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RC VI- 1 RC VI -3 10:122-6.7 Special require en!s !o pre"en! c#ild a$use and%or neglec! and inappropria!e s!

!a&& $e#a"iors !o'ard c#ildren ()* +a, S!a&& e $ers s#all no! use #i!!ing- s#aking or an. o!#er &or punis# en! o& c#ildren. o& corporal

+$, S!a&& e $ers s#all no! use a$usi"e language- ridicule- #ars#- #u ilia!ing or &rig#!ening !rea! en! or an. o!#er &or o& e o!ional punis# en! o& c#ildren. +c, S!a&& neglec!. e $ers s#all no! engage in or in&lic! an. &or o& c#ild a$use and%or

+d, S!a&& e $ers s#all no! 'i!##old &ro c#ildren &ood- e o!ional responsess!i ula!ion- or !#e oppor!uni!ies &or res! or sleep. +e, S!a&& e $ers s#all no! require a c#ild !o re ain silen! or inac!i"e &or an inappropria!el. long period o& !i e &or !#e c#ild/s age. American Associate Degree Early Childhood Educators (ACCESS) ACCESS' purpose is to support and advocate for associate degree programs in the preparation of early childhood professionals who teach and care for young children from birth through age 8 across a variety of programs and the instructors who teach in those programs! "he organi#ation is founded on the belief that learning is a lifelong process and that associate degree programs are an important lin$ in early childhood professional preparation! Association for Child and %outh Care &ractice "he Association for Child ' %outh Care &ractice( )nc! is a membership organi#ation of state and regional associations( child ' youth care agencies( and professionals committed to improving the field of child and youth care and the promotion and development of professional competencies! *cCormic$ Center for Early Childhood +eadership "he *cCormic$ Center serves as a voice for the early childhood wor$force by advocating for better wor$ing conditions and compensation( supporting emerging leaders from under, represented groups( and strengthening professional standards! "hey focus on professional development( program evaluation( research( and public awareness to help cultivate leaders in early childhood education! How and When to Report Child Abuse/Neglect In *e' 0erse.- an. person #a"ing reasona$le cause !o $elie"e !#a! a c#ild #as $een su$1ec!ed !o a$use or ac!s o& a$use s#ould i edia!el. repor! !#is in&or a!ion !o !#e S!a!e Cen!ral Regis!r. +SCR,. I& !#e c#ild is in i edia!e danger- call 211 as 'ell as 1-877 NJ AB !" #1-877-$%&-&87'(. 3 concerned caller does no! need proo& !o repor! an allega!ion o& c#ild a$use and can ake !#e repor! anon. ousl..

What information will I be asked to provide to the hotline screener? SCR screeners are trained caseworkers who know how to respond to reports of child abuse/neglect. Whenever possible, a caller should provide all of the following information: Who:The child and parent/caregiver s name, age and address and the name of the alleged perpetrator and that person s relationship to the child. What:T!pe and fre"uenc! of alleged abuse/neglect, current or previous in#uries to the child and what caused !ou to become concerned. When:When the alleged abuse/neglect occurred and when !ou learned of it. Where: Where the incident occurred, where the child is now and whether the alleged perpetrator has access to the child. How:$ow urgent the need is for intervention and whether there is a likelihood of imminent danger for the child. Do callers have immunity from civil or criminal liability? %n! person who, in good faith, makes a report of child abuse or neglect or testifies in a child abuse hearing resulting from such a report is immune from an! criminal or civil liabilit! as a result of such action. Calls can be placed to the hotline anon!mousl!. Is it against the laws of New Jersey to fail to report suspected abuse neglect? %n! person who knowingl! fails to report suspected abuse or neglect according to the law or to compl! with the provisions of the law is a disorderl! person. What happens after I make the call? When a report indicates that a child ma! be at risk, an investigator from the &ivision of Child 'rotection and 'ermanenc! (formerl! )outh and *amil! Services+ will promptl! investigate the allegations of child abuse and neglect within ,hours of receipt of the report.

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