(Old Testament) food that God gave the Israelites during the Exodus -
hardened sugary exudation of various trees
(Bot) A name given to lichens of the genus Lecanora, sometimes blown into heaps in the deserts of Arabia and Africa, and gathered and used as food; called also manna lichen. -
(Bot. & Med) A sweetish exudation in the form of pale yellow friable flakes, coming from several trees and shrubs and used in medicine as a gentle laxative, as the secretion of Fraxinus Ornus, and Fraxinus rotundifolia, the manna ashes of Southern Europe. -
(Script) The food supplied to the Israelites in their journey through the wilderness of Arabia; hence, divinely supplied food.
The food by which the children of Israel were sustained in the wilderness (Ex. xvi. 14-36; Num. xi. 6, 7). The circumstances attending the gift of manna show that it was believed to be miraculous. Modern commentators differ in opinion as to its probable nature: by some it is identified with an exudation of the tamarisk-tree, and by others with a lichen which, torn from its home and carried vast distances by the wind, still falls and is gathered for food in the Sinaitic peninsula (see manna-lichen); and by others it is regarded as a special and miraculous creation. -
Hence Delicious food for either the body or the mind; delectable material for nourishment or entertainment. -
Divine or spiritual food. -
In pharmacy, a sweet concrete juice obtained by incisions made in the stem of Fraxinus Ornus, a native of Sicily, Calabria, and other parts of the south of Europe, and from other species of ash. It is either naturally concreted or exsiccated and purified by art. At the present day the manna of commerce is collected exclusively in Sicily, where the manna-ash is cultivated for the purpose in regular plantations. The best manna is in oblong pieces or flakes of a whitish or pale-yellow color, light, friable, and somewhat transparent. It has a slight peculiar odor, and a sweetish taste mixed with a slight degree of bitterness, and is employed as a gentle laxative for children or persons of weak habit. It is, however, generally used as an adjunct to other more active medicines. It consists principally of a crystallizable sweet substance named mannite, and certain other substances in smaller quantity. Sweetish secretions exuded by some other plants growing in warm and dry climates, as the Eucalyptus viminalis, the manna-gum tree of Australia, and the Tamarix Gallica, var. mannifera, of Arabia and Syria, are also considered to be kinds of manna. Small quantities of manna, known as Briaçon manna, are obtained from the common larch, Larix Europæa. -
The secretion of the tamarisk, Tamarix Gallica, var. mannifera. It is a honey-like liquid which exudes from punctures made by an insect, hardens on the stems, and drops to the ground. It is collected by the Arabs as a delicacy.
man′a the food supplied to the Israelites in the wilderness of Arabia: delicious food for body or mind: a sweet juice or gum got from many trees, as the ash of Sicily
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L., fr. Gr. ma`nna, Heb. mān,; cf. Ar. mann, properly, gift (of heaven)
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Heb. mān hū, what is it? or from man, a gift.
Manna Bread & Wine Sunday Brunch.
One of my favorite restaurants in town, Manna Bread & Wine now serves brunch on Sundays and it's something you shouldn't miss out on.
The last time I wrote about Manna Bread & Wine it was smaller and had different owners.
Manna , for those of you who don't know, is "the food of the gods".
World Youth Day–Money and Manna .
MANNA FoodBank will close its Franklin distribution center by October, putting three part-time employees out of work as the agency moves to streamline its system and cut overall operating costs.
Café Manna revels in fresh vegetables.
It's a simple and powerful mantra: "We are just here to offer comfort to those in need with dignity," says Tom Nicolulis, Manna House director.
Miss Winnie's serves up manna for many.
Complete details for Manna Korean Restaurant.
Clark Mannas, 14, bow-shot these tilapia out of Lake Travis.
Nicholas Rodriguez and Manna Nichols in My Fair Lady.
Manna Nichols as Eliza Doolittle and Benedict Campbell as Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady.
This week's snow might have seemed like long-awaited manna from heaven for those of us in the metro who love to ski in the woods and build snow forts in our back yards.
It is like manna from heaven, the depth of the reading in the links as follows.
The two schemes are given in Appendix A; Manna proves their equivalence using several successive graph transormations.
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We reconsider the moment analysis of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld and the Manna sandpile model in two and three dimensions.
Moment analysis of the probability distributions of different sandpile models
Especially the moment analysis of the size distribution of the BTW and Manna sandpile model has led Chessa et al. to the conclusion that both models are characterized by the same scaling exponents and thus belong to the same universality class .
Moment analysis of the probability distributions of different sandpile models
In this work we reconsider the moment analysis and compare the scaling behavior of various avalanche quantities for the BTW and Manna model.
Moment analysis of the probability distributions of different sandpile models
Our analysis turns out that in contrast to the moment behavior of both models differs significantly, i.e., the BTW and the Manna model belong to different universality classes.
Moment analysis of the probability distributions of different sandpile models
Victory will not descend on our camp like a manna from on high. "England and Germany" by
Then, who would call mad Discord from her cell, To scatter poisons there where the world's manna fell! "The Emigrant" by
The desert afforded them no sustenance until God miraculously sent manna. "Bible Romances" by
To the great horde of starving European nobility the daughters of American millionaires have dropped as heavenly manna. "Carmen Ariza" by
I've ben givin' him Bird Manna and Bitters right along, and I've bathed them spots till they're all gone. "Mrs. Tree" by
It was the comfortable miracle of the daily manna. "The Gates Between" by
You remember the Israelites used to gather the manna fresh every day: they were not allowed to store it up. "Sovereign Grace" by
Many a moving word and warning, that out of the heart came Fell like the dew of the morning, like manna on those in the desert. "The Song of Hiawatha" by
The food was not very good, and I have no doubt Nares would have reviled it, but it was manna to the castaways. "The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition Vol. 13 (of 25)" by
I never eat cheese at home, but here the breakings are like manna. "A Diary Without Dates" by
Lay thick around their feet
The corn of heav'n, so light, so pure,
As though 'twere angels' meat.
Thence manna, hungry souls to feed —
Thence wine, to soften human woes,
And comfort give, to all that need!
Or at an emperor's tyrannic board,
That you are speedily about to eat
A food, which is than manna much more sweet.
But more because of Jesus’ blood;
Let manna to our souls be giv’n,
The Bread of Life sent down from Heav’n.
Fed on quails and manna,
Sherman and his glorious band
Journeyed through the rebel land,
Fed from Heaven's all-bounteous hand,
Marching on Savannah!
As heavenly manna sweet, or morning dew;
Beneath thy wings, my troubled thoughts recall,
And, haply, lend them some serener hue.