any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos -
an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus
ŏks (Zoöl) The male of bovine quadrupeds, especially the domestic animal when castrated and grown to its full size, or nearly so. The word is also applied, as a general name, to any species of bovine animals, male and female.☞ The castrated male is called asteer until it attains its full growth, and then, anox ; but if castrated somewhat late in life, it is called astag . The male, not castrated, is called abull . These distinctions are well established in regard to domestic animals of this genus. When wild animals of this kind are spoken of,ox is often applied both to the male and the female. The nameox is never applied to the individualcow , or female, of the domestic kind.Oxen may comprehend both the male and the female. "All sheep and oxen , yea, and the beasts of the field."
The adult male of the domestic Bos taurus, known in the natural state as a bull, whose female is a cow, and whose young is a calf; in a wider sense, an animal of the family Bovidæ and subfamily Bovinæ or Ovibovinæ; a bovine. The several animals of this kind have each of them specific designations, as buffalo, bison, aurochs, zebu, musk-ox, etc.: the word is commonly restricted to the varieties of Bos taurus, the common ox, which is one of the most valuable of domestic animals. Its flesh is the principal article of animal food, and there is scarcely any part of the animal that is not useful to mankind: the skin, the horns, the bones, the blood, the hair, and the refuse of all these, have their separate uses. Having been specially domesticated by man from a stock which it is probably impossible to trace, the result has been the formation of very many breeds, races, or permanent varieties, some of which are valued for their flesh and hides, some for the richness and abundance of their milk, while others are in great repute for both beef and milk. Among the first class may be mentioned the Durham or shorthorn, the polled Aberdeen or Angus, and the West Highland or kyloe. Among the most celebrated for dairy purposes are the Jersey, Guernsey, Holstein-Friesian, Ayrshire, and Suffolk dun. For the purposes both of the dairy-farmer and of the grazier, the Hereford and a cross between a shorthorn and an Ayrshire are much fancied. The ox is used in many parts of the world as a beast of draft. The “wild ox.” now surviving in only a few parks, as at Chillingham Park in Northumberland, and at Cadzow Forest in Lanarkshire, seems, whatever its origin, to have been formerly an inhabitant of many forest-districts in Great Britain, particularly in the north of England and the south of Scotland. -
In a restricted sense, the castrated male of Bos taurus, at least 4 years old and full-grown or nearly so. (See steer.) Such animals are most used as draft-animals and for beef. -
Same as ox-coin.
oks a well-known animal that chews the cud, the female of which supplies the chief part of the milk used as human food: the male of the cow, esp. when castrated
Constitution of an ox - If someone has the constitution of an ox, they are less affected than most people by things like tiredness, illness, alcohol, etc.
Strong as an ox - Someone who's exceedingly strong physically is said to be as strong as an ox.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary AS. oxa,; akin to D. os,. G. ochs, ochse, OHG. ohso, Icel. oxi, Sw. & Dan. oxe, Goth. aúhsa, Skr. ukshan, ox, bull; cf. Skr. uksh, to sprinkle. √214. Cf. Humid Aurochs
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary A.S. oxa, pl. oxan; Ice. uxi; Ger. ochs, Goth. auhsa, Sans. ukshan.
The Workhouse Arts Center 9601 Ox Road Lorton, VA 22079. eta.org
INTERVIEWS Download Pachanga Boys' Remix of Bot'Ox's Creepy ' Basement Love'. spin.com
Bot'Ox crushing it / Photo by Philippe Lebruman. spin.com
Owner and only employee of 'Who Needs an Ox' – a small cart-pulling business. kmhk.com
RiFF RaFF, Bot'Ox, Rachel Zeffira, Glasses Malone, Steve Aoki, and Cassie. spin.com
INTERVIEWS Cannibal Ox Promise Follow-up to Indie-Rap Classic Album 'The Cold Vein'. spin.com
Cannibal Ox in the booklet for 'The Cold Vein'. spin.com
I'll always remember the scene with John Candy attempting to eat the 96-Ounce Blue Ox Steak. bab.com
"Lou" is a 2,100-pound ox who, for 11 years, has worked the farm at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vt. With his 2,300-pound partner, "Bill.". ptz.com
Ox Jones works security at Cube 's. abclocal.go.com
WHOLESOME FOODS 986 S OX RD. nvdaily.com
Big as a Mack truck, strong as an ox. sequimgazette.com
Curried chicken and ox tail combo. austinchronicle.com
The Lean -Ox Festival is Cook County's oldest festival. ctv.tv
Large Pecan Halves (16 ox bag, 2012 Crop) $10.00. thunder1320.com
Then ⊕∞ k=0I k is a OX algebra that is generated as such by its degree one summand (it should be clear that I 0 := OX ).
Compactifications defined by arrangements I: the ball quotient case
Recall that a dg-scheme is a pair (X, AX ), consisting of a scheme X and a sheaf of OX -cdga’s on X such that A0 X = OX (however, this last condition does not seem so crucial).
From HAG to DAG: derived moduli spaces
We say that a presheaf of dg-OX ⊗ A-module M on X is a vector bund le of rank n, if locally on Xzar × A´et it is equivalent to (OX ⊗ A)n (see the previous Subsection for details on this definition).
From HAG to DAG: derived moduli spaces
We consider the category wV ectn (X, A), of dg-OX ⊗ A-modules which are vector bundles of rank n for each open U in X , the OX (U ) ⊗ A-module M(U ) is cofibrant), and equivalences and flat (i.e. between them.
From HAG to DAG: derived moduli spaces
Thus, we deduce that the map π : zhX (x) −→ S pec(OX,x ) is surjective where π(ξ ) = mξ , elements of OX,x vanishing at ξ .
Elements of Nonstandard Algebraic Geometry
Kittson was the inventor and patentee of the Red River Ox-Cart. "Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Volume 11 (of 14)" by
Our ox in a week would have improved in condition. "The Desert Home" by
Haste, one, into the field, to order thence 530 An ox, and let the herdsman drive it home. "The Odyssey of Homer" by
To the one of you who will do this work I offer an ox in payment. "Fairy Tales from Brazil" by
In distant Karjala, a part of Kalevala, was a great ox, the largest in the world. "Finnish Legends for English Children" by
THE ASS, THE OX, AND THE BIRDS. "The Fables of Phædrus" by
No variety of the ox yields a sweeter meat than the Kyloes, and other mountain breeds of these countries. "The Stock-Feeder's Manual" by
I don't believe she ever rode in an ox-cart either, any more than I did before. "Dorothy's Travels" by
As our travellers approached, they saw that the entrance was closed by an ox-hide which covered the whole of the opening. "Popular Adventure Tales" by
Fling at the brod was ne'er a gude ox. "The Proverbs of Scotland" by
And a Stall in Bethlehem,
And he spoke to the Ass of a Rider,
That rode to Jerusalem.
He took it and held the yoke up,
Then he flung it far back in the waters
Of the dark mountain-cup;
With Ox and Sheep He laid Him down;
Peace to the byre, peace to the fold,
For that they housed Him from the cold!
I smite the ox and crush the toad in death:
I only know I am so very fair,
And that the world was made to give me breath.
"Though they put forth all of their might,
For to me was given the yoke and the dream,
And the ox with no hair of white."
At the second hour, it was as if one said, "Go forth."
And the winter constellations that are like patient ox-eyes
Sank below the white horizon at the north.