Recent reader comments on Non-Erotic stories.
I agree with rockdoctor, its unrealistic. I am part of a large family and very few are still married from grand parents down to great grand kids and none of the break ups were anything less than sour, much much worse where infidelity was concerned, it leaves real damage behind to...
All Comments/ReplyWell written, but not realistic. No man could come back from that. She had a 10 year affair because she could. What happens the next time she can?
All Comments/ReplyThe ending was incredibly sad but the story was well written and the scenario closer to possible reality than many other similar stories I've read here. Still... we all prefer happy endings. Gave you 5 stars anyway.
All Comments/ReplyWow. Loved it.
All Comments/ReplyI loved it. A much better reason than why I haven't gotten a tattoo. That was funny as hell though. I'm surprised they didn't stitch it back on.
All Comments/ReplyHo Hum
All Comments/Replysimply perfect
All Comments/ReplyIt seemed as though the nature Uncle Gordon responded to, when Wendy asked about the deer, returned to the surface with her tending to the dogs. This may have been what she learned about herself when the therapist asked what gave Wendy joy. A fine development that wasn't directly...
All Comments/ReplyI didn't think it was too long. It felt about right to me.
You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves and his ex just didn't want to stop being a cheater.
Excellent story about a good man who had great friends, brilliant daughters and a good support network so he...
All Comments/ReplyВеликолепно
All Comments/ReplyGreat story. MC was no wimp but a focused and determined man. x- wife was a true POS. loved the ending.
All Comments/ReplyOuch..,5☆ I assumed cancer.
All Comments/ReplyI disagree with the last reviewers. To my mind it needed more. But then again I am not a fan of 750nword stories as I find they always leave out pertinent bits.
All Comments/ReplyTerrible! You set up a pretty good situation with some tension, but you made the MC a total wimp. Yes, he punched the a-hole, but otherwise he allowed his idiot wife to completely walk all over him with her bullshit about finding herself. What was that even about? You never made...
All Comments/ReplyApologies for the initial commenter who didn't bother to read your profile before "teaching you" how "an American" would have done it. Sad.
I loved the story and have ridden in many racing green cars.
All Comments/ReplyThis story moved me more than most. You crammed a lot of humanity into 750 words - it touched a personal chord for me. Well done and thank you.
All Comments/ReplyGood 4⭐️ story ,,, Josh was used for Caleb a couple of times and the ending felt rushed for not Caleb vows in the end. Other than that good story
All Comments/ReplyNormally I don’t much care for these short little stories but this one is good!!
All Comments/Replyoh, dear Deepender , I'm just an idiot, totally out of fashion who never cares about trends and "10 easy way to gain easy success", And, I never learned this language, as you may guess by my many mistakes.
But, hey, thank you! I'm to humble to believe it, but it's so nice to read...
All Comments/Replygood story, but there were a couple of things in there that I'm not sure if they're British or if you're a non-native English speaker, such as "racing green car" (Americans would put color first and use "race car" instead of racing) or describing the dad's floozy as "two bits" (Americans...
All Comments/ReplyFair start. Then dropped in the pot.
All Comments/ReplyGreat story, thank you!
All Comments/ReplyI liked the story. Well done. Only issue is you messed up Caleb's name by calling Josh and by calling him Jonas.
All Comments/ReplyImagine anybody making the argument that the only people that hate in this country are the LBGTQ FOLKS.
Imagine developing a Fundamentalist Christian who is rational and respectful of people who don't believe things that they do. ... talk about fantasy
if that doesn't...
All Comments/ReplyExcellent story but please get someone to help you edit the next one. 5 stars.
All Comments/ReplyA bad one. For the slut wife; 1/5 For the ex-husband; 3/5, for the story 2/5.
All Comments/ReplyThis Aussie loved the story. Excellent theme, clever plot, well developed characters and good writing. A feel good romance emphasising the elements that make life special.
All Comments/ReplyI'd like to thank whoever it is that gave this chapter a rating of 'HOT'. I don't know how to do it, but I would like to be able to bestow this on a number of other authors I have read on literotica. If anyone knows where the rating comes from please let me know. Tks. MPW
All Comments/ReplyWhat a wonderful fairy tale! 5 stars!
All Comments/ReplyThe jock vs. nerd thing was tired when John Hughes was making movies about it, and the dialogue in here bears no relation to human speech. 1*
All Comments/ReplyI think the wife were the more mental in the marriage.
All Comments/ReplyHow can there be no comments on such a wonderful narrative? Says something very revealing about Lit readers...just not sure what it is. Thank you, sir, for an insightful treatment of the number one contributor to female infidelity.
All Comments/Replygood for MC finding all these "quality" women just dying to jump into bed with him! What BS. Guess I will speed read thru the rest.
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