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The extant forest sector strategy research rests on Porter's classic dictum that successful firms pursue a singular strategy. A growing research stream on organizational ambidexterity, however, challenges this traditional view and... more
This Guidelines, also published with the original English name of “How to ‘Bridge the Gap’ between University and Business”, has been developed inside the project “ADRIA-HUB- Bridge technical differences and social suspicions... more
Industri Desinfektan, Hardboard. Alat industri Splitter, Fermentor, Check Valve
The forest fulfils many functions: It protects the climate, provides wood, filters dust from the air, gives us recreation and provides habitats for many animals and plants. The updated report of the Federal Environment Agency shows how... more
Hacia 1921 se abrió un período de crisis y reconfiguración del mapa de las fuerzas políticas que intervenían en el seno del movimiento sindical argentino. En este artículo nos ocuparemos de indagar cuáles eran las raíces así como la... more
Wood is a natural material that has always been with man, giving him the comfort of living in his environment. Its specific properties also characterize it as the most complex material to use. Many ways of processing wood try to get the... more
Les espèces ligneuses du nord du Togo sont sujettes à de diverses utilisations pour satisfaire des besoins multiples des populations et leur gestion implique plusieurs acteurs. L’objectif de l’étude est d’apprécier les connaissances... more
A study on the export performance of timber products certified under the Malaysian Timber Certification Scheme (MTCS) was conducted from 2003 to 2015. The objectives were to analyse the trend and growth of certified timber products (CTP)... more
Edgebanding affects both the visual appearance and edge protection of wood-based panels. In order for edgebanding to provide the desired protection, it must adhere strongly to the entire surface of the panel edges and maintain this... more
An increasing demand, the higher prices and scarcity of wood in the market may cause the craft industry to search other raw materials than wood. Bamboos must be the raw materials that can be used as building construction and handicrafts... more
The recent economic downturn severely affected the US forest sector from a macro economic perspective but little is known about changes in firm-level performance. In this study we investigate the changes in financial, social and... more
Thesis for Sprungbret project .

Supervisor of the thesis : Atif Hodzic, doctor of technical sciences
Bioresources are converted into greener products with multiple applications, which present elementary or complex characteristics, and perishable or durable purposes. Forests are leading matrices of sustainable inputs, as they convert... more
En este trabajo se analizan las formas de lucha y organización de los trabajadores madereros de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, entre 1916, año de “salida” de la crisis económica (circa 1913), y 1921, momento de cierre del ciclo de protestas,... more
Recent challenges to maintaining competitiveness by forest sector firms have driven interest in the potential for innovation to create competitive advantage. Suppliers are a major source of innovation for forest sector firms, yet little... more
Ohio's wood industry cluster contributes nearly $25 billion and 116,321 jobs to the state's economy, yet most of this value-added impact occurs outside of the heavily forested Appalachian Ohio region. This research, conducted as part of a... more
Paraná has a clear forest vocation in the Brazilian panorama. Its forest-timber-based industry represents an important part in the economy of that Brazilian state. This sector is technologically outdated, both to other Brazilian... more
Questo studio descrive la procedura di simulazione impiegata per analizzare ed ottimizzare il comportamento di barriere protettive flessibili, utilizzate nelle macchine utensili, per la protezione dell’ambiente esterno e dei lavoratori... more
Timber housing sector has several features and is essential for civil construction and forestry chains. In Brazil, the economy related to timber housing is still an unprecedented topic. Thus, the paper aimed to estimate scenarios to... more
The Government of Uganda is already bringing industrial policy back into the core of its policymaking in order to revive economic transformation. This is taking the form of industrial parks, public investment and concessional lending,... more
This paper investigated the existence and participation of public and private real estate credit lines for timber house funding in Brazil. The analysis was completed through face-to-face interviews with Brazilian timber housing producers.... more
The recent economic downturn severely affected the US forest sector from a macro economic perspective but little is known about changes in firm-level performance. In this study we investigate the changes in financial, social and... more
L’agriculture a une importance cruciale dans le developpement economique du Ghana, generant 37% du PIB du pays et employant plus de 60% de la population active, mobilisant 63% des terres. Le cacaoyer est la culture dominante. Neanmoins... more
Corporate representativeness is an important issue for engineering and its industrial sectors, considering that producer associations can defend represent the rights and ambitions of their members. This study aims to investigate timber... more
Potret selama seminggu di divisi PPIC PT Kreasi Indah Cemerlang #PTKIC #PTKreasiIndahCemerlang #PPIC
Corporate representativeness is an important issue for engineering and its industrial sectors, considering that producer associations can defend represent the rights and ambitions of their members. This study aims to investigate timber... more
Corporate representativeness is an important issue for engineering and its industrial sectors, considering that producer associations can defend represent the rights and ambitions of their members. This study aims to investigate timber... more
Edgebanding affects both the visual appearance and edge protection of wood-based panels. In order for edgebanding to provide the desired protection, it must adhere strongly to the entire surface of the panel edges and maintain this... more
Cemerlang (KIC) merupakan salah satu produsen kayu terkemuka dunia dengan rangkaian produk kayu indonesia yang terintegrasi secara vertikal. Perusahaan yang merupakan salah satu pabrik terbaik dan modern
Competition and efficiency for better products have forced the industry improvement. Advisory and consulting emerged to assist in the error correction and the objectives performance. This paper evaluated the access to social services by... more
Worldwide, wood and its composites act as underlying raw materials for construction, due to their features. Brazil has produced many scientific studies and building examples about timber construction, but this scenario is still reasonable... more
Uniquely among the world’s temperate forests, much of the vegetation of the Caspian forests is now endangered. But while deforestation has accelerated in Iran, these processes were actually underway in the nineteenth century. This article... more
Les je naš domači vir, ki ga imamo veliko. Slovenska lesna panoga predstavlja pomemben delež v BDP-ju. V nalogi lesno industrijo predstavimo ter analiziramo z vrsto finančnih kazalnikov. Vprašanje, ki se zastavlja, je, zakaj je v letih od... more