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Fine Dictionary


Mariëtteklokje and marjoram or thyme. Figs. 39 and 40 on a page hand-numbered 21. In: Anselmi Boëtii de Boot IC Brugensis & Rodolphi II. Imp. Novel. medici a cubiculis Florum, Herbarum, ac fructuum selectiorum icones, & vires pleraeque hactenus ignotæ. Part of the album with sheets and plates from De Boodt's herbarium of 1640. The twelfth of twelve albums with watercolors of animals, birds and plants known around 1600, commissioned by Emperor Rudolf II.
Mariëtteklokje and marjoram or thyme. Figs. 39 and 40 on a page hand-numbered 21. In: Anselmi Boëtii de Boot IC Brugensis & Rodolphi II. Imp. Novel. medici a cubiculis Florum, Herbarum, ac fructuum selectiorum icones, & vires pleraeque hactenus ignotæ. Part of the album with sheets and plates from De Boodt's herbarium of 1640. The twelfth of twelve albums with watercolors of animals, birds and plants known around 1600, commissioned by Emperor Rudolf II.
  1. (n) thyme
    leaves can be used as seasoning for almost any meat and stews and stuffings and vegetables
  2. (n) thyme
    any of various mints of the genus Thymus
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Thyme
    tīm (Bot) Any plant of the labiate genus Thymus. The garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a warm, pungent aromatic, much used to give a relish to seasoning and soups. "Ankle deep in moss and flowery thyme .", "I know a bank where the wild thyme blows."
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) thyme
    A plant of the genus Thymus. The common garden thyme is T. vulgaris, a native of southern Europe. It is a bushy under-shrub from 6 to 10 inches high, with many stems, which are erect or decumbent at the base, and bear very small ovate leaves. It is of a pungent, aromatic property, and is largely cultivated as a seasoning for soups, sauces, etc. From it also is distilled, especially in France, where the plant abounds, the oil of thyme, which is considerably used in veterinary practice and in perfumery, and in the latter use often passes as oil of origanum. The wild or creeping thyme, or mother-of-thyme, is T. Serpyllum, a less erect plant forming broad dense tufts, having properties similar to those of T. vulgaris, but less cultivated for culinary use. It also yields an oil, from one of the names of the plant sometimes called serpolet-oil. (See serpolet.) The lemon or lemon-scented thyme, sometimes named T. citriodorus, is regarded as a variety of this plant. Both species, especially variegated varieties of the latter, are desirable border or rockwork plants.
  2. (n) thyme
    Same as herb mastic (which see, under herb).
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Thyme
    tīm a genus of humble half-shrubby plants of the natural order Labiatæ, the common garden-thyme, cultivated for its fragrance, wild-thyme, &c

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. tyme, L. thymum, Gr. qy`mon qy`mos; cf. qy`ein, to sacrifice, qy`os a sacrifice, offering, incense: cf. F. thym,; -- perhaps so named because of its sweet smell. Cf. Fume (n.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr.,—L. L. thymum—Gr. thyein, to fill with sweet smells, to burn in sacrifice.

Usage in the news

Even if goats ate up 60 percent of the thyme, the butterflies would be likely to survive.

1 1/2 teaspoons dried thyme.

Move beyond parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme by adding these interesting flavors to the foods you love.

1/4 Tsp Each of mixed blend of thyme, paprika and sage (or John Henry's.

Other fresh herbs, like thyme or oregano, work well too.

Stir in the parsley, wine, thyme and bay leaf.

Chopped fresh rosemary or thyme (optional).

Graffiato's Pumpkin Tortellini With Brown Butter and Lemon Thyme.

Add broth, tomatoes, lentils , barley, Italian seasoning, and thyme.

1 1/2 tsp fresh thyme.

Description Versatile and beautiful, thymes should have a place in every herb garden.

ROSEMARY & THYME is a charming, contemporary crime series with a unique twist, as two gardening enthusiasts find themselves caught up in a series of murder mysteries.

1/4 ounce Alemany thyme honey.

Brussels sprouts braised in broth and thyme is a surprisingly simple preparation that yields rich and savory results.

Why Is My Thyme Dying.

Usage in literature

I know a bank whereon the wild thyme blows, Where ox-lips and the nodding violet grows. "Familiar Quotations" by Various

This oil is used in soap occasionally in place of red thyme oil. "The Handbook of Soap Manufacture" by W. H. Simmons

Mr. Carnaby threw himself down on a soft couch of wild thyme, on a rising ground, and took out his book. "The Crofton Boys" by Harriet Martineau

Mr Carnaby threw himself down on a soft couch of wild thyme, on a rising ground, and took out his book. "The Crofton Boys" by Harriet Martineau

It came from a tuft of wild thyme on which her palm had been pressing while she leaned. "Shining Ferry" by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch

And come and sniff him, and you'll find he smells of water-thyme. "Explorers of the Dawn" by Mazo de la Roche

Thyme and numerous other plants abound. "The Incomparable 29th and the "River Clyde"" by George Davidson

Nur looked like a kind little old man, and he wore a sprig of wild thyme in his hood. "Honey-Bee" by Anatole France

It is the flowers of the thyme in which the bees are rioting. "Last Words" by Juliana Horatia Ewing

Rue and thyme grow baith in ae garden. "The Proverbs of Scotland" by Alexander Hislop

Usage in poetry
Before your light quite fail,
Already paling star,
(The quail
Sings in the thyme afar!)
O, high above the sounding pine,
And richer, sweeter far,
The wild thyme wakes. The celandine
Looks at the morning star.
And I would turn and answer
Among the springing thyme,
'Oh, peal upon our wedding,
And we will hear the chime,
And come to church in time.
Ah! passion, pure as morning dew,
And fresh as breath of mint and thyme!
Impulse of Spring, so new and true!
Essence of innocence and prime!
I did love thee, Lily Lee,
As the petrel loves the sea,
As the wild bee loves the thyme,
As the poet loves his rhyme,
As the blossom loves the dew --
But the angels loved thee, too!
So on to Baydon sauntered, teased
With that pure native air.
Sometimes the sweetness of wild thyme
The strings of care
Did pluck; sometimes my soul was eased
With more than sweetness of wild thyme.