View records

Views are what define how records should be displayed to end-users. They are specified in XML and stored as records themselves, meaning they can be edited independently from the models that they represent. They are flexible and allow a high level of customization of the screens that they control. There exist various types of views. Each represents a visualization mode: form, list, kanban, etc.

Generic structure

Basic views generally share the common minimal structure defined below. Placeholders are denoted in all caps.

<record id="ADDON.MODEL_view_TYPE" model="ir.ui.view">
  <field name="name">NAME</field>
  <field name="model">MODEL</field>
  <field name="arch" type="xml">

View types


Display and edit the data from a single record.


View and edit multiple records.


Apply filters and perform searches. The results are displayed in the current list, kanban... view.


Display records as "cards", configurable as a small template.


Templating of reporting, website...


Visualize aggregations over a number of records or record groups.


Display aggregations as a pivot table.


Display records as events in a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly calendar.

Cohort Enterprise feature

Display and understand the way some data changes over a period of time.

Gantt Enterprise feature

Display records as a Gantt chart.

Grid Enterprise feature

Display computed information in numerical cells; are hardly configurable.

Map Enterprise feature

Display records on a map, and the routes between them.


View records expose a number of fields.

class odoo.addons.base.models.ir_ui_view.View[ソース]

Only useful as a mnemonic/description of the view when looking for one in a list of some sort. Most Odoo view names start with the name of the addon and end with the type of view being discussed.






The model linked to the view, if applicable.






The description of the view layout depending on the view type.






The groups allowed to use/access the current view.

If the view extends an existing view, the extension will be applied only for a given user, if that user has access to the provided groups_id.




Many2many -> Groups


When requesting a view by specifying the model and type, the matching view with the lowest priority is returned (it is the default view).

It also defines the order of views application during view resolution. When a view is requested by id and its mode is not primary, its closest parent with mode = primary is matched.






Reference to the parent view on which the inheritance will be applied. Its value is used by default. Specify the parent using the ref attribute with ref="ADDON.MODEL_parent_view_TYPE".

The addon name (before the dot) is not necessary if the inheritance is done on a record of the same module.

See Inheritance for more information.






Only applies if this view inherits from an other one (inherit_id is set).


If the view is requested, the closest primary view is looked up (via inherit_id). Then, all views inheriting from it with this view's model are applied.


The closest primary view is fully resolved (even if it uses a different model than the current one). Then, the view's inheritance specs are applied, and the result is used as if it were this view's actual arch.

A case in which one would want to override mode while using inherit_id is delegation inheritance. In that case, your derived model is separated from its parent, and views matching with one won't match with the other. Assuming one inherits from a view associated with the parent model and wants to customize the derived view to show data from the derived model, the mode of the derived view needs to be set to primary because it is the base (and maybe only) view for that derived model. Otherwise, the view matching rules won't apply.

See Inheritance for more information.




Selection: extension / primary




The current context and user access rights may also impact the view abilities.


Inheritance allows for customizing delivered views. It makes it possible, for example, to add content as modules are installed, or to deliver different displays according to the action.

Inherit views generally share the common structure defined below. Placeholders are denoted in all caps. This synthetic view will update a node targeted by an XPath, and another targeted by its name and attributes.

<record id="ADDON.MODEL_view_TYPE" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="model">MODEL</field>
    <field name="inherit_id" ref="VIEW_REFERENCE"/>
    <field name="mode">MODE</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <xpath expr="XPATH" position="POSITION">

The inherit_id and mode fields determine the view resolution. The xpath or NODE elements indicate the inheritance specs. The expr and position attributes specify the inheritance position.

View resolution

Resolution generates the final arch for a requested/matched primary view as follow:

  1. if the view has a parent, the parent is fully resolved, then the current view's inheritance specs are applied;

  2. if the view has no parent, its arch is used as-is;

  3. the current view's children with mode extension are looked up, and their inheritance specs are applied depth-first (a child view is applied, then its children, then its siblings).

The inheritance is applied according to the inherit_id field. If several view records inherit the same view, the order is determined by the priority.

The result of applying children views yields the final arch.

Inheritance specs

Inheritance specs are applied sequentially and are comprised of:

  1. an element locator to match the inherited element in the parent view;

  2. children element to modify the inherited element.

There are three types of element locators:

  • An xpath element with an expr attribute. expr is an XPath expression1 applied to the current arch, matching the first node it finds;

  • A field element with a name attribute, matching the first field with the same name.


    All other attributes are ignored.

  • Any other element, matching the first element with the same name and identical attributes.


    The attributes position and version are ignored.


An extension function is added for simpler matching in QWeb views: hasclass(*classes) matches if the context node has all the specified classes.


<xpath expr="page[@name='pg']/group[@name='gp']/field" position="inside">
    <field name="description"/>

<div name="name" position="replace">
    <field name="name2"/>

Inheritance position

The inheritance specs accept an optional position attribute, defaulting to inside, that specifies how the matched node should be modified.


The content of the inheritance spec is appended to the matched node.


<notebook position="inside">
    <page string="New feature">

The content of the inheritance spec is appended to the matched node's parent after the matched node.


<xpath expr="//field[@name='x_field']" position="after">
    <field name="x_other_field"/>

The content of the inheritance spec is appended to the matched node's parent before the matched node.


<field name=x_field" position="before">
    <field name="x_other_field"/>

The content of the inheritance spec replaces the matched node. Any text node containing only $0 within the contents of the spec is replaced by a copy of the matched node, effectively wrapping the matched node.


<xpath expr="//field[@name='x_field']" position="replace">
    <div class="wrapper">

The content of the inheritance spec should be made of only attribute elements, each with a name attribute and an optional body.

  • If the attribute element has a body, a new attributed named after its name is added to the matched node with the attribute element's text as value.

  • If the attribute element has no body, the attribute named after its name is removed from the matched node.

  • If the attribute element has an add attribute, a remove attribute, or both, the value of the matched node's attribute named after name is recomputed to account for the value(s) of add, remove, and an optional separator attribute defaulting to ,. add includes its value(s), separated by separator. remove removes its value(s), separated by separator.


<field name="x_field" position="attributes">
    <attribute name="invisible">True</attribute>
    <attribute name="class" add="mt-1 mb-1" remove="mt-2 mb-2" separator=" "/>

The attribute position="move" is set on the content of the inheritance spec to specify how nodes are moved relatively to the inheritance spec's element locator, on which the attribute position must also be set, with values inside, replace, after, or before.


<xpath expr="//@target" position="after">
    <xpath expr="//@node" position="move"/>

<field name="target_field" position="after">
    <field name="my_field" position="move"/>

Model commons

class odoo.addons.base.models.ir_ui_view.View[ソース]
Model.get_views(views, options=None)

Returns the fields_views of given views, along with the fields of the current model, and optionally its filters for the given action.

The return of the method can only depend on the requested view types, access rights (views or other records), view access rules, options, context lang and TYPE_view_ref (other context values cannot be used).

Python expressions contained in views or representing domains (on python fields) will be evaluated by the client with all the context values as well as the record values it has.

  • views -- list of [view_id, view_type]

  • options (dict) --

    a dict optional boolean flags, set to enable:


    includes contextual actions when loading fields_views


    returns the model's filters


    id of the action to get the filters, otherwise loads the global filters or the model


dictionary with fields_views, fields and optionally filters

Model.get_view([view_id | view_type='form'])

Get the detailed composition of the requested view like model, view architecture.

The return of the method can only depend on the requested view types, access rights (views or other records), view access rules, options, context lang and TYPE_view_ref (other context values cannot be used).

  • view_id (int) -- id of the view or None

  • view_type (str) -- type of the view to return if view_id is None ('form', 'tree', ...)

  • options (dict) -- boolean options to return additional features: - bool mobile: true if the web client is currently using the responsive mobile view (to use kanban views instead of list views for x2many fields)


composition of the requested view (including inherited views and extensions)



  • AttributeError --

    • if the inherited view has unknown position to work with other than 'before', 'after', 'inside', 'replace'

    • if some tag other than 'position' is found in parent view

  • Invalid ArchitectureError -- if there is view type other than form, tree, calendar, search etc... defined on the structure