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BoQ - Washing Facility at School

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Sanitation Up scaling through PATS




S.No. Sub Head Amount (Rs.)

1 Dismentling 3635

2 Construction & Rehab of Existing Twin Set latrine Block 156,280

3 Electrification 5,700

5 Sanitary/Plumbing Work 80,703

Rehabilitation of existing Septic Tank 8,000

Inauguration Plaque/ Sign Board 3,000

Total Cost 257,318
Sanitation Up scaling through PATS

A Dismentling
Unit Rate Total Cost
S/N Activities MRS Ref: Unit Quantity

Removing of glazed earthen ware WC squatting

1 27-09 Cft 4 465.08 1,860.32
type, complete in all respects: All Colours

2 Removing of existing doors NSI Cft 2 250.00 500.00

3 Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6 04-19-b Cft 18 72.83 1,274.57

Sub Total A 3635

B Construction of 01 New latrine (7'x5') & Rehab works in Existing Latrine
Unit Rate Total Cost
S/N Activities MRS Ref: Unit Quantity
Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc
1 03-25-c Cft 31 8.77 270
complete : in hard soil or soft soil

Plain Cement Concrete including placing,

2 06-05-i Cft 16 184.00 3025
compacting, finishing & curing (Ratio 1:4:8)

1st class brick work in ground floor Cement, sand

3 07-05-a-03 Cft 120 286.03 34230
mortar 1:4
Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 including
4 bitumen coat, 1 layer polythene & 2 coats bitumen 06-26-b-02 Sft 15.75 96.21 1515
(2" thick)
5 RCC in roof slab, beam, column & other structural members (1:2:4) 06-07-a-03 Cft 28 286.98 8041
Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Hot rolled
6 06-08-c Kg 89 200.36 17795
deformed bars Grade 40)

7 Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' height 1/2" thick 11-09-b Sft 328.625 28.56 9386

Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with surplus earth from
8 03-18-a Cft 52.5 2.42 127
foundation, etc

Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface finishing & dividing
9 10-15-h cft 73.665 109.40 8059
in panels :
Providing and Fixing of Fancy design bath room tile of size 12'' x 12'' in
10 cement sand mortar 1 : 2 with finishing of joints in white cement / .10-52 Sft 335 121.69 40705
Readymade filler complete in all respect
Supplying and fixing MS Sheet 18 guage Chowkat (5" x 1.5" )i/c fixing in
11 NSI Rft 50 220.00 11000
position with all charges for holdfast, hinges, and painting etc.

Steel Door of 6'.5 X 2.5 & 6'.5x3', pressed by machine with 18 gauge iorn
sheet,welded with aldaraz bolt locks, clamps, handle etc., prime coat/red
12 NSI Sft 19.5 250 4875
enemal and red oxide paint on steel sections and class B concrete in hold
fasts. complete in all respect as approved and directed by the Engineer.

Repairing of existing doors i/c,locking,handle & fixing in new

chowkat ,welded with aldaraz bolt , clamps, etc., prime coat/red enemal
13 NSI Job 2 1500 3000
and red oxide paint on steel sections and class B concrete in hold fasts.
complete in all respect as approved and directed by the Engineer.

Providing and applying wall putty of 2mm thickness over plastered surface to
14 11-20-b Sft 411.125 6.08 2500
prepare the surface even and smooth complete. (Internal & External)

15 Distempering New surface : Two coats (Internal) 11-21-a-02 Sft 171.5 12.3 2109
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem /weathershield paint :Two coats
16 13-25-a +13-25-b Sft 211.625 31.39 6643
& subsequent coats (External)

Ventilator (1.5' x 1.5) with wire Mesh & Grill clamps with 18 gauge, handle
etc., prime coat/red enemal and red oxide paint on steel sections and class
17 Job No 2 1500 3000
B concrete in hold fasts, complete in all respect as approved and directed by
the Engineer.

Sub Total A 156280

C Electrification
Unit Rate Total Cost
S/N Activities MRS Ref: Unit Quantity

S/F of electric canceld wiring of 2/3 pin 5 Amp plug in 3/.029 PVC insulated &
sheeted bare cable, Electric points, switches, switches box, holder PVC Job Job 1 4500 4500
1 ducts/ Conduit etc complete
2 S/F of Led Light of 12.5 watts of best quality complete in all respect NSI No 4 300 1200
Sub Total B 5,700
D Sanitary/Plumbing works
Unit Rate Total Cost
S/N Activities MRS Ref: Unit Quantity

Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in walls/trenches

with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of approved quality &
1 fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the 14-35-b Rft 30 62.88 1886
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including specials
complete in all respect as per specifications: except excavation 1" i/d

Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC pipeline in walls/trenches

with pipes (confirming to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of approved quality &
2 fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the 14-35-a Rft 40 50.64 2026
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply systems including specials
complete in all respectas per specifications: except excavation 3/4" i/d

Providing and Fixing 4" dia UPVC pipe including all required specials from WC
3 NSI Rft 40 200 8000
to Septic Tank complete (Tee,elbow, etc)

Providing & Fixing 3" dia UPVC pipe including all required specials for the
4 NSI Rft 30 180 5400
disposal of latrine waste water (Tee,elbow, etc)

Providing and Fixing UPVC ventilation pipe 2” dia with specials & cowal cap
5 NSI Rft 30 50 1500
etc complete
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware Indian WC squatting type with built
6 NSi Each 3 1,500.00 4500
in foot rest including all required specials/accessories

Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC European type including cost
8 14-01-a Each 1 9,480.00 9480
of seat & cover all required specials/accessories

Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash hand basin (WHB) complete
size 56x40 cm (22"x16"), including bracket set, waste coupling, complete in
9 14-05-a-02 Each 1.00 9,676.27 9676
all respects: Colour with pedestal
(Best Quality)
Supplying and Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank 200 gallons including all
10 required specials (I/c Values etc) complete in all respect as per instruction of 14-69-b-01 Each 1.00 16,008.98 16008.98
engineer incharge

11 Providing and Fixing CP bib-cock, heavy type complete : 3/4" 14-39-b No 4 520.11 2080

12 Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality:3/4" dia 14-48-b Each 2 476.67 953

13 Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of approved quality: 1" 14-48-c Each 2 758.98 1518
Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality
14 14-32-b Each 3 442.70 1328
including GI grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm) glazed
15 Providing and fixing choricum plated soap dish complete. 14-14-a Each 6.00 568.05 3408
16 Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with Grating 6"×6" complete 14-104-b Each 3.00 372.00 1116
Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5 mm thick neatly fitted with
18 14-17-b Each 1.00 802.00 802
bracket as per instruction of Engineer In-charge complete

19 Waste Bin best Quality larg size as per instruction of engineer NSI Each 1.00 2,500.00 2500

Providing and Fixing GI pipe 10' long with 2" dia i/c
20 welding,tee,socket,stoper CP bib-cock, heavy type,proper drainage forwaste NSI Job 1.00 15,000.00 15000
water etc for Group hand washing station as per site requirment

Repairing & Fixing of existing plumbing/Fixtures work internal & external as

21 NSI Job 1.00 2,000.00 2000
per instruction of Engineer In-charge complete

Constuction of Manhole (Size: 12"'x12") i/c BB work,PCC & Plaster as per

22 NSI Each 1.00 1,000.00 1000
attached drawing and specifications approved by Engineer In charge

Sub Total C 80703

E Septic Tank
Unit Rate Total Cost
S/N Activities MRS Ref: Unit Quantity
Repair & Rehablitation of existing septic tank with Provide & lay topping of
1 concrete 1:2:4, including surface finishing & dividing in panels,plastring, pvc NSI Job 1 8,000.00 8,000
pipe, :

Sub Total E 8,000

F Inauguration Plaque/ Sign Board
Supply & Fixing of Steel Inauguration Plaque with standard text as per instruction of Engineer
Incharge (24"x18") i/c Messegs regarding health & heigyn on near by wall in school premises
1 NSI Job 1 3000 3000

Sub Total E 3000

Grand Total= A+B+C+D+E+F 257,318

Sanitation Up scaling through PATS


S.No Description Nos Length Width Height/Depth Total Unit

A Construction of 01 New latrine (7'x5') & Rehab works in Existing Latrine

1 Excavation in foundation of building, bridges etc complete in all soil
Long wall 2 7.75 1.5 1 23 Cft
Short wall 1 5 1.5 1 8 Cft
Sub Total 31 Cft

2 Cement Concrete in Foundation - Ratio (1:4:8) including placing, compacting, finishing and Curing
long wall 2 7.75 1.5 0.25 5.81 Cft
short wall 1 5 1.5 0.25 2 Cft
Bath floor 1 7 5 0.25 9 Cft
Sub Total 16 Cft

3 Pacca brick work in foundation and plinth in cement, sand mortar 1:4
Long wall 1st step 2 7.75 1.125 0.5 9 Cft
Short Wall 1st step 1 5 1.125 0.5 3 Cft
Sub Total 12 Cft
4 Pacca brick work in ground floor in cement, sand mortar 1:4
Long wall 2nd step up to DPC 2 7.75 0.75 1.75 20 Cft
Short wall 2nd step Up to DPC 1 5 0.75 1.75 7 Cft
Long wall 2nd step above DPC 2 7.75 0.75 6.5 76 Cft
Short wall 2nd step above DPC 1 5 0.375 6.5 12 Cft
Parapet wall (LW)+S/W 1 31.5 0.375 0.75 9 Cft
Sub Total 124 Cft
Door for normal latrine 1 3 0.75 6.5 14.625 Cft
Ventilator 1 1 0.75 1 0.75 Cft
15.375 Cft
Net Brick Work 108 Cft
Total Quantity of brick work 120 Cft
5 Damp proof course of cem. conc. 1:2:4 (2" thick)
1 21 0.75 15.75 Sft
Net Quantity 15.75 Sft
6 RCC in Roof Slab, beam, columns & other structural members, insitu or precast: Type C (1:2:4)
RCC roof slab 1 8.75 7 0.41 25 Cft
Lintel Beam (only front side ) 1 7.75 0.75 0.5 3 Cft
Sub Total 28 Cft

Supply & fabricate M.S. reinforcement for cement concrete (Hot rolled deformed bars Grade 40) 89 Kg

7 Cement plaster 1:4 upto 20' heigth 1/2" thick

Long+Short wall internal 1 19 7 133 Sft
Celling 1 7 5 35 Sft
Chajja 2 side 1 15.75 1 15.75 Sft
External Plaster L/w +short wall i/c below Dpc 1 15.75 9 141.75 Sft
Perapet Wall (old+New) 1 31.5 0.75 23.625
Doors 1 3 6.5 19.5 Sft
Ventilators 1 1 1 1 Sft
Deducted Quantity 20.5 Sft
Net Quantity of plaster 328.625

8 Filling, watering and ramming earth under floor with surplus earth from foundation, etc
Latrines inside 1 7 5 1.5 52.5 Cft
Net Quantity 52.5 Cft

9 Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4, including surface finishing & dividing in panels :
Latrines inside new 1 7 5 0.33 11.55 cft
existing latrine 2 3.5 5 0.33 5.775
Step 1 1 18 2.25 0.5 20.25 Cft
Step 2 1 18 1.5 0.5 13.5
Step 3 1 18 0.75 0.5 6.75
Plinth Protection 1 32 1.5 0.33 15.84 cft
Net Quantity 73.67 Cft
10 Providing and Fixing of Fancy design bath room
Tile in Latrine (Internally)
Long wall New Latrine (L/w +S/w) 1 24 5.25 126 Sft
existing latrine (L/w +S/w) 2 17 5.25 179 Sft
Flooring new latrine 1 7 5 35 sft
Flooring Old latrine 2 3.5 5 35
Total Quantity 375 Sft
Deduction of doors
1 3 5 15
2 2.5 5 25
Deducted Quantity of Tile Work 40 Sft
Total Quantity of Tile Work for 04 latrines 335 Sft
11 MS Door Chowkats
Supplying and fixing MS Sheet 18 guage Chowkat (5" x 1.5" )i/c fixing in position with all charges for holdfast, hinges, and painting

Door 2 16.5 33 Rft

1 17 17 Rft

Net Quantity 50 Rft

12 MS Steel Door

Supplying and fixing MS 18 guage machine pressed door i/c locks, paint etc completed as per intruction of engineer incharge

door 1 3 6.5 19.5 Sft

Repairing of existing doors i/c,locking,handle & fixing in chowkat ,

welded with aldaraz bolt , clamps, etc., prime coat/red enemal
and red oxide paint on steel sections and class B concrete in hold fasts.
complete in all respect as approved and directed by the Engineer.

Old Doors 2 2 Lampsum

Net Quantity 19.5 Sft

Ventilator (1.5' x 1.5) with wire Mesh & Grill

clamps with 18 gauge, handle etc., prime
coat/red enemal and red oxide paint on steel Job 2 2 No
sections and class B concrete in hold fasts,
complete in all respect as approved and directed
by the Engineer.

Constuction of Manhole (Size: 12"'x12") i/c BB

work,PCC & Plaster as per attached drawing and Job 1 1 No
specifications approved by Engineer In charge

13 Providing and applying wall putty of 2mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete.
(Internal & External)
l/w+s/w i/c new 1 24 1.75 42 Sft
Celling of Bathroom New 1 7 5 35 Sft
l/w+s/w i/c old Latrine 2 17 1.75 59.5
Celling of Bathroom old 2 3.5 5 35
Chajja 3 side (old + new latrine) 1 32 1 32 Sft
External L/w i/c below Dpc (L/w+ S/w (Old 1 28 8.5 238 Sft
Latrine (2 Nos)
Perapet Wall (New latrine) 1 31.5 0.75 23.625 Sft
Sub Total 465.125 Sft
Doors 2 2.5 6.5 32.5 Sft
1 3 6.5 19.5
Ventilators 2 1 1 2 Sft
Deducted Quantity 54 Sft
Net Quantity 411.125 Sft
14 Distempering New surface : Two coats (Internal)
l/w+s/w new latrine 1 24 1.75 42 Sft
Celling of new latrine 1 7 5 35
L/w+S/w old latrine 2 17 1.75 59.5
Celling of new +old latrine 2 3.5 5 35 Sft
Sub Total 171.5 Sft
Preparing surface & painting with snowcem
15 /weathershield paint :Two coats & subsequent
coats (External)
Chajja 3 side 1 32 1 32 Sft
L/w + s/w i/c (New+Old) 1 28 7.5 210 Sft
Perapet Wall (New latrine) 1 31.5 0.75 23.625 Sft
Sub Total 265.625 Sft
Doors 2 2.5 6.5 32.5 Sft
1 3 6.5 19.5
Ventilators 2 1 1 2 Sft
Deducted Quantity 54 Sft
Net Quantity 211.625 Sft

17 Electrification

S/F of electric canceld wiring of 2/3 pin 5 Amp

plug in 3/.029 PVC insulated & sheeted bare
cable, Electric points,switches, switches box,
holder PVC ducts/ Conduit etc complete
1 1 Job
S/F of LED lights of 12.5 watts of best quality 4 4 No
18 Sanitary/Plumbing works

Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC

pipeline in walls/trenches with pipes (confirming
to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of approved quality
&fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply
systems including specials complete in all
respect as per specifications: 1" i/d
1 30 30 Rft

Providing, laying cutting, jointing, testing PPRC

pipeline in walls/trenches with pipes (confirming
to DIN 8077/8078, PN 20 of approved quality
&fittings conforming to DIN 16962,PN25 of the
same manufacturer) for cold/hot water supply
systems including specials complete in all
respect as per specifications: 3/4" i/d
1 40 40 Rft
Providing and Fixing 4" dia UPVC pipe including
all required specials from WC to Septic Tank
complete (Tee,elbow, etc)
1 40 40 Rft

Providing & Fixing 3" dia UPVC pipe including all

required specials for the disposal of latrine
waste water (Tee,elbow, etc)
1 30 30 Rft
Providing and Fixing UPVC ventilation/drainage
of WHB pipe 2” dia with specials & cowal cap
etc complete 1 30 30 Rft

Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware Indian

WC squatting type with built in foot rest
including all required specials/accessories
3 3 No
Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware WC
European type including cost of seat & cover all
required specials/accessories 1 1 NO

Providing and Fixing glazed earthen ware wash

hand basin (WHB) complete size 56x40 cm
(22"x16"), including bracket set, waste coupling,
complete in all respects: Colour with pedestal
(Best Quality)
1 1 No

Supplying and Fixing Polyethylene Water Tank

200 gallons including all required specials
complete in all respect as per instruction of
engineer incharge approved quality
1 1 No
Providing and Fixing CP bib-cock, heavy type
complete : 3/4" 4 4 No
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of
approved quality:
3/4" dia 2 2 No
Providing and Fixing brass ball float valve of
approved quality: 1" dia 2 2 No
Providing and Fixing 'P' trap of approved quality
including GI grating & PCC chamber 4" (100 mm)
of cast iron (Best Quality) 3 3 No

Providing and Fixing CP grab rail : 5' long, 1" dia

1 1 No
Providing and fixing choricum plated soap dish
complete. 6 6 No
Supply and Fixing of CP floor Truff Jalli with
Grating 6"×6" complete 3 3 No

Providing and fixing best quality looking glass 5

mm thick neatly fitted with bracket as per
instruction of Engineer In-charge complete
1 1 No
Waste Bin best Quality larg size as per
instruction of engineer 1 1 No

Providing and Fixing GI pipe 10' long with 2" dia

i/c welding,tee,socket,stoper CP bib-cock, heavy
type etc for Group hand washing station as per
site requirment 1 1 Job
19 Septic Tank
Repair & Rehablitation of existing septic tank
with Provide & lay topping of concrete 1:2:4,
including surface finishing & dividing in
panels,plastring, pvc pipe, : 1 1 Job
Steel Bar Bending Schedule
Total Cut Unit
No.s of Total
S.No Descripition Dia No's No.s of length weight
Bar Length ft
Bar ft (lbs)
2 Main Bars for Slab 6"c/c #4 1 17 17 7.0 119.00 0.667
3 Dist Bars for Slab 6"c/c #4 1 14 14 9.0 126.00 0.667
Lintel Beam #4 1 4 4 7.8 31.00 0.667
6 Stirrups for Beam 6"c/c #3 1 16 16 2.00 31.00 0.376

Total weight Total Weight Total Weight
(lbs) (Kgs) (Ton)

79.37 36 0.04
84.04 38 0.04
20.68 9 0.01
11.66 5 0.01

89 0.09
Sanitation Up scaling through PATS


S.No Description Nos Length Width

3 Dismantling : Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6
Bath Floor 2 3.5 5 0.5
Sub Total
4 Dismantling : of WC

Removing of glazed earthen ware WC squatting

type, complete in all respects: All Colours 2

Removing of existing doors 2


Total Unit

17.5 Cft
17.5 Cft

2 No

2 No

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