Welding Processes
Welding Processes
Welding Processes
To review the welding processes commonly used in construction and to highlight some practical
This lecture describes the welding processes commonly used in construction: Manual Metal Arc Welding,
Dip and Spray Transfer Metal Active Gas Welding, Submerged Arc Welding and Stud Welding. Each
process is briefly described and its advantages, disadvantages and limitations of use are summarised.
Choice of welding process for a particular situation is discussed.
MAG Metal Active Gas Welding (sometimes referred to as MIG: Metal Inert Gas Welding)
MMA Manual Metal Arc Welding
SAW Submerged Arc Welding
Each method produces a pool of molten steel which must be protected against atmospheric contamination.
The method used to achieve this, i.e. the shielding technique, has a major influence on the characteristics
of the process. For constructional steelwork, the processes used are usually based upon the electric arc.
In arc welding, a flux or a non-reactive (inert) gas can be used to 'blanket' the weld pool and thus exclude
air. This lecture is particularly concerned with the four arc welding processes commonly used in structural
Its main drawback is a low duty cycle, i.e. only a small volume of metal is deposited before the welder has
to stop and insert another electrode. This is not a problem on short welds but becomes a consideration on
long welds, especially when labour costs are high.
The operating characteristics of the electrode are controlled by the composition of the flux covering. A
variety of electrodes are available to suit different applications. The current used is chosen to match the
diameter of wire being used. When low hydrogen contents in the weld pool are necessary to avoid cracks
in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) on cooling, MMA electrodes must be baked and stored at temperatures
and times recommended by the manufacturer. These procedures ensure that the electrodes deposit weld
metal with appropriate low levels of diffusible hydrogen.
This is a variation of arc welding in which studs are welded to plane surfaces automatically (Figure 4).
The stud, which may be a plain or threaded bar (if plain it will have a head) is the electrode and it is held
in the chuck of a welding gun which is connected to the power supply. The stud is first touched onto the
surface of the steel plate or section. As soon as the current is switched on, the stud is moved away
automatically to establish an arc. When a weld pool has formed and the end of the stud is molten, the latter
is automatically forced into the steel plate and the current is switched off. The molten metal which is
expelled from the interface is formed into a fillet by a ceramic collar which is placed around the stud arc at
the beginning of the operation. This ferrule also provides sufficient protection against atmospheric
Stud welding offers an accurate and fast method of attaching shear connectors, etc., with the minimum of
distortion. Whilst it requires some skill to set up the weld parameters (voltage, current, arc time and force),
the operation of the equipment is relatively straightforward.
When choosing a welding process a number of factors must be taken into account:
Thickness of the material to be welded.
Where the welding is to be carried out. SAW and MAG are best carried out in the protected
environment of the fabrication shop. MMA may more readily be used on site.
Accuracy of fit-up and possibility of misalignment. SAW and Spray Transfer MAG require good
fit-up; they are particularly sensitive to variation in root gap and/or root face dimensions.
Access to joint. It is necessary to ensure that both the welding plant and the welding torch or head
can be properly positioned.
Position of welding. SAW and Spray Transfer MAG are not suitable for vertical or overhead
positions. Dip transfer MAG is acceptable for vertical and overhead welding, but MMA is
probably best for overhead work, especially on site.
Steel composition. Steels with lower carbon equivalent values are more readily welded and require
lower preheat levels.
Comparative cost. The cost per unit length of weld can be calculated, but depends upon the burn-
off rate of the process and must allow for differences in duty cycle (idle time between electrodes
for MMA, etc.), Figure 5.
The welding processes commonly used in constructional steelwork are: Manual Metal Arc
Welding, Dip and Spray Transfer Metal Active Gas Welding, Submerged Arc Welding and Stud
Stud welding is used for attaching shear connectors and other studs to structural steelwork.
The correct choice of process depends on: situation, fit-up, access, position, steel composition and
economic factors.
1. Gourd, L. M., "Principles of Welding Technology", E. Arnold, 1980.
description of processes.
2. Houldcroft, P. T., and Robert, "Welding and Cutting - A Guide to Fusion Welding and Associated
Cutting Processes", Woodhead and Faulkner, 1988.