taking place by degrees
By regular steps or gradations; of or pertaining to gradation.
Of, pertaining to, or according to gradation.
But as impressive as the flask 's back story was its extremely rare brilliant yellow color that had an unusual gradation, from yellow to almost clear in the middle of the body.
The review team focused on the aggregate and discovered the core of the problem was the variability of the aggregate gradations in both fine and coarse sizes.
On paper, the aggregate gradation reports submitted by each testing location seemed to be consistent, with results falling within our control band.
Color gradations to depict vegetation and labels for natural land formations are also included, Wired reported Friday.
LULU LEDERMAN sees the world of style in gradations, small subtle characteristics that distinguish a hip piece of clothing from a truly awful one.
A couple takes a minimalist approach to their Brooklyn apartment, focusing on supple materials, subtle gradations of color, and custom finishes by local craftsmen.
His Lifx bulbs , which screw into standard lamps, are energy-efficient, last up to 25 years, and can shine in millions of different color gradations.
In developed economies, the major factor contributing to the growth of the water treatment chemical market are equipment replacements, technology up gradation and introduction of innovative products.
Enlarge Martin Griff / The Times Emily Fisher Charter School graduating seniors line up on a staircase at Marriott Hotel in Trenton on Friday, June 15, 2012, for what could be the last gradation ceremony for the school.
In many areas, the gradations of pay based on geography are relatively slight, and for the most part the factor does not appear to register highly with physicians considering their financial situations.
Everyone who is anyone in the world of cars is showing off their hybrids – be they electric motors boosting a petrol engine, petrol engines extending the range of electric batteries, or any manner of gradations in between.
Each customer's specific refining process for product gradation is met with the exactness that comes from a custom manufacturer.
Samuel Johnson wrote " In sovereignty there are no gradations ".
Blending is the ability to gradate from one color to another without obvious transitions and boundaries.
Do his thighs bear the iced-latte gradations of a bathing suit switcher.
Next we introduce a new gradation for W = W (m, n, 1).
Representations of the restricted Cartan type Lie superalgebra $W(m,n,1)$
Aut( L(m, n)) which preserves both types of gradations.
Representations of the restricted Cartan type Lie superalgebra $W(m,n,1)$
In this section we study the induced nonrestricted W -modules with respect to a different gradation.
Representations of the restricted Cartan type Lie superalgebra $W(m,n,1)$
In this context, there are a couple of gradations worth mentioning.
Sparse fusion systems
The Lie algebra W = W (Γ, D) has a natural Γ-gradation W = Lα∈Γ Wα , where Wα = xαD for α ∈ Γ.
Multiplicity-Free Representations of Divergence-Free Lie Algebras
The gradations of light, until the approach of meridian day, were admirably represented. "The Stranger in France" by
Choose your dinner from either bill; vary it, by all the gradations between. "The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 83, September, 1864" by
From a street car conductor to an auctioneer, showman and capitalist, were the gradations of his career. "Watch Yourself Go By" by
In Aristotle's view the gradation of organic forms is the consequence, not the cause, of the gradation observable in their activities. "Form and Function" by
The gradations cannot, however, be made strictly according to value. "Up To Date Business" by
The gradations are so subtle that we are often obliged to make arbitrary divisions. "Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution" by
A somewhat similar gradation is noted in their color and state. "An Elementary Study of Chemistry" by
TITIAN: noted for his broad shades of divers gradations (1477-1576). "Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama" by
Hence there are no moral gradations in the Koran. "A Critical Exposition of the Popular 'Jihád'" by
If he is forced to penetrate, he loses all balance, for in wrong-doing he understands no gradations. "The New Society" by
In slow gradation fine?
Death's lovely shadow, flickering full
Of eyes about to shine.
The LIVING bud may burst,--
The WITHERED one is gathered,
And blooms in Heaven first.
No cold gradations of decay,
Death broke at once the vital chain,
And forced his soul the nearest way.
Have mark'd by slow gradation rise
The princely piles of Stowe;
Yet praised these unembellish'd woods,
And smiled to see the babbling floods
Through self-worn mazes flow.