make into scrap or refuse "scrap the old airplane and sell the parts" -
have a disagreement over something "We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America","These two fellows are always scrapping over something" -
dispose of (something useless or old) "trash these old chairs","junk an old car","scrap your old computer" -
the act of fighting; any contest or struggle "a fight broke out at the hockey game","there was fighting in the streets","the unhappy couple got into a terrible scrap" -
a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used "she jotted it on a scrap of paper","there was not a scrap left" -
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole "a bit of rock caught him in the eye" -
worthless material that is to be disposed of
Same as Scrap iron, below. -
Something scraped off; hence, a small piece; a bit; a fragment; a detached, incomplete portion. "I have no materials -- not a scrap ." -
Specifically, a fragment of something written or printed; a brief excerpt; an unconnected extract.
A small piece, properly something scraped off; a detached portion; a bit; a fragment; a remnant: as, scraps of meat. -
A detached piece or fragment of something written or printed; a short extract: as, scraps of writing; scraps of poetry. -
A picture suited for preservation in a scrap-book, or for ornamenting screens, boxes, etc.: as, colored scraps; assorted scraps. -
plural Fat, after its oil has been tried out; also, the refuse of fish, as menhaden, after the oil has been expressed: as, blubber scraps. Bee graves. -
Wrought iron or steel, in the form of clippings or fragments, either produced in various processes of manufacture, or collected for the purpose of being reworked. -
To consign to the scrap-heap, as old bolts, nuts, spikes, and other worn-out bits of iron. -
To make scrap or refuse of, as menhaden or other fish from which the oil has been expressed. -
A dialectal variant of scrape. -
A fight; a scrimmage. -
A snare for birds: a place where chaff and grain are laid to lure birds. -
plural A commercial name of crude rubber obtained from the drippings of milky juice which adhere to the bark of the tapped tree and which are peeled off when dry. See rubber, 3. -
To engage in a scrap or petty scrimmage; box. -
To engage in a war of words; squabble; quarrel.
skrap a small piece: a remnant: a picture suited for preservation in a scrap-book: wrought-iron clippings: an unconnected extract -
to consign to the scrap-heap -
skrap (slang) a fight, scrimmage. -
skrap a snare for birds.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. scrappe, fr. Icel. skrap, trifle, cracking. See Scrape (v. t.)
The state school board should resist calls to scrap programs for gifted and talented youngsters because of their supposed ' elitism '.
A scrap-gold buyer with purchased items in a shop on Manhattan's 47th Street.
Vocal opposition from the East Pointe Neighborhood Association has the Columbia City Council proposing to scrap a plan connecting LeMone Industrial Park to the Grindstone Nature Area and Hinkson Creek Trail.
"It is the scrapping of the Harriers that gives me the greatest concern and highlights that the review is far from strategic," said Mr Loughran.
Down the dusty main street of Abadiânia, a scrap of a town in central Brazil, come hundreds of people dressed in white.
The US Army is scrapping its Universal Camouflage Pattern, a gray, pixelated design that has been used since 2004, reported The Daily (see an image of the pattern here).
Thank you for your article on College of the Redwoods' plan to buy Jefferson School to replace its current downtown branch campus ("Schoolyard Scrap" Feb 18).
As The US Implements More Secure IDs, Britain Scraps National Identity Card Plan.
Tùng Lâm managed to build a fully functional Dark Knight Batpod completely from scrap metal parts.
Russia, Pakistan stress ties despite scrapped trip.
Police say four suspects cut the historic cell into pieces and sold it as scrap.
Bklyn Greens lead fight to scrap 'hackable' devices.
Bolivia's leader wants OAS to scrap rights body.
Laser system saves damaged military parts from the scrap heap.
Pulling LTV Out of the Scrap Heap.
Scrap more boilerplate: reflection, zips, and generalised casts.
Comparative Studies of 10 Programming Languages within 10 Diverse Criteria - a Team 10 COMP6411-S10 Term Report
Semiconductors can be produced very cheap and with very high yield rates, i.e. there are very little amounts which have to be scrapped.
Modern consumerism and the waste problem
Figure 4: Electronic waste recycling in the Third World: A woman is decomposing electronic waste into its raw materials, trying to retrieve valuable component materials like gold and copper which they sell to local scrap dealers.
Modern consumerism and the waste problem
After working for a scrap company where he used dynamite, he was finally admitted into a secondary school with the assistance of the director, but with the condition that he pass some tests from the board of the state examiners, called the Central Jury, for the first three years.
The Roland De Witte 1991 Detection of Absolute Motion and Gravitational Waves
Practically, using these technologies, the software developer does not always separate cleanly into presentation and business logic layers. In the following sections, we present our novel method of integrating existing Web pages with a single portal application by using dynamic client-side Web page scrapping portlets.
Portlet Wrappers using JavaScript
A skull, dried scraps of fur and flesh still clinging to it, stared hollow-eyed up at them. "Star Born" by
It was about this time that he invested in his first scrap-book. "Never-Fail Blake" by
Larssen had proved right in his guess of the make of machine with which his scrap of typing had been done. "Swirling Waters" by
Working with civilians, we often had the satisfaction of a scrap. "Into the Jaws of Death" by
It'll be a tough scrap before we're through. "The Triumph of John Kars" by
The mate was at the heel of the foot-plank, and he saw at once what the scrap of sacking was meant to hide. "The Price" by
The fire was built up with the last scrap of coal in the hod, and then Ronald lay down without undressing. "Sue, A Little Heroine" by
As stated before, at the top of each pot are several test pieces consisting of a whole scrap gear and several sections. "The Working of Steel" by
Scraps should never be left in the sink. "Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools" by
But look at that scrap going on overhead. "Army Boys on the Firing Line" by
When blood was young and hot,
Long wrecked or scrapped or sold;
Their very names forgot;
Is precious in my sight;
It changed my sad and gloomy home
From darkness into light.
And hardly marked at the time,
It comes unbidden to haunt me,
Like a scrap of ballad-rhyme.
All strown with scraps of flowers,
Which he had pluck'd to please his love,
Among the Muses' bowers.
But in vain
Was the pain
Of his bursting brain,
For still the Moon-scrap the broader grew
The more that he swelled his big cheeks and blew.
An' wed 'em when they've done with scraps,
An' come 'ome whole. Yeh don't ixpec'
No tart to tie up with a wreck?
Besides," 'e sez ... "Well, any'ow,
That girl's all right; I know it now.