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Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument Thinking Styles Assessment

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Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument Thinking Styles Assessment

This 120-question survey form results in a profile of your preferred thinking styles. By understanding your thinking style preferences you can achieve greater appreciation for how you learn, make decisions, solve problems, and communicate, and why you do these thingsand othersthe way you do. The survey measures preferences rather than skills. It is not a test; there are no wrong answers. You will gain the greatest understanding by answering the questions frankly and sincerely.

Used With Permission From Herrmann International The Ned Herrmann Group

Please fax or Mail Completed Forms to:

Hope Unlimited
720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 1-888-907-HOPE (4673) Fax (412) 741-2159

Use of this form is subject to your agreement with the following conditions: (i) The instrument must be used in its entirety; no portion may be extracted and used separately. (ii) No change or alteration of the instrument in any way is permitted; to preserve the integrity of the instrument and its scoring methodology, the instrument must be used exactly as it is produced here. (iii) Any use of the instrument must contain the notice of copyright held by The Ned Herrmann Group. (iv) The title - Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument - is an integral part of the instrument, and must always appear on the document.


Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group

Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888)-907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

Page 1

A profile of your mental preferences will be determined by your responses to the following 120 questions. Answer each question by writing in the appropriate words or numbers, or checking the boxes provided. This is not a test, and there are no right or wrong answers. You are only indicating your preferences. Please respond to questions as authentically as possible, keeping in mind your total self, at work and at home. When you have completed the survey form, confirm that you have answered every question. Then complete the name and address information on the back of the form, and send or fax pages 2 through 5 to the Ned Herrmann Group at the address on the cover. Refer to the glossary of terms for clarification of the terms used. Save the glossary page for reference when you receive your profile results.

analytic Breaking up things or ideas into parts and examining them to see how they fit together. artistic Taking enjoyment from or skillful in painting, drawing, music, or sculpture. Able to coordinate color, design, and texture for pleasing effects. conceptual Able to conceive thoughts and ideas; to generalize abstract ideas from specific instances. controlled Restrained, holding back, in charge of ones emotions. conservative Tending toward maintaining traditional and proven views, conditions, and institutions. creative Having unusual ideas and innovative thoughts. Able to put things together in new and imaginative ways. critical Exercising or involving careful judgement or evaluation, e.g., judging the feasibility of an idea or product. detailed Paying attention to the small items or parts of an idea or project. dominant Ruling or controlling; having strong impact on others. emotional Having feelings that are easily stirred; displaying those feelings. empathetic Able to understand how another person feels, and able to communicate that feeling. extrovert More interested in people and things outside of self than internal thoughts and feelings. Quickly and easily exposes thoughts, reactions, feelings, etc. to others. financial Competent in monitoring and handling of quantitative issues related to costs, budgets, and investments. holistic Able to perceive and understand the big picture without dwelling on individual elements of an idea, concepts, or situation. Can see the forest as contrasted with the trees. imaginative Able to form mental images of things not immediately available to the senses or never wholly perceived in reality; able to confront and deal with a problem in a new way. implementation Able to carry out an activity and ensure fulfillment by concrete measures and results. innovating Able to introduce new or novel ideas, methods, or devices. integration The ability to combine pieces, parts and elements of ideas, concepts and situations into a unified whole. intellectual Having superior reasoning powers; able to acquire and retain knowledge. interpersonal Easily able to develop and maintain meaningful and pleasant relationships with many different kinds of people. introvert Directed more toward inward reflection and underHBDI

standing than toward people and things outside of self. Slow to expose reactions, feelings, and thoughts to others. intuitive Knowing something without thinking it out - having instant understanding without need for facts or proof. Iogical Able to reason deductively from what has gone before. mathematical Perceiving and understanding numbers and being able to manipulate them to a desired end. metaphorical Able to understand and make use of visual and verbal figures of speech to suggest a likeness or an analogy in place of literal descriptions, e.g., heart of gold. musical Having an interest in or talent for music and/or dance. organized Able to arrange people, concepts, objects, elements, etc. into coherent relationships with each other. planning Formulating methods or means to achieve a desired end in advance of taking actions to implement. problem solving Able to find solutions to difficult problems by reasoning. quantitative Oriented toward numerical relationships; inclined to know or seek exact measures. rational Making choices on the basis of reason as opposed to emotion. reader One who reads often and enjoys it. rigorous thinking Having a thorough, detailed approach to problem-solving. sequential Dealing with things and ideas one after another or in order. simultaneous Able to process more than one type of mental input at a time, e.g. visual, verbal, and musical; able to attend to more than one activity at a time. spatial Able to perceive, understand and manipulate the relative positions of objects in space. spiritual Having to do with spirit or soul as apart from the body or material things. symbolic Able to use and understand objects, marks, and signs as representative of facts and ideas. synthesizer One who unites separate ideas, elements, or concepts into something new. technical Able to understand and apply engineering and scientific knowledge. teaching/training Able to explain ideas and procedures in a way that people can understand and apply them. verbal Having good speaking skills; clear and effective with words. writer One who communicates clearly with the written word and enjoys it.
Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888) 907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

Page 2

Please complete every question according to the directions given. Each response, including your answers to questions 2, 3 and 4, provide important data. When directions are not followed or data is incomplete we are unable to process your survey, and must return it to you. 1. Name 3. Educational focus or major 4. Occupation or job title Describe your work (please be as specific as possible) 2. Sex: M F

5. Which picture most closely resembles the way you hold a pencil? A B C D

6. What is the strength and direction of your handedness? A Primary left B Primary left, some right C Both hands equal D Primary right, some left E Primary right

Think back to your performance in the elementary and/or secondary school subjects identified below. Rank order all three subjects on the basis of how well you did: 1 = best; 2 = second best; 3 = third best. 7. ______ Math 8. ______ Foreign language 9. _____ Native language or mother tongue

Please check that no number is duplicated: The numbers 1, 2, and 3 must be used once and only once. Correct if necessary.

Rate each of the work elements below according to your strength in that activity, using the following scale: 5 = work I do best; 4 = work I do well; 3 = neutral; 2 = work I do less well; 1 = work I do least well. Enter the appropriate number next to each element. Do not use any number more than four times. 10. ______ 11. ______ 12. ______ 13. ______ 14. ______ 15. ______ Analytical Administrative Conceptualizing Expressing Ideas Integration Writing 16. ______ 17. ______ 18. ______ 19. ______ 20. ______ Technical Aspects Implementation Planning Interpersonal Aspects Problem Solving 21. ______ Innovating 22. ______ Teaching/Training 23. ______ Organization 24. ______ Creative Aspects 25. ______ Financial Aspects

Please tally: Number of 5s_____, 4s_____, 3s_____, 2s_____, 1s_____. If there are more than four for any category, please redistribute.

Select eight adjectives which best describe the way you see yourself. Enter a 2 next to each of your eight selections. Then change one 2 to a 3 for the adjective which best describes you. 26. ______ 27. ______ 28. ______ 29. ______ 30. ______ 31. ______ 32. ______ 33. ______ 34. ______ Logical Creative Musical Sequential Synthesizer Verbal Conservative Analytical Detailed 35. ______ 36. ______ 37. ______ 38. ______ 39. ______ 40. ______ 41. ______ 42. ______ Emotional Spatial Critical Artistic Spiritual Rational Controlled Mathematical 43. ______ Symbolic 44. ______ Dominant 45. ______ Holistic 46. ______ Intuitive 47. ______ Quantitative 48. ______ Reader 49. ______ Simultaneous 50. ______ Factual

Please count: seven 2s and one 3? Correct if necessary.

HBDI Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888)-907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

Page 3

Indicate a maximum of six hobbies you are actively engaged in. Enter a 3 next to your major hobby, a 2 next to each primary hobby, and a 1 next to each secondary hobby. Enter only one 3. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. _____ Arts/Crafts _____ Boating _____ Camping/Hiking _____ Cards _____ Collecting _____ Cooking _____ Creative Writing _____ Fishing 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Gardening/Plants Golf Home Improvements Music Listening Music Playing Photography Reading Sailing 67. _____ 68. _____ 69. _____ 70. _____ 71. _____ 72. _____ _____ Sewing Spectator Sports Swimming/Diving Tennis Travel Woodworking Other ______________ ______________

Please review: Only one 3 and no more than six hobbies. Correct if necessary.

73. Thinking about your energy level or drive, select the one that best represents you. Check box A, B, or C. a. Day person b. Day/night person equally c. Night person

74. Have you ever experienced motion sickness (nausea, vomiting) in response to vehicular motion (while in a car, boat, plane, bus, train, amusement ride)? Check box A, B, C, or D to indicate the number of times. a. None b. 1-2 c. 3-10 d. More than 10

75. Can you read while traveling in a car without stomach awareness, nausea, or vomiting? a. Yes b. No

For each paired item below, check the word or phrase which is more descriptive of yourself. Check box A or B for each pair, even if the choice is a difficult one. Do not omit any pairs. 76. ...... Conservative 77 ............... Analyst 78. ........ Quantitative 79 ... Problem-solver 80 .......... Controlled 81. .............. Original 82. ............... Feeling 83 ...... Interpersonal 84. .............. Spiritual 85. .............. Detailed 86. .. Originate Ideas 87 ... Warm, Friendly / / / / / / / / / / / / Empathetic Synthesizer Musical Planner Creative Emotional Thinking Organizer Creative Holistic 88 ................. Imaginative 89. ..................... Original 90. ..................... Creative 91. ................ Controlled 92 ....................... Musical 93. ........... Simultaneous 94. .......... Communicator 95. ....... Technical Things 96. ......... Well-organized 97. .... Rigorous Thinking / / / / / / / / / / / / Sequential Reliable Logical Emotional Detailed Empathetic Conceptualizer People-oriented Logical Metaphorical Thinking Like Things Mathematical Dominant

Test and Prove Ideas 98. . Like Things Planned Analytical 99. .................. Technical

Please review: Did you mark one and only one of each pair? Correct if necessary.
HBDI Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888) 907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

Page 4

100. Check one box to place yourself on this scale from introvert to extrovert:



Respond to each statement by checking the box in the appropriate column. strongly agree strongly in agree between disagree disagree

101. I feel that a step-by-step method is best for solving problems. 102. Daydreaming has provided the impetus for the solution of many of my more important problems. 103. I like people who are most sure of their conclusions. 104. I would rather be known as a reliable than an imaginative person. 105. I often get my best ideas when doing nothing in particular. 106. I rely on hunches and the feeling of rightness or wrongness when moving toward the solution to a problem. 107. I sometimes get a kick out of breaking the rules and doing things Im not supposed to do. 108. Much of what is most important in life cannot be expressed in words. 109. Im basically more competitive with others than selfcompetitive. 110. I would enjoy spending an entire day alone with my thoughts. 111. I dislike things being uncertain and unpredictable. 112. I prefer to work with others in a team effort rather than solo. 113. It is important for me to have a place for everything and everything in its place. 114. Unusual ideas and daring concepts interest and intrigue me. 115. I prefer specific instructions to those which leave many details optional. 116. Know-why is more important than know-how. 117. Thorough planning and organization of time are mandatory for solving difficult problems. 118. I can frequently anticipate the solutions to my problems. 119. I tend to rely more on my first impressions and feelings when making judgments than on a careful analysis of the situation. 120. I feel that laws should be strictly enforced. Please review to make sure you have answered all 120 questions.
HBDI Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888)-907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

Page 5

You must provide an address and indicate the method of payment in order to receive your HBDI results. Please print. Name _______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Company __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Division ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Daytime phone (_____) __________________ Evening phone (_____) ____________________ Fax (____) __________________ Home address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail address __________________________________________ Note: There is a fee for processing this survey form. Payment method (if specific arrangements have not been made, please provide credit card info): credit card type: _______________________ (#) _____________________________________ Exp. Date __________ other payment has been prearranged. Event date_____________________ Payment code____________________

The following questions are not used in scoring the HBDI. However, the answers to these questions are valuable in our continuing brain dominance research. Skip any question you wish, but please answer as many as you feel you can. Indicate the birth order of your brothers, sisters, and self by checking the appropriate symbols. Then circle the symbol representing yourself. MALE Oldest FEMALE Date of birth _______________ Years in current occupation __________ Nationality ________________ Native language ___________________ Ethnicity: American Indian Black Caucasian Hispanic Asian Other: ___________________________ 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th MALE


How many children do you have? ____________ age of oldest _________ age of youngest ____________

Couple status:




living together



To what extent were you formally educated for the field you are now working in? not at all somewhat to a great degree fully

How do you see yourself? Please distribute 100 points between these four descriptions: Rational _______________ Organized _______________Interpersonal _______________ Imaginative:_______________ Please check the best descriptor indicating your mood or the way you felt at the time you were completing this survey: happy enthusiastic interested OK relaxed indifferent distracted tired unhappy


Copyright 1989-2001 The Ned Herrmann Group

Used With Permission by Hope Unlimited

Please mail or fax completed form to:

Hope Unlimited 720 Maple Lane Sewickley, PA 15143 (888) 907-HOPE (4673) fax (412) 741-2159

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