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In contrast to the traditional scholarly and literary focus upon geographical, mythopoetic and narrative, aesthetic and architectural, and historical elements of world-building, this essay will aim instead to unpack the value of culture,... more
Landscapes evolve. Forests turn into cities, rivers change course and even mountains slowly erode. Perhaps it stands to reason then, that the landscapes of the fantastic evolve as well. In recent times, the evolution of the imaginary... more
The article is the first Polish attempt to provide a theoretical framework for a relatively unknown term ‘allotopia’, coined by Umberto Eco in essay Il mondi della fantascienza. However, instead of following rather poststructuralist Eco’s... more
In: Marta Boni (ed.), World Building, Transmedia, fan, Industries, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 47-61. Fantasy and Science Fiction seem to be crucial genres for techniques of transmedia storytelling, with notable... more
Chapter 02 Draft: Visual World-Building: Developing a Conceptual Framework for Concept Design in Fantasy Role Playing Games.
El acto de contar historias forma parte inherente de nuestro comportamiento comoseres humanos. Desde tiempos arcaicos hemos sentido la necesidad de transmitir un relato, que, en definitiva, significa transportar a nuestro receptor a una... more
World-building in Dungeons and Dragons as an Environmental Experience An ecocritical based analysis of the worldbuilding in Dungeons and Dragons, focused on the relationships between the concepts of natural and social environments, and... more
Faisant le pari que la connivence étroite entretenue entre jeu de rôle grandeur nature et engagement politique dans les pays nordiques n’est pas accidentelle, l’argumentaire de ce mémoire vise à aborder la question suivante : quels sont... more
Tolkien’s fictional world is not merely the backdrop for the unfolding plot, but rather a ‘protagonist’ in its own right. The analysis of the places visited by the Fellowship in the first part of the narrative (from Bag End to Lothlórien)... more
Scholars of crime fiction continuously discuss what Nordic Noir series have in common, arguing that it is a genre, a brand and a style respectively. Instead, this article explores Nordic Noir as an atmosphere, observed through the concept... more
En esta investigación de carácter exploratorio el autor analiza los elementos que definen el mundo ficcional de la historieta argentina de ciencia ficción "El Eternauta", para luego identificar su evocación en las expansiones narrativas y... more
Wprowadzenie do książki "Narracje fantastyczne", opisujące kulisy zwrotu światocentrycznego w badaniach teoretycznoliterackich nad fantastyką i jego konsekwencje dla szeroko pojętych studiów światotwórczych
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest przedstawienie spójnej propozycji metodologicznej dla interdyscyplinarnych badań nad światotwórczymi narracjami fantastycznymi w literaturze, filmie oraz grze wideo. Przedstawiona metodologia stanowi summę... more
The worldbuilding practices of science fiction authors have the potential to play a key role in society, given that they involve the design and depiction of complex, alternative realities set in the future. This potential is acknowledged... more
This thesis examines the relationship between sub-creation (fictional world building) and anti-modern sentiments in the fictional works of William Morris and J.R.R. Tolkien, with a particular focus on the pastness of those imagined... more
There is no denying that transmedia storytelling has been gaining increasing attention in recent media, literature, and game studies. Introduced in Henry Jenkins’ famous (though not aspiring to be groundbreaking) book Convergence Culture... more
This panel explores strategies of literary world-building in Lucretius’ De Rerum Natura, highlighting in particular paradoxes and alternative readings of “orderliness” in the Lucretian cosmos and analyzing ways in which literary devices... more
En muchas obras literarias de fantasía se pone énfasis en características que sugieren mundos ideados que no pertenecen a nuestra realidad pero sin embargo, para los personajes que viven en ellos, esas características irreales forman... more
The concept of transmedia storyworlds unfolding across complex serial narrative structures has become increasingly important to the study of modern media industries and audience communities. Yet, the precise connections between transmedia... more
Medieval Christians arguably lived in a 'real' world – a tangible place in which they lived, worked, loved, hated, and died – but through a process of world-building continually reconstructed it anew around themselves as the mythical land... more
Landscapes evolve. Forests turn into cities, rivers change course and even mountains slowly erode. Perhaps it stands to reason then, that the landscapes of the fantastic evolve as well. In recent times, the evolution of the imaginary... more
Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάζεται η πρακτική της κοσμοπλασίας (worldbuilding), η χρήση δηλαδή καλλιτεχνικών μέσων (λογοτεχνία, οπτικές τέχνες κ.α.) για την κατασκευή και παρουσίαση κόσμων. Αρχικά γίνεται μια προσπάθεια να εντοπιστούν οι... more
Chapter 49 from Debugging Game History:  A Critical Lexicon
Our focus is a remarkable object – or, rather, a collection of objects, in turn housed within another object, which bears on it representations of yet other things: a reliquary box, once held in the treasury of the Sancta Sanctorum in the... more
Worldbuilding in video games is typically associated with the creation of immersive virtual environments. In the independent puzzle adventure OneShot (Little Cat Feet 2016), however, worldbuilding becomes the game’s central theme in a... more
This companion provides a definitive and cutting-edge guide to the study of imaginary and virtual worlds across a range of media including literature, television, film, and games. From the Star Trek universe, Thomas More’s classic Utopia,... more
This article looks at how futures studies can use storyworlds to address some of the challenges the field faces. It provides an overview of social constructionism, integral theory/integral futures, and sense-making in the context of the... more
Increasingly, anthropologists, political theorists and philosophers are calling for imaginative and creative analyses and theories that might help us think and bring about an otherwise. Disappointment responds to this call by showing how... more
This study aims to evaluate the structures of Azeroth, the fictional built world of the World of Warcraft video game, as samples of vernacular architecture. Therefore, the scope of the study contains video game architecture, vernacular... more
Recently, political anthropologists and theorists have attempted to address two interrelated concerns. The first is a seemingly widespread lack of motivation for participating in political activity. The second is a political and... more
In this essay, I look at non-narratival world-building. I introduce the concept of critical world-building and outline my view of world-building as architecture. "World-architecture" then provides the basis for my analysis. I propose that... more
This paper first summarizes practices of an emerging design domain lacking definition in French language: narrative design, the design of fictional elements and other narrative assets. Worldbuilding, the creation of imaginary worlds, and... more
This paper investigates two questions. First, why did Tolkien assign the Hobbits "a Mannish language of the upper Anduin, akin to that of the Rohirrim" (LotR, Appendix F 1130) as the first language of which we have some knowledge? Second,... more
This practice-based PhD takes the form of a web-based archive of sounds and music from a parafictional seaside town in North East England called Seaton Snook, and an accompanying commentary. The archive features a wide range of individual... more
The urge "to should" on others is an example of worldbuilding that Homo has engaged in since the very first meeting was held to discuss "What's for dinner?" This essay, in assuming that Egalitarian Revolution of the Paleolithic took... more
DC Comics has produced several iterations portraying their most famous superheroes over the years. Their latest film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, attempts to start a DC worldbuilding process to create a Transmedia universe that... more
The paper aims to analyse worldbuilding strategies in a variety of eutopian (predominantly in literature) and dystopian narratives (in literature, movies and video games), in relation to the world-centred analyse that disseminates in... more
Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TRPGs) are storytelling games with a strong performative element. Since their inception in 1975, they have been directly tied to the literary genres of fantasy, science fiction and horror. TRPG sessions allow... more
The paper strives to adapt Bernhard Waldenfels’ xenology and so called ‘xenotopography’ for the philosophico-literary studies in fantastic world-building with a special concern of the ‘portal-quest’ model of fantasy and SF. Following... more
This is Fiona Wright's review of my book Disappointment: Toward a Critical Hermeneutics of Worldbuilding
The Conjuring franchise has dominated mainstream horror cinema in the twenty-first century. The success of The Conjuring inspired sequels and spin-offs (Annabelle and The Nun), each beginning further franchise strands. Annabelle: Creation... more
This is Joshua Burraway's review of my book Disappointment: Toward a Critical Hermeneutics of Worldbuilding
Collaborative Worldbuilding for Writers and Gamers describes how writers can co-create vast worlds for use as common settings for their own stories. Using the worlds of Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, A Game of Thrones, and Dungeons &... more