urge to an unnatural speed "Don't rush me, please!" -
act or move at high speed "We have to rush!","hurry--it's late!" -
move very fast "The runner zipped past us at breakneck speed" -
the act of moving hurriedly and in a careless manner "in his haste to leave he forgot his book" -
overly eager speed (and possible carelessness) "he soon regretted his haste" -
a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry "in a hurry to lock the door"
The act of hurrying in motion or business; pressure; urgency; bustle; confusion. "Ambition raises a tumult in the soul, it inflames the mind, and puts into a violent hurry of thought." -
To cause to be done quickly. -
To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge on. "Impetuous lust hurries him on.", "They hurried him abroad a bark."
To hasten; urge forward or onward; impel to greater rapidity of movement or action. -
To impel to violent or thoughtless action; urge to confused or imprudent activity. -
To draw, as a corf or wagon, in a coal-mine. -
Synonyms Hasten, Hurry (see hasten, v. i.); precipitate. -
To flurry. -
To move or act with haste. -
To move or act with undue haste or with precipitation. -
Synonyms Hasten, Hurry. See hasten, v. i. -
The act of hurrying. The act of making haste; rapid movement or action; also, urgency; bustle; haste. -
Excessive haste; precipitation; hence, agitation; confusion. -
A timber staging with spouts running from it, used in loading vessels with coal. -
In dram, music, a tremolando passage for violins or tympani in connection with an exciting situation. -
Synonyms Haste (see hasten, v. i.), flurry, flutter. -
In physical, a proposed unit of acceleration; an acceleration of one foot per second per second.
hur′i to urge forward: to hasten -
to move or act with haste:—pa.p. hurr′ied -
a driving forward: haste: tumult: a tremolando passage for violins, &c., in connection with an exciting situation -
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. horien,; cf. OSw. hurra, to whirl round, dial. Sw. hurr, great haste, Dan. hurre, to buzz, Icel. hurr, hurly-burly, MHG. hurren, to hurry, and E. hurr, whir, to hurry; all prob. of imitative origin
Tickets are available now at the box office through showtime…it will sell out, hurry.
Two of baseball's fastest-starting pitchers have slowed down in a hurry, though for slightly different reasons.
I'm talking about making a promise of spending "quality time" with someone we care about, a precious and valuable experience in these hurried and harried times.
I'd have to say that almost everyone will be in "hurry" mode.
Taking off in a hurry.
At Rotee, one of the best dishes to hurry out of the oven is the fish tandoori ($9.99).
If Echo and the Bunnymen doesn't hurry up and release The Fountain, every other band in England is going to beat them to it.
The cliche that 'everybody is always in a hurry' is true in art too.
Back in 1941, when the air station was being hurriedly built, the first Victory Homes on top of Eerkes Hill were the ones in the circle overlooking the Seaplane Base and the town.
George Rupp has always seemed to be a man in a hurry.
Koch knew to hurry up and hit.
Dirk Nowitzki hurried off the court after the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship.
A young man in a hurry spends little time waiting.
Hurrying drivers and walking students.
E verybody agrees that the bipartisan deficit super committee had better hurry up and strike a deal to cut the federal budget by $1.2 trillion so it can meet its November 23 deadline.
In particular, the discussion of crossed products can be ignored by the reader in a hurry.
A note on topological amenability
This consequence of the Schr¨odinger equation thus leads to the impression (for separate observers) that all “other” components have “hurried out of existence” as soon as decoherence has become irreversible for all practical purposes.
Decoherence: Basic Concepts and Their Interpretation
The hurried reader will find the main points summarized in § 6.
Issues for the Next Generation of Galaxy Surveys
We chose weights corresponding to local Gabor filters to purposely capture regularities corresponding to the natural statistics of many perceptual inputs, such as natural images (Hyvarinen, Hurri & Hoyer 2009).
Intracluster Moves for Constrained Discrete-Space MCMC
Hyvarinen, A., Hurri, J. & Hoyer, P. (2009).
Intracluster Moves for Constrained Discrete-Space MCMC
They hurried on to a spot they knew the Spaniards must pass. "The Golden Grasshopper" by
Just at that moment I saw a man hurrying up the path which led into the village from the valley below. "Manco, the Peruvian Chief" by
As soon as he had turned the key in the door, they hurried to the table, and eagerly devoured some of the bread and cheese. "From Powder Monkey to Admiral" by
They hurried on, keeping as much as possible in the open ground. "The Three Admirals" by
I hurried to see what had occurred. "Hurricane Hurry" by
Mr Ferris hurried back to the chief magistrate of the town, who at once sent down a guard to march them off to the jail. "The Missing Ship" by
When she at length released me, I hurried out to tell Larry, Dan Bourke, and the rest of the domestics. "Paddy Finn" by
Hurrying forward, to my infinite satisfaction I found the hare safe on the spit and almost done. "Snow Shoes and Canoes" by
Scarcely, however, had he commenced operations, when young Roger hurried into the hall. "Roger Willoughby" by
We hurried on deck, where the officers and the watch below with the idlers had assembled. "The Two Supercargoes" by
Too busy to pause or heed,
When a voice rang sadly through my soul,
You must staunch these wounds that bleed.
Amid the rush, the hurrying flow of mind;
To feel Thy glance upon us all the while,
Most Holy and most Kind!
Make-believe angels hurrying to our choirs.
Imagination is our Sunday vice;
We are alone, alone with our desires.
Would always hurry back again,
As though he feared some stranger's knock,
Finding him gone, might burst the lock.
Passed from waking to hurry after shadows . . .
Busied upon shows of no earthly importance?
Yes, but he knew it!
For threatening clouds the moon had drowned;
When, as we hurried on, my ear
Was smitten with a startling sound.