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Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) aver
    to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true "Before God I swear I am innocent"
  2. (v) aver
    report or maintain "He alleged that he was the victim of a crime","He said it was too late to intervene in the war","The registrar says that I owe the school money"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Aver
    ā"vẽr A work horse, or working ox.
  2. Aver
    To affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth. "It is sufficient that the very fact hath its foundation in truth, as I do seriously aver is the case.", "Then all averred I had killed the bird."
  3. Aver
    To assert, or prove, the truth of.
  4. Aver
    (Law) To avouch or verify; to offer to verify; to prove or justify. See Averment.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. aver
    To assert the truth of.
  2. aver
    To confirm; verify; prove to be true.
  3. aver
    To affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or peremptory manner.
  4. aver
    In law, to avouch or verify; offer to verify; allege as a fact.
  5. aver
    To assert the existence of; offer in evidence.
  6. aver
    Synonyms Affirm, Declare, etc. (see assert), say, allege, protest, insist, maintain.
  7. (n) aver
    Substance; property; estate.
  8. (n) aver
    plural Live stock; cattle; domestic animals.—
  9. (n) aver
    A beast of burden; a draft-ox or draft-horse; an old horse.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.t) Aver
    a-vėr′ to declare to be true: to affirm or declare positively:
  2. (pr.p) Aver
    aver′ring; pa.p. averred
  3. (v.t) Aver
    a-vėr′ (law) to prove or justify a plea

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary F. avérer, LL. adverare, averare,; L. ad, + versus, true. See Verity

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Fr. avérer—L. ad, and verus, true.

Usage in the news

IF OPPOSITION really were true friendship, as the poet William Blake averred, then George Bush would be a very popular man.

Instantly transform any object into digital content with a doc cam WGTE uses the Aver Media CP155 for our Doc Cam Big Tech Pak classes.

High-performance NAS system developer Avere Systems on Tuesday said it has received a new C round of funding worth $20 million it plans to use to expand sales and marketing efforts.

With the new round, total venture investment in Pittsburgh-based Avere now stands at $52 million.

yet the Scriptures aver, 'I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.

Weeks after US Sen David Vitter tried to discredit her allegations, a woman who used to work as a prostitute in New Orleans passed a lie detector test averring that she had a "sexual relationship" with Vitter that lasted at least four months.

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Based on knowledge and belief and a certain amount of off-the-record interviewing, we would aver that the Bush Administration is less ecstatic about the new hate-crimes law than it pretends to be.

"In my 30 years in the business," avers Protheroe, I have never -- never -- seen a snack-food item catch on like Smartfood has.

WASHINGTON – In the first month of his presidency, Barack Obama averred that if in three years he hadn't alleviated the nation's economic pain, he'd be a "one-term proposition.".

High-performance NAS system developer Avere Systems on Tuesday said it has received a new C round of funding worth $20 million it plans to use to expand sales and marketing efforts.

The Republican Party "is increasingly populist ," reporter Jackie Calmes averred, and " populists do not favor bailouts of Wall Street.

Usage in scientific papers

To this end one not only needs to find the adiabatic paths but also to perform aver aging over their thermal perturbations.
Broken Symmetry and Coherence of Molecular Vibrations in Tunnel Transitions

Both in the annealed and the quenched case, the ensemble is translationally invariant, and so will be the aver[Gr′ ,r′′ ]ann will ages of the observables of the system. only depend on the difference r′ − r′′ .
Diffusion Processes on Small-World Networks with Distance-Dependent Random-Links

It can be observed that for CDMA the performance measures, such as bit error rate and spectral efficiency, are self-aver aging – rapidly converging to some fixed values as the number of users increase.
Randomness and metastability in CDMA paradigms

Tutti i colleghi del dottorato, per aver costituito attorno a me, sin dall’inizio, un ambiente accogliente e stimolante per la ricerca.
Random Generation and Approximate Counting of Combinatorial Structures

The poor sensitivity of the primordial abundance of 4He to Ωb,0h2 requires it to be measured with a precision which may be beyond what can be realistically achieved, at least until all the sources of systematic error are fully understood (Molaro 2008; Aver, Olive & Skillman 2012).
A new, precise measurement of the primordial abundance of Deuterium

Usage in literature

Suddenly one of the Osages signalled for a halt, averring that he smelled fire. "Molly McDonald" by Randall Parrish

Jane averred that Margery's accident had done her good. "The Meadow-Brook Girls in the Hills" by Janet Aldridge

He has been summering in Connecticut, and he avers that his talk about native superstition is founded on close observation. "The Best Ghost Stories" by Various

And the religion of Nature they aver to be the only true religion on earth. "Secret Band of Brothers" by Jonathan Harrington Green

Was it only a symbol, as some learned blasphemers averred? "Visionaries" by James Huneker

One man found that urgent private affairs called him hence; another averred he had an inflammatory sore throat. "Round About the Carpathians" by Andrew F. Crosse

The House would of course understand that he by no means meant to aver that the Queen would even commission him to form a Ministry. "Phineas Finn" by Anthony Trollope

The eldest Trustees gave me praise, the fairest sisters smiles; Still I recall how Elder Smith of Worten Heights averred. "Tales of the Chesapeake" by George Alfred Townsend

We aver that he disobeyed all these orders. "The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. XII. (of XII.)" by Edmund Burke

He avers that England looks upon America as a brother, and that may be so. "Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z" by Various

Usage in poetry
CON manto d'oro, collana, ed anelli,
Le piace aver con quelli
Non altro che una rosa ai suoi capelli.
WITH golden mantle, rings, and necklace fair, It likes her best to wear Only a rose within her golden hair.
Then shook hands with two Georges, who near him were seated,
Who closed in his left, and the circle completed;
He liked them both well, but he frankly averred,
He expected to prove better pleased with the Third.
Una nottola venne--nella stanza a squittire
Attirata dal lume;--fece due giri in tondo
Nelle pareti urtando;--poi nel buio profondo,
Fuori della finestra,--torno`, battendo l'ali,
Spaventata d'avere--osato tanto.
The Latin swears his Roman Pope is judge infallible.
Wherefore you may be very sure the Devil from his skull
Will drink a toast unto all liars, who such a lie aver--
Tho they believe, as we all believe, in the Holy Sepulchre!
AT length the clown was driven to declare,
The fiend he was unable to ensnare;
Away they Matthew to the gallows led;
But as he went, it entered in his head,
And, in a sort of whisper he averred
(As was in fact the case) a drum he heard.
Among the stock jokes it is oft averred
The Irish Bull is best of all the heard.
He has no points, he has no head or tail,
But many a jovial party he'll regale.
And all his hearers will with laughter choke,
Except his brother John, who sees no joke.