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Image Pack Troubles

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Why Government only

gave jobs to Protestants?

It is unfair. We should be
the part of the Republic of
Ireland not of UK.All of
these disparities will be
abolished if only Unionist
did not ruled the country

No I will count you

the Troubles...

God not again !

How did Momy
and Daddy get
married ..
Grand'pa !
Nare me
again the
story of our
family !!

Episode 2

Tom too quit the group and decided to return to his

peaceful protest. He was present during the Bloody
Sunday and the police decided to accuse him of being a
threat, because of his past in IRA, for the Brits and this
is why they shot on the crowd. They pretended of being
scared of a new attack.Tom was accused and had to stay
in jail for the rest of his life. This announce shocked me
and I decided to revenge him.

At this period , during the 70's , catholics felt bullied by

the Government, it was what I thought .Unionist ruled
the country and thought that belongs to UK was better.
But the independent didn't agreed .They suffered of

Once in the borough of

London derry...

You are stupid there is no

disparities in our
Government! Don't try to
blame us! I am the mayor of
this town !

We've tried to manifest thanks to

peaceful demands but it was useless..

I decided to confess my past and to denounce my old

companions who still in the IRA. I wanted to stop their
murders , slaughters. They had no idea that what
happened during the Bloody Sunday was near of being
the apocalypse. I wanted a society where catholics could
have right but without using violence.

I had never considered myself to a traitor but as someone

who saved life. Jerry was a bloody monster and didn't realized
that his fight was based on suffer and not freedom. Because
of him Ireland was suffering and the Government didn't
considered this project as a real one. He gave their name and
their localisation and the police arrested them.

Join us, soon

things will
change !

My friends an I tried to protest

against these disparities but
the only answer was negative

The Republic of Ireland was founded long time ago and the North
still part of UK. Every catholics felt persecuted by the english
government and wanted to led a fight against it. And belong a
part of the Republic of Ireland.

One , in an afternoon , I met Jerry. He told me

that if I wanted that things change , I should be
part of their activist group.

We must react! Peace

isn't useful ! We must
make them understand
that we aren't kidding!
We want our freedom!!

He is a genius, he
wants to make the
Government react by
bombing a pub near
to London! They will
understand.Do not
worry no one will be

Stop it Jeff! We are

making this for
Government lie to
us when they say
they will improve
our life conditions!
Don't be a coward.

Violence isn't a way to answer at an attack.

You destroyed so many life of innocent , you
are monster! Nobody in these pubs ask for
what happened to us in Ireland! Things will
move thanks to people like me


Then Jerry started to have violent speech , he evoked "

pain" and "bombs" in order to make react the
Government. Tom and I had some doubts about it..

One night , Jerry told us that he met

a man named Bobby Sanders.
This"genius" was a big opportunity
for Irish 's cause , he said.

He told me that this man belongs to the IRA. That he

had plans , and now we belonging it too.I was
confused and don't really know if it was a good

It wasn't part of the plan! Bobby

told me that it was not planned
but look ,English Government
talk about this attack! They talk
about our fight! World will be
aware of our conditions!

The night of the attack , the group was quiet, calm and I
would say satisfied . Tom and I were stressed and felt
guilty of what could happened ...

Created with Storyboard That for Mrs . Favret

I will never forget the sound of the bomb , the cry ,

the sadness of the neighbors... I thought that there
was no one , the pub was full.I hated myself for
what I had done. It wasn't what for I was fighting.

He came and told me that now we were part of

the group , I must act with them and stopping
wondering if it was good or not. I agreed.

We made a
slaughter! There will
be an agreement this
weekend , the
Agreement; Stop it!

Traitor! You made slaughter

too, because of you our
Motherland will be forever
into the hands of a
dictatorship! Nothing will

The 10th April1998 , The Government of Uk and the

head-chief oh Northern Ireland signed the Good Friday
Agreement which stopped a thirty years war. A new
Parliament was created , a new Assembly. Even if there
is today a lot of problems in Northern Ireland , the
Good Friday helped to quit authority years war.


I know that it must be far

away but thanks to all the
mesure which have been
take in the 70's , Northern
Ireland became free , even
if it is under Uk's control.

But Jerry didn't stopped the machine.The

Sunningdale Agreement failed and it was another
reason for fighting. He promised me that there
will be no one killed ever. But I was aware of what
Bobby and the other did at the Canary Wharf
Carnage. I was ashamed but I couldn't let them
alone.Especially Tom. He was only 16. I quit the
group , it was too dangerous for me and I hide
myself. This is only when I heard the new that I
decide to stop this scary period.


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