Utilize activities for sales teams

Activities are follow-up tasks tied to a record in an Odoo database. Activities can be scheduled on any page of the database that contains a chatter thread, Kanban view, list view, or activities view of an application.

The summary view of activities for leads and opportunities in an Odoo database.

Planned Activities for Leads and Opportunities.


A set of preconfigured activity types is available in the CRM app. To view the list of available activity types, navigate to the CRM app ‣ Configuration ‣ Activity Types.


Additional activity types are available within the database, and can be utilized through different applications. To access the complete list of activity types, go to the Settings app, then scroll to the Discuss section, and click Activity Types.

The preconfigured activity types for the CRM app are as follows:

  • Email: adds a reminder to the chatter that prompts the salesperson to send an email.

  • Call: opens a calendar link where the salesperson can schedule time to call the contact.

  • Meeting: opens a calendar link where the salesperson can schedule time to have a meeting with the contact.

  • To Do: adds a general reminder task to the chatter.

  • Upload Document: adds a link on the activity where an external document can be uploaded. Note that the Documents app is not required to utilize this activity type.


If other applications are installed, such as Sales or Accounting, other activity types are made available in the CRM app.

Create a new activity type

To create a new activity type, click New at the top-left of the page to open a blank form.

At the top of the form, start by choosing a Name for the new activity type.



The Action field specifies the intent of the activity. Some actions trigger specific behaviors after an activity is scheduled.

  • guilabel:ドキュメントをアップロード が選択された場合、チャターの予定されている活動にドキュメントをアップロードするリンクが直接追加されます。

  • guilabel:`電話`または:guilabel:`ミーティング`が選択された場合、ユーザはカレンダを開いてこの活動の時間を予約することができます。

  • 署名を依頼 が選択された場合、チャターの予定されている活動にリンクが追加され、署名依頼のポップアップウィンドウが開きます。

The Activity settings on a new activity type with emphasis on the Action field.




この活動タイプがスケジュールされたときに、この活動を特定のユーザに自動的に割当てるには、 デフォルトユーザ ドロップダウンメニューから名前を選択します。このフィールドが空白の場合、活動は活動を作成したユーザに割当てられます。




デフォルトユーザ フィールドと デフォルト概要 フィールドの情報は、活動を作成する際に含まれる情報です。ただし、活動をスケジュールする前や保存する前に変更することができます。


活動が完了と表示された後に、新しい活動を自動的に提案、またはトリガするには、 :guilabel:`チェーンタイプ`を設定する必要があります。


guilabel:チェーンタイプ`フィールドで、:guilabel:`次の活動を提案`を選択します。そうすると、下のフィールドが :guilabel:`提案 に変わります。guilabel:`提案`フィールドのドロップダウンメニューをクリックして、この活動タイプのフォローアップタスクとして推奨する活動を選択します。

The Next Activity section on a new activity type form.

guilabel:スケジュール`フィールドで、これらの活動のデフォルトの期日を選択します。そのためには、guilabel:`日、 :guilabel:`月`のいずれかで希望の数を設定します。そして、:guilabel:`完了日`の後に発生させるか、:guilabel:`前の活動の期日`の後に発生させるかを決定します。

この スケジュール フィールド情報は、活動がスケジュールされる前に変更することができます。

全ての設定が完了したら 保存 をクリックします。


活動に チェーンタイプ次の活動を提案 に設定されていて、 提案 フィールドにリストされている活動がある場合、ユーザは次のステップとして推奨活動を提示されます。

A schedule activity pop-up with emphasis on the recommended activities.



guilabel:スケジュール`フィールドで、これらの活動のデフォルトの期日を選択します。そのためには、guilabel:`日、 :guilabel:`月`のいずれかで希望の数を設定します。そして、:guilabel:`完了日`の後に発生させるか、:guilabel:`前の活動の期日`の後に発生させるかを決定します。

この スケジュール フィールド情報は、活動がスケジュールされる前に変更することができます。

全ての設定が完了したら 保存 をクリックします。


When an activity has the Chaining Type set to Trigger Next Activity, marking the activity as Done immediately launches the next activity listed in the Trigger field.

Activity tracking

To keep the pipeline up to date with the most accurate view of the status of activities, as soon as a lead is interacted with, the associated activity should be marked as Done. This ensures the next activity can be scheduled as needed. It also prevents the pipeline from becoming cluttered with past due activities.

The pipeline is most effective when it is kept up-to-date and accurate to the interactions it is tracking.

Activity plans

Activity plans are preconfigured sequences of activities. When an activity plan is launched, every activity in the sequence is scheduled automatically.

To create a new plan, navigate to CRM app ‣ Configuration ‣ Activity Plan. Click New at the top-left of the page to open a blank Lead Plans form.

Enter a name for the new plan in the Plan Name field. On the Activities to Create tab, click Add a line to add a new activity.

Select an Activity Type from the drop-down menu. Click Search More to see a complete list of available activity types, or to create a new one.

Next, in the Summary field, enter any details to describe the specifics of the activity, including instructions for the salesperson or information due upon the completion of the activity. The contents of this field are included with the scheduled activity, and can be edited later.

In the Assignment field, select one of the following options:

  • Ask at launch: activities are assigned to a user when the plan is scheduled.

  • Default user: activities are always assigned to a specific user.

If Default user is selected in the Assignment field, choose a user in the Assigned to field.


Activity plans can feature activities that are assigned to default users and users assigned at the plan launch.

A Lead Plan form with scheduled activities.

Next, configure the timeline for the activity. Activities can be scheduled to occur either before the plan date or after. Use the Interval and Units fields to set the deadline for this activity. Lastly, in the Trigger field, select whether the activity should occur before or after the plan date.


An activity plan is created to handle high priority leads. Specifically, these leads should be contacted quickly, with a meeting scheduled within two days of the initial contact. The plan is configured with the following activities:

  • Email two days before plan date

  • Meeting zero days before plan date

  • Make quote three days after plan date

  • Upload document three days after plan date

  • Follow-up five days after plan date

This sets the plan date as the meeting deadline, which is the objective of the plan. Before that date, there is lead time to contact the customer and prepare for the meeting. After that date, the salesperson has time to create a quote, upload the document, and follow-up.

Repeat these steps for each activity included in the plan.

Launch an activity plan

To launch an activity plan on a CRM opportunity, navigate to CRM app and click on the Kanban card of an opportunity to open it.

At the top-right of the chatter, click Activities to open the Schedule Activity pop-up window.

In the Plan field, select the desired activity plan to launch. This generates a Plan summary, listing out the activities included in the plan. Select a Plan Date using the calendar popover. This updates the Plan summary with deadlines based on the intervals configured on the activity plan.

Select a user in the Assigned To field. This user is assigned to any of the activities on the plan were configured with Ask at launch in the Assignment field.

The schedule activity pop-up window with an Activity plan selected.

Click Schedule.

The details of the plan are added to the chatter, in addition to each of the activities.

The chatter thread of a CRM opportunity with a launched activity plan.
