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Weebly Ed 353 Literacy Lesson Plan

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Kathleen Cooney Second Grade

10/10/13 Sequencing in Narrative Writing

STAGE 1 DESIRED RESULTS Established Goals: NEW YORK STATE LEARNING STANDARDS Writin Standards: 2.3- Write narrative in !hich they recount a !ell-ela"orated event or hort equence o# event $ include detail to de cri"e action $ thought $ and #eeling $ u e te%&oral !ord to ignal event order$ and &rovide a en e o# clo ure. Understandin s: St!dents "ill Essential $!estions: !nderstand that# ' Why i it i%&ortant to u e equencing !hen ' (n thi le on the tudent !ill under tand that !riting a narrative2 equencing !ord are i%&ortant to u e !hen ' What /ey !ord can hel& you !hen !riting a creating an e##ective narrative !riting &iece. narrative2 ' Student !ill under tand that a gra&hic organi)er can hel& the% clearly identi#y the "eginning$ %iddle$ and end o# their narrative. ' *Second grader hould "e a"le to co%&o e a &er onal e+&erience narrative organi)ed in a chronological #or%at, -.hin/ing 0a& $ (nc1. ' Student !ill under tand that te%&oral !ord are u ed to ignal event order through the u e o# a gra&hic organi)er.

St!dents "ill %no": ' .he equencing !ord to u e to !rite an e##ective narrative uch a 3 "eginning$ %iddle$ end$ #ir t$ ne+t$ la t$ then ' .hat u ing &eci#ic detail !ill allo! a !riter to %a/e their tory %ore intere ting. 4oca"ulary3 ' Narrative3 a !ritten account o# connected event 5 tory ' Sequencing3 order o# event -"eginning$ %iddle$ end -#ir t$ ne+t -then1$ la t

St!dents "ill be able to: ' Write a 6ournal entry a"out !hat they /no! a"out !hat a narrative include -&re-a e %ent1. ' Co%&lete a gra&hic organi)er and u e it to "egin creating a narrative a"out a &ecial &lace they vi ited !ith a "eginning$ %iddle$ and end. ' 7+&lain their narrative to a &eer. ' Write a 6ournal entry a"out !hat they learned a"out ho! to !rite a narrative.

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

9e ign .o&ic3 Sequencing in Narrative Writing ???????????????????????????????????????

Su"6ect- 137ngli h <anguage =rt

Grade- 13 Second

9e igner> Na%e3 Kathleen Cooney

STAGE & ASSESS'ENT E(IDEN)E *er+or,an-e Tas%s: Other E/iden-e: *re.assess,ent. .hi le on i an inductory ' @ournal 7ntry -&re-a e %ent1 le on on ho! to !rite a narrative. .he Co%%on ' .hin/-:air-Share Core Standard #or 2nd grade e+&ect that tudent ' Gra&hic organi)er co%&leted "y tudent ' Au"ric co%&leted "y tudent - el#-a e %ent1 !ill recount an event u ing te%&oral !ord to ' @ournal 7ntry -#ollo!-u& activity1 ignal event order. = gra&hic organi)er !ill "e di tri"uted to hel& tudent "egin to develo& idea a"out ho! to !rite an e##ective narrative. .he teacher !ill have tudent co%&lete a 6ournal entry &rior to the le on. Student !ill &ut the date and 6ournal heading to&ic on a clean &age in their <iteracy @ournal . .he 6ournal heading to&ic i 3 What i a narrative2 What %a/e a good narrative2 Student !ill an !er the que tion to the "e t o# their a"ility. .he teacher !ill &revie! the 6ournal entry &rior to the le on to gather evidence a"out !hat the tudent /no! a"out !riting narrative . .hi !ill al o allo! the teacher to a&&ro&riately di##erentiate the le on to %eet the learning tandard o# truggling !riter $ 7S< learner $ and gi#ted learner .

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

1 0

Kathleen Cooney Second Grade

10/10/13 Sequencing in Narrative Writing

Sta e 0. Learnin *lan

S!,,ar1 o+ Learnin A-ti/ities: LESSON *RESENTATION3 a. SET.INDU)TION .he teacher !ill turn o## the light and a / the tudent to clo e their eye . .he teacher !ill a / the tudent to thin/ o# a ti%e !hen they did o%ething they thought they couldn>t do. .he teacher !ill activate "ac/ground /no!ledge "y giving e+a%&le o# riding a "i/e$ tying one > hoe $ getting an = on a te t$ coring a goal. .he teacher !ill al o a / the tudent to thin/ a"out ho! they #elt and !al/ the% through !hat ha&&ened in the "eginning$ %iddle$ and end. Bor e+a%&le the teacher !ill ay$ *(n the "eginning did you #eel ad or #ru the %iddle$ ho! did your #eeling changeCin the end !hat did you learn and ho! did you #eel2, .he teacher !ill have the tudent o&en their eye . .he teacher !ill then a ign each tudent a .hin/-:air-Share &artner o that tudent can di cu a ti%e !hen they thought they couldn>t do o%ething. .he teacher !ill then have tudent hare !ith the cla !hat their to&ic i . ". *RO)EDURE. ' .he teacher !ill tell the tudent $ *.hin/ing o# the "eginning$ %iddle$ and end o# your tory hel& the reader under tand your !riting. When you !rite a narrative$ it need a "eginning$ %iddle$ and end. Can anyone tell %e !hy2, ' Student !ill rai e their hand and an !er$ u ing &rior /no!ledge. ' .he teacher !ill ay$ *Great. Sequencing hel& &ut the narrative in order !hich %a/e the tory %a/e en e. Drder allo! a reader to ee !hat a great !riter you areE, ' .he teacher !ill di tri"ute a gra&hic organi)er to each tudent. ' .he teacher !ill ay$ *.hi !ill hel& you to organi)e the order o# event o# your tory. .hi gra&hic organi)er hel& you identi#y the "eginning$ %iddle$ and end. .hi !ill hel& your narrative %a/e en e., ' .he teacher !ill e+&lain the gra&hic organi)er to the cla u ing the S%art "oard. ' .he teacher !ill tell tudent that the gra&hic organi)er hould include o%e #ull entence . Student can al o u e illu tration . ' .he teacher !ill %odel ho! the tudent hould !rite in the gra&hic organi)er "y e+&laining a ti%e !hen he did o%ething he thought he couldn>t. =n e+a%&le could "e$ learning to ride a "i/e. .he teacher !ill #ill out the gra&hic organi)er u ing e+a%&le #ro% her o!n li#e. (t i i%&ortant to &ic/ a to&ic tudent can connect !ith. ' .he teacher !ill co%&lete the entire gra&hic organi)er and &ro6ect it on the overhead &ro6ector. ' Student !ill "egin to #ill out the gra&hic organi)er. ' .he teacher !ill &ut on rela+ation %u ic o that tudent can #ocu their thought . (t i i%&ortant that tudent !or/ inde&endently. ' .he teacher !ill %onitor tudent "y a /ing que tion uch a $ ho! did you #eel in the "eginning2 or Who hel&ed you2 ' Student !ill "e given an entire cla &eriod to co%&lete the gra&hic organi)er.

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

9e ign .o&ic3 Sequencing in Narrative Writing ???????????????????????????????????????

Su"6ect- 137ngli h <anguage =rt

Grade- 13 Second

9e igner> Na%e3 Kathleen Cooney

-2 )LOSURE. F .he teacher !ill di tri"ute a ru"ric that include &eci#ic criteria that the gra&hic organi)er hould include. Student !ill el#-a e their individual gra&hic organi)er. 'aterial and Reso!r-es Gra&hic organi)er #or each tudent <iteracy @ournal 7+tra &encil and era er

3ollo".U4 A-ti/it15Assi n,ent Student !ill re &ond in their <iteracy @ournal to the &ro%&t3 What did you learn a"out !riting a narrative2 Go! can thi hel& you !hen !riting a narrative in the #uture2 .hi &rovide tudent !ith the a"ility to re#lect on !hat they learned and di cu ho! thi can hel& the% !rite a narrative in the #uture. Di++erentiation .hi le on &lan incor&orate 8niver al 9e ign #or <earning -C=S.$ 20121 in order to addre neurodiver ity. Bor 7S< $ .hin/-:air-Share i "ene#icial "ecau e tudent can hear other idea #ro% their &eer . =l o$ the a"ility to u e illu tration to organi)e the tory !ill hel& 7S<$ truggling !riter $ and all !riter . .he le on !ill "e di##erentiated #or gi#ted learner in that they can u e #ull entence !hen co%&leting the gra&hic organi)er. =l o the 6ournal re#lection entrie can include &eci#ic e+a%&le o# ho! !hat the tudent /no! a"out narrative ha changed. .hi !riting le on &rovide everal %ean #or co%&rehen ion3 the et-induction activate "ac/ground /no!ledge and the colla"orative learning trategy o# .hin/-:air-Share a i t tudent to &roce in#or%ation. (t &rovide %ulti&le %ean #or e+&re ion o# under tanding$ through conver ation !ith the teacher and other tudent $ and through dra!ing and !riting. .here are %ulti&le %ean o# engage%ent3 tudent have o&&ortunitie to !or/ !ith other and alone -inter&er onal and intra&er onal15 the ta / in related to real !orld !or/ tory !riting5 the ru"ric i hared and revie!ed &rior to the ta /5 and co%%unity and colla"oration i utili)ed. .he gra&hic organi)er !ill ca##old learner through the !riting &roce . .hi le on integrate %ulti&le intelligence -Gardner$ 20111. Bor ver"al and lingui tic learner and %athe%atical-logical leaner $ in#or%ation i organi)ed in a gra&hic organi)er. Bor %u ical learner $ rela+ing %u ic i &layed to ti%ulate thought . Bor inter&er onal and intra&er onal learner $ tudent had o&&ortunitie to !or/ alone and together through grou& di cu ion .

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$ 8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

1 0

Kathleen Cooney Second Grade

10/10/13 Sequencing in Narrative Writing

Gra&hic Drgani)er Au"ric

CATEGORY Picks a specific moment in time about a time they did something they thought they couldnt )o,4letion o+ ea-h -ate or1 o+ the ra4hior ani6er

The specific moment The specific moment The specific moment The specific moment in time directly in time relates to the in time is somewhat in time is barely relates to the topic topic related to the topic related to the topic

Each section of the Each section of the graphic organizer is graphic organizer is filled out with much filled out with detail detail

Each section of the graphic organizer is filled out with some detail

Not all sections of the graphic organizer are filled out

ncludes many ncludes se"eral ncludes some $oes not include any Uses the se!uencing words se!uencing words and se!uencing words and or few se!uencing se7!en-in and uses them to uses them to help uses them to help words OR uses "ords dis-!ssed enhance order of the show the order of the show the order of the se!uencing words in -lass s!-h as8 narrati"e# narrati"e# narrati"e# incorrectly% confusing the order of the be innin 8 narrati"e ,iddle8 end8 +irst8 ne9t8 last &sed time well during&sed time well during &sed some of the time $id not use class time Use o+ )lass each class period# each class period# well during each class to focus on the pro(ect Ti,e 'ocused on getting the pro(ect done# Ne"er distracted others# &sually focused on getting the pro(ect done and ne"er distracted others# period# There was OR often distracted some focus on getting others# the pro(ect done but occasionally distracted others#

)htt&3//ru"i tar.Hteacher .org/inde+.&h&2t I13JJ;J;JJK1

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

9e ign .o&ic3 Sequencing in Narrative Writing ???????????????????????????????????????

Su"6ect- 137ngli h <anguage =rt

Grade- 13 Second

9e igner> Na%e3 Kathleen Cooney

A*A Re+eren-e List C=S.. -20121. C=S.3 ="out 89<. What is Uni/ersal Desi n +or Learnin : Aetrieved Dcto"er L$ 2013$ #ro% htt&3//!!!.ca Gardner$ G. -20111. 3ra,es o+ 'ind: The Theor1 o+ '!lti4le Intelli en-es ;.hird ed.1 Ma ic Moo/ . Ne! Nor/ State 7ducation 9e&art%ent -20121. Co%%on Core <earning Standard 3 CO(3 :-123 NNS79. )<I: )!rri-!l!, and Instr!-tion2 State 7ducation 9e&art%ent. Aetireved Dcto"er J$ 2013 #ro% htt&3// !!!.&12.ny tandard /&d#doc / &12?co%%on?core?learning? tandard ?ela.&d# Au"iStar Go%e. Aetrieved Dcto"er K$ 2013 #ro% htt&3//ru"i tar.Hteacher .org/ inde+.&h&2t I13JJ;J;JJK .eacher 4i ion. -n.d.1. Writin a *ersonal Narrati/e2 Aetrieved Dcto"er J$ 2013 #ro% htt&3// !!!.teachervi"le / cott#ore %an/read?H?81?W:.&d# Wiggin $ G.$ O 0c.ighe$ @. -200J1. Understandin b1 desi n. -2nd ed.1. 8&&er Saddle Aiver$ N@3 :ear on 7ducation (nc. Writin +ro, the =e innin 222and =e1ond -20111. .hin/ing 0a& (nc. Aetrieved Dcto"er J$ 2013 #ro% htt&3//thin/ing%a& .co%/&d#doc /NarrativeWriting&revie!&ac/et.&d#

Graphic Organizer:

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

1 0

Kathleen Cooney Second Grade

10/10/13 Sequencing in Narrative Writing

Name: Writing a Personal Narrative Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer with information about a time you did something you thought you couldnt do.

Possible title: __________________________________

Summary What happened? ____________________________

When? __________________________________

Where? __________________________________

Who was there?______________________________

Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

9e ign .o&ic3 Sequencing in Narrative Writing ???????????????????????????????????????

Su"6ect- 137ngli h <anguage =rt

Grade- 13 Second

9e igner> Na%e3 Kathleen Cooney


Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

1 0

Kathleen Cooney Second Grade

10/10/13 Sequencing in Narrative Writing


Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

9e ign .o&ic3 Sequencing in Narrative Writing ???????????????????????????????????????

Su"6ect- 137ngli h <anguage =rt

Grade- 13 Second

9e igner> Na%e3 Kathleen Cooney



Source3 8nder tanding "y 9e ign$

8nit 9e ign :lanning .e%&late -Wiggin /0c.ighe 200;1

1 0

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