avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) "He dodged the issue","she skirted the problem","They tend to evade their responsibilities","he evaded the questions skillfully" -
make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid "The child dodged the teacher's blow" -
move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course "the pickpocket dodged through the crowd" -
a quick evasive movement -
an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade "his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track" -
a statement that evades the question by cleverness or trickery
The act of evading by some skillful movement; a sudden starting aside; hence, an artful device to evade, deceive, or cheat; a cunning trick; an artifice. "Some, who have a taste for good living, have many harmless arts, by which they improve their banquet, and innocent dodges , if we may be permitted to use an excellent phrase that has become vernacular since the appearance of the last dictionaries." -
To evade a duty by low craft; to practice mean shifts; to use tricky devices; to play fast and loose; to quibble. "Some dodging casuist with more craft than sincerity." -
To evade by a sudden shift of place; to escape by starting aside; as, to dodge a blow aimed or a ball thrown. -
To follow by dodging, or suddenly shifting from place to place. -
To start suddenly aside, as to avoid a blow or a missile; to shift place by a sudden start.
To start suddenly aside; shift place by a sudden start, as to evade a blow or escape observation. -
To shift about; move cautiously, as in avoiding discovery, or in following and watching another's movements: as, he dodged along byways and hedges; the Indians dodged from tree to tree. -
To play tricks; be evasive; play fast and loose; raise expectations and disappoint them; quibble. -
To jog; walk in a slow, listless, or clumsy manner. -
To evade by a sudden shift of place, or by trick or device; escape by starting aside, or by baffling or roundabout movements: as, to dodge a blow; to dodge a pursuer or a creditor; to dodge a perplexing question. -
To play fast and loose with; baffle by shifts and pretexts; trick. -
A shifty or ingenious trick; an artifice; an evasion. -
In change-ringing, to change the place or order of (a bell) in the series used. -
Of a bell in change-ringing, a change in its place or order in the series used.
doj to start aside or shift about: to evade or use mean tricks: to shuffle or quibble -
to evade by a sudden shift of place: to trick -
an evasion: a trick: a quibble
Dodge the bullet - If someone has dodged a bullet, they have successfully avoided a very serious problem.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Of uncertain origin: cf. dodder, v., daddle, dade, or dog, v. t
BD offers the X-Power Ram performance module for 2003 and newer Dodge 5.9-liter diesels.
George Washington Carver defeats Dodge County.
A group of Fort Dodge businesses are presenting "It's a Ghoul 's Night Out" from 5 to 8 pm Tuesday.
An eagle sits watching the North Umpqua River as a vultures swoops down dodging the eagle.
Living in Dodge makes me downright happy.
Man smears grease on license plate to dodge toll at Goethals Bridge, police say.
Dodging Co-Workers That Take Advantage of Your Good Nature.
Poster Boy dodges jail on judge's goof .
The subway vandal known as Poster Boy just barely dodged jail yesterday, thanks to an oversight by the judge sentencing him.
Fort Dodge Senior High is getting a new grand piano for its band room.
Elkhorn High School, northeast of 204th Street and West Dodge Road.
Al Jones Gazette A new Chrysler minivan sits outside the new Zeigler Chrysler Dodge Ram dealership Tuesday morning at 3939 Stadium Drive.
KALAMAZOO — The Harold Zeigler Automotive Group will officially open its new Chrysler, Dodge, Ram dealership Thursday evening.
Conditions at Augusta, Bush Field, GA. James Arness, the 6-foot-6 actor who towered over the television landscape for two decades as righteous Dodge City lawman Matt Dillon in " Gunsmoke ," died Friday.
Independent Danny Dalton, independent Andrew Ian Dodge and Democrat Cynthia Dill.
Since we have to do the more disruptive moves anyway, we use them for everything and dodge this point.
Dual 2-complexes in 4-manifolds
Arthanari and Dodge (1981) and Sukhatme et al.
Optimum allocation in multivariate stratified random sampling: Stochastic matrix optimisation
This approach has been treated in detail by Arthanari and Dodge (1981).
A modified Pr\'ekopa's approach in optimum allocation in multivariate stratified random sampling
Of course there is the well-known Turing Test (Turing, 1950), however this paradoxically seems to be more about dodging the difficult problem of explicitly defining intelligence than addressing the real issue.
An Approximation of the Universal Intelligence Measure
Dodge Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Oklahoma, 440 W.
The ELM Survey. IV. 24 White Dwarf Merger Systems
She had brought it upon herself, but now she dodged the issue. "Brand Blotters" by
Two of Judge Chapman's daughters married Francis Dodge, junior; first Jane, then Frances Isabella. "A Portrait of Old George Town" by
Dodge was the mistress. "A Vanished Hand" by
The striking distance of a snake is about one-third the creature's length, and the stroke is so swift that no creature can dodge it. "Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts" by
And more in the rear ranks were dodging or leaping the fallen knights and horses. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by
He slid his gears into high and dodged around corners recklessly. "Rimrock Trail" by
He had lost some time in the dodging and twisting, and now the whole Blue eleven were thundering at his heels. "Bert Wilson on the Gridiron" by
Dodge had been one of Lester's best friends. "Jennie Gerhardt" by
I saw him jest before he pulled and I dodged. "Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight" by
I dodged behind three chairs and moved them hastily into a rampart. "The O'Ruddy" by
I'm always sure to see -
No matter how I dodge about -
Me, looking out at me.
Intent on dodging graft,
He headed for the Great North West,
And laughed, and laughed and laughed.
Close by the side, to dodge
Eyes in the house, two eyes except:
They styled their house "The Lodge."
And gaily cried "Here goes!"
I tried to dodge it as it came,
But somehow caught it, all the same,
Exactly on my nose.
How does it happen you're not a wreck?
One and another have come to grief,
How have you dodged by rock and reef?"
(Against which, in Dodge, there was no law).
The stakes for a time were very low,
In fact, the playing was very slow.