(ten′e-brē) an office held by Roman Catholics on Good Friday and the preceding two days, consisting of the matins and lauds of the following day. During it the church is gradually darkened by the putting out of all the candles but one, which for a time (as a symbol of our Lord's death and burial) is hidden at the Epistle corner of the altar
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L. tenebrosus—tenebræ, darkness.
Art House / Film CIFF notes: Carlos Reygadas's bewildering Post Tenebras Lux. chicagoreader.com
Parishioners at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Elk River took turns pounding a nail into a cross at the close of the church's annual Good Friday Tenebrae service. erstarnews.com
Pilgrims have filled the Sistine Chapel for the rite of the Tenebrae. ilsonquarterly.com
Art House / Film CIFF notes: Carlos Reygadas's bewildering Post Tenebras Lux . chicagoreader.com
It seemed to them that they were ready to enter a church on the day of Tenebrae. "Notre-Dame de Paris" by
Is there any thing in the Tenebrae why I ought not to be present? "Lothair" by
Agnovit vocem juvenis; nam caetera nigrae Eripuere oculis tenebrae. "Gustavus Vasa" by
LUX IN TENEBRAS; OR A CHAPTER OF HEART HISTORY. "Mrs Whittelsey's Magazine for Mothers and Daughters" by
Separatio autem dei mors, et separatio lucis tenebrae, et separatio dei amissio omnium quae sunt apud eum bonorum. "History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)" by
As to Church Services, we attended the Tenebrae, at the Sestine, for the sake of the Miserere; and that was all. "Apologia pro Vita Sua" by
Tenebrae had been going on for some time in the Basilica, and the people were singing the Miserere. "The Eternal City" by
Oramus, si forte non molestumst, Demostres, ubi sint tuae tenebrae. "The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus" by
The Tenebrae is one of the most impressive of all the ceremonies of Holy Week in Rome. "Manasseh" by