hold on tightly or tenaciously "hang on to your father's hands","The child clung to his mother's apron" -
come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation "The dress clings to her body","The label stuck to the box","The sushi rice grains cohere" -
to remain emotionally or intellectually attached "He clings to the idea that she might still love him." -
fruit (especially peach) whose flesh adheres strongly to the pit
Adherence; attachment; devotion. "A more tenacious cling to worldly respects." -
To cause to adhere to, especially by twining round or embracing. "I clung legs as close to his side as I could."
To adhere closely; be attached; stick: as, a wet garment clings to the limbs. -
To hold fast, especially by the hands or by coiling round or embracing, or, figuratively, by refusing to abandon or give up. -
To rush with violence. -
To wither; shrivel. -
To cause to adhere closely; apply firmly and closely. -
To consume; waste to leanness; shrivel. -
Adherence; attachment; the act of holding fast; embrace. -
A bunch; a cluster; an aggregation of several things that cling together. -
A dysentery or bloody flux of sheep: a frequently fatal inflammation of the large intestine of sheep, accompanied with fever and fluid discharges from the bowels. -
In horticulture, a peach, nectarine, or apricot in which the flesh adheres strongly to the stone; a clingstone.
kling to adhere or stick close by winding round: to adhere in interest or affection: to remain by an opinion: of wood, to shrink -
to attach: to shrivel:—pa.t. and pa.p. clung -
Cling to hope - If people cling to hope, they continue to hope though the chances of success are very small.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. clingan, to adhere, to wither; akin to Dan. klynge, to cluster, crowd. Cf. Clump
California among few states clinging to pen as cursive writing is erased from curriculum.
Dressed in a royal blue dress that hugs her 5-foot-11 form with as much veracity as a scared 3-year-old clinging to a parent, Adrianne Palicki looks like she is ready to make her way down any fashion runway.
Democratic challenger Rick Nolan clings to the slimmest of leads, 46% to 45% over Republican incumbent Chip Cravaack.
Von Pollaro is not a painter, graphic artist or fashion designer, but a young florist who is trying to make her mark in a town where public — and private — holiday decorations so often cling to the tra ditional look like fake snow to holly.
Your coworker's cologne, an overly air-freshened car, that waft of smoke clinging to a stranger's coat -- for most of us, those are just temporary annoyances.
Von Pollaro is not a painter, graphic artist or fashion designer , but a young florist who is trying to make her mark in a town where public — and private — holiday decorations so often cling to the tra ditional look like fake snow to holly.
Politics People Still Clinging Desperately To The Idea That Saucedo-Mercer Has A Chance.
Gay scouts and scout leaders will have to remain in the shadows for now due to the Boy Scouts of America's decision Tuesday to cling to its unenlightened policy of barring openly gay members and scoutmasters.
Why we cling to faded index cards in a disposable culture.
Tuffy, found clinging to the engine compartment of a truck after going for a 30-minute ride on the freeway, is adjusting to life in her new home.
In this frame grab image taken from WCBS-TV, survivors cling to the bottom of a helicopter after it inverted following a crash in the East River in New York, Tuesday.
President Obama clings to a four-point lead over Republican Mitt Romney in Virginia as both sides ramp up campaigns in the crucial battleground state.
4, 2012) Hard knocks both ways, the sun beating back the shade, clinging to its steamy ways, the other clawing its darkling way to the fore.
Are we clinging to failed strategies.
The glut of video game sequels is starting to make game companies seem as if they're clinging to old ideas.
Let us cling to the hope that something will turn up.
Concluding Remarks on New Cosmological Data and the Values of the Fundamental Parameters
Metals should cling to galaxies, should they not? Well do they? Gradients there certainly are, with the inner parts of large galaxies more metal rich than the outskirts (Vorobyov 2006, which happens to concern the Milky Way).
Astrophysics in 2006
Metals cling to galaxies more firmly than the baryons do for Scannadico et al. (2006) and Simcoe et al. (2006), but less so for Pieri et al. (2006) and Vladilo and Peroux (2005).
Astrophysics in 2006
Kapferer et al. (2006) endorse situational ethics, because mergers can erase previous clinging behavior.
Astrophysics in 2006
The green circle went to Polaris (Vsenko et al. 2005), which is clinging to its membership in the instability strip on its 3rd or 5th crossing (based on N/(C+O) about three times solar).
Astrophysics in 2006
Babs was clinging to him now. "Beyond the Vanishing Point" by
Get through the window, put your arms about my neck, cling for your life, and trust to Frank Merriwell and Providence. "Frank Merriwell's Bravery" by
She clings to her g's, too, in spite of local tradition. "Janet of the Dunes" by
They are a wonderfully level-headed group, these telephone girls, wonderfully unlike their clinging-vine Victorian grandmothers. "The Book of Business Etiquette" by
He could just distinguish Voules and Lucas clinging to the bulwarks a short distance from him. "The Rival Crusoes" by
Helen was too breathless to speak, but he knew, by her clinging hold, that she sought protection from some real or imaginary danger. "Helen and Arthur" by
Men like to see a girl sweet, clinging, pliant. "The Lady of the Basement Flat" by
I turned round and fired, but having to cling to the tree, I had great difficulty in taking aim. "In the Wilds of Africa" by
We saw the two, the father holding on his son clinging to a spar. "The Story of Nelson" by
Then he could cling easily to the hull, walk all over it if he chose to, with the aid of his boots and hand-pads. "Gold in the Sky" by
We are clinging round Thy throne,
And while there Thy fulness own,
Thou guidest;
Clings round you as you doze;
One living lyric story
Makes music of your prose.
Clings round you as you doze;
One living, lyric story
Makes music of your prose!
From this earth-clinging meanness.
Lave my uncleanness
In Thy compassionating love!
My clinging magic runs.
They shall return as strangers.
They shall remain as sons.
Crimson rubies, glistening.
He that parts me from my love,--
Satan to his soul shall cling.