Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
To fight out; to contest; to decide by combat. "To darrain the battle." -
To make ready to fight; to array. "Darrain your battle, for they are at hand."
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
. See Derain.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OF. deraisnier, to explain, defend, to maintain in legal action by proof and reasonings, LL. derationare,; de-, + rationare, to discourse, contend in law, fr. L. ratio, reason, in LL., legal cause. Cf. Arraign, and see Reason
Usage in literature
Down from his car, close combat to darrain, Leapt Turnus. "The Aeneid of Virgil" by
At the same time another nun, Elizabeth Darrains, had part of her penance lightened; but in 1291 she was sent away to Wykeham Priory. "Medieval English Nunneries c. 1275 to 1535" by