(of a photographic lens or emulsion) causing a shortening of exposure time "a fast lens" -
unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause "a firm ally","loyal supporters","the true-hearted soldier...of Tippecanoe"- Campaign song for William Henry Harrison","fast friends" -
acting or moving or capable of acting or moving quickly "fast film","on the fast track in school","set a fast pace","a fast car" -
at a rapid tempo "the band played a fast fox trot" -
(used of timepieces) indicating a time ahead of or later than the correct time "my watch is fast" -
securely fixed in place "the post was still firm after being hit by the car" -
hurried and brief "paid a flying visit","took a flying glance at the book","a quick inspection","a fast visit" -
unrestrained by convention or morality "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society","deplorably dissipated and degraded","riotous living","fast women" -
resistant to destruction or fading "fast colors" -
(of surfaces) conducive to rapid speeds "a fast road","grass courts are faster than clay" -
quickly or rapidly (often used as a combining form) "how fast can he get here?","ran as fast as he could","needs medical help fast","fast-running rivers","fast-breaking news","fast-opening (or fast-closing) shutters" -
firmly or closely "held fast to the rope","her foot was stuck fast","held tight" -
abstain from eating "Before the medical exam, you must fast" -
abstain from certain foods, as for religious or medical reasons "Catholics sometimes fast during Lent" -
abstaining from food
Abstinence from food; omission to take nourishment. "Surfeit is the father of much fast ." -
Firm against attack; fortified by nature or art; impregnable; strong. "Outlaws . . . lurking in woods and fast places." -
Firm in adherence; steadfast; not easily separated or alienated; faithful; as, a fast friend. -
Firmly fixed; closely adhering; made firm; not loose, unstable, or easily moved; immovable; as, to make fast the door. "There is an order that keeps things fast ." -
In a fast, fixed, or firmly established manner; fixedly; firmly; immovably. "We will bind thee fast ." -
Moving rapidly; quick in mition; rapid; swift; as, a fast horse. -
Not easily disturbed or broken; deep; sound. "All this while in a most fast sleep." -
Permanent; not liable to fade by exposure to air or by washing; durable; lasting; as, fast colors. -
Tenacious; retentive. "Roses, damask and red, are fast flowers of their smells." -
To abstain from food; to omit to take nourishment in whole or in part; to go hungry. "Fasting he went to sleep, and fasting waked." -
To practice abstinence as a religious exercise or duty; to abstain from food voluntarily for a time, for the mortification of the body or appetites, or as a token of grief, or humiliation and penitence. "Thou didst fast and weep for the child." -
Voluntary abstinence from food, for a space of time, as a spiritual discipline, or as a token of religious humiliation.
Firmly fixed in place; immovable. -
Strong against attack; fortified. -
Fixed in such a way as to prevent detachment, separation, removal, or escape; tight; secure; close; not loose nor easily detachable: as, take a fast hold; make fast the door; make fast a rope. Used elliptically in whaling, in exclamation, to indicate that the harpoon has pierced the whale, and that the boat is thus fast to it. -
Firm in adherence; steadfast; faithful. -
Tenacious; not fugitive; durable; lasting; permanent in tint: as, fast colors; fast to milling or to washing (said of colors, or of materials which will not change color under those operations). -
Close, as sleep; deep; sound. -
In use; not to be had. -
The game of prison-bars or prisoner's-base. -
Nautical, to belay: as, to make fast a rope. -
That which fastens or holds. Specifically (nautical), a rope or chain by which a vessel is moored to a wharf, pier, etc.: named bow-, head-, quarter-, stern-, or breast-fast, according to the part of the vessel to which it is attached. By the breast-fast the vessel is secured broadside to the wharf or pier. -
Immovable shore-ice. -
An underlayer; an understratum. -
So as to be fixed or firm; so as to be firmly fixed in its place or in a desired position; firmly; immovably: as, the door sticks fast. -
In archery, used elliptically for stand fast, or some similar injunction, in cautioning a person against passing between the shooter and the target, and directing him to stand fast, or remain where he is. -
Strongly; vehemently; greatly; hard. -
Tenaciously; durably; permanently. -
Eagerly. -
Soundly; closely; deeply. -
Close; near: as, fast by; fast beside. See below. -
To make fast; fix; fasten. -
Specifically To join in marriage; marry. -
Swiftly; rapidly; quickly; with quick motion or in rapid succession: as, to run fast; to move fast through the water, as a ship; the work goes on fast; it rains fast; the blows fell thick and fast. -
Swift; quick in motion; rapid; that moves, advances, or acts with celerity or speed: as, a fast horse; a fast cruiser; a fast printing-press. -
Done or accomplished with celerity; speedily performed; occupying comparatively little time: as, a fast passage or journey; a fast race; fast work. -
Being in advance of a standard; too far ahead: used of timepieces and reckonings of time: as, the clock or watch is fast, or ten minutes fast; your time is fast. -
Furnishing or concerned with rapid transportation: as, a fast train; a fast-freight line; a fast route; a fast station. -
Eager in the pursuit of pleasure or frivolity; devoted to pleasure and gayety; dissipated: as, a fast liver; a fast man; a fast life. When applied to a woman, it commonly indicates that she does not abide by strict rules of propriety, imitates the manners or habits of a man, etc. -
To hasten. -
To abstain from food beyond the usual time; omit to take nourishment: go hungry. -
To abstain from food, or from particular kinds of food, voluntarily, for the mortification of the body, as a religious duty. See fast, n., and fast-day. -
A state of fasting; abstinence from food; omission to take nourishment. -
Voluntary abstinence from food, as a religious penance or discipline, as a means of propitiation, or as an expression of grief under affliction present or prospective. Roman Catholic theologians distinguish between natural and ecclesiastical fasts. In the former, which are required of those who are about to communicate, there is a total abstinence from all food and drink; the latter imposes certain limits and restrictions as regards both the kind and the quantity of the food. -
A time of fasting; the prescribed period or duration of abstinence. The only fast ordained by the Mosaic law was that of the day of atonement; but other fasts were subsequently instituted on account of great national calamities, and special fasts also were appointed on account of special impending peril. In the Roman Catholic Church all baptized persons over twenty-one years of age are required to observe appointed days of fasting, on which, subject to certain exceptions and exemptions, as the requirements of health, they are required not to eat more than one full meal. These days include the forty days of Lent, the ember-days, the Fridays of the four weeks of Advent, and the vigils of Pentecost or Whit-Sunday, of the feasts of St. Peter and St. Paul, of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, of All Saints, and of Christmas day. All Fridays not fast-days are days of abstinence.. (See fast-day, 1.) In the Greek Church, in addition to the forty days of Lent, there are three principal fasts, each lasting a week: that of the Holy Spirit, immediately after Pentecost; that of the Virgin, in August; and that of the Nativity. In the Episcopal Church, Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are fasts; Lent, the ember-days, the three rogation-days, and all Fridays are only days of abstinence. -
Favorable to high speed: said of the condition of a race-track or road, and also, in cricket, of the wicket or playing-ground when it is hard and dry, so that the ball travels fast. -
In architecture, a fastening, usually a simple button or bolt to keep a door or window shut: often used in combination, as door-fast, shutter-fast, etc. -
The fast of the fifth month, on the ninth day of Ab, the fifth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year; on that day, the Talmud relates, it was decreed that the children of Israel should not enter the Promised Land: the destruction of the first and second temples occurred on the same day. -
The fast of the tenth month, on the tenth day of Tebeth, the reason for this fast being the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar. -
The fast of Esther, on the thirteenth day of the month Adar, which is the eve of Purim (which see). Besides the above there are numerous other fasts, general, local, and private. For instance, in some localities the Jews fast on the twentieth day of Sivan (about the middle of June), on account of the calamities inflicted upon them in 1648 by the Cossacks under Chmielnicki. The Jews of Frankfort-on-the-Main fast on the nineteenth day of Adar, on account of the atrocities committed upon them at the time of their expulsion from that place in 1614. The orthodox Jews observe no less than twenty-five regular fast-days, besides a score or so of other self-imposed and private fasts, including Jahrzeit, a fast on the anniversary of the death of parents, and the fast of bad dreams, which takes place in order that God may be invoked to ward off the threatening evil. The very pious Jews fast every Friday, so that they may better enjoy the Sabbath feast in the evening, which is considered a meritorious meal.
fast firm: fixed: steadfast: fortified -
firmly, unflinchingly: soundly or sound (asleep): quickly: close, near -
fast quick: rapid: rash: dissipated -
swiftly: in rapid succession: extravagantly -
fast to keep from food: to go hungry: to abstain from food in whole or part, as a religious duty -
abstinence from food: special abstinence enjoined by the church: the day or time of fasting
Fast and furious - Things that happen fast and furious happen very quickly without stopping or pausing.
Play fast and loose - If people play fast and loose, they behave in an irresponsible way and don't respect rules, etc.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE., firm, strong, not loose, AS. fæst,; akin to OS. fast, D. vast, OHG. fasti, festi, G. fest, Icel. fastr, Sw. & Dan. fast, and perh. to E. fetter,. The sense swift, comes from the idea of keeping close to what is pursued; a Scandinavian use. Cf. Fast (adv.) Fast (v.) Avast
It's a fast-growing vine that uses small adhesive disks to attach to the side of a wall, fence, or other structure.
Paddle boarding is a fast-growing trend along just about every coastline in the world.
Jacque Pépin's chicken stew is fast and easy to assemble, and it cooks in about 30 minutes.
It knows how fast you're going, when you brake, if you're buckled in, and can even tell your airbags when to deploy.
Business Process Management is increasingly critical as companies struggle to keep up with fast-evolving markets.
Cybersecurity, fast becoming Washington's growth industry of choice, appears to be in line for a multibillion-dollar injection of federal research dollars, according to a senior intelligence official.
Fall is coming on fast.
According to a report from television station KCTV, police in Kansas City are searching for a man who brandished a samurai sword while robbing a fast food restaurant earlier this week.
An Effortless Fast Italian Brawler .
This is a homemade fast-food dinner because I only needed to broil the fish for a couple of minutes on each side.
The monster virus that attacks its hosts in Steven Soderbergh's Contagion is a fast, nasty, invisible killer and we witness all too clearly what it can do to the human body.
RoadSafe Traffic Systems guides Massachusetts Turnpike Motorists from Fast Lane to E-ZPass.
So far, UCLA redshirt freshman quarterback Brett Hundley has shown a strong arm, fast feet, the ability to keep plays alive and accuracy.
Children grow up fast – every parent knows that.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
The paraxial approximation requires the small angle scattering to be dominant, θ ∼ θscat ≪ 1, so that the theory is applicable only for fast particles: E ≫ |U |.
Paraxial propagation of a quantum charge in a random magnetic field
Furthermore, at this point we will consider the “screening” (or slow) response in the y−direction, by taking the (q , ω ) limits in the order ω → 0 first and q → 0 last; in the usual “transport” (or fast) response the limits are in the opposite order .
Reactive Hall response
Thus the problem of an unacceptably fast proton decay, due to dimension-5 operators, would be naturally solved in the SU (7) model considered.
From Prototype SU(5) to Realistic SU(7) SUSY GUT
It is fast Larmor precession of grains that makes magnetic field the reference axis.
Physics of Grain Alignment
Facing Complexity Barnett Effect and Fast Larmor Precession It was realized by Martin (1972) that rotating charged grains will develop magnetic moment and the interaction of this moment with the interstellar magnetic field will result in grain precession.
Physics of Grain Alignment
Sometimes when Arabella's kitty would run very fast, or jump very high, Arabella would laugh until she tumbled right over on the floor. "Boys and Girls Bookshelf; a Practical Plan of Character Building, Volume I (of 17)" by
The fast stations were now at an end, but by paying fast prices we got horses with less delay. "Northern Travel" by
Fast as a top in a moment! "The Peril Finders" by
The grouping of material is in no sense a hard and fast one. "Children's Literature" by
It, too, grew fast and he dimly saw leaves and the branches of trees flying past. "The Keepers of the Trail" by
After we had broken our fast, Captain Levee hastened away on board of his vessel. "The Privateer's-Man" by
Kate took it to the window to examine, for the light was fading fast. "Fifty-Two Stories For Girls" by
But he was fast growing dizzier, and his eyelids were uncommonly heavy. "The Riflemen of the Ohio" by
Fast bind, fast find. "The Proverbs of Scotland" by
One night the poor boy could endure the fatigue no longer and fell fast asleep. "The Book of Stories for the Storyteller" by
Thee I seek,--
Patient, meek,
In the way Thou hast,--
Be it slow or fast,
Up to Thee.
If we're the very last;
He bids us never tire ourselves
With walking on too fast."
O! it is gone and past;
This pleasant spring which now appear,
Will fly away as fast.
And all his heart was wae;
"Put on! put on! my wighty men,
So fast as ye can gae!
And oh, his heart was wae!
"Put on, put on, my wighty men,
As fast as ye can gae.
As fast as time can move?
Nor would we wish the hours more slow
To keep us from our love.