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136 PLATE GIRDES RIDGES lat the minimom clearence for the tring, as speced by Rallnay Board (even lateral in Fig. 164) teat least provided. NNocmally a dek-ype girder bridge I reese but in itsations there a ufcent headroom can cot be provided ofthe coat (of additnal embankment fo aise the level of ali higher 2 halfshrouph typeof bridge is wed 168 BRIDGE FLOORS “Two types of bridge Hors are used in rateay bridges. 1. Open deck type 2 Balled deck pe ‘Open deck type Noor consists of wooden sleepers which ate placed directly over the main girders io the eve of deck Sider bridge and on the singers in trough or bal troagh ‘ope biden. Tm batlasted deck type Boor, tick i encased in Ballet ae in the ease of cxdinary railway line The ballast ix sopportet fon see, wood or reinforced concrete floor. Steel Boorng, it mom commonly employed. The common type of sections wed forsee! fering ave shown i Fig 16. BY varying th deth fad thickness of thee Wee sections, thee con be eed fr any pan ard leeding 169 PLATE GIRDER DESIGN The design of plate gleder wat discussed in detail in Chapter 9. The discussion fa bat chapter wat bred on the recommendation of 18: 00-1984. ‘The session of See Bridge Code will be bri reviewed bee we ‘The allowable average shear sires 00 the gro rea ofthe eae ea PLATE GIRDER DESIGN 1 ve is 85 Nina for mild ssl, The minimuts thickness of ‘Be wed plate should 86 equal to oF greater than 10 ma [Normally it may be kept 10 mm, [2mm or Mmm, The ‘Bicknest of the web should not be les than 1/178 ofthe clear Gepth beeween Ganges for wild sts! and 1/150 of the cleat ‘epch for bgh tensile steel When the thickness of web a rail sel is Tess than 1/75 for mild steel xpd 1/6 for high Tensile steel of ss clear sareppored. dept, intermediate eee willbe requte. ‘The depth ofthe pnd can be bated onthe economical depth forma piven ia At. 9.11. "Normaly the depth. of th get will be Between 1/810 1/12 of span Anerntiate Stieert When the ratio of lear depth of web betwees flange angles to its thickness is more. than 7S, inermedate trnwete ifeners ae require. "‘The matimm spacing of ich efenere 4s 1830 mm. Thesiz ofthe sifener ange il be determined by is oment of inert. Ana porto the wb ace with he iene, viata ection ofthe web equal to not mre thas ll the depth of the gitcer is cossdered with the sieoing syle, Toe miniauum moment of erin of the borzoetal Section ofthe slfenee about the reir ane parle to the ‘eb shoul be git then the value given in Table 166 TABLE 166 Moment of Inertia of Intermediate Stieners Di MO mm 1 21xto 6108 SOxIO8 312K oF met where D = Overs depth of giedar 1L= Minium momento itetin The spcing of silfeees depends on wed plate thickness, Clear dep of web and the actnl shea te, The spacing willbe detersned ftom somogram in Fig. 166 “The fener sacing # depends om the cue depth of the we 4 shear srt in web "420d the web thickest. To detrvine 8, emight live is driwa joining the known valve of d with, 158 PLATE GIRDER BRIDGES ' eet italia rTt Paadggeseer tte ' the inthe somopam sik 98 ee GENERAL ARRANGEMENT 19 the valve of fa on fe ine coiesponding to the web thickness. Wherever this lie cus the ordinate of by te valve there wil {Eve the spacing of wlifeees. For example, fora clear web ‘depth of 1500 mes, web theta of 1Osmm ad average shear eet of SES Niom® (= 6 kel), the stllener spacing shoul be 920m, Bearing fences ‘The bearing steers, as discussed in Ar. 9.5, are wed at the points of concentrated loads The design ofthe bearing ‘fener will manly be chosked in bearing and in compresion sea columa. Steel Bridge Code recommends thatthe beating itea of the outstanding legs of the slifener angles of the towtom ange angle should be auiceat to tansnit 75% of the eat end rencion witout exceeding the allowable sss of IBS Nisa for ald el In computing the compressive sre the total effective aren of bearing atfence shall consist of area of stiffer angles and past of web whore with i equal fo the overall width of the Eifene. The adie of gyration is exculated about the seutal his pale tthe plane of the web and the elective length (il be equal 00.78 ies the aetal length of the sien Flanges Flanges consist of ange angles and cover pes and cheit rcthod of design ted the curtailment of over plates is the fame as cisevied im ARC 97. AS io building plate girders, ange anger should form as large a pat of the area of the flange at practicable, preferably aot lest then} of the to "The number of cover pats should alo be misimum. The Covet pines should fe exlended beyond the theoretial cut ‘point and suleleet vets should be provided atthe endl the Neng pat to develop the Jd i he plate ealeulated from the bending momest and gider section (ae to inlode the ortiled ples) atthe heceticl euro pont. ‘The projetion of a cover plate beyond the lve of rivets connecting ange soles and cover pats should not exceed 16 loci thickow for oid see 218 Unies for bigh toile sel 10 ‘TRUSS BRIDGES ines coamciog ange elements and ne Both types of ries, connecting ange anges with web and ‘tango angles with cover plates, are designed ia the se way as disused in Chater 9.” Where rally sleepers rs diet) “pon the fangs, the vertical loud onthe Bange rivets may be found on the assumption tht each wheet load it dlstibuted ‘over a legth of 12 m of fange ‘The procedure for designing web and fange splices is the same as deur in Chapter 9 Example 161 wil give a worked out design of «deck plate der riloay ride. TRUSS BRIDGES G18 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT For suns greater than what ean be apunned eeooomicaly by the plate girder bridges, we ae tre bridges, It is diel o fra 2 derarating lise i the length of the span sbove which the plate girders wil 1 be esonomiel. For the same weight 1 plare gitder may be economics! due to smaller cont ot fabrication. Roughly, a tre budge shouldbe used for pase ‘rater than about 30. ‘There are three (pes of tase bridges (4) through ype (©) deck type and (c) bal through bridge ‘The geseal arrangement of differst members in « through ‘ous bridge is shown in ig. 167. Chord member form the Devimeter of the tra fore. The dingonel sad verce! Imembers frm the web sstam ofthe tus, The ead member Of the sass form a part of he web 0d thle are called cod outs. The points of intersection of web sneabers (Gngonals nd verticals with ehosd members ae called patel poate Two looses are used as showe in Fig. 167. The corresponding lower pauel points ofthe two trues ate joined by inte, called cows beams of Noor beams. These oor beasts support ‘singer wh eh sun poral to the length of the truss Te the raslaay bridge, the lepers tet divecly os the singer IE 'n Gpen far is objectionable, the tala nay be Tat om see ‘Sr coneretedeching supported by nrbgers Jn addition to the vertial load, & bridge is subjected to lateral forces due to wind, wane tnd racking forces, To ‘TRUSS BRIDGES 61 vseseesEesECsEeLeeEEeEEG Aros see neal fret earings, ltrs ae sed Inve! of boc and top horde Along with the Boom hore member ttt form re we cx tae Inteat ooe to bering The sinar ts fred a te vel top chords car tier the tate lads ating on fhe top atthe end pouks For sbvioss seatom, the, dngmal tories ean at be provided i the end gon pare! ad {Beles mut be waned fom top of en. por 2 beacags tye poral acto. The Bracing provided inthe plane of {he end poste ened the poral bacag. Silt 10 poral teeing, fay bracing i ed ithe pla corepon tevieu oft two taser, The away Dacia herp Tsrgulr hae of thebrige creation. “The spesteations ‘ier Inte veoesendntion reprlng th fads fo be taken ty the rey bracing. The “Ste! Bige Code” recommends thatthe ray racing betwen the vera web ecb sal te proportond to transit to the lower eho, trough eb tours a fest $9 of te op pel wid lo The pat tnd sway bracing shuld ave matin depth erable with the requ teat room. The msi claraoe require for the tains tops on he bond page shows fn Fe 168. “he spacing Between centres of the ain girders should be suse forest vetrnng wih the epenfed wind peer cloning conditcon, service provision shoul fe made to preretthins In ny ete the spacing should ot be es then ath ofthe cectve ps anda ot lta ones ‘tthe bh of the in ders t 18 ‘RUSS BRIDGES The arrangement of divers parts i a decktrss bridge is exactly similar to. the arangemente in a desk pte gider ridge ence tat the plate gies replaced by a rss. The {linge of the gtd are analogous to chord members and web js replaced by verteals and diagonals. No portal or sway bracing ate required but eseaderosrfames ave used, There are ve advantage ning deck uss beige as compared to through bridge. The cost of the oor se smaller in w deck tyidge because aalercros-beams are required. Height of piers s shorter. Addons cost of higher approaches requeed or the deck ripe wusly effets the other advantages of the deck bride 1611 ECONOMIC PROPORTIONS 1 fs dial 10 fix up matheratclly the most econoaical configuration of the trom tridee- Too many factors act the feonemy of te ie, The permisible sess in compression tember, for example, not conaant and depends pon the Tlenderacs ratio of the member. A tas coobguation giving {he minimum, weight ofthe arom may sot be the most fonomial because the cot of the floor stem may be highes- The eost of fabrication wll depend upon the number and type of joints and may not be the minim shen the weight of the (totes minim. Theoetcaly forgiven span aad loading ECONOMIC PROPORTIONS 168 4 to panel tt, af stown in Fig. 169 (2), ll ge the Ininirum weigh. "Arte nuniber of panels crease (Fig. 169 Dard), the weight ofthe tus increases. This assumes tht {llowsbie ses both in tension an compreson are constant. For amaler number of panel the length of the member is Tange rerling br gresterslendernese ratio. Tis redoces the allowable sires im compression and the weight of the actual tous fe much large. Fora greater pane! lng te weight of {We doo system suo ioeenes. Foe an overall economy, the umber of pals shouldbe 810 8 LAN ASS ase | 1 tw diagonals in a Aros az ities at am angle « with the hovcontal, the total eogth of all the éiagonals will be corey as shown in Fig. 169. Let the shear force in pane bev which can be stumed to be consant fora given Fa Sid Tonding. Average fore in diagonal willbe Vina Avene of rossctions ae of «Sapna = Votame of iagonals = =. (6.8) ‘Thus the volume of the diagonals will be miainum for ewe pctaly, the ovr eeonomy st achleved when the Focinaton ofthe diagonal with horizoral is more than 4 ‘Normally his inclination kept between 85° and 60" Al arrow limit mil be Between 50" 900 33° “The cost of Foor apse alos ajo str inthe overall ‘economy of the heidge. The coe of for system depends on {he pace! eng 64 ‘TRUSS BRIDGES Wi the icese of par! lengthy the apse weit {he roe bats sihly detest the tou nig of the fot ncn do the iced wii fae Fr {be economy of ts, we showld adopt erg pes! leap For the sander tig odigs, it en that weigh of oor stem dowel ieee considerably ee peel Te of nety 6m Thus we may ty to key the pel ag Beaty 6 m._" Pare legit Upto 9m may nok Bene “The depth a bridge rus is bteen band ofthe span tenes. “The relive depth decreases atthe spn inreacs For sole lads, ser depth wil be wed Ar compared {0 throveh bigs, the deck bridge ane have sealer ep Jn shrough bie, the ep the tr abo goeroed Oy tisimun. carat eg for the aso psn roel he ‘sie Fig: 160). A minimum crane of mo requles sore the top af deals. Making abouts forthe epi Seep, eeurteam an site of vey waco. mn ffecive depth equal a 62 m wil sui Consider trse of span 48m, We can die tis in 6 pusclsof $m wbich ngohe ace Ip. spen of 1, Sx patel of [2 each may be veecooomit, Tet ese Sieh panels may be horn ging spel ehh of 9m enc, Now, ite ave a pan of 36m, even eight panel wil gies patel length of 12. wbich may ve fo Revie our ye Lance somber panel wi mae the tras uresonosel Ie sich ae, soba panel, a show fo Fi 110 shoal ted The Ker bare vantage tat the pene ene cio be tep sual ander the sng for dagonlrcne be Diltained etcen 4 to 6 “Through tse are seer ult with para hors upto 4 span ‘of about 60m. For preter tnt, we may we a fon-parlel chor for tough bridges The’ wu practice io leop the top pone! ports ons parbeln Norpar ord trses are ‘onal nt peered in eckpuns bce thaw emit one of the tneran advcrnpr of decane tether pes 1612 TYPES OF ariDGe TRUSSES Many types tases aresednbriges. Mosof the tru reer Pat or Waren tres wil some made Thole uss Bove hoe showa in Pig tO. a he ‘TYPES OF BRIDGE TRUSSES 16s Standard Pratt tres with parallel chords all the diagonals, ‘acept the end ports, are in tension. Ina few middle panels Where there ia posslty of ever of tes fa the dagooal these re designed for comprewion alo othe counter baciog ‘ied, a8 shown in Fig. 1610 () by the dotted lies. Ina Inger epan, it might be economical 10 Yar the height of (use ‘ithe manioum bending moment vari Sack s nom parallel ‘chord ts ie shown in ig. IGIOA (D). AS dscosed io ‘Art 1610, a eardivided trot more. 99.7 = 628200 N = 628.2 kN 99:7 Nim? on gross aren j a4 ast» too = aN = ari 78 PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE Number of rivets 14S oF 1S ‘Sess in inaer plate atthe pint of is cutaient “SSIS ayy Lot SAI 1014 ~ 88.9 Nin Fore i plite = 62% 100%. 9=S6c070 N= S601 KN: Number of rises = $8 — 1291 oF 1 ‘The ovter and inner cover pats should be esterded beyond the theertica! cic point to. Include Ie and 13 rvs respectively. Ore cover plate at top may, however cotine plo the end, The coraiimen ie shown i Fig. 162 ‘Check tor Shear ‘Clear depth besween anges = OO ioc 18 OK tele An. 169) 1600 mm Maximum shear force = 952 KX 20 247.6 Nin €100 Nice? vege tear sees = 2200. (Refer Table 162) Rives connecting fangs angle wih web ach axle Ina ie assumed to be dissibuted on 4 length of 1.2m, Impact will be awumed as 1,60 (conrxponding to 8 span of 2e0). Considering the maximum sxe land of 224.5 from Fige162) 4s 5 load per peer inclading impact per mm = E248 xp = 0.187 &Niom Lead of track = 2.93 kin ~ 0002936 KN on due to wack per girder = 4 0,002930=0.001465 Nin Tota! load w = 0.1886 KNinim All Gange pats coral (0 0 5.02 m fom support Stongth of 22 mm di. rset, 1m double shee = 2 © (81) 235) 100 = 86750 8 DESIGN EXAMPLE 18 in bearing on 10 min = 23.5 X 10 x 232 ~ 54520N Rivet value ~ $4520 N ~ 54.52 kN (eter Ba, 9:19 _ se Toca ve Upper ange Lower flange (wn0.888) ono) Ateupport VA9SD.KN pe 143.2 mm ALS02m V=6SEN pei692mm p= 2087 mm from suppor (©) Ove ange pine curtailed om Y{U1S.60% 100%945.1 63002 1097) as TG = 000429 ¥ °” Tomas Wire Shears V at .02 m and 939 m fom sepport ar determiced from Table of shes fore altar Upper flange Lower flarge AtSO2mom V=EBKN p=i6léman p=i9h6mm A199 mom Y=4I4SEN p=2103mm p=3066me (0) Fall section availble mV AlUS.605 100 945.126.0100 Soa0 10? 0.000445 ¥ 54.52 Upper flange Lower flange pr2057 p=956 pam. pass Use uniform pin of 120 ma throwghoat he span both in pper and lower fange anges. Tals pich is less thao the tmrtimum peemisble ich of rel, 819.39 fo support ‘At mitspin 180 PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE Rivets joing Menge cleats ‘at 502m from support V = 653 KN, with eae plate in position 153 6300%1007 9 026 N/m acm Wetia tte Rivet valu in single shear = 49375 N = 43.4 KN “4 pitch ~ 845 = ar22 om ‘ax 9.38 m fom support V = A145 AN, with Both plates #2 position 4145126002 1014. go9p4 una Sat a wa pit = 38, = 066mm “two rows of sive wll be wed, Use a eaximum pitch 68 hae iar say 160 mm in the. upper ange and less th 160, fy. 230 am ta he Tower aoe Eat 5 Maxims reaction = 952 KN Permissible bearing sess ~ 185 Niort wk 352000 - Beas area required = x SE = 3859 mr Reter Fa. 168) “Try 4 Now ISA {50 % 75 % 10mm placed a i Fis 1623 ‘earng tea = 4 (15010) 10 = 5600? (on sae DESIGN EXAMPLE mw Groot moment of inertia about the centre tine of webs on nit) T= 4xa99,1 Ab 2150 (SDH 140.5" “= 230004 800 = 7,020 peo 4x 21.56425%1 = 11128 emt 70 eetve 1 4 2000 = 1500 mm 1900 apas bem ays Allowable ou, ress = 1543 Nims (om Table 163) 95200) Are required = "52080 52000 2059 amt _ ross enteiiatcat (08) stent o 2m ive ‘adobe mar = 2 < 3 (3396100 ~ 6670.8 in tensing nd = 28.5% 10> 232 SSRON s2000| A Noster of rivets = 932002 w= 17.46, 49 ‘eto 10 um ile, rivets wil be increased by 12.5 ‘Fork number of rivets ~ L125*1R = 203 Provide 1 rivets on each ange. termediate Stoners Clea dpih of web — 1600 eam “Tricknes of web = 10mm Shear sess, a2 boone = ATENinat ~ 4385 kglamt From Fig. 166. wing +". cy PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE 4= 600mm, F~ 10mm, fe = 485 kgm Max. spacing of stifeners = 1030 am From Table 16-6 for overall dep of gitder = 2086 mm, moment of inertia of stiffener = 6310? mm Try 2ISA 125 = 75 x 8 mm, Ta 2x 4552251538 1540.5" = 156 cat > 63108 mnt ox ‘AY Sm fiom ods, shear fore = 653 IN io 2006 "+ Maxs spacing of silfencts = 1350 mm (Ref Fig. 165) "Exctspacieg is shown in Fig, 1632. ~ 3245 Ninn Shear sess = 38 kglmm® Top Lateral Braieg* Divide the span in 7h panel Length of od pure = 22533990 Net depth of tie = 3.5m Depth of gieder, wack te. = 2.5m Lateral loads © Wind pressure @ 1.50 &N/in# on tain = 1503.5 = 5.25 usin Gi) Wied preter on windward girder 150% 2.5 = 3.95 kN (Gi) Wind pressure on ewan sider = 150%2.5%025 = 0.94 EI (0) Racking Force (Ref Art 1633 8 = 556 kN ma TSA kin [Nodal loads are shown in Fig. 1625, Lateral Jods al eich pede = 15.82°3.30 = 52.68 DESIGN EXAPLE we fe gaan -e8000———. Leogih of @ tel = VEFTRER = 26m mas77s—13an 28 — a9 Fore in end interal(197.75~-13.17) 28 = 239.95 kN Tey TSA 150% 180710 0m giving A= 2903 cn? 7 7a" ® ermine compression ses 1.16790 Nimat Besse 7 = BESS IN Number of 22 rom rivets = 232983 Required area = 192285 mmt<29.03 ent (0K) 10 6 rivet Bottom Lata Betcag Lateral system simile to top lateral yer ill be wed except that all feres wil e 25% of foros a top lateral Free in end lnteral = 4223995 = 5999 kN Tey ISA 100% 1008 mm giving A= 15.3 2 te = 2m aos Permissible tess = 1.187529 Nima? (Table 163) 3.59.10 terS29 as ‘Aca requires = 92 mmt < 1839? OK Force F on erosfame = 197.75-13.17 = 184.58 kN m4 PLATE RDER BRIDGE tal 7 AZ Nil aes ase ore incah diagonal = ASCE = ap san Length of diagonal = 2828 mm “ry ISA 1003100 ving A = 15.39 = oT ea fem = 1950, [Aste to singoals wll be riveted intersection 1 _orxans , eee « 4 ossepeams r 1.95 me forte = 64, permis ses 1467122 Nt Aree euied = (BOLI, wast ant < i539 nO eee see mint ass 7 Fore in Roza mente ~ 4x 1848818 = 92.29 N mt ew TMA toxtonss gag Aw 1838 en? raise en ermine es = 1161768 Ninn tea ceguced = = 010 mat1s.9en! DESIGN EXAMPLE 3 = 90 Nomber of rivets = 379 1 or 3 vets. Intermetiate Cros From ‘Use ISA 15758 for diagonals and hortoaals and conoest each end by two Fe, Web Splice ‘The wed will be spliced at 7.5 m ftom the ead, From ry 16a, _ M = 4625 kN = 509 kN Cone cover plate ha Bee corti. “The web apie of the type shows in Fig. 16-77 will be sed Use # om cover plates A and B on ech ide of the web Pla & Dep af thé plate ="1600 — 226 = 1568 rm ‘Beading force in web pate atthe level of extreme vets "25.2108 fe ao" Shearing force ia web plate a hs Feve 119630 ~ 8614 Nien po SOO 254.5 Nine 186 PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE Rivet value of 22 sam vet = 54520 N._ This is requied to be develoed atthe level of rivets in fangs angles at 880 mn ftom mid-depth. “Rivet force developing at 756 mm = $4520 % 756/80 — 36840 N 46840 Phick p= = et eey = 518 om Thre” Vian ae {Use 190 come a 100mm pith , Flores B ‘Ateaof web covered = 200% 10 = 2000 mnt Forcein rivet dve to horizontal shear VAS, M800 [115.6 100%985 14.6200 1007 ere ae “4031107 a =a p edi fn pd wed asi Pam (428210 000) 200 = 206800 N notin Zig Taking p = 60 mm) 2557 oF rivets lange Spice Ove ange angle willbe spiced at 10m fom the suppor. ‘tea of fange angle = $7.80 cat Required area of splice material = 1.05%57.89 = 60-7 ent Use ISA 150180318 Area = 42.78 ni? Plate 160%12 Area = 19.20 ent Seren OK Shear force at section (Table 164) ~ 384 kN BLM. atthe section (Fi 16:21) = $286 EN 246244 Fore in sliced ange ~ = SUH Ot (U000~ $49) « (s180%<108) = 2200 N= 5422 KN DESION EXAMPLE » in ape ange = 23 x a2 = sna Force apie pte ~ 1222 x 5402 — 1684N maa Rivets pass theoue slice angle ~ 3742 = £62. Provide $ in cach eg Rives connecting plc plate ne — Ref. a. 9. ae. Ret. Ba, 9.30) Rind p LAF Here PL = 16808N, Ry = 43.295, p= $0 om. V= BLN, 1= 51265107 amt and Ay = [126% 101.45 1156 100-5491 108 wo ‘Sebstitcag inthe above equation, we et nm A398 say Sve Adina tad Wind load oa tain leeward gleer de to lateral forces S0x3525 = 13130 kN at 485m above baton, Wind oa fixed srocure = 15032503 1.25525 = 1178 a 125 m above bottom ‘Aditional ond on leeward gid = ISR4SS# 1170125 7 s60uN ‘oral DLELL Flmpact ona gist = 113504 = 1702 The sdiional fond due to wind is 20% of DL-+LL+iepet load and increase io permistible tees i 16.7%, hence checking i rquied, Maximum sess including wine (by proportion) 119.8 = 1443 Nima? LITT = hense OK Fad Bearings Vert fad due to DL Li-+Hrinact (Table 16-81—989 UN 156 PLATE GIRDER BRIDGE ‘este load due to wind 42360 = 180 KN "ater losd due to wind at pe of bearing = ESLS+1IT0) = EN Longitudinal toad (Appendix D-2) = 4586.4 — 2042 4N 1 the Bening pressure on concrete ie 4000 kNin® Ares of base pate = 95214000 = 0.288 mt se the base pte of sie 650% 650 mn giving A=0-4225m, Larger plate is being vedas the sess wl cess Go to nnd and loging Toads. roses tere ‘oa ato i el ro she 20 Nien ad ‘Thee of being ples que = 2522100 Xodnm Use three plates af 25 rm thihnes Load om etch plate = } = 982 = 317. kN DESIGN EXAMPLE 8 Lat the gap. tetmeen (wo outer pltes of top casting and beton eating Be 3.0, Distance beeen cle of the outer pater == 253 = 28 mm Maximus Bendiog moment in pin = 317.3% 28/1000 = 8804 ee $SEDIO' 69 san46.3 Nimmt<209 OK ending sues = xcs M hear sess = 4 x HZSI000 Fase ~ 345 Nina? < 100 on Load dus o DD +LL + Impact+Wine = 952-502) 132 1 “Lette pin be 309 me above base Moment duc to wind at Sate = 62.0%0.30 = 18.6 Nm 00, PLATE GIk RIDGE onet due to lasting a fhm 294203 8.26 kN. sm in on — We net), saes f° fea abe * OS ! ~ 2619.3+ 406.4 7938.3 — x 16 nse sel eg permittee eae rence at Si oo 96 a 7 Masinum pocin of fase = #45 mm = 00848 J Maw = EXOT sag eimia —_D two = b HO 5 55 5.410 é (=n “tue tae wil be tested in Yerding at the weton on Pe i630, = open. O29 = 1015 We 9 = Seg iaas PI espe (ge ZBI pe r9n28so8 = 65x10 at pending sess = MIS%IOY pas ing sree = MESA as—r29) = Wa9 Naat -<18SNinnt OK DESIGN EXAMPLE, ‘01 Faller Bearing Same type of beating will be provided as Recker Bearing. Rollers will be wd below baseplate and another base plate ‘lle provided to dsibute the Wade on concrete pedestal Let diameter of roller = 100 mm eating capacity = 4.91100 = 451 Nam (oh An 16.) Lenath of rollers lnd with wind governs i ua2xcton Herat = 1976 0m i 10S Relay Beng Use 4 roller of 600 me length each. Figure 1631 shows the tller bearing “The design dts ofthe pat girder bridge have been show in Fig, 162. Tosinplily the diagram the rvesBave not been show, TRUSS BRIDGE FOR RAILWAY Example 162° Design & thoogh ype single lane truss bridge for broad vege msin line lading, The effective span of the bridge i Sém. Take the wind presure a 1.3 kNia wor ‘TRUSS BRIDGE, DESIGN. EXAMPLE wo General Arrangement “The general arrangement adopted is shown in Fip. 163, Allrisets ae 2? mm tin and holes 23-5 um dia. Tn a through ridge a veri clearance ofS. m and'a horizontal clearance ae MN Fie 1630 Gem Cnet Eetve span = 6 Load For bending For shear Live Lose 7.9 kN S18 94N mpacs(Fsetoc 0817) 624 KN 130.74 Trak? @ 2664g!mx6 —1S.TRN 1574N Dead Load. say 25.04N 25.0 kN ‘Tota! 1428 7103 ‘0 ‘USS BRIDGE Masi BM Resear SET BF Wb x Foran Masimum Sin singer = 101034 = 427.6N ‘Assme ihe dep grder=—150-am ce dat = 4 0 ~ 650 aa For web 4 19 ID 45 <75- : Fw as From Tale 162, = 1 Nt (Reve o ge eqied = SEE iat > (ie a tgs niet = EPO ll ge ciment_ Gossett Reta auntboctwrs SepsrfBen) seetasnes Sa evinint wey TSS HATES toa 24 waa = 35200 + 138500 '= 17300 emt = 1736 108 mnt sires on rss argt = BESET 5 950 1157 Nan? adhe sesame eee DESIGN EXAMPLE 0s mas Sess on ost aren = 115.2% AE = 31.7 fam < 147 (ate) shane stapes socar wd SUES ATEEIOM — s70.< 100 (ate 75010 Since dt for we is 45, no tenssversesiffeners are regired ‘Strength of 22 mm da. (pomina sivt. (03.598 1g0 = 86750 In double sheae = 2 x in bearing on 10mm plate = 10%28.5% 42 = 54520. Rivet value = $4520 N = 58.52 EN oriaontl shear per mm VAY _ 2261006 9.d0 108 O15: T136108 69% = 97 Nia One anle load of 2249 is astomed to be felstboted on 3 sleepers, The sleepers afe 250 mn wide and are placed ata ‘ear cstance of 150 mm. The Stel Bridge Code recommends that the vertical load of fxnge rivets may be exleolted on the tssomption that each wel load is diseibuted over a length Griz, Since the axle load comes very suddealy upon te tives, the smpact coeficient& cbilaed from Bridge le for Limb. Thelopct factor for L = Oi 1.00.” Therefore, Mere hear mm deo 246 4N lend = EPI) 7 Ni Pitch of vets fo opper Baage = 1027 mm, sey 100mm, vase a Pith of svi jo tomer ings = Sf? 109.2, 85 00 in Stringer Bracing Lateral Toads per mete due to ST win per hy beta thar 15 Wat. The Beh of he 106 TRUSS BRIDGE (Racking ore = 588 Nie Gi) Wind losd on moving win (15%3.9) = $25 4Nin (i) Wied toad on exposed area Of stinger above lower chord (045% 1.5)= 0.675 LNia. ‘Total — 11805 FN “Total Inter lon d = 1.8056 © 70.83 KN. Leeds at iflereot panel points aed reactions are shown in ig. 1635. pot > Fea, 7 alee se Approx, length of dlagooal = TIFF rtm oasis 4% « 343088 216m. Force in end Try ISA 757538 mm, giving A = 1.38 emt ate = LAS em Loon Bas octeased permis aves? (Teble 163) when wind Tod is comsdered 167 (2=14913.5120) 167% 52.88 © 61.3 Nhemt For singleangle dscontcwout stats connected Yo gussets by sot les than 2 vets inline along the apple at each end oF by {heir equnlent im weld the ecenicty ofthe connection fri respect te the ceneei? of the srat may be ioved. and Uh stot esigoed os ally Toaded trenter, The ective ele re ave Ben ices ty 16% ws the wnt DESIGN EXAMPLE 107 length ofthe iat wil be taken as cote to centre of fastenings steach ead. Hence 381000 Area required = 251000 559.5 mit < 11.38 en? O Rive vale of 22 ma vt ia sng shear @ 43.375 KN, ua 3, < 1 bat a minimum of two rivets wil be wed. Checking Stringer Design for Racking and Wind Eset ( Resking fore = S88 ANI Lateral wind load ca moving tras 3.31.5 5.25 Nl ii) Longhudina) ood” (20.6 XN for 6) = 36.77 kNim io) Overturoing fe, of Intra Hod sting at 5.25265 _ 15 2.651 above top of ringers 73a, ‘Asti load oo the steages due o the overtarming ect of the wiad free ov the trans let from the Fig. 1636. ae 00 —2t “the too Borges of she two stringers, sone wit he scngee bradags foros kind 0 soo rape he lteral force ct sos "TRUSS BRIDGE to racking and wind to the panel polats, The fongitudinal fore acts as an eccentric load ‘onthe stringer causing the det and bending sueses. ‘The longicudinal force fs assumed ot 1 the top of the srnger. ‘Additional stresses in sringee Ranges willbe as follows: @Ditet stress in top Manges due to racking force SEKI yd ss wnat Bg * FEpaxTgo ~ + 195 Ni (6 Dieet stress in top Manges due lateral wind force 1 fount oma 7 £1 Gd iec sees in each singer de to longitudinal force 220.6% 1000, : RENE — 54 Niamt — (compresion) 0) Bending ses de 1 lon gitedial force fange ~ 208% 1000%375 (in tp Bangs ~ OE 1O0OH ITS. ays va 493 Nimmt (compression) (©) in boriom terge = 899 x 224 — 1047 Ninmt (9 inosiom sarge = 893 x 72! — 047 sh {ensileo@ net area) (9) Bending sess due to overturning exe ange = TLR KAGE. 375 (9 in top args , Ties = TI Nam? (Compression) AES sep wnat (8 in boom Baage 711% 26 909 fa ease on nt area) ‘The stresses ina top ange dus to lateral wind force andthe overturning effect ake opposite in oature Thos the large value i astumed tl be of the size nate as Geto dead ed live fonds. “The racking force can actin either deen on their sign wi therfore, be taken the some as Seto dead god livelead, The pemisibe ses are incensed by Iehe wha te wind toad is ao eoosicered, Combinanos of aoe a shown ia Table 16, DESIGN EXAMPLE 09 TABLE 16-10 \b Combination of Stresses Oe (Teale 4, Compressive Baie Tp Bint Bats ge Nien’ 7 Nim? 1. Dead snd ie loads = itr 2. Racking force - pia oh Lateral wind force 4 4. Overumning eet, = 1 + 808 Locgitudieal force ~ (@) Direct Comp. = 548 568 33 4000 Tout =176 148 Increvedpermisiblesree= 1.169 147=171.5 Naat (OR) Design of swinger stsfictory, Weight of Sttgers and its bacings pe pont Density of tcl = 7850 kala? weight = 77 kN per a. Weight kw Main giner area 19428 cm? 2% 196.28 1047761795 BNOSISA7575%8,2.78m ——33487/1000%2.76= 0.72 2NOISATSATS%8, 190m 287/1000% 1.90— 0.38, 1800 Design of Floor Resa ‘The effective span of the wala girders taken to be the istance between the centes of the satin trusses. For ‘axiom bending moment abd shear face the two aoieiog panel Tet shold be Fly Touded etive sn = $25 m Spiciog of teams = 60m ed Length fr maximum BM. and S.F. = 120 m. se ross. pa0 129.4 Nin, therefore safe luo no teateveresiflenrs ae required for di & 75 “Hlorional gear between angles and web per ont lent YAS _ Sa i061 183.108 609-41.) T Bora =1249 Nam Rivet value of 22 man dia iets ~ 54520. 54520 Pitch = $8529 126.3 mm of 120 mm. Couto even sigs on cts Eker wolwelves fie ston ier The forog sagt ae a> Shekel ote te yd trcion ws cnn eh eee {ton eu 75% af the acl ee Movimo ato ftom singer 437.84N (Sepa 8) Try two angie ie 94 105115410 fe 2 D285 SLOKomt To pesrseaiass2 @S0i9? = 2650ent eee cee LBS roast Abe comp ste = 131-338.20= 1388 Nim TAO — graNinwt <158 OF Sueagh of 2 wm retin sage bear = 43.75 2 in oata shat = 8675 BN benny ov 10mm = 3452 4 amber of ces cooetng cat angles with sings wb ~ 54.52 Ate sess ae 10 ‘ ‘wll be used, total numberof rivet Li teaton 427.6 EN and rivets are so panels are loaded the total reaction < S589 EN and rivets are in double ring on 10 mm. ‘Nunber of rivets is incensed save flee. “sumber of rivets conectng cleat sales with cross leer * ag ‘when ove posel length i» loaded = 216, x y.a5m12 ‘when to adjacent panel are lsded x sea 54.52 Use 12 rivets Weight of erazezrde and pone polt ded load ‘Aves of erosesetion = 100114 34.59 = 238.36 emt Length = 5m Weight of steel = 77.0 kN/in# Weight = (28.36/10 > 5% 77.0 — 9.8 RN, Dead weight at cach panel pat of exch rast Dae to crestinder =} 9.18 4594N Duc to stinger & bracig~ 4 X 19.0 = 9.30 kN Due to tack = 7t04N Toul 2189N oflance Hines of forces for various members Taueoce line diagrams fr chord members have been dawn in one diagram of Fig. 6538. ‘The petkvaloes of influence lines for varios chord timbers ie on = parabola Taacres Ties for agonal member have lzo been dra it ne dag in the lover pat of Fig. 1638, Leieed Lite “Atea of influence line = $360.71 = 128 (Tensile) Lats and Late ‘Area of infvence line = $2631.29 = 23.1 (Tensile) STiT ihe Fas as teed evcking of the Wickes ot 6 mm, te ember of tee ese 2 ur im ner a pa oy mista heh + Us Ue and Ue Ue ‘Area of inure line = 4X 36X14 = 20.5 (Comp) Le ‘Area of infoence line = 4361.10 = 198 (Comp) ‘The Hive Jonds and impact Fetrs fr each londed length sre {ound from Teble Dr by lrer interpolation. For masieum forces in chord members and etd posts, whole of the Spa ‘HGULa‘BeTeided and live lond is determined by BM. For ther ingonal rimbers, part of the span, as indicated by Infect Tne agrams, should be loaded and the lve lad is 11.4~1005 KN Teepact factor = 0765-02086 = 0.736 (rable D:D) a Load per m per girder == HOS o 69.78 kN ‘Aven of influence line w= §72*0.22=0791 (Comp) (i) Londed length for easion = 28.8 m Le ed for SB = 287 IN apc toe are Lead perm per gir = 2807 = a ain ‘Ares of nfutce tne =} 248 « 048 Tass crease avs {Lode gh fr tension = 14m ft suppor he od for $8 = 109 AN Inu ete Tose Load per m per der = gO m s240 un Area of influence Hine =) 14<0.44603.17 (Teese) i) Loaded length for comp. = 26 «0 Live load for SF. = 2072 KN Tinpact factor = 0480 Lead pet m per gider = 22> = 4796 4Nia Avex of inflsnoe ling = 4*21.6%0.68=7.12 (omp.) LiUs, La Us Leaded Sength ae Live fod for SF 139 kN Inmet factor 94 Load perm per girder G2; » $663 kNion ‘area of inns fine = AXC125¢1 ~ 6 Tensile) DESIGN EXAMPLE sis Dead Loads Maximum tensile ore inthe tension chord det live fond and impact = (1040.41) 3.1 4006)~925.4315.6. 1281 KN 11000 1 = 89283107 wt ‘Weight of ania tases and bracing! = T10x8.928 107-6874 EN Weight of trees and bracing per rss = 1x6874 = 3.487 Weight of fooring sven = 2189 3.648 RN/ [Net area of tension choré = 1% = 9928 amt ‘Toll weight per tase per m = 3.473.648 = 7.085 KN Ute a conservative value of 9 Nin at dhe weight of many sets has not been consiere “The member frees doe to dead and live Toads and impact effect ate given in Table 161 Longtadinal Loads “The longitudinal loads due to braking force or itive effort Inve been taken from "Bdge Rules (See Appendix D2). It trvvtormed that there exis il expansion fei i the bridge. These expunsion joins prevent the dispersion of longudinal toads to epprosche. 1 may be noted from Appendix D that for broad gauge teacs upto elonded lengih of #4 rm, the tracve effort is more than the broking fore and for Ieee lengths more than 44m the baking force more than the tractive effet. For the span [SF 34m, te trctve force gover the design for all members Tn the tui under consderattn, TL was suppdldd to" be hinged end and Le war sumed fo" Se supported on rollers For maximum longitudinal force in Lo Lay the whole spae Should beTooded. For Ly Le, the Joed on Le Lt will not cxsse ny ess becouse Lei supporied on rollers. The faded length {oe maxim fonatainal free in La Lx wily therefore, be 1s orga ie eo eit et we os a6 I i Z : _ i i and “ew of ‘ire foe m9 +1%60 Hsi08 usa 90 +ne 03a 7 4m1 90 4005420799284 oa 18.0 a2 1s } -9s 90 08-12-9932 as oat $106.7 +1661 $902 + mar ans Tams sane = 386 es 4098 bos 86 +0 Vale DESIGN EXAMPLE a7 from Ua to Le ie. 30. Similarly, the To maximum longitudinal fre fn La wil be 241m length for The loopirudial force ina member con be tensile or compressive depending on the direction of enovemer of tat Paoel Le Ly Loaded length = 36 Longitdcal load Tracive fot = 1355 KN Force per chord = = 367.8 kN Panel ba La Loaded length = 300 Lonsitoina? load Tracie efor = 6274 LN Force per chord = £ 31R7 KN Pavel to ts Loaded lent an Lor sitinal toad ‘Tectve fort Fotce rerchore = 4 2942 4N Wind Lead As the member have not been designed so fir, thst joximate width i assured to compute the wind force Fetees acting nthe wniy the singers aed eck ate asumed to be akan by lower seri sytem. Wind fore om the uss projections above the tain are taken by the top bead oss rd Fores onthe rane members below the nen above the ‘ail wl be taken by the Bottom lteral us. To sevoont for {he atea of the leeward ig, the projected area ef the Hs Ineresed BY 50M, Assume 359 mm deep chord, 300 mm wide wie vericals. "See Fi. 1-39 and Table 16 oral, 250 mn 66 KN Wind ladon botim chord = (126-1.5%47.261¥ 1.5 Sia aed ae ‘TRUSS BRIDGE ‘TABLE 1612 ‘Ave of Members for Wind Lo “pas of Aree ford (inion apr Fe 1638) Tr Pajares of sgt 8 ck woeuaiet = 3538 2. re shove il evel and telow own nd Ga) Vesicle = 025%06 3 os (© Digmats = 030%0.79%4 095 {© Bad yous = 035 692 os 3. Top cho) = 242038 20 {aren atoe monn lo an blow trans () Verils = 025%1.65+5 206 {Dingo = 09072198 (0) End pss = 035721032 5. Gases @ 3% top cord ate Total 6. Exposed ares of moving load a 3s38 Horizontal bending of bottom ‘The bottom lateral tus, x9 shown in Fig 160 ia doable searcn tun and sintically indeterminate. Foe the design Torpore, the sumption i sade thet. in = panel, the shear Poe inared equatiy by. both ingore and. the fore it Chord members n'a panel ace the same 83 _ paren ‘Ld on each wade = Reston — 147.66 8S Fores in chord members Lota = (14766-2460) DESIGN EXAMPLE 89 i se phy 2805 9--49.20%.3) = 1826 EN sosx15-49.22%9- 49.223) vertraing, Peet ‘Due to overturning fc of lterat fees, the ewaed truss ets nddional veresl forces. The overturning forces are Fempoted stout omer fteral bracing. The additional free {seompated suas of dead fa 0 that Fores im memert ante writen dicly in the sees see, Tale 16.13, page 823. 0 ‘TRUSS BRIDGE Singer ood triskste.1S<4726%3.50 + 1053 0625 665 2 Moving lad 126<150 = 189.0 3.606804 ‘Top chord 1SSI627=1.50 3661 7.495 260.7 10086 -Adalionl verte! Youd per metre on leeward girder Tae [Additional forces in all members ofthe tess 2 = SBP x 100 59.38% of dead tnd forces, 25302 EN ie Horaontal beading of top chord Horizontal beading of top. shord ie similar 49 horizontal bending of ower Iateral system. Force in upper chord embers due to Borizonial bending of top laterals ad de 0 ‘overturning efeet te opposite in ture. The fers with lrget Tapntude is Kept of the same sign ar doe fo DL=LL and the Souler force my be of oppeite rate. ‘Total wind ontop chord = 36.6 EN se on erie pnt point = 3S = 9.15 4 shy Wss0-4st5y 90 4 788 eN Force in UsUs = Force in Uns = ob g12(03.72539-9.15 Bee 1828 KN 5m! Port fet Although in design of the en gor system. ater shear qual (0 14% of the compresion fore inthe two end poss Is sumed jn adgiion to the wind free, only he wind force courted fer in designing the Bottom chord members. "The DESIGN EXAMPLE, a Jy fur us fog dg ¢ “ i TE hs postions of knee bracs in Fig. 16:42 hasbeen fed so as sot fo interfere with clewance dingom of Fig. 168 I a a? Adéivon lateral lord on poral due to 14% of forse in te end op chords Gee Table 1610) Las = pias x LS Wind lod rvetion from tp chord = 18305 re Tot Swank ‘Adsitional asa lord in end post dae to (aes Fig. 16-42) 1830714 130) s = p24 kN Wiss forces = = 1921 N (9 WY of en cond foes BAMGTEIAM 535 Tou! = $2.94 KN o muss sino a 4 7 ; : [ee at L Aditona force in bottom chord = 19.21 1 haskn fore in Lt doe fo DL. LL ely =~ 241 933.73) > — 127565 AN maa i BM, in Lal without wind 2371 = 99.40 No saat BM, in Lots with ind X71 = 93.57 Na Sway et “The sway bracing i designed to tensfer half Ce top chon! panel oitt wind Jond to bation Seeing. Bus, 28418) ‘Additional force in verticals = 225 x O81 BM in vetials = sx 4 = 641 bm Design of Matber Sections Fores inal members are calculated duet DL+ LL Impae. A Lateral end Longitudinal forces ag sou ie Table TELS TAM higher, siesies are pevmiible when Tatra! end longiedinl Toads ae conser. Members Lala and Labs ‘he section of LaLa is Jsisned to consist of two web plates and Toor anes. The outstanding lege of anges ere tered TABLE 1613, srmess SHEET [Al foes ia KN, Tension, and — Compresion 3 + Lot als iis Fes Faus0 om ies uso exanoes g28 255 Tiv tet hihi HOH ge 35 REE a ae vt teh es +613 £357 487 $357 aa7 413 + 986 } wu) vata Unla sy of DL nese in Table 16.10 inside to facilitate the conection of foor feame with lower panel poinis, ‘The Noor beam is mich deeper than the depth ff the bottom chord and i ie deine tet tbe ster sce ofthe bottom choré be smooth without projection Fore without occasional load + 802.9 N Force with occasional oud + 1385. EN = 292 100 2M 5716 mat ~ 57.26 nt ‘Arc requ with sco lads Tas. : : PES 59 at 2 8539" Cr ree ot et reset 2Ph.0 x 19m 080-3 235).0—590 AISANONTSKI0 669 Gant 0x2 3808600 a) estate Fe 1645 Seino Lt ‘Angles in ll the bottom chords ae of the same ice, bat the seb plate for La Le it thickened to. prove more area, Clearance between tos of the angles should eat least 1000 to provice for farisilon snd paintcg. Thos ceo Jstance steer the guset ples 290 mm. The dstree is kept onstant for al the main members of ius. See Fig, 164, Force without occasional lds = 14489 N Foree with ccesiona eade = 2118.9 kN DESIGN EXAMPLE 2s ‘Aven eqpted without ccasona loads W483 108 W9¢9 ont ~ Mpa rao 7 1062 eo Are reotired with eco ode AIBOX1090. 296 eat uipeica ti ~ Gros areesom8 eters ent 2%. s0x20mm 1200 2G0—3*2.38720~-91.80 418A 100x75+19 60 65-41 0x 2355640 100 (LMentrs Wits or Unb ‘The clear distance beeen gusset plates is 299 mm to watch te lover chords Assuming 16 rim thick poset platen, the Clear distance beoneen the web plates of top chord. wil be S22 om (Pip. 1640). Using the 10 im tick web plates and {op angles a8 ISA 7527510 the minimum wiih ofthe cover late 50D and the ditace between et lines Is 388 rm, ‘The lower angles wil be conrected together by lacing. The lnticing is designed for 24% oF the axial force in the member, ‘Thus shear foyce i abced by two planes and the lauicing, connecting lower anges, wil be designed for sete fore equal fo 14% of the axial lod, (Se Fig. 16-1), Force without occasion load 1285.7 kN (oom) Force with osesional loads = 1550.6 EN (Comp) Thief 20, ‘Assume allowable sess ~ 120) mote than 1285.7 EN heace governs the sin ea 06 ‘TRUSS BRIDGE i i eqied arn = SAE! = 129.2 eat eye etn who oF, 166. sitorcoe pute BE = a8 <0 “Thus the whole wid i elie lment Gross Lever orm from fica tp fer aha Cover plate 50X08 40.00 * O40 DISA ISXTSKE BT 298 2 Web plates 3x08 480 15.60 BISA ee) va DESIGN EXAMPLE ” x08 fanaa x 50 s4—125942059.042 E (S-2008 + SA Bon che rast = nave et iy = SOM, 2x04 es 4oareaxs9oeax tL usps nen 27 2660421698 594350 Esective leneth = 0.85% 600 te a2 ermiaile compressive stress = 125.8 Nima (Table 163) es huss sipce seat fc aang = (25. asng) = 193848 Fore ec tar at "ani = 228, = 2a aN “ey SA 75450> 80 gng A= 938 ont mie = 108 cm lip = 555/106 = 304 ‘Allonablestes (Table 163)~120.2 Nina (or aorta fad Permisible Youd = 120.2% 100%9.38{1000 ~ 112-7 KN OK 43,8 KN 2 scengh of 22 mm di. svt in bering on 8mm plate ex 2S x 252 = GOIN = B62 EN Buena of 22mm di. vein single shear Foe 22.3 KN fre, whe ne rivet at ech end Menber Uta “The owe distance between channes i ep 299 mm a8 shown fn Fig, 1-49 so that thee Un Ce gs! ples ket Ld 21gie715 260, ig 650 Seton sua se @20409/ Force withou csasonl losd = 550.7 KN (sie) Force with occavonal loads = 9560 KN (tensile) 1$90.11090 Area reguiced = 9902721000 0 644 ent (Use smo ISMC 250 @ 0.298 LN. DESIGN EXAMPLE 9 Menber Lats “The merber LeU subjected forever of stress. Ax thi is primarily 4 comprension member, no effect of fitgue is cotidered ose without wind ~ + 220.7 EN or ~ 527.6 kN Force with wind ~ 4241.8 RN or ~ $48.5 kN Lt allowale ompeeive sess = 120 Nima 5774 1000 130-100 “Try 219LC225 @ 240 bln as shown in Fig. 1680 Gros area = 2530.53 = 61.06 ent tor = 21209,543053 (4.52 4631 = 9500 cat 0 6 Area required = = 495 ent = 1526 Lenath of tember = 9.22 m =O Ly _ oe Fen 102 Nant (am Table 163) et eqieed = EID. acct < 66a? OK acing canbe designed inthe sme manne a for UUs Member UsLs o# Las Fore without wind = + 598.6 Force with wind = + 63L3KN ‘moment = 641 RNa. S954 % 1090 sie) et aren = = A285 emt? Section chosen a shown in Fig 161 tomen Det orca, ent Plate 29078 (a9-2623908= 19.0 AISA WO TS>8 45 19.36 4238> 08 = 4598 To! 6554 OK 0 “TRUSS BRIDGE + aed ‘Additional lond and bending moment due co wind snail and th sein ehoren wil be wae fr thos alo Menber Ute ‘though the london this emer is much amaller a omy een ftp herd ant on i but the sme section #8 for Untsvand Uaka wil be adopts Meee Lat “The membet La is «compression meister ad te section sins weUaUa coud ave Been economical. The angles mete BENGE saward to sirpliy the connection at Lo (Q) Without wind, Dire fond ~ 1275.6 4N (Com) Bending mores: ~ 59.62 N 2) With wind, Drea food = 140061 ending enoment = 93.57 KN Try the section shown in ig. 1683 } wane Abn 24559 13.25 em = iso tov usc 26-00r = MEM | 29 062-1868 sop 2B an. H 495 aw gf BE = sem ry =f BEE = 11.96 7 sud MEE oe Jan ESE — 96 nian? py — SPSLANE 5 14.510 — 32.62 Nien? soo 1 wind gate considere, famed ea ‘= Fesars too 7 750 Ne y= STEN as = 51.20 Nia © 36.500 = 10" panne fe a 8 5 IO, for 40.348 1.909<1.167 OK fe co TRUSS BRIDGE olat Le “The bottom chord ie oot being spliced at Le, The larger section of Lats it tnhen shout I mito the Jel of La and a Spice has Ben provided there. Due to the continous boom chord at La the rivets conectiag the guset plates mith the bottom chord ean the eierence of Fics in Lala and Lal ‘The diference (Ualo~Lile) fe aot maximum when whole pan istoodeds The infverce line fr (Lal Tale) bas been drawn in Fig. 1633 “The investigation of gust plates has Been ome be. For maximum force dineace ia Labs ard Lala, only 27 length ofthe bridge should Se leaded “etal ie lod G2253kN (Appendix D0) 253 4172 aN TiTs— iT due to LL + pact 276.50 % A172» (103935) 645 KN Tes its ito end oa eee Tabi 111) 9-152 = 92.7 DESIGN EXAMPLE a Ti due to wind eft (Table 46-13) 1635-151 Totsl E315 ~ Eee without eccasionsl loads Tm onesi-90.7 ~ 7602 4N Tout TFS — ipTa with oocasonst = 167241123 ~ 995 < 1,167 70.24N Design ad in Us La = 9907 KN Design lond in La Us ~ S276 EN or +2302 kN Rivet vale of 22 mn di, ves single sheae Number of rivets in Ls Ur = S27 20.5 oF 22 vives aa mer of sits in a Uatt = 57742202 372 oy 20 [Number of rivets i Bottom chard = 167.2 = 7.7 or 2 ber of ives ia boxtom chord = T6™2 = 177 of 29 oor beam rettion = S714 KN (Ret p. 509) amber of rivets connecting. floor beam cleat angle wih bouton chord = 57146337 = 152 oI ‘Rivet value in bearing on 10 nim pte = 02354252 ~ SES0N ~ 5425 KN Number of rivets comectng Nor beam lets with web 571415025 = 10.5 0° UI Total actual number of rivets std fe shown io the drawing of the pices 7 Joiet Us ‘The top chord sil be spiced this joint with he help of top cover pate, splice pte betiom are splice plates and the fuset pbtes. "Theres are eisiibuted inthe splice mates Inthe same proportions asthe aren they splice ‘The cover pate and outstanding Is of the fon anaes wil be spliced mith cover plste slice. The legs of the 4 TRUSS BRIDGE bottom ane {ddiioal vet! eplice plster top chord = 1288.7 300/14470 = 889 Ninn + will be spliced with separate plates. The iced wih poset plates and “he acta stress, soo | ae eee | tow aif of 284 Cone pate | soos SES I00x809 xs ono] eam sia COvusanding ees 2000 2Nox 1258 M2LOOAKES ‘of 215A, ae sos ators Resining nea TRAE 2Nos300> 13 TBP 1onw ans ie ie iguetgine 7a INomber of iets on member La Us or Uy Le a8 on lower chord = 20 Number of rivets on member Ur ts = B86 137 oe 14 Jolt Le Force in Lo Lr wihou: ccasonal ads ~ $029 N Force in Le ta with occasional ands = 121.9 4 Fores in Lo Ur without ovessional loads = 1275.64N Terr arar ” _ 186 = 294 oF 0 Jet Us DESIGN EXAMPLE as Number of rivets ia Us tx = 2286 + 13.7 or 14 tat» Bay > i187 Norser of rivets in Us Us = 12887 29.6 or Ue Us = SI 2 beet cis Tate lad = $044 Vertical toad due to overturning moment = 50.44 x $2 535 = 294 4N Bending moment xD or E (Fig, 1654) = 25.22% 5.51-8296% 125 = 7279 Nm Fore i EF (By equating moments Gin EG to x0) 4 an PRT os 51.98 em 25.22%3.11450.46241.89 Force in CD = — 2822%3.714-504631.00 © ae 1024 Fore in DE = ~ 2522 4N Perpendicular CM = 1.50 cos € 1.35 = 10 x tS oo Via iat 7 17 Forces in knee brace BD = 2522%5.51 _ pp = 2S ass Lenn of eee brace = VERET: 86 ‘TRUSS BRIDGE IC wee cons SAxonesni0 ‘Choos section for Cag in ing 155. orm AX $0.74 15.51 (20— 16.278 +5 Tay = AISA SST ITED oe HOD emt Am 4% 1551 +40 ¥ 08 © 98.04 cat Fe $8.6 Ninn? on.4>1000 fa = EEO 010.99 Nia 2.9%10° 5 99 = 59.56 Nam? fam BEI 3 200 ~ 5138 pret an raawsoe ay (ise) Gas Nant Ps (tale lode = 73.5 int “fy 10a8 38 ie * Ts = 0,503 4 781 0984 < 1.167 OK Daven of ne brases BD and EG Marinus force in koe brace =k 135.3 2N “Ty the section showa in 16-56 DESIGN EXAMPLE 7 a4. risers Areh_ provided = 2% 11.38 ~ 22.76 emt Etective length = 07>2.19 = 9.59. oI ea ane Fe = 1099 Nia? ‘Actual compressive sess = 1353710209945 Nimet OX ares io0 945) Smy Bracke “The predate of design will be enme a for portal beeing Use 4 Nes. ISA 90%60%8 mm as shown in Fig. 16-57 fo orzonal esr and sgl age 757 75%8 mm fr Lae op Latest Rraing Foro on top tinct bring duc 10 wind are sown io Fig. 1658, : ane ‘TRUSS BRIDGE of top coed force = 231265.7% 3S = 2% of top chet force = 212857 3S. = 66.29 aN Shear due to Wied = 18.30-4.575 = 137254N Tolal shear = 64.29++13.73 = 78.02 EN Leogh of Us Us = vOTEER (Gee Fig 1658) = 798 once in Us Us «4x 7802% 258 = Fore in Us Ur = 4x7602% 798 = 59.29 N Use the seston shown ic ig. 1659 r= 307 em { ‘Using 10mm gusset plate, y= 261514201539 x (2760.58 = 613 emt ne (pig rn 2 osx ee Trane 1 07 e798 Fe= 55 Ninn? = 9.9100 16 96 Nimmt 7 o> gxisaaniog 7 1926 Nios toms Lateral Bracig G2) Force due ta wind (Fle 164) DESIGN EXAMPLE, oF Ssh A ARES EP so ee Ay ns ‘heat fre inp Lo La = 14766-2861 = 125.080 Sheet force ia pane! La La = 128088922 = 73.834N ‘bese fre in piel LaLa = 73834922 = 2461 EN () Fores du 1 reching force of $88 KN (novia lo) Shear foros ave deermired by sing inboence ins sown in Fig. TsO Panel bo La ‘heat fore = | > 36 x P< $88 = SEN Panel Lt Le Pane length = 28.8 Shear force =} 288» aoa Ls Le ‘onded length = 21.6 ‘Sheer force o> F< 21.5% XS.86 STS EN “oval shea fore in panel Lo a = 12305-+48.2 =211.38 kN “Tost shen force in pce Ly Us“ TRS} 564519028 aN Total shea forein panel La 13> 2461431.75= $6.36 KN Length of Saving member ~ y BEES = 7.98 m S6454N “0 “TRUSS BRIDGE Force in bracing memborLo Us! or To La max ES x2ti2s= 16064N Force in tracing member La Li’ or Us! La : wb IS san = p00 Force i bracing member La Lior La La x 2B x 56.26 = = BE x 5036 = e203 ne an (©) Member Foes due to longitudinal forces. fo exch pout, he longitudinal force ie wanstered fom stringer to tastes hrouph bottom aterl braces. Longitudinal force in one panel will not afc he bottom lateral bracing 6 other panel Loaded erat = 6m Leogteina fre (Table D2) = 2206 kN 2206 ,, 2.98 208 198 yan Fore in bracing mene? Max, force it Lo Li of to Ly = 160.6734 = 2040 N Max. fore in Ly Le of Ly La = 99014734 = 17241 KN ‘Max. foie ie Lets! or La! Lo = 42.3734 = 11623 KN reatve lngttt ~ 288 «1575 = 2.8m “Try 2 ISA 1102110: giving A= 21702 ent re astem =f FIG. 1664 DETAILS OF JOINT Us g fees rae ‘ ee | FIG. 1685 DETAILS OF JOINT Uy L DEFAILS OF JOINT Ly (65 DETAILS OF JOINT ta ne TRUSS BRIDGE ma inn BE 84, Fa 95 Nios? 2340 1080 Jan POO 66.7 < 16795 Newt Ox comtcny, died bon Bangs Oe oped ‘ith utmost care snes the abristion le de aeconding fo he in unfel ero etesruce. Suc dos tres isladeat te mnsny Stung Fee ppone bees isan ieotyteah Tae po espn ee en of tet ons save ig et Sige ire cnn here Pte oa ah understanding. eae 7 Steel Buildings 111 IwrRopucTiON ‘Stel buildings sre accpled for ruty wien The design of Angus lie fees nas expined ln Chapee 13. See Dui ge ae opted fr cuber use inte form of i frames nd multsouey Haines ‘The cis ras coat beam snd xin combi ations fhe frm of petal fame, ele ates nd the lie. Tisir ana involves determination of moments fn the members at ther joints by thous such ax Moment” Disrbution, Slopedetestor, Kans method ele. With the alabty of Bagh sped electronic dip! computers, he wee fF Matre Araljsis has become popstar. Thismethed bas the further avenge thst Frames oul Be treated in two ness fsvellas pace faes in tee dimensions ‘The mani ate ‘sane eebeensanébeucolames uy the pints disused {nehupleres tnd 810 this book.” ‘The mubistreyed balding frames are disused lo thischeper, The ctewsion rte to the rectal design mater nd dees not cover eer peblems felted fo archvecua, functors, elec and mechaniat Senees requirement [usr BokeNer, Beate a thie sage {hav the designee buildings must by feriay wit vorioes “ © Steet BuILDINas Lypes of lors, wall coverings, partition door and. window feames, fishes and ings, sireonditioning duets si, co thal the sroturat framing may take the specie requirements into ‘consdeation 172 STRUCTURE OF MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS Mulioreyed buildings are required for many wees such as ofes, residential fats, holes, hospitals, school et. With the ronding in eornopoltan ities like New Deli, Bombsy #08 Calcava, the height of buildings is also fotesiog. Upto a seriain height say 20 storeys, reinforced. concrete works ut ‘more economical. But for very tal building, or where speed in contraction is required, sel may werk out cheaper 1 tall builiog, the rain problem ie tha of sihess and rigiity of the fre agaist horizootal loads dus to wind t9d carthquake, " Fuoctioually lit or elevators ae. nec fequired. "Fouadatioas are required tote the load of many Stores aed usually consist of rats, or ples oF pies Boing (0 hard strata. The last two aspects ae slo smportant i the lateral lad resistance of the fame, Structurally, a mulsoreye fame consist of recangulse {id of beams and columns in space making skeleon rato, The whole frame may be looked upon ae builtup of ers oot cover the other. Thetefore multitoreyedbuldigs ave also called a ser Budngs. But doe not msn thatthe clams fate only one storey high each. In actual fact coluans may be continuous thug two or thiee storey sd the bas oe ‘ch oor contected to them on tel siesat each Noor. From

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