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Ubd 3 Jae Hee Kim With Comments 3-22-14

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Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1

CNMI Public School System

Understanding by Design
Collaborative Curriculum Unit Planning
School: SAES Grade evel:4th & 5th !ee"#s$ o%: 03/24/2014~` 03/27/2014
Stage &: Identi%y Desired 'esults
Standard(s and B!n"h#ar$(s%
Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support coprehension.
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
&'nt!nt O()!"t*+!(s%
Learn new words

Lan,-a,! O()!"t*+!(s
$a%e personal dictionary containin!& "oca'ulary( definition( ) sentence( drawin!( and a
(ig Idea#s$)Students *ill understand that*
Students will understand that...
+uildin! "oca'ulary helps with ortho!raphy ,writin!-( listenin! coprehension( spea%in!( and readin!
.hat !ss!nt*a3 4-!st*'ns 5*33 (! "'ns*d!r!d2
.hat is the story a'out/
.hat do the words ean/
0ow do I spell the/
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2
0ow can I use the in a sentence/
.hat is its synony/
Students *ill "no*:
The major events of the story (The Ransom of
Red Chief)
The definitions of word
How to spell them
How to use them in a sentence
What is its synonym
Students *ill be able to:
Students will 'e a'le to...
1. Retell the story in their own words accurately
2. efine the un!nown words in the story correctly
". #pell the un!nown words in the story correctly
$. %se the un!nown words in a sentence
&. 'ame the un!nown word(s synonym
Sta,! 2% D!t!r#*n! A""!;ta(3! E+*d!n"!
Per%ormance +as"#s$ #summary in G'ASPS %orm)See 'e%erence$&
Authentic( perforance 'ased tas%s that ha"e students apply what they ha"e learned and
deonstrate their understandin!.
1esi!ned at least at the application le"el or hi!her on +loo2s Ta#onoy. H'52
Ru'rics can 'e used to !uide students in self-assessent of their perforance
Per%ormance +as" 'ubric:
Criteria Advance #,$ Pro%icient #-$ #/$ (eginning #&$
I can say the
*ord 2 tell
e3actly *hat it
I can say the
*ord 2 tell
mostly *hat it
I4m not sure I
can say the *ord
2 tell *hat it
I don4t
understand the
*ord at all
Able to ans*er all
, listening
6uestions 2all -
reading 6uestions
Able to ans*er -
6uestions 2 /
reading 6uestions
Able to ans*er /
6uestions 2 &
reading 6uestions
Able to ans*er
none o% the
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 3
Partici.ation Able to ma"e eye
contact *5
s.ea"er7 sit u.
straight *hile
listening7 raise
hand be%ore
s.ea"ing7 and
stay on to.ic
Able to ma"e eye
contact *5
s.ea"er ma8ority
o% the time7 sit u.
straight *hile
listening most o%
the time7 raise
hand be%ore
s.ea"ing most o%
the time7 and
%ollo* directions
most o% the time
Able to ma"e
minimal eye
contact *5
s.ea"er7 try to sit
u. straight *hile
listening7 raise
hand *ith
reminder7 and
%ollo* directions
*ith .rom.t
Able to ma"e no
eye contact *5
s.ea"er7 sit u.
straight none o%
the time *hile
listening7 raise
hand none o% the
time7 and %ollo*
directions none o%
the time
Add more ro*s as necessary
&O0ST1/&TI0G A =E19O1>A0&E TAS6 /SI0G G1AS=S
Goal 1ole Audience Situation
=erforance and
Standards and
Criteria for
$y tas% is to
writers( and
$y !oal is
to 'uild a
stron! set of
The pro'le
or challen!e
is to ha"e
the students
focused and
the whole
I a a
I ha"e 'een
as%ed to
read a story
with the
students and
teach the
words fro
the story
$y 3o' is to
%eep the
focused on
the topic of
a%e a
for each
$y clients
are students
with A11 4
The tar!et
audience is
4th 4 5th
I need to
con"ince )
4th !rader
with A101
4 6 5th
!raders with
The conte#t I
find yself in is
a pull-out
session for
students with
A11 4 A101
to teach
lan!ua!e arts
The challen!e
in"ol"es dealin!
with students in
different !rade
le"els of
intellect and
different le"els
of se"erity in
A11 4 A101
I will use a
for in
order to %eep
the students
focused and
en!a!ed in
I need to
de"elop a
7'1 so that
all the !oals
and o'3ects(
standards and
and SL9s are
needs to 'e
'ased on the
!uidelines I 4
$y wor% will
'e 3ud!ed 'y
done 'y y
$y product
ust eet the
standards 4
A successful
result will
ena'le students
to create his:
her own
9ther Evidence#s$7 6ui::es7 tests7 .rom.ts7 observations7 dialogues7 *or" sam.le:
Spellin! test
Listenin! coprehension test
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 4
Readin! coprehension test
;$y 1ictionary; acti"ity
Spin < Spell
Student Sel%)Assessment and 'e%lection:
Self evaluation form
Rate Yourself (included in "My Dictionary")
0't!% S!! 9a"!t '? /nd!rstand*n, 1!?!r!n"!
Sta,! 3% =3an L!arn*n, E@;!r*!n"!s and Instr-"t*'n
A"t*+*tA Ban$ (S!! 1!?!r!n"! 'n .HE1ETO E3!#!nts ?'r ,-*d!d 4-!st*'ns t' ;3an a"t*+*t*!s% L*st
a33 a"t*+*t*!s ?'r th! 5!!$(sB "3ass 5'r$C ;r')!"tsC h'#!5'r$C 3!arn*n, tas$sC ass!ss#!ntsC !t"D
9utline the learnin! plan ,teachin! 4 learnin! acti"ities-. This plan should 'e ali!ned clearly with
the desired results ,i.e.( !eared towards ha"in! students eet the o'3ecti"es( answer the essential
8uestions( and 'e a'le to coplete the assessent acti"ities-. There are any forats that you can
use for this part of the lesson plan ,e.!. 0unter Eleents of Lesson 1esi!n-( 'ut the plan should
include all of the followin! coponents&
T*t3!% 0O S&HOOL ,C9=E<A<T 1AY-
L!ss'n E% 0/A
T';*"% 0/A
Dat!% >ar"h 24C 2014C >'ndaA
T*#!% 0/A
T*t3!% FTh! 1ans'# '? 1!d &h*!?F BA% OD H!nrA
L!ss'n E% 1
T';*"% Id!nt*?A*n, /n$n'5n .'rds
Dat!% >ar"h 25C 2014C T-!sdaA
T*#!% 1%00 =>~ 1%45 =>
Standards & B!n"h#ar$s%
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
Students will be able to...
>re-read and answer listenin! coprehension 8uestions correctly with teacher2s
Identify and circle un%nown words
Loo% for definitions for those words usin! the online dictionary&
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 5
). >at!r*a3s & r!s'-r"!s&
;The Ranso of Red Chief; online audio story- Lin%&
;The Ranso of Red Chief; >ower>oint of story pictures ,attached to this eail-
;$y 1ictionary; Teplate ,attached to this eail-
2D T*#!3*n!
Introductory& The teacher will !o o"er classroo nors:rules. The teacher will also
distri'ute and !o o"er copies of listenin! coprehension 8uestions ,5 inutes-
1e"elopental& The students will listen to the audio story( ;The Ranso of the Red
Chief ,+y& 9. 0enry-. The students will answer the listenin! coprehension 8uestions
as a thin% aloud. Then( the teacher will distri'ute copies of the written for of the story(
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,+y& 9. 0enry-. The students will 'e as%ed to circle all
words that they do not %now of. ,If there is still tie- The students will loo% up
definitions of the words they ha"e circled and write it in their ;$y 1ictionary ,teplate
attached to this eail-.; ,@5 inutes-
Closin!& Students will !o o"er and e"aluate their 'eha"ior today in class ,5 inutes-
The Ranso of the Red Chief( +y& 9. 0enry
'ow) the *+, #pecial -n.lish pro.ram) ,/-R0C,' #T+R0-#.
We present the short story 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. Here is #hep +('eal with the story.
0t loo!ed li!e a .ood thin.. 6ut wait till 0 tell you. We were down south) in ,la2ama 7 6ill riscoll and myself 7
when this !idnappin. idea struc! us. There was a town down there) as flat as a panca!e) and called #ummit.
6ill and 0 had a2out si8 hundred dollars. We needed just two thousand dollars more for an land deal in
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 6
We chose for our victim 99 the only child of an influential citi:en named -2ene:er orset. He was a 2oy of ten)
with red hair. 6ill and 0 that -2ene:er would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to .et his 2oy 2ac!.
6ut wait till 0 tell you.
,2out two miles from #ummit was a little mountain) covered with cedar trees. There was an openin. on the
2ac! of the mountain. We stored our supplies in that cave.
+ne we drove a horse and carria.e past old orset(s house. The 2oy was in the street) throwin. roc!s at
a cat on the opposite fence.
1Hey little 2oy;1 says 6ill) 1would you li!e to have a 2a. of candy and a nice ride<1
The 2oy hits 6ill directly in the eye with a piece of roc!.
That 2oy put up a li!e a wild animal. 6ut) at last) we .ot him down in the 2ottom of the carria.e and drove
We too! him up to the cave. The 2oy had two lar.e 2ird feathers stuc! in his hair. He points a stic! at me and
1Ha; =aleface) do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief) the terror of the plains<1
1He(s all now)1 says 6ill) rollin. up his pants and e8aminin. wounds on his le.s. 1We(re playin. 0ndian. 0(m
+ld Han!) the trapper) Red Chief(s captive. 0(m .oin. to 2e scalped at day2rea!. 6y >eronimo; That !id can
!ic! hard.1
1Red Chief)1 says 0 to the 2oy) 1would you li!e to .o home<1
1,w) what for<1 says he. 10 don(t have any fun at home. 0 hate to .o to school. 0 li!e to camp out. 3ou won(t
ta!e me 2ac! home a.ain) will you<1
1'ot away)1 says 0. 1We(ll stay here in the cave a while.1
1,ll;1 says he. 1That(ll 2e fine. 0 never had such fun in all my life.1
We went to 2ed a2out eleven o(cloc!. ?ust at day2rea!) 0 was awa!ened 2y a series of terri2le screams from
6ill. Red Chief was sittin. on 6ill(s chest) with one hand holdin. his hair. 0n the other) he had a sharp !nife. He
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services
was attemptin. to cut off the top of 6ill(s head) 2ased on what he had declared the 2efore.
0 .ot the !nife away from the 2oy. 6ut) after that event) 6ill(s spirit was 2ro!en. He lay down) 2ut he never
closed an eye a.ain in sleep as lon. as that 2oy was with us.
1o you thin! any2ody will pay out money to .et a little imp li!e that 2ac! home<1 6ill as!ed.
1#ure)1 0 said. 1, 2oy li!e that is just the !ind that parents love. 'ow) you and the Chief .et up and ma!e
somethin. to eat) while 0 .o up on the top of this mountain and loo! around.1
0 clim2ed to the top of the mountain. +ver toward #ummit) 0 e8pected to see the men of the villa.e searchin.
the countryside. 6ut all was peaceful.
1=erhaps)1 says 0 to myself) 1it has not yet 2een discovered that the wolves have ta!en the lam2 from the fold.1 0
went 2ac! down the mountain.
When 0 .ot to the cave) 0 found 6ill 2ac!ed up a.ainst the side of it. He was 2reathin. hard) with the 2oy
threatenin. to stri!e him with a roc!.
1He put a red9hot potato down my 2ac!)1 e8plained 6ill) 1and then crushed it with his foot. 0 hit his ears. Have
you .ot a .un with you) #am<1
0 too! the roc! away from the 2oy and ended the ar.ument.
10(ll fi8 you)1 says the 2oy to 6ill. 1'o man ever yet struc! the Red Chief 2ut what he .ot paid for it. 3ou 2etter
2e careful;1
,fter eatin.) the 2oy ta!es a leather o2ject with strin.s tied around it from his clothes and .oes outside the cave
unwindin. it. Then we heard a !ind of shout. 0t was Red Chief holdin. a slin. in one hand. He moved it faster
and faster around his head.
?ust then 0 heard a heavy sound and a deep 2reath from 6ill. , roc! the si:e of an e.. had hit him just 2ehind
his left ear. 6ill fell in the fire across the fryin. pan of hot water for washin. the dishes. 0 pulled him out and
poured cold water on his head for half an hour.
Then 0 went out and that 2oy and shoo! him.
10f your 2ehavior doesn(t improve)1 says 0) 10(ll ta!e you home. 'ow) are you .oin. to 2e .ood) or not<1
10 was only funnin.)1 says he. 10 didn(t mean to hurt +ld Han!. 6ut what did he hit me for< 0(ll 2ehave if you
don(t send me home.1
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services !
0 it 2est to send a letter to old man orset that day) demandin. the ransom and tellin. how it should 2e
paid. The letter said5
1We have your 2oy hidden in a place far from #ummit. We demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return@ the
money to 2e left at at the same place and in the same 2o8 as your answer.
0f you a.ree to these terms) send the answer in writin. 2y a at half past o(cloc!. ,fter
crossin. +wl Cree!) on the road to =oplar Cove) there are three lar.e trees. ,t the 2ottom of the fence)
opposite the third tree) will 2e a small 2o8. The will place the answer in this 2o8 and return
immediately to #ummit. 0f you fail to a.ree to our demand) you will never see your 2oy a.ain. 0f you pay the
money as demanded) he will 2e returned to you safe and well within three hours.1
0 too! the letter and wal!ed over to =oplar Cove. 0 then sat around the post office and store. ,n old man there
says he hears #ummit is all worried 2ecause of -2ene:er orset(s 2oy havin. 2een lost or stolen. That was all 0
wanted to !now. 0 mailed my letter and left. The postmaster said the mail carrier would come 2y in an hour to
ta!e the mail on to #ummit.
,t half past 0 was up in the third tree) waitin. for the to arrive. -8actly on time) a half9.rown
2oy rides up the road on a 2icycle. He finds the 2o8 at the foot of the fence. He puts a folded piece of paper
into it and leaves) turnin. 2ac! toward #ummit.
0 slid down the tree) .ot the note and was 2ac! at the cave in a half hour. 0 opened the note and read it to 6ill.
This is what it said5
1>entlemen5 0 received your letter a2out the ransom you as! for the return of my son. 0 thin! you are a little hi.h
in your demands. 0 here2y ma!e you a counter9proposal) which 0 2elieve you will accept. 3ou 2rin. ?ohnny
home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars) and 0 a.ree to ta!e him off your hands. 3ou had 2etter come at 2ecause the nei.h2ors 2elieve he is lost. ,nd) 0 could not 2e responsi2le for what they would do to
any2ody they saw him 2ac!. *ery respectfully) -2ene:er orset.1
1>reat pirates of =en:ance;1 says 0) 1of all the nerveA1 6ut 0 loo!ed at 6ill and stopped. He had the most
appealin. loo! in his eyes 0 ever saw on the face of a dum2 or tal!in. animal.
1#am)1 says he) 1what(s two hundred and fifty dollars) after all< We(ve .ot the money. +ne more of this
2oy will drive me cra:y. 0 thin! /ister orset is ma!in. us a .ood offer. 3ou aren(t .oin. to let the chance .o)
are you<1
1Tell you the truth) 6ill)1 says 0) 1this little lam2 has .ot on my nerves) too. We(ll ta!e him home) pay the ransom
and ma!e our .et9away.1
We too! him home that We .ot him to .o 2y tellin. him that his father had him a .un and we were
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services "
.oin. to hunt 2ears the ne8t day.
0t was twelve o(cloc! when we !noc!ed on -2ene:er(s front door. 6ill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars
into orset(s hand.
When the 2oy learned we were plannin. to leave him at home) he started to cry loudly and held himself as
as he could to 6ill(s le.. His father pulled him away slowly.
1How lon. can you hold him<1 as!s 6ill.
10(m not as stron. as 0 used to 2e)1 says old orset) 12ut 0 thin! 0 can promise you ten minutes.1
1-nou.h)1 says 6ill. 10n ten minutes) 0 shall cross the Central) #outhern and /iddle Western states) and 2e
runnin. for the Canadian 2order.1
,nd) as dar! as it was) and as fat as 6ill was) and as .ood a runner as 0 am) he was a .ood mile and a half out
of #ummit 2efore 0 could catch up with him.
3ou have heard the ,merican #tory 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. 3our storyteller was #hep
+('eal. This story was adapted into #pecial -n.lish 2y #helley >ollust. 0t was produced 2y 4awan avis.
4isten a.ain ne8t wee! for another ,merican #tory in *+, #pecial -n.lish. 0(m Baith 4apidus.
(#ource5 http5CClearnin.en.lish.voanews.comCcontentCa92"92DDE9DF9129voa19G"1$21HHC11HDGF.html)
Intr'd-"t'rA a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,$ini Lesson-& The teacher re"iew classroo nors:rules
with the class. Then( she will !o o"er ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; listenin!
coprehension 8uestions with the students. Then( the teacher will ta%e the students into a
>icture .al% usin! the pictures fro the story. The teacher will !o o"er the listenin!
coprehension 8uestions pertainin! to the story with the class.
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher will turn on the audio
recordin! of the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief.; Afterwards( the teacher will !uide
the students to answer the listenin! coprehension 8uestions as a class ,thin% aloud-. Also(
the teacher will deonstrate and e#plain how to write in and use the ;$y 1ictionary
,teplate attached to this eail-.;
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will 'e !i"en a hard
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1#
copy of the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief.; Then( they will 'e as%ed to circle all the
words they do not %now and copy the down into their indi"idual ;$y 1ictionary.;
@. D!+!3';#!nta3 a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,$ini- Lesson- & The teacher will teach how to loo% up
words online usin!&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher will !i"e e#aples of
un%nown words( their definitions( drawin!s( sentences( and synonys.
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will find the
dictionary definition of each word they ha"e circled and recorded in their ;$y 1ictionary.;
4. &3's*n, a"t*+*t*!s&
Self-E"aluation& Chec% ar% the 'o#es in the self-e"aluation for ,e#& a%e eye contact
with spea%er-
B0oewor%& .rite:spell each word 5 ties (Th! 5'rds d!;!nd 'n !a"h st-d!nt (!"a-s!
*tGs 5hat!+!r th!A d' n't $n'5 ?r'# th! st'rAC FTh! 1ans'# '? th! 1!d &h*!?
T*t3!% FTh! 1ans'# '? 1!d &h*!?F BA% OD H!nrA
L!ss'n E% 2
T';*"% D!?*n*n, /n$n'5n .'rds
Dat!% >ar"h 2HC 2014C .!dn!sdaA
T*#!% 1%00 =>~ 1%45 =>
Standards & B!n"h#ar$s%
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
Students will be able to...
Continue loo%in! for definitions for those words usin! the online dictionary&
7se un%nown words in a sentence
1raw each un%nown word as a picture
Find each un%nown word2s synony
5. >at!r*a3s & r!s'-r"!s&
;The Ranso of Red Chief; online audio story- Lin%&
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 11
;$y 1ictionary; Teplate ,attached to this eail-
Coputer w: Internet&
HD T*#!3*n!
Introductory& The teacher will !o o"er classroo nors:rules. The teacher as% the
students to retell the story ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; and what the class did
yesterday ,5 inutes-
1e"elopental& The students will continue where they left off on their pro3ect of ;$y
1ictionary;.; ,@5 inutes-
Closin!& Students will !o o"er and e"aluate their 'eha"ior today in class ,5 inutes-
The Ranso of the Red Chief( +y& 9. 0enry
'ow) the *+, #pecial -n.lish pro.ram) ,/-R0C,' #T+R0-#.
We present the short story 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. Here is #hep +('eal with the story.
0t loo!ed li!e a .ood thin.. 6ut wait till 0 tell you. We were down south) in ,la2ama 7 6ill riscoll and myself 7
when this !idnappin. idea struc! us. There was a town down there) as flat as a panca!e) and called #ummit.
6ill and 0 had a2out si8 hundred dollars. We needed just two thousand dollars more for an land deal in
We chose for our victim 99 the only child of an influential citi:en named -2ene:er orset. He was a 2oy of ten)
with red hair. 6ill and 0 that -2ene:er would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to .et his 2oy 2ac!.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 12
6ut wait till 0 tell you.
,2out two miles from #ummit was a little mountain) covered with cedar trees. There was an openin. on the
2ac! of the mountain. We stored our supplies in that cave.
+ne we drove a horse and carria.e past old orset(s house. The 2oy was in the street) throwin. roc!s at
a cat on the opposite fence.
1Hey little 2oy;1 says 6ill) 1would you li!e to have a 2a. of candy and a nice ride<1
The 2oy hits 6ill directly in the eye with a piece of roc!.
That 2oy put up a li!e a wild animal. 6ut) at last) we .ot him down in the 2ottom of the carria.e and drove
We too! him up to the cave. The 2oy had two lar.e 2ird feathers stuc! in his hair. He points a stic! at me and
1Ha; =aleface) do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief) the terror of the plains<1
1He(s all now)1 says 6ill) rollin. up his pants and e8aminin. wounds on his le.s. 1We(re playin. 0ndian. 0(m
+ld Han!) the trapper) Red Chief(s captive. 0(m .oin. to 2e scalped at day2rea!. 6y >eronimo; That !id can
!ic! hard.1
1Red Chief)1 says 0 to the 2oy) 1would you li!e to .o home<1
1,w) what for<1 says he. 10 don(t have any fun at home. 0 hate to .o to school. 0 li!e to camp out. 3ou won(t
ta!e me 2ac! home a.ain) will you<1
1'ot away)1 says 0. 1We(ll stay here in the cave a while.1
1,ll;1 says he. 1That(ll 2e fine. 0 never had such fun in all my life.1
We went to 2ed a2out eleven o(cloc!. ?ust at day2rea!) 0 was awa!ened 2y a series of terri2le screams from
6ill. Red Chief was sittin. on 6ill(s chest) with one hand holdin. his hair. 0n the other) he had a sharp !nife. He
was attemptin. to cut off the top of 6ill(s head) 2ased on what he had declared the 2efore.
0 .ot the !nife away from the 2oy. 6ut) after that event) 6ill(s spirit was 2ro!en. He lay down) 2ut he never
closed an eye a.ain in sleep as lon. as that 2oy was with us.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 13
1o you thin! any2ody will pay out money to .et a little imp li!e that 2ac! home<1 6ill as!ed.
1#ure)1 0 said. 1, 2oy li!e that is just the !ind that parents love. 'ow) you and the Chief .et up and ma!e
somethin. to eat) while 0 .o up on the top of this mountain and loo! around.1
0 clim2ed to the top of the mountain. +ver toward #ummit) 0 e8pected to see the men of the villa.e searchin.
the countryside. 6ut all was peaceful.
1=erhaps)1 says 0 to myself) 1it has not yet 2een discovered that the wolves have ta!en the lam2 from the fold.1 0
went 2ac! down the mountain.
When 0 .ot to the cave) 0 found 6ill 2ac!ed up a.ainst the side of it. He was 2reathin. hard) with the 2oy
threatenin. to stri!e him with a roc!.
1He put a red9hot potato down my 2ac!)1 e8plained 6ill) 1and then crushed it with his foot. 0 hit his ears. Have
you .ot a .un with you) #am<1
0 too! the roc! away from the 2oy and ended the ar.ument.
10(ll fi8 you)1 says the 2oy to 6ill. 1'o man ever yet struc! the Red Chief 2ut what he .ot paid for it. 3ou 2etter
2e careful;1
,fter eatin.) the 2oy ta!es a leather o2ject with strin.s tied around it from his clothes and .oes outside the cave
unwindin. it. Then we heard a !ind of shout. 0t was Red Chief holdin. a slin. in one hand. He moved it faster
and faster around his head.
?ust then 0 heard a heavy sound and a deep 2reath from 6ill. , roc! the si:e of an e.. had hit him just 2ehind
his left ear. 6ill fell in the fire across the fryin. pan of hot water for washin. the dishes. 0 pulled him out and
poured cold water on his head for half an hour.
Then 0 went out and that 2oy and shoo! him.
10f your 2ehavior doesn(t improve)1 says 0) 10(ll ta!e you home. 'ow) are you .oin. to 2e .ood) or not<1
10 was only funnin.)1 says he. 10 didn(t mean to hurt +ld Han!. 6ut what did he hit me for< 0(ll 2ehave if you
don(t send me home.1
0 it 2est to send a letter to old man orset that day) demandin. the ransom and tellin. how it should 2e
paid. The letter said5
1We have your 2oy hidden in a place far from #ummit. We demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return@ the
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 14
money to 2e left at at the same place and in the same 2o8 as your answer.
0f you a.ree to these terms) send the answer in writin. 2y a at half past o(cloc!. ,fter
crossin. +wl Cree!) on the road to =oplar Cove) there are three lar.e trees. ,t the 2ottom of the fence)
opposite the third tree) will 2e a small 2o8. The will place the answer in this 2o8 and return
immediately to #ummit. 0f you fail to a.ree to our demand) you will never see your 2oy a.ain. 0f you pay the
money as demanded) he will 2e returned to you safe and well within three hours.1
0 too! the letter and wal!ed over to =oplar Cove. 0 then sat around the post office and store. ,n old man there
says he hears #ummit is all worried 2ecause of -2ene:er orset(s 2oy havin. 2een lost or stolen. That was all 0
wanted to !now. 0 mailed my letter and left. The postmaster said the mail carrier would come 2y in an hour to
ta!e the mail on to #ummit.
,t half past 0 was up in the third tree) waitin. for the to arrive. -8actly on time) a half9.rown
2oy rides up the road on a 2icycle. He finds the 2o8 at the foot of the fence. He puts a folded piece of paper
into it and leaves) turnin. 2ac! toward #ummit.
0 slid down the tree) .ot the note and was 2ac! at the cave in a half hour. 0 opened the note and read it to 6ill.
This is what it said5
1>entlemen5 0 received your letter a2out the ransom you as! for the return of my son. 0 thin! you are a little hi.h
in your demands. 0 here2y ma!e you a counter9proposal) which 0 2elieve you will accept. 3ou 2rin. ?ohnny
home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars) and 0 a.ree to ta!e him off your hands. 3ou had 2etter come at 2ecause the nei.h2ors 2elieve he is lost. ,nd) 0 could not 2e responsi2le for what they would do to
any2ody they saw him 2ac!. *ery respectfully) -2ene:er orset.1
1>reat pirates of =en:ance;1 says 0) 1of all the nerveA1 6ut 0 loo!ed at 6ill and stopped. He had the most
appealin. loo! in his eyes 0 ever saw on the face of a dum2 or tal!in. animal.
1#am)1 says he) 1what(s two hundred and fifty dollars) after all< We(ve .ot the money. +ne more of this
2oy will drive me cra:y. 0 thin! /ister orset is ma!in. us a .ood offer. 3ou aren(t .oin. to let the chance .o)
are you<1
1Tell you the truth) 6ill)1 says 0) 1this little lam2 has .ot on my nerves) too. We(ll ta!e him home) pay the ransom
and ma!e our .et9away.1
We too! him home that We .ot him to .o 2y tellin. him that his father had him a .un and we were
.oin. to hunt 2ears the ne8t day.
0t was twelve o(cloc! when we !noc!ed on -2ene:er(s front door. 6ill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 15
into orset(s hand.
When the 2oy learned we were plannin. to leave him at home) he started to cry loudly and held himself as
as he could to 6ill(s le.. His father pulled him away slowly.
1How lon. can you hold him<1 as!s 6ill.
10(m not as stron. as 0 used to 2e)1 says old orset) 12ut 0 thin! 0 can promise you ten minutes.1
1-nou.h)1 says 6ill. 10n ten minutes) 0 shall cross the Central) #outhern and /iddle Western states) and 2e
runnin. for the Canadian 2order.1
,nd) as dar! as it was) and as fat as 6ill was) and as .ood a runner as 0 am) he was a .ood mile and a half out
of #ummit 2efore 0 could catch up with him.
3ou have heard the ,merican #tory 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. 3our storyteller was #hep
+('eal. This story was adapted into #pecial -n.lish 2y #helley >ollust. 0t was produced 2y 4awan avis.
4isten a.ain ne8t wee! for another ,merican #tory in *+, #pecial -n.lish. 0(m Baith 4apidus.
(#ource5 http5CClearnin.en.lish.voanews.comCcontentCa92"92DDE9DF9129voa19G"1$21HHC11HDGF.html)
Intr'd-"t'rA a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,$ini Lesson-& The teacher will re"iew classroo
nors:rules with the class. Then( she will as% students to retell the story( ;The Ranso of
the Red Chief.; The class will also re"iew what they ha"e done the day 'efore.
Cuestions to as% for retellin! ;The Ranso of the Red Chief&;
;.hat is the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; a'out/;
;.hat did we do:learn yesterday/;
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher will turn on the audio
recordin! of the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief.; Afterwards( the teacher will !uide
the students to continue where they left off on their ;$y 1ictionary.;
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 16
D. D!+!3';#!nta3 a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
%now. Students who are finished early will 'e as%ed to write each word and its definition )E
ties. 9nce they are done with the )E ties repetition writin!( they will 'e as%ed to a%e
their 'in!o cards ,preparation for toorrow2s lesson-. The teacher will deonstrate how to
a%e 'in!o cards.
F. &3's*n, a"t*+*t*!s&
,See pa!e 'elow-
Self-E"aluation& Chec% ar% the 'o#es in the self-e"aluation for ,e#& a%e eye contact
with spea%er-
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1
T*t3!% FTh! 1ans'# '? 1!d &h*!?F BA% OD H!nrA
L!ss'n E% 2
T';*"% D!?*n*n, /n$n'5n .'rds
Dat!% >ar"h 2HC 2014C .!dn!sdaA
T*#!% 1%00 =>~ 1%45 =>
Standards & B!n"h#ar$s%
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
Students will be able to...
Continue loo%in! for definitions for those words usin! the online dictionary&
7se un%nown words in a sentence
1raw each un%nown word as a picture
Find each un%nown word2s synony
G. >at!r*a3s & r!s'-r"!s&
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1!
;The Ranso of Red Chief; online audio story- Lin%&
;$y 1ictionary; Teplate ,attached to this eail-
Coputer w: Internet&
10D T*#!3*n!
Introductory& The teacher will !o o"er classroo nors:rules. The teacher as% the
students to retell the story ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; and what the class did
yesterday ,5 inutes-
1e"elopental& The students will continue where they left off on their pro3ect of ;$y
1ictionary;.; ,@5 inutes-
Closin!& Students will !o o"er and e"aluate their 'eha"ior today in class ,5 inutes-
The Ranso of the Red Chief( +y& 9. 0enry
'ow) the *+, #pecial -n.lish pro.ram) ,/-R0C,' #T+R0-#.
We present the short story 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. Here is #hep +('eal with the story.
0t loo!ed li!e a .ood thin.. 6ut wait till 0 tell you. We were down south) in ,la2ama 7 6ill riscoll and myself 7
when this !idnappin. idea struc! us. There was a town down there) as flat as a panca!e) and called #ummit.
6ill and 0 had a2out si8 hundred dollars. We needed just two thousand dollars more for an land deal in
We chose for our victim 99 the only child of an influential citi:en named -2ene:er orset. He was a 2oy of ten)
with red hair. 6ill and 0 that -2ene:er would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to .et his 2oy 2ac!.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1"
6ut wait till 0 tell you.
,2out two miles from #ummit was a little mountain) covered with cedar trees. There was an openin. on the
2ac! of the mountain. We stored our supplies in that cave.
+ne we drove a horse and carria.e past old orset(s house. The 2oy was in the street) throwin. roc!s at
a cat on the opposite fence.
1Hey little 2oy;1 says 6ill) 1would you li!e to have a 2a. of candy and a nice ride<1
The 2oy hits 6ill directly in the eye with a piece of roc!.
That 2oy put up a li!e a wild animal. 6ut) at last) we .ot him down in the 2ottom of the carria.e and drove
We too! him up to the cave. The 2oy had two lar.e 2ird feathers stuc! in his hair. He points a stic! at me and
1Ha; =aleface) do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief) the terror of the plains<1
1He(s all now)1 says 6ill) rollin. up his pants and e8aminin. wounds on his le.s. 1We(re playin. 0ndian. 0(m
+ld Han!) the trapper) Red Chief(s captive. 0(m .oin. to 2e scalped at day2rea!. 6y >eronimo; That !id can
!ic! hard.1
1Red Chief)1 says 0 to the 2oy) 1would you li!e to .o home<1
1,w) what for<1 says he. 10 don(t have any fun at home. 0 hate to .o to school. 0 li!e to camp out. 3ou won(t
ta!e me 2ac! home a.ain) will you<1
1'ot away)1 says 0. 1We(ll stay here in the cave a while.1
1,ll;1 says he. 1That(ll 2e fine. 0 never had such fun in all my life.1
We went to 2ed a2out eleven o(cloc!. ?ust at day2rea!) 0 was awa!ened 2y a series of terri2le screams from
6ill. Red Chief was sittin. on 6ill(s chest) with one hand holdin. his hair. 0n the other) he had a sharp !nife. He
was attemptin. to cut off the top of 6ill(s head) 2ased on what he had declared the 2efore.
0 .ot the !nife away from the 2oy. 6ut) after that event) 6ill(s spirit was 2ro!en. He lay down) 2ut he never
closed an eye a.ain in sleep as lon. as that 2oy was with us.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2#
1o you thin! any2ody will pay out money to .et a little imp li!e that 2ac! home<1 6ill as!ed.
1#ure)1 0 said. 1, 2oy li!e that is just the !ind that parents love. 'ow) you and the Chief .et up and ma!e
somethin. to eat) while 0 .o up on the top of this mountain and loo! around.1
0 clim2ed to the top of the mountain. +ver toward #ummit) 0 e8pected to see the men of the villa.e searchin.
the countryside. 6ut all was peaceful.
1=erhaps)1 says 0 to myself) 1it has not yet 2een discovered that the wolves have ta!en the lam2 from the fold.1 0
went 2ac! down the mountain.
When 0 .ot to the cave) 0 found 6ill 2ac!ed up a.ainst the side of it. He was 2reathin. hard) with the 2oy
threatenin. to stri!e him with a roc!.
1He put a red9hot potato down my 2ac!)1 e8plained 6ill) 1and then crushed it with his foot. 0 hit his ears. Have
you .ot a .un with you) #am<1
0 too! the roc! away from the 2oy and ended the ar.ument.
10(ll fi8 you)1 says the 2oy to 6ill. 1'o man ever yet struc! the Red Chief 2ut what he .ot paid for it. 3ou 2etter
2e careful;1
,fter eatin.) the 2oy ta!es a leather o2ject with strin.s tied around it from his clothes and .oes outside the cave
unwindin. it. Then we heard a !ind of shout. 0t was Red Chief holdin. a slin. in one hand. He moved it faster
and faster around his head.
?ust then 0 heard a heavy sound and a deep 2reath from 6ill. , roc! the si:e of an e.. had hit him just 2ehind
his left ear. 6ill fell in the fire across the fryin. pan of hot water for washin. the dishes. 0 pulled him out and
poured cold water on his head for half an hour.
Then 0 went out and that 2oy and shoo! him.
10f your 2ehavior doesn(t improve)1 says 0) 10(ll ta!e you home. 'ow) are you .oin. to 2e .ood) or not<1
10 was only funnin.)1 says he. 10 didn(t mean to hurt +ld Han!. 6ut what did he hit me for< 0(ll 2ehave if you
don(t send me home.1
0 it 2est to send a letter to old man orset that day) demandin. the ransom and tellin. how it should 2e
paid. The letter said5
1We have your 2oy hidden in a place far from #ummit. We demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return@ the
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 21
money to 2e left at at the same place and in the same 2o8 as your answer.
0f you a.ree to these terms) send the answer in writin. 2y a at half past o(cloc!. ,fter
crossin. +wl Cree!) on the road to =oplar Cove) there are three lar.e trees. ,t the 2ottom of the fence)
opposite the third tree) will 2e a small 2o8. The will place the answer in this 2o8 and return
immediately to #ummit. 0f you fail to a.ree to our demand) you will never see your 2oy a.ain. 0f you pay the
money as demanded) he will 2e returned to you safe and well within three hours.1
0 too! the letter and wal!ed over to =oplar Cove. 0 then sat around the post office and store. ,n old man there
says he hears #ummit is all worried 2ecause of -2ene:er orset(s 2oy havin. 2een lost or stolen. That was all 0
wanted to !now. 0 mailed my letter and left. The postmaster said the mail carrier would come 2y in an hour to
ta!e the mail on to #ummit.
,t half past 0 was up in the third tree) waitin. for the to arrive. -8actly on time) a half9.rown
2oy rides up the road on a 2icycle. He finds the 2o8 at the foot of the fence. He puts a folded piece of paper
into it and leaves) turnin. 2ac! toward #ummit.
0 slid down the tree) .ot the note and was 2ac! at the cave in a half hour. 0 opened the note and read it to 6ill.
This is what it said5
1>entlemen5 0 received your letter a2out the ransom you as! for the return of my son. 0 thin! you are a little hi.h
in your demands. 0 here2y ma!e you a counter9proposal) which 0 2elieve you will accept. 3ou 2rin. ?ohnny
home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars) and 0 a.ree to ta!e him off your hands. 3ou had 2etter come at 2ecause the nei.h2ors 2elieve he is lost. ,nd) 0 could not 2e responsi2le for what they would do to
any2ody they saw him 2ac!. *ery respectfully) -2ene:er orset.1
1>reat pirates of =en:ance;1 says 0) 1of all the nerveA1 6ut 0 loo!ed at 6ill and stopped. He had the most
appealin. loo! in his eyes 0 ever saw on the face of a dum2 or tal!in. animal.
1#am)1 says he) 1what(s two hundred and fifty dollars) after all< We(ve .ot the money. +ne more of this
2oy will drive me cra:y. 0 thin! /ister orset is ma!in. us a .ood offer. 3ou aren(t .oin. to let the chance .o)
are you<1
1Tell you the truth) 6ill)1 says 0) 1this little lam2 has .ot on my nerves) too. We(ll ta!e him home) pay the ransom
and ma!e our .et9away.1
We too! him home that We .ot him to .o 2y tellin. him that his father had him a .un and we were
.oin. to hunt 2ears the ne8t day.
0t was twelve o(cloc! when we !noc!ed on -2ene:er(s front door. 6ill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 22
into orset(s hand.
When the 2oy learned we were plannin. to leave him at home) he started to cry loudly and held himself as
as he could to 6ill(s le.. His father pulled him away slowly.
1How lon. can you hold him<1 as!s 6ill.
10(m not as stron. as 0 used to 2e)1 says old orset) 12ut 0 thin! 0 can promise you ten minutes.1
1-nou.h)1 says 6ill. 10n ten minutes) 0 shall cross the Central) #outhern and /iddle Western states) and 2e
runnin. for the Canadian 2order.1
,nd) as dar! as it was) and as fat as 6ill was) and as .ood a runner as 0 am) he was a .ood mile and a half out
of #ummit 2efore 0 could catch up with him.
3ou have heard the ,merican #tory 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. 3our storyteller was #hep
+('eal. This story was adapted into #pecial -n.lish 2y #helley >ollust. 0t was produced 2y 4awan avis.
4isten a.ain ne8t wee! for another ,merican #tory in *+, #pecial -n.lish. 0(m Baith 4apidus.
(#ource5 http5CClearnin.en.lish.voanews.comCcontentCa92"92DDE9DF9129voa19G"1$21HHC11HDGF.html)
Intr'd-"t'rA a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,$ini Lesson-& The teacher will re"iew classroo
nors:rules with the class. Then( she will as% students to retell the story( ;The Ranso of
the Red Chief.; The class will also re"iew what they ha"e done the day 'efore.
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher will turn on the audio
recordin! of the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief.; Afterwards( the teacher will !uide
the students to continue where they left off on their ;$y 1ictionary.;
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
%now. 0owe"er( if a student ta%es ad"anta!e of this freedo( and does soethin! he:she
should not 'e doin!( he:she will 'e assi!ned wor% to do ,e#& ;1efine all the ters in your
dictionary(; ;Find all the synonys to those words(; ;1raw pictures to 'etter your
understandin! of the definition( ; etc.-
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 23
)). D!+!3';#!nta3 a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
%now. Students who are finished early will 'e as%ed to write each word and its definition )E
ties. 9nce they are done with the )E ties repetition writin!( they will 'e as%ed to a%e
their 'in!o cards ,preparation for toorrow2s lesson-. The teacher will deonstrate how to
a%e 'in!o cards.
)6. &3's*n, a"t*+*t*!s&
,See pa!e 'elow-
Self-E"aluation& Chec% ar% the 'o#es in the self-e"aluation for ,e#& a%e eye contact
with spea%er-
T*t3!% FTh! 1ans'# '? 1!d &h*!?F BA% OD H!nrA
L!ss'n E% 3
T';*"% D!?*n*n, /n$n'5n .'rds
Dat!% >ar"h 27C 2014C Th-rsdaA
T*#!% 1%00 =>~ 1%45 =>
Standards & B!n"h#ar$s%
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
Students will be able to...
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 24
Continue loo%in! for definitions for those words usin! the online dictionary&
7se un%nown words in a sentence
1raw each un%nown word as a picture
Find each un%nown word2s synony
$a%e 'in!o cards usin! their words
)@. >at!r*a3s & r!s'-r"!s&
;The Ranso of Red Chief; online audio story- Lin%&
+in!o Card Teplate
;$y 1ictionary; Teplate ,attached to this eail-
Coputer w: Internet&
14D T*#!3*n!
Introductory& The teacher will !o o"er classroo nors:rules. The teacher as% the
students to retell the story ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; and what the class did
yesterday ,5 inutes-
1e"elopental& The students will continue where they left off on their pro3ect of ;$y
1ictionary;.; ,@5 inutes-
Closin!& Students will !o o"er and e"aluate their 'eha"ior today in class ,5 inutes-
The Ranso of the Red Chief( +y& 9. 0enry
'ow) the *+, #pecial -n.lish pro.ram) ,/-R0C,' #T+R0-#.
We present the short story 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. Here is #hep +('eal with the story.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 25
0t loo!ed li!e a .ood thin.. 6ut wait till 0 tell you. We were down south) in ,la2ama 7 6ill riscoll and myself 7
when this !idnappin. idea struc! us. There was a town down there) as flat as a panca!e) and called #ummit.
6ill and 0 had a2out si8 hundred dollars. We needed just two thousand dollars more for an land deal in
We chose for our victim 99 the only child of an influential citi:en named -2ene:er orset. He was a 2oy of ten)
with red hair. 6ill and 0 that -2ene:er would pay a ransom of two thousand dollars to .et his 2oy 2ac!.
6ut wait till 0 tell you.
,2out two miles from #ummit was a little mountain) covered with cedar trees. There was an openin. on the
2ac! of the mountain. We stored our supplies in that cave.
+ne we drove a horse and carria.e past old orset(s house. The 2oy was in the street) throwin. roc!s at
a cat on the opposite fence.
1Hey little 2oy;1 says 6ill) 1would you li!e to have a 2a. of candy and a nice ride<1
The 2oy hits 6ill directly in the eye with a piece of roc!.
That 2oy put up a li!e a wild animal. 6ut) at last) we .ot him down in the 2ottom of the carria.e and drove
We too! him up to the cave. The 2oy had two lar.e 2ird feathers stuc! in his hair. He points a stic! at me and
1Ha; =aleface) do you dare to enter the camp of Red Chief) the terror of the plains<1
1He(s all now)1 says 6ill) rollin. up his pants and e8aminin. wounds on his le.s. 1We(re playin. 0ndian. 0(m
+ld Han!) the trapper) Red Chief(s captive. 0(m .oin. to 2e scalped at day2rea!. 6y >eronimo; That !id can
!ic! hard.1
1Red Chief)1 says 0 to the 2oy) 1would you li!e to .o home<1
1,w) what for<1 says he. 10 don(t have any fun at home. 0 hate to .o to school. 0 li!e to camp out. 3ou won(t
ta!e me 2ac! home a.ain) will you<1
1'ot away)1 says 0. 1We(ll stay here in the cave a while.1
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 26
1,ll;1 says he. 1That(ll 2e fine. 0 never had such fun in all my life.1
We went to 2ed a2out eleven o(cloc!. ?ust at day2rea!) 0 was awa!ened 2y a series of terri2le screams from
6ill. Red Chief was sittin. on 6ill(s chest) with one hand holdin. his hair. 0n the other) he had a sharp !nife. He
was attemptin. to cut off the top of 6ill(s head) 2ased on what he had declared the 2efore.
0 .ot the !nife away from the 2oy. 6ut) after that event) 6ill(s spirit was 2ro!en. He lay down) 2ut he never
closed an eye a.ain in sleep as lon. as that 2oy was with us.
1o you thin! any2ody will pay out money to .et a little imp li!e that 2ac! home<1 6ill as!ed.
1#ure)1 0 said. 1, 2oy li!e that is just the !ind that parents love. 'ow) you and the Chief .et up and ma!e
somethin. to eat) while 0 .o up on the top of this mountain and loo! around.1
0 clim2ed to the top of the mountain. +ver toward #ummit) 0 e8pected to see the men of the villa.e searchin.
the countryside. 6ut all was peaceful.
1=erhaps)1 says 0 to myself) 1it has not yet 2een discovered that the wolves have ta!en the lam2 from the fold.1 0
went 2ac! down the mountain.
When 0 .ot to the cave) 0 found 6ill 2ac!ed up a.ainst the side of it. He was 2reathin. hard) with the 2oy
threatenin. to stri!e him with a roc!.
1He put a red9hot potato down my 2ac!)1 e8plained 6ill) 1and then crushed it with his foot. 0 hit his ears. Have
you .ot a .un with you) #am<1
0 too! the roc! away from the 2oy and ended the ar.ument.
10(ll fi8 you)1 says the 2oy to 6ill. 1'o man ever yet struc! the Red Chief 2ut what he .ot paid for it. 3ou 2etter
2e careful;1
,fter eatin.) the 2oy ta!es a leather o2ject with strin.s tied around it from his clothes and .oes outside the cave
unwindin. it. Then we heard a !ind of shout. 0t was Red Chief holdin. a slin. in one hand. He moved it faster
and faster around his head.
?ust then 0 heard a heavy sound and a deep 2reath from 6ill. , roc! the si:e of an e.. had hit him just 2ehind
his left ear. 6ill fell in the fire across the fryin. pan of hot water for washin. the dishes. 0 pulled him out and
poured cold water on his head for half an hour.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2
Then 0 went out and that 2oy and shoo! him.
10f your 2ehavior doesn(t improve)1 says 0) 10(ll ta!e you home. 'ow) are you .oin. to 2e .ood) or not<1
10 was only funnin.)1 says he. 10 didn(t mean to hurt +ld Han!. 6ut what did he hit me for< 0(ll 2ehave if you
don(t send me home.1
0 it 2est to send a letter to old man orset that day) demandin. the ransom and tellin. how it should 2e
paid. The letter said5
1We have your 2oy hidden in a place far from #ummit. We demand fifteen hundred dollars for his return@ the
money to 2e left at at the same place and in the same 2o8 as your answer.
0f you a.ree to these terms) send the answer in writin. 2y a at half past o(cloc!. ,fter
crossin. +wl Cree!) on the road to =oplar Cove) there are three lar.e trees. ,t the 2ottom of the fence)
opposite the third tree) will 2e a small 2o8. The will place the answer in this 2o8 and return
immediately to #ummit. 0f you fail to a.ree to our demand) you will never see your 2oy a.ain. 0f you pay the
money as demanded) he will 2e returned to you safe and well within three hours.1
0 too! the letter and wal!ed over to =oplar Cove. 0 then sat around the post office and store. ,n old man there
says he hears #ummit is all worried 2ecause of -2ene:er orset(s 2oy havin. 2een lost or stolen. That was all 0
wanted to !now. 0 mailed my letter and left. The postmaster said the mail carrier would come 2y in an hour to
ta!e the mail on to #ummit.
,t half past 0 was up in the third tree) waitin. for the to arrive. -8actly on time) a half9.rown
2oy rides up the road on a 2icycle. He finds the 2o8 at the foot of the fence. He puts a folded piece of paper
into it and leaves) turnin. 2ac! toward #ummit.
0 slid down the tree) .ot the note and was 2ac! at the cave in a half hour. 0 opened the note and read it to 6ill.
This is what it said5
1>entlemen5 0 received your letter a2out the ransom you as! for the return of my son. 0 thin! you are a little hi.h
in your demands. 0 here2y ma!e you a counter9proposal) which 0 2elieve you will accept. 3ou 2rin. ?ohnny
home and pay me two hundred and fifty dollars) and 0 a.ree to ta!e him off your hands. 3ou had 2etter come at 2ecause the nei.h2ors 2elieve he is lost. ,nd) 0 could not 2e responsi2le for what they would do to
any2ody they saw him 2ac!. *ery respectfully) -2ene:er orset.1
1>reat pirates of =en:ance;1 says 0) 1of all the nerveA1 6ut 0 loo!ed at 6ill and stopped. He had the most
appealin. loo! in his eyes 0 ever saw on the face of a dum2 or tal!in. animal.
1#am)1 says he) 1what(s two hundred and fifty dollars) after all< We(ve .ot the money. +ne more of this
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2!
2oy will drive me cra:y. 0 thin! /ister orset is ma!in. us a .ood offer. 3ou aren(t .oin. to let the chance .o)
are you<1
1Tell you the truth) 6ill)1 says 0) 1this little lam2 has .ot on my nerves) too. We(ll ta!e him home) pay the ransom
and ma!e our .et9away.1
We too! him home that We .ot him to .o 2y tellin. him that his father had him a .un and we were
.oin. to hunt 2ears the ne8t day.
0t was twelve o(cloc! when we !noc!ed on -2ene:er(s front door. 6ill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars
into orset(s hand.
When the 2oy learned we were plannin. to leave him at home) he started to cry loudly and held himself as
as he could to 6ill(s le.. His father pulled him away slowly.
1How lon. can you hold him<1 as!s 6ill.
10(m not as stron. as 0 used to 2e)1 says old orset) 12ut 0 thin! 0 can promise you ten minutes.1
1-nou.h)1 says 6ill. 10n ten minutes) 0 shall cross the Central) #outhern and /iddle Western states) and 2e
runnin. for the Canadian 2order.1
,nd) as dar! as it was) and as fat as 6ill was) and as .ood a runner as 0 am) he was a .ood mile and a half out
of #ummit 2efore 0 could catch up with him.
3ou have heard the ,merican #tory 1The Ransom of Red Chief1 2y +. Henry. 3our storyteller was #hep
+('eal. This story was adapted into #pecial -n.lish 2y #helley >ollust. 0t was produced 2y 4awan avis.
4isten a.ain ne8t wee! for another ,merican #tory in *+, #pecial -n.lish. 0(m Baith 4apidus.
(#ource5 http5CClearnin.en.lish.voanews.comCcontentCa92"92DDE9DF9129voa19G"1$21HHC11HDGF.html)
Intr'd-"t'rA a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,$ini Lesson-& The teacher will re"iew classroo
nors:rules with the class. Then( she will as% students to retell the story( ;The Ranso of
the Red Chief.; The class will also re"iew what they ha"e done the day 'efore.
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher will turn on the audio
recordin! of the story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief.; Afterwards( the teacher will !uide
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 2"
the students to continue where they left off on their ;$y 1ictionary.;
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
)5. D!+!3';#!nta3 a"t*+*t*!s&
;The Ranso of the Red Chief; ,Independent >ractice- & The students will freely wor% on
their own to define( write a sentence( draw( and find synonys for the words they don2t
%now. Students who are finished early will 'e as%ed to write each word and its definition 5
ties. 9nce they are done with the 5 ties repetition writin!( they will 'e as%ed to a%e
their 'in!o cards ,preparation for toorrow2s lesson-. The teacher will deonstrate how to
a%e 'in!o cards.
)H. &3's*n, a"t*+*t*!s&
>repare flash cards ,usin! the 'in!o cards- to study for test toorrow
Self-E"aluation& Chec% ar% the 'o#es in the self-e"aluation for ,e#& a%e eye contact
with spea%er-
T*t3!% FTh! 1ans'# '? 1!d &h*!?F BA% OD H!nrA
L!ss'n E% 4
T';*"% TEST DA7
Dat!% >ar"h 2IC 2014C 9r*daA
T*#!% 1%00 =>~ 1%45 =>
Standards & B!n"h#ar$s%
Read !rade-le"el te#t with purpose and understandin!.
Students will be able to...
Test their "oca'ulary %nowled!e
>resent @ words ,word( definition( sentence( drawin!( synony( and rate yourself-
that they ha"e learned a'out this wee%
)D. >at!r*a3s & r!s'-r"!s&
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 3#
;$y 1ictionary;
+in!o cards ,Flash cards for re"iew-
The story( ;The Ranso of the Red Chief; w: readin! coprehension 8uestions
1ID T*#!3*n!
Introductory& The teacher will re"iew with the class of the listenin! and readin!
coprehension 8uestions( and soe "oca'ulary ,5 inutes-
1e"elopental& The students will ta%e the spellin! test first. Then the students will ta%e
the readin! coprehension 8uestions; Then( the students will 'e allowed to use their
;$y 1ictionary to find definition( sentences( and synonys of the words that they do
not %now and ha"e circled pre"iously on Tuesday .; ,@5 inutes-
Closin!& Students will !o o"er test 8uestions and aterials with the theacher ,5
Intr'd-"t'rA a"t*+*t*!s&
Test ,Auided >ractice- .& The teacher will tell the students the order of the tests that will 'e
!i"en& Spellin!( readin! coprehension( "oca'ulary ,definition-
Test ,Independent >ractice- .& The students will spell the words. Then( the students will 'e
as%ed to use their dictionary to do the rest of the portion of the test ,definin!( writin!(
drawin!( and usin! synonys-
)G. D!+!3';#!nta3 a"t*+*t*!s&
Sharin! ,Independent >ractice- & The students will share @ words that they ha"e learned
throu!hout the wee% ,word( definition( spellin!( drawin!( and synonys- fro their ;$y
dictionary and present it in front of the class.
Free tie ,Independent >ractice- & The students can silently read a 'oo% or wor% on other
&3's*n, a"t*+*t*!s&
Re"iew Test
Self-E"aluation Chec%
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 31
0oewor%& <one
Test ,Auided >ractice- & The teacher and the students will !o o"er test aterials ,spellin!(
definition( etc.-
Free tie ,Independent >ractice-& Cuietly read a 'oo% or wor% on other hoewor%.
. H E 1 E T O
.here are
we !oin!/
.hy/ .hat
is e#pected/
0ow will we
hoo% and
hold student
0ow will we
e8uip students
for e#pected
0ow will we
help students
to rethin%
and re"ise/
0ow will
students self-
e"aluate and
reflect on their
0ow will we
learnin! to
"aried needs(
0ow will we
or!aniIe and
se8uence the
.hat A'- sh'-3d a*# ?'r *n A'-r ;3an%
). Include appropriate strate!ies that proote student learnin!( acti"e
en!a!eent( anipulation and testin! of ideas. Students are as%ed to ta%e
responsi'ility for their own learnin!
6. Include cultural inte!ration. Counity resources are 'rou!ht into lesson.
@. Clearly tie to a standard,s-. Students are as%ed to en!a!e critical thin%in! and
pro'le sol"in! as appropriate to prior %nowled!e( styles and interests
4. En!a!e students in 'oth indi"idual and !roup learnin! 'ased on personal
interests. Students are a'le to a%e choices that help to esta'lish eanin!.
5. Include "ariety and accoodations for learnin! styles( and ultiple le"els of
de"elopent. Lesson clearly ties to curriculu !oals.
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 32
H. Include acti"atin! prior %nowled!e( anticipatin! preconceptions( e#ploration
and pro'le sol"in!( and new s%ill 'uildin!.
+ier I Activities:
List of acti"ities which are at the coon core or standards and 'enchar%
Learner data pro!ress is collected at three periods durin! the year.
+ier II Activities:
List of acti"ities which are at the strate!ic le"el.
Learners do not respond to core curriculu J Kat-ris%L for failure
Suppleental instruction pro"ided.
Learner data pro!ress is fre8uent durin! the year ,e#aple& e"ery 6 wee%s-.
+ier III Activities:
List of acti"ities which are at the strate!ic le"el.
Learners do not respond to core curriculu J Kat-ris%L for failure
Suppleental instruction pro"ided.
Learner data pro!ress is fre8uent durin! the year ,e#aple& e"ery 6 wee%s-.
Student#s$ *5 Disabilities E Student#s$
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 33
.hat (arr*!rs ar! $!!;*n, th! st-d!nts ?r'# a""!ss*n, *nstr-"t*'nC ;art*"*;at*n, *n a"t*+*t*!sC d!#'nstrat*n, 3!arn*n,C !t"2
Student &: Student &:
.hat s-;;'rts 5*33 r!d-"! *d!nt*?*!d (arr*!rs2
Student &: Student &:
H'5 5*33 th! s-;;'rt ass*st th! st-d!nts *n a""!ss*n, *nstr-"t*'nC ;art*"*;at*n, *n a"t*+*t*!sC d!#'nstrat*n, 3!arn*n,C !t"2
Student &: Student &:
D/1I0G THE /0IT (S=EDD List %ey words fro IE> o'3ecti"es and:or foundational s%ills and indicate which IE>
o'3ecti"es and foundational s%ills can 'e addressed within each instructional acti"ity.
IE= '()!"t*+!s &
?'-ndat*'na3 s$*33s
(5r*t! $!A 5'rds
Found in Indi"idual Education >lan
/n*t *nstr-"t*'na3
a"t*+*t*!s (5r*t! th!
n-#(!r '? th!
a"t*+*tA 'r $!A
Instr-"t*'na3 Strat!,*!s (&IT. T!"hn'3',A >at!r*a3s/ 1!s'-r"!s% St-d!nt .'r$/E+*d!n"!s%
Id!nt*?A*n, S*#*3ar*t*!s &
G!n!rat*n, & T!st*n, HA;'th!s*s%
1ecision $a%in!
0istorical In"esti!ation
>ro'le Sol"in!
Systes Analysis
0'nBL*n,-*st*" 1!;r!s!ntat*'n%
1ata Collection
+rainstorin!: Idea
$appin! Software
1ia!nostic >rescripti"e
1isplay Tools
Interacti"e .hite'oard
Colla'orati"e Application
Educational !aes
Counication Tools
=irtual anipulati"e
$ultiedia ,watchin!-
$ultiedia ,creatin!-
Creatin! new poe:short
>ro3ects ,@1 odels(
dioraas( etc.-
Aroup discussion
>eer:Self E"aluation
>eer Teachin!
>ro'le Sol"in!
Copare 4 Contrast
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 34
$ental Ia!ery:Senses
>hysical $odel
Ad"ance 9r!aniIer
Cues and Cuestions
<ote Ta%in!
>ro"idin! Feed'ac%
>ro"idin! Reco!nition
Reinforcin! Effort
Settin! 9'3ecti"es
.e'-'ased Research
.ord >rocessin!
9ther ,a%e note-
Student 1eonstration
Silent Readin!
9ral >resentations
Araphic 9r!aniIers
Learnin! Aaes
<ote-ta%in!: Listin!
0ands-on Learnin!
B3''#Ks Ta@'n'#A
1!#!#(!r /nd!rstand A;;3A Ana3AL! E+a3-at! &r!at!
Tell( list(
descri'e( relate(
locate( write(
find( state( nae(
identify( la'el(
recall( define(
reco!niIe( atch
eoriIe( draw(
select( recite
outline( discuss(
predict( restate(
descri'e( relate(
suariIe( put
in own words(
"isualiIe( find
out ore info
Sol"e( show(
use( illustrate(
classify( choose(
interpret( a%e(
put to!ether(
chan!e( apply(
odify( put into
identify( e#plain(
ad"ertise( ta%e
Nud!e( select(
choose( decide(
3ustify( de'ate(
"erify( ar!ue(
assess( discuss(
rate( prioritiIe(
criti8ue( wei!h(
"alue( estiate(
Create( in"ent(
predict( plan(
propose( de"ise(
ori!inate( add to(
E@a#;3! '? /s*n, H 9a"!ts '?
/nd!rstand*n, (T';*"% 0-tr*t*'n
1D EM=LA0ATIO0% .hat are the %ey ideas in../ .hat are e#aples
of../ .hat are the characteristics and parts of../ .hat caused../ .hat
are the effects of../ 0ow i!ht we pro"e( confir( 3ustify../ 0ow
is..connected to../ .hat i!ht happen if../ .hat are the coon
isconceptions a'out../ 0ow did this coe a'out/ .hy is this so/
1e"elop a 'rochure to help youn!
students understand what is eant 'y a
'alanced diet
2D I0TE1=1ETATIO0% .hat is the eanin! of../ .hat are the
iplications of../ .hat does*re"eal a'out../ 0ow is*li%e*,analo!y
or etaphor-/ 0ow does*relate to e or us/ So what/ .hy does it
1iscuss what the popularity of fast foods
say a'out odern life/
Students First
Jae Hee Kim CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 35
3D A==LI&ATIO0% 0ow is*applied in the lar!er world/ 0ow
i!ht*help to../ 0ow could we use* to o"ercoe../ 0ow and when
can we use this ,%nowled!e or process-/
>lan a enu for a class party consistin!
of healthy( yet tasty snac%s.
4D =E1S=E&TI<E% .hat are the different points of "iew a'out../
0ow i!ht this loo% fro a different perspecti"e/ 0ow is this siilar
to or different fro../ .hat are other possi'le reactions to../ .hat are
the stren!ths and wea%nesses of../ .hat are the liits of../ .hat is the
e"idence for../ Is the e"idence relia'le/ Sufficient/
Conduct a research to find out if the
Food >yraid !uidelines apply in the
other re!ions ,e.!. Antarctica( Asia( the
$iddle East- and the ipact of di"erse
diets on health and lon!e"ity.
5D E>=ATH7% .hat would it 'e li%e to wal% in *Os shoes/ 0ow
i!ht*feel a'out../ 0ow i!ht we reach an understandin! a'out../
.hat was*tryin! to a%e us feel and see/
Ia!ine& 0ow i!ht it feel li%e to li"e
with a dietary restriction due to a
edical conditionP
HD SEL9B60O.LEDGE% 0ow do I %now../ .hat are the liits of
y %nowled!e of../ .hat are y K'lind spotsL a'out../ 0ow can I 'est
show../ 0ow are y "iews a'out*shaped 'y..,e#periences( ha'its(
pre3udices( style-/ .hat are y stren!ths and wea%nesses in../
Reflect& To what e#tent are you a healthy
eater/ 0ow i!ht you 'ecoe a
healthier eater/
Students First

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