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BV Lesson 3

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Lesson Planning Form for Accessible Instruction Calvin College Education Program

Teacher Date David Vander Haak 4/18/2014 Subject/ Topic/ Theme Bacteria/Viruses rade 10

I. Objectives How does t is lesson connect to t e unit !lan"

This is the third !esson in a !esson on bacteria and viruses" #n this !esson$ students %i!! carr& out their investi'ation p!an made the da& prior and %i!! be co!!ectin' data and doin' a %rite(up in the ne)t !esson"

Learners will be able to#

*eco'ni0e that some bacteria can be bad$ but most are not" .arr& out a se!1(desi'ned investi'ation

co'nitive( * + ,p ,n - ./

ph&sica! deve!opment

socio( emotiona!

*$+ ,p$,n$-$ .

/ /

Common Core standards $or %LCEs if not available in Common Core& addressed# '(.(' -va!uate the uncertainties or va!idit& o1 scienti1ic conc!usions usin' an understandin' o1 sources o1 measurement error$ the cha!!en'es o1 contro!!in' variab!es$ accurac& o1 data ana!&sis$ !o'ic o1 ar'ument$ !o'ic o1 e)perimenta! desi'n$ and/or the dependence on under!&in' assumptions" ').* Describe the structures o1 viruses and bacteria" CC++.ELA,LI-E.AC/.0H+-.1,(2.(.A #ntroduce precise c!aim2s3$ distin'uish the c!aim2s3 1rom a!ternate or opposin' c!aims$ and create an or'ani0ation that estab!ishes c!ear re!ationships amon' the c!aim2s3$ counterc!aims$ reasons$ and evidence"
24ote# 5rite as man& as needed" #ndicate ta)onom& !eve!s and connections to app!icab!e nationa! or state standards" #1 an objective app!ies to particu!ar !earners %rite the name2s3 o1 the !earner2s3 to %hom it app!ies"3 /remember$ understand$ app!&$ ana!&0e$ eva!uate$ create

II. 'efore 3ou start Identif3 !rere4uisite 5nowledge and s5ills.

Students must kno% ho% the& are 'oin' to carr& out this e)periment be1ore be'innin'"
Pre-assessment (for learning):

Outline assessment activities 2app!icab!e to this !esson3

Formative (for learning): The teacher %i!! 'o around askin' 'roups ho% the& are settin' up their

e)periment to make sure the& are doin' 1air testin'"

Formative (as learning): Students %i!! be carr&in' out e)periments that the& desi'ned6thus !earnin' 1actors that a11ect bacteria! 'ro%th b& actua!!& testin' them themse!ves" 7a'e 4 o1 chapter 4 stud& 'uide" Summative (of learning38 Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of .e!resentation 7rovide options 1or perception( making information perceptible Bacteria bu11et 'ives students common back'round %ith he!p1u! bacteria" Students or'ani0e in1ormation in their oo'!e Doc !ab" 7rovide options 1or !an'ua'e$ mathematica! e)pressions$ and s&mbo!s( clarify & connect language Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of Action and E8!ression 7rovide options 1or ph&sica! action( increase options for interaction Students carr& out their o%n e)periment$ 'ettin' materia!s and settin' up their desi'n" Students eat stu11" 7rovide options 1or e)pression and communication( increase me ium of e!pression Provide 9ulti!le 9eans of Engagement 7rovide options 1or recruitin' interest( choice, relevance, value, authenticity, minimize threats Students are carr&in' out e)periments that the& desi'ned" 9ood is a!%a&s interestin'" 7rovide options 1or sustainin' e11ort and persistence( optimize challenge, collaboration, masteryoriente fee back

0 at barriers mig t t is lesson !resent" 0 at will it ta5e 6 neurodevelo!mentall37 e8!erientiall37 emotionall37 etc.7 for 3our students to do t is lesson"

Students are or'ani0in' %hat the& are doin' 1or the e)periment in charts on their oo'!e Docs"

Students are makin' an ar'ument in their on'oin' %ritin' assi'nment"

Students are co!!aboratin' in their !ab" Settin' up the e)periment$ %hich ma& have just been a ver& basic desi'n that did not cover ever& possibi!it& cou!d be a cha!!en'e"


7rovide options 1or comprehension( activate, apply & highlight

,pp!&in' ho% bacteria are he!p1u! to hi'h!i'htin' their ro!e in 1ood"

7rovide options 1or e)ecutive 1unctions( coor inate short & long term goals, monitor progress, an mo ify strategies

7rovide options 1or se!1(re'u!ation( e!pectations, personal skills an strategies, self-assessment & reflection

Students are %orkin' throu'h their !abs one section at a time"

Students have rubrics 1or their !ab and %ritin' assi'nment"

9aterials,w at materials $boo5s7 andouts7 etc& do 3ou need for t is lesson and are t e3 read3 to use"

9oods %ith bacteria in them 2choco!ate$ sauerkraut$ S%iss cheese$ &o'urt$ pick!e$ sourdou'h bread3 7aper p!ates ) 40 7!astic spoons ) 40 <aptops 21813 7etri dishes ) 20 =askin' tape 7ermanent markers !ass beads raduated c&!inders !ass 1unne!s Disposab!e pipets Sma!! 1i!ter paper circ!es 2cut out %ith a ho!e punch3 <ive bacteria broth Same as !ast !esson"

How will 3our classroom be set u! for t is lesson" III. - e Plan -ime 0800( 0808 Com!onents 9otivation 2openin'/ introduction/ en'a'ement3 :escribe teacher activities A;: student activities for eac com!onent of t e lesson. Include im!ortant ig er order t in5ing 4uestions and<or !rom!ts. Bacteria bu11et6each student %i!! receive a p!ate Students eat each 1ood item a1ter the teacher ta!ks %ith a pick!e$ sauerkraut$ &o'urt$ S%iss cheese$ about it" sourdou'h bread$ and choco!ate" Te!! the students not to eat an&thin' unti! the teacher ta!ks about it" The teacher e)p!ains ho% bacteria is invo!ved in the makin' o1 each 1ood 2'ives sour taste to pick!e$ bread$ sauerkraut$ pumped into &o'urt6ask8 %hat>s that &o'urt the&>re a!%a&s advertisin' on TV as 'ood 1or &our di'estive s&stem?6$ used to 1erment the nibs o1 cocoa3" Transition8 The bacteria in these 1oods are he!p1u!$ harm!ess bacteria$ but there is that 1@ o1 bacteria that is harm1u!$ so it mi'ht be use1u! to kno% %hat 1actors a11ect bacteria! 'ro%th$ so %e can prevent the bad bacteria 1rom 'ro%in' in our homes$ on our 1ood$ in our bodies" The investi'ation p!an &ou made &esterda& tests some o1 these 1actors" ,sk students to take out their computers and open up their !abs" -)p!ain the procedure 1or coverin' the p!ate %ith bacteria 2'et a coup!e drops o1 the bacteria broth 1rom the teacher$ and spread it around b& p!acin' the '!ass beads in the dish and ti!tin' around3" #nstruct 'roups to !abe! their p!ates be1ore 'ettin' bacteria" ,sk %hich 'roups need t%o p!ates to test environmenta! 1actors and %hich on!& need one$

:evelo!ment 2the !ar'est component or main bod& o1 the !esson3

Students open their !abs"

0810( 08;0 1(1:(1;

Students %i!! %ork throu'h their investi'ation p!ans" 5hen 1inished the students %i!! c!ean up$

and pass out p!ates" -)p!ain to the %ho!e c!ass 2so thin's don>t 'et chaotic %ith a 1e% 'roups startin' their investi'ation3$ ho% to test products b& soakin' sma!! circ!es o1 1i!ter paper$ and p!acin' the 1i!ter paper direct!& on the a'ar" Set 'roups !oose to carr& out their investi'ation" Teacher %i!! 'o around askin' 'roups ho% the& are settin' up their e)periment to make sure the& are doin' 1air testin'" An a cop& o1 the seatin' chart$ check o11 that each 'roup has a 1air test" ,s on!& one or t%o 'roups %i!! be doin' di!utions$ he!p those 'roups individua!!& b& e)p!ainin' ho% to di!ute chemica!s %ith %ater" Ance the students are done %ith their p!ates and have taped them c!osed and %ritten their names and c!ass hour on them$ p!ace a!! but the ones testin' environmenta! 1actors in the incubator 2p!ace those testin' !i'ht and dark$ %armth and coo!ness in their appropriate environments3" Closure 2conc!usion$ cu!mination$ %rap(up3 08;:( 0840 Teacher %i!! assi'n pa'e 4 o1 the chapter ; stud& 'uide 1or ne)t Tuesda&"

puttin' back a!! materia!s and

Students %i!! spend %hatever time the& have !e1t %orkin' on their %ritin' assi'nments due ne)t Thursda&"

/our reflection about t e lesson7 including evidence$s& of student learning and engagement7 as well as ideas for im!rovement for ne8t time. 25rite this a1ter teachin' the !esson$ i1 &ou had a chance to teach it" #1 &ou did not teach this !esson$ 1ocus on the process o1 preparin' the !esson"3 #n this !esson$ # 'enera!!& sa% a hi'h !eve! o1 student en'a'ement" Students %ere carr&in' out their o%n e)periments$ so the& 1ound that interestin' and en'a'in'" There %ere a coup!e 'roups %hose investi'ations %ere not %e!!(desi'ned$ and so the& %ere not read& to do an&thin'$ and one 'roup just sat there and didn>t do an&thin'$ even %hen # repeated!& encoura'ed them to carr& out their e)periment" =rs" 5ri'ht s%itched up the order$ so that the bacteria bu11et %as a1ter carr&in' out the e)periment$ so %hi!e most o1 the c!ass %as doin' that$ # had to address Buestions 1rom the one 'roup that %as behind" 9or ne)t time$ i1 # 'ave more time in the previous !esson 1or p!annin' the investi'ation$ # mi'ht have the 'roups check %ith me be1ore the& cou!d ca!! it done$ so that # cou!d make sure students kne% %hat the& %ere 'oin' to do in this !esson"


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