Document Interpretation 4
Document Interpretation 4
Document Interpretation 4
David walker stated that other people do not equally treated colored people. When he was
traveling around some part of America, he still saw some of whites treated colored as the lower
classes people. David also doubted that President Jefferson, who such an educated people, would
allow the racism issue exist in America. Whites refuse to accept them as a family, instead, the
only function of them is to be a slave. Although the declaration of independence states that All
Men are Created Equal, whites still treat the colored people like animal, and making them
salves. Therefore, David Walker says that the problem of racism will slow down the
development of America not only in a physical way but mentally, it will destroy the human
mind. In short, David emphasized that the issue of racism should be stopped and erased right
now, and no one should sacrifice themselves to enrich someone elses right because human
should be treated equally.
After reading this article, it totally influences my imagination of the establish of United Stated.
Through his words, I can feel that the life which those colored have lived in is so difficult and
panic. Fortunately, the issue of racism is gradually solving in todays generation with some
certain law. Human were born equally, and no one could be discriminated due to the different
cultural back ground or skin color. Respecting to everyone is the only way to keep the world
being peaceful.