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Lesson Plan - Meteorologist

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Date of Scheduled Visit
Name/Address of School
Age/Grade level
Cooperating Teacher

Name of Lesson
domain(s) addressed
Brief description of the lesson
This lesson is:

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
YeaEun Schwartz
April, 2015
Preschool of America Market St., New York, NY
Pre-K- ages 3-4
Ms. Iris
Classroom Number

Vdfbf Super Seal Class

My Community: Science- Meteorologist

Social Studies: Children will understand the role of a meteorologist.
Science: Children learn how to observe and report the weather conditions outside.

Children will discuss the role of a meteorologist and learn how to report the weather in the
A new concept/activity

Learning how meteorologists observe and report weather conditions outside, will build a strong
understanding of the role a meteorologists plays in our community.
20-25 min

Objective(s) of the activity

1. Given instruction on the role of a meteorologist, children will demonstrate understanding of

how meteorologists observe and report weather conditions.
2. Given instruction on how to use the classroom weather station, children will be able to
report the observed weather conditions outside.

Connections to standards
(Common Core)

Standard Area - MST: Math, Science & Technology Standard - MST4: Science Academic Level - MST4.E:
Elementary Key Idea Code - MST4.E.PS: Physical Setting Key Idea - MST4.E.PS2: Performance Indicator MST4.E.PS2.1: Major Understandings:
MST4.E.PS2.1a: Weather is the condition of the outside air at a particular moment
MST4.E.PS2.1b: Weather can be described and measured by: temperature wind speed and direction form and
amount of precipitation general sky conditions (cloudy, sunny, partly cloudy)
Standard Area - SS: Social Studies Academic Level - SS.E: Elementary Standard - SS.E.3: Geography Key Idea SS.E.3.1: Geography Performance Indicator SS.E.3.1A:

Language Objectives

Resources/materials needed:

Technology inclusion (if

Procedures (step by step)

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

The language focus in this lesson will be vocabulary acquisition. This lesson will cover some
more difficult tier 2 and 3 vocabulary such as: meteorologist, report, temperature, and weather
conditions (ie. sunny, rainy, etc.)

Weather chart
Index cards with weather conditions
Markers and crayons (optional)
Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation)
Begin by reviewing the theme, community helpers, and tell the children that today you want to
talk about a very important community helper, the person who tells us what the weather is
going to be like, or a meteorologist. Practice saying the word.
Instruction/Mini Lesson
Discussion 1: Ask the children if they have ever seen a meteorologist on TV or on computer?
Ask the children why they think a meteorologist might be an important community helper.
(Discuss the importance of knowing the weather->preparing for the weather outside).
Video: Mari meets a meteorologist, Doppler Dave Speelman. Ask the children to pay attention
to some of the things a meteorologist does.
Discussion 2: After watching the video ask the children what a meteorologist does (predicts
weather, reports weather)
Tell them that today we are focusing on how Dave reports weather. (Tomorrow we will talk
about how he predicts weather->Rain gauge- measures rain fall; anemometer- measures the
speed of the wind)
Rewind the video to 1:33 and observe the presentation of the weather-How is he standing?
What are some things he is telling us? (weather, temperature, precipitation, direction of wind

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2

and speed, time of sunset and sunrise)

Guided Participation
Tell the children that you want to start reporting weather like Dave in the classroom. Explain
the newest addition to the job chart, the Meteorologist (practice again). The class meteorologist
will report the weather to the class during morning meeting. Ask, What will the meteorologist
do? and elicit answer.
Option 1: The childrens task today will be to make the weather cards for the weather chart. As
a class brainstorm different weather conditions. Have each child choose a weather condition to
illustrate and add to the chart. Write the word on the bottom of the index card and have the
children illustrate the card. (5 min)
Option 2: Introduce the weather station and model how to use the cards to present the
weather. Review the weather and temperature terms. Have the cards pre-drawn and ready to be
colored. Have the children color them. (5 min)
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)
Once all children are finished, gather as a group and present the students work. Review the
different weather conditions discussed. Model how the meteorologist will present the weather
daily and choose the class meteorologist for the week.

Method of assessing childrens Pre-assessment
understanding of
Before introducing the
activity, be sure the students
have been observing the
weather either formally or
informally daily. Read a
weather book earlier in the
week so that children know a
few terms for discussing

Assessment of Student
During center time have a
weather station set up in the
dramatic play area for the
children to play with. Observe
and record how the children
interact with the station.

Assessment of Childrens
Language Learning
Review the weather
vocabulary learned with
the children. Have each
child have a turn at being
the meteorologist over the
course of the next few
weeks and observe the
childs understanding of
the role and terms.

Plans for differentiated

Learning Activity Plan for PreK-Grade 2
Supporting children with
identified delays or
For children with delays, have
them team up with a friend
when or with the teacher
when presenting the weather.
Allow for more time and use
positive reinforcement
throughout the activity.

Supporting English Language Learners

Review the weather terms daily with the children and be sure
the ELL learners are comfortable with the terms before being
the meteorologist. Ask the children what the words are in their
native language and have them present the weather in their

Follow up/Extension activities Find various books and videos about meteorologists and the weather and present them to the
children over the next few weeks. Set up a weather station in the dramatic play area with a tie
and blazer. Give the children the option of being video recorded if desired.
Tomorrows Lesson: watch the video again and discuss how Dave predicts weather (Rain gauge-
measures rain fall; anemometer- measures the speed of the wind). Make a rain gauge with the
Any additional information

that would be helpful for the
observer to know

Observer feedback on the lesson plan, including commendations and recommendations for improving aspects of the learning

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