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Fine Dictionary


Silver medal. Obverse: Peace and War wrestling with each other, while hand reaches out from a cloud globe with staff of Mercury and olive branch inside inscription. Reverse: Peace with palm and olive branches in left hand, peace staff in right hand and ears of wheat trampled underwhelmed War inside legend.
Silver medal. Obverse: Peace and War wrestling with each other, while hand reaches out from a cloud globe with staff of Mercury and olive branch inside inscription. Reverse: Peace with palm and olive branches in left hand, peace staff in right hand and ears of wheat trampled underwhelmed War inside legend.
  1. (v) wrestle
    engage in deep thought, consideration, or debate "I wrestled with this decision for years"
  2. (v) wrestle
    combat to overcome an opposing tendency or force "He wrestled all his life with his feeling of inferiority"
  3. (v) wrestle
    engage in a wrestling match "The children wrestled in the garden"
  4. (v) wrestle
    to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling) "The prisoner writhed in discomfort","The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace"
  5. (n) wrestle
    the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat "they had a fierce wrestle","we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"
At a fair, many Chinese of various backgrounds have gathered around a stage where a wrestling or fighting match takes place. Some of them watch the game while others have a conversation or deliver food.
Chinese fair
Jacob wrestles with the angel. God the Father appears in heaven with two putti showing the title of the book.
Jacob wrestles with the angel. God the Father appears in heaven with two putti showing the title of the book.
Two wrestling angels. Probably earthly and heavenly love (Eros and Anteros?).
Two wrestling angels. Probably earthly and heavenly love (Eros and Anteros?).
Cartoon on the Schleswig-Holstein issue. The German Emperor Wilhelm I wrestles with Frederick VII of Denmark (?). Plate published by the weekly De Nederlandsche Spectator, no. 38, September 20, 1862.
Cartoon on the Schleswig-Holstein issue. The German Emperor Wilhelm I wrestles with Frederick VII of Denmark (?). Plate published by the weekly De Nederlandsche Spectator, no. 38, September 20, 1862.
Plum and wallflower (Erysimum cheiri), numbered 21 and 22. In the center, two men wrestle near a tree.
Plum and wallflower (Erysimum cheiri), numbered 21 and 22. In the center, two men wrestle near a tree.
Naked muscular boy, Kintaro, aka Sakata Kaidomaru, wrestling with a huge carp under a waterfall. Printout of the line block.
Naked muscular boy, Kintaro, aka Sakata Kaidomaru, wrestling with a huge carp under a waterfall. Printout of the line block.
Wooded landscape. In the center, Jacob wrestles with the angel by the Jabbok River. In the background his caravan (Gen. 32:23). With a Latin motto above the image and a four-line caption in Latin below the print. The print is part of an album.
Wooded landscape. In the center, Jacob wrestles with the angel by the Jabbok River. In the background his caravan (Gen. 32:23). With a Latin motto above the image and a four-line caption in Latin below the print. The print is part of an album.
Hercules, standing and wrestling with the river god Achelus, behind that lies the river god after being turned into a sea monster and killed by Hercules. Below the picture is a two-line text in Latin. Seventh print from a series of thirteen with the works of Hercules.
Hercules, standing and wrestling with the river god Achelus, behind that lies the river god after being turned into a sea monster and killed by Hercules. Below the picture is a two-line text in Latin. Seventh print from a series of thirteen with the works of Hercules.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
Interesting fact
The national sport of Japan is sumo wrestling
  1. Wrestle
    A struggle between two persons to see which will throw the other down; a bout at wrestling; a wrestling match; a struggle. "Whom in a wrestle the giant catching aloft, with a terrible hug broke three of his ribs."
  2. Wrestle
    Hence, to struggle; to strive earnestly; to contend. "Come, wrestle with thy affections.", "We wrestle not against flesh and blood.", "Difficulties with which he had himself wrestled ."
  3. Wrestle
    To contend, by grappling with, and striving to trip or throw down, an opponent; as, they wrestled skillfully. "To-morrow, sir, I wrestle for my credit, and he that escapes me without some broken limb shall acquit him well.", "Another, by a fall in wrestling , started the end of the clavicle from the sternum."
  4. Wrestle
    To wrestle with; to seek to throw down as in wrestling.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Interesting fact
When telephone companies first began hiring telephone operators, they chose teenage boys for the job. They switched to women because the teenage boys were wrestling instead of working and pulling pranks on callers
  1. wrestle
    l. To twist or wind about; especially, to writhe; wriggle; squirm; struggle, as with the limbs.
  2. wrestle
    To struggle in a hand-to-hand contest; strive, as for some advantage or for mastery, with bodily strength and adroitness; specifically, to struggle, as two persons striving to throw each other to the ground, especially in a contest governed by certain fixed rules.
  3. wrestle
    To contend in any way, as in a struggle for mastery; maintain opposition or resistance, especially against a moral foe or force; strive.
  4. wrestle
    To deal, as with a troublesome duty; apply one's self vigorously; grapple: as, to wrestle with a knotty problem; to wrestle with a distasteful task.
  5. wrestle
    Hence, to devote one's self earnestly to prayer; pray.
  6. wrestle
    To contend with in wrestling: as, I will wrestle you for so much.
  7. wrestle
    On a cattle-range, to throw for the purpose of branding, as an animal.
  8. (n) wrestle
    A bout at wrestling; a wrestling-match.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
Interesting fact
In South Dakota it is illegal to try to convince a pacifist to renounce his beliefs by threatening to arm-wrestle him.
  1. (v.i) Wrestle
    res′l to contend by grappling and trying to throw the other down: to struggle: to apply one's self keenly to:
  2. (v.t) Wrestle
    to contend with in wrestling
  3. (n) Wrestle
    a bout at wrestling: a struggle between two to throw each other down
  4. (v.i) Wrestle
    res′l (Scot.) to pray earnestly
A biography is like a handshake down the years, that can become an arm-wrestle.
Richard Holmes
Never wrestle with a strong man nor bring a rich man to court.
Latvian Proverb
George Eliot
She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.
George Eliot
Marcus Aurelius
The art of living is more like that of wrestling than of dancing; the main thing is to stand firm and be ready for an unseen attack.
Marcus Aurelius
Reason can wrestle and overthrow terror.
Robert Strauss
It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired.
Robert Strauss

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary OE. wrestlen, wrastlen, AS. wrstlian, freq. of wrstan, to wrest; akin to OD. wrastelen, to wrestle,. See Wrest (v. t.)

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. wrǽstlian; a freq. of wrǽstan, to wrest.

Usage in the news

Like "table tennis" or "thumb wrestling," it promises great activity in a very small space.

Emma Zuccotti, center, wrestled this monster bluefish out of Gardiner's Bay over the weekend.

Fresh­man Deaken McCoy of the Galion High School var­sity wrestling team puts the squeeze on Ashland's Zac Ben­ner dur­ing Wednes­day evening's meet against Ash­land at the high school.

Wrestling with a destiny of dryness .

I always had great Eck -spectations for my best pal and Dundalk wrestling hero Kevin Eck .

Deep inside, Leonard Cohen wrestles with a restless soul.

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is an integrated media organization with a portfolio of businesses that create and deliver original content to a worldwide audience.

Shenendehowa takes Union- Endicott Duals, wrestling round-up for weekend of Jan 7.

Posted on January 9, 2012 at 9:24 am by Ben Meyers in General, Wrestling.

Hulk Hogan at wrestling event.

Wrestling icon Hulk Hogan was at Speaking Rock Casino and Entertainment Center Thursday night.

For the first time ever, the three Bullitt County high schools have had the opportunity to compete on the same mats in dual wrestling matches.

With the first two weeks of official practice in the books, Patterson High wrestling coach Lee Sc.

Wrestling with Jane Jacobs .

Jello wrestling at Rock & Tattoo Expo.

Usage in scientific papers

In the last few decades, as the philosophy of physics has flourished, philosophers have increasingly wrestled with the significance of gauge freedom and what Michael Redhead has called “surplus structure” [Redhead, 1975, 1980, 2003], a part of the formal structure without any claimed referent in the world.
Empirical Equivalence, Artificial Gauge Freedom and a Generalized Kretschmann Objection

This might even impinge on mathematics — as when the Pythagoreans wrestled with the ontology of irrational numbers.
Definability in the Real Universe

Thus, snakes wrestle with each other instead of biting, and mule deer crash or put antlers against antlers, but do not hurt the unprotected side of the partner.
Biological Evolution and Statistical Physics

The World Wide Study of Physics and Detectors for Future Linear Colliders has wrestled with these challenges for more than a decade, advancing the technologies needed for ILC detectors.
ILC Reference Design Report Volume 1 - Executive Summary

Wrestling with these questions induces considerable frustration in researchers.
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too: Autonomy and Interaction in a Model of Sentence Processing

Usage in literature

Seeing Grettir she rushed at him, but he closed with her, and there was a terrible wrestling match. "The Book of Romance" by Various

It was the devil with which he had to wrestle. "The Wind Before the Dawn" by Dell H. Munger

It is nonsense to pretend that the insight of philosophers and the energy of artists help us very greatly in this bleak wrestling. "Suspended Judgments" by John Cowper Powys

Familiar with squalor, and hospitable to vulgarity, his mind was yet tenanted by sorrow, a place of midnight wrestlings. "Stephen Arnold Douglas" by William Garrott Brown

This was proved one day when we wrestled down in the calves' meadow. "The Birthright" by Joseph Hocking

Through the remainder of that cloudless night she wrestled silently. "Macaria" by Augusta Jane Evans Wilson

Wrestling is the chief indigenous athletic exercise of India. "India and the Indians" by Edward F. Elwin

In vain Uncle Jem wrestled with it, as he lay through long, patient hours. "Judith Lynn" by Annie Hamilton Donnell

He wrestled his black silk gown over his head and threw it off. "The Saracen: The Holy War" by Robert Shea

He excelled in running, wrestling, leaping, and throwing the bar, sports that were popular at that time. "From Farm House to the White House" by William M. Thayer

Usage in poetry
For Robin already let him see
He should beat his playmates all
At wrestling, running, and archery,
Yet he cared not for a fall.
Upon some distant hill. Theirs be the meed
Which song
Gives unto those who wrestle on with deed,
And high endeavour for the end of wrong.
And I bowed my head in the shadows,
To wrestle and fight with despair,
Till I knew by the light around me,
That the Master Himself was there.
An oak-tree wrestling on the hill,
And the wind wailing in the grass--
And life will strive with many an ill
For many a weary day ere it pass--
They sped by an open window,
Where one knelt all alone,
In great amaze, in greater grief,
In woe that wrestled with belief,
The Mother mourned her Son.
"Thou shalt have to wrestle with passions
Far deeper and stronger than theirs;
If thou fallest thine is the burden
And the deep, long shame that it bears.