Recent reader comments on Literotica Chain Stories.
Really enjoying this on a second read-through.
All Comments/ReplyGood story. Definitely needs part 2.
All Comments/Replyintense, a,plot that's looking for more at every turn . last chapter far way focussed
Congrats.Not my kink but couldn't stop reading.
All Comments/ReplyWhat the fuck am I doing?
What a cruel ending!
Very nicely written, though. Loved it.
All Comments/ReplyI'm typically not into the incest stories, but this one I actually enjoyed. It's a lot more plausible than the typical ones in the Incest/Taboo section.
I gave it 5 stars
All Comments/ReplyGreat story!
All Comments/ReplyWhy would she keep the other persons ID secret?
All Comments/ReplyA shame we never got to read about fat bastard and his comeuppance, would’ve made this story perfect.
All Comments/ReplyVery, very well done!
All Comments/ReplyFableus Interruptus !
All Comments/Reply4-stars. I like more of the story than I disliked. It wasn’t your best. Unfortunately, I think you had an accurate assessment of the declining moral character of our intelligence community and military leaders. There are some really outstanding men of honor in our military and...
All Comments/ReplyA story unfinished … pity!
All Comments/ReplyHEARTSTRING TUG ... AT END
All Comments/ReplyThis is an erotic literature site. You are fooling no one with your "bull" pretense.
All Comments/ReplySuper hot and great story with increasing cast. Very enjoyable and looking forward to next episode.
All Comments/ReplyPretty exciting, wonder why the woman doesnt either impale herself or tell the man to do her properly. Obviously theres something besides love [duh] going on here but im at a loss as to why they are arent loving the fucking out of ea other. the confusion is distracting/disappointing,...
All Comments/ReplyLots of feelings thoughts etc. Great story, excellently written. 5*s. rk
All Comments/ReplyIts.... okay?
All Comments/ReplyNice hot scenes, and I did enjoy the open ending, can't wait to see who found Vladan in the dark woods . . .
All Comments/ReplyAn excellent addition to the story.
All Comments/ReplyAnd now I am following even more writers. I'm enjoying this story quite a bit.
All Comments/Reply@PtmcPilot Thanks for reading! To answer your question: we agreed on the premise (well, mostly), but we're each moving the story forward in our own way. All characters may be used. We share the chapters before publishing for feedback and to check for consistency, but that's really...
All Comments/ReplyI am enjoying the story, and I have a question. Are the many of you coordinating? Or are you picking up where the last bit left off and just going for it? Do you each have particular characters to hold to?
All Comments/ReplyThis series just keeps getting better and better!
All Comments/ReplyWhat a strong sense of place you've managed to evoke. I had no idea about Keen's and the pipes.
All Comments/ReplyOoh, book lovers and theatrical fans! I like this. And thanks to @Devinter I know Keens is a real place - must try it next time I'm in NYC.
How to tie up all the story strands...
All Comments/ReplyThought I commented on this earlier. Apologies! It's a shame that the Chain Story section of the website gets so little traffic, because it's certainly an interesting concept and highly educational experience for us as authors to attempt something like this. However, feedback from...
All Comments/ReplyWonderful continuation to the story, Kellie. I enjoyed it immensely. You added so many new layers to the characters which made them come to life flawlessly, and I thoroughly enjoyed the little history lesson regarding Keens as well. Beautiful work, my friend.
All Comments/ReplyWell developed, very arousing. Good work!
All Comments/ReplyYes, this works very well. I'm really enjoying this story.
All Comments/ReplyThe final version came together very nicely! Well done!
All Comments/ReplyBeautiful. You have a way with characters that is nuanced and engaging.
All Comments/Reply