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Second Lesson Plan Denise Robinson

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n P"an G#$d
Teacher Candidate: Grade and Topic: $entor Teacher: Denise Robinson 4th Grade Science Car#en %ea&er Date: January 28, 2014

Len th o! Lesson:"0 #in Schoo': (ni&ersity )! $e#phis

UNIT/CHAPTER OBJECTIVE/GENERALIZATION/BIG IDEA: The Li!e Cyc'e o! a butter!'y *'ants and reproduce and trans#it hereditary in!or#ation bet+een enerations,

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students +i'': 'earn the ter# metamorphosis as it pertains to the insect order, Lepidoptera, reco ni-e sta es in a butter!'y.s 'i!e cyc'e, be in researchin and or ani-in scienti!ic in!or#ation into cate ories /habitats, bodies, prey, and predators0, as1 2uestions that +i'' e3tend and in!or# their research

STANDARDS ADDRESSED: 0404,4,2 Study the 'i!e cyc'e o! a &ariety o! 5utter!'ies,

ISTE Standard(s)

6 7, Research and 8n!or#ation 9'uency: Students app'y di ita' too's to ather, e&a'uate, and use in!or#ation, b, Locate, or ani-e, ana'y-e, e&a'uate, synthesi-e, and ethica''y use in!or#ation !ro# a &ariety o! sources and #edia,

Activity worksheets: Butterfly Life Cycle, Butterfly Facts and Questions and Butterfly Life Cycle Quiz Internet Access Website: Children s Butterfly !ite "htt#:$$www%kidsbutterfly%or&$' (ou tube for readin& )ric Carle * A +ery ,un&ry Cater#illar- readin&

BAC%GROUND and RATIONALE: % & C!n' (ts: The students +i'' 'earn the ter#s and sta es o! a butter!'y:s 'i!e cyc'e,
. chrysalis, larva, Lepidoptera, metamorphosis, pupa

A'ad )$' Lan*#a* : %ords that are used to describe parts o! the Li!e Cyc'e o! a butter!'y and se'ected +ords assi ned !ro# the readin ,

Pr +$!#s " ss!ns '!nn 't$!n: The 'esson connects to pre&ious 'essons throu h nature and ho+ thin s ro+, The 'i!e cyc'e +as introduce in enera' and si#p'e 1ey ter#s +here assi ned,

S#,s -# nt " ss!ns '!nn 't$!n: 8n subse2uent 'essons students +i'' ana'y-e di!!erent stories dea'in +ith the cyc'e o! 'i!e +ith ani#a's, hu#ans, and other or anis#s, ;d&ancin , the &ocabu'ary +ord 'ist di!!icu'tness +ith increase as +e'',

N ds .!r d$.. r nt$at d a't$+$t$ s: 8t is i#portant to p'an di!!erentiated acti&ities and assess#ents in order to #eet the needs o! a'' students and di&erse 'earners,


Intr!d#'t$!n and Pr!' d#r 1, 8ntroduce 1ey &ocabu'ary: chrysalis, larva, Lepidoptera, metamorphosis, pupa. 2. Set boo1#ar1 to the Chi'dren.s 5utter!'y Site /http:<<+++,1idsbutter!'y,or <0, +hich sho+s butter!'y dia ra#s and photo raphs, e3p'ains butter!'y and #oth 'i!e cyc'es, ans+ers 9;=s and pro&ides 'in1s to other butter!'y +ebsites,
3. >a&e students c'ic1 on the co'orin pa e, +hich sho+s the 'i!e cyc'e o! a butter!'y or #oth in dra+in s

and +ritin , ;s they read the descriptions o! each sta e in the 'i!e cyc'e, they shou'd use the 5utter!'y Li!e Cyc'e +or1sheet to dra+ and 'abe' each sta e,
4. Students return to the ho#e pa e o! the Chi'dren.s 5utter!'y Site /http:<<+++,1idsbutter!'y,or <0, Then

c'ic1 on !re2uent'y as1ed 2uestions, Students shou'd start by 'oo1in at the ans+er to the !irst 2uestion, +hich sho+s a dia ra# o! a butter!'y body, ?, @e3t, they #ay c'ic1 on 2uestions that interest the#, then record !acts in the appropriate section on their 5utter!'y 9acts and =uestions +or1sheet, They #ay a'so record 2uestions they ha&e, to be ans+ered by doin !urther research 'ater, (/0 )$n) ", The teacher +ou'd then sp'it the c'ass into roups o! !our, TS% use their !act sheet and acti&ity sheet to +rite a short paper on the one sta e that is assi ned to the roup, )nce co#p'ete the roups +i'' ta1e turns presentin their presentation to their c'ass#ates, (10 )$n), C"!s#r The teacher +i'' recap the 'esson and as1 students 2uestions about the 'esson, /?A10 #in0


2!r)at$+ Ass ss) nt (s) the teacher obser&es the students as they success!u''y co#p'ete their assi n#ent +hi'e bein acti&e'y en a ed, The #resentation of what they ve learned to a s/all &rou# will
#rovide evidence of /astery%

S#))at$+ Ass ss) nt: deter#ines #astery o! the obBecti&e inc'udin the co#prehension o! +ords, readin and the assi n#ent that +as assi ned, The in!or#ation recorded on their +or1sheet and the score the recei&e on the 5utter!'y Li!e Cyc'e 2ui- +i'' pro&ide e&idence o! #astery and +i'' a'so sho+ +hich students need to ha&e a #ore #odi!ied 'esson,

MODI2ICATIONS: 9or students +ho has success!u''y #astered the obBecti&e, the students shou'd recreate a +ord 'ist and sentences to describe +hat they 'earned !or the day and +hat 'i!e cyc'e +ou'd they 'i1e to recreate or study,

9or students +ho stru 'ed +ith the #astery o! the obBecti&e, the students +ou'd be i&en the +ord 'ist/inc'udin de!initions0 to et a c'earer understandin o! the tas1 assi ned, Students shou'd reta1e the 2uiand +or1 +ith students +ho ha&e #astered the obBecti&e i&en,

Picture the Life Cycle of a Butterfly


Picture of Stages

Why picture was chosen

This picture shows the butterfly in the egg stage.


This shows the egg has formed into a caterpillar. Shows growth and a step towards growing into a butterfly.


This shows the caterpillar in the third stage of the life cycle.


This shows an adult butterfly that has went through the life cycle.

Adult Butterfly

Rubric !or Gradin


1 /5e'o+ ;&era e0

2 /;&era e0 Student atte#pted to recreate the 'i!e cyc'e and co#p'eted it +ith ?0A4?D accuracy,

7 /;bo&e ;&era e0 Student atte#pted to recreate the 'i!e cyc'e and co#p'eted it +ith 4?A100D accuracy,

1, Cisua' assi n#ents

Student atte#pted to recreate the 'i!e cyc'e and co#p'eted it +ith ?0D or be'o+


2, Co#prehension o! The Li!e Cyc'e o! 5utter!'y

The student had di!!icu'ty dra+in conc'usion !ro# the resu'ts o! the =ui-, Did not +or1 +e'' +ith their roups and did not co#p'ete the acti&ity,

The student dre+ so#e conc'usions !ro# the resu'ts o! the =ui-, %or1ed +ith their roups to co#p'ete the e3peri#ent,

The students dre+ conc'usions !ro# the resu'ts o! the =ui-,

7, Group *articipation

%or1ed +e'' +ith their roups to co#p'ete the i&en acti&ity,

Name:___________________________________________________ Date:_____________________

Butterfly Facts and Questions

Directions: Go to the frequently asked questions page on the Children s !utterfly "ite. #hen you click on a question$ it %ill scroll you do%n to the ans%er. &ou may also use the scroll 'ar to go up and do%n through the questions and ans%ers. (ry to find at least t%o facts for each of the information 'o)es 'elo%$ then ask t%o of your o%n 'utterfly questions. *a'itat +%here they li,e. __________________________________________________________ . __________________________________________________________ !odies +ho% caterpillars and 'utterflies look. __________________________________________________________ . __________________________________________________________ /rey and /redators +%hat they eat and %hat eats them. __________________________________________________________ . __________________________________________________________ 0uestions 1 ha,e: . __________________________________________________________ . __________________________________________________________


Butterfly Life Cycle

Directions: 2sing the coloring page on the Children s !utterfly "ite$ read a'out the 4 stages in the metamorphosis of 'utterflies. Dra% each stage in the circles 'elo% and la'el the stages. 3fter re4reading the %e' site information$ %rite one fact a'out each stage in the 'utterfly life cycle.

"tage: ____________________________ 5act: _____________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________ "tage: ____________________________ 5act: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ "tage: ____________________________ 5act: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

"tage: ____________________________ 5act: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Name _______________ Date_________

Butterfly Life Cycle Quiz

6. 7etamorphosis means the process of8 9 !eing 'orn Changing (urning colors :ating lea,es 2. !utterflies and moths are in %hat insect family9 ;epidoptera *ymenoptera Coleoptera <rthoptera 3. 3nother %ord for lar,a is8 9 !utterfly 7oth Caterpillar #orm 4. #hat do caterpillars eat9 5ood their mother 'rings ;ea,es from a host plant Grass Nectar from flo%ers =. #hen a 'utterfly is in the pupa stage$ the case around it is called a8 9 Cocoon "hell Chrysalis !ud >. *o% many %ing parts do 'utterflies ha,e9 2> 4? @. ;ike all insects$ 'utterflies ha,e ho% many legs9 2> 4? ?. (he 'utterfly uses %hat part of its 'ody like a stra% to sip flo%er nectar9 /ro'oscis 3ntenna 3'domen (hora) #rite 2 things you learned a'out caterpillars or 'utterflies: . _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

. _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

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