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Eighteenth-century Britain saw the emergence of a new poetic genre, the “work” poem which took various forms of labor as its subject and was often written by laborers themselves. Several of these working class poets found their lives... more
Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more
This extended encyclopedia entry was published in the "Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History" in 2018
Historical and feminist reflections on Louise Brown the first "test-tube baby," born July 1978.
Através da análise dos processos de criação e de legalização de associações de socorros mútuos erigidas, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro entre 1860 e 1889, o artigo investiga as mutuais que agregavam ex-escravos, negros, artesãos e operários... more
Probably the most important apolitical, non-physical education organization in interwar Ostravsko was the Sdružení českých bezvěrců [Association of Czech Atheists] (1919) or Sdružení sociálnědemokratických bezvěrců [Association of Social... more
The study about the factory colony of the Jindřich mine in Moravská Ostrava, the oldest workers’s colony in the urban area as a part of a wider research project, relates to some older research work of M. Myška and has been, so far, the... more
Social History Society Conference, Lancaster University, March 2016 Abstract: The paper uses working-class autobiographical writing of the late Victorian and Edwardian period, in order to examine how authors conceptualised and... more
Il volume esamina i processi di formazione sindacale e di conflittualità sociale all’interno della Cantoni Cucirini Coats di Lucca. Sorta come società semplice nata dalla fusione tra il cotonificio Niemack (a Lucca dal 1878) e quello... more
Abstract Environmentalism – a broadly construed and elusive term that covers innumerable approaches in examining our relationship to nature – has been termed the most influential mass movement of the 20th century (Nisbet in Dowie 1995).... more
Magazine article based on Phd research, outlining the young Beatles' links with local black musicians in Liverpool. Published in The Big Issue North magazine, 29 March 2010.
Heinrich Cunow, historical research and political propaganda of German Social democracy before 1914
Oral history has marked a significant methodological innovation for South American historiography. In a dialogue with European and US oral history, it has found its specific field of interest in subaltern studies and in the history of... more
Review of 'Lines of Work: Stories of Jobs and Resistance', by Scott Nikolas Nappalos, ed. (Alberta, Canada: Black Cat Press, 2013). Review first published in LHP Bulletin 64.
This study presents evidence of the migration of Indians, mostly Muslim former ‘lascar’ seafarers, and their non-maritime employment and settlement in the Sheffield area. This process began during the First World War and the study... more
Il testo sintetizza i punti principali del toyotismo come modello di organizzazione del lavoro che si è imposto sin dagli anni Ottanta nel settore automobilistico mondiale, per divenire poi un modello produttivo egemone in tutte le... more
Carpenters on strike. The workers’ struggle in the Paris of 1845 and its political meanings. The article focuses on the strike of Parisian carpenters during the summer of 1845. In the first part, by using archive sources and judicial... more
RESUMEN En este artículo reconstruimos las ocupaciones fabriles y la huelga de un mes que protagonizaron los trabajadores automotrices de Córdoba, Argentina, en 1970. En particular, analizamos la actuación de la dirección sindical y de... more
Desde hace varias décadas en el imaginario social de Santiago del Estero hay ideologías lingüísticas profundamente cristalizadas sobre la variedad más sureña de la familia lingüística quechua, denominada localmente como “la quichua”. Son... more
Ein fl üchtiger Blick auf die historiografi sche Produktion der mit den tschechischen Ländern benachbarten Staaten beweist das ständige Interesse an der Problematik der Arbeitersiedlungen, die immer wieder ein beliebtes Thema der... more
A review of Tim Tzouliadis, The Forsaken: From the Great Depression to the Gulags: Hope and Betrayal in Stalin’s Russia
John Clarke – coniugando a una ricostruzione storica un’acuta osservazione dello stile di vita della classe operaia – in questo libro racconta il gioco del calcio e il problema della violenza negli stadi. Attraversando periodi differenti... more
Partecipata italiana della potenza multinazionale J. & P. Coats, la Cucirini Cantoni Coats è stata la realtà industriale più significativa della Lucchesia. Al suo interno hanno lavorato almeno quattro generazioni di lucchesi, soprattutto... more
Socialist party Liverpool The city that dared to fight Preface Since 1979 the conditions and rights of working people appear to have been crushed by the Thatcher juggernaut. In reality, the working class has put up ferocious opposition to... more
L'ouvrier héroïque ou alcoolique ? l'ouvrière impie ou révoltée ? La classe « fidèle à la France profanée », comme le disait Mauriac ? Ces assertions résument des représentations sommaires du monde ouvrier, des clichés qui ont abondamment... more