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Part of Body: Bahasa Inggris Yang Harus Kamu Ketahui.)

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A. The table below shows the name of body part in English that you have
to know! (Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan nama nama bagian dari tubuh dalam
bahasa inggris yang harus kamu ketahui.)

head = kepala mouth = mulut stomach = perut

hair = rambut elbow = sikut waist = pinggang
face = wajah arm = pergelangan tangan skin = kulit
forehead = kening hand = tangan knee = lutut
eye = mata finger = jari leg = pergelangan kaki
eyebrow = alis thumb = jempol foot = kaki
eyelashes = bulu mata index finger = jari ankle = mata kaki
ear = telinga telunjuk heel = tumit
nose = hidung middle finger = jari toes = jari kaki
chin = dagu tengah back = punggung
cheek = pipi ring finger = jari manis thigh = paha
neck = leher little finger = jari calf = betis
lips = bibir kelingking bottom = pantat
tooth = gigi shoulder = bahu
tongue = lidah chest = dada

B. Sing the song about part of body below with your friends and your
teacher. (Nyanyikan lagu tentang bagian bagian tubuh dibawah ini bersama
dengan teman temanmu dan gurumu)


Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
March, March, March
Let us all march
March March March
Get your body charge!

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
Jump, Jump, Jump,
Let's all jump.
Jump, Jump, Jump.
Make your muscle pump!

Punch punch punch

Let's all punch
Punch punch punch

Have a hearty munch!

Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes

Knees and Toes
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes
and Eyes, and Ear, and Mouth and Nose.
Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes
Knees and Toes

Download the song here :


C. Arrange the letters bellow! (Susunlah huruf-huruf berikut!)

1. D – E –A – H = …………………………………

2. R –A – I – H = …………………………………

3. D – A – H – N = …………………………………

4. I – N – G – E – R – F = …………………………………

5. T – O – F – O = …………………………………

6. S – E – Y – E = …………………………………

7. E – S – O – N = …………………………………

8. R – E – D – O – H – S – L – U = …………………………………

9. H – C – O – T – S – A – M = …………………………………

10. O – O – H – T – T = …………………………………

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