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Fine Dictionary


  1. (n) urus
    large recently extinct long-horned European wild ox; considered one of the ancestors of domestic cattle
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. (n) urus
    A kind of wild bull described by Cæsar; the mountain-bull, which ran wild in Gaul at the period of the Roman invasion, but has long been extinct. This is the Bos urus, or B. primigenius, of naturalists, and is also called reem, tur, ur, ure, and ure-ox. The urus had long spreading horns, unlike the European bison (Bison bonasus) or aurochs, and more like ordinary cattle, of which B. primigenius is a presumed ancestral form; but by some misunderstanding the name urus has also attached to the aurochs, a few individuals of which still linger wild, but under protection, in the forests of Lithuania. It has been thought, erroneously, that the “Chillingham cattle,” such as exist in confinement at Chillingham in Northumberland, England, and Hamilton in Lanarkshire, Scotland, are descendants of the animal described by Cæsar. See cut under aurochs.
  2. (n) urus
    [capitalized] A genus of Bovidæ, including the aurochs and extinct bisons: therefore equivalent to Bison as now employed.
  3. (n) urus
    A kind of fossil ox from Eschscholtz Bay, Alaska.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (n) Urus
    ū′rus the Latin name of the wild ox, which in the time of Julius Cæsar was abundant in European forests—the Aurochs of the Germans, and the ancestor of the European domesticated cattle.

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary L.; of Teutonic origin. See Aurochs

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary L.

Usage in the news

Lamborghini Urus concept previews Italy's most athletic SUV.

The Lamborghini Urus is a 600-horsepower SUV that the automaker is introducing in hopes of capitalizing on China's recent surge of interest in bigger luxury cars.

Some of the vehicles unveiled include the 600-horsepower Lamborghini Urus , which is the first SUV for the company in two decades, according to Bloomberg.

Lamborghini Urus Concept - 2012 Beijing Auto Show.

Usage in literature

In the south, over the rim of the hills that shut in this pastoral solitude, rose the long blue summits of Urus Dagh. "The Lands of the Saracen" by Bayard Taylor

Urus Flumen Ouse River. "Nicanor - Teller of Tales" by C. Bryson Taylor

It is thought by some that the Chillingham cattle are descendants of the urus. "The Tree-Dwellers" by Katharine Elizabeth Dopp

The bird was presented to Genghis Khan by Urus with great ceremony, as an act of submission and homage. "Genghis Khan, Makers of History Series" by Jacob Abbott

Once, too, they had been treed by a bull urus, a gigantic white beast with a seven-foot spread of polished horns. "In the Morning of Time" by Charles G. D. Roberts

They are too much like the bribes the Urus offer to tempt traitorous hearts to join them. "The Circassian Chief" by W.H.G. Kingston

In the forests of Poland and Lithuania the urus, a species of wild ox, is still occasionally met with. "The New Gresham Encyclopedia" by Various

The Romans spoke of it as the Urus, and it appears to have formerly attained to more gigantic proportions than at present. "The Cambridge Natural History, Vol X., Mammalia" by Frank Evers Beddard