Recent reader comments on Lesbian Sex stories.
This series is getting ridiculously good. The racing, the sex, and now a wonderful travelogue of Italy and Siena.
Also I learned a brilliant new word (again): “‘And there are no manky men involved’, I added”
1. Unpleasantly dirty and disgusting
2. Inferior and...
All Comments/ReplyI think you need to continue this
All Comments/ReplyPhenomenal. Thank you!
All Comments/ReplyAnother sweet story, so sensual that it left me drooling. It's interesting to know that some women like having their asshole licked by a woman, although I thought it was just something that men like to do.
All Comments/ReplyThe beginning was wonderful, explaining the difference between seducing a man or a woman, and the content was true and interesting. Men (including moi) tend to be impatient during sex, always eager to get to the "good stuff" without enjoying the journey. But when we meet a woman who...
All Comments/ReplyPlease continue this
All Comments/ReplyAs a near hopeless romantic … yes, the storyline captivating; the closing so perfect. But the two main characters so creatively crafted — each uniquely different, and the line about Trish so revealing. Thanks.
All Comments/ReplyThis is the best writing I've seen on Literotica in ages. Maybe ever. So many stories seem like they were written by AI. Your characters have a realism about them. Thank you so much for restoring my hope for the Literature and not only the Erotica!
All Comments/ReplyThat was powerful, painful and exhilarating - the time shifts made this character study so real, so very creative. Said this before, Carrie is one of the most captivating, enigmatic characters out there. Thanks for sharing more of Adelina; as a near hopeless romantic … .
All Comments/ReplyThat was super-sweet and I love the range of body types and life stories and races and gender presentations you worked in without fetishizing anything.
All Comments/ReplyIt feels wrong, somehow, to focus on trivial details after experiencing the deep emotional impact of your lovely story, but I wanted to tell you how thankful I am for the perfect preciseness of the references that add so much authenticity to your work, even though you often force...
All Comments/ReplySo sexily gorgeous, and the sensuality of her under-the-table description of her experiences and needs had me wet, imagining the experienced touches buy jasmine. I loved it, and like Jade, I wanted the story to continue in her private boudoir. Please continue writing about this magical...
All Comments/ReplyWow , another nice story. I had to fight to follow Poppy with it's heavy accent but it was worth every sec..
Loved hwo you played the somewhat not too honest behaviour of Poppy , because she needed it for her daugther. Worth an ethic discussion there. Congrats...
All Comments/ReplyOh wow, my heart is breaking, but that was beautiful and tragic. I want, no I definitely need more.
All Comments/ReplyI love both parts of this story. It’s incredibly well written. I want a Jebbediah POV as well! I’m glad she got away from him as he didn’t deserve her but the loose end is killing me.
All Comments/ReplySo fucking good, what an amazing lesbian debut. I was already following you, so I’m not sure which of your other stories first drew me in, but coming across (and I do mean coming) this one was pure delight. Great buildup, thought it was really original to matchup orgasm to orgasm,...
All Comments/ReplyANOTHER beautiful story! WOW.
But so many questions: How did Ramona go from the shy girl we saw in "I have touched love", to this avenging African Warrior Princess here? At the end of "I have made love" we thought Mikayla and Ramona would be together forever. And how does your...
All Comments/ReplyBeautifully erotic!
All Comments/ReplyNice, but the first was better and longer ;-))
All Comments/Reply@blueskymining...whaaa? That's great, have fun being a "testosterone fueled American male," but for fucks sake don't hate on such a wonderfully talented writer bc her stories don't do it for you. If you want straight romances, there are plenty of those on the site - go read those...
All Comments/ReplyERotic, sexy and horny, hope to read more about the Feast, thank you ;-)
All Comments/ReplyHi spiralholly,
you are exactly correct on all points. Thank you so much for reading it so attentively!
I'll address your real comment, which others also alluded to. Yes, I did quit writing just at the point where it got difficult. Because, quite honestly, I'm not good enough...
All Comments/ReplySo far the series has been interesting. i like slow burn stories but I dozed off twice while reading this chapter. I am real curious about Serina. I wonder if the is a hierarchy between maids? I also wonder about all the questions Aquariusgirl has as well. Hope we some answers to...
All Comments/Reply2* Did not like, did not even finish! Ok, so Brad is a useless boyfriend, clueless and awkward... Samantha is an airhead with no self control, and a cheater... And Chloe...God, Chloe...she actually makes a pass AT HER BROTHER'S GIRLFRIEND! I don't care what gender you are, anyone...
All Comments/ReplyBest lesbian story ever. Couldn't keep my hands off myself.
Would love to have sex with my Daughters.
All Comments/ReplyThis series just keeps getting better (and hotter). I thought the earlier episode with Lorna was quite revealing about Alice and her wish for a real soul mate instead of just sex. How lovely that Lisa and Vicki are so open to sharing their own love.
Argh. A string player having...
All Comments/ReplyIt's wonderful to see you create a body of work. The best thing you have a lot more to write.
All Comments/ReplySexy story 👏🏾
All Comments/ReplyCarina Marie Esposito is Carrie's great-grandmother. She was a menace as well. I had an idea where Carrie, in 2025, hits her head while lip-synching to Jimmy Barnes and dreams a conversation with Nonna Carina. It's a bit dumb, but I might go for it.
All Comments/ReplyReminded me of Mozarts Moonlight Sonata, just perfect. Thank you.
All Comments/ReplyI like that you present the chapter titles at the beginning and that your chapter(s) are more than one short page or sentences doubled space to make story look longer. I look forward to following your stories.
All Comments/ReplyJayne, you have such a fine touch and such control of the subject...simply loved it. Jeanne xxx
All Comments/ReplyJust got to this now :) such an amazing series!!
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