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Morales, J. (19 de noviembre de 2021). 5 razones para (re)descubrir 'Frank Herbert’s Dune' (John Harrison, 2000) aquí y ahora. Grupo RIRCA. Representación, Ideología y Recepción en la Cultura Audiovisual.... more
We live in the digital age's golden era, and how we communicate is constantly changing. People create brand-new digital media content to tell different stories almost every day. We are surrounded by numerous digitally created worlds for... more
I recently presented a paper for the first EHU PGR Palooza, a conference-like event that brought together numerous PGRs from different disciplinary backgrounds. I am not sure my overly technical paper was very appropriate, all in all. In... more
This letter takes place as a conversation with my newborn about the struggles and desires I see on the horizon at the moment of writing. The letter's simple style and straightforward language invite you to immerse yourself in an intimate... more
In this special issue, we propose the letter as a form with geographic potential. Building on prior work on letters in geography, Black feminism, and Indigenous studies, we draw on a collection of sixteen letters in the section to build a... more
In Coptic apocrypha pseudepigraphy is ubiquitous. This article outlines the various types and layers of pseudepigraphy employed in this literature, and describes the ways in which authorship is attributed to both biblical characters and... more
Historically, brands are a fairly recent phenomenon in the entertainment industry. Just a few early films became sequels, and most remained largely as standalone stories developed without thought for subsequent extension or commercial... more
In the fictional universe of Dune, Herbert lassos our attention to the landscape and inhabitants of the desert planet in stark and immediate terms by conferring on them Arabic or at least Arabic-sounding names and embedding them in a... more
Terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun pada bulan Pebruari dan September.]urnal berisi
It is a curious irony that the greatest of satirical world-builders, Jonathan Swift, should be popularly remembered as a writer of children's stories. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Swift never wrote anything for a juvenile... more
Abstract: Research identifies the value of rites of passage in helping individuals navigate transitional experiences. Research, however, also highlights the decline of importance assigned to formal community-driven ritual in much of... more
Contemporary authors of science fiction have taken up the challenge of imagining digital technologies whose functions and effects elude human awareness. Such technologies differ from earlier examples in their environmental aspect, brought... more
El objetivo general de este trabajo es indagar sobre la transmedialidad entendida en cuanto fenómeno discursivo asociado a relatos no-ficcionales como el periodismo y los documentales interactivos. En lo particular, se analizó diferentes... more
We are living the golden age of the video games. And there is a growing interest in studying them on academic grounds. Videogames are a mode of storytelling, a skill as old as the mankind. Though many archaic stories were verbal, modern... more
The University Repository is a digital collection of the research output of the University, available on Open Access. Copyright and Moral Rights for the items on this site are retained by the individual author and/or other copyright... more
The attention to detail J. R. R. Tolkien showcased in medieval scholarship, widely recognized for its influence on the discipline, did not diminish in his fictional writings. In the sequel to The Hobbit (1937), The Lord of the Rings... more
Review of The Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Guide. Casey Gilly (author) and Tomás Hijo (artist). San Rafael, CA: Insight Editions, 2022. 78-card deck and folded guide sheet. $27.99. ISBN 978-1- 64722-809-5. Mythlore 41.2 (2022)
A persona, neither true nor false to the individual, is a mediatized identity used to navigate social connections (Marshall 238). Digital content creation and interpersonal aggregation generate an archive that "is never a single act,... more
Mapping is the sensorial world made apprehensible in service of an emerging culture's commercial, military and political expansion (Padrón 32). Worldbuilding in Amanda Joy's young adult fantasy novel, A River of Royal Blood (2019) is the... more
Versiones para gran espectáculo y versión minimalista de la adaptación de la obra de Héctor Germán Oesterheld (con Solano López). La versión minimalista se estrenó en 2007 en el Teatro Argentino de La Plata, 10 funciones, con dirección de... more
No estudo de Superdata de Julho de 2018, é relatado que 50% dos jogadores de jogos de somente um jogador tem “experienciar a história” como uma das suas principais razões para procurarem esses jogos. O artigo ainda fala que, com o passar... more
Images of the future are representations of possible worlds different to ours. We access these worlds through written stories, plans, scenarios, statistics, trends, and many more. Oftentimes, those images only implicitly describe the... more
Video oyunların altın çağını yaşamaktayız. Akademik dünyada da bunların araştırmasına yönelik gittikçe artan bir ilgi vardır. Ancak, çoğu araştırma tek bir oyunun mimarisini çalışarak başlamaktadır. Oysa ki, bir oyunda mimarinin... more
All works of fiction build imaginary worlds in which they set their stories. What makes genres such as science fiction and fantasy different is that their worlds are often created not as twins to our actual world but as cousins or even... more
Games, as a medium, possess built worlds. The construction of and themes found within these worlds can be used as a tool to communicate values ​​and worldviews, including the philosophical, to an audience. In this thesis, based on... more
L’acte de narrar histories forma part inherent del nostre comportament com a essers humans. Des de temps arcaics hem sentit la necessitat de transmetre un relat, que en definitiva significa transportar al nostre receptor a una nova... more
Рубрицированный и аннотированный указатель опубликованных произведений Дж. Р. Р. Толкина (включая черновики, опубликованные посмертно) и их русских переводов, а также исследовательской, научно-популярной и справочной литературы по... more
El cometido del presente trabajo, de naturaleza metainvestigativa, consiste en cartografiar las palabras clave empleadas por los firmantes de artículos de impacto dedicados, en este caso, al tema de las narrativas transmedia. Ante la... more
This piece focuses on the anime "Made in Abyss" by outlining some of its features concerning the idea of worldbuilding.
Publicada por el diario Página/12, Revista Fierro es en este momento la única revista de historietas que se distribuye a nivel nacional. La edición actual comenzó su publicación de forma mensual en el año 2006, dirigida por Juan... more
The output is an artefact, in the form of an ecological boardgame, ‘Ecogon’ (2015), and the sequel, ‘Ecogon: Still Wasser’ (2018), commissioned by Gaiagames. ‘Ecogon’ is a portmanteau of ecology and hexagon. Gaiagames aims to be the first... more
"Feu et Sang" et "Les Origines de la saga" sont deux ouvrages qui développent l'univers du Trône de Fer. Ils ont toutefois une particularité : ils sont fictivement écrits par des mestres de la Citadelle de Villevieille. Cet outil narratif... more
Fantasy literature world building can suggest and support alternative paths for architectural practice using the super stimuli of fantasy “otherworlds” to promote and create more “placed” spaces and improve the wellbeing of communities.... more
That J.R.R. Tolkien was a storyteller is obvious, given his authorship of books like The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. He has also, and rightly so, been hailed as a great world-builder. His world of Arda is full of details existing in... more
This study aims to evaluate the structures of Azeroth, the fictional built world of the World of Warcraft video game, as samples of vernacular architecture. Therefore, the scope of the study contains video game architecture, vernacular... more