Recent reader comments on Science Fiction & Fantasy sex stories.
I have to say that I find Fatima’s attitude very off putting to say the least, but I guess it’s different strokes for different folks in this situation. Same goes for Leah’s kinks.
All Comments/ReplyDam sorry that this chapter ended and hoping the next chapter will arrive soon. As with all the previous chapters, 5 stars.
All Comments/ReplySorry for the delay, everybody. Technical problems.
All Comments/ReplyYou are becoming my favorite writer and I search daily for new chapters.
All Comments/ReplyWell this should prove to be quite interesting seeing someone fighting a dragon? WOW what a way to end a chapter keep the stories coming you are obviously really putting your heart and soul into your stories.
All Comments/ReplyOmg why did you stop :O
All Comments/ReplyJust epic, great writing and what a fight !
All Comments/ReplyGreat set-up. Kudos!
All Comments/ReplyStory title hinted at some4thing intriguing, it's just taking a lot of background building, a lot.
Still, enjoying it so far, I think.
All Comments/Reply"Nooo, my boobiiieeesss" gave me such a big smile. This little story was thoroughly delightful.
All Comments/ReplyIt's always the anonymous with the bad comments. Great chapter, the flow was perfect and the battle was fun to follow/understand.
All Comments/ReplyYeh the MC is one psychopathic dark character deriving pleasure from demeaning woman.
While the first story had an erotic element, the remaining stories just spiraled.
All Comments/Reply🙏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
All Comments/ReplyThanks for letting us know about the two week delay. You deserve a break. I wouldn’t normally even notice but you have been the most reliable producer week after week that I would have noticed and worried.
All Comments/ReplyPatiently waiting for the next chapter
All Comments/ReplyDamm good chapter, hás someone pointed out, if this is your 100th post, you could ended with the full fight, and make a different post like a marker. But if the fight is over, and this was One of your greatest chapters. 8/5
All Comments/ReplyNice story, I like the start. We how the story progresses. AAAA++++
All Comments/ReplyAnother 5 star story. Please disregard all the haters & negative feedback. Your stories are as awesome as always. I am glad you chose to rest up. You have consistently been giving your fans weekly stories that it amazes me you can keep with the self imposed deadlines! Will eagerly...
All Comments/ReplyMore great stuff. Send it!
All Comments/ReplySomething about your writing brings me viscerally into the breath play. The whole story is wonderful, and that in particular is quite fulfilling.
All Comments/ReplyGreat story - poorly written = 3 stars. There is so much promise here.
All Comments/ReplyExcelent as always.
Hope the break works for you - will be waiting (can't say patiently.. ;) ) for your return :)
Many thanks for sharing with us all.
All Comments/ReplySorry about the delays on the final chapter. Blame the admins.
All Comments/Replyobsessed with this series. cant wait for more!
All Comments/ReplyI don't think I remember what the role of the militia is? Helping protect the bunker as people enter makes some sense, though it implies that the army by itself will not suffice (people will try to sneak/force their way in at the last moment). Will the militia protect the 'closed'...
All Comments/ReplyI seriously hope that the only reason we don't have a Part 2 to this story yet is that it takes a lot of time to write (and proof) 29 pages.
Really enjoyed this story and hope to see more of it.
All Comments/ReplyDavid really said "I can fix her".
All Comments/ReplyAn interesting imagining of first contact with an alien species, from the point of view of a human who is not academic, scientific, military, or political, but a sort of accidentally caught up in the center of things. Great world-building and look at alien culture from the point of...
All Comments/Reply@ Anon of January: If killing doesn't revolt you, then you've never played the live/enhanced version of 'Call of Duty', where the bullets smack you with a wet-sounding thud, the enemy isn't in uniform, everybody and his brother carries an AK for simple protection, there are no magic...
All Comments/ReplyLovely work as usual ivy
I'm saddened by the fact that this is your last book on this story but either way this is amazing
All Comments/ReplyI am glad you are trying not to burn yourself out and I will anxiously but happily await the next incredible chapter.
All Comments/ReplyI’m loving your story, looking forward to more from you.
All Comments/ReplyShe seems nicer than most people I have met. 👍
All Comments/ReplyWell , dear BQ you and The BRS are the steel chain , bounding me to this site. But this chapter should have been a very very special installment of great saga, you just fucks that with your so called writers block, i am reading lit since 2009 and you are 1st who reached the benchmark...
All Comments/Reply