a flight of stairs or a flight of steps -
the course along which a person has walked or is walking in "I followed in his steps","he retraced his steps","his steps turned toward home"
Step on it - This idiom is a way of telling someone to hurry up or to go faster.
Step on someone's toes - If you step on someone's toes, you upset them, especially if you do something that they should be in charge of.
Step up a gear - If you step up a gear, you perform noticeably better, especially in sport.
Step up to the plate - If someone steps up to the plate, they take on or accept a challenge or a responsibility.
A step-by-step evaluation process, using key performance indicators, can help purchasing manage supplier relations and make better sourcing decisions.
Watch this video to learn how to make it and see our step-by-step how-to.
A step into the Buena Vista is a step back in time.
Christine Lakin played Alicia 'Al' Lambert on the sitcom 'Step By Step.
Give credit to TechRadar for noticing this one: Microsoft apparently is taking a step - a tiny step - toward eliminating QuickTime on the Windows platform.
Step-by-Step: Growing Salad Greens .
Step- By-Step faces wrongful death suit.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Site.
Club President and friend Mike Tillman has stepped down after fifteen years of service, and none have stepped forward to replace him.
New Yorkers have become increasingly conscious of what steps they can take to help the environment — from using less water to buying local produce — but we've taken one big step simply by living here.
Blogs Surviving Step By Step Surviving Step by Step: Happy New Year.
Check out this simple step-by-step video guide to baking gingerbread men (and women).
FPGA programming step by step.
Blogs Surviving Step By Step Surviving Step by Step:Happy New Year .
Each set includes everything you need for a glamorous night out, including a step-by-step application guide from celebrity makeup artist Sarah Lucero.
These vertices are removed from Γ in the execution of a Step 1 or Step 2 of 2greedy and they are internal vertices of paths of M at the start of Step 3.
An almost linear time algorithm for finding Hamilton cycles in sparse random graphs with minimum degree at least three
A θc = ˆA + ˆB and θ2 = 1 − θa − θb − θc and ∆ξ is the proportion of steps in [t, t + ρ] that are Step 1ξ or Step 2, if ξ = 2.
An almost linear time algorithm for finding Hamilton cycles in sparse random graphs with minimum degree at least three
We use the fact that almost all of the first n1−ε steps are Step 2 to see that the edges incident with u occuring in the first n1−ε /10 steps will indeed be selected before time n1−ε .
An almost linear time algorithm for finding Hamilton cycles in sparse random graphs with minimum degree at least three
This is now immediate from the Steps I and II since by the Step I each ui is a reduced word in the alphabet X and by the Step II any cancellation clearly begins at the interface of adjacent ui ’s and stops before reaching the basic symbols x ∈ X (use:S ∩ S −1 =
Excursions in Group Theory
With the exception of step 3 (where we search for the normal surface S ), every step of the algorithm runs in time polynomial in c; in contrast, step 3 runs in time O(3n × poly(n)), where n is the number of tetrahedra in the triangulation T .
A fast branching algorithm for unknot recognition with experimental polynomial-time behaviour
I looked round, with a start, and flushed and faltered, receding a step from him. "Uncle Silas" by
Orange did not take this extreme step without adequate cause. "History of Holland" by
The first step was up to his knees, and the second step was up to his waist. "Young Folks Treasury, Volume 2 (of 12)" by
As the afternoon was waning I retraced my steps and returned to the ranch. "The Rustlers of Pecos County" by
When I found that he dodged my steps, I spoke to him again, and threatened that I should acquaint Mr. Verner. "Verner's Pride" by
A light step, almost unheard on the soft ground, approached, and the low bushes rustled as if against a silk garment. "The Northern Light" by
Moored to the steps, several wherries were dancing in the rushing current, as if impatient of restraint. "Jack Sheppard" by
Then he stepped softly to the bunk-room, took Sinker's hat and stepped back to the table. "Sundown Slim" by
He lighted the lantern and sat down on the steps waiting for the boy. "The Ridin' Kid from Powder River" by
Then her father hurried down the steps, and got into the doctor's buggy and drove away. "By the Light of the Soul" by
That trod between us two,
Can never retrace their steps,
And fall where they used to do.
Another call is given;
And glows once more with Angel-steps
The path which reaches Heaven.
Towards them steps with joy;
Says the brave old Duke, "Come tell to us,
Is it a gal or a boy?"
An unseen presence step with me,
That gave to field and woodland belt
A universal memory.
I lingered far behind:
And, lest my step should reach her ear,
I shook at every wind.
The window set wide;
And I step in the largeness and freedom
Of sunlight outside ;