2013 Family Questionnaire Eng
2013 Family Questionnaire Eng
2013 Family Questionnaire Eng
Family Questionnaire
_____________________________ is preparing to earn the nationally-renowned Child Development
Associate (CDA) Credential. In order to be awarded the CDA, she/he has taken on a significant professional challenge: She/he must have experience working with young children, must have a required amount
of early childhood education, must prepare a Professional Portfolio, must be observed working by a skilled
professional (a CDA Professional Development Specialist) and must pass the national CDA Exam.
The process of getting a CDA is also a professional development experience in which Candidates reflect
on areas of strength and areas for future professional growth. In addition to self-reflection, Candidates
are provided feedback to consider by the CDA Professional Development Specialist and by you, if you
so choose. So, we invite you to complete the questionnaire, below, in order to provide feedback that may
help the Candidate continue to grow as a professional.
Please know that:
a) Completing this questionnaire is optional. If you choose to complete it, your feedback will only
be read by the Candidate in order to contribute important information that may assist her/him in
setting professional goals for the coming year. The answers you provide on this questionnaire
will have no impact on whether the Candidate will be awarded the CDA Credential.
b) You may provide your feedback anonymously, if you so choose.
If you choose to complete the questionnaire, you must return it to the Candidate by ________________.
Family Questionnaire
Each of the following topics relates to key areas of quality early childhood professional practice as outlined by the Council for Professional Recognition. For each area, please rate the Candidate on a scale of
1 3 in which 1 = Needs improvement/Area for professional growth, 2 = Capable/Competent and
3 = Very capable/Area of strength.
The Candidate:
1. P
rovides a safe, clean environment for my child and
teaches her/him how to stay safe
2. P
rovides an environment that promotes health and
good nutrition
3. P
rovides activities, materials and schedules that promote my childs
development and education
4. U
ses activities, materials and equipment that allow my child to
develop small muscle skills (like writing or pouring) and large
muscle skills (like climbing or balancing)
5. U
ses activities, materials and equipment that help my child learn
how to think, reason and solve problems
8. N
urtures my child, helping her/him build a positive self-identity
and respect for every childs cultural backgrounds
9. Helps my child learn how to socialize and get along with others
10. U
ses effective strategies to help my child understand how to
behave appropriately
11. E
stablishes positive, responsive and cooperative relationships
with myself and the members of our family
_ ___________________________________
Name (optional)
Thank you for taking the time to support the Candidates professional
growth. If you would like to provide additional feedback, please feel
free to attach it to this questionnaire.