the act of making up your mind about something "the burden of decision was his","he drew his conclusions quickly" -
the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose "a man of unusual decisiveness" -
a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration "a decision unfavorable to the opposition","his conclusion took the evidence into account","satisfied with the panel's determination" -
the outcome of a game or contest "the team dropped three decisions in a row" -
(boxing) a victory won on points when no knockout has occurred "had little trouble in taking a unanimous decision over his opponent"
Cutting off; division; detachment of a part. -
The act of deciding; act of settling or terminating, as a controversy, by giving judgment on the matter at issue; determination, as of a question or doubt; settlement; conclusion. "The decision of some dispute."
The act of separating or cutting off; detachment of a part; excision. -
Determination, as of a contest or an event; end, as of a struggle; arbitrament: as, the decision of a battle by arms. -
Determination, as of a question or a doubt; final judgment or opinion in a case which has been under deliberation or discussion: as, the decision of the Supreme Court. -
A resolution; a fixing of a purpose in the mind. -
The quality of being decided; ability to form a settled purpose; prompt determination: as, a man of decision. -
Decision, Determination, Resolution. Decision is the quality of being able to make up one's mind promptly, clearly, and firmly as to what shall be done and the way to do it. Determination is the settling upon some line of action with a fixed purpose to stick to it; it is somewhat nearer than the others to doggedness, and sometimes approaches obstinacy. Determination may be negative, as not to do a thing, but resolution is generally positive or active; it often implies more courage than the others, and is otherwise more high-minded. But these words are often used interchangeably.
de-sizh′un the act of deciding: settlement: judgment: the quality of being decided in character
Abide by a decision - If you abide by a decision, you accept it and comply with it, even though you might disagree with it.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L. decisio, fr. decīdere, decisum,: cf. F. décision,. See Decide
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary See Decide.
Fallin faces key decision on health law.
Parson said the decision is for personal reasons.
The decision was made at a meeting in Palm Beach Gardens.
But in the weeks since that decision, Hertling has had some pushback.
Clifton Park Supervisor Phil Barrett made his decision: He is going full-time.
Like the decision by the Wake County school board to fire superintendent Tony Tata or not, it's certain there will be a new leader of the state's largest school system.
Papandreou's decision to call a referendum has put the Greek government at risk.
Even though Yu Darvish was credited with a 'no decision' in his last start versus the Rangers' foes, the LA Angels of Anaheim, he was credited with 7 earned runs.
Early on in their presentation on the perils of poor decision making for youngsters, Street Smart - 5:24 am.
The decision to make Brady Quinn the Kansas City Chiefs' backup quarterback is no shock.
The decision was widely expected.
This fall would be a good time for government IT managers to take inventory of the PCs in their collections and make some hard decisions about establishing and enforcing lifecycle rules.
In what some saw a pivotal decision for downtown, elation filled the City Council chambers July 3 when the City Council approved a German- themed restaurant and beer garden that had been blocked by a handful of neighbors.
Norway's confessed mass murderer is sane, according to a unanimous decision by judges.
Havre de Grace made a decisive case for favoritism in next month's Breeders' Cup Classic (gr.
QBFs mentioned above), in principle any formalism having a decision problem in PSPACE can be handled by QUIP, provided a proper transformation has been found.
QUIP - A Tool for Computing Nonmonotonic Reasoning Tasks
We depend on the rough assumption that decisions to disband or grow legs have immediate effect on the strain felt by the modules in the system.
Multiagent Control of Self-reconfigurable Robots
Our accepted manner to describe physical reality does not assign decisive role to the perspective — or standpoint — of the observer who is the sub ject of the description.
Quantum Theory within the Framework of General Relativity
It is a simple model of a closed market: There are K agents who have to make a binary decision σν ∈ {+1, −1} at each time step.
Predicting and generating time series by neural networks: An investigation using statistical physics
If each agent makes a random decision, then G is of the order of √K .
Predicting and generating time series by neural networks: An investigation using statistical physics
Even though I may differ in opinion, the decision of the majority is my decision. "The Peace Negotiations" by
When did you know the decision of the Board? "Captain Desmond, V.C." by
With admirable promptitude, both of decision and action, the Essex sailed the same night for the Pacific. "Admiral Farragut" by
And that highest tribunal affirmed the decision of Judge Cartter. "History of Woman Suffrage, Volume II"
In the northern parts of Europe, the victory of Protestantism was rapid and decisive. "Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3)" by
I will bow to your decision. "Alonzo and Melissa" by
The decision may be conditioned by lethal circumstances that permit only a 'not' decision. "The Great Gray Plague" by
The mission of the subsidiary problem is thus seen to be identical with the basic Decision linked to the purpose of that Decision. "Sound Military Decision" by
From their decision there was no appeal. "Louis Philippe" by
Perhaps it is needless to say that Mr. Dale was at the bottom of my decision. "A Romantic Young Lady" by
I the Jurors' Verdict wait,
Ere I may depart from hence,
Their decision seals my fate.
And veiled in deepest mystery,
And reason's lamp reveals no mark
Decisive of our destiny.
And spoke with strange decision -
Men pointed to me as a boy
Who held them in derision.
When freedom lies within our power.
We wait for some decisive hour,
To rise and take our liberty.
I lost my property and bliss.
Could I have let both parties win,
Then safe most perfectly I'd been.
Sometimes, a soft, mild tone,
Sometimes, a look of decision,
Ofttimes, from a source unknown.