridge triangulated girders with scrappers Sqm 30.58
and/or wire brushes to remove all rust and loose or perished paint
to prepare perfectly clean & dry bare metal surface free from all
dirt/foreign material & ready for initial coat of paint. Rate include
cost of labour, consumables, brushes, misc. tools and plants,
ladders, scaffoldings, jhoola, hanging scaffolding staging etc.
211211 With one coat. ready mix red lead conforming to IS : 102 Sqm 27.23
211212 With one coat ready mix Zinc Chromate conforming to IS : 104 Sqm 42.91
followed by one coat of Zinc Chromate red oxide conforming to IS:
211213 With two coats. ready mix red oxide conforming to IS:123 Sqm 37.89
211214 With two coats Aluminium paints in dual containers conforming to IS Sqm 43.34
: 2339
211215 With two coats epoxy paint Sqm 70.79
412972905.xlsx Page 277 of 319 Chapter-21
221030 Supplying galvanized wire net trungers made from 4 Sqm 389.29
mm galvanised steel wire @ 32 kg per 10 sqm
having minimum tensile strength of 300 Mpa
conforming to IS:280 and galvanizing coating
conforming to IS:4826, woven into mesh with double
twist, mesh size not exceeding 100 x 100 mm
221040 Providing and laying of apron with cement concrete cum 2739.87 3.200
blocks cast in-situ and made with nominal mix of
1:2:4 with a minimum cement content of 250
kg/cum. Payment to be made for blocks only. Cost of
cement and shuttering to be paid extra
221050 Providing and laying Pitching with stone boulders cum 1303.63
weighing not less than 35 kg each with the voids filled
with spalls on slopes laid over prepared filter media
including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications(Filter media to be paid separately under
the relevant item)
221060 Providing and laying Pitching with stone boulders cum 2106.29 1.250
weighing not less than 35 kg each with the voids filled
with cement sand mortar 1:4 on slopes laid over
prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry
in front of toe of embankment complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications(Filter media to
be paid separately under the relevant item)
221070 Providing and laying Filter material As Per RDSO cum 2428.62
Specifications underneath pitching in slopes complete
as per drawing and Technical specification
412972905.xlsx Page 280 of 319 Chapter-22
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
221080 Providing & Laying of a Permeable geotextile filter
between pitching and embankment slopes on which
pitching is laid to prevent escape of the embankment
material through the voids of the stone
pitching/cement concrete blocks as well as to allow
free movement of water without creating any uplift
head on the pitching. as per RDSO guide lines
221100 Laying pitching with stone boulders supplied by the cum 149.14
railways with the voids filled with spalls on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including boulder apron
laid dry in front of toe of embankment as per
drawings and technical specifications. Max lead upto
150m(Filter media to be paid under the relevant item)
Flooring in Bridges
222010 Providing and laying Flooring with rubble stone , laid cum 2097.03 1.12 for
rubble stone
over 15 cm thick CC 1:2:4 and the voids filled with
CC 1:2:4 complete with the joints pointed with 1:2
Cement sand mortar as per drawing and Technical
specifications. Payment for cement to be done
separately. Voids in the rubble stone to be taken as
35% of the gross volume of the stone layer. (Base
concrete to be paid extra)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222030 Supply and laying of quarry dust including cum 1061.74
consolidation, supply of all materials, labour, lead, lift,
tools, plants, crossing of tracks as per drawing and
technical specification as directed by the Engineer
incharge in case loose slush is encountered at site of
foundation before casting the foundation or before
laying the filtering media
222040 Supply and laying of coarse sand including cum 1631.80
consolidation, supply of all materials, labour, lead, lift,
tools, plants, crossing of tracks as per drawing and
technical specification as directed by the Engineer
incharge in case loose slush is encountered at site of
foundation before casting the foundation or before
laying the filtering media
222050 Guniting concrete surface with cement mortar of Sqm 1112.39 0.160
average thickness 25mm, applied with compressor
after cleaning surface and spraying with epoxy
complete as per Technical Specification in the ratio of
16 Kg of cement to 0.04 cum of sand, 50X50X3mm
size wire mesh, with 0.67 Kg of epoxy and 0.64 Kg of
accelerator compound for guniting per Sqm
222060 Providing and inserting nipples with approved fixing Each 40.69
compound after drilling holes for grouting as per
Technical Specifications including subsequent
cutting/removal and sealing of the hole as necessary
after completion of grouting
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222090 Applying epoxy mortar over leached, honey combed Sqm 1321.59
and spalled concrete surface and exposed steel
reinforcement complete as per Technical Specification
with average thickness of 10 MM including priming
coat, mortar plaster and seal coat of epoxy
222100 Removal of defective concrete, cleaning the surface Sqm 1191.27 0.160
thoroughly, applying the shotcrete mixture
mechanically with compressed air, comprising of
cement, sand, coarse aggregates, water and quick
setting compound as approved, gunite strength not
less than 25 Mpa with average thickness of 40mm in
the ratio of 16 Kg of cement to 0.04 cum of sand,
50X50X3mm size wire mesh with 0.67 Kg of epoxy
and 0.64 Kg of accelerator compound for guniting per
222130 Providing & Fixing 12 mm rabbit wire mesh at the Sqm 95.95
junction of RCC where specifically ordered or as
shown in the drawing
222150 Providing/ fixing/ grouting various size HTS holding Kg 157.94 0.010
down bolt in concrete column or in other structural
steel member incl. drilling holes of required size, bolts
threaded at both ends shall be fixed with proper size
nuts bolts, plates, washers complete including all
labour and material
222160 Providing weep holes by making suitable opening or metre 705.68 0.020
drilling in existing Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced
concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure complete
412972905.xlsx Page 283 of 319 Chapter-22
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222170 Providing and fixing of Drainage Spouts of 100 mm metre 588.69 0.010
UPVC complete as per drawing and Technical
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222210 Supplying and changing of corroded worn- out and
loose rivets of any size at any location of the bridges
with or without traffic blocks including all tools,
plants, machinery complete in all respects. Cost of
rivett to pay separate
222211 Rivetts size upto 25 mm dia. Each 182.67
222212 For Rivets more than 25 mm dia. Each 305.45
222220 Dismantling of existing bed plate from existing bed Each 5252.80
block by cutting & removal of HD bolts and nuts with
all tools, plants, machinery scaffolding, labour and
other materials and shiting it at one end of the bridge
during traffic block.
222230 Painting the HFL and danger level marks, year of HFL Each 116.36
on bridge abutments and piers with ready mixed paint
as per standard in two coats over one coat of primer
with all materials, labour, tools, scaffolding, all lead
and lift etc including writing complete
222240 Providing cast in situ bridge number plaques as per Each 492.00 0.100
Railway drawing in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix using
20mm hard stone aggregate embedded in 30mm
notch in Bridge parapet coping duly engraving the
letter and figures and an arrow indicating the
direction of flow and finishing the top exposed surface
with cement mortar 1:3, painting letters and figures
with two coats of black enamel paint on two coats of
white back ground with all labour, tools, cement,
paint etc.with all lead and lifts
222250 Providing cast in situ plaques for bridge foundations Each 818.10 0.100
details of size 45x45x5 cm in cement concrete 1:2:4
mix using 20mm hard stoneaggregate embedded in
30mm deep notch over abutment & piers, engraving
the letters & figures with CM 1:3 and finished smoth
including painting letters and figures with 2 coats of
black enamel and plaque with white enamel with all
labour, tools, cement, paint, curing, etc. as a
complete job
222260 Providing & laying non pressure NP-4 Class RCC pipe
with collars, jointing with 1:2 Cement and ordinary
sand mortar including testing of joints but excluding
earth work with all labour and material as a complet
job. Cement for mortar will be paid seperately
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222264 1200 mm dia. metre 8489.10
222280 Supplying, spreading and filling coarse sand (No cum 1538.65
cohesive materials to be used) of approved quality
including watering and ramming in foundation, plinth,
behind the abutment, wing wall, retaining wall in
layers not exceeding 150mm thick including its
compaction as per direction of Engineer-in- charge.
The rate includes all lead, lift, ascent, descent,
crossing of Railway line, etc. complete with
contractor’s labour, materials, tools and plant
222290 Providing Boulder backing behind wing wall, return cum 163.91
wall, retaining wall with hand packed boulders &
cobbles with smaller size boulders toward the back
including all lead, lift, labour & other incidental
charges as complete work in all respect. Payment for
boulder/cobbles will be done extra
222310 Supplying & fixing Galvanised Steel wire ropenet, Sqm 1257.68
made of 9mm dia steel wire rope having aperture size
of 45cm x 60cm with 6m long hangs for top anchoring
and 5m wide alongwith chain-link mesh-netting of
80mm x 80mm mesh size made from 2.4mm dia
galvanised wire, joining of chain-link mesh & steel
wire ropenet and joining of adjacent nets with
galvanised spiral lock springs of steel wire dia
2.2mm; inner dia of springs 18mm; total length
50mm ± 0.5mm; pitch 4mm & open end length
60mm including cutting of tree/shrub etc. in rope-
netting location .....contd.
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
... contd. - applying torque 65 to 70 N/mm for fixing
of ropenet for intermediate anchoring on the surface
of cutting, bottom anchoring upto 1m depth by using
16mm dia HYSD steel bolts, threaded upto 200mm on
top and fixing epoxy coated washer plate, fabrication
& fixing of U-pin on top of cutting for top anchoring
and joining of adjacent nets with spiral spring and
fixing at the ratio of 1 no. per 0.6m in longitudinal
direction of net portion and additional locks for lacing
chain link netting with ropenet with contractor's
materials, machinery, tools & plants, cement, steel,
labour, lead, lift, transportation, ascent, descent,
taxes, royalty etc. complete as per directions of
222320 Supplying & fixing of Erosion Control Geomat (for Sqm 289.91
surfacial erosion control) consisting of 2 layers of
polymeric netting, having aperture size of 20mm x
20mm and a middle layer of coir as per
Specifications. Max. width of rolls/each composite mat
shall be 5m. Work includes dressing of slopes to
proper profile & removing loose rubbles, muck &
leading to the point as directed by engineer-incharge;
supply & spreading of good earth/soil material on
slope/berm portion etc. to proper profile for laying of
Geomat anchoring in top anchor trench; seaming of
adjacent panels of Geomat with HDPE Twine;
fabrication & fixing of U-pin on slope/berms including
top of cutting for anchoring of Geomat as per
approved scheme and providing of grass sods and
placing over Geomat so as to completely cover it,
including watering for 2 weeks with all labour, tools &
materials alongwith lead & lift etc. complete
412972905.xlsx Page 287 of 319 Chapter-22
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
222330 Supplying & placing of Mechanically Woven Double cum 2790.71
Twisted Hexagonal Shaped Wire Mesh Gabion Boxes
of required sizes, Mesh Type 10cm x 12cm, Zn and
PVC coated Mesh Wire dia.2.7/3.7mm(ID/OD), edges
of meshes mechanically edged / selvedged with heavy
coating of galvanization as per EN 10223- 3/ASTM A
975 with partitions at every 1m interval and properly
packed with approx. 150mm size boulders including
transportation and placing at indicated places as per
direction of engineer-in-charge including contractor's
tools, plants, labour, royalty charges etc. complete in
all respect and stitching with lacing wire of dia.
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD) @ 5% by weight of Gabion boxes,
carrying the material by head lead from nearest
approach with all safety precautions and all leads and
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
.. Contd. --(Note : In lieu of etching with acid the
surface can be roughened or bond improved by other
appropriate means.) complete as per specification
222351 Piers, substructure, Box bridges and culverts in river Sqm 536.82
222352 Sidewalks Sqm 455.96
222360 Surface protection of Underside of Bridge Decks, Sqm 305.43
Girders, Inside of Box Girders, Railings, etc. of
Bridges and Piers and Substructures which are not in
River Bed by cleaning and drying the surface;
repairing local defects, e.g. honeycombs with a paste
of cement admixed with 5% by weight of cement of
Polymer bonding agent, applying (@ 0.30 litre per
square metre) a coat(DFT of 100-150 micron) of a
translucent brown coloured modified phenolic resin
based single component high performance polymeric
waterproofing compound(sp. gr. 0.87, rosin content
nil and a solid content of minimum 0.47%),
applying(@ 0.25 litre per square metre) a top coat of
a modified phenolic resin based single component
waterproofing compound of grey or other shades(sp.
gr. 0.85) before the base coat becomes tack- free;
permitting the coatings to cure and dry naturally; the
2-coat system shall be impermeable under a water
head of 20.0 metres, complete as per specification
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
412972905.xlsx Page 290 of 319 Chapter-23
231042 Base course with 63mm to 45mm size including stone cum 1644.06
screening 13.2mm size
231043 Base course with 53mm to 22.4mm size including cum 1702.13
stone screening 11.2mm size
231050 Providing and laying water boundmacadam sub- base
with brick aggregate and bindingmaterial, earth
/moorum etc. including screening, sorting and
spreading to template and consolidation with light
power road roller etc. complete
231051 Over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregate 120mm to 40mm cum 1248.11
231052 Over burnt (Jhama) brick aggregate 90mm to 45mm cum 1248.11
231060 Providing and laying bitumen penetration macadam
with hard stone aggregate, with bitumen of suitable
penetration grade including required key aggregate as
specified, spreading coarse aggregate with the help of
self propelled / tipper tailmounted aggregate spreader
and applying bitumen by a pressure distributor and
then spreading key aggregate with the help of
aggregate spreader complete including consolidation
with road roller ofminimum 8 to 10 tonne capacity
412972905.xlsx Page 291 of 319 Chapter-23
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
231061 For 50mm compacted thickness using 6cum coarse Sqm 180.29
aggregate of size 50-20mm graded, 1.5cum key
aggregate of size 12.5mm graded, and 500kg paving
asphalt 80/ 100 per 100sqm
231062 For 75mm compacted thickness in two layers using Sqm 268.48
9cum coarse aggregate of size 63-41mm graded,
1.8cum key aggregate of size 20mm graded, and
680kg paving asphalt 80/ 100 per 100sqm
232010 Surface dressing on new surface with paving bitumen Sqm 220.02
of grade A-90/ S-90 of approved quality using 2.25 kg
of bitumen. per sqm with 1.65 cum of stone chippings
13.2mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road surface
including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne
capacity etc. complete
232020 Surface dressing on new surface in two coats with Sqm 293.93
bitumen of grade A-90/ S-90 of approved quality
using 1.8kg. of bitumen per sqm with 1.5cum of stone
chippings 13.2mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road
surface for 1st coat and 1.1kg of bitumen per sqm
with 1.00cum of stone chippings 11.2mm nominal size
per 100sqm of road surface for 2nd coat including
consolidation of each coat separately with road roller
of 6 to 8 tonne capacity etc. complete
232030 Surface dressing on old surface with hot bitumen of Sqm 186.56
grade A-90/ S-90 of approved quality using 1.95 kg of
bitumen per sqm with 1.50 cum Stone chippings
11.2mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road surface
including consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8 tonne
capacity etc. complete
232040 Surface dressing one coat on new surface with Sqm 132.30
bitumen emulsion (minimum 50% bitumen content-
RS grade conforming to IS: 8887) at a rate of
1.95kg/sqm of surface area with 1.5cum of stone
chippings 13.2mm nominal size per 100 sqm of road
surface including consolidation with road roller of 6 to
8tonne capacity etc. complete
412972905.xlsx Page 292 of 319 Chapter-23
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
232050 Surface dressing one coat on old surface with bitumen Sqm 85.26
emulsion (minimum 50% bitumen content- RS grade
conforming to IS: 8887) at the rate of 1.22kg/ sqm of
surface area with 1.11cum of stone chippings 11.2mm
nominal size per 100 sqm of road surface including
consolidation with road roller of 6 to 8tonne capacity
etc. complete
233021 With paving asphalt 80/ 100 heated and then mixed Sqm 102.43
with solvent at the rate of 70grams per kg. of asphalt
233031 With paving asphalt 80/ 100 heated and then mixed Sqm 125.15
with solvent at the rate of 70grams per kg. of asphalt
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
233040 Providing and laying 2cm premix carpet surfacing with Sqm 189.79
2.4cum of stone chippings 11.2mm nominal size and
230kg bitumen emulsion (medium settingmin. 65%
bitumen content) complying with IS: 8887- 1995 per
100sqm including consolidation with road roller of 6 to
8tonne capacity etc. complete
233050 Providing and laying 2.5cm premix carpet surfacing Sqm 235.49
with 3cum of stone chippings 10mm nominal size and
288kg bitumen emulsion (medium settingmin. 65%
bitumen content) complying with IS: 8887- 1995 per
100sqm including consolidation with road roller etc.
234010 2.5 cm thick bitumastic sheet with hot bitumen of
approved quality using stone chippings (60% 12.5mm
nominal size and 40% 10mm nominal size) @ 1.65
cum per 100 sqm and coarse sand at 1.65 cum per
100 sqm of road surface and with bitumen @ 56
kg/cum of stone chippings and @ 128 kg/cum, of sand
over a tack coat with hot straight run bitumen
including consolidation with road roller of 8 to 10
tonne etc. complete, (tack coat to be paid
separately) :
234011 With paving bitumen 80/ 100 heated and then mixed Sqm 143.62
with solvent at the rate of 70grams per kg. of asphalt
234021 With paving bitumen 80/ 100 heated and then mixed Sqm 220.64
with solvent at the rate of 70grams per kg. of asphalt
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
235010 Providing and laying seal coat of premixed fine Sqm 69.59
aggregate (passing 2.36mm and retained on
180micron sieve) with bitumen using 128 kg of
bitumen of grade 80/ 100 bitumen and 0.60cum of
fine aggregate per 100sqm of road surface including
rolling and finishing with road roller all complete. Note
- This should not be operated along with Hot mix
236010 Cement concrete Grade M15 of coarse aggregate cum 2456.73 3.200
40mm nominal size, in pavements, laid to required
slope and camber in panels as required including
consolidation finishing and tamping complete
236020 Providing and laying designmix cement concrete in cum 3166.94 3.4 or as
roads, having a cube strength of M-30 using cement, per design
coarse sand and graded stone aggregate of 40mm
nominal size as per approved design. mechanically mix
vibrated, steel form work, curing, providing and filling
construction & dummy joints with approved joint filler
(conforming to grade B of IS: 1834) rounding of the
edges,making & filling the grooves as per drawing
236030 Providing and fixing at or near ground level Sqm 503.12 0.070
factorymade RCC pavement slab of M-30 grade of size
450x450x50mm with reinforcement of 6mm dia M.S.
bars 4 nos. on each side including setting in position
in footpath to the required level and line over a bed of
20mm average thick cementmortar (1 cement: 3
coarse sand) joint thickness notmore than 5mm
except on curve including filling of joints with same
cement mortar andmaking grooves etc. complete as
per direction of Engineer-in-charge
236040 Extra over item236010 & 236020 for providing litre 52.27
andmixing hardening compound of approved quality
as per manufacturer’s specification
236050 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler per cm 4.65
width per
in expansion joints
depth /
236060 Providing and laying in position bitumen hot sealing per cm 5.18
width per
compound for expansion joints etc. using grade ‘A’
sealing compound depth /
236070 Painting road surfacemarking with adequate number
of coats to give uniform finish with ready mixed
roadmarking paint conforming to IS: 164, on
bituminous surface in white/ yellow shade including
cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and
foreign material etc. complete
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
236072 Old work (one or more coats) Sqm 56.40
237010 Providing and fixing Cat’s Eye (Glow studs) heavy Each 575.48
integral stem, reflective, aluminium die cast with
elegant finish of size 100x100mm and 20mm high
having a stem of 50mm (or 12mm dia. 90mm long)
screwed and nailed to fix into the road surface or at
the nosing of the central verge. The road studs should
have reflectors fitted on one side of the studs (3Nos. 7
element or 1No. 29 element reflector) complete
237020 Deduct for using hand roller instead of power road Sqm 10% of
roller for consolidation, If due to site conditions the Basic Items
power road roller can not be used and use of hand
roller is specifically permitted in writing. 10%
deduction ismade on the total unit cost of the item
237030 Supplying and laying Kerb stone 30cm X 20cm (In metre 1098.43 0.020
Section / including chamfering as per design if any)
chisel dressed on top and sides including fixing in 1:6
cement sandmortar and pointing with 1:2
cementmortar (1cement:2 Sand ordinary) including all
excavation / refilling, ramming and other incidental
works as required
237040 Supplying and laying Channel stone 30cmX 10 cm (In metre 575.76 0.020
Section ) chisel dressed on top and sides including
fixing in 1:6 cement sandmortar and pointing with 1:2
cementmortar (1cement:2 Sand ordinary) including all
excavation/ refilling, ramming and other incidental
works as required
237050 Supplying and laying precast Kerb Stone of concrete metre 471.22 0.020
M25 Grade 30cmX 20 cm (In Section / including
chamfering as per design if any) including fixing in 1:6
cement sandmortar and pointing with 1:2
cementmortar (1cement:2 Sand ordinary) including all
excavation /refilling, ramming and other incidental
works as required.
237060 Supplying and laying precast Channel Stone of metre 262.15 0.020
concrete M25 Grade 30cmX 10 cm (In Section)
including fixing in 1:6 cement sandmortar and
pointing with 1:2 cementmortar (1cement:2 Sand
ordinary) including all excavation /refilling, ramming
and other incidental works as required
237070 Providing and laying Dry Brick (FPS bricks of class metre 93.45
designation 7.5) edging of full brick width and half
brick depth including excavation, refilling / ramming
and disposal of surplus earth lead upto 50 metres
412972905.xlsx Page 296 of 319 Chapter-23
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
237080 Providing and laying Dry Brick (FPS bricks of class metre 27.04
designation 7.5) edging laid length wise with half brick
depth including excavation, refilling / ramming and
disposal of surplus earth lead upto 50 metres
237090 Providing and laying toothed (Diagonal) brick edging metre 32.48
along paths etcat an angle of 60 Degree to the
horizontal including excavation, refilling / ramming
and disposal of surplus earth lead upto 50 metres
237100 Scarifying 50mmmetalled (water-bound) road surface Sqm 7.38
including disposal of rubbish lead upto 50metres and
consolidation of the aggregate received from
scarifying with power road roller of 8 to 10 tonne
237120 Providing and laying Dry brick (F.P.S. bricks of class metre 299.43
designation 7.5) pitching half brick thick in drains
including supply of brick and preparing the surface
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
238011 75mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of Sqm 949.28
60/70 grade @ 5% by weight of total mix and lime
filler @ 2% by weight of Aggregate. (For very heavy
traffic condition)
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
238040 Manufacturing supplying and fixing retro reflective
sign boardsmade up of 2mm thick aluminium sheet,
face to be fully covered with high intensity
encapsulated type heat activated retro reflective
sheeting conforming to type - IV of ASTM-D 4956-01
in blue and silver white or other colour combination
including subject matter,message (bi-lingual),
symbols and borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001,
pasted on substrate by an adhesive backing which
shall be activated by applying heat and pressure
conforming to class -2 of ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing
the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @
20 cm c/c to back support frame of M.S. angle iron of
size 25x25x3mm alongwith theft
resistantmeasures,mounted and fixed with 2 Nos.
M.S. angles of size 35x35x5mm to a vertical
postmade up of M.S. Tee section ISMT 50x50x6 mm -
contd. ...
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
238060 Providing and fixing of raised pavementmarkers made Each 835.70
of polycarbonatemoulded body and reflective panels
withmicro prismatic lensmade of polycarbonate with
abrasion resistant coating. The length, weight and
width of body shall not exceed 95mm, 18mm and
105mm respectively. The lower surface of the RPM
shall be supported with two nylon shanks, each of
length not less than 25mm. Fixed to the road by using
twin nylon shanks using bituminous adhesive on
bitumen roads or without nylon shanks with epoxy
resin adhesive on concrete roads as per directions of
Engineer Incharge. The RPM should conform to the
quality standards as laid down in IR Standard
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
242020 Providing 1.2m high fencing with 1.8m Sal metre 65.95 As per site
balli/Casurina ballies posts, 30cm girth (min) placed
every 2.5m apart, embedded in cement concrete
blocks and every 15th post (or nearer if there is
abrupt change of ground slope) , last but one end
post and corner post shall be strutted on both sides
and end post one side only, and struts embedded in
cement concrete blocks, provided with 5 horizontal
lines and two diagonals of G.I. barbed wire 9.38kg
per 100metres (min) between the two posts fitted
and fixed with G.I. staples driven into the posts
including two coats of coal tarring of ballies complete
(cost of posts, struts, and concrete to be paid for
242030 Providing 1.8m high fencing with 2.5m sal balli metre 66.52 As per site
posts, 30cm girth (min) placed every 2.5m apart,
embedded in cement concrete blocks and every 15th
post (or nearer if there is abrupt change of ground
slope) , last but one end post and corner post shall
be strutted on both sides and end post one side
only, and struts embedded in cement concrete
blocks, provided with 5 horizontal lines and two
diagonals of G.I. barbed wire 9.38kg per 100metres
(min) between the two posts fitted and fixed with
G.I. staples driven into the posts including two coats
of coal tarring of ballies complete (cost of posts,
struts and concrete to be paid for separately).
242040 Providing 2.4m high fencing with 3.3m sal balli metre 87.54 As per site
posts, 30cm girth (min) placed every 2.5m apart,
embedded in cement concrete blocks and every 15th
post (or nearer if there is abrupt change of ground
slope) , last but one end post and corner post shall
be strutted on both sides and end post one side
only, and struts embedded in cement concrete
blocks, provided with 7 horizontal lines and two
diagonals of G.I. barbed wire 9.38kg per 100metres
(min) between the two posts fitted and fixed with
G.I. staples driven into the posts including two coats
of coal tarring of ballies complete (cost of posts,
struts and concrete to be paid for separately).
412972905.xlsx Page 302 of 319 Chapter-24
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
242050 Providing 1.2m high fencing with 1.8m angle iron metre 53.49 As per site
40x40x6mm posts placed every 3m centre to centre
embedded in cement concrete blocks every 15th
post (or nearer if there is abrupt change of ground
slope) last but one end post and corner post shall be
strutted on both sides and end post on one side
only, and struts embedded in cement concrete
blocks, and provided with 5 horizontal lines and two
diagonals interwoven with horizontal GI barbed
wires, of barbed wire 9.38kg per 100 metre (min)
between the two posts fitted and fixed with G.I.
staples, complete (cost of posts, struts and concrete
to be paid for separately).
242060 Providing 1.8m high fencing with 2.4m angle iron metre 71.35 As per site
50x50x6mm posts placed every 3m centre to centre
embedded in cement concrete blocks every 15th
posts (or nearer if there is abrupt change of ground
slope) last but one end post and corner post shall be
strutted on both sides and end posts on one side
only, and struts embedded in cement concrete
blocks, and provided with 7 horizontal lines and two
diagonals interwoven with horizontal GI barbed
wires, of barbed wire 9.38kg per 100 metre (min)
between the two posts fitted and fixed with G.I.
staples, turn buckles etc. complete (cost of posts,
struts and concrete to be paid for separately).
242070 Extra for supplying and fixing turn buckles and Each 117.08
straining bolts for barbed wire fencing.
242080 Supplying and fixing of barbed wire weighing 9.38 per 13.14
kg per 100 metre (min) on previously erected posts
with wire nails, hooks, stitching bolts, binding wire
etc. straight and/or cross pattern. (Rate includes
drilling of holes in the post wherever required) Note:
This item can also be operated as extra over Items
242010 to 242060 for fixing additional wires to
those stipulated in the respective items.
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
242100 Providing 1.2m high welded steel wire fabric metre 20.27
fencing /chain link fabric with 1.8m posts of specified
material and design placed at every 3m apart
embedded in cement concrete blocks every 15th
post (or nearer as per site conditions), last but one
end post and corner post shall be strutted on both
sides and end post one side only and struts
embedded in cement concrete blocks, provided with
welded steel wire fabric 0.90m wide rectangular
mesh 75x25mm size weighting not less than 7.75kg/
Sqm. fixed between the posts fitted and fixed with
G.I. staples on wooden plugs or tied to 6mm bar
nibs with G.I. binding wire (cost of posts, struts
welded steel wire fabric, painting, and concrete to be
paid for separately)
242110 Fixing posts (M.S. angle/flat) of any shape over top Each 90.63 As per site
of wall, including making holes in masonry and fixing
posts in cement concrete. (Cement Concrete to be
paid separately)
242120 Providing 1.3 metre high concrete rail and pale metre 18.41 As per site
fencing of standard design with 1.8m R.C.C. posts
2.25m rails and 1.25m pales, posts placed at 2.25m
apart (Cost of concrete work, posts, rails and pales
to be paid for separately)
242130 Making tie bar/Boiler tube fencing from old tie quintal 523.12
bars/Boiler tube, supplied by railway, including
straightening, cutting, drilling holes,
rivetting/welding as per approved plan and
depositing the excess scrap in Railway stores. Note :
Due allowance for loss in standard weight of tie bars
will be made while making payments depending
upon condition of the tie bars/boiler tube.
242140 Fixing and setting chainage, bench marks, apex and Each 25.92 As per site
TP stones in 1:2:4 RCC of approved design. (The
pillars, excavation, concrete etc. will be paid extra)
242150 Providing and fixing 15x15x90cm boundary stone of Each 165.30 As per site
hard stone with 30cm chisel dressed on all four sides
and on top (cost of excavation, refilling and concrete
etc to be paid for separately)
242160 Extra over Item 242150 for engraving letters in hard cm height 2.67
242170 Fixing Grade M-20, RCC Posts/Boards as per As per site
standard design (cost of excavation, refilling,
concreting in foundation, painting and engraving if
any to be paid for separately)
242171 Boundary Stones Each 25.92
412972905.xlsx Page 304 of 319 Chapter-24
Item No. Description of Item Unit Rate (Rs.)
242172 Kilometre Posts Each 25.92
242173 Hectametre Posts Each 25.92
242174 Gradient Boards Each 25.92
242180 Extra over Item 242170 for engraving letters in RCC cm height 3.21
242190 Providing and fixing concertina coil fencing with metre 304.93
required dia 600 mm having 50 nos. round per 6 m
length upto 3m height of wall with existing angle
iron ‘Y’ shaped placed 2.4 m or 3.00 m apart and
with 9 horizontal R.B.T. stud tied with G.I. staples
and G.I. clips to retain horizontal including necessary
bolts or G.I. barbed wire tied to angle iron all
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge with
reinforced barbed tape (R.B.T.) / Spring core
(2.5mm thick) wire of high tensile strength of 165
kg/ with tape (0.52 mm thick) and weight
43.478gm/ metre (cost of M.S. angle, C.C. blocks
shall be paid separately)
242200 Providing & fixing half bamboo jafri without gap of Sqm 485.16
20 to 25mm dia bamboos of good quality fixed half
cut vertically to horizontal wooden batten of size
25mm to 40mm of ordinary wood with nails
including two coats of painting with primer including
all lead lift loading unloading all taxes all L&M, T&P
as a complete job
242210 Providing & fixing full bamboo jafri without gap of 20 Sqm 729.19
to 25mm dia bamboos of good quality fixed
vertically to horizontal wooden batten of size 25mm
to 40mm of ordinary wood with nails including two
coats of painting with primer including all lead lift
loading unloading all taxes all L&M, T&P as a
complete job
253440 Anodised Aluminium handles 100 mm with plate 150 x 32 mm 10 Nos. 331.20
253450 Anodised Aluminium handles 75mm with plate 125 x 32 mm 10 Nos. 287.50
253460 Anodised Aluminium kicking plate 50 cm long 100x3.15 mm Each 143.75
253470 Nails 25-100mm long Kg 62.10
253480 Nails Upto 25mm long Kg 69.00
253490 Glass beads of metal Kg 103.50
253500 1 mm thick 35mm wide bright finished stainless steel piano metre 40.25
253510 Block board construction flush door with commercial ply on Sqm 961.40
both faces 35 mm thick
253520 Block board construction flush door with commercial ply on Sqm 926.90
both faces 30 mm thick
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253800 Veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both Sqm 655.50
sides 12 mm thick
253810 Structural steel such as tees, angles channels and R.S. joists quintal 4485.00
and all like materials
253820 Flats up to 10 mm in thickness quintal 4364.25
253830 Flats exceeding 10 mm in thickness quintal 4301.00
253840 Mild steel plates 6 mm and above quintal 5175.00
253850 Mild steel sheets below 6mm quintal 5290.00
253860 Mild steel expanded metal 20x60 mm strands Sqm 299.00
253870 Nut and bolts with washers of all sizes Kg 69.00
253880 4mm thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat board (595mm X Sqm 754.26
595mm) conforming to IS : 13958-1994
412972905.xlsx Page 310 of 319 Chapter-25
253900 12mm thick phenol bonded Bamboo Mat Board conforming to Sqm 1610.72
IS : 13958-1994
253910 Veneered Bamboo particle board-both side commercial veneer
SOGP grade ii conforming to IS : 3097-1980
253911 9 mm thick veneered Bamboo particle board-both side Sqm 474.81
commercial veneer SOGP grade ii conforming to IS : 3097-
253912 12mm thick veneered Bamboo particle board-both side Sqm 544.67
commercial veneer SOGP grade ii conforming to IS : 3097-
253913 18mm thick veneered Bamboo particle board-both side Sqm 685.69
commercial veneer SOGP grade ii conforming to IS : 3097-
253914 25mm thick veneered Bamboo particle board-both side Sqm 861.64
commercial veneer SOGP grade ii conforming to IS : 3097-
253920 3.5 to 4mm thick Bamboo Mat corrugated sheet conforming to Sqm 1322.50
IS : 15476-2004
253930 3.5 - 4mm thick bamboo mat ridge cap (BMRC) metre 988.05
Distempers Paints and Varnishes
254010 Linseed oil (double boiled) litre 124.20
254020 Cement primer litre 109.25
254030 Distemper primer litre 103.50
254040 Pink primer (for wood) litre 103.50
254050 Aluminium paint in two containers litre 161.00
254060 Anticorrosive bituminous paint (black) litre 103.50
254070 Synthetic Enamel paint in all shades litre 184.00
254080 Plastic emulsion paint litre 322.00
254090 Roofing paint for iron sheets in red colour litre 165.60
254100 Dry distemper Kg 69.00
254110 Oil bound washable distemper / Acrylic distemper Kg 120.75
254120 Water proofing cement paint / snowcem Kg 51.75
254130 Ordinary varnish litre 92.00
254140 Premixed super white gypsum plaster Kg 20.70
254150 Plaster of Paris Kg 11.50
254160 Premium Acrylic exterior paint litre 247.25
254170 Textured exterior paint litre 255.30
254180 Metal Primer litre 120.75
254190 Red oxide Zinc chromate primer litre 156.40
254200 Superior quality road marking paint litre 224.25
Roads, Floors, Pavements & Manholes
255010 Paving bitumen of penetration 80/100 of approved quality MT 6900.00
255020 Bitumen emulsion medium setting as per IS:8887 & having a MT 44850.00
minimum bitumen content of 65 %
255030 Stone chippings / screenings 4.75 mm nominal size cum 1725.00
255040 Stone chippings / screenings 12.5/13.2 mm nominal size cum 1725.00
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255290 White glazed Ceramic wall tiles conforming to Group B-III of IS Sqm 594.55
255300 Ceramic Tiles
255301 Of Group B-I-b of IS: 15622 (Ceramic Porcelain Tiles) of size Sqm 494.50
300x300mm to 400x400mm
255302 Of Group B-I-b of IS: 15622 (Ceramic Porcelain Tiles) of size Sqm 557.75
above 400x400mm upto 600x600 mm
255303 Of Group B-I-a of IS: 15622 (Vitrified tiles) of size upto Sqm 770.50
400x400 mm
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257130 Ductile iron Class K-9 pipe conforming to IS-8329 150mm dia. metre 1593.90
257140 Ductile iron Class K-9 pipe conforming to IS-8329 200mm dia. metre 2173.50
257150 Ductile iron Class K-9 pipe conforming to IS-8329 300mm dia. metre 2910.65
257160 S&S C.I. Pipe Specials as per IS 1538 suitable for lead jointing quintal 5832.80
up to 300mm dia
257170 S&S C.I. Pipe specials suitable for mechanical joint as per I.S. quintal 5832.80
13382 up to 300mm dia
257180 Screwed double flanged centrifugally cast (spun) C.I. Pipe of metre 1761.80
Class B conforming to I.S. 1536 - 100mm dia
257190 Screwed double flanged centrifugally cast (spun) C.I. Pipe of metre 2599.00
Class B conforming to I.S. 1536 - 150mm dia
257200 Screwed double flanged centrifugally cast (spun) C.I. Pipe of metre 3486.80
Class B conforming to I.S. 1536 - 200mm dia
257210 Screwed double flanged centrifugally cast (spun) C.I. Pipe of metre 6276.70
Class B conforming to I.S. 1536 - 300mm dia
257220 Rubber packing / insertion washers of all sizes and thickness Kg 109.25
257230 RC.C. pipes NP2 class 150 mm dia with collars metre 368.00
257240 RC.C. pipes NP2 class 250 mm dia with collars. metre 598.00
257250 Stoneware pipes grade A (60 cm long) 150 mm dia Each 103.50
257260 Stoneware pipes grade A (60 cm long) 200 mm dia Each 166.75
257270 Stoneware pipes grade A (60 cm long) over 200 mm dia Each 425.50
including 300 mm dia
257280 Stone ware spouts 100 mm dia 60 cm long Each 80.50
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257800 White Vitreous china 10 lit. (full flush) capacity controlled low Each 2530.00
level flushing cistern with all fittings
257810 Flushing Cistern P.V.C. 10 litres capacity (low level) (White) Each 920.00
(with fittings, accessories and flush pipe)
257820 P.V.C. automatic flushing cistern 5 litres capacity (With Each 575.00
257830 White glazed fire clay draining board 600x450x25 mm Each 690.00
257840 White vitreous china clay half stall urinal flat back Each 1725.00
580x380x350 mm or angle back 450x375x350 mm with waste
fittings as per IS : 2556
257850 C P brass Waste coupling 32/40 MM Each 98.90
257860 CP brass Bottle Trap 32/40 MM Each 476.10
257870 C P brass Towel Ring 215x200x (37 mm from wall) complete Each 431.25
with fixing arrangements
257880 CP brass Towel Rail (450MM) (With brackets and fixing 7505 538.20
257890 CP brass Towel Rail (600MM) (With brackets and fixing Each 509.45
257900 CP brass Shelf 450x124x36mm (With brackets and fixing Each 977.50
257910 CP brass Soap Dish/Holder 138x102x75mm (With brackets and Each 230.00
fixing arrangements)
Hand Pump Accessories
258010 Bucket leather best quality for hand pumps. 65mm dia. Each 33.35
258020 Bucket leather best quality for hand pumps 89mm dia. Each 44.85
258030 Handle C.I. of standard shape and size for hand pump No.6 of Each 287.50
approved make with bolts and nuts 10mm x 65mm one
number in Each
258040 Plunger C.I. 89mm with M.S rod 12mm dia x 450mm long Each 569.25
complete with leather bucket 89mm dia for pump No.6
258050 Strainer brass 40 mm dia 1.5 M long for hand pumps Each 805.00
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259250 Supply of Polypropylene Tarred Rope Gabion, fabricated from Cum 1840.00
9mm dia. rope, 100mm x 100mm Mesh with partitions at
every 1m interval
259260 Supply of Biaxial Geo-grid, made from virgin high density Sqm 241.50
polypropylene, having aperture size of 65mmx 65mm and
ultimate tensile strength of 30 kN/m with minimum junction
efficiency of 95% & minimum radial stiffness of 350 kN/m
(@0.5% strain)
259270 Supply of Woven Geotextile made from polypropylene Sqm 103.50
multifilament yarn, having minimum mass of 220 GSM &
ultimate tensile strength of 40 kN/m with puncture resistance
of 600 N and apparent opening size of 150 microns
Page References
Chapter No. Name of Chapter
Chapter-wise In Book
1 Earth Work 1 to 6
2 Carriage of Materials 1 to 8
3 Plain Concrete 1 to 5
4 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1 to 7
5 Brick Work 1 to 8
6 Stone Work 1 to 7
7 Wood Work 1 to 32
8 Steel and Aluminium Work 1 to 9
9 Flooring, Paving And Dado 1 to 15
10 Roofs And Ceilings 1 to 30
11 Finishing Masonary 1 to 9
12 Painting, Polishing And Varnishing 1 to 6
13 Water Supply 1 to 24
14 Drainage And Sewerage 1 to 11
15 Sanitary Installations 1 to 20
16 Horticulture And Landscaping 1 to 18
17 Miscellaneous Building Works 1 to 14
18 Dismantling And Demolishing 1 to 6
19 Bridge Works : Substructure 1 to 11
20 Bridge Works : Superstructure - R.C.C. 1 to 4
21 Bridge Works : Superstructure - Steel 1 to 5
22 Bridge Works - Miscellaneous 1 to 10
23 Roads And Platform Works 1 to 10
24 Fencing And Boundary Marks 1 to 5
25 Supply Of Materials 1 to 13