the act of abolishing a system or practice or institution (especially abolishing slavery) "the abolition of capital punishment"
The act of abolishing; abolition; destruction.
The act of abolishing or of putting an end to; abrogation; destruction; abolition.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. F. abolissement,
Let's abolish 'having it all' elitism. ashingtonpost.com
One of the most important measures on the November ballot would abolish California's death penalty. abclocal.go.com
Proposition 34, a ballot measure that would abolish the death penalty in California, faces long odds at the polls. illitsnews.com
Utah Congressman Jim Matheson spoke out today against his opponent Mia Love's support for downsizing or abolishing the U-S Department of Education. kuer.org
Abolish House, Senate ethics committees. rdw.com
Gov Nikki Haley wants legislators to abolish the House and Senate ethics committees, so lawmakers aren't policing themselves. rdw.com
Abolish Texas property taxes. star-telegram.com
GOP moves to abolish AmeriCorps, stop funding. ashingtontimes.com
Abolish the Law Reviews. theatlantic.com
Earlier this spring, Republican-controlled legislatures in Kansas and Oklahoma also defeated measures that would have abolished the state-income tax, fearing the loss of revenue. ashingtonpost.com
That's still a far cry from abolishing the personal income tax entirely. ashingtonpost.com
Tom's Opinion: Is It Time to Abolish The Property Tax In Montana. kmmsam.com
Jamaica to abolish slavery-era flogging law. cortezjournal.com
They want to abolish abortion rights, gay rights, establish voter registration restrictions and deport younger illegal immigrants. columbian.com
On November 6, Americans will vote on at least 174 ballot measures in 38 states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, weighing in on everything from legalizing marijuana to abolishing the death penalty. motherjones.com
Relinquishment of quantization abolishes the need for a classical theory.
Spinors in Quantum Geometrical Theory
The second is the proposal of a new view of complexity as a state of transition from dynamics to thermodynamics, denoted as LSM, with the important effect of abolishing the perspective of ordinary statistical mechanics that would make life foreign to physics.
From Knowledge, Knowability and the Search for Objective Randomness to a New Vision of Complexity
This was soon abolished as it turned out to use prohibitive amounts of memory.
Continuum multi-physics modeling with scripting languages: the Nsim simulation compiler prototype for classical field theory
Moreover, our meta-modeling techniques provide a general account of saturation and, thus, abolish its compulsory replication for expressing complex preferences.
Complex Optimization in Answer Set Programming
The Old System When our proposal is a failure, the journal track can be abolished and the conference track’s acceptance rate can be decreased again.
A Revised Publication Model for ECML PKDD
Secondly, the emperor was bound by the law code: he could not change it nor abolish it. "A history of China., [3d ed. rev. and enl.]" by
In 1870 the mixed courts were abolished, but the main part of the treaty was left in force. "The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America" by
Intercollegiate athletics should be abolished. "Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index" by
Hereditary nobility was abolished in 1821. "Kelly Miller's History of the World War for Human Rights" by
Our teachers found it to be madness and it was abolished. "A Honeymoon in Space" by
The Star Chamber and High Commission Courts were abolished. "The Rise of the Democracy" by
One of his first acts was to abolish all the privileges which had been conferred upon the Plebeians by Servius. "A Smaller History of Rome" by
Why not abolish all the devil's works? "A Preface to Politics" by
I should like to be shown a country where slavery has been abolished by the voluntary action of the masters. "Sophisms of the Protectionists" by
Luther thought it was time to abolish private mass. "The Necessity of Atheism" by
To enslave him past recall,
His tooth-stone-arrow-gun-shy mind
Turned and abolished all.
He wouldn't do his work so handy;
Therefore, in that respect let strong drink be abolished in time,
And that will cause a great decrease in crime.
Their hideousness
Blaspheming Christ--'mid shattered altars rolled
To rottenness,
Their slaves abolished and their priests of old
Trodden to nothingness.
And try to abolish the foul fiend, Drink.
Let such doctrine be taught in church and school,
That the abolition of strong drink is the only Home Rule.
Just, for instance in the beautiful town of Dundee;
then this world would be heaven, whereas it's a hell,
An the people would have more peace in it to dwell
But such men, I rather think, should keep their heads cool,
And try and learn more sense, I most earnestlty do pray,
And help to get strong drink abolished without delay.