If Lucy hadn´t crashed the police car, She wouldn´t have been in prison for two
2. Frank would have won the game if he weren´t so naive.
Frank is so naive, He didn´t win the game
3. Ann would have married Jack if he had kept on lying to her.
He stopped lying to Ann. Ann didn´t marry Jack
4. Sue was my girlfriend. She slapped at me for doing nothing.
If Sue hadn´t been my girlfriend, She wouldn´t have slapped at me for doing nothing
5. Guy has no money. He didn’t save any when he could.
If Guy had saved money when he could, He would have some money
6. If Sam weren’t rude, she would´ve accepted his invitation.
She didn´t accept his invitation. Sam is rude
7. Julie has come today because Lee told her you came back.
If Lee hadn´t told Julie you came back, Julie wouldn´t be here today
8. If I were taller, I could be part of the basketball team.
I am not taller. I am not part of the basketball team
9. Larry was fired for the many mistakes he made.
If Larry hadn´t made many mistakes, He wouldn´t have been fired
10.Sandra is so impatient, her children wouldn´t be afraid of her.
If Sandra weren´t so impatient, Her children couldn´t have been afraid of her
11.Demi hadn’t gotten that job if she weren’t so smart.
She is so smart. She got that job
12.if Rene did his homework, he would get better grades.
Rene doesn´t get better grades because He doesn´t do his homework